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In which regions were elections held on September 10. It’s clear: how turnout in elections in Russia fell. What should I do if I am away during voting?

Talk a lot and say nothing...

Report of the Regional Governor Evgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Regional Government in 2016

Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear guests! Dear friends!

The Belgorod region entered the landmark year 2017, symbolic for our people, confidently, with a good foundation for the future, as evidenced by the final indicators of the region’s development in the past year and five months of this year. All statistical materials for 2016 were distributed to those present in the hall. They have been repeatedly published in the media and speak about one thing: all social obligations to the residents of the region over the past year have been fulfilled, and most of the economic development indicators of the region over the past year have in fact exceeded the forecast.

But today, speaking with an annual report on the work done, I cannot help but note in this historical context another fateful date: we have been living in a new state – the Russian Federation – for 25 years. A responsible and important stage in the constitutional construction and state structure of the new Russia has been passed. Together we have come a long way, overcome many obstacles, acquired, sometimes making mistakes, unique experience, and today the gigantic leap that has been made is obvious - from the post-perestroika chaos and disorder a strong, sovereign, democratic world power, our Motherland - Russia, has been reborn.

Therefore, summing up the socio-economic development of the region over the past year, I want to step back from the usual format and evaluate the significant contribution of the Belgorod region to the formation of modern Russia over the past quarter century, and then, together with you, dear friends, determine the paths for the development of the Belgorod region in the medium term perspective, taking into account the upcoming next five-year election cycle. This is what we are talking about today.

So, the modern image of the Belgorod region is strikingly different from what we had at the beginning of our journey. Today our region is at the forefront of Russia’s socio-economic development in many respects, and is famous for its record achievements in industry, agriculture, housing construction, and the development of the social sphere. And this is the great merit of our fellow countrymen, who did not give in to difficulties, did not complain about fate, but stubbornly moved forward and selflessly achieved their goals.

Over the past quarter century, we have managed not only to preserve, but also to create a new framework for the regional economy, and to provide a developed social, transport and engineering infrastructure. We did not allow the impoverishment of the people, but on the contrary, we created relatively decent conditions for the work and life of Belgorod residents. Hence the conclusion: the task of authorities at all levels, or, if you like, the mission for the comprehensive development of the region and improving the quality of life of its residents has been completed. Let's see how it looks in dry statistics.

Dynamics of development of our region over a quarter of a century. The population in 1990 was almost 1 million 400 thousand people. Over the past years, it has increased by 155 thousand. And as of January 1 of this year, the population of our region amounted to 1 million 553 thousand people.

The next indicator, the industrial production index, increased by 3.2 times (?).

Over the years, the agricultural index has increased by almost three times (?).

Housing commissioning. In 1990, the region introduced 717 thousand square meters, last year 1 million 350 thousand square meters - almost twice as much. Including the commissioning of individual housing - previously individual housing construction was practically not encouraged at all, not only in our region, but throughout the country - last year the figure increased 20 times compared to 1990.

Important social indicators. Infant mortality: in 1990 it was 14.7 per thousand births, last year it was 6, and decreased by 2.5 times.

Student numbers at our top five universities. In 1990 - 18.7 thousand people, last year - over 50 thousand people, increased by almost 3 times (?).

How our intellectual and scientific potential has changed. The number of doctors of sciences during this period increased more than 6 times.

And one more very interesting indicator, please take it without any irony - alcohol consumption. It is known that in the 90s the entire country consumed at least 11 liters per person per year. In 1996, 1 ​​Belgorod resident consumed 8.26 liters of alcohol, in 2016 – 5.33 liters. Reduction by one and a half times. This, I also think, is a very important indicator, and we occupy leading positions here together with the republics of the North Caucasus.

On the other hand, how the place of the Belgorod region among regions has changed over 25 years.

In terms of population in 1990, we ranked 39th among the regions of the Russian Federation; over the past year we rose by 10 places - 29th place.

By volume of gross regional product, economy. In the 90s we ranked 36th, last year – 27th, and increased by 9 points.

The volume of gross regional product per capita is the most important economic indicator. In 1998, we took 36th place, last year – 17th place, an increase of 19 points.

Volume of agricultural production in agricultural enterprises. In 1998 - 15th place, last year in 2nd place after the Krasnodar Territory, an increase of 13 points.

The turnover of small enterprises is an important indicator that demonstrates how our small business is developing. In the 1990s, we were in 49th place, now we are in 19th place. An increase of 30 points.

Retail trade turnover per capita. In the 1990s, we ranked 40th, now we are already 27th, an increase of 13 points.

The unemployment rate, a social indicator, is very important. In the 90s we were in 23rd place, last year we were in 7th place, an increase of 16 points.

The next indicator is the population below the poverty line - according to it, in the 1990s we ranked 18-20th, last year we were in 2nd place, that is, in fact, we have the least population below the poverty line relative to almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

And a couple more indicators that characterize the social dynamics of our region - this is the cost of living. In the 1990s we were in 24th place, last year we were in 2nd place, an increase of 22 points.

Average per capita cash income per month. In the 90s we were 47th, now, last year we are in 21st place among the regions of the Russian Federation.

As a final comment on the statistical data, I will say that according to the results of the rating of the quality of life of the population in Russian regions, conducted by the RIA Rating agency, the Belgorod region currently ranks 6th in the Russian Federation. Ahead of us are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Territory.

And today, analyzing the path traveled, and most importantly, drawing lessons for the future, I will allow myself to note the key strategic decisions of the regional authorities, the implementation of which allowed us to take the path of social stability and rapid economic growth in the nineties and zeros. Among these factors I would like to note the following.

First. In the 90s, when the country was in full swing of economic transformation, which led to the collapse of the economy and the impoverishment of people, the authorities of the region were faced with the task of how, on the one hand, to maintain the standard of living of people, and on the other, to preserve and strengthen their hope for tomorrow. In this regard, two projects were initiated: firstly, to support individual housing construction, and secondly, a decision was made to gasify the region using the method of public construction. In a matter of years, the Belgorod region, the first in the country, completed gasification and 2/3 of rural residents received “blue fuel”.

The project to support the construction of one’s own home also proved to be very successful, especially in the conditions of barter rather than monetary relations in the 90s. Individual housing construction received priority and resource support (initially, as you know, in rural areas, and then in regional centers and cities in our region). Over the years, more than 14.5 million square meters have been built in the region. meters of estate housing, which allowed almost 500 thousand people, or every third Belgorod resident, to improve their existing living conditions or change their apartment to their own house, and this is our huge social achievement. Moreover, already in the 2000s we managed to switch to a new urban planning format for Russia – agglomerations. And no one has yet been able to repeat this experience. Having implemented these two projects, people felt that they were not left to the mercy of fate.

Second factor. A dramatic situation developed in agriculture in the 90s. The almost uncontrollable collapse of collective forms of management brought almost the entire village and villagers into a state of stupor. However, we were the first in the country to find a way out of this situation and boldly embarked on a radical reform of agriculture by organizing large vertically integrated structures. And today our agriculture is one of the most advanced in Russia, and in terms of production volume per 1 hectare of arable land we have no equal.

Along with the industrialization of agriculture and the emergence of large enterprises in the region, a project to support rural entrepreneurs “Belogorye Family Farms” was initiated and is currently operating, which today unites over 5 thousand family enterprises. And this project has not so much economic, but enormous social significance.

Of course, the basis for success in agriculture was our extraordinary decision to purchase agricultural land into regional ownership. We bought almost half. Thus, we proved that it is not private ownership of land that leads to the prosperity of the village, but rather the opposite.

Third factor. All these years, the regional government has been building a favorable investment climate, based on trust, transparency and maximum involvement of regional and district authorities in the implementation of investment projects of any format, as well as sharing risks with investors by providing guarantees, guarantees, etc.

And our efforts were not in vain: the region has never experienced a shortage of investments, and last year the Belgorod region took second place in the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Subjects of the Russian Federation. Our credo – economic freedom for entrepreneurs with maximum support from authorities – will continue to determine the main vector of economic development of the region.

Fourth factor. We understood that the region cannot be successful without the intellectual, scientific elite, modern universities and, above all, universities. That is why the decision was made more than 20 years ago to organize a development fund for BelSU. With the support of the entire region, a powerful state university was created on the site of the pedagogical institute, which soon entered the country's university elite and acquired the status of a national research university.

Other universities in the region are not far behind: for example, the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law became the first in the country among non-state universities, and the Technological University recently became a flagship university playing a key role in the development of an innovative economy. The Agrarian University named after Agricultural University has significantly changed its external and internal appearance and has become a very prestigious university. Gorin, Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after. Putilin, Regional Institute of Arts and Culture.

Fifth. The region's economy cannot develop sustainably without a well-established system for the reproduction of qualified personnel in blue-collar professions. That is why our region was the first in Russia to implement a project to create the Belgorod model of vocational education, the essence of which is the deep integration of the interests of employers, colleges and students themselves. And we have achieved the main thing: studying in our technical schools and colleges has become attractive and prestigious for young people, and enterprises in the region receive well-trained personnel.

Sixth factor. Nothing influences the formation of the mood and consciousness of citizens more than the state of the living environment. Realizing this, the Green Capital project was initiated, which is being successfully implemented to this day. This project has many subprojects: landscaping of publicly accessible areas, continuous afforestation, and the establishment of new parks and recreational areas. The “Green Capital” project appealed to all Belgorod residents. Just as there is no limit to the perfection of the habitat, there will be no end to this project. It is our given, as it changes not only the environment, but also the souls of people for the better.

Not limiting ourselves to the “Green Capital” project and understanding that for our region it is extremely important to preserve the natural environment and ecological balance, which have been greatly deformed over the past centuries and decades, especially with regard to soil fertility, the Concept of Basin Environmental Management and the Biologization of Agriculture Program were developed in the region . The first years of their implementation yielded encouraging results: for the first time in the last few centuries, the degradation of our main wealth - black soil - has been stopped. This is an extremely important result for the present and future generations of residents of the region.

Seventh factor. A special approach in the Belgorod region has also been developed in road construction. Thus, in the 2000s, a program was implemented to pave all streets in all settlements of the region. Thanks to this program, tens of thousands of households received paved roads. Their length was 9175 kilometers. This project received the warm support of the region's residents, and only those who lived in conditions of rural roadlessness can truly appreciate its significance.

Eighth factor. In the years of radical changes that we have experienced, it has been more important than ever to preserve the spiritual and moral code of society and not to lose the cultural values ​​of the people. I believe that we have successfully completed this task. Hundreds of cultural institutions have been rebuilt and renovated - clubs, houses and palaces of culture, libraries, museums, theaters, philharmonic halls, new ones have appeared and hundreds of creative groups have been revived. The Prokhorovskoe Field Museum-Reserve has become a spiritual, historical and cultural mecca of national importance. Hundreds of churches have been restored and rebuilt during this time, and we are grateful to the Russian Orthodox Church for their productive cooperation in the spiritual revival of the region. The fruits of our efforts are reflected in the ranking of regions by spiritual and moral state, where our region took 1st place in the Central Federal District.

Ninth factor. Along with the development of culture in the region, great attention has always been paid to education, healthcare, social protection, support for the elderly, disabled, children, as well as support for physical culture and sports, including high-achievement sports. Svetlana Khorkina, Fedor Emelianenko, and the Belogorye volleyball club became the pride of all residents of the region.

Tenth. An innovative approach was also demonstrated in the organization of management in all government bodies. We were the first in the country to make a historic transition from the old, situational management to a new project management model. This, combined with the transition to an electronic format for providing public services to residents of the region through the MFC on the “one window” principle, not only greatly increases the efficiency of state and municipal government, but also builds a new client-oriented type of relationship between the authorities and citizens.

I have listed, dear friends, the main, but far from complete, list of key areas of our joint work, which made it possible to transfer the region to a new, modern, competitive paradigm of socio-economic development.....etc. and so on.



On a single voting day, September 10, 2017, election campaigns at various levels will be held in the Russian Federation, including elections of heads of the constituent entities of the Federation, elections of deputies of legislative bodies of state power in the constituent entities of Russia and additional elections to the State Duma in single-mandate constituencies.

The elections were called in early June 2017. Regional heads who resigned after June 10 will be elected on a single voting day in 2018.

Whom we elect on September 10, 2017 - list of regions, the term of office if the candidates win is 5 years:

Governor of the Belgorod region:

Head of the Republic of Buryatia;

Deputies to the Barnaul City Duma;

Governor of the Perm Territory;

Governor of the Kaliningrad region;

Head of the Republic of Karelia;

Governor of the Kirov region;

Deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory;

Head of the Republic of Mari El;

Head of the Republic of Mordovia;

Governor of the Novgorod region;

Deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region;

Governor of the Ryazan region;

Elections to the Saratov Regional Duma;

Governor of the Saratov region;

Deputies to the Sakhalin Regional Duma;

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region;

Governor of Sevastopol;

Elections to the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania;

Governor of the Tomsk region;

Elections to the State Council of the Udmurt Republic;

Head of the Udmurt Republic;

Governor of the Yaroslavl region

Additional elections to the State Duma in single-mandate constituencies are held from two constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in the Bryansk and Leningrad regions. Thus, on September 10, 2017, elections will be held at polling stations in 25 regions.

A citizen of the Russian Federation registered in that region, city or village who is 18 years old by voting day has the right to vote in the elections that will be held on this day in a specific region, city or village.

What hours are polling stations open?

In the Perm region and Karelia, sites will be open from 8:00 to 22:00, in the Kaliningrad region - from 7:00 to 21:00

How many ballots will there be and how to fill them out correctly

The number of ballots depends on how many elections of different levels are taking place simultaneously in your precinct.

To receive a ballot, you need a passport or an equivalent document. Each voter has the right to receive a ballot and fills it out in a booth equipped for secret voting. When filling out a ballot, a tick or other sign is placed in the square relating to the candidate or party list. If the ballot does not have marks in the boxes opposite the names of candidates or parties, or if it contains more marks than allowed, it is considered invalid. Such ballots will be counted toward the total number of votes cast, but will not be counted for any candidate.

What happens if you spoil your ballot?

If you did not spoil the ballot intentionally, you can contact the commission members with a request to issue a new form. A spoiled ballot is immediately canceled (the lower left corner is cut off) and the voter is issued a new one. A spoiled ballot is not taken into account when counting votes. Ballots of “unspecified form” are also not taken into account. These are torn forms found in voting boxes or those that do not have a seal, stamp, or signatures of two commission members.

The presence of any inscriptions or drawings made by the voter on the ballot outside the voting boxes does not matter.

This year, in 20 regions where governors or deputies of legislative assemblies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are elected, a new system will be tested to replace absentee ballots. These are the republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Mari El, Mordovia, North Ossetia, Udmurtia, Krasnodar and Perm territories, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kirov, Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Saratov, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Yaroslavl regions and the city of Sevastopol.

In these regions, instead of receiving absentee ballots, voters now need to submit special applications to the election commission in order to be included in the voting lists at a polling station in another city. You can "unlink" only within a single electoral district - the territory in which elections are held. For gubernatorial elections, for example, this is the territory of a federal subject. That is, you won’t be able to vote in the elections for the head of Buryatia while in Moscow.

The new system is being prepared for the 2018 presidential elections, when voting this way will be possible anywhere in the country.

You can submit an application to be included in the voter list where you intend to vote. 45 days before the elections you can contact the local territorial election commission, and 10 days before the elections - to the precinct. The application can also be submitted through the MFC or the government services website.

You can do the same at your election commission if you haven’t left yet, but you know for sure that you will be in a different place that day. Information about you will be transferred to a specific polling station, where you will be included in the list, and you will be able to vote.

The deadline for submitting such applications is five days before the vote.

If there are less than five days left before the election, and you suddenly decide to vote at a location other than your place of registration, you can submit an application to your precinct commission. This will need to be done no later than 14:00 on Saturday, the day before voting day.

A special stamp will be placed on your application. With such an application and passport, you will come to vote at a special polling station in the locality where you will be on the single voting day. There, a fragment of this stamp will be peeled off and pasted next to your data in the voter list, and the application itself will be confiscated from you.

Where will absentee ballots be valid?

Absentee ballots will be used only in two regions - in the Leningrad and Bryansk regions, where additional elections to the State Duma will be held in single-mandate constituencies. You can also vote on them only within the electoral district. The certificate must be obtained in advance from the election commission at your place of residence. It is issued by the territorial commission no earlier than 45 and no later than 11 days before voting day, by the precinct commission - starting 10 days before the elections. Absentee ballots will not be issued on election day.

In other regions where local elections will take place, absentee ballots will not be valid in either the previous or new form.

Manually or automatically. Automated systems ensure fast and accurate vote counting and eliminate the problem of delivering ballots and protocols from remote and hard-to-reach regions.

For this purpose, the Russian Central Election Commission has been using the State Automated System "Elections" (GAS "Elections") since 2000. When conducting voting, complexes for processing ballot papers (KOIP) and complexes for electronic voting (ECG) are used. However, in most polling stations, vote counting is done manually.

On single voting day last year, the technology for producing protocols with a machine-readable QR code was tested for the first time at polling stations. When transferring protocols from the PEC, the code is scanned and data on voting results is entered into the State Automated System "Elections" system. This year the number of sites where this technology will be used has been increased.

Since the end of July, the CEC information and reference center has been operating to advise citizens on elections. Questions can be asked via the multi-channel toll-free telephone number for calls from Russia: 8 800 301-12-09. Since August 30, it has been open 24 hours a day.

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Illustration copyright Alexander Ryumin/TASS Image caption Ballot boxes remained half empty in most polling stations.

On September 10, residents of 16 regions elected governors - in some regions elections of heads are being held for the first time in the last 15 years. In other regions, deputies to regional and local parliaments were elected. In Moscow, deputies to municipal assemblies were elected. In total, campaigns of various levels took place in 82 regions of Russia.

In 15 of the 16 regions where gubernatorial elections were held, turnout was lower than in the previous similar elections. The exception is the Sverdlovsk region, but the difference is expressed in one and a half percent. In 2017, 33.47% voted in the gubernatorial elections, in 2003 - 32.07%.

Even in those regions and republics where governors have not been elected for 14-17 years, voters did not vote very actively.

Residents of Mordovia set a record for activity - 71% of voters voted. Mordovia is famous for its abnormally active voting; the percentage of those who came to the polls is always above the national average. But the number of voters in the elections for the head of the republic now turned out to be lower than in the Duma elections of 2016 and in the previous gubernatorial elections in 2003. In previous years, 83% of voters voted there.

The anti-record was set by voters in Karelia and the Tomsk region - there, according to preliminary data, 23.5% and 22.56% voted, respectively.

On average, the preliminary turnout in the gubernatorial elections in 16 regions on September 10 was 35.39%.

According to preliminary data, there is no chance of an opposition candidate winning in any region; a second round is also not expected anywhere.

“This day was very favorable for our party,” said the leader of United Russia, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “But the most important thing is still ahead - both for the senior officials of the constituent entities of the federation, that is, the governors who were elected today, and for deputies at various levels."

No appearance required

In Moscow, about one and a half thousand deputies to municipal councils were elected. These elections were important for both the authorities and the opposition, since the nomination of candidates for the election of a candidate for mayor of Moscow in 2018 depends on the signatures of municipal deputies.

Opposition candidates nominated themselves for these elections. To counter them, the Moscow mayor's office decided to hide information about the elections from voters, the Vedomosti newspaper wrote. The Moscow authorities really hardly informed the townspeople about the upcoming elections, correspondents of the BBC Russian Service, the failure of the campaign to inform the townspeople about the elections was also recognized by the Central Election Commission.

As a result, voter turnout in municipal elections in Moscow as of 18:00 Moscow time was 12.1%. Local elections traditionally attract little attention, but even at the local level this is a fairly low result. For comparison, more than 21% of voters voted for deputies of the Moscow City Duma in 2014.

“No one fought for turnout this time,” Andrei Kolyadin, head of regional programs at the Expert Institute for Social Research (IESI), close to the Kremlin, explained to the BBC. “If previously one of the main principles was pumping up turnout to the maximum level, now At all meetings, conferences, meetings with the authorities, they said that the main thing is the most fair elections, without theft of votes and falsifications.”

In Moscow, the turnout turned out to be too dry, admits Kolyadin. “Probably, the Moscow authorities had plans for everything to go quietly and for their own people to pass, for whom they would calmly vote with the help of mobilization. I don’t know how much this worked out, it all depends on how those 12 percent who came voted,” says the political scientist.

Political scientist, expert of the Committee of Civil Initiatives Alexander Kynev says that an artificial decrease in turnout leads to discrediting the authorities and reduces its legitimacy: “In a normal election campaign, there is no other way to increase turnout other than agitation and intrigue.” The summer-autumn campaign of 2017 showed that “there can be no future with this system,” Kynev noted. According to him, the elections took place according to an inertial scenario; no one wanted to take risks. “The question of changing the rules of the game will inevitably arise,” the political scientist concluded.

This is the last major election before the 2018 presidential campaign. Russians were almost not interested in the previous federal elections for State Duma deputies, and the turnout did not reach 50%.

After this, the Kremlin became concerned about voter turnout in the upcoming presidential elections, and the current campaign was supposed to become a small rehearsal for the presidential elections: the authorities developed several ways to attract the electorate to the elections, including applications in the Mamba dating service, messages in Internet aggregators, and so on.

Putin himself has not yet announced his plans for 2018, but few doubt his intentions. Russian media write that the Kremlin would like to turn the elections into a referendum on confidence in Putin. The RBC publication reported that the deputy head of the Kremlin administration for domestic policy, Sergei Kiriyenko, sets the goal of getting 70% of the votes for Putin with a turnout of the same 70%.

“Presidential elections always take place with a higher turnout, and the head of state is treated as the most effective authority,” Kolyadin noted. “It is extremely important that in their desire to serve the territory they do not begin to drive various state employees to the polling stations under pain of execution and death.” In his opinion, the September 10 rehearsal can be considered normal from this point of view.

The Unified Voting Day has ended in Russia. Based on the results of gubernatorial elections, as well as regional and municipal campaigns, expert assessments were divided into two categories. Some talk about the “absolute normality” of low voter turnout and the “artificial hype” around it, for others it is an indicator referendum nature past voting and the true indifference of the population to the outcome of the elections. The “drying” of turnout, which was observed in a number of regions of the country, is also called one of the possible mechanisms for "running in" future presidential elections in the country. Details - in the material.

General Director of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications Dmitry Orlov noted that voter turnout rates in the current elections - "quite normal for local or regional elections."

“In some places, the turnout, according to preliminary data, even exceeded the corresponding figures for similar campaigns in previous years. For example, in the regional elections in the Saratov region, 46.03% of voters had voted by 18:00, while in 2012, in the elections of regional Duma deputies, the corresponding figure was "The same time amounted to only 36.54%. And, of course, it is extremely strange to compare the turnout in regional and, especially, local elections with similar indicators in federal ones. Different agendas, different attitudes of voters towards these campaigns are the basics," - explains Orlov.

United Russia calls turnout rates in the constituent entities of the Federation “absolutely normal” for any democratic country and comparable to similar figures in regional elections in France or Great Britain. This was stated, in particular, by Vice Speaker of the State Duma Peter Tolstoy.

Based on the results of the 2016 campaign, many experts are in favor of "naturalness" turnout, declaring that the “unnatural” habits of driving people to polling stations with the help of administrative resources are worse than low turnout and only “rape” the political system.

In particular, this opinion was voiced at the Election Night online marathon political scientist Pavel Danilin. “Who needs municipal elections in Moscow? These are people whom no one has ever seen, no one wants to go vote for them, so we have 10-12%, which is already good in such a situation. The more natural the turnout, even minimal, the more positive", - he commented.

Another political scientist, president of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation Mikhail Vinogradov also noted that the turnout in general was “quite expected and more or less natural.” “The regions have different traditions - let’s see what happens in Mordovia or Belgorod. But turnout is fighting with electoral tradition,” - he said.

Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Moscow Region Tagansky in Moscow Ilya Sviridov, in turn, is optimistic about the election results in the capital. In his opinion, expectedly low turnout in the elections of municipal deputies, around which there is so much controversy, “did not happen.”

“There was a surge in turnout. This is some new event, because Moscow usually sets new standards for conducting political struggle. Despite the fact that everyone is accustomed to scolding this second Sunday of September and voting day, the fact that the campaigning itself falls on the main month, when everyone is in vacations. Despite this, in many districts of Moscow it turned out to be a really interesting, competitive election campaign. “United Russia, despite all their political technologies, was not able to win as many mandates as they expected,” - he commented.

The municipal deputy emphasized that in some areas of Moscow the turnout was more than 20%, that is, higher than in the elections to the Moscow City Duma. “What happened in Moscow will happen in Russia. This means that opposition parties have learned to bring voters to the “terrible” September elections. New elections are ahead, in which the Internet plays a big role,” - Sviridov believes.

It is worth noting that not only the global network is singled out as an important and positive tool in the struggle to change the political structure in the country. The Minchenko Consulting agency drew attention to new and well-forgotten old technologies of the past election campaign in the regions. Thus, the authors of reports on “Politburo 2.0” called the experiment conducted in the Sverdlovsk region with drawings of apartments and cars at polling stations interesting.

In addition, Minchenko Consulting notes the positive experience of returning "against all" columns in municipal elections in Norilsk. By the way, the holding’s experts estimate the turnout to be “within reason” and “without extremes.”

At the same time, political scientists consider the main lesson of the municipal campaign in Moscow "drying turnout". In the presence of a campaign by an opponent targeting an ideologically charged and motivated group of voters, such technology can lead to unpredictable results. " Let me note that exactly the same lesson could have been learned from the 2013 mayoral campaign. But they didn’t extract him,” reports the telegram channel "Politburo 2.0".

The past elections in Moscow, in the assessment of many experts, appeared as "arid and abnormally quiet", and direct participants in the election campaign from the opposition announced a “conscious decrease in turnout” on the part of the mayor’s office and the Moscow City Election Commission. Such mechanisms for minimizing turnout, which were partly tested in the capital, can be used in the election campaign next spring, he suggested in a commentary Director of the Center for Political Science Research of the Financial University Pavel Salin.

"First of all, it's running in mechanism for legitimizing election results. Until July, the mechanism on which the Presidential Administration relied was one: the higher the turnout, the higher the level of legitimacy of the elections,” - he said. However, over the past two months, the “attitude” has changed, according to the new formula: “low, low turnout is not an indicator of the legitimacy of the elections.” "The most important indicator is the absence of serious intra-elite conflicts. That is, the most important selection that a candidate must go through is not the electoral one, but the selection among the elite. In this case, the elections should be referendum character and confirm the choice of the elite," commented Saleen.

This is what happened, for example, in the gubernatorial elections, when candidates who could concentrate the support of counter-elites were not allowed to participate in the race. This manifested itself, first of all, in the Sverdlovsk region and Buryatia. “This is probably how the presidential campaign will be structured if the election goes to Vladimir Putin... The authorities came to a strategic decision that, despite the growing demand for change in society, the risks of implementing such requests exceed the risks of maintaining the status quo. After the presidential elections, in particular, this will be projected onto the electoral campaign. For such a mechanism to be successful, it is necessary to minimize turnout at elections in large cities in order to so that rural areas and national republics make a certain contribution to the result of the candidate from power,” - the political scientist expressed his opinion.

That is, the trend of the 2016 campaign was to minimize turnout with the subsequent legitimization of the election results. “But there is one big problem here, it seems to me that the Kremlin understands it. You cannot automatically apply the mechanisms for legitimizing elections at the regional and municipal level to the mechanism for presidential elections. We have the same attitude of the population towards governors, especially towards municipal deputies; "to the president, it's different. It may very well be that these mechanisms will not work as effectively as they do today, even if nothing changes," - Saleen added.

The Moscow City Hall, of course, “ruined the image of the elections,” since “there is a well-established opinion that they deliberately disrupted the elections,” says Member of the Public Chamber Sergei Markov.

At the same time, he noted that the municipal elections in Moscow were almost the only campaign of interest abroad. Otherwise, in the West, in his opinion, there is no interest in these elections, since “they are absolutely sure that all the governors will win with a huge gap.” "So all this is happening, everything has the character of a referendum", - he thinks.

The opposition traditionally points out the shortcomings of the past election campaign. The parliamentary systemic opposition declares the need electoral system changes.

Vice Speaker of the State Duma Olga Epifanova noted a significant “cultivation” of campaigning, but pointed out a number of problems in municipal elections. In particular, the deputy from A Just Russia did not agree with the thesis about the smaller role of “administrative resources” in these elections.

“Any administrative pressure that is applied to people makes the elections even more dark. People are already tired, people are indifferent, they have a clear, stereotypical opinion that nothing depends on them, and this opinion, multiplied by the testimony of friends, that they are being persecuted and forced to vote, makes them forget about voting, as if it were a shock,” Epifanova commented.

She called “postponing voting day to September” a big mistake. “People want to get the last rays of the sun, cook something, communicate with nature,” - the deputy emphasized. In her opinion, holding elections in March would be optimal. She also added that people are “insanely annoyed” by the lack of “counts against everyone”.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is confident that the country will face “profanation” in the presidential elections if adjustments to the electoral legislation are not adopted. “We are working for the future, but the authorities must clearly understand that with such a turnout, with such approaches to electoral legislation, with the reluctance to change the political rules that have been established, there will be no serious success either in the presidential elections or in others. It will simply be profanation ", - stated Deputy Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Yuri Afonin.

Political scientists, by the way, believe that the current elections will be another a serious challenge for the Communist Party.“If the information about the “third place” of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is confirmed, this will be a serious challenge for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. This will be the second point. The first is the parliamentary elections, the results of which for them can be regarded as unsuccessful. The Communists made a strategic mistake several years ago when they did not update the party leadership, because the party leadership needs it, and the authorities find such leadership of pensioners without ambition convenient,” - commented Pavel Salin.

In his opinion, if the Communist Party of the Russian Federation takes “third place” based on the results of the elections, this “increases the likelihood that it will not be Zyuganov, but his potential successor, who will be the communist candidate for the presidential election.” “There is no other way, otherwise the party will give up on itself,” - added the expert.

The LDPR supports the idea of ​​postponing the elections to the spring. As noted State Duma deputy Mikhail Degtyarev, the low turnout in most regions in the elections on September 10, 2017 showed “the attitude of people towards these elections.”

“If we talk about the gubernatorial elections, then, judging by the results, they were successful and were of a referendum type. Obviously, the municipal filter that exists, the structure that was organized by the Presidential Administration and the internal political bloc, made it possible to create a campaign that led to results , where both 70 and 80% vote for governors,” - said the parliamentarian.

In his opinion, “we can safely put question of returning the appointment of governors after such a campaign."

And those who are not connected, according to some political scientists, by a “parliamentary cartel agreement,” even talk about the obvious failure of the vote.

So, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics Nikita Isaev called the elections “disgusting and disastrous.” “The presidential campaign is starting. If these elections were tested as an understanding of what the reaction to this would be in the world or in Russia, it is obvious that this is a failure... There is an absolute loss of public confidence in the electoral system. It doesn’t matter what level - municipal, regional or gubernatorial... Good , that they held such disgusting elections so that the next ones would not be so", - he stated.

But a political scientist “close to the Kremlin” Andrey Kolyadin still considers the campaign a “good rehearsal” for the upcoming presidential elections. “If we talk about presidential elections, then more people always come there. This is a very correct training that will allow the next elections to be held fairly,” - the political scientist summarized during Election Night.

Let us remind you that on September 10, elections of different levels were held in Russia. in 82 of 85 regions of Russia. The exceptions were St. Petersburg, Ingushetia and the Magadan region. In total, during 5.8 thousand election campaigns at the regional and municipal levels, about 36.7 thousand mandates will be replaced.

The exception is, perhaps, the city of St. Petersburg, where every summer, at the end of June, a large-scale holiday-festival of school graduates "" is held. Based on the convenience of holding festive events, the date of the holiday is set on the weekend (usually on Saturday) closest to the longest white night.

When will the school reunion evening take place in 2020:

In 2020, the school reunion evening will take place February 1, 2020 .

The evening of the meeting is also sometimes called the Day of the alumni, since the events begin “before dark”, in the daytime. But get-togethers with former school friends invariably drag on and end in the evening, and sometimes late at night.

What years (graduations) are found in schools in 2020:

According to tradition, graduates gather for the first evening of the reunion in a year after graduation and beyond on anniversaries, multiples of five (every 5 years).

In 2020 it will be:

* 2019 release - 1 year.

* Year of manufacture 2015 - 5 years.

* Year of manufacture 2010 - 10 years.

* Year of manufacture 2005 - 15 years.

* Year of manufacture 2000 - 20 years.

* Year of manufacture 1995 - 25 years.

* Year of manufacture 1990 - 30 years.

* Year of manufacture 1985 - 35 years.

* Year of manufacture 1980 - 40 years.

* Year of manufacture 1975 - 45 years.
* Year of manufacture 1970 - 50 years.

When university graduates gather for reunion evenings:

Unlike former classmates, former classmates hold their meetings in the summer. There is no single date for meetings of university graduates, so each higher education institution chooses it independently.

In 2020, this will be one of the Saturdays from June to September.

How do the meeting evenings work:

On the first Saturday of February (in 2020 - February 1), if you graduated from school last year, or your graduation is anniversary (i.e. a number of years that are a multiple of five have passed since graduation), you should come to your home school in person.

You must first find out the start time of the holiday events. Usually, an announcement with the date and time of the beginning of the ceremonial part is posted on the official website of the educational institution. Information is also disseminated through social networks where former classmates communicate.

The “heroes of the occasion” are gathered in the assembly hall, where a festive event is organized for them. Pupils who have not yet graduated from school perform in front of the audience: they read poems, sing songs, and act out funny skits “a la Yeralash”. The director and teachers give a congratulatory speech. At the end of the official part, former students are asked to get up on stage and say a few words about themselves and their beloved school.

After the ceremonial part is over, the celebration moves to the classrooms, where classmates gather separately along with their former class teachers. It cannot be done without gifts - it is customary to chip in in advance and give the class teacher flowers and a symbolic (and sometimes valuable) gift. It wouldn’t hurt to thank him for his work and years spent on you.

Homecoming evening is a time of memories, so you should definitely take along school photographs or photo albums that will help you remember the best moments from your school life.

There are schools that are tolerant of long gatherings of former students in classrooms with food and alcoholic beverages. However, you should not abuse such kindness, especially since it can be significantly limited in time. It is best to continue the celebration in a cafe or restaurant. The main thing is to take care of booking a hall or table of the required size in advance, since there are no empty seats in such establishments on the date of the meeting evenings.