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Dangerous toys. What dolls and bears you need to beware of. Toys that stupefy, embitter and manipulate children The dangers of toys

Modern children are surrounded by many toys. Among them you can find a variety of colored plastic, bright metal, soft plush, wooden, rubber, plastic and other toys. All of them are designed to develop attention, memory, imagination and dexterity; educate and expand the horizons of the baby, as well as entertain.

But not many parents know that among them there are toys that can harm the health of their beloved child. What kind of toys are we talking about? These are, first of all, various designers with small details; boyish pistols with bullets; loud musical toys; magnetic constructors; frightening dolls with "non-childish makeup"; soft toys with dangerous filler and others.

Lots of dangerous toys therefore, in this article we will provide an overview of only those toys that harm the health of the child with their toxic composition.

What is in dangerous toys?

One of the most dangerous toys are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) toys. PVC is a common type of plastic that is made by heating oil and chlorine. PVC itself is safe, but unscrupulous manufacturers can use additives that are harmful to the body, such as: phthalates, phenol, formaldehyde, mercury.

Primarily contained in PVC toys phthalate - has an extremely harmful effect on the kidneys, liver, as well as on the endocrine, nervous, reproductive and immune systems. It has also been established that phthalate can provoke the development of asthma and cancer.

Toys such as rubber babies and ducks are made from polyvinyl chloride, with the addition of a binder - sulfur, a plasticizer - phthalate, an antioxidant - phenol, etc. Manufacturers add these substances not because of harm, but in order to make the toy elastic, soft and give it shape.

Lead. With the help of lead, manufacturers give the product a silvery finish. Therefore, manufacturers use lead in children's jewelry: pendants, rings, bracelets, chains, brooches, talismans, etc. Lead is a very toxic substance. Lead is often found in paint. The chemicals that make up a poor-quality color coating are toxic, and if inhaled, you can get chemical poisoning. Many dyes also contain carcinogens. hit lead into the body negatively affects mental abilities and can even lead to the death of a child.

Another, no less harmful substance in a PVC toy is phenol, which enters the child's body through the skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Its action leads to incurable infertility, allergies, kidney and liver damage. With frequent contact with a toy containing phenol, skin redness and burns, irritation of the respiratory tract, oral mucosa and nasopharynx are possible. In the case of mild phenol poisoning, the following are characteristic: dizziness, stupor, headache, severe weakness, increasing shortness of breath, allergies, sleep disturbance, palpitations.

If you notice these symptoms in your child, see a doctor!

Be sure to check the toys for a strong smell and dispose of them without regret. After all, the stronger the smell comes from the toy, the more phenol it contains. It is extremely dangerous for a baby to taste such a toy! And when PVC toys are placed in water, the release of phenol increases tenfold! It is especially dangerous if a set of toys, for example, a designer, contains harmful substances. In this case, the amount of harmful substances in the children's room increases significantly, which in itself is very dangerous.

Mercury contained in toys is not only harmful to health, it is life threatening. Toys are contaminated with mercury from batteries containing mercury. Mercury poisoning symptoms: dizziness, nausea, sudden weight loss, malaise. Mercury accumulates in the kidneys, liver and brain. As a result, there is excitement, reddening of the face, palpitations, trembling of hands, sometimes legs, constant headaches, insomnia, irritability, tearfulness and depression.

Formaldehyde considered a carcinogen that causes cancer. It negatively affects the central nervous system, genetic material, reproductive organs, respiratory tract, skin and eyes. When inhaled, in contact with the skin and mucous membranes, it is life-threatening. Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning: lacrimation, runny nose, cough, weakness, pain and burning of the digestive tract, vomiting with blood, redness and pain of the skin.

Very often, formaldehyde is added to teethers. Doctors and parents observe allergic reactions of varying severity in children under one year old, which occur when a child interacts with teethers from China.

In a number of countries, the addition of PVC in the manufacture of toys is prohibited or restricted. O. As for Russia, manufacturers can use PVC for the production of toys, but only if they comply with technological standards. Most of the toys and games sold in domestic stores come from China (about 90%), as well as from Poland and Belarus, and only a 10th part is produced in Russia.

How can you tell if a toy contains harmful substances?

In order to find out whether the toy is dangerous and whether it contains PVC, you need to give it to a special examination. However, there are several ways to determine for sure the presence of PVC in a toy:

  1. Feel the plastic parts of the toy: if they are tender, warm, soft, then it is PVC. If hard and cold - it is less harmful plastic.
  2. Another way - check the quality of the paint toys. It's easy to do - rub the toy hard, if the paint remains on your hands, it's better not to buy it. In a high-quality and safe toy, high-quality dyes are used. In it, the color remains for more than one year, and also does not disappear after the first wash. Do not buy products with very bright, neon and acid colors. They carry a great threat - they contain not only heavy metals, but also other dangerous additives that can provoke a disease not only in a child.
  3. Another way - before buying, check what smell comes from the toy. A quality toy will not have a harsh or unpleasant chemical smell, except perhaps a neutral smell. A toxic toy has an unpleasant, pungent chemical odor. We have already described the composition of harmful toys above.
  4. Pay attention to product labeling . It should be on the packaging or on the toy itself and written in Russian. It is clearly visible, clear and does not wash off. It should be written on it: the Gosstandart badge (PCT), under it 2 numbers and 2 letters. They say that the toy has been tested in special laboratories.
  5. Look at the toy packaging. If the toy contains PVC, it must have a triangle sign with the number 3 in the center, PVC or VINIL inscriptions.

If PVC is not included in the composition, the manufacturer puts the label "PVC free" - does not contain PVC; "BPA free" - does not contain BPA or "Chlorine Free Label" - free from chlorine.

You can and should also look for toys with a CE mark. This marking indicates that the product fully complies with European safety standards.

Dangerous brands of children's toys

Mostly these are brands of Chinese manufacturers. After all, since sanitary norms and control over production technologies in China are far from European ones. Therefore, quite often Rospotrebnadzor withdraws entire batches of Chinese toys from sale.

So recently, Chinese-made figurines of ducklings, frogs, hippos and other animals of the "Toys" trademark were removed from sale.

The reason for the withdrawal is the lack of necessary information about the name of the manufacturer or its representative, legal address, as well as warning labels in Russian.

In addition, for the same reason, sets of toys of the trademarks "Onsimi", "Animal", baby dolls "Baby Set" and "Just Foko Baby" were rejected. All of these toys had a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Rattles and toys intended for use in a baby bed or stroller and labeled “Musical Mobile”, “Happy Toys, Nfants Toys” were accompanied by the inscription “for children over three years old”, that is, the packaging contained false information.

Most of all, “lizuns” were rejected, which are supplied to the market by a Perm entrepreneur. "Lizuna" in the form of a ball and a ball with water do not meet the requirements of GOST in terms of odor.

Why are toys from China dangerous?

Affordable toys from China have long occupied the majority of Russian shelves in children's stores. They attract children with their colorful and attractive appearance, and parents with an affordable price.

But not many people know that Chinese toys are made from recycled materials, which literally consists of waste and garbage. And the waste can be different, including unsafe. Filling soft toys with this very raw material, manufacturers, at best, expose babies to allergies, skin rashes, as well as sneezing, coughing and watery eyes. In the worst case, the child may be poisoned (we talked about the symptoms above).

In addition, toys can be produced on the Chinese market in underground conditions or in premises not adapted for production, in violation of sanitary standards. Which also does not add quality and safety to toys. Not taking into account the existing standards for the manufacture of toys, Chinese products can literally fall apart, crumble, or tear during children's games.

Often, Chinese manufacturers duplicate well-known brands of games and toys, confusing the buyer, forcing them to believe that they are purchasing a quality and original product.

However, not all toys made in China are dangerous to health. There are manufacturers who comply with all norms and rules in the manufacture of toys. True, they cost more. Which manufacturers are in question, you will learn in the next section.

Quality brands of children's toys

At the end of 2018, Roskachestvo checked 20 brands of children's construction sets from Russia, China, Italy, Denmark, Germany. The study showed that proven certified constructors meet all safety requirements. No deviations were found in the studied samples. According to the results of the study, in the TOP-7 best products for goods for children from 6 years included:

  1. Hasbro (Switzerland- 4.85 points);
  2. lego(Denmark 4.85 points);
  3. "World of Wonders" (China- 4.85 points);
  4. Clementoni(Italy- 4.75 points);
  5. Sluban(China- 4.75 points);
  6. MattelMegablocks (China- 4.65 points);
  7. Brick (China- 4.65 points).

And the highest quality designers for children up to 6 years steel brands:

  1. "City of masters" (China- 4.65 points)
  2. Banbao (China- 4.65 points).

Other three brands from China ( Bela, DIY And Lepin) did not meet the requirements of the legislation in terms of labeling. They didn't have a manufacturing date on the packaging. And at Lepin In addition, the manufacturer of the product was not indicated.

The constructors produced by Russia also turned out to be safe. However, two brands ( "Fixie" (Bauer) And "Plastmaster”) fell short of meeting the increased standards of Roskachestvo. They didn't have assembly instructions.

But, as experts noted, a good result was obtained due to the fact that the studied constructors were purchased in large stores where the goods have certificates.

How to choose safe toys for children

  • Ask the seller for a certificate before buying toy matching.
  • Buy baby products only in official stores where product control exists.
  • Avoid shopping at walkways, kiosks, stalls, markets, etc.
  • Buy toys according to the age of the child.
  • choose toys, made of natural fabrics, wood, polypropylene or polyethylene .
  • Externally, the toy must meet the main safety requirements: calm colors, lack of a strong smell, strong fastening of all parts, etc.
  • Refuse to buy if there are irregularities on the toy and chipping, sloppy seams, sticky surfaces, adhesive streaks and peeling paint.
  • Choose toys and children's products labeled PVC free, BPA-free, and more. In an illustrative example, the markings look like this:

Before giving a child a new toy, it should be wash well with soapy water . If the toy is soft, it is advisable to wash it with baby powder, then rinse it several times and dry it properly. Do not heat PVC toys, do not wash them with hot water, Do not sterilize with steam or alcohol. Given the relatively low temperature at which vinyl chloride begins to break down, this can lead to the release of harmful substances.

And finally, this article was created not to make you think about another horror story, and about the fact that life is generally harmful, but so that you know how to protect your children from dangerous toys!

Our expert is a researcher, leading expert of the laboratory of complex problems of hygienic assessment and examination of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "NMIC of Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Nadezhina.

material interest

A wooden horse, a teddy bear, a rubber duck - all these fun things dear to the heart have remained in the distant Soviet past. After all, today in 80% of cases products for children are made of polymers.

In order to achieve the required indicators of plasticity, resistance to temperatures, light, mechanical damage, manufacturers introduce special chemicals into the composition of polymers - plasticizers, stabilizers. And if at the same time bad raw materials are used or the technological process is disrupted, then the plastic is of poor quality. And it would be fine if the toys made from it were simply fragile, but they can emit hazardous chemicals (formaldehyde, styrene, phenol, phthalates) that can adversely affect the growth and development of the child. The more complex the composition of polymers, the more potentially harmful the toy made from it, because toxic compounds can interact with each other, increasing the negative effect on the body.

And although the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances are strictly regulated, and their low levels are considered harmless, this, alas, is not always the case. After all, not only the concentration of any harmful substances is important, but also the constancy of their impact. If the baby loves the toy with all his heart, eats with it, and sleeps, and bathes, and licks from morning to night, then special attention should be paid to the quality of this thing. After all, a long-term accumulation of harmful chemicals in the child's body over time can lead to impaired immunity, allergies, diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and other organs.

Your own experts

Conscientious manufacturers give their products to special laboratories where they conduct sanitary-chemical and toxic-hygienic studies. Toys are not only tested for the presence of harmful substances: lead, arsenic, mercury, but also tested for strength and safety. For example, rattles are repeatedly thrown from a height of 85 cm. Plastic toys are tested for edge sharpness, resistance to saliva and sweat. But not all manufacturers do this. How can you be sure that their products are safe?

Does the toy smell pleasantly like vanilla or caramel? Manufacturers often mask low-quality polymer "chemistry" with other odors.

Smell. An intense smell indicates low-quality plastic. By the way, it's not about the bad smell. Often, on the contrary, a plastic toy exudes aromas that are attractive to a child's nose: vanilla, caramel. This is how unscrupulous manufacturers mask the “chemical” spirit of a low-quality polymer.

Expert opinion

Pediatrician Oleg Konstantinov:

- If after playing the child has a headache or allergic reactions (cough, tears from the eyes, skin rashes), sleep disturbances, stool disorder, vomiting, shortness of breath or a strong heartbeat, poisoning with toxins (for example, phenol or formaldehyde) can be suspected . By the way, when a toy gets into water, the release of these substances can increase several times, so do not use suspicious toys in any case in the bath.

After buying, be sure to wash plastic or wooden toys with soap (or treat with alcohol), and wash soft ones with baby powder and dry.

Feel. The seams of plush animals must be strong. Eyes, noses are sewn on so that the baby cannot tear them off. And the stuffing should not contain sharp objects. If granules are used as stuffing, they must be packed in an additional bag.

Scratch with your fingernail and lick. In toys, surface staining is allowed, in rattles - no. But both of them should not have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. The paint did not peel off, the tongue did not stain, they did not feel an extraneous taste - well, it's already good.

look around. There are no nicks or streaks of glue - this is a plus. The case is durable, there are no sharp edges and corners - fine. Now make sure that the fasteners do not protrude above the surface of the toy, and folding toys have a limiter that prevents spontaneous folding. It's like that? Great!

Throwing and flying toys must have soft tips or blunt ends, and inflatable toys must have strong welds. In an electric toy, the voltage should not exceed 24 V.

Listen. When buying a talking or musical toy, evaluate the volume of its sound. It's not just that the baby can be scared. The small ear canal of a child amplifies noise differently than an adult's ear. So children's machine guns and pistols that make too loud sounds are extremely dangerous.

Read. Read the information on the labels carefully. The toy must indicate: its name, country of origin and its address, trademark, age of the child, the main material from which the toy is made (unfortunately, the manufacturer is not obliged to indicate the full composition), methods for caring for the product, date of manufacture, expiration date service and storage conditions. The presence on the toy of the PCT (Russian standard) or EAC marking (confirming compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the safety of toys") should reassure you.

Respect age restrictions. Do not buy toys for growth. For example, trendy flying games (helicopters, drones) are only suitable for schoolchildren. They are difficult to manage, and preschool children can be injured. In toys for children under 3 years old, the use of natural fur, leather, glass, porcelain, pile rubber, cardboard, paper and small parts is unacceptable.

Buy from specialized stores. As a rule, they monitor the availability of documents confirming the quality of toys.

Expert opinion

Pediatric surgeon Ivan Osipov:

- Recently, children are often injured by magnetic construction sets. If you swallow just one magnet, there will be no big trouble - it will come out naturally. But if there were several such details, they will be attracted to each other and can break through the intestines. When the contents of the organ enter the abdominal cavity, there is a threat of deadly peritonitis. No less scary are toys that run on flat batteries. When swallowed, the “pills” stick to the esophageal mucosa and release harmful substances for a long time. This is fraught with the development of an ulcer and even the death of a child.

However, it is not the toys themselves that are dangerous, but non-compliance with safety precautions when playing with them. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions and do not let the kids play games that are not intended for them by age. And always be there. Many amusements are designed for the fact that you can only play with them under the supervision of adults. After all, even inflating balloons can end tragically if this thing accidentally gets into the larynx. Any small details (for example, parts of toys from a surprise egg) can block the baby’s airways, so even these seemingly innocent fun can be potentially life-threatening.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


The constant companions of every crumb from birth to the school itself (or even longer) are, of course, toys. First, rattles, carousels and hanging toys in the stroller, then pyramids, cubes and rubber ducks in the bath, etc. It is with toys that the baby spends the most time, exploring the world through them, tasting them for taste and strength, falling asleep with them. Quality toys, as you know, are not cheap. This is what many unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of, throwing onto the market not only products that are harmful, but sometimes extremely dangerous for children's health. What toys are the most harmful? We understand.

  • Toys with small parts

These include constructors, toys of low strength, soft low-quality toys with an abundance of plastic parts, kinder surprises, etc. What is the danger? The kid can swallow a toy element, accidentally stick it into the ear canal or nose. A poor-quality toy that a baby can easily break, disassemble, tear off a bead or a nose / eye, pour out stuffed balls is a potential danger to the child.

  • Neocube and other magnetic construction sets

Pretty fashionable toys, which, despite loud anti-advertising, are still stubbornly bought up by parents for children of different ages. What is the danger? Usually, a foreign object that accidentally enters the child's stomach comes out during defecation. That is, the same plastic ball will come out by itself in a day or two, and apart from my mother's hysteria, most likely, nothing bad will happen. With magnetic constructors, the situation is completely different: balls swallowed in large quantities begin to attract each other inside the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to very serious consequences. And even the operation in this case will be very difficult and not always successful. Such toys should not be purchased for babies at the age of "taste everything."

  • Junior Chemist's Kits

For many parents, such gifts for children seem right and “developing”. But the desire for science and knowledge of the world around us often ends in failure. Illiterate mixing of reagents often leads to burns and explosions, attempts to get electricity - to fires, etc. Toys from this series are appropriate only for older children and only for playing under parental supervision (or better with parents).

  • Musical toys

There is nothing dangerous in toys of this type if they are made of high-quality materials, made taking into account the strong fixation of all parts and, most importantly, do not exceed the noise level acceptable for the baby. A toy that exceeds the permitted level of 85 dB can not only damage your child's hearing, but also lead to his complete loss. The sound of the toy should be soft, not piercing, and it is recommended to play with a musical toy for no more than 1 hour/day.

  • PVC toys (polyvinylchloride)

Unfortunately, they are banned everywhere except Russia. In our country, for some reason, no one has yet got around to banning toys made from this toxic material. What is the danger? PVC contains certain plasticizers for the future plasticity of toys, and when a toy gets into the mouth (licking is the first thing!), along with saliva, phthalates enter the body of the crumbs, which accumulate inside and lead to serious diseases. Recognizing a toy made of PVC is not difficult: it is cheap, bright, “warm” and delicate to the touch (although the elements of the headset from a Barbie doll, for example, can also be made of PVC), and also has one of the markings - PVC, PVC, VINIL , a triangle icon made of arrows with the number "3" inside.

  • Stuffed Toys

Such toys can become dangerous for the following reasons:

  1. Low quality materials (toxic, most often Chinese). For those who don't know, let's "discover America" ​​- cheap synthetic materials can contain very dangerous substances. That is, a cute singing purple hedgehog for 200 rubles can turn into serious health problems for your child.
  2. Small parts that are poorly fixed. Kids love to pick their plush friends' eyes and bite off their noses.
  3. Dust mites adore such cozy "houses".
  4. Villi from toys fall into the mouth, respiratory tract of the child.
  5. Every 4th cheap soft toy causes allergies, as a result of which the baby may experience bronchial asthma.
  6. Weapons, pistols, darts

You can buy such toys for a baby only if he already knows what their danger is, if the mother is nearby during the game, and if the baby is far from being a baby. According to statistics, it is because of these toys that children are most often brought to emergency rooms.

  • Children's motorcycles

A very fashionable toy for the little ones today. As soon as the little one learned to sit, mom and dad are already carrying him a motorcycle tied with a bow under the Christmas tree. They carry it without thinking that the child is not yet able to keep such a powerful toy under his control. Of course, you can set the minimum speed (if possible) and run alongside, but as a rule, injuries occur at the very moment when the parents turned away, left the room, left the child with the grandmother, etc.

  • Helicopters, flying fairies and other toys that are customary to wind up and release into free flight

This series of toys is dangerous for injuries that a baby receives when it accidentally touches a toy launched around the room. Down to cuts, lacerations and broken teeth.

  • rubber toys

The danger of such low-quality toys is also extremely high - from a banal rash to a serious allergy and even anaphylactic shock. If from a toy a mile away "carries chemistry" and the colors are flashy bright, you can't buy it categorically. As part of such a "joy" there may be lead with arsenic, and mercury, and chromium with cadmium, etc.

When buying a toy for your baby, remember the basic rules for choosing it:

  • Calm colors and sounds, non-aggressiveness of the toy in general.
  • High quality fastening parts and base material.
  • No sharp edges, protruding parts that can hurt.
  • Durable paint coating - so that it does not get dirty, does not wash off, no smell.
  • The toy should be washed or washed regularly. If the purchased toy does not involve these types of cleaning, it should be discarded.
  • Toys with ropes/strings or ribbons longer than 15 cm are prohibited for toddlers to avoid accidental suffocation.

Buy your kids only high-quality toys (made of wood - the best and safest). Do not save on the health of children.


The most common items that surround a child from early childhood are a variety of toys.

Wooden and plastic, dolls and robots, children's cars and construction sets, shiny and modest colors - you can't list all types and functional features.

But are you sure that they are completely safe for children? After all, some gaming accessories do not correspond to age indicators, while others are simply harmful. Our reviews will help you figure out what they are - the most dangerous toys for children and what their danger is.

Phthalates are special chemical compounds used in industrial production to soften and give elasticity to plastic products.

At the same time, doctors consider these substances to be among the most harmful to the health of children, since phthalates, accumulating in the body, are capable of:

These substances are most often found in PVC products, which are widely used on our market.

Their harmful qualities are due to the easy exit from toys and the rapid spread in the environment. Moreover, the amount of toxic compounds depends on the degree of deterioration of the goods.

Phthalates penetrate into children's organisms through the skin and during breathing, and since children under one year old often taste everything, these harmful compounds will definitely get to the child with saliva.

And although in European countries such substances are among the prohibited ones, in our country they are still added to PVC products.

To understand how harmful various plastic products are to our and children's organisms, a special examination should be carried out.

However, this is not always possible under normal conditions, and given that most of the toy devices were brought to us from China, one must be especially careful.

How to keep children safe?

If you want to accurately “recognize” harmful toys, experts recommend considering the following factors:

  1. Product marking. Refuse to buy if there are three arrows (in the form of a triangle) on the product itself or in the accompanying papers, inside which the number 3 is placed. The letters PVC and Vinil indicate PVC material. But some manufacturers in China do not label goods for children at all.
  2. Normally safe plastic is hard and cool. Some children's PVC products are also hard and hard (for example, a toy furniture set), but most often they are quite soft, resembling human skin when touched.

Children's toys can also contain this heavy metal, especially in paint. Some unscrupulous manufacturers of products for children repeatedly exceed all permitted standards.

A large amount of lead in the body often provokes the occurrence of:

  • anemia;
  • brain diseases;
  • kidney damage;
  • digestive disorders;
  • disorders of attention and coordination of movements;
  • destruction of bone tissue.

To understand how harmful products are for a child, you need to determine the concentration of lead in the paint, the activity of its “release”.

It is also important to know exactly how the baby will interact with the toy - touch it with pens, take it in the mouth, chew.

Can a child be safe?

It is impossible to understand “by eye” whether there is lead in the paint; this can be judged only after specialized tests. Therefore, you can save children from contact with this dangerous substance if you purchase certified products in children's stores.

Harmful to children and play accessories made of low-quality plastic (including PVC). Unsafe metal can get into children's products if the rooms in which they are made are "contaminated" with toxic mercury vapor.

Mercury enters the child's body through touching toys and inhaling harmful fumes.

Such an undesirable interaction is fraught with the following negative consequences:

  • damage to the nervous system;
  • kidney failure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathology of the respiratory system.

Signs of mercury poisoning may not appear immediately, but only a few weeks after it enters the body.

Mercury fumes are especially harmful for children under one year old. This is due to the peculiarities of metabolism in early childhood - mercury in babies is poorly excreted from the blood and organs.

How to warn?

The advice is quite simple - you should not buy toys "on the run", in stalls and kiosks. You still won’t be able to determine by eye, and in dubious places there are hardly any accompanying documents and certificates. Therefore, saving on children's goods is excluded.

This chemical compound is used in many production cycles, including shaping rubber and PVC products. Phenol, when penetrating into a child's body, can adversely affect the following organs and systems:

  • respiratory organs (phenol is especially dangerous for children with asthma);
  • digestive organs;
  • immune system (allergic reactions occur);
  • nervous system (headaches, insomnia).

Rospotrebnadzor employees often seize rubber dolls from China, which contain large amounts of harmful phenolic compounds. Therefore, such a threat is not fiction, but a very real fact.

How to keep a child safe?

The presence of phenol in children's toys can be assumed by the following criteria:

  • rich chemical "flavor", perceptible even through the factory packaging;
  • poor product quality - bumps, notches, sticky surface, streaks and peeling coating.

Formaldehyde is a gaseous compound that is actively used in the technological process for the manufacture of plastics, PVC, dyes and textiles. From these harmful materials, irresponsible manufacturers then make children's products.

The way this toxic substance enters the child's body is simple - the baby licks a dummy, teether or rattle. Formaldehyde vapors are harmful to the child's body in that they contribute to the development of:

  • acute toxicosis, manifested by vomiting, cough, weakness, stomach pain and allergic reactions;
  • leukemia;
  • cancers in the nasopharynx.

Especially often, doctors observe precisely allergic reactions of varying severity in children under one year old, which occur when a child interacts with teethers from China.

How to keep babies safe?

Products with formaldehyde compounds typically have a strong, unpleasant synthetic "flavor". But still, it is better to play it safe and carefully study all the information contained on the label of the toy.

European quality standards are denoted by the letters CE, if the product has passed the Russian test, then the “PCT” icon will be located next to it.

As the name suggests, flame retardants provide fire resistance to products. The opinion of scientists about their safety is not always unambiguous.

It is believed that when accumulated in the body, these substances can affect the endocrine, immune and nervous systems of the child, causing severe pathologies.

Flame retardants are also used in the manufacture of children's products. However, these substances are easily washed out with water, so experts recommend following some safety rules.

How to help a child?

Before handing a funny fluffy teddy bear or hare to a small owner, be sure to wash the toy with a special baby powder, rinse well and dry thoroughly. If the product is PVC, just wash it with soapy water.

For children up to a year and older, parents often purchase various luminous applications that can be glued to the ceiling to simulate, for example, the starry sky.

Other mothers believe that the phosphorus compounds contained in such toys can adversely affect the health of the child.

It should be understood that modern manufacturers have long abandoned phosphoric paints, preferring to use luminescent coatings or safe reflectors.

However, some Chinese manufacturers continue to "poison" children with this substance. For example, not so long ago, Chinese toys were seized around the world, in which a high concentration of phosphorus was found.

How to keep a child safe?

The advice is pretty standard - stop when buying toys from well-known companies. Moreover, you should buy a set of luminous stickers only in well-trusted stores.

In addition, do not forget to ask for quality certificates and other accompanying papers.

Reviews, including the most dangerous and harmful children's products, are published constantly, from year to year replenished with new toys. However, a kind of "standard" of unwanted gaming accessories still exists. We offer 10 most harmful toys for children up to a year and older.

1. Magnetic constructors. Reviews in the English medical literature demonstrate the serious concern of foreign doctors about the popularity of such toys due to the increasing cases of children swallowing small magnets.

The concern of doctors is related to the physical properties of such a material. If other foreign objects calmly leave the body during defecation, then the magnetic elements are connected, enlarged, creating a kind of “plug”.

It is impossible to do without surgical intervention. In addition, magnetic parts can cause intestinal perforation!

Experts do not recommend purchasing a set of magnetic parts for children under three years old (especially up to a year).

2. Poisonous pacifiers. The nipples and pacifiers (or rather, the materials used) that are in our Top 10 harmful products can lead to the development of acute allergic reactions. To "neutralize" this device, doctors recommend boiling it for an hour.

Well, it is best to purchase nipples from well-known manufacturers: Avent, Nuk, Chicco, Bebe Confort and other manufacturers. Give up pacifiers with ropes, ribbons that can wrap around a baby's neck.

The mouthpiece of the product must be wide enough so as not to get into the child's mouth. In addition, the main part of the pacifier, which fits in the child's mouth, should also be checked for holes and scratches.

3. Soft toys. On the shelves of children's goods supermarkets, each parent will find a variety of soft toys from various manufacturers, including Chinese ones. They are purchased because of the rather low price, bright colors and softness of the material.

But in early childhood, such products are generally not recommended due to numerous harmful factors. Inexpensive stuffed animals are usually made of not the best quality materials, which can lead to anaphylaxis. Also, children under one year old are able to suffocate if a large fluffy bear falls on them.

Another fact is that a long nap, when swallowed, can create a lint plug that interferes with normal breathing and digestion. In addition, the plush toy is a "collector" of dust, mites and various pathogens.

4. Toy weapons. From year to year, the "harmfulness" of children's weapons is growing, since manufacturers of modern toys are simply obsessed with realism. As a result, some guns and pistols with bullets, crossbows and bows turn into a kind of traumatic weapon.

The child is able to harm both himself and his playmates (injury to the eye, ear). Also unsafe are "machines" that make loud sounds that can lead to impaired auditory function. In addition, darts with sharp tips and "cold" weapons - sabers and swords are dangerous.

This gaming complex got into our Top 10 for its ambiguity and potential danger. The set for the "young scientist", it would seem, is an educational toy, but failure to comply with elementary safety standards is fraught with burns, fires and even electric shocks.

Such a set (for chemists) may include various reagents - alkalis, acids, phosphates and other harmful compounds that can lead to poisoning. It is curious that the first set for a physicist and chemist was produced back in the 50s and included radioactive Uranium-238 (of course, at that time they did not yet know about its properties).

Now such “punctures” are excluded, however, such a gift set is excluded for early and preschool childhood. If, however, your "naturalist" requires this toy, before buying, read the reviews, comments of parents and allow to play with it only in your presence.

6. Excessively loud musical toys. Every child should have a set of children's musical instruments from early childhood to adolescence. But it should be understood that all such toys must meet the highest requirements, which also apply to sound volume.

The maximum volume of sounds is 85 dB, if these indicators are exceeded, deafness may develop.

Also, the "voice" of musical instruments must be sonorous and clear, without noise and wheezing. However, even with the right pipe or flute, you can not play for too long, constant sounding is fraught with overwork. Also, stay away from musical toys made of PVC.

7. Flying toys. Now not only Carlson has propellers, but also a variety of gaming accessories - helicopters, dolls, minions, ghosts and quadrocopters. Some manufacturers even attach a propeller to children's alarm clocks.

Of course, the child will be delighted with a fairy-tale or cartoon character flying around the room, but the use of such toys is not suitable for early childhood. Such play accessories can only be bought for teenagers, since young children cannot yet control flying toys.

In addition, a child of the fifth year of life is able to substitute hands or face under the spinning propeller blades. Our Top 10 does not recommend such toys for young children.

8. Toys with electronic "stuffing". By themselves, high-quality products do not pose a particular danger to children. However, we should not forget that the use of toys that have batteries, other accumulators, speakers and other electronic elements is prohibited by the standards for up to three to five years.

But modern manufacturers offer a huge range of different mobiles, children's phones, tweeters, robots, and even baby dolls with batteries, designed for children up to a year old.

9. Pyrotechnic products. Despite numerous prohibitions, including legislative ones, many parents, at least, do not mind the use of pyrotechnics, such as fireworks, by children, especially on holidays.

Some children buy these toys on their own.

The danger of pyrotechnic products for children is that fireworks can flare up and catch fire, explode right in the hands (damaging the hands, skin, face and eyes) or seriously scare a small child. Even a game with banal crackers can end in fright.

10. Small toys and items with small parts. Reviews of the press and Internet forums make it clear that these toys are among the most harmful and dangerous for children up to a year and a little older.

Small constructors, mosaics, beads, small adhesive parts of soft toys, a home-made developmental set of buttons and beads can be dangerous for a small child. The kid will simply swallow these parts, push them into the nasal or auditory passages.

In addition, the 10 worst could include low-quality frame tents and labyrinths that are unsafe for early childhood, cheap Chinese PVC Barbie dolls (by the way, some psychologists generally consider them harmful to the sexual development of girls), overly bright rubber and plastic toys.

Of course, play accessories are intended for children, but adults buy them, so it is the parents who are responsible for the safety of a new doll or car. We offer a few simple recommendations that will help you "filter" dangerous toys from useful or at least neutral ones.

  1. The first recommendation is to look for the CE marking on the toy or on the accompanying document. A similar sign indicates the compliance of the product with European safety standards. Also, the packaging must have inscriptions that speak about the manufacturer or importer. Toys without a "biography" must be mercilessly put aside.
  2. You can’t save on the health of the crumbs! Our desire to buy cheaper will not be appreciated by the baby, who, after contact with a low-quality doll or rubber duck, can become covered with an allergic rash. Usually products of famous brands are sold in children's stores, of course, and they cost significantly more than goods in the market or retail outlets.
  3. However, the high cost - alas, is not always an indicator of quality and safety. Therefore, before purchasing a toy, read the reviews and opinions of mothers on the forums, view the certificate and instructions for use directly in the store. All documents must be in Russian!
  4. Be sure to read all warnings. In them, for example, it can be said about the prohibition of using toys near a flame or water. Or it is recommended to play only in the presence of an adult. Perhaps you didn't know that balloons, one of the best and favorite toys of all ages, should not be given to children under 8 years of age due to the risk of being swallowed and suffocated.
  5. Be sure to select play accessories that are age-appropriate. Of course, toys for teenagers are not suitable for toddlers. On packages or labels of quality goods, there is always a sign warning of the potential danger for children under three years old.
  6. Soft bear cubs and hares must be suitable for "water procedures". In addition, in such toys, it is important to fasten small parts - eyes, buttons, buttons, since the child is quite capable of chewing them off and swallowing them.
  7. Discard toys made of insufficiently durable plastic. Children under three years old love to try everything “by the tooth”, so they need to purchase especially “tenacious” plastic toys that cannot break when hit or chewed.
  8. Rattles, teethers and other play equipment for babies should not include sharp, glued or protruding parts. The child is able to swallow and choke on these small details.
  9. Be sure to touch the future purchase. Ask what the rattle is filled with. On soft toys, inspect the quality of the seams, otherwise the textile will tear, and the “filling” will end up in the child’s mouth. The slack in teddy bears is the seam between the legs.
  10. The little one is able to easily place his own fist in his mouth, so experts recommend not buying balls, baby dolls and other small toys smaller than a child's fist (usually 5 centimeters).
  11. Avoid soft plastics and rubbers that have strong chemical odors. This is a sure sign of not the best materials and a high concentration of various harmful compounds.
  12. Do not buy musical and other squeaky toys that make an excessively loud sound. Such adaptations can affect the infant's hearing function.

In addition, there are tips for parents regarding the care of already purchased gaming accessories. Before you solemnly hand over a new toy to your beloved little one, be sure to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. All labels and other adhesive markings must be removed as the baby may chew them off and swallow them.
  2. A plastic or wooden toy must be thoroughly rinsed after purchase with hot water and detergent. Another option is to treat the surface of the object with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  3. Before introducing your child to a new plush or fabric friend, it is necessary to wash the soft toy in the washing machine (on a special mode for delicate washing), and then dry it thoroughly in the open air.
  4. If, after washing or washing, the toy has lost its characteristics and lost its “decent” appearance (for example, shedding), most likely this product is of poor quality. Such products should be thrown away without undue regret.

Our time is characterized by the presence of a huge number of a wide variety of toys for any age. Not every parent is easily able to understand the functions and features of some gaming devices, let alone the kids.

Therefore, first of all, focus not on the cost of the gift, but on the quality of the materials. Agree that it is preferable to buy one expensive but good toy than a few dubious cheap crafts.

After carefully reading our reviews, following the above recommendations, you will get the most useful plastic or soft play accessories for your baby, which will delight him for a long time.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

While society is trying to fight cruelty in computer games, we decided to recall real toys that were banned for a direct threat to children - from an atomic laboratory to a carbide crossbow.

U-238 Atomic Energy Lab

The topic of nuclear energy experienced a real boom in the middle of the 20th century. The founder of A.C. did not fail to take advantage of this. Gilbert Company Alfred Gilbert. In 1951, he brought to the market a real portable atomic laboratory for children.

This particular set of young physicists included a Geiger counter, a spinthariscope and an electroscope. It even included sources of three types of radioactive radiation, a brief guide to nuclear physics, and a set of balls for building a model of molecules. General Leslie Groves himself, who led a group of nuclear physicists who created the first atomic bomb, had a hand in creating the set.

The most striking, and by far the most wild, was the presence of Uranus-238 in the children's kit. At that time, it was not yet known that this isotope could lead to many diseases, including cancer.

Fortunately, the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab was only on the market for a year before it was banned. In 1951 it cost $50, today the price for this "toy" among collectors reaches $8000.

Cabbage Patch

A scary toy was released in 1996 by Matell. It was called Cabbage Patch. The “trick” of this doll was that the child could feed it with plastic snacks, which Cabbage Patch literally chewed. The problem became apparent within a few weeks after the start of sales. With its battery-operated jaws, the doll chewed not only plastic snacks, but also children's fingers and hair that got into her mouth. Until the toy was banned, this "Chucky" managed to injure more than three dozen fingers.

Glass blower's set

Toy manufacturers in the 50s "burned" in the literal and figurative sense. A.C. Gilbert Company, which produced the children's nuclear laboratory, at the same time launched an equally extravagant set on the market. It was called "Young Glassblower's Set". It included a gas burner that heated up to a temperature of 540 degrees Celsius and all the necessary tools. The set also included instructions with a description of the craft.

There were only two things missing from the set: common sense and even a hint of personal protective equipment. Needless to say, the set, to the delight of parents, children and firefighters, did not remain on sale for long.

Austin Magic Pistol

Carbide for Russian people is a fairly well-known thing. Many in childhood had fun dragging it from construction sites, and then experimented by mixing odorous powder with water. The children's pistol, which appeared on the American market in the late 40s, worked precisely on carbide.

The Austin Magic Pistol included carbide and shooting balls. The principle of operation was simple: the chemical was poured into the rear compartment of the pistol, then a few drops of water were added there (or simply spit there). A chemical reaction took place and the released gas fired a ball from the barrel of the "magic pistol" at such a speed that the statistics of child injuries immediately increased dramatically. After several accidents, the gun was withdrawn from sale and banned.


Darts is a world-famous game that enjoys well-deserved fame, but not everyone knows that in addition to darts, in the 70s and 80s of the XX century, a “weighted” version of this game, Jarts, was also widespread. According to her rules, darts were thrown into rings located on the ground. Throwing projectiles at the same time were much larger than for playing darts, about 30 cm long.

In theory, children were allowed to play jart only in the presence of adults, but practice has shown the failure of the rules. More than 700 children with injuries were admitted to hospitals every year. Many children arrived in the ambulance with darts in their heads. Literally. It wasn't until 1988 that the public decided, "Stop tolerating this," and the game was banned.

Battlestar Galactica Missile Launcher

Promotional toys produced for the release of films and TV shows are a common thing. The popularity of Battlestar Galactica sparked the release of toys based on the series in 1978. The manufacturer is already known to us the company Matell. One of the toys was a pneumatic rocket launcher that fired plastic projectiles.

In the short time until the toy was banned, it caused a dozen accidents - from scratches and gouged out eyes and teeth to one death. The shell hit the boy's windpipe. His parents sued Matell for $14 million.

Aqua Dots

In 2007, the Canadian company Spin released Aqua Dots, a children's creative toy. According to the idea of ​​its creators, children should play with the small balls included in the set. When wet, the balls stick to each other, you can make multi-colored figures out of them.
The idea itself is good, but when it was created, the child psychology formulated in the House M.D. series was not taken into account: "The boy plays in the sandbox - the boy eats sand." Children, of course, began to eat balls, which turned out to be actually poisoned. It turned out that they were coated with a toxic substance that, when ingested, turned into a banned drug called GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate). Several children even fell into a coma. Aqua Dots was banned. The entire batch of toys was recalled.