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Drawings with soap bubbles. Non-traditional drawing: painting with soap bubbles. Soap bubble painting

Soap bubbles are very beautiful, we know this from childhood. Many of us have thought about the question of whether it is possible to save a soap bubble. For example, what happens if you freeze it ?! Do you know that you can paint with soap bubbles?! We will tell you how to draw soap bubbles below.

Soap bubbles drawing

In order to draw a picture with soap bubbles, you first need to prepare a special colored solution. It is not difficult to make it at home. Add to any soapy-foaming solution, such as baby shampoo diluted with water, watercolor paint or food coloring.

Take a straw and blow through it into the soapy water to create more bubbles.

Take watercolor paper and lean it on top of the bubbles. As a result, you will get random abstract multi-colored patterns. Let them dry.

From paper with a pattern of soap bubbles, you can make children's Greeting Cards parents or friends, can be used as a backdrop for a children's birthday invitation or other uses. In this case, the main thing is fantasy!

Absolutely everyone knows what soap bubbles are. Many kids enjoy cooking with their own hands and come up with different ways to blow multi-colored iridescent bubbles out of them, and then chase them indoors and outdoors. With a certain skill, various figures can be made from them, and also, however, this artistic direction is far from familiar to everyone.

In fact, the technique of painting with soap bubbles is extremely simple and accessible even for children. preschool age. This incredibly fun, interesting and exciting activity allows you to create bright and original drawings without spending much effort, which is why it is gaining more and more popularity among preschoolers and primary school children.

In this article, we bring to your attention a simple master class with which you will master drawing with soap bubbles and create an unusual picture with your own hands.

We draw with soap bubbles with children

Next step-by-step instruction will clearly demonstrate to you how to draw soap bubbles on paper:

  1. Prepare necessary materials. You will need soap bubbles, acrylic paint, liquid soap, as well as a small plastic bowl and a thin tube.
  2. Combine 1 part liquid soap, the same amount of paint and 2 parts distilled water. Mix the ingredients well, and then make many small bubbles with a straw.
  3. Attach a sheet of paper to the bubbles and press hard enough to leave a noticeable mark.
  4. Repeat all these steps with a different color of paint.
  5. Achieving the desired shape, depict such large flowers on a piece of paper:
  6. On another sheet of paper, draw green leaves of different shades.
  7. Cut them out and carefully glue them around the flowers for a pretty picture.
  8. With a thin black pen, draw veins on the leaves. Your drawing is ready!
  9. You can decorate the image in another way - just paint a few thin stems in watercolor.
  10. Decorate them with dots and draw leaves.
  11. Finish the drawing in the same way - draw thin streaks with a pen.

You have got bright and original flowers painted with soap bubbles. By connecting quite a bit of fantasy and imagination, you can come up with a wide variety of pictures and depict them on paper in such an unusual way.

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OOD painting with soap bubbles.

Conducted by the teacher of art activity Selezneva Natalya Ivanovna

Educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development".

Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

Target: arouse children's interest in visual activity in non-traditional ways. Contribute to the development of independent creative activity.


1. Educational task. Raise interest in creativity, the desire to help each other, elders; carefully draw, monitor the cleanliness of the workplace.

2. educational task. To teach children non-traditional techniques of visual activity - drawing with soap bubbles, through research activities. To consolidate knowledge with the help of which soap bubbles are formed.

3. Developmental task. To promote the development of creative imagination, thinking, aesthetic taste.

Preliminary work. Observation of the formation of soap suds when washing hands, washing doll clothes.

Reading the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes." Watching the cartoon "Kapitoshka".


- glasses with water;
- tubules for juice;
- landscape sheets;
- shampoo or dishwashing detergent;

Glue, pastel drawings of soap bubbles.


- easel, fabulous chest, cloud model;
- musical accompaniment - children's song, backing track "Soap Bubbles";

Footage of soap bubbles;

Presentation "How a soap bubble bursts."

Dictionary activation: vesicleologist.


Internet resources:

Site: ped-kopilka.ru

Website: riddle.su

Website: deti-book.info

Methods and techniques aimed at developing integrative qualities

Information-receptive :

observation of facial expressions of a person, cartoon characters, heroes of children's fairy tales;

viewing slides, children's work;

Watching the presentation "How a soap bubble bursts";

· usage artistic word(poems, poetic riddles on the theme of OOD);

Listening to music - sound accompaniment during work.


Experimenting with material, painting techniques with soap bubbles. OOD of project activity "How can I draw"


Demonstration by the teacher of a new non-traditional drawing technique;

Joint actions of children (interaction during work);

joint actions of an adult and a child (help at the request of the child in case of difficulties).


creation of a problematic situation in the choice of material and technology

drawing to motivate upcoming activities (is it possible to draw with soap bubbles).


Game and surprise moments to awaken the imagination:

surprise moment - fairy tale hero Kapitoshka;

Gifts from Kapitoshka - soap bubbles;

Game moments - solving riddles, playing during the physical education session "Cloud";

- "transformation" into scientific staff;

· playing with the finished image - drawings of soap bubbles in pastel, for the design of creative works.

OOD move.

I.Organizational - motivational moment.(1 minute)

Purpose: introduction of a fabulous image to create an emotional mood in the OOD.

To the music of "Soap Bubbles" children enter the hall. They are arranged in a semicircle on the carpet. They are met by Kapitoshka (teacher).

Teacher: Hello guys. My name is Kapitoshka. Who is Kapitoshka?

Children. This is a cartoon character. It's a drop of water.

Teacher: We will draw.

II. cognitive activity.(5 minutes)

1. Reading a poem by an educator.

Purpose: to help children name the materials that are necessary for drawing, to check their readiness for practical activities.

Teacher. Listen to the poem and tell me what do we need to draw today?

In colorful jars
Once upon a time gouache
And chatted with a brush,
Painting a landscape.
"How saturated you are!"
The brush told her
Walking through the album
To the side, then down.
"You come more often" -
Gouache answered her, -
"Belilami and Blue
I will feed you first.
And then we'll draw
Excellent poster.
Let our friend be an artist
Today I will be happy."

Teacher. What do we need to draw?

Children. Gouache, water, landscape sheet.

2. Checking readiness for practical activities.

Purpose: development of independence in the preparation of practical activities.

Teacher. Check your readiness to practice.

Teacher. I think I forgot to cook something for you. What I can't remember. Help me.

3. Surprise moment.

Purpose: to teach children to guess riddles, independently formulate a topic, draw conclusions, gain new knowledge.

Teacher. I have a magic chest with me. And what's in it, guess.

Riddles are located on the lock of the chest. After guessing the riddle, the lock opens.

4. Examination of objects in the chest.

Purpose: the development of cognitive - research activities in the art activity.

Teacher. Let's check. You were right. But there are no bubbles. There is only water, dishwashing detergent. Can they help us? With what? Why do we need water, dishwashing detergent, a straw?

Children. With the help of dishwashing detergent and water, we will make a soapy solution, and with the help of a straw, you can inflate soap bubbles.

Teacher. Can you blow soap bubbles? Show me how you will do it.

Breathing exercises "Inflate soap bubbles"(1 minute)

Purpose: development of breathing, memory, imagination (connection with preliminary work)

Teacher. Capitoshka is a drop of water. And who is his mother in the cartoon?

Children. Cloud.

Teacher. The cloud is his mother, she gives us her piece of cotton wool. We put it on the palm of our hand and blow on cotton wool.

1. Description of the cloud. Goal: activate adjectives in speech, learn to combine with nouns.

Teacher. What cloud?

children's assumptions. Light, fluffy, rainy.

III. Creative cognitive - research activity. 5 minutes

1. Create a problematic issue.

Purpose: to motivate research activities.

Teacher. What do you think, why do we need soap bubbles in drawing? Can you paint with soap bubbles? Let's check. We become scientists. We put on aprons for work. Let's follow the experiment first.

Children go to the table for experimentation.

2. Stages of work:

Purpose: to teach children to conduct an experiment to create artistic, creative works - non-traditional drawing techniques.

Teacher. Let's take plastic cups, depending on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work, the cups can be of different sizes. Pour water into a glass, a little bit of shampoo or dishwashing detergent. What does water look like in a glass? Will it show up on paper?

Children. No.

Teacher. How to make water colored?

Children. Add gouache.

Teacher. Add gouache. We mix everything. Why do we need a straw on the table?

Children. Blow soap bubbles.

Teacher. We lower the tube for juice into a glass and begin to blow into it until a soap “hat” rises above the glass.

3. Safety precautions.

Purpose: to warn children about the need to follow the rules for doing work in order to maintain health.

Teacher. But! Be careful! You are more accustomed to drinking with straws, therefore, first we will practice blowing bubbles with plain water, familiar and safe.
Teacher. We take a sheet of paper and apply it to a glass of soap bubbles. You can do this several times, depending on your creative intent. These are the prints that are made on a piece of paper. You need to let them dry.

4. Independent practical work. 10 minutes.

Purpose: experimenting with different materials to create an artistic image.

Insert footage on the TV screen during independent work.

Purpose: to unite practical work children with the environment, raise the emotional mood.

Children go to their jobs.

Teacher. What do we already have on the tables? (water, straws, cups). Kapitoshka will add a product to each glass: gouache + dishwashing detergent. Let's repeat the steps.

Repetition of steps.

Purpose: collective pronunciation of the work plan for the correct, independent implementation of the drawing technique, for the complete assimilation of new knowledge.

1. What should be done first?

Children. Stir.

Children. Blow soap bubbles.

3. Attach a landscape sheet several times. Every time you blow bubbles.

Teacher. Keep your work area clean.

Providing individual assistance to children during creative work.

Teacher. Work is done. Soap bubbles should dry. Look at them. These are my portraits. I am very pleased with you. Now let's go dancing.

Fizminutka.(1 minute).

Execution dance moves to the song "Soap Bubbles".

Purpose: development of motor activity, dance movements.

Teacher. Do you want to know how the soap bubble was born, to see how it bursts? Then we are located in free places on the carpet.

5. Presentation "How a soap bubble bursts"(1 minute)

Goal: changing the activities of children, expanding knowledge about soap bubbles.

Slide 1, 2. A soap bubble is a thin layer of water, water that is squeezed on both sides with soapy water. Since soap bubbles often burst due to their instability. The color of the bubbles is just an optical illusion. In fact, they are colorless. Soap bubbles were invented several thousand years ago.

Slide 2. People have adapted to making soap bubbles very simply. After washing used soapy water for games.

Slide 3, 4. Since a person has always strived for progress, we decided to make bubble blowing automatic. Each invention improved over time and it was possible to blow soap bubbles the size of a balloon from these devices. Such installations were made at various shows. For children, a gun was invented that, when filled, released small bubbles.

Slide 5, 6. There are several recipes for making soap bubble liquid. The easiest way is to add 200 grams of shampoo or dishwashing detergent and 100 ml of glycerin to 600 ml of water, and if you add colored juice instead of water, the bubble will turn out to be colored.

Slide 7, 8. Bubbler ( bubblelogist) - this is how lovers of making the most incredible tricks with soap bubbles call themselves. So seventeen-year-old Sam became interested in soap bubbles, he learned to create real miracles and arranges a soap show as an adult man.

IV. Reflection.(5 minutes)

Target: lead children to the ability to perform creative work using non-traditional drawing techniques.

1. Exhibition of works.

Children arrange their drawings on the easel, admire them, discuss them.

Teacher. What the "soap bubbles" will turn into depends on your creative imagination. Who or what do you see in your work?

Give titles to your drawings.

Children. "Air Cotton", "Clouds", "Wave".

2. Summing up.

Teacher. Guys, what can you draw besides paints?

Children. Gouache and soap bubbles.

Teacher. What is your mood after research work left? If you like your work, then applause. Drawings will decorate our group. May everyone who enters it feel joy and warmth.

The teacher distributes soap bubbles and the guys inflate them.

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "Soap Bubbles"

There is nothing so light, fragile and extraordinarily attractive to children as bubble. They have been an integral symbol of childhood for many generations.

Remember how soapy water was shaken in metal tubes and competed to see who would have the largest bubble and last longer? But did you guess that you can use them not only as a game, but also in creativity, for example, drawing? Today we have prepared an unusual Master Class, which will help you take a fresh look at familiar properties soap bubbles.

We prepare materials: water, plates of different depths, but with a diameter no larger than an album sheet, detergent (“Fairy”), paints (gouache), several cocktail tubes and a couple of plastic knives (stacks).

The next step is to prepare the paint. In a plate, combine 1 tsp. water, 1 tsp fairies, 0.5 tsp paints. Use different colors, however, we can advise you not to take yellow paint for work, and also not to use watercolor, since the properties of the paint are different from gouache.

The most crucial moment is blowing bubbles! If the child is still small, then it is better for adults to do this so that the baby does not inadvertently inhale the paint into himself. Try to inflate the bubbles so that the colored soap cap rises above the edge of the plate.

Now cover the plate with a piece of paper. Bursting bubbles will leave amazing traces on it. Let the leaf dry.

Various color combinations and will give you extraordinary backgrounds that we can use for further drawing or for decorating paper. From sheets decorated in this way, you can make original gift wrapping, for example.

Bubble prints, as unique as fingerprints, are great for spurring the imagination of both children and adults. How many figures can be seen in them: a cat, a bouquet, a house, and a tree. It remains only to show the silhouette or add your details - and the drawing is ready!

Such a task develops imagination, creativity. Rotate the sheet around the axis, perhaps from a different angle you will see completely different figures, you just need to take a closer look.

Did you know that you can paint with soap bubbles? Oh, this is the most stunning technique, it will please fans of soap bubbles very much, because now you can not only blow bubbles, but also make them colored and transfer them to paper!

We will need: Shampoo (not every shampoo is suitable for this venture), fairy, or liquid soap (one thing); paints - gouache is best; paper, a tube for blowing bubbles, a tube can be twisted from thick paper or a straw for a cocktail, a container for water.

I twisted the tube like this. The paper needs to be thick.

In such a container, I added 1 tsp. fairies.

Then I mixed the paints, scooped up the paint 2 times with a flat brush and mixed thoroughly, the more paint, the richer the color. I have acrylic paint in the photo, but it’s better not to take it, it turns out, with acrylic paint soap bubbles are less brighter, so take gouache! Oh yes! I took a smaller container and poured the already mixed soapy water into it. Now you can lower the tube into the mixture and blow. You will get soap bubbles!

Now everything is simple! You can brush off the foam on a sheet, but you must try not to get water, otherwise everything will spread and merge into a single puddle!
Do not place the container with the mixture on the sheet where you draw, otherwise the vessel will leave its imprint! In this form, we leave our bubbles to dry, you can’t burst, otherwise nothing will work!

You can do it differently too! Dip a straw into the mixture and blow to make soap bubbles, then take a sheet of paper and gently touch it to the bubbles, as if transferring them to the paper (like a decal). Amazing prints are obtained, they can be finished and made a picture, postcard, wrapping paper, etc.