
Tradition about historical events or personalities. Folklore. Traditions as the historic genre of Russian prose. About the properties of the kings and generous robber

The works of folklore non-bargaining prose, from the point of view of the people, are important as a source of information, and in some cases also as a warning, edification. Consequently, in non-ticket prose, cognitive and didactic functions prevail over artistic. Incoming prose has a different, rather than fairy tales, modality: its works are timed to real time, real terrain, real persons. For non-surrender prose, noticeable from the flow of ordinary speech is characteristic, the lack of special genre and style canons. In the general sense, it can be said that its works are peculiar to the stylistic form of an epic narration of reliable: Old people said ...; Old man dusttold me ...; I saw miracles, I seemed to me ...; Sayas if ...; My mother told ...; Here we have in our villageone woman ...; So I was myself in the frontier.

The most stable component is a character around which the rest of the material is combined. An important feature of non-ticket prose is a plot (content). Usually, the plots are embryonic (single one), but can be transmitted both compressed and in detail. Works of non-bargaining prose are capable of contamination. Sometimes plot cycles are formed - around the character or events. Many plots of folk non-discovery prose are typological, they naturally arose in the world folklore. There are also "stray plots" recorded from different peoples in different periods of their history.

The genres of non-bargaining prose do not possess the stability of the poetic form, which is inherent in fairy tales, therefore, they are usually determined by the nature of the content of works. The myths were characteristic of the Rannetrant Folklore. Traditions, legends, demonological stories are known in the classic folklore.

The thematic and plot foundation of non-surrender prose are oral folk stories - works, usually not containing fiction elements and decorated as a story about modern times or about the recent past. Oral folk stories can not be called actually folklore, they are a kind of "raw materials" for legends, legends, etc., which could be demanded as needed.

The problem of distinguishing genres of non-surrender prose is difficult. This is caused by the fuzziness of the most material, great flexibility of works. The general and characteristic feature of the folk narratives of an inset nature is inconstancy, fluidity of the form. They easily adapted to local conditions. The blurring of genre borders often led to the interactions of genres of non-surrender prose both among themselves and with fairy tales. The same plot could take different forms, periodically speaking in the form of fast, legends, legends or fairy tales. It is not by chance of legends, legends and especially fastching in the XIX century. Published in fabulous collections ahead of the fairy tales.

  1. Tradition

    1. Characteristic of the genre of tradition

Tradition is a story about the past, sometimes very remote. Tradition depicts reality in everyday forms, although fiction is necessarily used, and sometimes even fiction. The main purpose of the legends is to maintain the memory of national history. Traditions began to be recorded before many folk genres, as it was an important source for chroniclers. In a large number of legends are in the oral tradition and today.

Traditions are "oral chronicle", a genre of non-surprise prose with installation on historical accuracy. The word "legend" means "transmit, save". For legends, references are characterized by old people, ancestors. The events of the legends are concentrated around historical figures, which, regardless of their social status (whether the king or the leader of the peasant uprising) appear most often in perfect light.

Any legend is historically for its basis, because a genuine fact is always an impetus for its creation: war with foreign invaders, the peasant riot, large construction, wedding for the kingdom and so on. However, legend is not identical reality. As the folk genre it has the right to artistic fiction, offers its own interpretation of history. The story fiction arises on the basis of a historical fact (for example, after staying in this paragraph of the Hero of Tradition). The fiction does not contradict the historical truth, but, on the contrary, contributes to its identification.

In July 1983, during folk practitioners, MPGU students in the suburban Podolsk recorded from A. A. Vorontsov, 78 years old, a legend about the origin of the name of this city. Historically reliably, Peter I attended Podolsk. The legend expresses the negative attitude of the people to his Female-Inaemke (Catherine I), for which the legitimate queen was exiled to the monastery (see in Krestomatia).

Two main ways to create legends are known: 1) Message of memories; 2) Generalization of memories and their design using already ready-made plot schemes. The second way is characteristic of many legends. Common motives and plots go from century to century (sometimes as myths or legends), being associated with different events and persons. There are recurring toponymic plots (for example, about the failed churches, cities). Typically, such plots color the narrative in fabulous legendary tones, but they are able to transmit something important for their era.

One of the international is the plot on how the king was pacified by the wake-up water element. (His, for example, was attributed to the Persian King Cerks.) In the Russian oral tradition, the plot began to appear in legends about Ivan Grozny and about Peter I (see in the Krestomatology).

Plots about Stepana Rasin were also subsequently attached to other characters. For example, V. I. Chapaeva, like a rain, does not take any bullet; He is fantastically dismissed from captivity (diving into the bucket with water or floating in a boat drawn on the wall) and so on.

Nevertheless, the event of the legend is depicted as a single, complete, unique.

Tradition tells about the common, important for everyone. This affects the selection of the material: the topic of legends is always a nationwide value or important for residents of this area. The nature of the conflict is a national or social. Accordingly, the characters are representatives of the state, nation, specific classes or classes.

In legends, special techniques of images of the historic past were developed. Attention is manifested to the parties of a big event. General, typical is depicted through private, concrete. The legends are peculiar to the localization - geographical deritment to the village, lake, mountain, house, etc. The reliability of the plot is supported by a variety of material evidence - the so-called "tracks" of the hero (the church was built, the road was laid).

In Olonetskaya lips. Showed silver charms and admirals, allegedly presented by Peter I; In the Zhiguli, all vintage things found in the ground and human bones were attributed to the ruins.

The prevalence of legends is not the same. Traditions of the kings were extended throughout the state, and legends about other figures of Russian history were told mainly in the terrain where these people lived and acted.

Thus, in the summer of 1982, the Folklore Expedition of the IFSU recorded in the village of Dorofeevo Ostrovsky district of the Kostroma region. From the peasant D. I. Yarovitsyn, 87 years old, legend "about Ivan Susanin" (see in the Krestomatia).

Plots of legends are usually single. Consolidated (contaminated) legends could develop around the character; Scene cycles arose.

In legends there are ways of the image of the heroes. Usually the character is only called, and in the episode of the legend there is some one of his trait. At the beginning or at the end of the narrative, direct characteristics and evaluations are allowed to ensure that the image is correctly understood. They do not act as a personal judgment, but as a general opinion (about Peter I: Here it is the king - so the king, the gift of bread did not eat; Better Burlaka Rabotal;about Ivan Susanin: ... because he saved not the king, and Russia.).

The portrait (idle) of the hero was rarely depicted. If the portrait appeared, it was laconic (for example: robbers - silica, handsome, statute well done in red shirts). Portrait item (for example, a suit) could be associated with the development of the plot: an unrecognized king walks disguised in a simple dress; The robber is on a feast in general uniform.

Scientists allocate different genre varieties of legends. Among them are the traditions of historical, toponymic, ethnogenetic, about settling and mastering the edge, about the treasures, etiological, cultural and many others. It is necessary to recognize that all known classifications are conditional, since it is impossible to offer a universal criterion. Often legends are divided into two groups: historical and toponymic. However, all traditions are historical (already according to their genre entity); Consequently, any toponymic legend is also historically.

On the basis of the impact of the form or content of other genres among legends, groups of transition, peripheral works are allocated. Legendary legends are legends with the motive of a miracle, in which historical events are comprehended from a religious point of view. A different phenomenon is fabulous plots dedicated to historical persons (see the storytasy plot about Peter I and the Blacksmith - the famous FAQ F. P. Lordareva).

Video Tutorial Description

Tradition - genre of oral folk creativity, stories of historical content, People's historical prose. Traditions reached our days from the depths of centuries and retained the spirit of that time.

The word "legend" accurately reflects the essence of this genre. This is a story that is passed from the mouth to the mouth, passes from generation to generation.

Literacy and books in antiquity were available to a little, and to know their place in history, I wanted to understand events almost to all. Until the XIX century, traditions replaced historical literature, talking about the past and present in their own way. But legends do not reflect the entire course of events, they pay attention to certain bright moments of history.

Traditions often talk about the origin of this or that nation. Usually we are talking about some ancestor, the ancestor with which the name of the tribe or the people is connected. For example, in medieval European historical writings, a legend was common about the origin of the Slavic tribes. It stated that three brothers had ever lived: Czech, Lech and Fur, or Bear. From the first, the Czechs occurred, from the second - Poles, from the third - Russians.

Past in legends is usually embellished. For example, it is described that in former times there were not ordinary people, but giants. Therefore, human bones found on the site of the soldiers of Russians with Lithuanians or miracles (one of the Finnish tribes) seem to be amazed.

The robbery or Cossack Atamans in the old years have also possessed some kind of magical properties: for example, Ermak, according to legend, invulnerable to bullets, reversal - sorcerer.

They found their reflection in legends and real circumstances, but after multiple retellings, something that seemed uninteresting was forgotten, the missing details were specified, the heroes acquired new features, and the events are new details. As a result, the facts in the story could be distorted beyond recognition.

Almost in all legends in the center of any event, from the largest to small, there is always one bright personality: king, prince, robber, Ataman, General. This personality determines everything that is happening. Attention focuses on this person, and the events described occur in his will.

In legends on historical personalities, events can be described, well-known. For example, the capture of Ivan the Terrible Kazan, the conquest of Yermak Siberia, an uprising in Moscow against Poles during the rule of the Falseedmitry, the foundation of Peter Petrozavodsk, the transition of Suvorov through the Alps and others. Along with this, there are many plots in which various actions of famous people who are not known for archival sources are depicted.

Many legends are devoted to the foundation of cities and the development of new territories. These plots are often associated with the activities of any outstanding person.

Among the heroes of the traditions are often found robbers and silica. Robbers robbing, kill people, hide the loot, buried the treasures. However, it is not always in legends the robbers appear by villains. Often we are talking about noble robbers who have given up bad people. Among them are mentioned Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev.

Soldy in legends - always ordinary people. Among the Cossacks is the Cossack, in Burlats Stories - Burlak. Silacha superior to all physical power and usually does not have an equal opponent. Sometimes such heroes are endowed with mythological, magical features.

Due to the presence of fiction, traditions are often close to epics or fairy tales.
Tradition "On the conquest of Siberia Ermak"he tells about the distant events of the 16th century. The beginning of the legend is almost fabulous: "King Ivan heard, that the Urals lies the land richer that he was subject to". And since then there was no rest to Ivan Grozny, he wanted Siberia to join his lands, but as he did not know. The king was tormented by this question so that the Zalenor and "run to bed". The boyars could not help the sovereign. On the shoulder to solve this question turned out to be a simple servant. He suggested to the king of the person's name, which will be "brave and removed, who death is not afraid of who lightning will not hit and the thunder is not stunning." It was this servant that Cossack Yermak Timofeevich in the endless Russian expanses. Ermak arrived at Ivan-king, agreed to go to Siberian land and to win it for his state from Khan Kuchum. Since then, Siberia has entered the Moscow State.

Completely different "About Pugachev". It has no fabulousness, rather, it is a household sketch, where the dreams of the people about "their" ruler reflected - the sovereign from simple people. For this reason, in the legend of Pugachev, it acts as an impostor encroaching on the throne, but as a real Peter III: "He was only called Pugachev." But it happened that he was married not that in the Italian lady, not the princess "from our village", which threw him from the throne, and he herself took it. But Ekaterina II arrived and everything broke out in its place: Pugachev returned the reign of the reign, the colonel, which was badly reacted to the potential king, told his head to cut off, the Cossack made Colonel. And Pugachev sent her treacherous wife to the monastery.

And in Trade "About Pugachev"As in ledge about Ermak, the outlined events are very different from the truly visiting place. Real Pugachev was an impostor, his wife had no Italian origin. Ekaterina II was not his allied, and therefore the throne did not return.

Many legends completely disagree with historical reality. But in the poetic images of Ermak Timofeevich or Emelyan Pugachev, the reader sees the image of the Russian people, his autobiography. Traditions are small in volume, but a lot of people are guessed: both the original nature of the Russian people, and the attitude of it to the royal power, and the national self-consciousness of unity, and national certainty.

Traditions are impregnated with love for their homeland, they are narrated by the historical past. They are educational. The main advantage of legends is not historical, but a moral beginning. Thanks to him, the folk epic is relevant and valuable in our day.

Tradition - what came to this day directly from the depths of the centuries and therefore retained the spirit of that time. "Deadian antiquity deep ..." - so Says A.S. Pushkin about the events described in Ruslana and Lyudmila.

The word "legend" in the consciousness of a modern person is even more connected with fiction, frankly untrue history, which embellishes reality.

But in the scientific literature on folklore, these concepts have a different, clearer meaning. Traditions and legends are genres of oral folk creativity. Traditions are stories of historical content, folk and historical prose. Legends - stories of religious content. The differences between legends and legends does not make people consciousness. Yes, and modern science can not always hold a clear line between them.

The name "Tradition" quite accurately reflects the essence of this genre. This is a story that is passed from the mouth to the mouth, passes from generation to generation.

Literacy and books were available to a little. And to know your place in history, I wanted to understand the events almost every person. And until the XIX century, the traditions replaced the historical literature in common people, talking about the past in his own way. Traditions do not display the entire course of events. They pay attention to certain bright moments of history.

Traditions often illuminate the origin of this or that nation. Usually we are talking about some ancestor, the ancestor, with whom the name of the tribe or the people is connected (ethnonym).

There are many things in legends, what you can not read in the books. Past in legends is usually embellished. So, it says that in previous times, not ordinary people lived, but giants; Therefore, human bones found at the place of the Russian battles with Lithuanians or miracles (one of the Finnish tribes), as if amazing their magnitude. The robbery or Cossack Atamans in the old years have also possessed some kind of magical properties: for example, Ermak, according to legend, invulnerable to bullets, reversal - sorcerer, etc.

Of course, they were reflected in legends and real circumstances.

On the properties of the kings and generous robber.

Almost in all legends in the center of any event there is always one bright personality: Prince, Robber. Ataman, General, etc. This personality determines everything that is happening.

In legends on historical personalities, events can be described, widely known: for example, the capture of Ivan the Terrible Kazan, the conquest of Ermac Siberia, etc. But along with this, there are many plots in which various actions of famous people who are not known by archival documents or other sources are depicted.

Of particular interest to people's historical prose represents the private life of a historical personality. Bright, outstanding figures, although they differ in legends from ordinary people, but for some signs look like simple mortals. They have their own personal life, they can do business by no means heroic, everyday life, to communicate directly with the common man, etc. It is described, for example, as Peter I becomes the godfather's father of the son of a poor peasant, as one of the largest commander of the XVIII century. Count Rumyantsev catches fish in his estate, and Suvorov is joking with their soldiers.

Often, the legends are filled with irony: even great figures in them can be wrong, mistaken, perform in a funny light. This is another important feature of the legends: they not only enshrine historical events in popular memory, even if embelling, but also bring them to everyday life. Therefore, in the stories, in addition to glorified personalities and high-profile events, there are heroes and circumstances, unknown outside this area.

A lot of legends are devoted to how one or another city was founded and new territories were developed, as certain geographical names arose. These plots are also associated with the activities of any one outstanding person.

The names of the cities, villages, rivers, the lakes sometimes bind to some kind of event of a local value (which in reality could not be).

Among the heroes of the traditions are often found robbers and silica.

Robbing robbing, kill people, hide a loot, buried the treasures that no one can find. There are stories about whole robber villages: the inhabitants lured passages to themselves to spend the night, and then they killed them; Or in the afternoon they were engaged in ordinary work, and at night robbed.

However, not always in legends, the robbers appear by villains. Often we are talking about the noble folk intercessors that have dismissed the poor. Among them are refineed and Pugachev.

Soldy in legends - always ordinary people, representatives of the environment in which they are talking about: among the Cossacks is the Cossack, in Burlats stories - Burlak. Such stronghold exceeds all physical power and usually does not have an equal enemy, but in all the rest is the same as everything. But sometimes such heroes are endowed with mythological, magical features. One of the most famous heroes-strong - Rakhta (or Rahki) Raghansome, called so by the name of Raginozero village in Karelia.

Such characters point to the relationship of legends with other folklore genres, in the center of which is an exceptional personality: with epics, historical songs, fairy tales, folk beliefs.

How Christ Collected Bread

The word "legend" in Latin literally means "what should be read." Initially so called the lives of the saints, in which examples of Christian virtue and pious behavior were kept. Later, under the legends began to understand in general instructive and pious stories. And then just stories in which something unusual, wonderful, but perceived it as what happened in fact.

In the legends, along with people and animals, God and saints, angels and demons are valid. If the legend is drawn to the past, then in Legend, the time is not negotiated. This or sacred time - when God created the world, or we are talking about events that could happen anyway.

All what is happening in the legends is described and evaluated from the point of view of compliance with Christian life standards - how popular tradition is understood. In the events depicted in the legends, much incredible. But the concepts of "plausible" or "implausible" are not applicable to them.

In the legends, Christ or Saints are often descended to Earth and are unrecognized in it, rewarding the righteous and punishing sinners. Such plots are built on the contrast between what is thinking about the inconspicuous wanderers of a person, and those who really are. Punishment or reward follow immediately or promised in the future life, in hell or paradise.

It happens that legends echoes fairy tales. Their difference is that fairy tales are told for fun, for fun. And legends, despite the similarity of the plots, are perceived completely seriously, as a real case from which the conclusions should be made, extract morality.

The plots of legends were drawn not only orally, but also in written culture. Among the written sources in the first place are apocrypha. The basis of the legends and some biblical events.

Christian images and plots are often superimposed on the ancient folk beliefs.

The legendary plots were reflected not only in the literature, but also in icon painting. The most common type of St. George's icon is the "Miracle George about Zmie" - is associated with the legend, and not with the living of this saint. This is an image where the Holy George on the horse tramples and pierces the Snake's spear, it was so popular that it became the coat of arms of Moscow Rus, and then Moscow.

Legends and legends - a live genre. They surround us to this day. Folk culture is still an event that the events are scored, selecting what is most important. And the rumors that give rise and spread modern Solva, in the future they may well reach the descendants to amid stories.

The legend is created orally, having an epic prosaic story on the reliability, the main content of which is a description of real or quite possible facts.

As well as legends, legends were created with the installation on reliability. Their difference is that the narrative is based on real or fantastic facts - and how they are depicted in legend or legend. Supernatural characters for the genre of legends are not characteristic, they are always present in the legends. For legends of the Morder, as well as other peoples, the following signs are characterized: attachment to the place, object; Installation on reliability; Retrospectivity.

Conditionally, two large groups of legends can be distinguished: historical and toponymic.

The first narrate about memorable events and famous figures of the past. They are divided into a number of cycles: about giants, Mordovian tribal leaders, the struggle of the Mordovian people with external enemies, the campaign of Ivan the Terrible on Kazan, the baptism of the face, Raughty and Pugachev, robber and treasures.

A significant number make up toponymic legends. As a rule, they are based on a separate village, terrain. The goal of them is to explain the origin of geographical names. The distribution area of \u200b\u200bsuch traditions is usually limited to one or several nearby villages. Almost every village has legends about its founders, peoples and conditions of occurrence.

The legends, unlike other genres of the folklore, are not distinguished as distinctly from household prose and are not distinguished by structural independence and completeness. They are distinguished by their circle of topics and plots, installation on truth, the truth of the narration. No matter how untrue, neither the narration, the narrator always tries to believe in it. Therefore, first of all, he seeks to confirm the reality of the story with a special reservation - "Everyone knows about it," "So old people say", etc.

The plots of the Mordovian traditions of single-showers, they give the simplest scheme for the development of basic events. The tradition is rarely deployed, consisting of several episodes or motifs, such as separate narratives about the Tieste: election, board, sea care. Most often, the plot consists of one episodes, essentially, even from one motive. But the episode is selected important, culminating, which allows to reveal the essence of the event, the nature of the acting person, dramatic conflicts. There are also unmavable legends of the simplest type, having a form of a short message about the qualities of the hero, the time of his life, people who heard about his extraordinary deeds.

Often there are common motives in legends.

Traditions may be associated with other genres - beliefs, fast.

What is "legend"? How the word is written correctly. Concept and interpretation.

Tradition Tradition of the legend (Ukr. - OpovoDannya, it. - Sage, Fr. and English - Tradition, Greek. - Paradosis, on folk terminology - "Aweschism", "Folk", "Colevashchina") - "People's Tale", more precisely those Stories and memories that are not included in the circle of genres, clearly addressed: epic, historical songs, spiritual poems, fairy tales, legends and jokes. P. - The term applied to the works of oral creativity and by analogy to those transferred to the appropriate works of literature (monuments of ancient writing, set out a little reliable events). The goal of the People's P. - to secure the past in the offspring, therefore, in the relevant environment, it is usually applied to it with a known trust (as opposed to the fairy tale and a joke, they do not believe in). The number of folk P. is endless, but in content can be divided into several groups: 1. P. Mythical (see "Mythology"). This, in addition to the stories about the gods, are stories about the sky and his phenomena, about the soul and body, about the struggle of the spirits, about the unclean strength, about the souls of the deceased, about the folk saints like Frol and Lavra, Friday, etc. 2. P. Naturalistic: etiological legends on the origin of plants, animals, birds, fish, objects, or their properties, about fantastic animals (Phoenix bird, fire-bird, Leviathan), about wonderful peoples (one-eyed, p., Gogi and magogues), etc. 3. P. historical, especially numerous. These include P. Geographical (about locality names, cities, broofs: Kiev from Keea, Paris from Paris, etc.), about belly monuments (treasures, monasteries, burial grounds, temples, etc.), about customs ( Denate rites at primitive peoples, marriage, funeral rites, etc.), about genuinely historical events (about Tatars, about wars), about different historical persons (about Alexander Macedon, Napoleon, Attila, Veliaria, Columbus, Zhanna d'Ark), On the genealogy of nationalities or heroes (franc from the Trojans, Danes from Odin, Rurik from August, etc.), P. on minerals (for example, Herodos about the wealth of the North Gold and amber from the coast of the North Sea). Class struggle captured historical legends in their whirlpool, making it either the weapons of enslavement and deception of oppressed classes (feudal traditions about the Momomakh hat, about white hood, about the nobility of the kings), or the focus of attraction of sympathies, the aspirations of liberation and a bright future in the classes of oppressed (for example Peasant P. on Stepana Rasin, about Pugacheva, and others. Heroes of folk uprisings). The October Revolution gave rise to a number of revolutionary legends about the heroism of the civil war, about the red partisans, on the leaders of the revolution, about the Communists (Baku Commissars, Chapaev, Dzerzhinsky, etc. ), In the class-hostile environment, the counter-revolutionary P. (about the birth of Chort, Antichrist, updated icons, etc.) was distributed. Big Circle P., widely seized not only the USSR, but also the peoples of the East, caused the heroic personality V. I. Lenin. Folk P., reflecting the features of the production, domestic, public and class relations of different stages of the past, represent the richest historical source. Folk P. are stored in wide layers of the population, but there are special connoisseurs, people who are sometimes enormous memory. The most teller of folk P. is not an end in itself, but is happening at a suitable case at harvesting, gatherings, etc. The existence of folk P. occurs by the waves: then P. freezes, then under the influence of the socio-political push revives again. There are P., wandering around the globe (about the flood, etc.), there are narrow-local P. Creative process of creating P. takes today. P. is saturated our ancient historical (chronicles, chronographs, palee, etc.) and literary monuments (apocrypha, legends, stories, novels). P. serves as a rich source of plots and images of world fiction (for example, "Divine Comedy" Dante, Decameron Bokachco, "Sleep in Ivanov Night" Shakespeare, "Faust" Goethe, "Pan Tadeusch" Mitskevich, "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" Gogol and MN. Dr.). Bibliography: I. Texts of Russian P. scattered on the collections of fairy tales, legends, eg: Sadovnikov D. N., Tales and Traditions of the Samara region, St. Petersburg, 1884; Afanasyev A. N., People's Russian Legends, M., 1859, and Kazan, 1914; Shane P. V., materials for the study of the life and language of the Russian population of Naz.-Zap. edges, vol. II, St. Petersburg, 1893; Dobrovolsky V.N., Smolensky Ethnographic Collection, Part 1, SPb, 1891. The large material of texts and research on P. peoples of the USSR is in folklore magazines and collections: "Living Older", "Siberian Live Older", "Ethnographic Review" , "Etnograchniy Visnik", "Materials for the description of the localities and tribes of the Caucasus", "Etnographer Zbіrnik", "Izvestia Mosk. Societies of lovers of natural science, anthropology and ethnography "and others. Folk P. was collected and studied unevenly. SETTINGS: Grimm, Br., Deutsche Sagen, 2 Teile, Berlin, 1816-1818, 4 aufl., 1906; Danhardt O., Natursagen, Eine Sammlung Naturdender Sagen, Marchen, Fabeln und Legenden, LPZ., I-IV, 1907-1912; WEHRHAN K., Die Sage, LPZ., 1908; Paul H., Grundriss der Germ. Philologie, BD II, 2 AUFL., STRASBURG, 1901-1905. See also "Mythology" .III. Bibliographies of Russian P. no. They need to be looking for general bibliographies of folklore, for example: Brodsky H., Gusev H., Sidorov H., Russian oral literature, L., 1924.

Tradition - Tradition, Qia, cf. Running from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation a story about the past, legend. Nar ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegova

Tradition - In the people's ethical creativity, the story containing information about real faces and events ...