
How to overcome fear of a job interview. How to calm down and not worry before a job interview: what will help a candidate overcome his fear? When emotions start to run high

Fear of a new job occurs among insecure individuals. This is influenced by a lack of experience in the desired field, insufficient awareness of the topic, and low self-esteem. Young mothers who have lost their qualifications are especially panicky after maternity leave.

Fear of work is inherent in unconfident individuals

Fear arises in front of a new boss, position, or team. But breathing techniques and affirmations (positive attitudes) will help. If a person is unable to cope with his fear on his own, he can consult a psychotherapist.

Causes of fear

Fear appears for various reasons - change of workplace, team, management. A new, high position causes stress. A person worries before going through an interview, probationary period, or internship. He is afraid of not passing the test exam, the results of which mean failure or success. The reason may be a negative experience at a previous place of work - distrust of colleagues, an aggressive and overly hardworking boss, poor working conditions, low pay. The person is worried that the same situation awaits him now.

Fear of the boss

Often, when changing jobs or moving, an employee thinks about their boss. After all, he does not know about his personal qualities and attitude towards employees. Afraid of excessive demands and aggression from the director.

It happens that a world-famous company invites an employee. He settled into his new workplace, established contacts with colleagues, and began to cope well with his responsibilities. The boss suddenly changed. Instead of a kind and understanding person, a dictatorial manager came. He does not take into account the initiatives and ideas of his employees, he is not interested in other people's problems.

Women and young mothers are especially afraid of such bosses. Worried that they cannot cope with such pressure, they leave their new place of work.

Others decide to take this step because they do not want to develop mental disorders.

Fear of the team

A new person in an established team cannot be ignored. At first, he will be the main object of gossip, sometimes even ridicule. But if the employee initially presents himself competently, then such a situation can be avoided.

The main reasons for the appearance of fear of the team are associated with fear:

  • be found professionally unsuitable;
  • not being knowledgeable enough in the required area;
  • fail to meet your goals (fail to meet a deadline, complete a task incorrectly, make a mistake in calculations, etc.);
  • not being able to find contact with colleagues;
  • to be superfluous;
  • to be rejected and misunderstood.

A positive attitude will help you win over your colleagues on your first day of work. Negative attitudes need to be replaced with positive ones. It is necessary to imagine that the newcomer is greeted with joy. They show you a new workplace, share secrets, talk about your boss. You need to remember all your successful attempts to meet people. It happens that an appropriately told joke or funny story relieves tension in a conversation.

Social fears

Fear of a new position

A new position means new responsibilities and higher demands. Responsibility increases. If this is a leadership position, then the person must supervise the work of subordinates. The manager is responsible for any trouble, incorrectly completed task, or errors in the report. The main reasons for fear of a position:

  • not be accepted by subordinates;
  • cannot cope with a large number of tasks;
  • make mistakes in calculations, preparation of reports, distribution of bonuses;
  • to be ridiculed for a ridiculous act;
  • fail to justify the trust of the boss;
  • stay at work late or continue working from home after the end of the shift;
  • make wrong decisions, etc.

For some employees, even a high salary is not an argument. They are afraid of disappointing the boss who offered them a new position. Traits clearly appear: self-doubt, low self-esteem, suspiciousness. A panic attack, hysteria, and nervous breakdowns occur.

When moving to a new position, people are often afraid to stay at work late

Who is afraid of a new job?

People who want to change jobs are susceptible to fear. They are afraid of disappointing management, being rejected by the team, and responsibility. Responsibilities seem difficult to cope with. Any invitation to the director's office causes anxiety and panic. There is always a feeling that someone will do a better job, but the manager only wants to reprimand and punish.

  • loss of qualifications;
  • having a small child (requires long-term care and supervision);
  • frequent sick leave;
  • incomplete education;
  • lack of skills to work with the necessary computer programs or equipment, etc.

Overly emotional and self-critical individuals are afraid of a new job. They are afraid of any change. They consider themselves insufficiently prepared, qualified, or trained. Looking for ideal conditions. Fear of a new job occurs among those who radically change their work environment. Their knowledge is limited to theoretical knowledge and lack of practical skills. But they have great motivation, a desire to learn something new, to work on their own development.

Freelancers are worried about starting their professional activities. Unstable profits, fear of not finding a customer or completing a task incorrectly are their main fears.

They are afraid of irregular work schedules, low pay, and excessive demands. Due to unsuccessful activities, they may get a bad reputation.

A person with a phobia of a new job experiences a feeling of fear when it is mentioned. He takes new changes too seriously. But there are those in whom such signs are not too pronounced and noticeable to others. These people have the ability to control their own emotions. However, particularly observant colleagues may, after a while, notice the strange behavior of the newcomer. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • pale facial skin;
  • low pressure;
  • bad feeling;
  • depressed mood;
  • excessive fearfulness and suspicion;
  • strange, atrophied facial expression;
  • slight trembling;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • hysterical laughter, etc.

External manifestation – bags under the eyes. They are clearly expressed and cannot be hidden. This indicates a sleep disorder - insomnia. This is associated with emotions, panic, anxiety. Fear of a new job causes mental disorders. The person becomes unbalanced and fearful.

Physiological manifestations of fear and anxiety

Ways to get rid of fear

Successful managers often speak in public and give advice on how to get rid of the fear of a new job. They share their success stories and talk about techniques. The most popular among them are affirmations and breathing techniques.


A positive attitude is the key to success. Affirmations will help lift your mood before your first day at work. They will improve your psychological state, eliminate all fears, and eliminate self-doubt. Examples of affirmations for setting yourself up for successful activities:

  • I’m an excellent specialist, so everything will work out;
  • I have a wealth of practical experience, I know what to do in a difficult situation;
  • I'm not scared, I'm stress-resistant;
  • I have a lot of important, good skills, I’ll get the hang of it quickly;
  • every employer will want to cooperate with me;
  • my new job is perfect for me;
  • my qualities are exactly created for this position;
  • I am successful in my activities;
  • I love what I do;
  • I get the desired salary;
  • I am loved and respected by my colleagues;
  • I have excellent career prospects, etc.

A psychological technique that works here is self-hypnosis.

A person sets himself up for a positive outcome. He must accept his failures as a necessity for self-development, an opportunity for personal growth. After all, thoughts are a powerful source of energy.

Breathing techniques

Any breathing exercises should be done standing or lying down. Eyes must be closed. It is important to imagine a beautiful landscape or picture that evokes peace. Inhalation and exhalation must be controlled. Initially, it is important to focus on them. It is important to relax all the muscles of the body. Some breathing techniques:

  1. Belly breathing. Inhale 3–5 s, exhale 4–5 s. Interval – up to 3 s. You want your belly to swell in the process.
  2. Breathing using the collarbones. As you inhale, the collarbones rise, and as you exhale, they fall. The interval between breathing is 3–5 s.
  3. Wave-like breathing. 3 organ systems are involved - abdomen, collarbones, chest. Inhalation begins from the abdomen, moves to the collarbones, and then to the chest. Exhalation occurs in the reverse order.

It is enough to repeat each exercise 3-5 times. You shouldn't overexert yourself. While inhaling, you need to imagine that the body is filled with pure energy and calm. With exhalation, all negativity comes out. In addition to breathing exercises, a person performs a meditation session.

Will psychotherapy help?

There are situations when a person does not know how to overcome the fear of a new job. Therefore, it is worth contacting a specialist. A psychologist will help you overcome yourself. After the course of treatment, the patient will have a desire to work and learn new things. He will successfully overcome the fear of the team, position, and boss.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is built on self-analysis. First, possible causes of fear are discussed. This will help create the most appropriate course of treatment and get rid of the phobia. During the session, the patient must answer the following questions:

  • what will happen if I get a new job;
  • what will happen if I say something wrong at an interview;
  • why am I afraid of being rejected by the team;
  • what is the reason for my fear of superiors;
  • what will happen if I get promoted;
  • why career growth scares me;
  • what makes me scared to change jobs;
  • why I think my knowledge is not enough, etc.

Using these questions, the client analyzes his own behavior. He has a desire to overcome negative attitudes and change them to positive ones.

An important requirement is that the doctor must be truly interested in curing his patient. The client should be as open and honest as possible.

Treatment takes place in several stages. Consists of individual sessions and homework. A psychotherapist helps you to have a positive attitude towards the interview. If suddenly something does not go according to plan, a person knows how to calm himself down and remain calm. He learns to control himself during a stressful situation. A nervous boss or envious colleagues do not cause irritation or anxiety. Role-playing games can be used as homework. The patient needs to imagine that he is the boss, and the doctor is his employee. Let the client share his feelings and emotions. It is important to realize where the fear of the director comes from.

If you need to combat fear of new responsibilities, have the patient describe his image of an ideal manager. It is important to accurately determine its positive qualities. Reading books from successful TOP managers, businessmen, and heads of large companies helps. It is necessary to highlight their strengths and understand what the patient needs to work on in order to achieve the same heights.

If suddenly the client is worried about not being accepted into the team, the psychotherapist suggests attending group classes. They will help you become socially active and stop being afraid of a large group of people.

Psychotherapy will help get rid of the fear of the director and the new team


New job phobia may arise due to low self-esteem, level of qualifications, or insufficient knowledge in the desired field. It happens that a person has high expectations, but the reality disappoints. Some people are worried about the new team, others are afraid of the new boss. For others, muscle weakness appears due to a promotion or new position.

Affirmations and breathing exercises will help you overcome fear. A positive attitude and good preparation for the interview are important. If a person cannot cope with fear on his own, you can use the services of a psychotherapist. He will conduct cognitive behavioral therapy and help the client change his type of thinking and behavior pattern.

Many people feel fear or uncertainty before an interview. Indeed, is it easy for a young man who has just left his student days, or for an experienced specialist who is forced to leave his usual, familiar office chair, to go for an interview with a reputable employer, where he will need to talk with both a personnel psychologist who sees right through the interlocutor, and with the boss? department, and often with the general director himself... Because of this fear, many as a result give up attempts to change their destiny, to begin a new stage of professional life.

How to cope with your fears before an interview, how to prepare psychologically for it? Before this important event, we worry almost as much (or even more) as before a date with a stranger. We are tormented by doubts: “What will happen in the end? Will the employer like me? How will our communication turn out? What if they ask me a question to which I cannot find a worthy answer? The main reason for our anxiety is uncertainty. Try to find out as much as possible about the company you are going to. Making inquiries is quite easy using the Internet. By carefully studying the website of your potential employer, you will find out what the company does, what it offers to its clients, what its features are, and who works there. Try also to feel her atmosphere, imagine what she is like: soft, creative, active, aggressive. Looking at the design of the virtual page, at the photographs, ask yourself, do you want to join this team, will you be comfortable working here? Since information on corporate websites is often posted selectively, use any search engine to monitor news about the company that interests you. This will give you an objective view of the organization.

Nowadays, quite a lot of books have been published on how to pass an interview; there are many articles and tips on a similar topic in the press and on the Internet. The only drawback of such literature is that it does not tell you how to conduct a conversation with a recruiter personally. However, all these books and articles can be of significant benefit. After reading them, you will get a general understanding of the interview process, as well as what questions are usually asked to a candidate for a vacant position.

The same sources, as a rule, also provide the “correct answers” ​​to the HR manager’s questions. This is where you should be careful and under no circumstances memorize the recommended phrases. Better think and formulate your own answer to each question. You can then check it against the book, but if there is a discrepancy, do not consider that you answered incorrectly. Just think about what is appropriate to talk about during an interview and what should be kept silent. For example, you shouldn’t throw mud at a company you no longer work for, no matter how bad you feel there. It is better to speak about her with respect and correctly say the reason for your leaving. It is also inappropriate to talk about your personal problems and financial difficulties. Consider book answer options only as a hint, as a guide to help you find the wording of the answer that suits you personally.

If you follow the recommendations described above for preparing for a conversation with an employer, you will feel much more confident. However, of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of the feeling of uncertainty. Therefore, you need to pay enough attention to psychological preparation in order to be in shape at the interview, to be yourself in the best possible way: calm, relaxed, spontaneous, open, natural...

The impression you make on a potential employer is so important that it can easily outweigh any gaps in your knowledge in a particular subject area. In the end, knowledge and even skills are quite easy to acquire through courses and trainings, but making sure that anxiety and stiffness does not prevent you from communicating with the interviewer is not an easy task. As you prepare for your interview and think through your answers to possible questions, try to visualize the interview in your mind. Imagine how you calmly enter the office, greet those present, sit down, they ask you questions, and you calmly and confidently answer them.

Our psyche (more precisely, its unconscious) does not distinguish reality from imagination, so such mental training is very useful. And it doesn’t matter if your images are dim and blurry: you still don’t know absolutely exactly what will happen during the interview. The main thing is your sense of self. Remember what feelings you experienced during a pleasant meeting with friends, on a date, at a party, and “transport” from this picture to an imaginary situation of dialogue with an HR manager, department head, etc. Feel that you are just as easy and comfortable .

To enhance the effect, come up with a metaphor for an interview. What is it to you: a child's game? dance? chess game? demonstration performance? (fight to the death is a bad example). Find a suitable metaphor and remind yourself of it, live into it - and you will get rid of anxiety. But if anxiety (which does not help, but hinders) still remains, try to create a scale of your possible troubles: jot them down on paper (try to remember at least 20), and then rewrite them in a column in order of increasing horror. Don’t forget about illnesses, accidents, fires, divorces and other difficult but vital human situations. If you take the time to do this work, you will end up with a simple but powerful tool for dealing with your own fears, because almost every one of them will be at the very top of the list. Failure at an interview will be the second, third, or at least fifth item on such a list. As you can see, everything is relative, and the failure that befell you is not such a big grief.

On the other hand, what does it mean to fail at an interview? Don't you think that you need to fill this vacancy at all costs? How do you know that you will feel good here, that your creative abilities will be realized in this company, that you will be treated with respect, etc.? Where such confidence? In fact, not only are you chosen, but you are also chosen. Therefore, remember that your task is not only to make a favorable impression, but also to understand whether this option suits you? It remains to be seen what is worse: not being accepted into a job that is suitable for you or being accepted into an unsuitable one. What will you have to pay more for? So feel like you're on an equal footing with your potential employer, because the interview is about not only whether he likes you, but also whether you like him.

Speaking about psychological preparation for a meeting with a recruiter, it is necessary to mention that there are a number of ways to manage your emotional state. These include methods of autogenic training, relaxation techniques, meditative practices, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques, as well as specially developed self-regulation systems (the “Key” method of Kh. M. Aliev, the stress management system of O. I. Zhdanov, etc. .d.). Although any techniques of this kind can be mastered faster and better with the help of qualified instructors, most techniques are not difficult to master on your own using the appropriate literature. It is only important to understand that it is not enough just to read the description of this or that method. To apply skills in a “combat” situation, they need to be carefully practiced and tested many times in calm conditions.

It is also possible to cope with emotions without prior training. Take a sheet of paper, preferably at least A4 size, and draw what your fears, anxieties, worries, worries look like. Excuses about the inability to draw are not accepted, because your goal is not to create a work of art, but to depict your experiences. They can be faces and human silhouettes, existing and fictional animals, abstract figures, lines, strokes - anything. Colors are closely related to emotions, so it is worth using not only a pen, but also pencils, felt-tip pens, and markers of various shades. The criterion for the quality of work is your own feeling that the fears are depicted correctly, that the sheet in front of you is your own fear. Well, then you need to crumple it, tear it and throw it away - and you will feel how your soul will become lighter. Take your life and your destiny into your own hands and boldly move forward towards achieving your goal!

Stress and anxiety are two of the applicant’s companions. Worried, you are unable to make an adequate decision, find the correct wording, present yourself adequately, and you come up with a funny answer already at the exit of the building where you were interviewed. You failed the test to get your dream job again because you were too worried.

Why would you go through this over and over again? Learn to control even the slightest surge in the activity of the monster called “excitement” and forever forget the already familiar overexertion and failures in employment and career. So, it's time to step out of your comfort zone. But what kind of comfort is this?

Nature of excitement

First, understand the nature of anxiety. This is pure biochemistry, the result of which is the release of adrenaline. It gives your cheeks a rosy glow, releases your inner energy and then your eyes light up with a vibrant sparkle - voila! – you are beautiful for any employer. It turns out that worrying in moderation is healthy.

But excessive excitement is an almost lethal dose of a substance that penetrates the blood in very dangerous situations. But at an interview you are not standing on the edge of a roof or are not going to pick up a non-aggressive, but still, spider in your hands. And what’s more, no one is going to bury you alive in a box. Just stop being afraid of non-existent danger.

How? Follow our advice.

"Combat" warm-up

Before you go into the HR office, devote a few minutes to yourself. Not to what will happen after you enter, but to yourself. Shake your brushes and stretch your fingers. You do this, right? So, this activates the speech centers and relieves nervous tension. Move your jaws in different directions for a minute or two. The result is the same - you balance your condition. If there are no video cameras in the waiting room or lobby where you are, you can even wave your hands.

Pose of a confident and proud man

Worried, we press our heads into our shoulders, lean forward, literally shrink in anticipation of an invisible blow. Act on the contrary - accustom yourself to the posture of a confident person. This tells your brain that you are calm and strong internally - and it actually reduces your emotions. With your back straight, lower your shoulders and lift your chin. You can even lift it up a little. Gradually you will learn to raise your chin to a decent height for an interview :)

Yoga breathing

Breathe as if you are doing yoga right now. Breathe deeply and measuredly, breaking each inhalation and exhalation into 4 counts. Calm your brain.

false mirror

Public people who have extensive experience communicating with audiences sometimes give funny but effective recommendations - imagine that your arms are gradually lengthening, first to your knees, then to your heels, then a couple more turns around your body, and so on ad infinitum... The main thing is to follow internal process, try to feel it. You shift your point of attention and calm down. Try it now!

Interview game

Think of the interview as a game, and you progress with each level. You are sure that the difficulty of a level is a temporary phenomenon, and each difficulty only adds excitement. Remember, all the failures in the game only encourage you to complete it, right?

Rescue notepad

You are worried because you do not have the practice of going through the ordeal, i.e., interviews. Usually the first conversation with HR is characterized as “scary, unpleasant, stupid...”. But after a dozen interviews, you’re already counting the mistakes of inexperienced recruiters and laughing at their standard questions.

Meet the danger, i.e. excitement, face to face. Take a notepad and take notes during the conversation. This will give you time to think about the questions and present you as a prepared person. Write there the advice “Straighten your back / smile / don’t jerk your leg / thank you for the meeting” or even “You’re in a stylish suit - everything is ok!”

Push away negativity

Have you noticed that it’s easier for you to think when you’re around calm people? Try the reverse method - if there is an irritating element (person, event, etc.), do not give in to tension, distance yourself internally from what is happening, remain calm. You will immediately see that people around you calm down, not finding fuel for their stress in your poise. Like water off a duck’s back, this is now about you. You push away negative emotions without letting them affect you.

The right attitude and preparation

You can't influence many things. It’s easier to accept them as a fact and use them to your advantage. Likewise, an interview is like going to the dentist once every six months - it will take place in any case, and you never know in advance what exactly will happen. Change your attitude towards the event - learn to enjoy the process. Naturally, this is easier to do if you prepare at home for a meeting - thoughtfully compose a resume, remember your achievements and successfully completed projects, think through answers to likely questions, and “upgrade” yourself professionally.

Remember, this interview will not cause the collapse of the planet or your life. Nothing will change. In fact, you will forget about everything within a day. HR will forget you on the next applicant. Just have a conversation that benefits you, ask questions that concern you about the company, team, and corporate culture. Use the win-win principle - even if you don’t get this job, you will gain experience, information, and they can be used for your further development.

Reminder rubber band

Whether you worry or not is your personal choice. Just understand that worrying too much will not give you anything. What worried you six months, a year, two years ago? Now these fears seem funny or ridiculous. Your fear today and, as a result, excitement a year later will be just as strange for you, a person who has become much stronger.

Therefore, break the habit of this bad habit - put an elastic band on your hand (the one that is used to tie a pack of banknotes) and snap it on your wrist every time you feel increasing tension and begin to calm down. You only need 21 days to break the habit. Just three weeks.

Let the sea rage. You are calm and your eyes sparkle, convincing HR of your professionalism and self-confidence better than any resume.

If you want to improve more, the book by Radislav Gandapas “Kama Sutra for the Speaker” will help you. The famous speaker independently learned to suppress anxiety and turned it into a tool for his victory over the audience.

Being forewarned means you are in control of the situation. first of all it is necessary collect as much information as possible about the company where it will take place. Of course, the interviewer should tell you about the scope of activity and immediate responsibilities, but not everyone will be confident in their own abilities when entering an unknown river. It is important to know how long the interview will take, about this

You also need try to anticipate a list of questions in advance, which the interviewer will ask. Usually the interview is of a standard nature, so it can be easily found on the Internet. So, armed with a list, you can ask a loved one to be in the place of the leader.

At the same time, it is important to put all jokes aside. If the interviewee’s anxiety already makes itself felt at this stage, you need to repeat the interview again and again. It's like preparing for an exam: if you know the ticket well, you'll pass with flying colors!

It will be useful to get to know the staff if you can find this information on the Internet. The feeling that all people already know each other will help relieve tension and, if the outcome of the interview is favorable, help you quickly integrate into the new team.

Everything that is used by the body

How not to be afraid of a job interview? In order to be fully involved in the dialogue during a conversation and not think about abstract topics, you need to give up some food and medications a day before.

Foods that can cause discomfort are excluded from the diet. Too sweet, legumes and flour and laxative foods can cause bloating, which is not good for the interviewee. Alcohol, for example a glass of wine, although it will help you relax in the evening before the interview, drinking too much can have an adverse effect on the morning, and during the interview they will try to quickly say goodbye to you, promising to call you.

Refusing to eat is also not a solution. Without having breakfast, when meeting with a potential boss, he will most likely be able to hear not only the words of a successful and promising person, but also a serenade coming from a hungry belly.

In order not to trigger the nervous system, It is better to avoid drinking coffee and strong black tea, chocolate and a lot of sweets.

How to cope with anxiety before an interview? You should not take antidepressants - they can cause drowsiness and disorientation, and the interview may seem like a chore.

So you have to avoid anything too spicy, salty or hot, giving preference to natural and easy to digest products.

Body language will say everything for you

It's important to study control your body. Waving your arms, restlessness and excessive activity can only scare away your interlocutors. Just like excessive isolation, quiet speech and complete compression of the whole body will not produce the desired effect on the interviewer.

If the interviewee is overly expressive, he might want to bring something with him to keep his hands busy. You can stock up on a notepad and pen - if necessary, they will serve you well, for example, if you need to draw a graph. And it will be better if the interviewer sees the pen turning in the hands of the interlocutor than to take part in “fist fights”.

Eye contact is very important, and no one forces you to look your opponent in the eyes - just evaluate the bridge of your nose or the interviewer’s hairstyle.

Music must flow from the lips

To overcome interview fears, it needs to be loud and clear. Sounds that are literally forced and intermittently pushed into freedom will not be appreciated, nor will a small voice. For relaxation and general calm, it is better to do breathing exercises.

Need it slow in five seconds, fill your lungs with air, hold it in and also exhale slowly. Do this exercise several times. At the same time, the body will be saturated with oxygen, breathing will be regulated, which will have a beneficial effect on speech.

It is worth paying close attention to what exactly will be said during the interview. You shouldn’t come up with complexly composed sentences - under stress, you can get confused in them.

So, now you know how to stop worrying before an interview and how to not be afraid of an interview. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Study the company, its field of activity, and, if possible, its personnel.
  2. Pass the demo version of the interview, involve a loved one in this process who can point out mistakes.
  3. Do not eat foods that may cause discomfort.
  4. Work on your gestures.
  5. Practice your speech.

The above tips will help you cope with yourself and successfully pass the interview.

How to overcome fear of an interview and prepare in general for an interview, watch the video:

FinExecutive Russia website 2019-12-23

How to overcome fear and anxiety before an interview?

Each of us has experienced anxiety before and during an interview. Sweaty palms, uncertain speech, trembling hands and “everything has flown out of my head” - isn’t this about us? The most offensive thing is that the more desirable the vacancy, the more fears, the sadder the result. What to do? Here are some tips from FinExecutive to help you calm your nerves and land your dream job.

Tip #1: Practice. An interview is an opportunity to show your best side to a potential employer. It evaluates more than just your experience and skills. Often the employer (or HR employee) pays attention to the behavior of the applicant. So, before going for an interview, practice at home. Your friend can play the role of a potential employer and ask questions. This is a very useful practice: it will allow you to tune in internally for the interview. It will make you feel more confident during the interview itself, which will increase your chances of getting the job.

Tip #2: Be positive. Pessimistic people often predict failure even before the interview. This, naturally, cannot but affect their internal state. The anxiety and stress caused by stressing yourself out will ultimately lead to poor behavior. Therefore, you need to set yourself up positively in advance. Imagine that you are leaving your employer smiling and with your head held high - this will lift your spirits and allow you to curb your fear and anxiety before the upcoming event.

Tip #3: Ask clarifying questions. To help you calm down and stop worrying during an interview, you can ask the interview organizer a few questions that will help you get more information about the upcoming meeting. You can ask about how many people will be present, whether there will be psychological tests, or whether any professional skills will need to be demonstrated. Answering these questions will help you calm down, as the interview will no longer seem like something uncertain and unknown to you. In addition, such behavior will show that you are a responsible person who is trying to prepare as best as possible for the meeting.

Tip #4: Breathe. It is better to arrive for the interview a little earlier than the appointed time and walk around for a few minutes. This will allow you to calm down for a while and not worry so much during the interview.

Tip No. 5. Remember the simple rules of behavior.

Look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Looking to the side is one of the signs of uncertainty: a person is looking for a way out of an uncomfortable situation.

Smile. Only someone who is relaxed and confident can do this. But keep in mind that with a sincere smile, not only the lips are involved, but also the eyes.

Don't gesture. Quick hand movements indicate concern or a desire to attract attention. Interlace your fingers and keep your hands on your lap or on a table - this will make you appear calm. If you are standing, keep your arms down - this will demonstrate that you are not afraid to expose vulnerable parts of your body.

Drink water. When nervous, the throat contracts and the person makes swallowing movements - an outside observer perceives this as a loss of confidence. To avoid discomfort, place a glass of water nearby: in a difficult situation, you can take a few sips and maintain a confident appearance.

Speak slowly. When a person is worried, his speech speeds up. Keep your speech pace slow and pause to get enough air.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in these tips, but following them will help you curb your fear and anxiety before the interview, and increase your chances of getting the desired position.