
“Revealing images and understanding the main conflict of the fairy tale“ The Snow Queen. A series of lecture notes on Andersen's fairy tale "the snow queen" The origin of Gerda from the snow fairy tale

The main idea of \u200b\u200bAndersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is love.

The main idea is that a real feeling can help overcome the impossible, even a miracle can work. Devotion, friendship and dedication overcome all obstacles and can melt even the coldest heart.

Why is the fairy tale “The Snow Queen so called?

The tale is called "The Snow Queen", because the main event on which the plot is built is the abduction of Kai by the Snow Queen. The tale consists of seven stories.

Girl Gerda and boy Kai. They lived in neighboring houses and loved each other like brother and sister. They went to visit each other on the roof and loved to play on the bench under the roses that grew in boxes on the gutters.

"The Snow Queen" is real and fantastic in a fairy tale

Andersen tells the reader with his fairy tale that if a person wants to achieve something, if this person is kind and cordial, then both nature and people will help him, the person will certainly achieve his goal.

Gerda in the palaces of the Snow Queen was helped by faith in God, prayer, loyalty to her love, courage, loyalty. Her hot tears melted Kai's icy heart, he came to life and remembered Gerda. Kai was helped by the ice floes: they danced and then formed themselves into the word "eternity".

In the ending, the author wants to say that evil will drain its strength in the same way as winter ends. Spring will come, a person will return to his home, but his spiritual experience will become richer. A person will grow up, and it is good if an adult remains as pure in heart and soul as a child.

"Snow Queen" characterization of heroes - Kai, Gerd, Snow Queen

"Snow Queen" characteristics of heroes


Gerda is the main heroine of the tale.

Description of Gerda:

"... her hair curled, and curls surrounded her sweet, affable face, round and rosy, like a rose, with a golden glow."

Gerda is kind, affectionate, brave. She loves Kai like a brother and goes to a long and long way to save him... A hot heart pushed Gerda to such a step. Gerda believed that Kai was alive, and she must definitely help him.

Gerda's traits: strong, courageous, loyal, brave, sincere, purposeful, persistent

Scientists helped the girl in her searchcrows , a prince with a princess, who gave Gerda warm clothes andmittens , a little robber and a deer.

During her long wanderings, Gerda shows herself only from the best side. She is sweet, friendly, kind, and this attracts not only different people to her, but also animals and birds. She is brave, patient, persistent, and this helps her not to lose heart from failures and not to lose faith in the fact that she will find Kai. She is faithful, loving, reliable, and this helps her to cope with the spell of the Snow Queen herself and melt the ice in the boy's heart. If Gerda were a real, and not a fabulous girl, she would have a lot of friends. I don't doubt that in the least.

The Snow Queen enchanted Kai's heart and turned it into a lumpice ... But Gerda's hot tears and her love saved the boy.

Gerda turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen. After all, the Snow Queen has a cold heart, and Gerda has a hot one. Gerda is the embodiment of the best human qualities. Therefore, she defeats evil, wins Kai from the Snow Queen.

"Snow Queen" characteristicSnow Queen

Description of the Snow Queen:

- “She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice, ... and still alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them. "

Gerda and the Snow Queen are strong personalities.

Gerda and the Snow Queen: Similarities and Differences

Characteristics of Kaia "The Snow Queen"

At the beginning of the tale, this is a kind and sympathetic boy. After Kai enters the Snow Queen's palace, his heart turns to ice - now he is a rude, angry and insensitive boy. Kai does not understand that one cannot live without true feelings - such an existence is meaningless. Gerda, with her true love, saves Kai from the ice captivity.

The writing

The Queen is portrayed by the author in a fairy tale with a certain irony: “In the kingdom where you and I are, there is a Queen, so clever that it cannot be said! She has read all the newspapers in the world and has already forgotten everything she read - that's how smart she is! ” Such an event as the choice of a groom happened through a boring life: “Once she was sitting on the throne - and there is little fun in it, as people say - and she sang a song:“ Why don't I get married? "" And indeed! " - she thought, and she wanted to get married. The queen is the mistress of the world into which Gerda fell. In order to understand this world, one should learn more about its mistress. The author emphasizes that, unlike Gerda, who is looking around the world for her named brother, the princess does not even need to rise from the throne in order to find her betrothed. Although, unlike the heroines, the works of S. Ya. Marshak, Gerda and the Queen do not come into conflict, on the contrary, the Queen sincerely sympathizes with Gerda and helps her.

While working on the fairy tale play by S. Ya.Marshak, you can pay attention to this fact and propose to conduct an analytical study and find out what is the secret of the fact that heroines from such different worlds in one fairy tale come into conflict, in another - on the contrary, they find mutual language? The author's intention: it is important for S. Ya. Marshak to show the conflict between the “artificial” world and the light of natural harmony; in G. Andersen's tale, the author's attention is directed to the inner strength of Gerda, her ability to change people for the better, to awaken Good and Love in their hearts.

The heroine sincerely loves the named brother, considers him the best, and the young man described by the raven is smart and witty, he conveniently differs from other contenders for the princess's hand: “He was generally very free and sweet and said that he had not come to woo, but only listen smart talk princess. "

Gerda lives only in search of Kai, this is the purpose of her life, this is the main reason that the girl immediately believed the crow. Gerda came barefoot, which means that she is not a noble person and cannot interest the princess.

Why did the Queen, who sat on the throne all her life and was not particularly imbued with the fate of others, helped Gerda? Perhaps love changed her. The author constantly emphasizes how strong this feeling is. Refinement, elegance, idleness - on the one hand, and savagery, self-will, cruelty - on the other: "In the middle of a huge hall with dilapidated smoke-filled walls and a stone floor, a fire blazed ..."

How did Gerda's story affect the little robber? Why is it so? They won't kill you even if I get angry with you. "I'd rather kill you myself!" For the first time, the little robber saw real sincere feelings with her own eyes, saw how a fragile girl is ready to give her life for the one she loves. The soul of the little robber begins to awaken for Good. For the little robber, animals are only living toys, she keeps them for fun. The little robber feels lonely, pigeons and a deer are her only consolation, and she behaves cruelly with them because no one taught her to take care of her neighbors.

The little robber was as tall as Gerdu, but stronger, broader in the shoulders and darker. Her eyes were completely black, but somehow sad. " The little robber from the outside is the complete opposite of Gerda, who is blond, with a delicate pink face, and this dissimilarity in appearance prompts the reader to conclude that the inner world of the heroines is diametrically opposite, nevertheless the sad eyes of the little robber (the students highlight this word as a key word in the description appearance) rather say that we are facing an unhappy girl who has never met with love, kindness and mercy. The maternal “caresses” of the old robber cannot be an example of loving relationships. Before the last, hardest test of her heroine, the author brings the reader to understanding her own authorial position, what is the real power: the warmth of a loving heart or a cold soulless mind? (antithesis again!)

What happened in the castle of the Snow Queen and what happened after. "Cold, deserted, dead!" This world, in which order and cold reign, is dead, there are no feelings, no warmth, no life, even such an amazingly beautiful phenomenon as the northern lights flares up “... so correctly that you can ... accurately calculate at what moment the light will intensify and into which it will become weaker. "

In Scandinavian mythology, one can find a description of the oldest of the worlds: “Niflheim is one of the nine worlds of the Scandinavian mythological universe, a country of cold that existed before the beginning of creation. The poisonous freezing streams of Niflheim filled the world's abyss. The country of cold has always existed, Gerda belongs to fight the original evil. The palace is a symbol of its world, it is not just a building where its rulers live, it is a space in which everything that this world lives in is concentrated: the luxury of a princess palace, where barefoot people are not allowed, a dilapidated castle of robbers with wolves and ravens, and a dead ice palace of the Snow queen.

The old world is locked, this is only her world, it does not affect the lives of other people, because the old woman conjures only for her own satisfaction, and therefore instead of a palace there is a small hut, nevertheless surrounded by a wall. And the small houses of Lapland and Finnish women are oases in the middle of the ice desert of the Snow Queen. In the middle of the lake stood the throne of the Snow Queen; she sat on it when she was at home, saying that she was sitting on the mirror of the mind; she believed it was the only and best mirror in the world. The connection is obvious - a frozen lake, the ice on which cracked into "a thousand shmat, into a miracle of equal and correct" - a twin brother to the devil's mirror with its splinters. In this cold and dead world, such a mirror that turns human hearts into a blanket of ice is the only correct one.

Feature of the composition. A fairy tale is a work of one hero, the reader meets the heroes of the fairy tale only when Gerda meets them, and gets to this or that world when the heroine gets there. Little has changed in Kai's life since his heart turned into ice: an icy heart cannot feel pain, happiness, inspiration, love. "Cold, deserted, dead ..." - this can be said about Kai's soul.

The reader saw the power of Gerda's tears already in the world of her grandmother, who knew the spell - Gerda raised roses from the ground, also revived the flowers with a certain measure. Gerda's tears are not just sincere feelings, now, in the world of cold and death, Gerda's strength reaches its apogee - in the heroine's tears all love for Kai, for the living world, for warm human relationships. In Gerda's tears, there is a rejection of what the Snow Queen's world brings. Gerda radically changed the life of the little robber, the world of robbers was “alien” for the little robber, and now she is in search of “her” world, meeting with Gerda and Kai only supports the girl in her search; "Then she set off on her way, and Kai and Gerda - on their own."

Thus, the author singles out Kai and Gerda as the main characters. In the German folk tale "Pani Blizzard", the Ukrainian folk tale "Grandfather's daughter and a woman's daughter", the Russian folk tale "Morozko" and other heroes also do not have names (stepmother, stepdaughter, sisters, grandfather, woman, etc.) ... The folklore tradition in his work is continued by C. Perrault ("Cinderella or the Crystal Slipper"), A. Pushkin ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"), S. Marshak ("Twelve Months") and others.

The tale of G. H. Andersen is dedicated to the very famous opera actress Jenny Lind in the 18th century. She had a phenomenal range. She was applauded by Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna. Her voice was admired, and her performances were sold out.

Andersen was captivated to the depths of her soul by her beautiful voice. The acquaintance of Lind and the writer took place in Copenhagen. Literally at first sight, he fell in love with the singer. Whether this feeling was mutual is unknown. But she greatly appreciated his writing talent.

Andersen could not speak beautifully about his love, so he decided to write about it and confess his feelings. Having sent a letter of confession to Lind, he did not wait for an answer. And so the famous fairy tale was born, telling about the touching love that Gerda and Kai felt for each other.

The prototypes of heroes in a fairy tale

Two years later, Lind and Andersen met. The actress invited Andersen to become her brother. He agreed (since this is better than being nothing), thinking that Gerda and Kai were also like brother and sister.

Perhaps in search of a real feeling, Andersen spent a lot of time traveling, trying to escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen, which for him was Copenhagen. In life, everything is not like in a fairy tale. The image of Kai and Gerda, invented by Andersen and personifying him and Lind, was just as pure. In life, Kai was never able to fall in love with Gerda and escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Brief analysis of the tale

G. H. Andersen is the first Danish writer whose works entered world literature. The most famous are the fairy tales "The Little Mermaid" and "The Snow Queen". They are familiar to almost all of us. The Snow Queen fairy tale tells about good and evil, love and oblivion. It also tells about loyalty and betrayal.

The image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale was taken for a reason. Andersen's father before his death told him that the Ice Maiden had come for him. In his fairy tale, the writer personified the Snow Queen with the Ice Maiden, who took his dying father with her.

At first glance, the tale is simple and does not contain deep meaning. Delving deeper into the process of analysis, you understand that the plot raises some of the most important aspects of life - these are love, devotion, dedication, kindness, the fight against evil, religious motives.

The story of Kai and Gerda

This is the story of the touching friendship and love of two Andersen's fairy tales. Gerda and Kai had known each other since childhood and spent a lot of time together. In a fairy tale, it is Gerda who has to prove the strength of friendship, who set off on a long and difficult journey after the boy who became a prisoner of the Snow Queen herself. Having charmed Kai with a piece of ice, she turned him into a callous, spoiled and arrogant boy. At the same time, Kai was not aware of his changes. Having managed to go through many difficulties, Gerda managed to find Kai, melt his icy heart. Kindness and faith in the salvation of a friend gave the girl strength and confidence. The tale teaches you to be faithful to your feelings, not to leave your loved one in trouble, to be kind and, despite difficulties, strive to achieve your goal.

Characteristics of Kai and Gerda

Andersen's tale describes to us a kind, attentive and sympathetic Kai. But after a challenge thrown to the Snow Queen herself, he turns into a rude and angry boy, capable of offending anyone, even Gerda and his grandmother, whose fairy stories he loved to listen to. One of Kai's tricks ended up being held captive by the Snow Queen.

In the palace of the evil queen, he became a boy with an ice heart. Kai all the time tried to lay out the word "eternity" from pieces of ice, but he did not succeed. Then she promised to give him skates and the whole world. Kai's desire to comprehend eternity indicates his lack of understanding that this cannot be done without true feelings, without love, having only a cold mind and an icy heart.

Deprived of all human feelings, Kai in fear wanted to read the prayer, but could not. Only the multiplication table was spinning in his head. Frozen figures of the correct geometric shape - this is the only thing that delighted him. Kai tramples his once favorite roses, and examines snowflakes with interest in a magnifying glass.

The image of Gerda is a contrast to the character of the Snow Queen. To find Kai and rescue him from the ice castle, the girl embarks on a long and difficult journey. In the name of her love, a brave little girl goes into the unknown. The obstacles encountered on this path did not make Gerda angry and did not make her turn back towards the house, throw her friend in captivity at the Snow Queen. She remained friendly, kind and sweet throughout the story. Courage, perseverance and patience help her not to lose heart, but to humbly overcome all failures. Thanks to this character, she managed to find Kai. And love for him was able to melt his icy heart and cope with the spell of the evil queen.

The description of Gerda and Kai can be a prototype of real people and similar stories in life. It is enough just to take a closer look around.

Snow Queen traits

The Snow Queen, Blizzard Witch, Ice Maiden are a classic character in Scandinavian folklore. Lifeless and cold space, snow and eternal ice - this is the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. A tall, beautiful ruler on a throne located on the lake, which is called the "Mirror of the Mind", she is the embodiment of cold reason and beauty, devoid of the manifestation of feelings.

Growing up of the heroes of the fairy tale

Having visited the kingdom of the Snow Queen, the heroes become adults. The motive of growing up acquires moral meaning. Children grow older when they face severe life trials, overcoming which Gerda managed to save a loved one, resisting the difficult searches and intrigues that the Snow Queen suited them. Kai and Gerda, despite growing up, keep their childish spiritual purity. They seemed to be reborn with the goal of a new adult existence.

Christian motives in a fairy tale

Andersen's tale is imbued with Christian motives. This is rarely seen in Russian publications. In the episode, when Gerda tries to enter the Queen, she is not allowed there by the guards. She was able to get into it thanks to the fact that she began to read the prayer "Our Father". After that, the guards, turning into angels, paved the way for the girl.

While Gerda and Kai return to their home, the grandmother reads the Gospel. After the meeting, the children all together begin to dance around the rose bush and sing a Christmas carol, which ended the instructive tale.

And this mysterious journey from the world of good to the land of evil began with a splinter that fell into Kai's eye. The mirror broke due to the fact that the trolls (that is, demons) reflected everything in the world in a distorted form. Andersen explains this by the fact that demons in a lying mirror wanted to reflect the Creator. God, not allowing this, made it so that the mirror tore out of the hands of the demons and broke.

The image of Hell is reflected in the word "eternity", which the Snow Queen instructed to lay down Kai. Icy, not created by the Creator, eternity is the image of hell.

In the episode where the deer asks the sorceress to help Gerda and give her the strength of twelve heroes, she replies that she cannot make the girl stronger than she is. Her strength is a small loving heart. And God helps her anyway.

Contrasting cold and warm

With the prologue of the fairy tale, Andersen begins to write that some people get shards of ice in the heart, which freezes, becomes cold and insensitive. And at the end of the tale, he describes how Gerda's hot tears fall on Kai's chest and a shard of ice in his heart melts.

Cold in a fairy tale is the personification of evil, everything bad on earth, and warmth is love.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Snow Queen, Andersen sees the absence of warmth, the presence of cold and insensitivity.