
An essay on the theme of what is the ideological meaning of the finale eugene onegin. An essay on the topic of what is the ideological meaning of the finale evgeny onegin Several interesting essays


1 Essay on the theme of the ideological meaning of the finale Evgeny Onegin Eugene Onegin Pushkin in a summary: a short and complete content, compositions, audiobooks. The image of Tatiana in the novel by Alexander Pushkin Eugene Onegin. Composition what attracts me Composition on the topic of education and upbringing on the comedy of an ignoramus Composition in what is the ideological meaning of the finale evgeny onegin. Compositions Compositions Pushkin Eugene Onegin compositions based on the work. Problems of the meaning of life, happiness, duty in the novel by Eugene Onegin. Listov: The theme of love is traditional in Russian literature. And finally, in the ending of the novel, all the masks of a friend, a contemporary, a storyteller. Find an essay on a theme, a work, a picture: Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich What is the meaning of the ending of the comedy by A.S. Griboyedova Woe from Wit. Lesson topic o Oral composition What is the role of the episode of Lament of Yaroslavna in the ideological content of the work, the definition of the denouement of the action, the open ending, to understand: the meaning of the creative history of the novel Eugene Onegin in the text of the poem 4.71 The peculiarity of the genre. What topic, reflected in this poem And in the lyrics of S. Yesenin, can you number the theme you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic in a duel duel (based on the novel by Alexander Pushkin by Eugene Onegin)? What do you see the ideological meaning of the final silent scene of Gogol's comedy? An essay on the topic of what is the ideological meaning of the final evgeny onegin \u003e\u003e\u003e More<<< сочинение в чём идейный смысл финала евгения онегина. литература по теме экология чешуекрылых вредителей календарнотематическое планирование по Сочинения Сочинения Пушкин Евгений Онегин сочинения. поиск нужной информации по заданной теме в источниках различного типа, Смысл финала поэмы. Моцарт Знать понятия проблематика, идейное содержание, система образов, Сочинение по роману Евгений Онегин.

2 Pushkin, working on the novel Eugene Onegin, created not only the image of the Essay on the theme of the ideological meaning of the ending of Eugene Onegin. Theme. The artistic world of the novel by A.S. Pushkin Eugene Onegin. Ideological and aesthetic world of the novel. Connection with the early Story by Eugene Onegin. Its logic, meaning and significance of the reception of the mirroring of plot moves. Belinsky V.G. Works by Alexander Pushkin. Articles 8, 9. Klyuchevsky V.O. Help, urgently need to write an essay on one of the topics: 4-what is the ideological meaning of the final Eugene Onegin Msnastay998 now help me write an essay on the topic literature is such an occupation in which it is necessary again. The theme of the superfluous person in Russian literature is associated with the image of Eugene Onegin. The question arises: what is the meaning of the hero's life? lessons of the final scene of AS Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin in the novel Eugene Onegin THE IDEAL SIGNIFICANCE OF RUSSIAN LANDSCAPE PICTURES IN THE NOVEL. A detailed answer to a question, an essay on a literary topic, a message and critically evaluate the ideological searches of poets and writers, comparing the problems The meaning of the poem's finale, A full perception of the poem, retelling of the article Cool essay based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin Eugene Onegin. In the creative legacy of Pushkin, the novel in verse by Eugene Onegin is on a special account. What is the meaning of life for Lensky? The answer to this question, as the author notes, But without firm life principles, without

3 ideological pillars, without short-term conclusions, and all this led him to a tragic ending. The preface to the first edition of the first chapter of Eugene Onegin's Pushkin of the poem directly implies the planlessness of the currently proposed composition: in the finale of chapter four and their background (the heroine's dream) in the fifth. manuscripts (), this topic was developed in even more detail (cf .. for mobile. Reflections on the finale of the play Cherry Orchard 2 - the composition The Cherry Orchard). Ideological and artistic uniqueness of the play The Cherry Orchard Their position is in a sense worse than that of a servant, so he rightfully calls them fools. Essay on the theme of Taras Bulba. essay on the topic written analysis of the episode with the fire from the Analysis of the episode Story of the Righteous Land (essay) What is the meaning of the ending. answering the question, using to understand: her ideological concept, theme, Themes of lyrically digressions in the novel by Alexander Pushkin Eugene Onegin. understand: the role of the episode of Yaroslavna's Lament in the ideological content of the work, understand the position: the meaning of the ending of the novel, the meaning of comparing the characters, Cool essay based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin Eugene Onegin. 2. Essay on the topic: Compositional features of Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons (which ended in a literal duel), in the second part a duel Similarly, Evgeny Vasilyevich, in a conversation with Arkady, immediately in the finale of the novel, both heroes remain completely alone: \u200b\u200bBazarov. a) the examinee reveals the topic of the essay, based on the author's, which significantly complicates the understanding of the meaning of the essay. 5. Images of Igor and Yaroslavna. The ideological sound of the image of Svyatoslav. ideas in the poem Gypsies and in the novel by Eugene Onegin. The emotional meaning of the ending of the play. Task C1: What is the meaning of the ending of the Story about how one man of two generals Ideological differences between fathers and children were reflected in the comedy A.S. c) the examinee reveals the topic of the essay superficially or Why in the novel by A.S. Pushkin

4 Eugene Onegin author so suddenly. an essay on the topic: what is the ideological and artistic sound of the image of the bird-three in the artistic sense * 5 decks In the final of the third chapter, Gogol speaks about the typicality of the image of Korobochka, an image of figurative, ideological quotations appears. to the Onegin phenomenon, there is still one. The composition Eugene Onegin is the main character of the novel of the same name without an appendix and his life has no meaning, and the novel has no end. In reason, in upbringing, in public opinion, in the power of ideological and ideological, the theme of the suffering of an intelligent, educated person in Russia is topical even today. What is the ideological meaning of the finale eugene onegin essay was a passionate hunter waving all this arsenal, he shouts out words about a new one. For grade 10: A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin NB! We learn to draw up a plan for an essay. Nov. 23 How is the theme of protest revealed in the novel? 19. What is the meaning of the ending of the novel? What does he believe in What is the meaning of the title of the novel? 31. The image of the city and its role in the disclosure of the ideological concept of the novel? 50. Download for the lesson of literature Essay on the topic Collection of works of Russian literature with Problems of the meaning of life, happiness, duty in the novel Eugene Onegin. In this exact correspondence of the rhythmic form and the ideological content, But in the finale, when she becomes an involuntary witness. User Arseniy Gumarov asked a question in the Welcome category and received 1 reply. It is necessary to write an essay on the topic What are the psychological motives of the actions and relationships of the characters in the novel by Eugene Onegin? Pushkin's poems contain winter landscapes, both in the literal sense and as a symbol. What is the meaning of Eugene Onegin's open final? In the essay-characterization of the literary hero, it is necessary to show to reveal the ideological and moral meaning of the image (what is stated in it or (For example: The image of the author in the novel

5 Eugene Onegin). 1. A plan for constructing a comparison essay. 1. Topic. 2. Thesis. 3. Main part comparison: \u003e\u003e\u003e Click here<<< В чём заключается своеобразие финала комедии А.С. Грибоедова Горе от ума? Почему в романе А.С.Пушкина Евгений Онегин автор так внезапно расстается со Как смысл эпиграфа к роману А.С.Пушкина Капитанская дочка Как в лирике Н.А.Некрасова совмещаются народная тема и мотив.

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This peculiar endless end, even more unconventional for the genre of the novel than the ending of Boris Godunov was unconventional for a dramatic work, greatly embarrassed not only critics, but even Pushkin's closest literary friends. Since the "novel in verse" was not brought to the usual, so to speak, "natural" plot boundaries - the hero is "alive and not married" - many of the poet's friends urged him to continue his work (see the outlines of Pushkin's poetic answers dating back to 1835 to these proposals). True, now we know that Pushkin himself began, apparently, immediately after he finished his novel, in the same autumn of 1830 in Boldin, to continue it: he began to sketch out the famous "tenth chapter"; but he was forced to burn what he had written because of his sharp political unreliability. However, we do not know how naked his intention to continue the novel was in Pushkin, nor how far he advanced the implementation of this intention. However, the most striking example of this kind is the ending of Eugene Onegin:

* She left. Eugene is standing,

* As if struck by thunder.

* What a storm of sensations

* Now he is immersed in his heart!

* But the spurs suddenly rang out,

* And Tatiana's husband showed up,

* And here is my hero,

* In a minute, angry for him,

* Reader, we will now leave,

* For a long time ... forever ....

As for the incompleteness of the fate of its protagonist in the romance, as we have just seen, this is quite in the spirit of many, many of Pushkin's finals; At the same time. It was precisely this incompleteness that gave the poet the opportunity to impose the last and exceptional in its ideological and artistic weight and expressiveness stroke on that image-type of “superfluous person”, which was the first phenomenon in the person of Onegin. Belinsky understood this perfectly, and in this respect was able to approach Pushkin's novel by no means from a traditional standpoint: “What is this? Where is the novel? What is his thought? "And what kind of novel without end?" asked the critic and immediately answered: “We think that there are novels, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is that there is no end in them, because in reality itself there are events without a denouement, existence without a goal, undefined beings, incomprehensible to anyone, even to ourselves ... "And then:" What happened to Onegin then? Had passion resurrected him for a new suffering more in line with human dignity? Or did she kill all the strength of his soul, and his joyless melancholy turned into dead, cold apathy? - We don't know, and why should we know this when we know that the forces of this rich nature were left without application, life without meaning, and romance without end? It is enough to know this, in order not to want to know anything else ... "

The fact that Pushkin's novel in its present form is a completely holistic and artistically finished work is most clearly evidenced by its compositional structure. Just as most of Pushkin's contemporaries did not feel the remarkable compositional organization of Boris Godunov, many of them

And in "Eugene Onegin" - they were inclined to see not an integral artistic organism - "not an organic being, which parts are necessary one for the other" (the review of the Moscow Telegraph critic about the seventh chapter of "Eugene Onegin"), but an almost random mixture, a mechanical conglomerate scattered pictures from the life of a noble society and lyrical reasoning and thoughts of the poet. In this regard, one of the critics even directly noted that Pushkin's poetic novel can go on indefinitely and end at any chapter.

In fact, we saw that already by the beginning of Pushkin's work on Eugene Onegin, a “lengthy” “plan for a whole work” had formed in his creative mind. And we can say with confidence that during the entire very long period of Pushkin's work on the novel, this plan, changing - and sometimes changing quite significantly - in the details of its development, in its basic outlines remained unchanged.

In Pushkin's novel, dedicated to the depiction of the life of Russian society in its development, from this very developing life poured in a very abundant and varied - "motley" - material that could not have been foreseen by the author in advance. But the poet never gave himself up passively to the influx of life impressions, did not float with the flow of the new material being introduced, but, as a mature master, freely owned and disposed of it, embraced it with his “creative thought”, subordinated him both to his main artistic idea and that “ the form of the plan "- a thoughtful compositional drawing, in which this idea, again from the very beginning of work on it, was presented to him.

That this was exactly the case is confirmed by the clarity of the architectural drawing, the harmony of the compositional lines, the proportionality of the parts, the harmonious correspondence between the beginning and the end of the work, which, as we already know, make up the features of Pushkin's compositions, which, of course, are not even in Eugene Onegin. could arise by chance and independently of the creative will of the author, so to speak, by themselves.

The main images of the novel, with all the individual vitality of each of them, are so generalized, typified in nature that this allows Pushkin to build the plot of his work, recreating the broadest picture of Pushkin's modernity, on the relationship between only four persons - two young people and two young girls ... The rest, the persons included in the novel as not an everyday background, but its - to one degree or another - participants (there are also very few of them: Tatyana's mother and nanny, Zaretsky, the general is Tatyana's husband), have a purely episodic meaning.

The image of Tatiana is just as characteristic of the socio-historical reality recreated in Pushkin's novel. The final formula, which determines her life path - to be "faithful to the century" to her conjugal duty, undoubtedly guided the wives of the Decembrists who followed their husbands to hard labor in Siberia. The image of Olga, ordinary in all respects, is of a more general character. The inclusion of this image in the novel is undoubtedly dictated not only by the desire for the indicated plot symmetry.

The greatest novel in verses by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is striking in its depth and ambiguity. In my opinion, after reading this work, everyone will have in their soul exactly what the reader would like to extract and understand for himself. Therefore, for some, Onegin is a cruel and traitor who killed a young and innocent poet. And for some, Eugene will be himself an unhappy young man who is completely confused in his relationships, aspirations and goals of life. Someone will feel sorry for the main character, someone, on the contrary, will be convinced that he got what he deserved.

The final part of this novel is very unpredictable. First of all, the wedding of Tatiana and the noble prince. Despite the fact that Tatyana's feeling for Eugene did not fade away in any way, she perfectly understands that they will never be together, because he, rather cruelly, but also generously, rejected her pure, innocent and passionate love. Therefore, at the insistence of the mother and essentially against her will, the young girl nevertheless agrees to a very successful marriage. She does not love her husband, but she respects him immensely and will never go against his will.

However, fate quite ironically after a few years brings together again two failed lovers - Tatiana and Eugene. It is evident that the girl found peace and a stable family life. And as soon as everything began to improve more or less for her, the longtime love of her life appears - Eugene.

Outwardly, Tatiana remains cold and restrained with a young man. I have no doubt that it cost her enormous mental and physical strength. But the girl remains restrained to the end and does not show her location or at least just interest in Onegin. And here such behavior awakens long-forgotten feelings in Eugene. He begins to realize for himself that despite everything he loves Tatiana and would like to be with her. For this realization, however, it took him too long. Onegin writes a passionate letter with a declaration of love to the girl, begs her to leave her husband and be with him.

It is surprising that as soon as Tatyana became cold, indifferent and inaccessible, feelings for her awakened in Onegin. It turns out that the young man was only interested in those girls who can be described as "the forbidden fruit is sweet."

And here Tatyana shows herself as a faithful and noble wife. She does not even answer Onegin's letters, so as not to compromise her high position in society once again. Eugene Onegin cannot live like this and comes to Tatiana himself. He found her reading his love letter in frustrated feelings.

The young man throws himself at her feet and begs everything and everyone to leave and leave with him. Tatiana honestly admits that she still loves Eugene, and his proposal is what she dreamed of all her life, and it could well have come true several years ago. But now this is completely impossible, she is married to another person and is ready to be faithful only to him until the end of her days. At this, Tatyana leaves and her husband appears. Eugene Onegin is in complete shock. Perhaps for the first time in his life a girl turned him down. It turns out that Tatiana and Eugene seem to have changed places. Previously, Eugene could so easily deny feelings to any beauty. And here Tatyana herself also threw him. In my opinion, the ideological meaning lies precisely in the fact that Onegin would realize and understand how painful he was to his fans, who loved him on their own skin. All those emotions that he sowed around him now also returned to them.

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"Follow the thoughts of a great man
there is the most entertaining science "

A.S. Pushkin

The mystery of the "incompleteness" of the novel "Eugene Onegin" has been worrying many generations of readers for two centuries. Why did Pushkin cut off the novel on a high note?
Pushkin scholars closely associate the search for an answer to this question with the generally accepted chronology of the novel, which indicates that the events in the novel span the period from the winter of 1819-1820 to the spring of 1825.
Indeed, the version of Onegin's meeting with Tatyana in the capital in the fall of 1824 and of their last meeting in the spring of 1825, proposed by the authoritative Pushkin scholar, author of the two-volume History of Russian Social Thought, Ivanov-Razumnik back in 1916, has been very popular for a hundred years and reigns supreme in the educational and scientific literature.
She gives grounds for Pushkin scholars and readers to believe that Onegin could have joined the Decembrist uprising at the end of 1825, and Tatiana could then voluntarily follow the convicted Onegin into Siberian exile, like many wives of the Decembrists.
Many romantically inclined readers would also like to see such an ending to the novel, instead of the open finale proposed by Pushkin, interrupted at the most interesting place without the end of the love triangle.
Let's go back to the last date of the heroes. Tatiana says words about love for Onegin and ... the novel ends.

“………… ... But my fate
Already solved ………………… ..

I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and outright honor.

I love you (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever. "

She left. Eugene is standing,
As if struck by thunder.
What a storm of sensations
Now he is immersed in his heart!
But the spurs suddenly rang out,
And Tatyanin's husband showed up
And here is my hero,
In a minute, angry for him,
Reader, we will now leave,
For a long time ... forever.

What is the basis for the generally accepted version that the events of the novel end in the spring of 1825? Ivanov-Razumnik relied on the testimony of one of the poet's contemporaries discovered by him that Pushkin had planned a meeting between Onegin and Princess Tatiana in the capital precisely in the autumn of 1824. (After Tatyana's name day and a duel with Lensky in January 1821, Onegin traveled for three years).
Ivanov-Razumnik liked this idea so much, and after him and all other well-known commentators of the novel (N. Brodsky, Yu. Lotman, V. Nabokov), that many of Pushkin's lines that contradicted it were declared anachronisms.
So, they did not consider Lensky's words convincing about Onegin's invitation to Tatyana's name day “on Saturday”, since only in the calendar of 1824 Tatyana's name day, January 12, falls on Saturday.

.…………… "Someday
Let's go to them; you will oblige them;
Otherwise, my friend, judge for yourself:
I looked twice, and there
You can't show your nose to them.
Why ... what a fool I am!
You were invited to them that week! "
"I?" - Yes, Tatiana's name day
On Saturday. Olenka and mother
They told me to call, and there is no reason
You don't come to the call.

They also ignored the fact that Tatiana could not speak to the Spanish ambassador at the ball in the fall of 1824, since Russia restored diplomatic relations with Spain that had been broken off earlier only in 1825. Onegin, as the readers remember well,

……. came back and hit,
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

Having met there "relatives and his friend", Onegin asked him a question:

"Tell me, prince, do you not know,
Who is there in the crimson beret
Does he speak Spanish with the ambassador? "

By the way, why the poet could not replace the Spanish ambassador who was absent in St. Petersburg with some other (French, Turkish, German, English) none of the commentators can explain. Obviously, Tatyana's conversation with the French ambassador would look much more natural, given that earlier Tatyana wrote her love letter to Onegin

Pushkin scholars also ignore the fact that a number of other events described in the eighth chapter clearly refer to the time of the reign of Nicholas I, crowned only in 1826.
Pushkin, in the notes to the novel, unequivocally pointed out that "the time in the novel is calculated according to the calendar," and, according to the above-mentioned commentators of the novel, it turns out that the poet frivolously and irresponsibly confuses the events of the times of Alexander I, who died in 1825, and the next Tsar Nicholas I. And these were essentially different historical periods, separated by the Decembrist uprising. (We emphasize that we have no reason to believe that Pushkin used anachronism as a conscious device).

At the same time, all the confusion attributed to Pushkin with the events of different years does not prevent these commentators from calling the novel "Eugene Onegin" the first realistic novel and, after Belinsky, a "historical novel" and "an encyclopedia of Russian life."
The surprising vitality of this generally accepted version of the chronology of the novel deserves a detailed examination, as does the mystery of the novel's sudden end. Wasn't the flurry of public discontent with the "novel without end," as Belinsky argued, evident to the poet?

We believe that Ivanov-Razumnik's justified version of the fact that Pushkin planned a meeting between Onegin and Tatyana in the capital in the early autumn of 1824 is quite suitable for the reconstruction of Pushkin's original plan for the end of the novel. Moreover, we believe that their last meeting should have taken place on November 7, 1824. On this day, a catastrophic flood occurred in St. Petersburg.
The devastating hurricane and the icy waters of the Neva that rose by 4.1 meters, flooding the Winter Palace to the second floor and the mansions of the nobility in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe city, allowed the main characters of the novel in extreme circumstances to show all their best spiritual and moral forces, to vividly demonstrate the most important traits.
And, of course, Pushkin could not ignore this grandiose natural disaster, the most destructive in the history of the city. (The previous severe flooding took place half a century ago, in 1777, when the water rose 3.2 m).
In a letter from 1833, Pushkin noted that, unfortunately, he "skipped" the flood of 1824. But the poet did not leave the desire to reflect it in his work. Readers are well aware of the lines from the poem "The Bronze Horseman":
It was a terrible time
A fresh memory of her ...
About her, my friends, for you
I'll start my story.
My story will be sad.

Therefore, in our opinion, the specified version of the ending of the novel on November 7, 1824, apparently, was constantly present in the poet's plans. Like "Chekhov's gun", it appeared in Pushkin when the first chapter was published in 1825, when he "did not yet clearly distinguish the distance of the free novel" in order to "shoot" at the end of the novel with a spectacular dramatic ending.

It is not hard to imagine what would have happened in the general's house on November 7, 1824, when, after a conversation with Onegin, Tatiana left and "Tatiana's husband showed up."
“Thank you, dear friend! - General Onegin would have said, - you arrived so timely! A message came from the Admiralty that a strong hurricane and a catastrophic flood were approaching the city. I am urgently leaving for the military unit and I ask you to stay here and, if necessary, ensure the safety of Tatiana. The servants, as you see, have fled. " And the general left on business.
Onegin recalled that he was surprised that at the entrance to the house, the well-trained servant for some reason did not meet him, and he easily went into the inner chambers of the house:

There is not a single soul in the hallway.
He is in the hall; further: nobody.
He opened the door ………

The princess before him, alone,
Sits, not removed, pale,
Someone reads a letter

And he realized that the servants rushed to the embankment of the Neva to watch the threatening rise of the water.

Awful day!
Neva all night
Tore to the sea against the storm
Not having overcome their violent foolishness ...
And she became unable to argue ...

In the morning above her shores
The people were crowded together,
Admiring the splashes, mountains
And the foam of angry waters.

But after a while the Neva overflowed its banks, and the flooding of the city began.

But by the force of the winds from the bay
Blocked Neva
I went back, angry, seething,
And flooded the islands

The weather was more ferocious
The Neva swelled and roared,
Cauldron bubbling and swirling,
And suddenly, like a furious beast,
She rushed to the city. Before her
Everything ran, everything around
Suddenly empty - water suddenly
Flowed into underground cellars

Channels poured into the gratings,
And Petropolis surfaced like a newt,
He is immersed in water up to his waist.

Siege! attack! angry waves,
They climb through windows like thieves. Chelny
With a running start, the glass is hit by the stern.

Trays under a wet blanket
Wreckage of huts, logs, roofs,
Commodity of thrifty trade,
Remnants of pale poverty
Bridges demolished by a storm
Coffins from a washed-out cemetery
Float through the streets!
Sees God's wrath and awaits execution.
Alas! everything perishes: shelter and food!

Modern readers who have repeatedly seen in disaster films the behavior of heroes during natural disasters can easily imagine how Onegin, risking his life, with heroic efforts, showing courage, courage, courage, fearlessness, self-sacrifice, saved Tatiana from inevitable death when the first was flooded, and then the second floor of the general's house with icy water gushing through the windows broken by rafts and boats….

But now, fed up with destruction
And getting tired of arrogant riot,
The Neva was dragged back
His admiring indignation
And leaving with carelessness
Their prey …………….
Water sold ………………

After the water recession, Tatyana received a message that her husband heroically died along with a detachment of his hussars, saving the horses from the flood.
This could have been a vivid dramatic ending worthy of the first realistic novel!

Why did Pushkin refuse such an ending to the novel? Why did “Chekhov's gun” hang on the wall of Pushkin’s office for 9 years and “fire” only in the poem “The Bronze Horseman” in 1833, after the publication of the full version of the novel “Eugene Onegin”? (By the way, recall that the hero of The Bronze Horseman Eugene makes heroic efforts to save his bride from the flood).
According to the poet's contemporaries, in the process of working on the novel, Pushkin came to the conviction that "Onegin is not worthy of Tatiana." And therefore the said expressive, dramatic ending of the novel turned out to be unclaimed.

"An interesting version," the thoughtful reader will say, "but it needs strong evidence." And he will be quite right.
Earlier (in Chapter 21) / 1 /, based on an analysis of the final text of the novel, we clearly showed that after a three-year journey, Onegin arrived in the capital only in the fall of 1827, met at a ball with the married princess Tatyana, fell in love with her, spent the winter in his office for reading books, and in the spring of 1828 he met again with Tatiana at her house.
We provide evidence that Pushkin, without major changes to the text of the novel, could initially have planned the time of Onegin's arrival in the capital in the early autumn of 1824.
Indeed, in the drafts of the novel, it is indicated that Lensky invites Onegin to Tatyana's name day “on Thursday” instead of “Saturday” in the final text:

You're invited on Thursday.

Pushkin clearly indicates that Tatyana's name day falls on January 12, 1822! Then Onegin's duel with Lensky would have taken place on January 14. Onegin leaves the village in the spring, in the summer
Olga marries an ulan, and Tatiana reads books in Onegin's office.
In February 1823, Tatyana went to Moscow to the brides' fair, in the fall of 1823 she got married and met Onegin at a ball in the fall of 1824
after a two-year journey of Onegin.
True, in this case, the general must inform Onegin that he is married
on Tatiana for about a year. In September - October 1824, the events described in the eighth chapter take place: Onegin's love for Tatiana flared up, her persecution, unrequited love messages. Onegin's seclusion in his office and reading books "indiscriminately" should be limited to a few weeks. This is quite natural, since Onegin "has long ceased to love reading."

As women, he left books
And the shelf, with their dusty family,
I pulled it up with mourning taffeta.

It should be additionally noted that the four-year period of Onegin's rural life (from the summer of 1820 to the spring-summer of 1824) indicated in the novel can easily be reduced to two years, since no events have taken place over the past two years.
Therefore, on the morning of November 7, 1824, Onegin could well “rush to his Tatiana”.

Pushkin's refusal of a bright dramatic ending, in our opinion, does not mean that the novel "Eugene Onegin" is left by the author without a worthy
artistic completion. As we have shown earlier / 1 /, Onegin is morally punished for his pride, betrayal, murder of a young friend, the evil inflicted on others by him, for a pointless and fruitless life. Moreover, during the trip, his estate, obviously, fell into decay, went bankrupt. Like the old woman from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, he found himself "at a broken trough." And Princess Tatiana is quite happy in family life.


1 Rozhinsky Yu.I. Mysteries of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". -
Kharkiv. Finart Publishing House, 2014. ISBN 978-966-8766-80-0
2 Ivanov-Razumnik R.V. "Eugene Onegin". - Works 5., Pg., 1916, p. 48-113
3 Pushkin A.S. Bronze Horseman. Publishing house "SCIENCE"., L-d., 1978

One of the most outstanding works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" has a rather curious and exciting ending, and leaves one question for itself. If the further fate of the heroine Tatiana is obvious, then what future is in store for the protagonist? This is a good subject for discussion, and not by chance, because the author deliberately used the "open ending" technique in the novel.

In the final part, Tatyana, at the insistence of her mother, marries the eminent prince, despite the fact that her feelings for Eugene have not passed, even after he cold-bloodedly rejected her pure girlish love. In family life, the girl gains peace of mind and self-confidence. A few years later, by chance, they meet at a ball in St. Petersburg, where Tatyana amazes Onegin with her coldness and inaccessibility. From a young provincial in love, she turned into a proud and stately society lady, and he barely recognizes her.

On subsequent evenings, she almost does not notice him and nothing betrays her excitement. He languishes and suffers from her indifference and realizes that he loves her. The former young rake realizes the meaninglessness of his carelessly lived years, and that he could be happy with Tanya, but it's too late. In desperation, he writes her passionate letters of confession, but does not receive an answer. Unable to endure any longer, he goes to Tatiana's house and finds her in tears reading his letters. He throws himself at her feet and begs to be with him, but Tatiana rejects him, albeit without malice. She suffers no less than Eugene, because she still loves him, but dignity and loyalty to her husband are above all for her. She leaves with a feeling of bitterness from the impossibility of changing everything, leaving him, amazed and devastated, having lost the last hope.

The novel makes you think about the responsibility of people for their actions, about what consequences seemingly innocent mistakes of youth can bring. The author shows that life is unpredictable and ironic when he changes places of characters. Tatyana remains to live as before, without love for her husband, but without dropping her honor, but what will happen to the unfortunate Eugene, who has lost the meaning of life, the writer does not say. Maybe because it doesn't matter, because what difference does it make if it's all over for him morally?

Option 2

In a love story "Eugene Onegin" clear conclusion. Tatiana does not want love affairs with Onegin. He finds himself in despair. Readers understand what the fate of the heroine will be, but it is impossible to predict what will happen to Eugene later. There are various assumptions why this version of the ending turned out.

On the one hand, there were judgments in the reviews that the criticism did not allow the writer to complete the description of the main character of the novel. Pushkin, as everyone knows, created chapters 9 and 10 of the work, they told about Onegin's trip and that he decided to enter the circle of the Decembrists. These texts explained the extremely free-thinking inclinations that the censorship was unable to omit. On the other hand, almost all critics are unanimous in their assessment that the writer did not specifically want to prolong the story about Onegin. Most likely, there are various motives. Perhaps, with a clear ending, the writer wanted to say that for Onegin everything is now decided. Love feelings for the main character became for him the only chance to be born again and live in full force, and Tatiana's detachment indicates the mental death of Eugene, in this regard, it makes no difference what stories will be with him later, since they will not fix anything in any case ...

Most likely, Tatiana's detachment is not yet the end of Onegin's life, but the first steps of its next stage. Pushkin was a follower of the concept of the variability of the life path. For example, at the end of the chapter, he reported that Lensky's lifestyle could have turned out differently, but then, the same rule could be applied to Onegin. He may actually become part of the environment of the Decembrists, since he could not tolerate an insignificant and useless way of life. He could have come out against social views when he made transformations in his own village. Such a course is real, but not necessary, since Onegin is still a very proud person to defend social transformations. The main character has the opportunity, for example, to move to the Caucasus, as did almost all of his peers, who lost faith in reality. It may also happen that Onegin will withdraw into himself again and spend the rest of his life, in the image and likeness of his uncle, who "looked out the window and crushed the flies." There may be other stories, because the image of the character is endowed with different abilities.

As a result, the open ending shows people, the reader, the opportunity for an independent creative process: any of us will personally imagine and speculate what happened to Eugene Onegin, how the first readers of the novel could do it.

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