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Sports acrobatics for children. perspective of a system trainer. Acrobatics: types, benefits, contraindications. acrobatics for children and adults Is acrobatics for children useful

Natalya Ilyukhina

Acrobatics for children is not only a spectacle that bewitches with its beauty, but also the comprehensive development of the child. The sports section helps kids feel their body better, coordinate in space, and gives them the desired flexibility and mobility. Whether your child needs such gymnastics is, of course, up to you to decide.

But let's talk in more detail about what the acrobatics section can give to your children.

What do they do in class?

Sports acrobatics for growing children is an important step in the proper development of the baby. Attending classes, he splashes out accumulated energy, is charged with positive emotions, and communicates with peers.

Scientists have proven that it is very important for growing children to move a lot. This improves metabolic processes in the body, helps the body develop properly, the psychological state of the child becomes better.

Particular attention to gymnastics and acrobatics for children should be paid to parents of very mobile, or, as they say now, hyperactive children. Very often, mothers and fathers of such "activists" are simply unable to direct the energy of their offspring into a peaceful direction. And if you forbid your son or daughter to actively play at home in a strict form, then you can harm the health of your child.

Holding back energy will not do you any good. Therefore, such children will simply need a sports section, where they will be able to throw out their activity during the game and begin to behave much calmer at home.

By the way, acrobatics and gymnastics are considered the most suitable activities for the children's body. The load during training is distributed evenly, which allows the growing body to develop correctly. In addition, acrobatics for children is a kind of entertainment.

Boys and girls learn to fight their fears, feel and listen to their body, the guys develop self-esteem, they get used to working in a team. These are all very useful life skills.

Another undoubted plus that attracts many to acrobatics for children is its colorfulness. Kids like the feeling that they are participating in a fairy tale, so classes cheer up and give a lot of positive emotions.

What is acrobatics?

The most common areas of acrobatics at present are:

  • Sports;
  • Circus;
  • On a trampoline.

Of course, sports acrobatics is not an easy section, but professional classes. To succeed, the kid will have to work hard, unquestioningly listen to the coach and strive for victory.

It is better to take children from 7 years and older to such classes, who can decide whether they want to seriously engage in sports or are not interested in it. It is impossible to force a child to perform exercises through force. Such an approach can end either with a fracture or psychological trauma.

But circus acrobatics classes are suitable for younger children. They usually take from the age of three. The first year of circus acrobatics is a kind of gymnastics. The kids will have a lot of exercises for general physical training, stretching, learning simple tricks, both single and group.

Circus acrobatics will help the child feel his body better, develop flexibility, endurance. This will be a good step for those who dream of going professional in the future.

Acrobatics for children on a trampoline is a great opportunity for moving crumbs to get rid of energy. In the classroom, children do not just jump on a trampoline, they, under the guidance of experienced coaches, learn to do various somersaults, stances and beautiful jumps. In addition, the training will include general physical preparation and stretching.

Being engaged on a trampoline, the kid learns to control the body better, to feel it. In general, little athletes just glow with happiness after trampoline exercises. By the way, now in many cities there are sports clubs where gymnastics on a trampoline is held simultaneously for both parents and children. This is a great opportunity to keep yourself in great shape and be with your child.

Are there any injuries during training?

Many parents are afraid of the acrobatics section because of the excitement for their athlete. Moms and dads don't want their son or daughter to get hurt. But everything is not so scary. If you do not teach your baby some dangerous exercises at home, but take him to professionals, then the risk of injury to your child will be minimal.

Do not think that as soon as you bring the baby, he will be forced to perform difficult tricks. At first, children are engaged in physical training and master the simplest exercises. In the future, they are grouped, creating more complex combinations. But this is done only if your son or daughter can easily perform simple elements.

Before you go to the nearest acrobatics school, and you still need it, you should think carefully. During classes, you will have to overcome many fears and seriously work on your body. It is worth recognizing that it is no longer so flexible and it will take a little longer to learn the exercise than for children. But it is possible, and this is the main thing.

How to learn acrobatics at home?

To start learning acrobatics, you need to arm yourself with a great desire and a good coach. Having done this, in a short time you will learn how to do the simplest tricks, for example, a bridge, a wheel, a twine, a headstand. You can start training on your own by performing elementary exercises:

  1. Start with the neck, it must be well kneaded. The exercises are familiar from childhood: 10-15 circular movements in different directions and the same number of forward, backward and side bends.
  2. Move on to the shoulders. Make them circular motions back and forth also 10-15 times in each direction. Place your hands on your belt and begin to raise your two shoulders together up and down. After that, raise your shoulders alternately.

  3. Pay attention to the hands. To do this, take them to the castle and rotate back and forth. It is enough to do this for 30 seconds. Be sure to load the brushes, for this, take the emphasis lying on your fists and stay in this position for at least 1 minute.

  4. At this stage, you can try to make a bridge. At first, it will be difficult for you to stand on it from a standing position, so lie down on the floor and bend up. Try to stay for 5 seconds. Lie back and rest. Stand on the bridge and return to the starting position at least 10 times. During the exercise, try to straighten your knees and bend your shoulders to the maximum.

  5. Sit on the floor. Legs should be together. Stretch your hands to your socks, trying to touch your knees with your stomach. It is important that the knees do not bend at this time. If you can’t keep your legs straight, bend them, wrap your arms around your feet and try your best to straighten them. Do the exercise about 20 times.

  6. In a sitting position, spread your legs, clasp your feet with your hands and lean down. Try to touch the floor with your stomach. The knees must be straight. Each time you bend over, hold for 30 seconds.

  7. We remain in the previous position and stretch to the sides. First to the left leg, then to the right. Each time we try to reach the knee with the stomach and fix in the maximum possible slope for 30 seconds.

  8. We pass to the twine. There are three types of twine and you need to work on each of them separately. Place your left leg on your knee, and pull your right leg forward until it hurts. After that, fix for 15 seconds. Do the exercise several times and then change your leg.

    Spread your legs as wide apart as you can until pain occurs. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, and transfer the weight to the pelvis. Lock in this position for 1 minute. Relax and repeat the exercise again, this time fixing for 2 minutes.

  9. These simple exercises will help you prepare for your workouts with a trainer. You will feel more confident and will be able to perform difficult tricks.

    Is acrobatics dangerous?

    If you correctly approach the implementation of all exercises, you can do without injury. This is not an extreme sport, but even morning exercises can be dangerous if done inattentively.

    It's important to start out simple so you can prepare yourself for more difficult tricks and reduce your risk of injury. It is not necessary at the initial stage to do exercises that you will not be able to do, but it is best to do them under the supervision of a trainer.

Acrobatics is a very beautiful form of physical activity. The ease of movement of acrobats fascinates and delights. But behind this beauty and seeming lightness are years of training and the hard work of athletes. This type of physical activity is not available to everyone, because in order to engage in it you need to be completely healthy, physically prepared and train regularly under the guidance of a professional mentor. Meanwhile, some elements of acrobatics can be mastered at any age and with different levels of physical fitness, as they say, there would be a desire.

What is acrobatics:
Acrobatics is a type of gymnastics that includes exercises for agility, flexibility, jumping, strength and balance. As a rule, begin to engage in acrobatics in early childhood. Skills acquired during acrobatics cannot be retained for a long time without constant training. If a person learned to swim and ride a bike in childhood, then even after a thirty-year break, he will be able to swim and ride a bike. But with acrobatics, this will not work. Even a short break in the training process significantly reduces the level of training of an athlete.

Types of acrobatics:
Acrobatics can be divided into the following types:

  • Sports acrobatics. This is a separate sport. In sports acrobatics, there are several types of programs: jumping, pair and group. In jump acrobatics, an athlete performs acrobatic jumps on a special track 30 meters long. In pair and group acrobatics, athletes perform acrobatic exercises of varying complexity in pairs or groups. Couples and groups can be male, female or mixed.
  • Circus acrobatics. Includes several genres of circus art: aerial acrobatics, jump acrobatics, power acrobatics and others.
  • Special acrobatics. This type of acrobatics is used to train athletes of various sports or different dance styles. That is, in fact, these are various acrobatic elements (jumps, rolls, somersaults, falls, and others) used in a particular sport or dance.

Health benefits of acrobatics:

  • Acrobatics perfectly trains all muscle groups, develops strength and endurance.
  • Makes the body flexible.
  • Strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improves coordination of movements and orientation in space.
  • Acrobatics favorably affects the work of almost all organs and systems of the body.
  • Helps strengthen immunity.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves metabolism in the body.
  • Like other types of physical activity, acrobatics helps keep your figure in great shape and does not allow you to gain excess weight. Beautiful posture and smartness of the whole body are the hallmarks of acrobats.

Acrobatics for children:
Acrobatics not only strengthens the child's body and promotes harmonious physical development, but also helps to develop character. Diligence, perseverance, self-confidence, responsibility - this is only a small part of what this sport gives to children. It is very important, before starting to do acrobatics, to undergo a complete medical examination of the child and consult a doctor for contraindications and any restrictions.

Acrobatics for adults:
More recently, acrobatics was available only to children or adult athletes who began to practice at a young age. Nowadays, everything is much simpler and in many cities you can find sections of acrobatics for adults. Most likely, in such training it will not be possible to become a professional acrobat, but it is quite possible to engage in this beautiful form of physical activity for yourself. In addition, there are many sports and dances available for people of all ages, in which various acrobatic elements are learned and used.

Contraindications for acrobatics:
Acrobatics has a lot of contraindications. Therefore, only healthy people should do acrobatics. In any case, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, acrobatics is considered a traumatic sport, so you can’t start performing complex elements without sufficient training, classes should be conducted under the guidance of an experienced coach, all safety measures must be observed.

Do acrobatics with pleasure and be healthy!
Do not forget that a healthy lifestyle is not only sufficient physical activity, but also proper nutrition, healthy sleep and other components.

Should I send my child to martial arts? Part 2

A universal sport, at the same time very beautiful and useful, and most importantly - accessible to everyone. There are sections of acrobatics even in the smallest provincial towns, but is it worth choosing this sport for your child?

What is acrobatics?

This word has been around for a long time, and therefore its correct concept has been “erased” a little, many confuse it with athletics, others with gymnastics.

Acrobatics, indeed, has much in common with gymnastics, it is, in fact, its variety. The emphasis in this discipline is on the agility of the athlete, on the flexibility of his body, as well as on physical strength, the ability to balance and jump high. Note that acrobatic skills quickly “fade away” if the child misses training. If he learned to swim once, then he will not forget how to do it, with acrobatics everything is exactly the opposite.

From the Greek "acrobatics" is translated as "to climb up", earlier only circus performers who work high under the dome were considered acrobats.

Today, there are three types of acrobatics:

  • Sports - combines jumping, pair and group. The jumper performs acrobatic jumps on the carpet, its length is 30 meters. Pair and group - performing complex tricks by several athletes.
  • Circus acrobatics - the name speaks for itself, this is the performance of tricks in the circus arena.
  • Special acrobatics - its elements are used in various dance directions.

Is it good to be an acrobat?

  • Acrobatics helps the child to "part" with excess energy, and much faster than any other sports, since complex tricks require the maximum amount of training time. The kid will be so tired that he will not have the strength to pamper. The question is, is it good?
  • Strong muscular corset and good posture will appear in the child after the first months of training. This is especially useful for future schoolchildren who spend a large part of the day without physical activity.
  • The little acrobat will move beautifully in life, he will have a confident gait, he will easily climb a tree or climb a rope, he will be able to group correctly in case of an unexpected fall outside of training.
  • Acrobatics like no other sport develops coordination, as well as agility and endurance.
  • Even a clumsy baby begins to walk correctly after several workouts, as this sport is an excellent tool for training the vestibular apparatus.

Acrobatics heals and cripples?

Acrobatics is good for health: it trains the heart muscles, strengthens the bones and the immune system of the child. But for many parents, this is unconvincing, and they do not risk sending their child to the acrobatics section. Why?

“The eldest son could not choose a suitable sport for a long time, at one time they refused acrobatics, although they took classes for at least a year, and the child showed good promise. At the very first competitions, I got a leg injury - a bone crack in two places .. I worked out for a whole year and everything was fine, but then I got worried and fell during the jump. I no longer allowed him to return to classes, in my opinion it is very dangerous for children, ”the mother of ten-year-old Yakov, Olga Nesteruk, is sure.

Is acrobatics really as dangerous as parents think?

Coaches in this discipline assure that acrobatics is no more dangerous than skiing or football. At first, the child will perform the simplest exercises, after a year of training, more complex, but also safe groups of elements are formed from the simplest movements. Here a lot depends on the coach, he must feel very subtly what the child is capable of, and when he is ready for complex elements.

Acrobatics is not as dangerous as it seems from the outside, in training, the kid performs all the exercises with a safety belt, and other protective elements are also used. This sport is not considered extreme, but only if the coach and athletes clearly observe safety precautions.

“Surprisingly, child acrobats can go years without injury in training, and then fall badly at home or on a walk with friends, all because they decided to demonstrate their skills outside the gym. Acrobatics without insurance and the control of a coach can really be dangerous, it is the task of parents to convey this to a child, ”says Roman Nevzorov, the coach of the preschool group in sports acrobatics of the Youth Sports School in Troitsk.

Who is contraindicated in acrobatics?

Before starting training, you should show the child to the doctor in order to exclude the following contraindications for acrobatics:

  • Myopia.
  • Deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Bronchial asthma.

When to start training?

In most acrobatics sections, children are accepted from the age of four, while parents do not leave the gym during training. At an early age, children have not yet lost their natural flexibility, which means that it will be easier to deal with them. At this age, it is very important not to “overstress” the baby, the coach is responsible for this, a competent specialist will be able to determine the level of load for each child individually.

Psychologists and pediatricians are sure that the most suitable age for starting acrobatics is 6-7 years old, at this age the child's body is already strong and fully ready for physical exertion.

What will the baby be taught?

Will he walk on his hands, jump “higher than spruce” or surprise with a triple somersault? What will the kid learn in the acrobatics section?

Perform various kinds of high jumps, with flips and somersaults, the traditional “wheel” in multiple repetitions, in a word, the tricks of little athletes will definitely not leave indifferent any spectator, we invite you to make sure of this - watch the video training on children's acrobatics.

Miracles of hippotherapy: how useful is equestrian sport?

I welcome you to the site "My child" today we continue the theme of sports: "Acrobatics for children".

Acrobatics for children, what are the benefits and differences from other sports.

Acrobatics for children, beauty and health

Doing acrobatics means doing a beautiful sport and this is not one plus. In addition to beauty, with the help of acrobatics, the child develops both physically and mentally. If you are in doubt whether to send your child to this sport, then read this article to the end.

What gives acrobatics for children?

Acrobatics helps the child's body develop better. With the help of movement, the child splashes out his accumulated energy, and this guarantees an excellent mood and well-being of your child. Movement is an increase in the metabolism in the body, the proper development of the body as a whole, and the improvement of the brain and psyche of the child.

All children have a tendency to rage, jump and jump in the literal sense of the word. When a child has accumulated a lot of energy, he begins to splash it out, and chaos begins at home, screaming, scattered toys, etc. If the child cannot throw out this energy, then this will have a bad effect on his body as a whole, i.e. metabolism may be disturbed, and this will affect the health and development of the child.

Acrobatics helps the child, playfully, develop!

If we take other sports, then acrobatics differs from them, in a uniform load on the body (on all muscles) of the child, this allows your baby to develop perfectly. If you think that acrobatics is a women's sport, then you are mistaken, men (boys) are also involved in acrobatics.

A child who is engaged in acrobatics will develop much faster than his peers.

Acrobatics is attention, dexterity, speed, everything that is useful in adult life.

Acrobatics is beauty, staginess, collectivity, when you look at the performances of young athletes, you are delighted, your mood rises and you want to learn the same! But, you understand that the years are not the same, and all that remains for you is to send your child to this section 🙂

Acrobatics for children and injuries

Many parents do not even consider this section, as they consider it dangerous, but they are mistaken!

Ask why? I will answer!

If a child practices acrobatics at home, then of course this will not lead to anything good!
- If you give the child to a good section, to professionals, then acrobatics will bring only and only great benefits!

The risk is very small, since the child is first taught simple exercises, childish elements. And if he does everything right, then after that he will move on to more complex tricks.

!!! Children are engaged with insurance, and if the child obeys the coach, observes safety precautions, then everything will be fine with him!

Acrobatics for children: what will your child be able to do?

In order to understand and answer this question for yourself, I suggest watching this wonderful video:

This is where I will end this article. Health to you and your children!

Read also:

Sports for children

Boxing and child

Judo for children


Swimming for children

Figure skating for kids

Football for kids

Sincerely, Andrey Dobrodeev

to your site.

Every normal parent wants to give his child only the best, to raise him as a healthy and intellectually developed person. An excellent base for a good physical preparation of your child can be sports acrobatics.

Acrobatics (from Greek - to walk along the edge) includes gymnastic exercises, walking on a rope or a log, jumping on a trampoline. Acrobatics for children are extremely useful, they develop coordination of movements and a sense of balance. If in the future your child chooses another sport, acrobatic skills will be useful to him everywhere: in figure skating, football, rowing and swimming. Acrobatics is especially necessary for very active children: their irrepressible energy will finally go in the right direction. Acrobatics for children guarantees the harmonious development of all muscle groups of the child's body, thanks to various types of exercises and the degree of load.

Acrobatic trampolining

All children just love to jump on the trampoline. Meanwhile, many parents do not imagine what benefits such jumps can bring to a small body, if they are done correctly. Jumping on a trampoline trains the vestibular apparatus very well, allows you to perfectly navigate in space. During such exercises, the whole body is evenly trained, and not any separate muscle group. Such acrobatics is perfect for beginners, because even very young children can jump on a trampoline. This type of physical exercise will give you and your child a lot of positive emotions and charge you with a great mood for the whole day.

Gymnastic - acrobatic exercises

It is difficult to single out any main type of exercise in gymnastics, it is so rich in various elements. These include somersaults and flips, exercises on horizontal bars and rings, complex acrobatic figures in the free program. Performing acrobatic exercises, the child will not only enjoy training, but will also acquire a beautiful, correct posture, relief muscles. Also, acrobatics for children has a positive effect on metabolic processes in a growing body. With the right selection of a set of exercises, you can even adjust the work of internal organs.

Circus acrobatics

This type of acrobatics is slightly different from the main definition and is now gaining more and more popularity among children. In circus acrobatics, great attention is paid to stretching and the ability to balance. Balancing on a rope, your baby will learn not only to control his body, but also master the basics of acting, learn to work in a team.

Sports acrobatics for children will provide not only good physical fitness, but also have a beneficial effect on mental and mental health. Children improve memory, increase the speed of thinking. In acrobatic exercises, the load is directed not only to the muscles, breathing is also trained, which has a positive effect on the work of the lungs and heart, and the whole organism as a whole.

The role of the coach in training

Of course, all the positive aspects of acrobatics will be reduced to zero if you do not find a good coach for your child. After all, a children's trainer is not only a specialist who will show the basic acrobatic figures and teach them to your baby. This person must love children, enjoy training. If you want to find a coach for a sport such as acrobatics for children, the feedback from parents whose children are already attending such classes will be very valuable to you. Find out exactly how and where the training takes place, whether the necessary sports equipment is available, how demanding the coach is, how he treats children's disobedience and unwillingness to complete tasks. After all, not always the kid will behave well in the classroom, and it is very important that the children's trainer can correctly assess the mood of the child, know in what situation to give the child the opportunity to relax and not insist on performing any elements.

Injury hazard

Of course, like any other sport, acrobatics is not without injury. Most often, these are falls and sprains. But is your child fully insured against such injuries while being at home? It is almost impossible to completely secure a little fidget, so do not be afraid to give it to acrobatics classes for children. In addition, the first time the training takes place without complex tasks, the load is distributed evenly and in stages under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will never allow a child to perform a new element if he has not yet mastered it in theory. It is also important that your young athlete works out in a good gym equipped with quality equipment and gymnastic mats.

What is the ideal age for acrobatics?

The most “correct” age for attending acrobatic classes is the age of 6-7 years. Pediatricians and psychologists recommend this age as the most prepared both in terms of mental attitude and the readiness of the body for physical exertion. However, this does not prevent you from introducing your child to sports at an earlier age. The section of acrobatics for young children will help you with this, where your presence is possible. In such classes, kids learn the basics of physical education, work in a team.

Who is contraindicated in gymnastics

Before signing up for acrobatics, it is imperative that you go through a complete medical examination with your child and pass the appropriate tests, because the health and life of your child depends on their results. An examination by a doctor will reveal such medical contraindications as myopia, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, bronchial asthma, heart disease, epilepsy, nervous disorders and mental illness. Do not despair, the sports world is large and you can easily pick up a section with a light load.

Even if you are not going to raise a future Olympic champion, sports acrobatics for children will bring a lot of interesting things to their lives. They will become stronger, dexterous and graceful, gain very valuable experience and find new friends. The most shy kids in the hands of a skilled coach open up and amaze with their acrobatic talents. Do not be discouraged if your child is at first inept and clumsy, many things will not work right away. Such a reaction to failures and mistakes - and acrobatics for children from the category of favorite activities will immediately move to the most hated ones. Support your child, teach him to overcome fears and failures, believe in him, and very soon he will delight you with his sporting achievements and victories.

Acrobatic skills quickly come to the original level, if not practiced with regularity. Riding a bike or the ability to swim will remain forever, but flexibility, strength and agility need to be trained. Let's talk about acrobatics?

Acrobatics is a very ancient discipline. She was known in Egypt for 2300 BC. e., as well as in ancient Greece and Rome. It is a subspecies of gymnastics, but more spectacular. Acrobatics, like gymnastics, makes full use of agility, balance, plasticity and strength to build complex elements and their combinations.

The translation of the word "acrobatics" means "go along the edge" or "climb up".

Previously, only circus performers who performed dangerous tricks at height were called acrobats. Today, the sport is divided into areas:

  • Sports acrobatics was formed in the 30s of the XX century. It is jumping, pair and group.
  • Circus - is a spectacular elements and tricks performed in the circus.
  • Special - is part of the dance, used in martial arts, as well as for the training of combat units.

Benefits of classes

First of all, acrobatic classes will tame the irrepressible energy of the baby, because not only the strength to perform the exercises will be required, but also a high concentration of attention. As a result of fatigue, both the body and the nervous system are exposed. It is worth considering carefully whether it is necessary to give the child to classes if he has several hours of other mental or physical activity.

Classes in the first months will strengthen the muscular corset and form a beautiful posture. Acrobatic circles are quite suitable for schoolchildren, at this age it is difficult for them to do without movement, and exercises will become a breath of fresh air for them.

Little acrobats will be able to quickly react to unsafe situations, maintain balance and not fall, group correctly if a fall cannot be avoided. Tasks for speed, agility and endurance, they will perform with ease.

Acrobatics will also help very clumsy children, because it trains the vestibular apparatus and coordination well.

Acrobatics: danger or health promotion?

Any physically active sport makes bones stronger, improves the body's immune response, trains the heart and tones the muscles. Acrobatics in this regard is multifunctional and, in addition to all of the above, increases endurance, flexibility, and balance.

Despite the huge list of advantages, parents are afraid for the health of the child. However, the likelihood of injury with a competent approach is as small as in other, less dangerous sports. A professional will never force a kid to do the impossible. Children begin to study with a feasible load for them. After working out the leading and basic elements, they are preparing to do really complex and beautiful things.

Part of the lesson young athletes are engaged in physical training and another part is devoted to the development of elements and their combinations. Moreover, the process is built from easy to complex. And, of course, coaches should acquaint children and parents with safety rules. Nobody needs risks.

In the process, children are also taught grouping, elements of protection and insurance, which they can use not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. To resist and not slip on the ice, dodge a blow in a fight, and maybe even do a dance with elements of acrobatics - all this will be available to the child. The main thing is that the training should be interesting for the baby and bring positive emotions.

How dangerous is acrobatics?

Experienced mentors assure that this type of gymnastics is at the level of danger with team sports or skiing. An unprepared kid will master the simplest exercises step by step, which will become more difficult as he gets used to the load.

To start doing more or less complex elements, but still safe, the child will need to practice for at least a year, by which time he will already be strong enough and hardy.

Acrobatics for children seems dangerous when you do not know anything about it.

You know something. In training, exercises are performed with a safety belt. Coaches also use rope safety systems, warm up the body well with warm-ups and stretches to avoid injury. Find out more about the coach you want to entrust your child to, then there will be no doubt about the correctness of the choice.

An interesting fact: in training, small athletes do without injuries for a very long time, but they can easily hurt themselves at home or fall unsuccessfully. Often the desire to boast of their skills can result in injury.

The task of parents is to warn the child so that he has a full understanding of the undesirable consequences and acts consciously.

Who is contraindicated in acrobatics?

You should check with your doctor before allowing your child to engage in serious physical activity. Doctors definitely do not recommend dealing with a child who has the following health abnormalities:

  • myopia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental disorders;
  • asthma;
  • serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Do not despair if this type of activity is not suitable for a child for medical reasons. Now there are many sections: from dancing to children's health fitness, in which the baby can develop physically.

At what age should you send your child to training?

From the age of 3-4, the studios accept athletes. Young children are still very flexible and mobile, so they do not need to make much effort to develop these qualities, unlike children of other ages.

It is important not to overdo it with the load. Experienced coaches work with children of different ages and know the limits of their wards. The mentor will give the child more rest or let him go from training early if he realizes that further work will be harmful to him.

Psychologists and doctors advise to start doing acrobatics at the age of 6 or 7. By this time, the body is already physically and psychologically ready for extraordinary loads.

What can a child learn?

Various jumps, somersaults, a wheel are one of the few elements that a little acrobat or acrobat can surprise with. Also, they are waiting for various handstands, stretching exercises, elements with holding the body in a certain position. In a word, you will be proud of a little athlete and admire the possibilities that a young body has.

Often, parents of children ask the question: “How is acrobatics different from gymnastics?” Coaches of the regional Gymnastics Development Center explain the specifics of these concepts.

Gymnastics considered very similar to acrobatics, it is often implied that the words are synonymous. But the difference between them in a number of contexts is quite significant.

Modern gymnastics is most often understood as a sports discipline that involves competitions between athletes, which consist in the fact that they perform various exercises with special equipment. If an athlete participates in official competitions, then a judge's mark is given based on the results.

The main evaluation criterion and the focus, due to which all elements of the exercises are performed, is the strength of the athlete. If it is not enough, then the effectiveness and quality of his performance will be low. In some cases, the gymnast also needs to show dexterity, which, in turn, is an attribute of another activity - acrobatics.

Acrobatics- a special section of gymnastics. It is an athletic class and performance based on agility exercises. In addition, jumping ability, the ability to balance, as well as strength are important in acrobatics - as is the case with gymnastics in general.

Acrobatics can be part of sports or circus gymnastics. The main elements of sports acrobatics are competitive exercises in the form of jumps, rolls, somersaults. Circus performers are able to perform a very large number of acrobatic stunts, which can be accompanied, for example, by juggling, horse racing.

The main difference between gymnastics and acrobatics is that the first term corresponds to the whole range of exercises performed due to strength and dexterity, and the second - to exercises based primarily on dexterity. Acrobatics is the most important part of modern gymnastics - both sports and circus. The categories of exercises under consideration in many cases are mutually complementary.

To summarize all that has been said: acrobatics is a part of modern gymnastics, both of the classes under consideration are in many cases mutually complementary.

The main difference between gymnastics and acrobatics is that gymnastics includes exercises in the widest range - strength, agility, balancing, and acrobatics as part of gymnastics involves athletes performing exercises mainly for agility and balancing.