Other dances

The easiest 3d pencil drawings. And in conclusion

As we already know, now 3D-drawings have become very popular: we can see this live in the form of graffiti (on the walls of garages, houses and other structures), and all sorts of pictures from contests in social networks.

Volumes in 3D drawing

So, let's remember about - because it is with their help that you can create an illusory 3D effect... The volumes mentioned mainly depend on the characteristics of the shadows: how exactly the many colors are located from dark to light.

In 3D, objects cast shadows in places that make it possible to define light.

This was a short introduction, and now to general tips for creating a 3D image.

How to get 3D drawing effect?

  1. Before proceeding directly to drawing, you just need to spend "Scaly-gigantic" a lot of time to carefully study what you are going to portray, namely: you need to take a closer look at all the features, notice the characteristics of the shadows and examine the shape with volume... Of course, you can take this advice literally, and start drawing with fingers trembling with old age and gray patches on your eyes - well, of course! You have to review and check everything SO scrupulously. But, I think, if you spend at least a week on the consideration of your chosen object, it will be good.
  2. Now about the shadows. As we already know, light and shadow are the main components of our 3D effect. To understand the very essence of the shadow (but how mysterious it sounds), it is recommended to perform something like the following ritual: on the night of the bloody moon, stand in front of the mirror and catch how the light falls ... But, in fact, it is not necessary to wait for the night, and even more so to look for the bloody moon. It is enough just to stand in direct light and look in the mirror - then, upon careful examination, you can notice that it is the shadows that draw the volume of the figure: they are both near the nose, and under it, and on other details of your, so to speak, design.
  3. Next is the natural environment. To make it clearer, take, for example, a tree: we all know that its trunk closer to the center will be darker, the closer to the crowns. By the way, this is also a pretty scientific example of shadow placement.

With the tips finished, let's move on to the more practical part, namely, to the algorithm for displaying a 3D picture. Are you ready? They exhaled and calmed the joyful thrill of the heart. Everything…

Our 3D drawing algorithm

  1. First, we need to do what? That's right, a sketch. so to speak. There should be no problems with this, we create a clear plan of action: what, where and how exactly the selected objects will be "inserted" on paper. This sketch will be something like a map: both the shape of the object and its location will be visible on it ( some kind of spy games ...)
  2. Now - light, namely its source. An experienced, practicing draftsman only needs to know the location of the light ( say, the sun or the moon, or the same lanterns ... or light bulbs ... fireflies, finally!) to render the shadow correctly. That which is closer to the light source, of course, will be lighter in contrast to what is located further... But the shadow should also be used carefully, carefully, because excessive use of shadows is not good. Well, look - overly light objects will not be difficult to darken, but overly dark objects are not so easy to lighten.
  3. Layers aren't just found in cakes. So it's better to draw a 3D drawing using layers: first sketch out the shadows (make a shadow mask), and then darken at your discretion.
  4. And finally, about the darkest deepest shadows. It is better to shade them, depict unclear, blurryto make them look more realistic. Then you can use an eraser to lighten (if need be).

In case you are not very experienced in drawing 3D drawings, it is better to start with light exercises.

For example, again, let's take our old familiar geometric figures - ball, cone or cylinder - and try to depict them in three-dimensional format. Of course, this should take a lot of time for experienced artists, but! You should not throw pencil and paper in your hearts: this does not mean at all that you are a mediocrity, just over time you will be able to reach a good enough level to draw not only geometric shapes, and not only on paper. Most importantly, don't give up!

By the way, about “ ... not only on paper". The fact that it is possible to draw three-dimensional images both on asphalt and on other surfaces is, of course, no secret. But did you know that in order to start this, without a doubt, a new level of drawing 3D drawings, you first have to make friends not only with pencil and paper, but also with terrible and unpredictable monsters After Effects and Adobe Photoshop?

That's the same ... but while you are in a panic remember how to use it all, or offer your computer a bribe in the form of additional free memory (unfortunately, the technician does not take cookies) , I will give an approximate algorithm for performing a three-dimensional drawing on, attention, - asphalt.

3D drawing algorithm on asphalt

  1. First, we collect money and go for a walk around the city in search of inspiration ( no, it's not about pretty brunettes with blondes and not about brutal macho with cute nerds, but about the estimated location of your drawing). Found it? We click the place a certain number of times on your mobile phone. If the phone is equipped with a completely sad camera (or not equipped at all), we remember the place and fly home - behind a fotik.
  2. Secondly, being in the same place (if you left - come back now) and think what exactly and how will you portray... We include imagination and look at what happened. Mentally, of course.
  3. Coming home and poking a hot seagull ( coffee, chocolate, uzvar, mineral water, kefir), we sit down at our beloved PC and, holding our breath, load the photos into Photoshop (also known as Adobe Photoshop).
  4. Further work in the program itself: insert a picture or a word (preferably censored - agree, it will be somehow tasteless if the streets are decorated with completely unacceptable words), then apply filters.
  5. Now squeeze the window " Correcting perspective"And make the perspective we mentioned so that so that the grid covers our image entirelyand then transfer (exporting) what came out in the program under the code name After Effects.
  6. Of the three files that we get as a result (namely: vpe, 3ds and png), - choose the most readable - png... After all, this is how our image will look from above.
  7. And finally, we print the previous file, make a scale grid ( for our "place of work") and forward with a song. Drawings on the asphalt, as you know, are made either with crayons or spray paints. As for me, aerosol paints last longer, and considering how long you spend on the image of a three-dimensional drawing on the pavement, it is unlikely that you will be fun from the fact that it was washed away by the evening rain.

That's it. Go for it!

20.07.2015 19.11.2019 by Ma [email protected]

It is very fashionable to learn how to make 3d drawings today. However, everything is not so simple here. To create such masterpieces, you need not only special artistic skills, but also an understanding of the nuances of the play of light and shadow, as well as originality and creative fiction. However, it is quite possible to learn some secrets of the image of such pictures.

How to draw 3d drawings on paper?

The first thing to understand is that the 3d effect is achieved through volumes and shadows, so you will have to work hard to create realistic objects. First of all, you should learn how to draw volume.
Try to depict a cube, cone, or ball. This will take a significant amount of time at first, but gradually the process will speed up. Then practice reflecting the play of shadow and light in the drawing. 3D 3D objects cast a shadow defined by the light source. Therefore, before starting work, carefully study the object that you plan to draw - features of its shape, volume, light and direction of the shadow. Let's try to create 3d drawings on paper in stages using the example of the following composition.

Create a sketch.

To depict the illusion of cubes standing on top of each other, we need a sheet of white paper. Its format will depend on the expected size of the future schematic design. You also need a simple pencil, ruler and eraser. If you plan to create a color illusion, then prepare watercolors or felt-tip pens. So, let's figure out how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper. On on a white piece of paper prepared for work, draw a grid of squares, each side of which is one centimeter. These squares will help us create a neat drawing later on. Use light pressure so that you can easily erase all unnecessary details at the end of the job.

Let's start by drawing the first cube. It is highlighted in red in the figure. Draw a vertical line two squares long. From the bottom base of the line in opposite directions, draw two short, diagonal lines, one square in size. You should now have an arrow pointing down. Now, from the top end of the vertical line, draw two lines diagonally of two squares in different directions: right up and left up. Next, draw a line from the right line to the left by one diagonal, and from the left line to the right. Then direct the line segments diagonally downward. Here they should close.

We apply shading.

We continue to design unusual 3d drawings. Learn to draw shadows. Finish the image of the rest of the cubes. To do this, draw exactly the same above and below the first shape. We continue the rows on the right and left with the same cubes, only we shift them three cells to the side and two down. The very last row of shapes should be drawn by completing the even rhombus on the top of the square. Now, using simple techniques, we will depict the shadow. Leave the top sides of the cubes unchanged. Color the end sides as follows. Shade all the right sides with a simple pencil or felt-tip pen completely. Shade the left side along with vertical stripes.

Try to make the shadows subtle to give the pictures a reality. Now if you have drawn 3d drawings with a pencil on paper, you can use another technique. Take a small piece of paper, wrinkle it and rub it against the darkest background, shading the shadow. Use a different technique to add extra light. Erase the lighter areas of the design with the eraser. This way you will create a beautiful and real picture. Now you should understand how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper.


So, you have already mastered the basic image technique. Of course, to create masterpieces, you have to practice. For example, repeat another illusion using geometric shapes. This is a basement with a staircase. To figure out how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper, you only need a sheet of paper and a pencil. Draw a jagged rhombus with the bottom and top sides slightly larger than the right and left. Let's start by drawing the first step.To do this, use a ruler to draw a strip parallel to the right side. Finish it without reaching the back wall of the rhombus one centimeter. Now draw a parallel line near the top of the base shape. The lines must cross before reaching the upper right corner. Continue drawing the steps, drawing a few more of the same parallel lines, reducing their length.

Now we need to create a visual image of the steps. To do this, connect the upper right corner of the rhombus and the corner of the first row of lines with short vertical lines. Next, we connect the second and third row of stripes, and then the fourth and fifth. It remains to create the illusion of light and shadow with the help of previously mastered techniques. The side walls of the steps should be darker, so use a stronger pencil pressure. The back of the stairs should be light. We use light pencil pressure and highlight the steps with an eraser.

3D staircase.

Another illustrative example of drawing 3D pictures.

First step. You will need some stiff paper. Cardboard or something like that will do. We bend the sheet exactly in the middle. Draw straight lines in both directions at the same angle. The lines should mirror each other. Approximately 35-40 degrees angle.

Step two. Add steps.

Step three. At both sides!

Fourth step. Take a ruler and connect the top of the stairs with a straight line. It will be a shadow. We take a soft (even 8B) pencil and make a shadow. You should not put pressure on the pencil, the shadow should not be too dark.

Last step. Lift one piece of paper up and unfold the paper at an angle to the viewer. It is important to choose such an angle so that the stairs appear straight. Due to the shadow, it will seem that this is a three-dimensional drawing:

Watch the video here.


Now you have learned how to learn how to draw 3d drawings on paper. After mastering geometric shapes, you can move on to new images. Try simple shapes first - cartoon characters, birds, or animals. Then practice drawing more complex structures: cars, ships or architectural compositions. Don't be afraid to fantasize and experiment. Develop your own unique style by exercising day after day.


You may not be able to do everything at once. Start by copying other people's drawings. Before painting a new painting, carefully examine the sample. Pay attention to the play of light and shadow. Knowing how to depict different shades is a basic skill required for 3d technology. Draw daily, constantly experiment, mastering new techniques and ways of drawing. Very soon you will see that your illusion paintings begin to come to life and take on a life of their own.

To be continued…

I pulled these cubes out of this picture, which I just found on the Internet. Here she is.

Another way to translate 3D drawings.

If you have a large or complex drawing, it is better to place the screen somehow horizontally, so that it is more convenient to translate it or use the following method.

And the next way is that the finished 3d drawing must first be printed, and then translated from it (according to the same principle).

The disadvantage of this method is that you need to print the 3d drawing itself. The advantage is that in this way it is more convenient to "glass" and the transmission quality will be better.

This method is more suitable for people who are engaged in or want to do 3d drawings more professionally and even create.

And that's all for me. Those who want to get 3D drawings (for trial) write in the comments.

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Good luck to you, good drawings, bye ...

In this post, I will talk about the principles of creating 3d drawings on asphalt and not only on it. The word asphalt means a horizontal plane on which we walk every day, it can be concrete and a wooden base, glass and even sand, yes, now there is such a 3d drawing on the sand... It just so happened that we began to call him "on the asphalt", apparently because in childhood we said: "Drawing with chalk on the asphalt",although they were often painted more on concrete, it is possible that the word concrete does not sound. Abroad in literal translation- 3d street paintingin English. 3d street painting.

Many of you who are now reading this article are already familiar with this a kind of street art from photographs that were found on the Internet, or maybe even one of you saw 3d drawings live, or maybe even tried to create it with his own hands, and most likely wondered, how street artists seek 3d effect?
I am sure that some of you have already exclaimed: "Whoa, what's the secret!? ... This is an elementary plane projection! "And they will be right. I would clarify that this is a projection + perspective, although of course the concept projections cannot be split from perspectives, these are interacting concepts.

So where does work begin on 3d pattern? And the work begins, like all artists, with the definition of the plot and the development of a sketch, which depends on the size of the site on which it will be performed picture... How does the plot depend on the size of the site, you ask?

To do this, you need to understand that the drawing on the asphalt is a projection onto a plane that is at an angle to us and has its own perspective reduction, and if you decide to depict an object that is larger than human growth, suppose an adult bear attacking a person who will be the person being photographed, then such picture we will stretch for many meters, this is provided that the height at the point of inspection from which a person looks at the drawing is equal to the average height of a person. Therefore, sometimes artists can use a combination of a plane under their feet and a wall, or even two walls, in which three and four planes (floor, ceiling and two walls) are involved - the corner part of the room.

In this image, you can see how the image is resized when projected onto a plane by the line of sight. And the sharper the angle of the line of sight to the plane of the asphalt, the more elongated our drawing will be.
Yes, everyone knew it without you, come on!

After you have decided on the sketch, you need to transfer it to the plane in our case asphalt. How can this be done?
Some of you have already exclaimed, yes with the help of a projector! Yes, I will answer, you can also use a projector, but there is one small condition,pictureyou need to perform during one daylight hours, as this can happen, let's say onfestival, in which the process of using the projector becomes impossible - the projected image is simply not visible in bright light. So how!? ...

To do this, I will introduce you a little bit into the course of the subject. perspectiveand the way of constructing geometric objects in space architect method... Why geometric? Because first we need to build a mesh in space. This method is more familiar artists and architects relevant educational institutions, although someone came across the basics in the subject of drawing.

From the point of view 3d drawing should look exactly like your sketch.

At the same time, on the asphalt, the apple drawing will look like this (top view). It can be seen how the pattern is deformed on the plane, so on 3d drawing or as it can also be called anamorphic drawing,not to be confused with amorphous! :) you need to look from only one point.
The diagram shows the human field of view is prbl. 120 °.

The point of view for the viewer is indicated by such a sign (which I use) or by any other one that makes it clear to the person that it is necessary to be and shoot exactly here and in this direction. So what you need to look for for high-quality photography is just such a sign.

A couple of pictures to understand how much the drawing changes in size.
On this a photo through the camera lens from the designated viewing point.

That's how picture transforms (view from the back side)
The drawn sewer manhole, which looks from the point of inspection (where the tripod stands) as a round lying pancake, the width of which is almost twice the length, in fact has the shape of an elongated oval, which has opposite values \u200b\u200b- the length is greater than the width.

An example of using two planes for 3d drawing

What does the deformation look like? drawingand from another point of view.

First you need to set the size of the rectangular area that will capture yourdrawing on the pavement and define perspective scale, namely length and width scale... To do this, on a sheet of paper you need to outline the horizon and draw a line H parallel to the horizon, this line is the edge of the picture plane in our drawing to which we will still reach, on the asphalt this line is the edge of a rectangular grid, which will be divided into squares 50x50 cm in size.

This size is set by the artist arbitrarily, depending on the complexity of the image, according to the principle, the more details, the smaller the squares - for a more accurate determination of the position of the lines in the drawing.
We all remember that the horizon passes at the level of a person's eyes, provided that the line of sight of the person looking at this figure is at the same height, that is, roughly speaking, if these figures are of the same height. And of course, if someone is higher or lower, our horizon line changes.

Thus, knowing the height of a person (take an average height of 170 cm), we can set the footage on the picture plane, that is, on the line H.
Next, draw the centerline, which is at an angle of 90° to the edge of the plane of the sky, in this case to the line H.

For convenience, I divide meter segments into floors and connect to a point P on the horizon thus obtainingvanishing point P and the scale of the length of the segments, which we have equal to 50 cm.

Now the main thing, we need to define width scale or you can also say depth scale piece 50cm long. Simply put, we need to determine how visually our mesh will shrink in perspective, laid on the asphalt. I recommend initially stocking up on a larger paper size for the drawing.

We set the distance to the main point of inspection (from which the public will take pictures3d drawing) that is, to the edge of your drawing (or rather, to the edge of your future grid on the asphalt) I set 2 meters, the artist arbitrarily sets the distance that he needs, but I don't think it makes sense to make it less than 1.5 meters.
On the centerline of our drawing, from the edge of the picture plane, what the line is H , we postpone the distance of 2 meters, as a result, getting a segment C N.This point itself Ndoes not play a role for the further construction of the drawing.

Next, we need to get a remote point D1 on the horizon from which the beam will cross the plane of the sky at an angle of 45 °, at the point C,this will help us determine the top of the square. To do this, we set the distance twice the height of the human figure, since the figure is the object from which we are measuring. Why 2 times from the plane of the sky? The reason is in the structure of the human eye, the angle of capture in width is greater than in height. For a more or less normal, not distorted perception, we need to be at a distance from the object twice its height)

Thus, we get the point Q (we will not need it on the site). From the main vanishing point P postpone (using a compass) a segment equal to PQ on the horizon, thus getting a point D1 and D2, most often it will go beyond the sheet of paper, so the segment PQ divided by 2 to get a point and four for point ... Drawing a ray through the points D1,C we get a straight line that intersects the plane of the picture at an angle of 45 ° in perspective.

Received point B1 segment BP is the vertex of the square, segmentB, B1 -sides 50cm long in perspective.

As I said above, the distance point D1comes out of a sheet of paper, for convenience a cut D1, Pis divided into four parts and we get a point
Using distance point keep in mind that in this case, the rays cross the side of the square B1, C1 at a different angle (thisin prbl. 75 ° ) to the picture plane. And to find the intersection point, the segment BC is divided into four equal parts like any other segment on the line of the picture plane, a straight line is drawn from the intersection point to the vanishing point P, from in FROM-the intersection point and will define the side B1, C1as does the ray drawn from D1in FROM.

In such a clever way, at the intersections of rays from a distant point with rays of contractionsAP, BP, CP, DP, EP we get a grid measuring 2 by 2 meters in perspective reduction with the size of square sections 50x50 cm.Voila!

The height of the figure of the person in the picture and the height of the beholder at the point of inspection is 170 cm, the distance to the point of inspection is 2 meters.
As you can see in the photo below, placing our apple sketch on the resulting mesh, 3d drawing from the point of view on the site should look exactly the same as on the sketch, i.e. without distortions and deformations.

Now we need to draw the mesh without distortion, this is our projection sketch, with which we will work on the site and transfer the image to the asphalt.
Our mesh is built on the edge of the picture plane, which is our straight line H, the grid will be parallel to the plane of the sky and perpendicular to the plane of the base, ie "asphalt". The size of the grid squares is still the same, 50 cm, in the drawing, of course, you have it in your chosen scale.

Then watch your hands ... We number the squares for convenience. Conducting a beam, I named it " beam projection ", from the point of view N,at the point of any intersection of our drawing with the grid, which lies in our perspective, I chose the edge of the apple leaf - it is on the line of our grid in perspective (the base of the square C2). Crossing our usual grid, which is parallel to us, the projection ray hits the point, which is the edge of our apple leaf.

In this tricky way, we find all the intersection points on our mesh. The points that fall on the centerline are found using the proportional calculation method.
To achieve a more accurate result of drawing parts and lines 3d drawing,the grid is specified by a smaller cell pitch.
We connect all the points with a smooth line, as it was in kindergarten once ...
3d drawingin the projection sketch is ready!
As you can see from the result obtained, the sketch is deformed. Now it remains to transfer it to the asphalt in nature, where you have already drawn the grid, sit and wait.

By the same principle, the image is built on the walls and ceilings. Here the fairy tale ends.
And don't forget that 3d drawing this is primarily a drawing, which requires drawing skills, color and composition, otherwise the work may not turn out to be effective.

Despite the fact that 3d drawing called a drawing, it can be made with paint, where, logically, it would be more correct to call it 3d painting on asphalt, but it so happened that we began to call him a drawing, let me remind you abroad is most often called 3d street painting,although sometimes you can find the term 3d drawingslike we have.

Three-dimensional paintings on the asphalt and walls of houses have long been a part of modern fine art. For beginners to master the technique of 3D drawing, plain paper is suitable.

The sheet is characterized by two dimensions - length and width. To give depth and volume to an image drawn on this flat surface, you need to understand what linear perspective, chiaroscuro and foreshortening are. It is difficult to create the appearance of the third dimension in a drawing without taking into account the position of the depicted object in space in relation to the viewer.

To create the illusion of volume in modern art, the anamorphosis effect is often used - a distortion of the projection of an image, which becomes proportional at a certain viewing angle. However, this is not a new technique at all. A good example of perspective anamorphosis is the skull in The Ambassadors, painted in 1533 by the German painter Hans Holbein.

The contemporary Italian artist Alessandro Diddi uses anamorphosis in his works.

He adds real objects to the photo with his drawings - a pencil, an eraser or his own hand, which makes the pictures even more realistic. To see the shape of an object, just the right angle is not enough, you need sufficient lighting.

Under the bright light of a searchlight, the volume of the surrounding objects is smoothed out, they are visually “flattened”, and in the dark it is simply impossible to see anything. Only in the combination of shadows and light does the volume of the things around us appear, which is why the logical transfer of light and shade is so important for drawing 3D pictures. Another drawing principle in three dimensions is linear perspective.

The basic rule for conveying volume in a 3D drawing: the closer the depicted object is to the viewer, the larger it is in relation to those located further away. This also applies to individual parts or sides of an object. To see how this rule works in real life, just stand at the beginning of a long straight street and look in the opposite direction.

Having mastered the concepts of perspective, foreshortening and chiaroscuro, you can start creating a 3D drawing on paper.

For beginners, it will be useful to use the following algorithm:

  • how light and shadow fall on him,
  • what are the characteristic features,
  • how the outlines change when changing the angle,
  • what simple shapes (cube, cone, ball) its parts look like.
  1. First, draw the main details of the drawing. After that, you can start shading to reflect chiaroscuro.
  2. It is important to break the process down into small steps. Upon completion of each, check how the drawing looks from the angle of view chosen at the beginning of the work. Erasing a dozen extra or incorrect lines is easier than looking for an error and ways to fix it after the work is finished.

What is needed

For drawing, apart from the table, hands and inspiration, you need:

  • Thick light paper and what can be used to fix it on the table - weights, pushpins, scotch tape, a tablet with clothespins.
  • Graphite pencils (hard and soft), plain and colored, markers.
  • Eraser or nag.
  • Ruler.
  • Table lamp.

Sketching a drawing

A preliminary sketch is equally important for any image, be it a comic strip or a decorative panel. The main task of the sketch is to outline the basis of the future work and determine the position of the figures.

For a sketch, it is better to use light strokes with a hard pencil (T or H), so that they can be easily erased if necessary. At this stage, you need to draw the main lines that outline the boundaries of the main elements of the picture and give them a predetermined shape. After that, you can start applying shading to transfer light and shade.

How to convey light and shadow correctly

Logical rendering of shadows is a guarantee of the realistic image of a three-dimensional object. The closer the light source, the lighter the surface of objects, and vice versa, also the darkening of individual parts of the object varies significantly depending on the shape.

For example, a left-lit cube will have a lighter left side and a gradually darkening right side. In this case, the border of the transition from light to shadow will be similar to a flat line parallel to the left edge of the shape. If you replace the cube with a ball, the face of the shadow will take the shape of a semicircle.

  • Carefully study the object before creating its three-dimensional image, to determine its features.
  • Apply the hatching lines in accordance with the shape of the objects and the intended lighting.
  • Apply shadows little by little, consistently. It is necessary to intensify the darkening carefully, afterwards it is much easier to apply an additional shadow than to remove the existing one.
  • There is no need to make clear borders in dark places, it is better to grind them using a special feathering or just a piece of paper to a single smooth shade.
  • The eraser can further lighten the elements.

Master classes for beginners

Knowing the theory, you can try to create your own 3D drawings on paper. For beginners, the best practice is to repeat someone else's work. Master classes will help you understand the logic of building volumetric images.

3d Hand

To draw a voluminous hand, use the "ruled" technique. This method is ideal for initial trials in creating 3D illusions on paper.

What do you need:

  1. Circle the outlines of the palm with fingers apart on the sheet.
  2. Line up the page like a student's notebook.
  3. Leave the lines straight to the right and left of the hand borders.
  4. "Above" the hand, bend the lines away from you, repeating the convex shape of the back of the palm and fingers.
  5. Bring all the lines brighter, color the resulting "lines" with contrast.
  6. If desired, you can add a small shadow on one side.

When looking at such a picture, it seems that the sheet is lying on top of a voluminous hand, wrapping it like a thin fabric.

3d Heart

To depict a voluminous heart, a ruler is also useful.

Step by step:

  1. Draw the outlines of the heart in the center.
  2. Line up the entire sheet, excluding the outlines of the central image.
  3. Curve the lines around the picture, creating the illusion of "indentation".
  4. Bring brighter lines, if you wish, you can color the "lines".
  5. Apply shadows, emphasizing the volume of the heart and the depression in which it lies.

If everything is done correctly, the picture will be perceived as if a voluminous heart lies on a soft striped pillow.

3d hole in paper

Contrasting stripes will make the hole drawn in the page realistic. You will need a pencil and a ruler, since all the lines in the drawing are straight. Draw a regular rectangle closer to the center of the sheet. If you place the future "hole" butt to the edge of the canvas, the effect will be less noticeable.

We draw:

  1. Connect the straight bottom left corner of the shape to the top right corner.
  2. Draw lines parallel to the two adjacent sides of the creased rectangle along the intended diagonal. It turned out to be one large rectangle with several small ones, as if nested inside each other.
  3. Bring the auxiliary diagonal brighter. The image looks like the inside corner of an open box, striped from the inside.
  4. Paint stripes one through one, starting with the smallest area in the corner of the shape.
  5. Decide where the light source will be. Apply a light shadow on the light stripes from the corner of the crease to the edge of the pattern, shortening the length of the darkening from the "bottom" to the "top".
  6. Feather shadows. The drawing is ready.

3d hole in the ground

As always, you should start by sketching the future hole. The more curves, the more interesting the result looks.

We draw:

  1. The contour should be elongated, since the illusion perception angle is about 30 degrees, the visual image will look at least a quarter shorter than the true one.
  2. Draw lines from top to bottom along the entire contour of the hole, outlining the inner "folds" in accordance with the shape of the hole.
  3. Draw all lines brighter, eliminating possible flaws along the way.
  4. Choose where the light will fall from and in accordance with the shadow on the "inner" surface of the hole, emphasizing the roundness of the vertical creases.
  5. Taking into account the expected lighting, darken the drawing additionally diagonally from bottom to top, from a solid shadow at the bottom to a slight "twilight" at the surface.
  6. If you wish, you can draw the texture of the ground around the hole, add cracks, stones and grass.

You should look at the finished drawing at an angle, along the inner creases, the dark "lower" part - closer to the viewer.

3d Steps (ladder)

Ladders are a great object for 3D images.

We draw:

  1. Draw a rectangle in the center of the page. This is the opening into which the steps will descend.
  2. Mark a point in the middle of the right side.
  3. Connect a construction line to the upper left corner of the rectangle with the mark. This is a conditional edge of the stairs.
  4. Apply vertically parallel from the bottom edge to the auxiliary line. The stripes must be different in width. The end face of the steps is narrower than the top.
  5. Now the stairs can be formed. To do this, close the wide stripes with segments parallel to the lower edge of the main frame from the auxiliary line. Close the narrow strips at an angle to form a broken edge.
  6. Easy to shade narrow stripes.
  7. Paint over the upper part of the picture from the edge of the steps to the upper and right borders of the opening completely. This part depicts an unlit wall surface.
  8. Mark a point on the right side of the shape at approximately ¼ from the bottom edge and connect it with a construction line to the upper left corner.
  9. Part of the steps from the new line to the unlit surface should be slightly darkened. Close to the wall, apply the shadows denser.
  10. Feather the borders of the shadows so that there are no clear lines.

How to draw a drop of water 3D

You will need pencils, white paper, skillful hands.

You can draw a drop as shown in the video:

  1. Sketch first.
  2. Details of the drop pattern (overflows, light reflection, shadow, water trace).

3d doorway (or dungeon)

To create the illusion of a vertical image of the opening, you can add walls and a floor:

  1. Expand the sheet with its wide side. In the lower right part, draw a rectangular part about a third of the entire area. Connect the top left corners of the page and the rectangle. This diagonal is the joint of the walls, the rectangle is the floor.
  2. Line the walls finely parallel to the edges of the sheet. The left side of the diagonal is vertical, the right side is horizontal. The walls are ready.
  3. Draw a doorway with a rounded top in the left wall, almost in the corner, so that the threshold falls on the junction of the wall and floor.
  4. The angle between the walls and the floor are guidelines for the logical location of the door. It should be slightly extended along the left edge so that when viewed at an angle along the diagonal, the proportions are aligned.
  5. Shade the opening parallel to the threshold, more on the right side.
  6. Add hinges and a door open to the right. The right edge of the door should be parallel to the junction of the walls.
  7. Detail the door. "Vertical" boards look good.
  8. Apply shadows. It is imperative to shade the ruled borders 2-3 cm around the opening and the door to hide the irregularities of the shapes.

Look at an angle of about 30-45 degrees from the lower right corner of the sheet.

3d Butterfly

One of the secrets of the illusion of volume is the cast shadow. The second is the changed proportions. The part of the drawing farther from the viewer should stretch along the line of sight.

The wingspan is not fundamental, but for beginners to master 3D drawings on paper, it is better to choose the option in profile to draw one wing instead of two.

The initial sketch of the butterfly is proportional, with the bottom edge corresponding to the final position. The viewer will see it from here.

We draw:

  1. Now we need to stretch the picture vertically. To do this, divide the sketch vertically into 4 equal parts. You can draw temporary construction lines in these places.
  2. The proportions of the bottom piece do not change. You need to stretch the picture starting from the second part - it should be lengthened by a quarter, the third by half, and the fourth should be three-quarters longer than the original.
  3. Guide the contour of the drawing, remove all unnecessary - auxiliary lines and the rest of the first sketch.
  4. Detail the picture, designate the pattern of the wings, villi on the body, draw the antennae. You can color it if you want.
  5. Add a shadow symmetrically diagonally from the bottom edge of the picture. Darken it completely, shade the borders.
  6. You can enhance the illusion by cutting off the top of the sheet at about ¾ of the drawing, leaving a piece of the wing protruding beyond the edge of the page.

3d eraser

An eraser is a small object, its 3D copy on paper can be copied literally from nature. First you need to equip your workplace. Fasten the sheet so that it does not move during the drawing process, set the lamp so that the light falls from the left.

We draw:

  1. Place the elastic where it will be drawn. Outline the outline.
  2. View from the viewer's chosen point of view. Mark three points behind the eraser so that they are above the top three corners.
  3. Remove the eraser. Draw the "upper" contour of the rubber band according to the marks. This will make the edges taper from foreground to background. Erase construction lines inside the shape.
  4. Put the eraser in place, see how the light falls on it. Outline the cast shadow and move the sample to the side.
  5. Darken the edges of the drawn gum, shade in the right places and enjoy the result.

3d falling man

A very simple 3D illusion - a picture with a man holding the edge. The trick is that the character is positioned simultaneously on both sides of the sheet.

How to draw:

  1. First, depict the figurine of a person stretching upward towards the right edge of the sheet. The upper part of the figure is almost 2 times longer than the lower one, as seen from above. Hands down to the wrists, no palms.
  2. Measure the distance between the ends of the figure's arms.
  3. Turn the paper face down, draw palms with fingers holding the edge of the left side of the sheet approximately in the middle.
  4. Bend the sheet in a semicircle so that the pictures match. If everything worked out, work out the details and color the little man.

How to draw in 2 planes

Very effective 3D pictures, executed in two planes. The illusion of volume is manifested by distorting the image at an angle to the fold line of the sheet and changing the proportions.

3d Ladder

You will need a fairly stiff paper or thin cardboard.

3d drawings on paper for beginners should be performed strictly observing all parameters and calculations.

Step by step:

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to indicate where the fold will be.
  2. On both sides of this line, draw a mirrored staircase with rungs at an angle.
  3. Connect the ends of the ladder with straight lines, repeat the crossbeams between them - this will be a shadow.
  4. The staircase should be brighter than the shadow!
  5. Bend the sheet and find such a viewing angle at which the staircase will seem level. In this case, the shadow will remain on the "wall" and "floor".

Volumetric house

Step by step:

Step by step:

  1. The biting mouth is drawn on one (vertical) half of the sheet. The drawing is stretched along the fold line and from bottom to top.
  2. The teeth are holding a straight object, such as a pencil.
  3. On the horizontally located part, draw the shadow cast by the object that holds the mouth.

The hand-drawn man does not allow to fold the sheet

Step by step:

Crawling snake

Step by step:

Secrets of drawing in 3d for beginners


  • In order to correctly calculate the distortions of the image, taking into account the perspective and angle, in the process of creating a picture with the 3D effect, it is recommended for novice artists to apply a guide grid to the paper.
  • For a successful photo of a 3D picture, the light source in the picture must match the real lighting.
  • Anamorphoses look more impressive through the camera than in real life
  • The best place to start is by drawing simple shapes such as a cube, cone, and ball. It is difficult to create a realistic volumetric drawing without understanding how the shadows fall on these shapes.

To start mastering drawing in 3D on paper, you need desire, patience and time, and ideas can be learned from great artists and just enthusiasts who exhibit their work on thematic sites on the Internet. Learning this technique will allow you to create interesting pictures and cards with unexpected content to the delight of the author and his loved ones.

Video: 3d drawings on paper for beginners

3D drawings for beginners, watch the video tutorial:

How to draw a 3D drawing by cells, see the video clip: