
What genre of painting is morning in a pine forest. The real story of the creation of the painting "Morning in a pine forest" (from the cycle "Vyatka - the homeland of elephants"). Shishkin and landscapes

On the painting famous artist I.I.Shishkin depicted early morning in the forest. The pine forest is awakening from sleep, the sun has not yet quite come out and has not had time to warm the clearing. Tall green pine trees are shrouded in dense fog.

The she-bear with three brown cubs has already woken up and went out to frolic in a forest clearing. The clubfoot cubs, still very small, climbed a huge fallen tree. It has been uprooted from the ground, apparently after the recent hurricane.

One, the most agile bear cub, climbed to the very top of the broken trunk. He watches the second bear cub, which is sitting in the middle of the trunk and looks at the bear. The third, apparently the smallest of them, stands on another broken part of the mighty tree, his gaze is directed into the depths of the forest.

The big, brown she-bear is closely watching the mischievous cubs. She knows that the forest is fraught with many dangers and is ready to protect her children at any time.

When you look at a picture, it is as if you are immersed in it. You feel the cool breath of the green forest, you hear the forest rustles and sounds made by animals, birds and insects.

The plot of the picture turned out to be alive and quite realistic. Wildlife delights, and funny, little bears touch and make you want to be in the meadow and play with them.

Composition on the picture Morning in the pine forest of Shishkin

Before me is a creation by I. Shishkin "Morning in pine forest"(Sometimes called" Morning in a pine forest "). This canvas can truly be called the most the most famous masterpiece, because everyone, both a child and an adult, no doubt knows this beautiful picture.

The artist with unprecedented trepidation, care and tenderness skillfully prescribed every needle of the mighty pine trees, every root and twig. Inspired by the power and grandeur of nature, he breathed into his creation the unprecedented realism and magic of an ordinary forest morning.

The painting depicts the morning hours in a pine forest. Nature is just waking up after a cool night, cold dew has fallen on the grass and trees, the air is clean and fresh. The air is still cold, but is about to warm up, and the smell of rotten grass and pine needles will spread throughout the forest. Surely the day will be hot, and therefore this cool morning is truly wonderful.

There is silence in the gloomy forest, only occasionally the cry of an early bird will cut through the wilderness.

Giant pine trees, majestically striving into the sky, greet the first rays of the sun, gliding along the tops of the trees, with their bushy branches. Sunrise is the awakening and beginning of a new day. And all nature is looking forward to his arrival.

Warm golden and yellow shades are mesmerizing, brightly contrasting with the dark palette of a gloomy forest, which creates the image of a mysterious mysterious pine forest, as if descended from the pages of the Russians folk tales... Muted calm tones do not irritate the eyes, but rather delight the eye.
The main characters are depicted in the center of the picture, without whom the canvas would have lost its charm.
The she-bear and her three brave cubs, waking up with the first rays of the sun, are already in full control in the forest, prowling in search of food.

Mischievous kids started a game - they jump and climb on a fallen pine trunk, as if playing tag. The fluffy animals look completely defenseless, but under the supervision of their vigilant mother, they are safe. Huge fallen trees, as if knocked down in battle heroes, lie high rearing their gnarled thick roots, with all their appearance showing their former strength and power.

The brown parent grumbles with displeasure, trying to pacify the naughty children, but the nimble little bullies do not take the mother's angry growls seriously.

Looking at the picture, as if you are breathing in the scent of the forest, its pine freshness, you feel the shady coolness of the forest, you hear the rustle of the breeze, the crackle of branches under strong animal paws.

Together with the inspired creator, imbued with the beauty of Russian nature, the viewer will involuntarily hold their breath, struck by the deep mystery of life and joy that the landscape radiates.

They ask this essay in grades 2, 5, 3, 7.

Composition "Morning in a pine forest" based on the painting by Shishkin Grade 5

Probably, from childhood, Shishkin's painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" is familiar. Even if you are not deeply interested in art, then almost everyone is familiar with this picture, thanks to its image on candy. A she-bear with three cubs on the background of a pine forest.

The idea to Shishkin was suggested by his friend, also an artist. And he even had a hand in complementing the landscape with bears. They turned out so well that the artists both signed the picture. However, Tretyakov, who later acquired this painting, left only Shishkin's signature, the second signature was covered over. Considering that the main style of writing is nevertheless closer in spirit to Shishkin.

And, indeed, Shishkin very accurately conveyed the general atmosphere of the spilling forest. We can observe the rays of the rising morning sun, which only touches the treetops. In the depths of the painting, the forest is shrouded in morning fog. And its lightness and airiness convey the freshness to the observer, which usually still stands at this time of day.

In the foreground there is a whole bear family. A she-bear and three small cubs frolic on a large fallen tree. It can be assumed that they just got out of the den after a night's sleep. Still not so playful asleep, but the mother does not sleep and watches over the neighborhood and her pets, a little rushing to careless offspring.

The picture is very positive both in its motive and colors. The artist very accurately conveyed the atmosphere of awakening nature.

Grade 2, Grade 5.

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"Morning in a Pine Forest" - a painting by Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky painted bears, but the collector Pavel Tretyakov erased his signature, so Shishkin alone is often indicated as the author of the picture.

Savitsky suggested the idea of \u200b\u200bthe painting to Shishkin. The bears were painted by Savitsky in the picture itself. These bears, with some differences in posture and number (at first there were two), appear in preparatory drawings and sketches. Savitsky made the bears so well that he even signed for the picture with Shishkin. However, when the painting was acquired by Tretyakov, he removed Savitsky's signature, leaving the authorship to Shishkin.

Most Russians call this picture "Three bears", despite the fact that there are not three bears in the picture, but four. This, apparently, is due to the fact that during the Soviet era, grocery stores sold “Bear Footed” candies with a reproduction of this picture on a wrapper, which were popularly called “Three Bears”.

Another erroneous common name is "Morning in a pine forest" (tautology: pine forest is actually a pine forest).

It's amazing how the life of a work of art that emerged from the brush of a master can develop. The painting by I. Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest" is known to everyone and mainly as the painting "Three Bears". The paradox also lies in the fact that the canvas depicts four bears, which were completed by the excellent genre painter K. A. Savitsky.

A little from the biography of I. Shishkin

The future artist was born in Yelabuga in 1832, on January 13, in the family of a poor merchant who was keen on local history and archeology. He enthusiastically passed on his knowledge to his son. The boy stopped attending the Kazan gymnasium after the fifth grade, and spent all his free time drawing from life. Then he graduated not only from the painting school in Moscow, but also from the academy in St. Petersburg. His talent as a landscape painter was fully determined by this time. After a short trip abroad, the young artist left for his native places, where he painted nature untouched by human hand. He exhibited his new works at the exhibitions of the Itinerants, amazing and delighting the audience with the almost photographic truthfulness of his canvases. But the most famous was the painting "Three Bears", painted in 1889.

Friend and co-author Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky

K.A. Savitsky was born in Taganrog in the family of a military doctor in 1844. He graduated from the Academy in St. Petersburg and continued to improve his skills in Paris. When he returned, his first work was acquired by P.M. Tretyakov for his collection. Since the 70s of the XIX century, the artist exhibited his most interesting genre works at exhibitions of the Itinerants. KA Savitsky quickly gained popularity among the general public. The author especially likes his canvas "Knows the Unclean", which can now be seen at the State Tretyakov Gallery. Shishkin and Savitsky became friends so tightly that Ivan Ivanovich asked his friend to become the godfather of his son. On the mountain both the boy died at the age of three. And then other tragedies swept over them. Both buried their wives. Shishkin, submitting to the will of the Creator, believed that troubles opened up an artistic gift in him. He also appreciated great talent from his friend. Therefore, it is not surprising that K.A. Savitsky became a co-author of the painting Three Bears. Although Ivan Ivanovich himself was very good at writing animals.

"Three bears": description of the painting

Art critics honestly admit that they do not know the history of the painting. Her idea, the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe canvas, arose, apparently, while searching for nature on one of the large islands of Seliger Gorodoml. The night is receding. The dawn is breaking. The first rays of the sun break through the thick trunks of the trees and the mist rising from the lake. One powerful pine is uprooted from the ground and half broken and occupies the central part of the composition. Its fragment with a dried crown falls into the ravine on the right. It is not written, but its presence is felt. And what a wealth of colors the landscape painter used! The cool morning air is blue-green in color, slightly cloudy and hazy. The mood of awakening nature is conveyed by green, blue and sunny yellow colors. In the background, golden rays shimmer brightly in the high crowns. The hand of I. Shishkin is felt throughout the work.

Meeting of two friends

Ivan Ivanovich wanted to show his new work to his friend. Savitsky came to the workshop. This is where questions arise. Either Shishkin invited Konstantin Apollonovich to add three bears to the picture, or Savitsky himself looked at it with a fresh eye and made a proposal to introduce an animalistic element into it. This undoubtedly should have revived the desert landscape. And so it was done. Savitsky very successfully, very organically, inscribed four animals on a fallen tree. Well-fed, funny cubs turned out to be like little children who frolic and explore the world under the supervision of a strict mother. He, like Ivan Ivanovich, signed on the canvas. But when Shishkin's painting "Three Bears" came to P. M. Tretyakov, he paid the money and demanded to wash off Savitsky's signature, since the main work was done by Ivan Ivanovich, and his style was indisputable. This concludes the description of Shishkin's painting "Three Bears". But this story has a "sweet" continuation.

Confectionery factory

In the 70s of the XIX century, the enterprising Germans Einem and Geiss built a confectionery factory in Moscow, which produced very high-quality sweets, cookies and other similar products. To increase sales, an advertising proposal was invented: to print reproductions of Russian paintings on candy wrappers, and on the back - brief information about the picture. It turned out both tasty and informative. Now it is not known when P. Tretyakov's permission was obtained to apply reproductions of paintings from his collection to sweets, but one of the candy wrappers, which depicts the painting "Three Bears" by Shishkin, is worth a year - 1896.

After the revolution, the factory expanded, and V. Mayakovsky was inspired and composed an advertisement, which is printed on the side of the wrapper. She urged to save money in a savings bank to buy tasty but expensive sweets. And to this day, in any chain store you can buy the "Clubfoot Bear", which is remembered by all sweet tooths as "Three Bears". The same name was attached to the painting by I. Shishkin.

Composition plan:

  1. I.I. Shishkin is a landscape painter.
  2. Early summer morning.
  3. Foreground:
    • forest;
    • a tree broken by a storm;
    • funny bear cubs;
    • caring mother;
  4. Background (fog).
  5. My attitude to this picture.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is an outstanding Russian landscape painter. He created many paintings in which he glorifies the beauty and poetry of his native spaces. Endless forest distances, sunlit birch and oak groves, mighty ship pines….

His canvases surprisingly accurately and realistically captures a variety of flora, which seems to come to life under the brush of the master, breathes, gives us freshness and coolness, evokes evening sadness, or, conversely, awakens bright joy from the contemplation of beauty. The painting "Morning in a pine forest" is known and loved by many of us since childhood. No wonder she is considered one of the the best works Shishkin.

The painting depicts a large family of bears. On an early summer morning, three little teddy bears and their mother-bear went out for a walk. The sun is just rising. It gently illuminates the tops of huge pines. A thick fog envelops the forest. It will soon dissipate from the sun's rays. In a small clearing where the bears have gathered, it has almost melted.

The animals wandered into a coniferous forest and accidentally discovered an old withered tree that had broken down during a recent storm. Its trunk cracked in two with a crash, and huge roots even twisted the earth.

The cubs shown in the picture are brown. They are not quite big yet, mischievous, clubfoot. Two of them have white collars around their necks. The bravest of them climbed almost to the very top of the trunk of a broken tree and hung at its very edge, clutched at the rough bark with its claws, looking to fall into the ravine. And the second only got to the middle.

He probably also wants to climb higher, but it's scary. Here he is, clumsy, and sat down on a tree, helplessly looking at the mother bear, does not know what to do next. The third, the most cautious, climbed onto the other half of the broken tree, which fell on the slope of the ravine, but did not slide into it, but caught the branches of a neighboring pine tree. The bear cautiously stood on its hind legs, slightly tilted its head and listened to the sounds of the awakening forest, peering into the dense fog. There, in the fog, tall, green pines sway and rustle.

The bear is large, shaggy, brown in color. Like any mother, she worries about her mischievous cubs, who are playful and restless. She even growls and probably warns them that they might fall off the tree and must be careful. Or maybe she noticed some kind of danger and wants to warn her children about it. It's time to end your morning walk and go deep into the forest. She rushes from one bear to another, the dark green grass under her is trampled.

The artist skillfully conveys the atmosphere of an early morning in the forest. Soft diffused light falls through the dense crowns of trees and appears golden. In the background, the fog is a veil through which the slender trunks of pine trees are guessed. Thanks to the slightly blurred background, all viewers' attention is focused on the bear family.

I really like this picture because it depicts a funny and lively plot, and the cubs are so cute and funny. I just want to play with them, stroke the soft brown fur!

Ivan Shishkin. Morning in a pine forest. 1889 Tretyakov Gallery

"Morning in a pine forest" - the most famous picture Ivan Shishkin. No, take it higher. This is the most popular painting in Russia.

But this fact, it seems to me, is of little use to the masterpiece itself. Even hurts him.

When too popular, it flashes everywhere and everywhere. In every tutorial. On candy wrappers (from which the wildly popular picture began 100 years ago).

As a result, the viewer loses interest in the picture. We glance over her with a quick glance with the thought "Oh, this is her again ...". And we pass by.

For the same reason, I did not write about her. Although I have been writing articles about masterpieces for several years. And you might wonder how I got past this blockbuster. But now you know why.

I am getting better. For I want to take a closer look at Shishkin's masterpiece with you.

Why "Morning in a Pine Forest" is a masterpiece

Shishkin was a realist to the core. He portrayed the forest in a very believable way. Choosing colors carefully. Such realism easily draws the viewer into the picture.

Just look at the colors.

Pale emerald needles in the shade. Light green color of young grass in the morning sun. Dark ocher needles on a fallen tree.

The fog is also cut from a combination of different shades. Greenish in the shade. Bluish in the light. And turns into yellowness closer to the tops of the trees.

Ivan Shishkin. Morning in a pine forest (detail). 1889 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

All this complexity creates the general impression of being in this forest. You touch this forest. Don't just see it. The craftsmanship is incredible.

But Shishkin's paintings, alas, are often compared to photographs. Considering the master is deeply old-fashioned. Why such realism if there are photographic images?

I disagree with this position. It is important what angle the artist chooses, what kind of lighting, what kind of fog and even moss. All this taken together reveals a piece of the forest for us from a special side. The way we would not see it. But we see - through the eyes of an artist.

And through his eyes we experience pleasant emotions: delight, inspiration, nostalgia. And this makes sense: to induce the viewer to a sincere response.

Savitsky - assistant or co-author of the masterpiece?

The story with the co-authorship of Konstantin Savitsky seems strange to me. In all sources you will read that Savitsky was an animal painter, and therefore volunteered to help his friend Shishkin. Like, such realistic bears are his merit.

But if you look at the works of Savitsky, you will immediately understand that animal painting is NOT his main genre.

He was typical. He often wrote to the poor. I am happy with the help of pictures for the disadvantaged. Here is one of his outstanding works "Meeting the Icon".

Konstantin Savitsky. Meeting icons. 1878 Tretyakov Gallery.

Yes, besides the crowd, there are also horses on it. Savitsky really knew how to portray them very realistically.

But Shishkin also easily coped with this task, if you look at his animalistic works. In my opinion, he did no worse than Savitsky.

Ivan Shishkin. Goby. 1863 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Therefore, it is not entirely clear why Shishkin instructed Savitsky to write the bears. I'm sure he would have done it himself. They were friends. Perhaps it was an attempt to help a friend financially? Shishkin was more successful. Received serious money for his paintings.

For the bears, Savitsky received 1/4 of the fee from Shishkin - as much as 1000 rubles (for our money, it is about 0.5 million rubles!) It is unlikely that Savitsky could receive such an amount for his own work.

Formally, Tretyakov was right. After all, the whole composition was thought out by Shishkin. Even the poses and positions of the bears. This is obvious when you look at the sketches.

Co-authorship as a phenomenon in Russian painting

Moreover, this is not the first such case in Russian painting. I immediately remembered Aivazovsky's painting "Pushkin's Farewell to the Sea." Pushkin in the painting of the great marine painter wrote ... Ilya Repin.

But his name is not in the picture. Although they are not bears. Still, a great poet. Which needs not only to be portrayed realistically. But to be expressive. So that the very farewell to the sea is read in the eyes.

In my opinion, this is a more difficult task than depicting bears. Nevertheless, Repin did not insist on co-authorship. On the contrary, I was incredibly happy to work with the great Aivazovsky.

Savitsky was more proud. He took offense at Tretyakov. But he continued to be friends with Shishkin.

But we cannot deny that without the bears this picture would not have become the artist's most recognizable painting. It would be Shishkin's next masterpiece. A majestic and breathtaking landscape.

But he would not have been so popular. It was the bears that played their part. So, Savitsky should not be completely discounted.

How to rediscover Morning in a Pine Forest

And in conclusion, I want to return again to the problem of overdose with the image of a masterpiece. How to look at her with a fresh look?

I think it's possible. To do this, look at a little-known sketch for the painting.

Ivan Shishkin. Sketch for the painting "Morning in a pine forest". 1889 Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

It is done with quick strokes. The figures of the bears are only outlined and written by Shishkin himself. The light in the form of golden vertical strokes is especially impressive.

Now look again at the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest." And you can “read” it with a fresh look. See what you haven't noticed before.