
The best works of L. N. Tolstoy. What did Tolstoy write? What are the works of Tolstoy

Read stories and 3 tales of Russian writer Leo Tolstoy for children with brief description and illustrations. Tolstoy's stories for the school diary.

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    4 - Apple

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This writer and philosopher is undoubtedly one of the key figures in pre-revolutionary Russian literature. What did Leo Tolstoy write? He left behind a diverse artistic legacy in the form of novels and short stories, short stories and journalism. Also, a special place in his work is occupied by philosophical reasoning expressed in letters and articles, the writer's diary.


The most famous works of a wide circle of readers in our country and abroad are such novels of the writer as "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "The Decembrists", "Resurrection", the trilogy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". These works have been translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, are deeply revered by literary scholars in many countries, are used in the university and school curriculum... The epic "War and Peace", written over the course of a decade (1863 -1873), is a kind of cut of Russian society in the 19th century. In terms of its globality, it occupies one of the first places in Russian literature.

Stories and stories

The most famous stories are "The Morning of a Landowner" (a film was even made based on the work), "The Death of Ivan Ilyich", "The Kreutzer Sonata", "Notes of a Madman", "Hadji Murad". Tolstoy also wrote shorter forms - stories. The most famous - the cycle "Sevastopol Stories", "Stories from Countryside Life" and others, depicting the life of the Russian provinces and the characters of the peasants. The most famous drama work is The Living Corpse.

For children

Leo Tolstoy wrote for a younger age. The stories "Filippok", "Three Bears", "ABC" for children entered the treasury of children's literature, are studied in the elementary grades.

Fables and parables, diaries and articles

The writer was engaged in translating Aesop's fables into Russian, giving traditional heroes a peculiar flavor: "The Wolf and the Lamb", "The Wolf and the Fox", "The Dragonfly and Ants", "The Fox and the Grapes". And in philosophical parables ("How do people live", "The Three Elders", "Wolf", for example) he expressed his philosophical views in an allegorical form. In articles he expressed his socio-political preferences ("I Can't Be Silent", "On Socialism"), and in his diaries he frankly described his creative and life searches.

Leo Tolstoy is known for his monumental works, but his children's works also deserve attention. The famous classic wrote dozens of excellent fairy tales, epics and stories for children, which will be discussed below.

Fairy tales, fables, there were stories

The famous Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy has always treated children's literature with special trepidation. The author's long observations of peasant children were reflected in his work. The famous "Azbuka", "Novaya Azbuka" and "Russian Books for Reading" have made a huge contribution to the development of children's education. This edition includes the tales "Three Bears", "Lipunyushka", "Two Brothers", "Filipok", "Jump", stories about the dog Bulka, widely used to this day in preschool and primary school education. Further

Three Bears

Leo Tolstoy's collection includes works written more than half a century ago for the pupils of the Yasnopolyansky school. Today, the texts are equally popular among children, thanks to the simple and colorful description of worldly wisdom. Illustrations in the book are provided by the famous artist I. Tsygankov. Suitable for senior preschool age... Further

The collected works includes such works as Lipunyushka, Shark, and also The Lion and the Dog, Two Brothers, the famous Bone, Jump, and, of course, Three Bears. The works were written for all young students at the Yasnaya Polyana estate, but they continue to arouse great interest among the young reader today. Further

This edition is a collection of folklore compositions "Fox and Crane", "Geese-Swans", "Gingerbread House", retold by L.N. Eliseeva and A.N. Afanasyeva and the creation of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Three Bears". The works tell about such concepts as kindness, intelligence, justice, and also quick wits. Here you will meet well-known fairytale heroes: sly fox, evil gray wolf, Masha, who loved to eat from someone else's cup. The publication is accompanied by pictures by artists Sergey Bordyug and Natalia Trepenok. Further

A collection of fascinating fairy tales about animals with many vivid images for preschool children: "The Fox and the Mouse" by Vitaly Bianki, "The Frog-Traveler" by Vsevolod Garshin, "Gray Neck" by Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak, "Three Bears" by Lev Tolstoy and others. Illustrator - Tatiana Vasilyeva. Further

All the best for children

A golden collection of works by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, which will not leave indifferent both toddlers and older children. The theme of a carefree childhood will appeal to modern kids and their parents. The book calls on the young generation to love, kindness and respect, with which, perhaps, all the work of the great writer is saturated. Further

This is a collection of stories, epics and fairy tales that are part of the primary school curriculum. A series of stories about Lev Nikolaevich's dogs - Milton and Bulka will not leave indifferent boys and girls of primary grades. Further

Stories and stories

The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) was very fond of children, and even more he loved to talk to them.

He knew many fables, fairy tales, stories and stories, which he enthusiastically told to children. Both his own grandchildren and peasant children listened to him with interest.

Opening in Yasnaya Polyana a school for peasant children, Lev Nikolayevich himself taught there.

He wrote a textbook for the little ones and called it "ABC". The author's work, consisting of four volumes, was "beautiful, short, simple and, most importantly, clear" for children to understand.

Lion and mouse

The lion was asleep. A mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her go; she said:

If you let me in, and I'll do you good.

The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do him good, and let her go.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard a lion's roar, came running, gnawed at the rope and said:

Do you remember that you laughed, did not think that I could do good to you, but now you see - sometimes good things come from a mouse.

How a thunderstorm caught me in the forest

When I was little, I was sent to the forest for mushrooms.

I reached the forest, picked up some mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it started to rain and it thundered.

I got scared and sat down under a large oak tree. Lightning flashed so bright that my eyes hurt, and I closed my eyes.

Above my head something crackled and thundered; then something hit me in the head.

I fell and lay there until the rain stopped.

When I woke up, trees were dripping all over the forest, birds were singing and the sun was playing. A large oak tree broke and smoke was coming out of the stump. Oak secrets lay around me.

My dress was all wet and stuck to my body; there was a bump on my head and it hurt a little.

I found my hat, took the mushrooms and ran home.

There was no one at home, I took out bread from the table and climbed onto the stove.

When I woke up, I saw from the stove that they had fried my mushrooms, put them on the table and were already hungry.

I shouted: "What are you eating without me?" They say: "Why are you sleeping? Go quickly, eat."

Sparrow and swallows

Once I stood in the yard and looked at the nest of swallows under the roof. Both swallows flew away in my presence, and the nest was left empty.

While they were away, a sparrow flew off the roof, jumped onto the nest, looked around, flapped its wings and darted into the nest; then he stuck his head out of there and chirped.

Soon after, a swallow flew to the nest. She poked her head into the nest, but as soon as she saw the guest, she squeaked, flapped her wings in place and flew away.

Sparrow sat and chirped.

Suddenly a herd of swallows flew in: all the swallows flew up to the nest - as if to look at the sparrow, and again flew away.

The sparrow was not shy, turned his head and chirped.

The swallows flew up to the nest again, did something and flew away again.

It was not for nothing that the swallows flew up: they each brought mud in their beak and gradually covered up the hole in the nest.

Again the swallows flew away and again flew in, and more and more they covered the nest, and the hole became tighter and tighter.

First, the sparrow's neck was visible, then one head, then the nose, and then nothing became visible; the swallows completely covered it up in the nest, flew away and whistled around the house.

Two comrades

Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them.

One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. There was nothing for him to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear approached him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.

When the bear left, he climbed down from the tree and laughs.

Well, - he says, - did the bear speak in your ear?

And he told me that bad people those who run away from their comrades in danger.


The boy guarded the sheep and, as if he saw a wolf, began to call:

Help wolf! Wolf!

The men came running and saw: not true. As he did so two and three times, it happened - indeed, a wolf came running. The boy began to shout:

Here, here quickly, wolf!

The peasants thought that they were deceiving again as usual - they didn’t listen to him. The wolf sees, there is nothing to be afraid of: in the open, he cut the whole herd.

Hunter and quail

The quail got caught in the hunter's net and began to ask the hunter to let him go.

You just let me go, - he says, - I will serve you. I'll lure you other quails into the net.

Well, quail, - said the hunter, - and so I would not let you in, and now even more so. I’ll turn my head because you want to give out yours.

Girl and mushrooms

Two girls were walking home with mushrooms.

They had to cross the railroad.

They thought the car was far away, climbed the embankment and walked across the rails.

Suddenly a car rustled. The older girl ran back, and the younger one ran across the road.

The older girl shouted to her sister, "Don't go back!"

But the car was so close and made such a loud noise that the younger girl could not hear; she thought she was being told to run back. She ran back across the rails, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled with great force.

The older girl shouted: "Drop the mushrooms!", And the little girl thought that she was ordered to pick mushrooms, and crawled along the road.

The driver could not hold the cars. She whistled with all her might and ran into the girl.

The older girl screamed and cried. Everyone passing by looked from the windows of the carriages, and the conductor ran to the end of the train to see what had happened to the girl.

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl lay between the rails, head downward and did not move.

Then, when the train had already driven far away, the girl raised her head, jumped to her knees, picked up mushrooms and ran to her sister.

Old grandfather and granddaughter


My grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth flowed back.

The son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the table, and gave him dinner at the stove. They took him to dinner once in a cup. He wanted to move her, but dropped and broke.

The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house with them and beating the cups, and said that now she would give him lunch in the tub.

The old man only sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their son is playing with boards on the floor - he is working on something.

The father asked: "What are you doing this, Misha?" And Misha and saying: “This is me, father, making a pelvis. When you and my mother are old enough to feed you from this pelvis. "

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept.

They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.

Little mouse

The mouse went out for a walk. I walked around the yard and came back to my mother.

Well, mother, I saw two animals. One is scary and the other is kind.

Mother asked:

Tell me, what kind of animals are they?

The mouse said:

One terrible - his legs are black, his crest is red, his eyes are curled up, and his nose is crooked. When I walked past, he opened his mouth, lifted his leg and began to scream so loudly that I did not know where to go from fear.

This is a rooster, said the old mouse, he does no harm to anyone, do not be afraid of him. Well, what about another beast?

Another was lying in the sun and warming himself; his neck is white, his legs are gray, smooth; he himself licks his white breast and slightly moves his tail, looks at me.

The old mouse said:

Fool, you fool. It's the cat itself.

Two men

Two men were driving: one to the city, the other from the city.

They hit each other with the sled. One shouts:

Give me a way, I need to get to the city soon.

And the other shouts:

Give me a way. I need to go home soon.

And the third man saw and said:

Whoever needs it soon - that siege back.

The poor and the rich

They lived in the same house: upstairs a rich man, and downstairs, a poor tailor.

At work, the tailor sang songs and prevented the master from sleeping.

The master gave the tailor a bag of money so that he would not sing.

The tailor became rich and guarded his money, but he stopped singing.

And he got bored. He took the money and took it back to the master and said:

Take your money back, and let me sing the songs. And then melancholy attacked me.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy; Russian Empire, Tula province; 08/28/1828 - 11/07/1910
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy needs no introduction. This is the world famous leading figure of Russian and world realism. Tolstoy's works were reprinted many times in most languages \u200b\u200bof the world, they were filmed in almost all countries, and Tolstoy's plays are still very popular. All this makes Leo Tolstoy's inclusion in our rating a must. After all, his works are relevant now, thanks to this, those who want to read Tolstoy do not decrease over the years.

Biography of Tolstoy L. N.


  1. History of yesterday
  2. Raid
  3. Marker notes
  4. Forest felling
  5. Snowstorm
  6. Demoted
  7. Lucerne
  8. Albert
  9. Three deaths
  10. Two horses
  11. Bounce
  12. Aeronaut's Tale
  13. Than people are alive
  14. Where there is love, there is God
  15. Two old men
  16. If you miss the fire, you won't put out
  17. The enemy is molded, but God's is strong
  18. Two brothers and gold
  19. Ilyas
  20. Cross
  21. How much land does a man need
  22. Candle
  23. Three Elders
  24. Strider
  25. Three sons
  26. Who is right?
  27. Françoise
  28. Surat coffee shop
  29. Karma
  30. Three parables
  31. Expensive
  32. Assyrian king Esarhadon
  33. Destroying Hell and Rebuilding It
  34. The tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers: Semyon the Warrior and Taras the Bruchan, and the mute sister Malanya, and the old devil and the three devils.
  35. Divine and human
  36. For what?
  37. Korney Vasiliev
  38. Berries Wolf
  39. Grateful soil
  40. Songs in the village
  41. Conversation with a passerby
  42. Three days in the village
  43. Alyosha Pot
  44. Unintentionally
  45. Father Vasily
  46. What i saw in my dream
  47. Idyll
  48. Diary of a Madman
  49. Posthumous notes of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich ...
  50. Two different versions of the story of the lubok hive
  51. Strength of childhood
  52. Dream of a young king
  53. Khodynka
  54. Traveler and peasant
  55. History of yesterday
  56. How Russian soldiers die
  57. Christmas night
  58. Uncle Zhdanov and Cavalier Chernov
  59. Excerpts from stories from village life

Fairy tales and fables:

  1. Shark
  2. Astronomers
  3. Baba and chicken
  4. Squirrel and wolf
  5. God sees the truth, but he will not tell soon
  6. Big stove
  7. Bulka
  8. Vizier Abdul
  9. Water and pearl
  10. Volga and Vazuza
  11. Wolf and crane
  12. Wolf and mare
  13. Wolf and goat
  14. Wolf and goat (2)
  15. Wolf and bow
  16. Wolf and hunters
  17. Wolf and dog
  18. Wolf and old woman
  19. Wolf and lamb
  20. She-wolf and pig
  21. Sparrow and swallow
  22. Raven and ravens
  23. Raven and fox
  24. Harmful air
  25. Jackdaw and pigeons
  26. Jackdaw and jug
  27. Galchonok
  28. Stupid man (Stupid man)
  29. Snake head and tail
  30. Geese and peacock
  31. Two brothers
  32. Two merchants
  33. Two comrades
  34. Two horses
  35. Girl and mushrooms
  36. The girl and the robbers
  37. Division of inheritance
  38. Wild and tame donkey
  39. What is the wind for?
  40. Shrewd ram
  41. Milch cow
  42. Oak and hazel
  43. A fool and a knife (As a fool cut jelly)
  44. Hedgehog and hare
  45. Vest
  46. Hares
  47. Hares and frogs
  48. Hare and hound dog
  49. Hut and palace (Tsar and hut)
  50. Indian and Englishman
  51. Prisoner of the Caucasus
  52. How a house was repaired in the city of Paris
  53. How wolves teach their children
  54. As a thief betrayed himself
  55. How geese saved Rome (ancient Roman legend)
  56. How the boy talked about how he found the queen bees to his grandfather
  57. How a boy talked about how he stopped being afraid of blind beggars
  58. How the boy talked about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest
  59. How the boy talked about how he was not taken to the city
  60. How a man divided geese
  61. How the man removed the stone
  62. How Bukharians learned to breed silkworms
  63. How Auntie Talked About How She Learned to Sew
  64. How I learned to ride
  65. A rock
  66. Reed and olive
  67. Chinese queen Silinchi
  68. Mosquito and lion
  69. Cow
  70. Cow and goat
  71. Bone
  72. Cat and mouse
  73. Cat with bell
  74. Kitten
  75. Cat and fox
  76. Crystals
  77. Who is right?
  78. Where does the water from the sea go?
  79. Chicken and golden eggs
  80. Chicken and swallow
  81. Lion and fox
  82. Lion and mouse
  83. Lion and dog
  84. Lion, wolf and fox
  85. Lion, bear and fox
  86. Lion, donkey and fox
  87. Lazy daughter
  88. Bat
  89. Lipunyushka
  90. Fox and crane
  91. Fox
  92. Fox and grapes
  93. Fox and goat
  94. Fox and monkey
  95. Horse and groom
  96. Horse and owners
  97. Frog and lion
  98. Frog, mouse and hawk
  99. Magnet
  100. Bear on a cart
  101. Wise old man
  102. The man and the water
  103. Man and horse
  104. Man and cucumbers
  105. Ant and dove
  106. Mouse under the barn
  107. Mouse, rooster and cat
  108. Hen and chicks
  109. A monkey
  110. Monkey and peas
  111. Monkey and fox
  112. Deer
  113. Deer and vineyard
  114. Deer and Lunchuk
  115. Donkey in lion's skin
  116. Donkey and horse
  117. Touch and sight
  118. From speed to strength
  119. Father and sons
  120. Where did fire come from when people did not know fire?
  121. Why is there wind?
  122. Why do trees crackle in frosts?
  123. Why is it visible in the dark?
  124. Hunting is worse than bondage
  125. Hunter and quail
  126. Peacock
  127. Peacock and crane
  128. First flight
  129. Quail
  130. Peter I and a man
  131. Foundling
  132. Fire
  133. Fire dogs
  134. The truth is the most expensive
  135. Righteous judge
  136. Bounce
  137. Birds and nets
  138. Little bird
  139. Bees and drones
  140. Worker Emelyan and an empty drum
  141. Workers and rooster
  142. Equal inheritance
  143. Hare
  144. Fisherman and fish
  145. The best pears
  146. San Gotthard dog
  147. Svyatogor-bogatyr
  148. How many people?
  149. Blind man and milk
  150. Death of Oleg
  151. Dog and wolf
  152. Dog and thief
  153. The dog and its shadow
  154. Jacob's dog
  155. Dog, rooster and fox
  156. Dogs and cook
  157. Owl and hare
  158. Falcon and rooster
  159. Soldier
  160. Sun and wind
  161. Debaters
  162. Old horse
  163. The old man and death
  164. Old grandfather and granddaughter
  165. Scary beast (Who is scarier)
  166. Dragonfly and ants
  167. Severe punishment
  168. Dampness
  169. Calf on ice
  170. Thin threads
  171. Ax and saw
  172. Three thieves
  173. Three rolls and one steering wheel
  174. Luck
  175. Specific gravity
  176. Already and hedgehog
  177. Stubborn horse (How the man over-stubborn horse)
  178. Duck and month
  179. Christ's teachings for children
  180. Learned son
  181. Fedotka
  182. Filipok
  183. Host and rooster
  184. Master and dog
  185. Heron, fish and cancer
  186. Royal brothers
  187. King and shirt
  188. The king and the elephants
  189. King and falcon
  190. Turtle and eagle
  191. Flair
  192. Jackals and elephant
  193. Shat and Don