
Tishchenko is a boxer biography. - Aren't you afraid of the possible participation of professionals? - Who was most worried at home?

Evgeny Tishchenko. Photo by Yuri Bograd

He was born in 1991 in the Krasnodar village of Kanevskaya. He has been in favor of the Belgorod region since 2012. And at the end of last year, Tishchenko won the Olympic license in the weight category up to 91 kg at the World Championships in Qatar.

After this tournament, he did not box for four months. However, at the end of February I went to the Strandzh Cup in Bulgaria and in the finals already at the 40th second I knocked out a local boxer, showing that I was in perfect order.

I know my competitors

- Eugene, how did you feel in Bulgaria, what was your uniform?

The first fight was hard. And the opponent is very uncomfortable, and, apparently, a four-month break in the battles affected. I did not spar for a very long time. At the training camp before this tournament he was ill. But in the end, everything worked out. Further comfortable rivals came across - and I felt comfortable. Of course, there was no plan to finish the final fight ahead of schedule. It just so happened.

- How is the preparation for the Olympics going now? What is the focus?

I recently returned from fees from Anapa. Then at a small tournament in Balashikha near Moscow he spent two fights. He reached the semifinals, but decided to withdraw and left for Belgorod - it was enough for me to practice two fights. Since April 6, team training in Anapa again. And on April 24th we will move to the Olympic center "Round Lake"   in the suburbs and from there to Holland, to an international tournament. These will be the last pre-Olympic competitions. Then a little rest and three more stages of preparation for the Olympics - in Armenia, Kislovodsk and Sochi. As for working out some elements: we will build on the state and number of fights. I think it’s not worth talking about this ahead of time. I know my main competitors and will adapt to them during the Olympics.

- Is your tall height and arm length an advantage over your rivals?

Yes, but, unfortunately, I do not always know how to use this advantage. And, on the contrary, rivals can take advantage of the fact that they are more coordinated, ahead of me in speed. It is more difficult for a tall person in terms of movement in the ring.

- And the fact that you are left-handed is an advantage?

I think yes. Although I have never been right-handed and hard to imagine. But it is believed that with a left-hander it is inconvenient to box. The Russian team, by the way, has many left-handed athletes. Probably half the composition. Same Vitaly Dunaytsev.

- How is your training day going?

It depends on what stage of preparation. Usually three workouts per day. If this is an endurance training, then exercise, basic training and in the evening either general physical training or cross. If this is already a combat training, then in the morning exercise, jogging, boxing school, in the afternoon - the main combat training and in the evening - cross or individual work with a trainer, high-speed work. Two days off per week. Usually it is Thursday and Sunday. This is a normal mode, I'm used to it. Physically, I'm ready: I \u200b\u200bknow how to vary the training process, where to reduce, where, on the contrary, to add. A team works with us, massage therapists, we are constantly giving biochemistry. It’s hard, of course, to drive constantly. 90% of all the time I'm at the training camp. Just a week in two or three months I can stay at home.

An example is a personal trainer

- You perform in weight up to 91 kg. Tell me, is it difficult to keep this weight, do you have to limit yourself in food?

If you have to control, then most often before the competition, for example, five days before their start. I can reduce the diet if, for example, I have 2 kg of excess weight. And so in the mode in which I train and perform, my weight is stable.

There is a coaching staff of the Russian team. But still, the presence of a personal trainer plays a big role. Will your mentor Oleg Menshikov go to Brazil?

So far we have not talked about this, but I really hope. During preparation Oleg Vladimirovich   always with me. There will be an opportunity - will fly to Rio. Of course, I participated in competitions with and without him. The difference is felt - it is much more comfortable with him. Menshikov   - a strong person to take an example from. He possesses qualities that I strive for: will, character, love of boxing. Every day in the hall or at the training camp, he works seven days a week, despite the fact that he has six children. He trains the junior national team of Russia, and I even go with him to junior tournaments, where I don’t play. It is important to constantly be in communication mode.

- Boxers from which countries can compete with you at the Olympics?

All of Europe is strong now, Asia, Cuba, Latin American countries. Probably, Africans and Oceania are slightly behind. I think every opponent will be strong and everyone needs to be tuned in, as for the last fight.

In an interview last year, you said that after the Olympics you are going to switch to professional boxing. Intentions have not changed?

Now I only think about the Olympics. I’m going there to defend the honor of the country, of Belgorod, of people who put their soul, energy, time into me. And after the Games will be seen. God forbid, there will be a medal. In any case, I will recover for some time. And then I’ll think about it. I can’t say with confidence that I’ll move on to professional boxing. The main thing is health. If it is, I think everything is possible. After Olympic gold, amateur sports make no sense to continue. But you need a good team, which I have in amateur boxing   there is. If you manage to collect the same for a professional, then why not.

They say that professional boxers will be allowed to participate in the Olympic tournament. Many have already refused, because defeats from amateurs will greatly impact their rating. what do you think about it?

Many great athletes, experts oppose this. Personally, I do not believe in it. Although some boxers who have professional fights have already been selected for the Olympics. In my weight a German has a license David Earlwhich he won through the professional boxing league. Honestly, I haven’t seen his fights yet, I haven’t taken it apart. Perhaps he will become one of the competitors.

- Aren't you afraid of the possible participation of professionals?

Not. We have our own sport, they have their own. Each species has an advantage. When amateurs go into professional boxing, they need to rebuild, and vice versa. My main competitors are amateur boxers.

Photo by Yuri Bograd

Pure sport

- Until today, the main fight in your career is the final of last year’s world championship?

Yes, and this fight was very difficult. Cuban Erislandy Savon   - an uncomfortable, difficult opponent for me. I previously lost to him in the World Series of Boxing. At the Olympics, I think we will meet again.

- Someone from your relatives will go to support you in Rio?

Some friends planned, but I think far away. The President of the Boxing Federation of the region will go Vladimir Mikhailovich Tebekinguys from Belgorod. In any case, we will not remain without support.

- Now in the world there is a big resonance around the doping scandal. How about boxing with this?

Boxing is not a doping sport. There are almost no boxers caught in doping. Personally, I have not encountered this, and I think I will not. Boxing is a pure sport, cyclical, high-speed, where you can show the result without any chemistry.

- I know that boxing success did not come to you right away ...

Yes, at first nothing happened for a long time. The first serious victory went to 17 years. And before that, no one knew me: it was not possible to win the championship of the district. In 2008, he could not get into the Russian championship, and a year later he won both the Russian championship and the European championship. But all this is temporary. And success is also temporary. We must not forget that today you have everything, and tomorrow there may be nothing.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

“I have never been to night clubs”

- Without boxing, would life make sense?

Life always makes sense. Just boxing is my life at this stage. He comes first. This is my favorite thing. All I have is boxing. And my environment is all boxing or somehow connected with boxing. But, I think, time will pass, I will have other goals in life. Life will show. They told me back in school, including to parents: “What will he do after boxing? They’ll beat off his head - and except as a security guard in a nightclub, he won’t get anywhere. ” As a result, many opinions have already changed: I have achieved some success. I think in other areas I can. And maybe once in a coaching job.

- What would you be if not for boxing?

Probably a tractor driver. Many in our village went to vocational schools and studied for tractor drivers and machine drivers. But in the fifth grade, I went to boxing and that’s all ... By the way, my brother and his family still live in the Krasnodar Territory, he has three children.

“Have you thought about creating a family yourself yet?”

My answer is: I'm not going to get married yet.

- If speak about famous boxersWhose style do you like?

I'm a fan Sergey Kovalev. Once liked Roy Jones, Miguel Cotto   brightly began his career. Sergei Kovalev did not succeed in amateur boxing to achieve great results, but then he began to live in the gym, train hard, and now I do not see a person who can beat him.

- Although there is not enough free time, but still how do you spend it?

I rest, I live. I take care of my health, heal. If possible, I go hunting and fishing. Boxing takes up most of the time, but I chose it myself. I can refuse some stages of preparation, stay at home, practice. I’m more comfortable at the training camp, I’m in the mode, nothing distracts me. I don’t have a family, children yet, therefore I can devote all myself to sport.

- How do you manage to combine boxing with study?

In BelSU, I already graduated from the magistracy at the department of physical education, defended myself by five. I’m still in graduate school at the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the "technologist" - I entered there after graduating from the Mining University in Moscow. I do not plan to defend myself yet - I must speak at the Olympics. And then I will prepare. Learning problems never arose. In Belgorod, the same thing. Even in the "technologist" I was transferred from paid to budget after winning the World Cup.

- Have you ever used your boxing skills outside the ring?

That was a long time ago. Even when I started to study at the Mining University, as far as I remember. But I won’t tell you the details. I try to smooth out all conflicts. Yes, in principle, I do not visit places where they may arise. I have never been to a nightclub either in Belgorod or in Moscow. I like to sit somewhere in a relaxed atmosphere.

Photo from the athlete’s personal archive

Three wishes

- You have visited many cities in the world. Is there a favorite among them?

Belgorod has become dear to me both in terms of career and in terms of people's attitudes. I studied in Moscow for a long time, but I was not used to it. I feel comfortable in Belgorod. Taking this opportunity, I want to thank the president of the Boxing Federation of the Belgorod Region, Vladimir Mikhailovich Tebekin and the entire federation. When I arrived in Belgorod, I was already a good boxer. But if it weren’t for the help of the federation - starting from trips to competitions and ending with some everyday issues, then I would not have achieved anything further.

- What is your favorite dish?

Those made with seafood.

- What kind of music are you listening to?

Vysotsky, Rosenbaum.

- Favorite book?

- "Liquidator"   Alexey Sherstobitov. Recently, more than all the same, I still watch some movies and TV shows on the Internet.

- And which films?

Liked the war movies: “Battle for Sevastopol”, "And the dawns here are quiet ..."   - a new film adaptation. True, I did not look at the old version. I recently watched the last part "Champions", "Legend number 17", “Near Football”. I do not agree with those who say that there is no Russian cinema. Maybe they have not yet learned to shoot, but the plot itself is catchy.

- If invited to play a movie, would you agree?

No, I did not study as an actor. And in general I think that the athlete does not need this. Need to do your own thing.

- Are you superstitious?

Not. Just believe in God, pray. Unfortunately, I do not always do this. But before the battles, during the battles I pray. Mom is praying. From her and probably went. I think faith helps in life.

“If a goldfish allowed you to make three wishes, what would it be?”

The most important thing is the health of all those close to me, all those with whom I am connected in life. The second is more children, a family. And the third is to succeed in boxing.

- What is the personal motto of Evgeny Tishchenko?

Not the one who disappeared was in trouble, but the one who lost spirit.

Interviewed by Sergey Belykh

The only gold medal at the Olympic boxing tournament of the Russian national team at the 2016 Games was brought by the 25-year-old, who plays in weight category   up to 91 kg. In the final of the tournament in Rio de Janeiro in a difficult fight, the athlete over the representative of Kazakhstan by unanimous decision. Tishchenko told in an interview with R-Sport correspondent Elena Sobol how much energy he had given for victory, how he would spend time returning to Russia, and also answered the question about a possible transition to professional boxing.

"Supervised the progress of the final battle"

- You woke up the day after the final fight by the Olympic champion ... Or just did not fall asleep?

  - Yes, there was no sleep the night after the final. But gradually, an awareness of what happened was already beginning to come. Unfortunately, there were a lot of negative messages from Kazakhstani fans, but in any case I’m starting to understand that I became the Olympic champion, that it’s already over, now there is time to relax. After the fight in Rio, we spent another week rooting for the guys who boxed after me.

Is it nice to finish the performance first in the team and be able to calmly observe everything that happens?

Yes, of course, the schedule contributed. He started to conduct fights at the very beginning of the tournament, and that was very helpful. We arrived in Rio already ready, some of the guys had to keep in shape until August 14-15. In this regard, it was easier for me: I immediately started, immediately entered the fights. I think that I performed with dignity.

- “Physics” for the whole tournament was enough?

Probably in the final battle I gave everything. It was the hardest fight of all. But on the whole, I had enough strength, I had a normal tournament.

- Your opponent - Vasily Levit - boxed in the final dirty.

  - I did not expect such a boxing from him. Usually he boxes in a classical manner, here he quickly reduced the distance, sometimes we dangerously faced our heads. Not everything worked out. In the third round, for some reason, I stuck out, and the break associated with the dissection went to my advantage, rested a little.

I think the fight was close, and you should not express so many negative emotions: many condemned, especially Kazakhstani fans. Grading did not depend on me, it depended on the judges. We, boxers, have made every effort on both sides to win.

  I felt that after I continued after a pause, the ending of the battle remained with me. But the third round was very bad before the doctor stopped him. In principle, I do not strong blows   I didn’t miss, I was not shocked, as it might seem from the outside. But really, at first this round turned out badly for me. Of course, the blows gave me trouble, but there wasn’t such a thing for me to be in dangerous situations, knockdowns. I controlled the progress of the battle, despite the fact that I did not succeed.

The coach congratulated me, he is very happy - I have his first Olympic champion. Both of us were devastated and tried not to talk about boxing. After my finals, he continued to work with the guys, helped to second - his Olympics ended later. I think in the coming days we will talk, discuss plans, review the battle, if that makes sense.

"Leviticus or Savon - it was all the same"

Until some point in your weight there were two tickets to the Olympic Games. You can say that the preparation began from the moment when the composition was announced?

  - Already, probably, from January they knew exactly who would go. Because in December the application to the Olympic Committee left, our licenses confirmed. And already from the training camp in Tsaghkadzor systematically began preparations. I am pleased with how I approached the competition - everything went well at the training camp, I was not sick. Doctors followed us, checked the functional state. At each training camp I felt that I was adding.

And after the final stage in Sochi, I felt that I was ready for the Olympics. The most difficult thing was probably already psychological in terms, but acclimatization in Brazil was hard for me - I came to my senses right up to the very beginning of the tournament. And, of course, expectation - with whom I will box, what a draw, a constant review of opponents.

- First time in Brazil?

Yes. Before that, I flew across the ocean, was in America, where I just trained, I was in Mexico. There we immediately went to the fighting, I do not know how much this affected. I then lost to Ecuadorian. And the next day they flew back.

After the 2015 World Championships in Doha, you said that when you arrived there, you didn’t know whether you could win or not. Before the start in Rio, there was a feeling that you can become an Olympic champion?

Yes, it was. We went through a very big and hard training. And, despite the fact that there were these political things that the team could not have allowed at all, they tried not to pay attention to anything. Already in the course of the Olympic tournament he felt within himself strength, readiness. I really felt that I could become an Olympic champion.

Confidence probably appeared during the fighting, when I began to win. Then I already wanted more, because in any case, the Olympic medal is valuable. And, probably, whatever the medal would be, anyone would be glad. But the closer it came to the finale, the more I wanted to win a gold award.

Most worried before the first battle. Moreover, he entered the ring with a local boxer, the audience booed heavily. Then - everything rolled in, then it went easier. I felt good before the finals. The only thing was a long wait, I did not know what to do with myself all day. And so I didn’t worry anymore, went to each next match as a job. He knew that there were forces - at any moment he could control the course of the battle.

- What did you do before the final?

  - I did a good exercise, still I had to wait until the evening, then I slept in the afternoon. I read a book, played on the phone. I completely disconnected from the Internet. I tried to drive away thoughts about the fight. The only thing I could not get out of the room, it was very hot on the street, otherwise I would go for a walk. And so distracted, tried not to think about anything, not to communicate with anyone.

- Did you follow the second semifinal? Anyway, with whom to box in the decisive battle?

Yes, anyway - all rivals were strong. And, as I was convinced, Vasily Levit was still more convenient. He added a lot lately, judging by the battle, he was here in good shape. And I'm glad that it turned out to win.

- Cuban Erislendi Savon is still better known to you.

I met him twice before, with Leviticus - no. But Vasily has a more classic boxing, it is more convenient with him, despite the fact that he is more accented, he works in series. Erislandy is a little more difficult for me to fight stylistically.

"A very strong desire appears in the finale"

- What are the homemade preparations brought to the Olympics?

- In principle, prepared as usual. They changed the work a little in terms of general physical training, emphasized endurance, strengthened legs, back. And there was a bias in military practice, almost every day we stood in pairs at a training camp in Sochi. He worked with all the guys in the team in the weights 81-91 kg, a lot of guys helped. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who supported, helped and participated in the preparation. I would also like to thank our Belgorod Boxing Federation and its leader, Vice President of the Boxing Federation of Russia Vladimir Tebekin for support.

- You just have to analyze the performance, but it feels like what happened, and what are you not happy with?

Everything turned out in principle gradually. In the course of gaining momentum, I was very pleased with the semifinal fight. Not everything turned out in the battle with Leviticus, why - I can’t answer. Maybe responsibility still affected? Still, you feel different before entering the ring; there is still excitement compared to other tournaments. Although he was satisfied with some moments of the battle. I tried to give all my strength away, maybe tactical mistakes were made somewhere, but physically felt good, no matter how it looked from the outside. But I have not yet analyzed it deeper.

It is very difficult, in my opinion, to enter the final fight already in the status of at least the silver medalist of the Olympics. But silver in this situation is a defeat. How to get together for such a fight?

  - Probably, after the semi-finals, when there is already a medal, boxing is easier. But when you get to the finals, there is a very strong desire to win gold, because silver is good, but still we strive for the best result ...

In the Olympic village, everyone knew that I had the final, everyone was sick, supported, wished them luck before the fight. It is very pleasant that our athletes follow performances in other sports. Unfortunately, I did not manage to follow while I played, but after the finals I managed to go to several competitions and cheer for ours.

- The status of the current world champion gave confidence?

  - I think that what happened before the Games does not affect anything. Although the rivals were the same, I met many. But this has its own situation, you need to tune in to each battle as the last. Everyone got to the Olympics in the selection, but it was quite complicated - only 18 people in our weight, there were no “donated” licenses. Almost all rivals were worthy to be in prizes, in the preliminary stages there were a lot of competitive fights.

For each battle tuned very seriously. I went out and knew that there was only this particular match, despite the fact that I had won before. The same Brazilian with whom he came out in the first fight here, won the world championship in Kazakhstan. But I knew that a duel with him would not be easy, when the opponent in his audience, it was impossible to relax in any case.

"Mom did not sleep all night, waiting for a call"

- Was Olympic gold your goal or dream?

Initially - a dream, of course, but then it all turned into goals. And we systematically approached these goals, finding ourselves in Rio.

“When it was still a dream, how did you imagine it?”

  - Probably always imagine more meaningfully, in a different way. But until the end, while at the Games, I still did not realize while the boxing tournament was going on - maybe I understand when I will return home?

When I started boxing, I probably did not think much about it. I just loved sports, but I had dreams and goals of a completely different nature. I remember how I wanted to at least participate in the Russian championship. It turned out one thing, there were other goals - to get into the top three, to become a champion ... Everything happened gradually, over time. Now this is my favorite thing, my job.

- Is there a devastation after the goal is achieved?

I guess I have a psychological devastation, I gave everything! The last days before the finals were very difficult for me. I understood that there were only two fights and three days left, I had to be patient. I really felt very tired from a psychological point of view, it was said that we had been in Rio for 18 days already.

  I have not thought about what is next. In any case, first heal, a little rest. I’m going home to Belgorod, to my homeland in the village of Kanevskaya, I’ll stay with my parents. In Moscow, I’m going to the gym to the guys. Many who helped, supported, everyone would like to thank you so much! Everyone is supporting now, despite such a flurry of criticism, to which I have nothing to do.

After a short rest I will make a decision. While I remain in Olympic boxing, I will eventually decide what comes next - after the start of a new Olympic cycle, after the Russian championship in Orenburg. I definitely don’t want to “tie up”, despite the fact that the goal has been achieved. I love boxing, I will continue to train and perform. Later I will decide where exactly.

The pause after the Games will not be long - I will quickly begin to miss the training camp, training, and the lifestyle I’m used to. And I'm really mostly used to being on the road. Therefore, I think, within a month some plans will emerge, what's next.

- Who was most worried at home?

I think, mother, of course. I did not sleep all night - until the press conference, while I passed the dope. I couldn’t fall asleep, I was waiting when I called. She always watches fights, sometimes several times. She liked it! She says all is well. But there were no tears of happiness, she holds on - I do not like it when she cries.

“You didn't want your parents in Rio?”

  “I think that doesn't make sense.” Better when sick in the distance. Anyway, this is a factor that can be distracting. And I do not immerse parents in preparation, we communicate as a father, mother and son. Preparation is my life and work, my business, I do not share it. Parents know where I am, but we don’t usually talk about the details of the preparation.

With friends, it happens, I share. I especially cannot advise anyone, our concepts of boxing are different with those who watch on television and with those who are involved. I can give some hints to those who want to achieve a result, but with people who almost do not watch sports, it’s more difficult for me, of course. They may ask with whom and at what time of the battle, when all this can be found on the Internet. But on the other hand, people who are far from sports are very rooting for me - regardless, won or lost. They write, support. Very nice!

I tried to answer everyone at first, but then there was already no opportunity - a lot of messages. It's nice when people without any selfish purpose wish you success. This motivated me, in no way distracted me. This is the first time I have encountered such attention.

“Are you ready for this?” Now this attention will be more at times.

  - In this regard, the Olympic Games have greatly influenced, I played at major tournaments before - this was not the case, many did not know how Zhenya Tishchenko looked in person, even if they knew that there was such a boxer at all. But somehow I didn’t really think about it, I’m probably not a very sociable person. Therefore, as life develops, so I think it will develop. The only thing - maybe they will learn more in my city?

“Has something changed in your head?”

Again - not yet fully realized. That's how I understand it, I even looked at the medal a couple of times. Psychologically exhausted, I still do not understand what to do now.

Repeat the Olympics?

All these sensations from the Olympic Games - theoretically, since you have not yet made a decision about the future - would you like to experience it again?

  “Certainly worth it.” This is what every athlete strives for, this is really a celebration of sports, really those emotions. No wonder they say that sport brings people together. There are no political considerations, everyone is talking to each other, everyone is rooting for each other. In this regard, as a holiday - great!

- After winning the World Cup, you said that Doha is a happy city. Will Rio be happy too now?

I think yes, since I won. Doha remained in her memories as a non-standard city. True, we especially did not see anything there or here. Although, I can say that the ocean impressed me, I swam a couple of times. The waves, of course, are large, we must be careful. But water, sand, weather - everything is great!

Evgeny Andreevich Tishchenko. Born July 15, 1991, the village of Kanevskaya (Krasnodar Territory). Russian boxer. Olympic champion.

Evgeny Tishchenko was born on July 15, 1991 in the village of Kanevskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Later, the family moved to live in Belgorod.

From the fifth grade he began to actively engage in boxing. He was trained in the school section of boxing under the guidance of coach Ivan Andreevich Levichev. At the school level, did not show significant results, the best achievement is the prize in the championship of the Southern Federal District.

Interestingly, boxing success did not come right away - for a long time he did not show good results.

“I didn’t succeed for a long time. I started studying at home in the village of Kanevskaya in the Krasnodar Territory. There were no specialized schools, an ordinary sports school. First we studied in the basement, then we were allocated a hall in the district culture palace. And until I finished school, I didn’t speak I couldn’t win the championships of the country, then I came to Moscow and somehow it worked out. You can say by chance. Somehow it turned out that I got into the national team, won Russia and Europe in juniors. Three months later I became an international master of sports Next g Od got into the main team, became the third in Russia. Since he somehow consolidated his position in the national team, it turned out. He changed the weight category, became the leader in this weight, "he recalled.

In Moscow he graduated from the Mining University. Then he entered the magistracy at the department of physical education, in addition - at the graduate school at the department of mechanical engineering.

The first serious success was achieved in 2009, when he won the Russian youth championship in the light heavyweight category, won first place in the international tournament in Croatia and then won the European Youth Championship in Szczecin.

In 2010 and 2011, in the standings of the adult all-Russian championship, he twice received bronze medals, in the first case he lost to Yegor Mekhontsev in the semifinal, and to Nikita Ivanov in the second. In addition, he took gold at the European Youth Championship in Kaliningrad.

In 2012, Tishchenko became the first Russian boxing champion, defeating all his rivals in the first heavyweight. A year later, in the same weight category, he became the best at the home summer Universiade in Kazan and won a silver medal at the World Championship Alma-Ata, losing in the final with a score of 0: 3 to the titled Italian Clemente Russo.

In 2014, he again won the Russian national championship, including defeating the current European champion Alexei Egorov in the decisive match. Thanks to a series of successful performances, he was awarded the right to defend the country's honor at the European Championship in Bulgarian Samokov, where he eventually defeated all opponents and received gold.

At the 2015 World Boxing Championships, Yevgeny Tishchenko became the champion, defeating Erislandi Savona (Cuba) in the final in the 91 kg category.

Evgeny Tishchenko vs Erislandi Savon. World Cup 2015. The final

The manner of battle of Evgeny Tishchenko is compared with the manner of - because of the similarities in anthropology, in particular, the length of the arms.

The boxer himself said: “I don’t have a figure yet. But in general his boxing is, in principle, the ideal one that we need. So far I have been unable to work with distance. This all probably comes with time. So far I have "I miss this, I can’t stand what I need when I have superiority in the growth and length of my arms. I can’t use it all yet!"

For outstanding sports achievements he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Master of Sports of Russia".

At the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, he took revenge from the titled Italian Clement Rousseau, beating him in the quarter finals. After the defeat, Russo threw a tantrum in the mixed zone. Standing in front of the Italian journalists, the Italian boxer shouted so that he covered his ears. “I don’t know why he and his seconds were so indignant. We need to disassemble the battle, watch it from the side. I think he has no reason to be indignant,” Tishchenko calmly commented.

In the semifinals, he defeated the Uzbek Rustam Tulaganov.

In a tense final fight, he unanimously decided in the category up to 91 kg.

The growth of Evgeny Tishchenko:   196 centimeters.

Personal life of Evgeny Tishchenko:

Due to the workload of training and competition, the athlete has almost no time for personal life. However, it is known that Eugene loves hunting and fishing. “But I didn’t manage to kill anyone - I shot a couple of times, I didn’t get there,” Eugene admitted.

In addition to boxing, according to the athlete, he is good at playing basketball.

Achievements of Evgeny Tishchenko:

2013 Summer Universiade - Gold;
   2013 World Boxing Championships - Silver;
   Russian Boxing Championship 2014 - Gold;
   2015 European Boxing Championship - Gold;
   2015 World Boxing Championship - Gold;
   2016 Olympics - Gold.

The world champion and European champion in 2015 in the first heavy weight category, Yevgeny Tishchenko was called one of the main contenders for the "gold" of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. In his piggy bank there are many victories that the Russian athlete can rightfully be proud of.

Eugene was born in July 1991 in the village of Kanevskaya, in the Krasnodar Territory. He started boxing in primary school. But he did not succeed in achieving special results, because there were almost no conditions for the development of this sport in the village. First, the guys trained in the basement, then the sections allocated a room in the local culture house.

After the move of Evgeny Tishchenko to Belgorod, the conditions for boxing improved. A promising boy was noticed by coach Ivan Levichev. Soon the first victories came to the young boxer.

But a truly athletic biography of Yevgeny Tishchenko began after moving to the capital. Zhenya entered Moscow Mining University, where there was an excellent base for training boxers. It was this circumstance, and not the desire to get the specialty of a mining engineer, that led Tishchenko to the metropolitan university.

The successful debut of the Krasnodar boxer happened in 2009, when he was in his first year. Eighteen-year-old Eugene won the Russian Youth Championship in the light heavyweight category. Competitions were held in Croatia. Then a new victory in Szczecin.


2010 and 2011 brought the athlete "bronze" in the classification of the adult all-Russian championship. And Yevgeny Tishchenko won the gold medal in Kaliningrad, at the European Youth Championship. In 2012, the young boxer became the undisputed leader in the championship of Russia, leaving far behind his rivals in the first heavyweight.

A year later, Eugene managed to earn "gold" in the same weight category at the summer Universiade, which was held in Kazan. But in Almaty he got "silver". However, the rival turned out to be a real professional - the titled Italian boxer Clemente Russo was the “peak” that Tishchenko could not take.

But in 2014, Zhenya became the leader of the Russian national championship, having managed to beat Alexey Egorov, the then reigning European champion, in the decisive match. This victory opened the boxer the doors to the European Championship in Samokov (Bulgaria). Tishchenko entrusted to defend the honor of the country. And he did not fail, leaving behind all the rivals and winning the “gold”.

In the same year, Yevgeny Tishchenko received the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

July 28, 2016, the boxer with the team flew to Brazil for the Olympics. Great expectations were placed on Tishchenko. The reigning world and European champion, in excellent shape, met all expectations. At the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Tishchenko won the gold medal.

Personal life

Like most of his colleagues, the main problem of Eugene is the lack of free time. Training and competition take all the strength. When a few days free from boxing fall out, the athlete has only one desire - to sleep off. But he has a hobby. Zhenya loves hunting and fishing. He does not consider himself a professional hunter or fisherman, but he has professional friends who give good advice.

When an athlete arrives in his native Belgorod to visit his mother, he meets with old school friends. Many residents of the city, especially boxing enthusiasts, recognize the illustrious fellow countryman and even come for an autograph. Zhenya’s mother has long been accustomed to his unsafe pursuit of this sport and even watches tournaments in which his son takes part.

But the personal life of Yevgeny Tishchenko has so far been relegated to the background. Boxing does not like rivals and, it seems, does not want to share its best “children” with anyone else.

25-year-old athlete from the Krasnodar Territory won the 11th medal of the highest standard at the Olympics in Rio [photo, video]

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

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Another gold of ours! In the final fight, 25-year-old Yevgeny Tishchenko defeated Kazakhstani Vasily Levit and literally later with blood and won the 11th highest order medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Despite the difficult first round, the Russian boxer was able to get together and give everything in full. To all sharp active attacks of the opponent, he immediately closed and immediately answered.

For half a minute before the end of the battle, Eugene had a dissection of his head due to a crazy blow from a Kazakhstani. However, a short pause gave Tishchenko a little time to catch his breath, gather his will into a fist and finish off his opponent. Which he did flawlessly.

As a result, the judges unanimously gave the victory to Yevgeny Tishchenko - 3-0 (29:28, 29:28, 29:28).

Today's champion Rio came to the Kanev section of boxing spontaneously. In the elementary grades, he was a harmless good-natured man, studied diligently, and did not risk contacting his cocky peers. Therefore, at 10 years old, Zhenya decided to learn how to stand up for himself.

Well, you, our tugboat? Are you towing everything? - with the inherent reprisal of Kuban, fellow countrymen once made fun of the teenager Zhenya Tishchenko. We were sure that with a boxing the young guy will not grow together.

The lanky, calm boy in response only smiled shyly. Daring in response was not accustomed.

He was called for volleyball, and they offered to engage in basketball. And he - no, and you at least crack, only boxing! - recalls guy’s father Andrey Tishchenko.

Already in his school years, he was tall - in physical education, standing first in a row, he saw the tops of his classmates. But despite his heroic growth, the guy grew puny.

He was new, completely green yet. While some guys stood and trained, he couldn’t - much did not work out. It can’t control the body, then it falls on the site. After all, he had flat feet - hard with such a disease in boxing. That’s why I am giving homework to everyone, and additional exercises for him. But he didn’t object at all - I saw that he was engaged, because after a while his success became better, ”recalls first boxer coach Ivan Levichev, he still lives in Kanevskaya. - Plus, the guy was left-handed, because I did not force him to adapt. If his left hand is the main one, why break and retrain?

So Zhenya continued to train. He will only return from the section - he begins to work out blows in the room in front of the mirror. While his peers were chasing the ball on the field, he was at home, a left hook taught under “Well, wait a minute!”. He didn’t have time to sit down for lessons, when he threw right away and practiced blows again. Constant studies were a holy thing for him. And no excuses!

It is worth saying that from the very beginning he had a very good stand. He could perfectly move and get away from the blows. I remember even the case was - Zhenya then went to the section for six months. Suddenly, the mother of another boy comes running to me and shouts: “Your Tishchenko broke my son’s nose!” I - let’s figure out what the fuss is about. As it turned out, this same offended wanted to push Zhenya through the mats. Just waved as Tishchenko left the blow, and he fell and broke his nose, - the first mentor talks about the first successes of the Olympian.

When the hobby for Eugene became quite serious, the parents became worried.

I admit, I was very worried about my son. My friends buzzed all my ears - “boxing is such a dangerous sport. One blow to the head and that’s all - write lost ”,“ what will Zhenya do after boxing? They’ll beat off his head - and except as a security guard in a nightclub, he won’t get anywhere. ” And of course, for several years I was against classes. But my son is stubborn, - smiles boxer mom Valentina Tishchenko. - I became a little older, I think he will only have this as a hobby. And he suddenly said - “I want to professionally engage in boxing!”

Then the parents realized - it makes no sense to resist.

I remember that we were planning competitions, and I found out who was declared in battles from other areas. I saw that some of the guys had been wearing gloves for a long time - he was scared for Zhenya, thought it was too early for him, the guy’s coach tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. - So this guy called the organizers himself and signed up, and asked his parents to bring them. As a result, he stayed in the ring, as never before. There were mistakes, but, given that the fight was unequal, the guy survived. Yes, and a medal! Of course, that day I was biting my fist on my nerves, but for Tishchenko this fight was important.

After graduating from school, Eugene continued on his way, but already in Belgorod. Under the wing he took a new coach - Oleg Menshchikov. It was he who managed to agree that the athlete had excellent conditions for living and training. In his 25 years, Eugene has already graduated from the magistracy at the department of physical education with excellent marks. But he did not stop there. Now he is a graduate student in the specialty "Engineering". The defense of the candidate postponed. The main thing is the Olympics in Rio. Of course, not just to participate, but to climb the podium.

Tishchenko is carefully preparing for each competition. Hours of training in the ring, practicing strikes and thinking out attacks. He focuses on only one thing - the battle. His goal is victory and not a step below.

You know, without exaggeration, I’ll say that Zhenya is already ready. It remains, as they say, only to get a medal, - the father smiles. - Just the day before they called him to Brazil, he is getting ready. They asked: "How are you?" He, as usual, confidently answers - “Do not distract. Everything is fine with me! ”

Relatives are very worried about their son - they watch battles on TV. Valentina Tishchenko, however, succeeds with this with difficulty. Therefore, she is trying to set up her son, despite the fact that she is over tens of thousands of kilometers. On a small dresser in the hall, she collected all the rewards of her son. Here are his photos and icons. Every day, my mother prays for her boxer several times, asks for strength for him and, of course, patience. Before the battle, Eugene himself reads a prayer. Adopted from mom.

Even before the Olympics, Eugene made a complete list of his potential rivals in Rio. As the athlete predicted, only a few people “caused minor problems.” There was a pair of boxers whose forces Evgeny had not yet tested on themselves - Tishchenko was preparing even more zealously for fights with them, albeit “by touch”. Ring does not forgive underestimation.


After the Olympics, her medalist boxer-policeman from St. Petersburg wants to defend a thesis

For some reason, it is generally accepted that boxers are not burdened with intelligence. There are even a lot of jokes on this subject. Meanwhile, Eugene studied at Moscow Mining University, then transferred to Belgorod State University. After the Olympics, the boxer plans to defend his thesis

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The first coach of the boxer Yevgeny Tishchenko is proud of his ward. Evgeniya HILKO