
A test given at an interview. Interview test options. Do I need to prepare?

Sometimes communication during an interview is not limited to conversation. The applicant is asked to take one or more tests. What tests are there at an interview? Tests can determine the applicant's level of competence (professional testing). The candidate may be asked to undergo psychological testing in order for the employer to gain a more complete understanding of the character traits, motives, and behavioral characteristics of the applicant for the position. Logic tests can be classified as a separate group.

Interview tests that measure an applicant’s ability to think logically can be offered to representatives of many professions: not only “technicians,” but also humanitarian professionals (managers, secretaries, administrators, etc.). These tests do not require special knowledge - for example, mathematics - only the ability to concentrate and find a logical connection between several facts (or lack thereof).

The wording of the questions may seem absurd. For example, that elephants are books. Don't be confused - these are just words for groups of objects. Turn off your imaginative thinking, don’t try to imagine mutant elephants; use only logic to solve.

If there are tests coming up during a job interview, can you prepare for them? Can. This is not like preparing for an exam by memorizing tickets - you will still have to improvise at the interview. But you can develop a technical skill. The more similar problems you solve, the easier it will be to cope with them during an interview. Training is also useful because an interview is stressful, and under conditions of psychological stress we think more slowly and not as effectively as in a familiar environment. If you see a task that is familiar (even if the type of task is familiar), you are more likely to succeed.

What if you don't answer the test questions correctly? Does this mean that the employer will lose interest in you? Not necessary. Of course, you need to try to answer correctly, but if you can’t, it’s important to show your train of thought; For the employer, it is also indicative of the fact that you do not give up searching for a solution, that you are not nervous, that you are trying to think and reason logically.

Below are 12 questions on logic: you may encounter a similar test when applying for a job. The answers are given at the end. Try to answer on your own without looking at the result. During an interview, time may be limited, but, as a rule, there is enough time - the important thing is not to think faster, but to relax and calm down.

1. Some rabbits are trees. All trees love dogs. So all rabbits love dogs.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

2. All books can run. All elephants are books. This means that all elephants can run.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

3. Two carrots are never alike. Birches and chestnuts look exactly the same. This means that birches and chestnuts are not two carrots.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

4. Some potatoes are cars. Some cars play a tambourine. This means that some potatoes play the tambourine.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

5. No bird can become a minister if he has a blue nose. All birds have a blue nose. This means that none of the birds can become a minister.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

6. All nightingales collect bananas. Some banana pickers sit in a doghouse. This means that some nightingales are sitting in a doghouse.

a) Correct.
b) Incorrect.

7. Only smart people steal or cheat. Sveta is stupid.

a) Sveta is deceiving.
b) Doesn’t steal light.
c) Sveta steals.
d) Sveta steals and deceives.
d) There is no correct answer.

8. All swans cannot crawl. All swans have tickets.

a) Swans cannot crawl without tickets.
b) Some swans do not have tickets.
c) Swans cannot crawl because they have tickets.
d) All swans who have tickets cannot crawl.
e) Swans cannot crawl and they do not have tickets.
f) There is no correct answer.

9. Some cats are Chinese. The Chinese have three legs.

a) Cats with four legs are not Chinese.
b) The Chinese, who are cats, sometimes have three legs.
c) Chinese people with four legs are sometimes cats.
d) There are no non-Chinese cats with three legs.
e) Cats have three legs because they are Chinese.
f) There is no correct answer.

10. Trees are green cats. Trees drink beer.

a) All green cats drink beer.
b) All green cats are trees.
c) Some green cats drink beer.
d) Green cats don't drink beer.
e) Green cats are not trees.
f) There is no correct answer.

11. Smart leaders fall from the sky. Stupid leaders can smoke.

a) Stupid leaders fall from the sky.
b) Smart leaders who know how to fall can smoke.
c) Some stupid managers cannot smoke.
d) Some smart managers are stupid because they know how to smoke.
d) There is no correct answer.

12. Each triangle is square. All triangles are orange.

a) There are triangles with orange corners.
b) There are triangles with square corners.
c) There are triangular orange corners.
d) Corners and triangles - square and orange.
d) There is no correct answer.

Right answers:

1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7b, 8d, 9a, 10c, 11d, 12d.

Elena Nabatchikova

It is carried out to evaluate the candidate - first of all, his competence, level of intelligence and interest in obtaining this position.

Of course, the tests must be compiled by professionals, and the testing must also be carried out by a specialized specialist, otherwise their results may be seriously distorted. Preparation of questions for tests (we will look at examples of them in the article) is done in psychological centers, and organizations specializing in personnel selection are also working on this. Since many companies use tests, and most of these tests have common points, they have their own characteristics and methods for better passing them. If you tackle this issue in advance and understand what these tests are and how to pass them, you can significantly increase your chances of finding a good job.

We have already given the general answer, but now it’s time to talk in more detail about how, with the help of tests, it is determined who is more suitable? The fact is that the quality of work in a particular position will depend on various factors that may influence more strongly in one position and less in another. In general, almost everywhere, in addition to the actual qualifications, such parameters as the ability to find a common language with other people, analyze information, clear motivation, psychological stability and other parameters are important, there are quite a lot of them. Testing allows you to identify their level in an applicant.

Each company is engaged in clearly defined activities that require the employee, first of all, to have the most necessary abilities for it. In addition, the team makes its own demands on the employee, which may also be somewhat specific. It is important that the employee meets them and does not violate the psychological comfort of other team members. Let's give the simplest examples: for example, if we have a young and creative team in an IT company, then it would be more expedient to also hire a young employee who is inclined to show a creative approach. At the same time, if we are talking about an investment company that has already worked in the market for a long time and has a mature staff, then a calm and reasonable employee who weighs every step and knows how to get along with clients and does not experience inconvenience from the fact that they have to take a long time to explain everything. Each of these workers has their own strengths, which will be useful to them in one place and will not be needed in another.

Employment tests allow you to determine the level of expression of a particular quality. For example, in this way it is determined what the personal preferences of the applicant are, his psychological state in general, priorities in life, how high his ability to absorb information and learning ability are, whether he has the qualities of a leader, how well he gets along in a team, whether he shows creativity in tasks approach or solves them from other positions.

Please note that test results are not always intended to be the ultimate truth and may not provide a complete picture of a person. This means that tests should be considered only one of the tools used.

Moreover, not every company specifically invites a specialist to compile tests specifically for it and then decipher it; more often, standard ones are used, and therefore less effective. Let us highlight their main advantages and disadvantages:

The advantages are as follows:

  • it is easier to carry out selection when there are clear results before your eyes;
  • the influence of the human factor is minimized;
  • the hidden abilities of the applicant can be revealed;
  • The testing checks the level of stress resistance.

There are others, but they are less significant. Let's highlight the most important negative points:

  • the data may turn out to be unreliable, in particular, a participant who has read the tests in advance will have an advantage over someone who sees them for the first time;
  • a test, especially a poorly designed one, is not able to give a complete picture of the applicant’s qualities;
  • The stress experienced by the test taker may affect the result.

Based on this, it is optimal to use several tools at once when recruiting personnel, one of which will be testing.

Types of tests

There are many different types of tests, each of which has its own scope of application. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.


Psychological testing is now offered in almost every company. Too many aspects of the work will depend on what the personal characteristics of a person are that are revealed during the process to ignore it: here and when working with clients - relationships with them, and in general the psychological state of the employee greatly influences the quality of his work.

The most commonly used test is the Luscher test, which determines both the current state of the applicant and what his attitude towards life in general is, whether he is more inclined towards optimism or pessimism. Another popular test is the Briggs and Myers test, which determines the psychological type of an employee, after which it will be possible to determine how inclined he is to the proposed activity and whether he will be effective in a vacant position.

Thanks to psychological tests, it is possible to determine what the applicant’s temperament is - whether he is, for example, a calm phlegmatic person, or an easily excitable choleric person - often, it is desirable for them to occupy completely different positions. Often, employers decide that psychological tests are not needed, since an interview can replace them, but this is a wrong opinion, due to which serious miscalculations can be made: a person will end up in a position that is not suitable for him by temperament, or conflicts will begin in the team.

For resistance to stress

In some positions, stressful situations constantly arise that require clear, instant decisions.

Perhaps the result of work, and maybe even life, will primarily depend on them - sometimes the employee himself, sometimes others. For example, this applies to emergency doctors or fire department workers. In such cases, stress tests are used for hiring. One of the main tests that reveals how well an applicant can cope with a stressful situation and make difficult decisions in it is the Rorschach test, aimed at determining the level of self-control.


With their help, they determine how well a potential employee is able to analyze information and whether he will be consistent in his actions (logical tests). A regular IQ test is also used, the purpose of which is to determine the test taker’s ability to build logical chains and understand patterns. Logic tests are widely used; among them we also highlight the Amthauer test.

For attentiveness

Pre-employment acumen tests are also common. They are used primarily for those workers who will work with documents, because attentiveness and concentration are very important when drawing up documents, and even more so when maintaining statistics or financial accounting. The Munsterberg test is most often used to determine the level of attentiveness. It is based on identifying errors in the text, analyzing it as a whole, or focusing on finding words with a given meaning.


Many professions need to be able to work with numbers and formulas, and math skills tests are used when hiring applicants for these positions. It is clear that an economist needs to be able to calculate very well and quickly - even though everything can be calculated automatically, these skills will allow you to do everything faster, and if some inaccuracy has crept into the calculations, then it will be faster to find it. First of all, to determine how good your mathematical abilities are, the previously mentioned IQ test (also known as the Eysenck test) is used, since it places a lot of emphasis on mathematics.


There are also purely professional or technical knowledge tests for employment. If the job is directly related to machinery or computer technology, then this type of test should reveal how well the applicant controls what he will then work with. Of the more general tests, the Bennett test is used for this, which reveals how well a person is able to find optimal solutions in the technical field.


A language proficiency test for employment is relatively rare and is used only if an employee will need to be fluent in several languages ​​to carry out his professional activities. First of all, this is required when hiring translators, employees of international companies, as well as in the tourism sector. Any special tests are usually not used; it will only be enough to test your writing and speaking skills in the desired language.

Lie detector

Nowadays it is often used to determine whether a potential employee has problems with alcohol, drugs, and the like. You can refuse the test, but this will significantly reduce your chances of getting the desired position, and, most likely, will completely close the door on you.

Sell ​​a pen

Often this kind of test is part of an interview for a position in which it will be necessary to instill something in clients - not necessarily even direct sales. It is proposed to sell any simple item that the offerer constantly carries with him.

Based on the test results, you can get a certain idea of ​​the test subject's potential in this area.

But it’s worth noting that this test has become too common, and almost everyone who aspires to sales-related positions first of all learns how to pass it, which is why it is almost never used in leading companies.

Test examples

The best way to prepare for what awaits you when applying for a job is to get tested in advance, taking a look at every popular test, preferably more than once. In today's conditions, when tests are used everywhere, this will definitely not be a useless waste of time, and will seriously increase your chances. To make it easier for you to do this, and not have to look for examples all over the Internet, we are attaching them to this article - you will find all the popular tests here.

Let's look at the question from both points of view: how can the applicant get a better result, and how can the employer interpret this result? First, let’s talk a little about the preparation that will help you show a good result on the test. First you need to do two things:

  1. Find similar tests for training - we have already successfully completed this stage.
  2. Finding out what it is is ideal if you manage to do it “first hand,” that is, from one of the employees of the company you are aiming for. Firstly, you can find out which tests are most likely to be useful to you - which means they should be given special attention when training. Secondly, a lot will depend on the personality of the recipient - and it would be good to find out more about him.

There is one more important point: choose one line of behavior when answering various types of psychological tests.

The fact is that tests often contain special questions that are aimed at determining how sincerely the respondent answers. If these questions indicate that you were not trying to answer the questions truthfully, but simply wanted to appear as “the guy,” for example, then their results will be viewed in that light.

Now let's talk about using the results. It is immediately worth noting that the reliability of the result should not be considered one hundred percent. Even if a specialist deciphers it, it should be estimated at about 60-65%, since a lot depends on various factors, such as anxiety (in non-stress resistance tests it interferes with accuracy), the quality of the test and its relevance, and the like.

The accuracy will be even lower if a specialist is not involved in deciphering the result, but a program is used. This means that when applying for admission, the test should be taken into account only as one source of information about applicants. As for the assessments themselves, they are usually expressed either as a percentage or as points, which allows you to compare the results of applicants with each other. But not all tests have a direct numerical assessment; sometimes their results need to be analyzed without involving it.

Good day, dear friend!

Today we will discuss how to behave if you are asked to perform job interview tests. Some of which are more like work in progress or something like that.

Some domestic employers live by the principle: get as much as you can and from whomever you can, and then we’ll see.

Such a “value system” can quickly lead to a dead end. But who cares when the disappointing profit and loss statements are flashing before your eyes?

For such an employer, a job seeker is quite a suitable target to snatch at least something out of the blue. Namely, work done for free.

One of my clients, Pavel, asked for advice:

Invited for an interview with a company in the defense sector. The head of the HR department, towards the end of the interview, began to take a keen interest in my client’s personal developments and asked to send it by mail.

According to him, this will be counted as a test of professional competence. Such a task raised some suspicions. Somehow he was too “livingly” interested. Pavel did as I advised him, which I will discuss later in this article. He sent something like a “fish”.

I received no response, which was to be expected. It was for the better, because after a couple of months the office was shut down with a bang, as the entire press wrote about.

Another example:

In one of the companies, all candidates for the position of tester are offered the following test: “Test our company’s website.” At the same time, as it turned out, they are not going to offer a job to anyone. Why pay if they work for free?

Similar “tests”, which, in fact, are full-fledged projects, are found from time to time in companies in the IT sector, marketing, and media.

With all this, it is not very clear whether they are leading you by the nose or not.

Obviously, with this approach, the company’s reputational losses will significantly exceed the “profit” from ripping off candidates. But can you explain it to them? One way or another, it is important to choose your tactics of behavior,

The main idea: find a balance between your desire to work in this particular company and the time and moral costs of completing tests.

More on this below, but for now let’s give a brief overview:

What tests are there?

Conventionally, all tests can be classified into the following groups:

  1. Psychological tests.We have dedicated a separate section to this topic. .
  2. Tasks. Usually abstract and quick-witted.
  3. Professional cases.

Read more about this group of tests.Professional cases can also be classified.

a) Abstract situational cases

A situation that may arise at work is given. Usually more or less typical. Your actions in such a situation are evaluated.

b) Test questionnaires

Something like a questionnaire containing questions and answer options on professional topics. They are used less often and in specific cases.

c) Real practical cases

For example, the same proposal to test the company’s website. Or some unfinished work or even a whole project

Sometimes tests are justified

Sometimes the work has distinct specifics and a test task is the most adequate way to evaluate the candidate. Both sides understand this.

In such cases, a complex test task with a deep immersion of the candidate into the specifics of the work is given at the final stage of selection , usually after an interview with the manager of the vacancy. The test must be developed professionally by subject matter experts.

Is offering to do free work a scam? I think no. They do not promise to pay you for this work or give you a joboffer after the work is completed.And therefore, it’s up to you to decide.

When to take the test and when to refuse?

Before deciding whether to get involved with a test in the format of a real job, essentially doing the work for free, I recommend evaluating the following factors:

1. Your desire to work in this company

If this is your “dream” company or something like that, you can be patient. The game is worth the candle.

I believe you have seen how a good salesman (and you, in this case, are akin to him) courtes a wealthy client. Prepares presentations, makes gifts, demonstrates the advantages and benefits of his product or cooperation.

2. Time consumption

If the task is for an hour and a half or less, you can try on the role of a consultant or who initially comes and consults for free.

If the task is more like a project or concept that will take a couple of days, or even more, I recommend doing this:

  • Make a plan for the implementation of the project and leave the details behind the scenes.This is akin to a preliminary consultation.
  • If they ask why it’s not complete, say that the level of competence can be determined by the light version. The full version is already a consulting, a ready-made solution. And for a ready-made solution... you understand.

Take advantage of the situation to generate interest. Interest comes from understatement.

3. Selection stage

If you are offered a test before, this is not a very good sign. I recommend doing it if it is very simple, apparently designed to filter out completely unsuitable candidates.

If the test is offered after you have passed an interview with a line manager, and you have suspicions that you are being scammed, I recommend asking:

  1. By what criteria will the test be scored?
  2. If the test is done well, will you receive a job offer?
  3. Can you make a “lite” version that makes your level of competency clear?

Questions may somewhat “sober” your counterpart. You, as an adequate person who knows his worth, are not going to give ready-made solutions for free and without obligation.

The optimal task for you is to arouse interest with minimal time investment.

For example, show an action plan for completing the work proposed in the case. Some point can be described in more detail as an example.

If they tell you what needs to be done completely, your argument is that it will be a ready-made solution that should be paid for as a service. There's nothing wrong with that. Make it clear that you value your time. An adequate employer will understand you.

If they ask you to send your developments.

Your humble servant did the following: he tore out individual fragments from a document or presentation. Or rubbed it out. So that it cannot be used as a ready-made solution, but the main essence, logic and value are clear . It turned out something like an announcement, landing page or commercial offer. This is exactly what Paul did in the example at the beginning of the article.

Don't pay!

Some particularly zealous employers or their “enterprising” representatives strive to snatch at least something from scratch. For example: mandatory paid polygraph tests, various paid training programs, etc. There can be many options.

Make it a rule: Don't pay. This is almost always a 100% scam.

There is an unspoken rule: in the labor market the employer pays . This is common practice. If the employer ignores it, it means that he is not only violating the rules of the game, but also simply does not respect potential employees. Which means we are not on the same path.

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  1. Share with your friends by clicking on the social media buttons.
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Have a nice day and good mood!

Logical or abstract reasoning tests measure your ability to perceive and understand abstract forms and the logical rules behind those forms. Imagination, visualization and abstract thinking skills play a major role in determining the level of logical thinking skills required to solve any logic test. In this article on HRLider you will find examples of different types of logic tests, explanations of their solutions and preparation tips.

What is the purpose of logical thinking tests?

Einstein once said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.”

The point of logic and reasoning tests is to assess your abstract thinking and imagination abilities. Developed imagination and the ability to draw conclusions based on abstract ideas is a quality that is required for many modern positions in the labor market. Both employers and HR agencies love logic tests because they can easily and quickly determine a person’s general intellectual level, the development of his mind and his abilities for critical thinking and creativity.

The ability to determine the logic of abstract forms is the ability to analyze, visualize, comprehend and express these figurative signs and forms. This is what helps you identify forms from patterns and, conversely, find patterns and rules in forms. It helps you solve critical problems in the complex real world. But more importantly, strong logical analysis skills will help you land your dream job.

Tests of logic and abstract reasoning have been the focus of psychologists for the past several decades. Dr. Howard Gardner's ideas have opened up a new opportunity for their application in the HR industry for recruiting. Gardner's theory was that intelligence is not one measurable entity. He proposed that spatial reasoning ability is one of eight cognitive skills that can be collectively called information processing skills.

Thurston then described three types of spatial reasoning ability:

  • Ability to visualize the rotation of shapes and forms.
  • Ability to reorient objects from different angles.
  • Finding relationships between different spatial objects.

Types of work that require logical thinking

For some types of work, a developed ability for spatial logical thinking is a mandatory requirement. Such jobs involve constant use of visualization, abstract thinking and imagination in daily work. And it is precisely for such work that logic tests are usually used.

Natural Sciences

All natural sciences require a certain degree of ability to construct abstract theories and test them through experiments. For example, you must be able to imagine the complex structure of atoms and the movement of their particles. Or must infer from the complex structure of cells to solve a medical problem. You must also be able to express your vision on paper or in computer models. Accordingly, companies where scientific work is carried out use logic tests when hiring.

Works related to calculations

If you score well on logic tests, you are likely to score equally well on numerical tests. Although it is not always necessary to use calculation skills to solve logical problems. But in most cases, these skills help each other. Since, in fact, the same mental abilities are behind both abilities. Thus, logical analysis skills are just as important for careers in mathematics, physics, accounting, auditing, economics, etc. Logical tests when applying for a job are required in banks: Sberbank, Raffisenbank, VTB, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc., auditing companies: E&Y, Deloitte, PWC, etc., in financial and insurance companies.

Engineering work

Logical thinking is very important for building a successful engineering career. After all, an engineer or designer initially needs to create models in his mind before he can transfer them to paper or a computer screen. Logic tests during interviews are used in companies Sibur, Rosatom, Henkel, Ford, Toyota, etc.

Architectural and design work

Architects, like engineers, must use spatial skills to create their models. They must be able to visualize a lot and correctly in the process of their work. Most large architectural firms use logic tests when hiring.

Works related to computer technology

Computer technologies are based on the use of spatial logical models. It is not surprising that computers play an important role in developing the logical skills of professionals who deal with them. If you are building a career in IT, you definitely need a certain degree of logical thinking ability. Microsoft, Apple, ABBYY, Kaspersky Lab and other IT companies use logical tests to select candidates.

As a final point, we would like to add that logical tests are widely used to evaluate candidates for the government of the Russian Federation. Many ministries and departments use them to assess the intellectual abilities of candidates. Logical tests are used especially widely during the Leaders of Russia competition. It uses logical tests from the ECOPSY company, which you will also find on our website.

Geometric shapes test

Logic tests are mainly built on the use of abstract forms. The most popular types of personality tests when applying for a job:

  • Most logic tests contain several abstract forms. The task is to find a general rule for all figures. Such tests are also called tests of abstract logical thinking.
  • Another type of logic test offers different sizes of shapes. It is required to identify shapes based on size. Forms can change their designs or composition of elements with changes in size.
  • Some jobs may contain different planes with different shapes. They may offer 2D or 3D shapes. And the task is to determine the direction of their rotation in different planes. These tests are also called spatial memory tasks.
  • You may need to visualize taking the shape apart and reassembling it in another location. You must find the topographical relationship between the different shapes.
  • You may need to see objects from a different angle. You must be able to reorient your position in relation to other objects. These tests are called spatial orientation tests.

Examples of logic tests

Test with geometric shapes

Logic test - matrices

The answer and solution to this logic test can be found at the end of the article. Try to find the answer yourself first - test yourself. Please note that it usually takes 45-60 seconds to solve such a logic test.

The answer and solution to this logic test can be found at the end of the article. Try to find the answer yourself first - test yourself. Please note that it usually takes 45-60 seconds to solve such a logic test. How long will it take you to solve this test?

How to prepare to take abstract logic tests?

Spatial abilities and logic develop from early childhood. We learn to compare things and their properties, learn to analyze the experience gained and draw conclusions based on it. Of all the inhabitants of the Earth, only people are capable of abstract thinking and drawing abstract logical conclusions. That is, every person has certain abilities to solve logic tests.

However, experiments have shown that specific practice on abstract logic tests leads to a sharp increase in performance on logic tests. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to prepare in advance. After all, getting the job you want is at stake.

When actually testing, it is important to be calm and collected. The state of mind and attitude can significantly affect the final result. Preliminary preparation can make a significant difference in how you show up for your pre-employment test. If you have prepared and already know exactly or at least approximately what will await you during testing, you will obviously feel calmer and more confident.

As we wrote above, 45-60 seconds are given to solve 1 test task in logic tests, but after preparation, 30 seconds will be enough for you to solve such logic tests. Preparation guarantees success.

We recommend passing all types of logic tests available on the website resource, since they cover most of the possible types and types of logic tests that can be encountered during real testing in large and medium-sized Russian companies that use testing when hiring.

If your employer has informed you that you will have logic tests when applying for a job, start preparing without delay. Remember: it’s better to spend a couple of evenings preparing now than to fail the real tests and regret the missed chance later!

Answers and solutions to logic tests:

Geometric shapes test

Logic test - matrices

Logical Sequence Test

The selection of candidates for vacant positions is carried out by specialists using specially developed methods. Interview tests have become a common step in personnel selection. Job seekers try to find the right answers to get a job. But not in all cases it is possible to prepare in advance for such a task.

Prescribing tests

This form of testing allows you to quickly examine the qualities of many candidates and compare them with each other. A pre-employment test achieves several goals:

  • exclude the influence of personal sympathies or negative attitudes of the recruiter;
  • weed out candidates who are definitely not suitable for the job;
  • select people who are most suitable for specific tasks based on their psychological make-up.

In some cases, such tasks are required. For example, a test for admission to the civil service is designed to study a citizen’s level of knowledge about current legislation.

Detected parameters

Employee testing allows you to:

  • obtain information about the level of knowledge in a specific area;
  • get an idea of ​​intellectual development;
  • draw up a psychological portrait of the candidate;
  • determine whether a person has leadership qualities;
  • find out motivation and life priorities;
  • find out whether a person is able to quickly make adequate decisions in non-standard situations.

Pros and cons of the technique

The main advantage of testing is obtaining an objective assessment of a person’s knowledge, his personal qualities, and his ability to solve practical problems with a limited amount of time. Based on the test results, the HR specialist operates not with subjective impressions, but with numerical indicators, which makes it possible to compare different candidates.

There are several negative aspects when using this selection method:

  1. The scope of use is limited. It is advisable to use interview tests when hiring an employee with a clear list of competencies. Such positions are typical for large organizations where responsibilities are divided between departments. In small companies, formal selection is more likely to hurt.
  2. Results may be distorted. Many tasks used for testing when applying for a job are available on the Internet.
  3. Difficulty of interpretation. The manager wants to get a universal answer to the question of whether a person is worth hiring. For the personnel officer, positive results will be an absolute advantage of the candidate, and negative results will be grounds for refusal.

For example, psychological tests for employment cannot take into account all environmental and personality factors. An employee interacts with colleagues and relatives and this affects his behavior in the future.

  1. Not all specialists agree to take a verbal test or other test that does not relate to their knowledge and experience in the profession. Experienced applicants will agree to spend time on multi-stage selection if in the future they will get a well-paid job in a well-known company.

How testing is carried out

The person is invited to the next stage of the interview, given a sheet with tasks, and the rules for working with the test are explained. The candidate for the position answers the questions immediately and then submits the job. The HR specialist monitors the progress of the test.

If space permits, computer technology is used. For testing, a special program is used where tasks are loaded. The applicant selects answer options and enters them into the computer. The result is saved in the program.

Categories of tests for employment

Research is divided according to the subject of study. Tests can be aimed at studying a person’s personality and his way of thinking.

Other assignments are designed to teach job skills. For example, a test for knowledge of Excel functions will allow you to avoid a situation where a person is already registered as an employee, but needs to undergo additional training.

Psychological personal

The purpose of the tasks under consideration is to test a person’s motivation and study his behavior style. When hiring senior or middle managers, the Professional Personality Questionnaire is used. The results will indicate the candidate’s behavior pattern, his style of working with subordinates, and will allow you to understand whether such a boss is worth hiring for the team.

To work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person must pass such a test. It is necessary to exclude persons prone to suicide, depressive disorders, and highly susceptible to the influence of other people. The psychologist’s job is also to prevent people with corruption motivations from entering the workforce.

The most popular test is Ketell's 16 personality factors. A person is asked more than 180 questions, and the answer is chosen from 3 options. Based on the research, we can draw a conclusion about the personality of the candidate. For example, you can identify a person with inflated self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, too trusting, etc.

Psychological tests during hiring allow us to weed out people who will not be able to get along in a team. Mutual understanding in the team, the atmosphere among employees is as important as the amount of remuneration.

Logical intelligent

  • An example of such a test is the Amthauer task. In the sequence of words, you need to establish the absence or presence of any feature. This is a verbal test during which the candidate analyzes the text and makes sense of it logically.
  • More complex Eysenck tests. Candidates for the position must complete logical sequences of words and numbers.
  • A typical example of a logic test is an IQ test. A person needs to continue the series, eliminate unnecessary things, etc.

Logical tests are used when hiring people who need to make quick decisions in the face of insufficient information.

For attentiveness

Attentiveness tests allow you to weed out people who cannot quickly find the necessary information in a document. This skill is required if an employee will work with reporting and large volumes of data.

This test is used when hiring an accountant. As part of the task, you need to find words in a set of letters or identify errors in the finished document. A limited amount of time is allotted for completion.

Mathematical numerals

When applying for a job, numerical tests allow you to study a person’s ability to analyze digital indicators and make the right decision without a calculator or special programs. Mathematical tests are used when hiring supply engineers, economists, accountants, etc.

A similar test is taken during admission to Sberbank. Candidates calculate yields, loan rates, interest, etc.

For stress resistance

An applicant for a position is given a number of tasks that relate to the manifestation of emotions in different life situations. For example, does a person get irritated in response to criticism from colleagues.

More often, instead of a stress resistance test, a tough interview or a business game is used. A conflict situation is created that may arise during work. An HR specialist studies how a candidate reacts to stimuli.


Some positions require an understanding of technology. This usually applies to engineering specialties or vacancies for managers who work with equipment.

A typical example is the Bennett test. A person is given several tasks with possible answers. Each concerns the functioning of a simple mechanism. A person needs to quickly figure out how the system will behave under certain conditions.


Some positions require proficiency in a certain language. For example, when selecting people for civil service, a test of knowledge of Russian is required.

Large companies test verbal skills in foreign languages. At the initial stages of candidate selection, there are no resources to test the knowledge of each person individually.

Preparing for testing

The main problem of a person is time and the inability to concentrate. Before the test you need to rest and collect yourself.

You cannot prepare for a specific verbal or numerical test. There are many options for tasks, and there is no point in memorizing the correct answers to each one.

Aptitude testing is entirely dependent on the skills and experience of the individual. Before the interview, it is advisable to study specialized forums where the problems of people in a particular profession are discussed. The tasks will most likely concern typical and non-standard situations.

How to pass successfully

The main method of preparation is training. You should go to interviews, take tests and be interested in the results. This is especially true for the verbal ability test. The more often a candidate solves problems, the better he will do.

It is worth looking for typical tests with answers used in job applications and studying them. Only a few companies present their own objectives during the interview. These are large organizations or international corporations where there is a need for many employees at a specific level.

The search for options on how to undergo a psychologist is typical for those wishing to work in the police. Tests in the law enforcement agencies are multi-stage in nature, and it is difficult to prepare for them with a 100% guarantee.

Test results

Each test has a key. The specialist will compare the test subject’s indicators with the table and draw a conclusion.

The big problem is the interpretation of the results. When applying for a job, verbal tests will show not so much mental abilities as a person’s readiness to solve logical problems at a certain moment. It is not worthwhile, for example, to check the abilities of the chief accountant in this way. It is better to test the candidate’s knowledge on core issues.

Also, psychological tests when applying for a job must be deciphered by a specialist with specialized education. If you entrust this to a personnel officer, the result may be interpreted incorrectly.

Some duties require perseverance and attention, rather than significant intellectual ability. Therefore, there is no need to test every employee upon hiring.