
Six cryptic lines. He believed that the soul is dear Their immortal family with irresistible rays


O village!

Horace (lat.)

The village where Eugene was bored,

There was a lovely corner;

There is a friend of innocent delights

I could bless the sky.

The lord's house is secluded

Shielded from the winds by a mountain,

He stood over the river. Far away

Before him dazzled and bloomed

Golden meadows and fields,

The villages flashed; here and there

The herds roamed the meadows

And the canopy expanded thick

A huge neglected garden

Brooding Dryads' Refuge Dryads - forest spirits, tree nymphs..

The venerable castle was built

How castles should be built:

Excellently durable and calm

In the taste of smart antiquity.

Everywhere high chambers,

Damask wallpaper in the living room,

Portraits of kings on the walls

And stoves in colorful tiles.

All this is now dilapidated,

I really don't know why;

Yes, however, to my friend

There was very little need for that,

Then that he yawned

Among the trendy and antique halls.

He settled in that peace,

Where is the village old-timer

For forty years he scolded with the housekeeper,

I looked out the window and pressed the flies.

Everything was simple: the floor is oak,

Two wardrobes, a table, a downy sofa,

Not a speck of ink anywhere.

Onegin opened the cupboards;

In one I found an expense notebook,

In another, there is a whole line of liqueurs,

Jugs of apple water

And the calendar of the eighth year:

Old man, having a lot to do,

I did not look at other books.

Alone among his possessions

Just to spend time

First, our Eugene conceived

Establish a new order.

In his wilderness, the desert sage,

Yarem he is an old corvee

Replaced by light rent;

And the slave blessed fate.

But he sulked in his corner,

Seeing this terrible harm,

His calculating neighbor;

That he is the most dangerous eccentric.

At first, everyone went to see him;

But since from the back porch

Usually served

Him a Don stallion,

Only along the main road

Hear their home friends, -

Offended by such an act,

All friendships ceased with him.

“Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy;

He's a freemason; he drinks one

A glass of red wine;

He does not fit ladies to the handle;

All yes yes no; won't say yes

Or no, sir. " That was the general voice.

To my village at the same time

The new landowner galloped

And the same strict analysis

In the neighborhood he gave a pretext.

Named Vladimir Lenskoy,

With a soul straight from Göttingen With a soul straight from Göttingen - The University of Göttingen in Germany was one of the most liberal universities in Europe.,

Handsome, in full bloom of years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He's from foggy Germany

Brought fruits of scholarship:

Freedom dreams

The spirit is fiery and rather strange

Always a rave speech

And black curls up to the shoulders.

From the cold debauchery of the light

Even before it fades,

His soul was warmed

Greetings from a friend, caress of virgins;

He was an ignorant dear at heart,

Hope cherished him

And the world has a new shine and noise

They also captivated the young mind.

He amused with a sweet dream

The doubts of his heart;

The purpose of our life for him

Was a tempting mystery

He racked his head over her

And he suspected miracles.

He believed that his soul was dear

I must connect with him,

That, melancholy,

She waits for him every day;

He believed his friends were ready

For his honor to take the shackles

And that their hand will not tremble

Break the vessel of the slanderer;

That there are chosen ones by destinies,

People are sacred friends;

That their immortal family

Irresistible rays

Will light up us someday

And the world will bestow bliss.

Resentment, regret,

For good, pure love

And glory sweet torment

Blood was agitated in him early.

He traveled with the lyre in the world;

Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe

By their poetic fire

The soul was kindled in him;

And muses of sublime art,

Lucky, he did not shame:

He proudly preserved in songs

Always sublime feelings

Gusts of a virgin dream

And the beauty of important simplicity.

He sang love, love obedient,

And his song was clear

Like the thoughts of an innocent virgin,

Like a baby's sleep, like the moon

In the deserts of the serene sky,

Goddess of secrets and gentle sighs;

He sang parting and sorrow

And something, and a hazy distance,

And romantic roses;

He sang those distant lands

Where long in the bosom of silence

His living tears flowed;

He sang the faded color of life

Nearly eighteen years old.

In the desert where Eugene is alone

I could appreciate his gifts

Lords of neighboring villages

He didn't like feasts;

He ran their noisy conversations,

Their conversation is prudent

About haymaking, about wine,

About the kennel, about your relatives,

Of course, he did not shine with any feeling

No poetic fire

Neither sharpness nor intelligence,

No hostel art;

But the conversation of their lovely wives

He was much less intelligent.

Rich, handsome, Lensky

He was accepted everywhere as a groom;

Such is the village custom;

All daughters read their

Behind a semi-Russian neighbor;

Will he ascend, immediately conversation

Turns the word over

About the boredom of living single;

They call the neighbor to the samovar,

And Dunya is pouring tea,

They whisper to her: "Dunya, take note!"

Then they bring a guitar;

And she will squeak (my God!):

Come to me golden !.. From the first part of the Dnieper mermaid.

But Lensky, not having, of course,

Hunt the bonds of marriage,

With Onegin I wished heartily

Acquaintance is shorter to reduce.

They got along. Wave and stone

Poems and prose, ice and fire

Not so different among themselves.

Mutual difference first

They were boring to each other;

Then I liked it; then

Traveled every day on horseback

And they soon became inseparable.

So people (I first repent)

Friends have nothing to do.

But there is no friendship between us.

Destroying all prejudices,

We honor everyone with zeros

And in units - yourself.

We all look at Napoleons;

Millions of two-legged creatures

For us, the tool is one,

We feel wild and funny.

Evgeny was more bearable than many;

Though he knew people, of course

And in general he despised them, -

But (there are no rules without exceptions)

He was very different from others

And he respected the feeling.

He listened to Lensky with a smile.

The poet's ardent conversation,

And the mind, still in shaky judgments,

And an eternally inspired gaze, -

Everything was new to Onegin;

He's a chilling word

I tried to keep in my mouth

And I thought: it's stupid to bother me

His momentary bliss;

And without me the time will come

Let him live while

May the world believe in perfection;

Forgive the fever of young years

And youthful fever and youthful delirium.

Between them everything gave rise to controversy

And attracted to thought:

Tribes of bygone treaties,

The fruits of science, good and evil,

And age-old prejudices,

And the fatal secrets of the grave,

Fate and life in its own line, -

Everything was subject to their judgment.

A poet in the heat of his judgments

I read, forgetting myself, meanwhile

Fragments of northern poems,

And condescending Eugene,

Although I didn't understand many of them,

He listened diligently to the young man.

But more often passionate

The minds of my hermits.

Gone from their rebellious power

Onegin talked about them

With an involuntary sigh of regret;

Blessed is he who knew their excitement

And finally I fell behind them;

Blessed is the one who did not know them,

Who chilled love with separation,

Enmity - backbiting; at times

Yawned with my friends and my wife

Jealous without worrying about torment,

And grandfathers faithful capital

I did not trust the insidious two.

When we come running under the banner

Prudent silence

When the flames die out

And we get ridiculous

Their willfulness or impulses

And belated reviews, -

The humble is not without difficulty,

We love to listen sometimes

The rebellious tongue of strangers' passions,

And he moves our hearts.

So surely an old invalid

Willingly tends a diligent rumor

The stories of young barbel,

Forgotten in his hut.

But fiery youth

Can't hide anything.

Enmity, love, sadness and joy

She's ready to chat.

Considered disabled in love,

Onegin listened with an air of importance,

Like, loving confession of hearts,

The poet expressed himself;

Your trusting conscience

He bared innocently.

Eugene easily recognized

His love is a young story,

A story rich in feelings,

Not new to us for a long time.

Ah, he loved, as in our years

They don't like it anymore; as one

Crazy poet's soul

Still condemned to love:

Always, everywhere, one dream

One habitual desire

One habitual sadness.

No cooling distance

Not long summers of separation

No clock given to the muses,

No foreign beauty

No noise of fun, no science

Souls have not changed in him,

Warmed by virgin fire

A little boy, captured by Olga,

Without knowing heart pangs yet,

He was a witness moved

Her infant amusements;

In the shadow of a guardian oak forest

He shared her fun

And the crowns were predicted for the children

Friends-neighbors, their fathers.

In the wilderness, under the shame of the humble,

Full of innocent charm

In the eyes of her parents, she

Bloomed like a secret lily of the valley,

Unknown in the grass is deaf

Neither moths nor bees.

She gave the poet

First dream of young delights,

And the thought of her inspired

His yawns first groan.

Sorry, the games are golden!

He fell in love with thick groves,

Solitude, silence,

And the night and the stars and the moon

The moon, the heavenly lamp,

To which we dedicated

Walking in the evening darkness

And tears, secret torment will delight ...

But now we see only in her

Replacing dim lights.

Always modest, always obedient,

Always fun as morning

As a poet's life is innocent,

Like a kiss of love is sweet

The eyes are blue like the sky;

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga ... but any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait: he is very nice,

I used to love him myself,

But he bothered me immensely.

Let me, my reader,

Take care of the older sister.

Her sister was called Tatiana ... The sweetest Greek names, such as Agathon, Filat, Fedora, Thekla, etc., are used in our country only among commoners.

For the first time with such a name

Tender pages of the novel

We willfully sanctify.

And what then? it is pleasant, sonorous;

But with him, I know, is inseparable

Remembrance of antiquity

Or girlish! We all have to

Admit it: there is very little taste

In ours and in our names

(Not to mention poetry);

Enlightenment is not good for us,

And we got it from him

Arrogance - nothing more.

So, she was called Tatiana.

Not her sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not have attracted the eyes.

Dick, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe, fearful,

She is in her family

She seemed like a stranger to a girl.

She didn't know how to caress

To his father, nor to his mother;

Child herself, in a crowd of children

I didn't want to play and jump

And often all day alone

She sat silently by the window.

Thoughtfulness, her friend

From the most lullaby days

Rural leisure flow

Decorated her with dreams.

Her pampered fingers

Didn't know needles; leaning on the embroidery frame,

With a silk pattern she

Didn't bring the canvases to life.

A sign of desire to rule

With an obedient doll child

Jokingly prepared

To decency, the law of light,

And importantly repeats to her

Lessons from my mother.

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take it in her hands;

About news of the city, about fashion

I didn't talk to her.

And there were childish pranks

She is alien: scary stories

In the winter in the dark of nights

More captivated her heart.

When did the nanny collect

For Olga on a wide meadow

All her little friends

She didn't play burners

She was bored and sonorous laughter,

And the noise of their windy pleasures.

She loved on the balcony

Warn the dawn to rise

When in a pale sky

The round dance of stars disappears

And quietly the edge of the earth brightens

And, herald of the morning, the wind blows,

And gradually the day rises.

In winter, when the night shadow

Has half a world share,

And share in idle silence,

With a foggy moon

The lazy East is resting

At the usual hour awakened

She got up by candlelight.

She liked novels early;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Russo.

Her father was a kind fellow,

In the past century, belated;

But I saw no harm in books;

He, never reading,

I revered them as an empty toy

And didn't care about

What is my daughter's secret volume

Dozed until morning under the pillow.

His wife was herself

Richardson's crazy.

She loved Richardson

Not because I read

Not because Grandison

She preferred to Lovlas Grandison and Lovlas, heroes of two glorious novels.;

But in the old days, Princess Alina,

Her Moscow cousin,

She often told her about them.

There was still a groom at that time

Her husband, but involuntarily;

She sighed for something else,

Which is heart and mind

She liked it much more:

This Grandison was a glorious dandy,

Player and Guard Sergeant.

Like him, she was dressed

Always in fashion and to the face;

But without asking her advice,

The girl was taken to the crown.

And in order to dispel her grief,

The sensible husband left soon

To her village where she is

God knows who she is surrounded by

I was torn and cried at first,

She almost divorced her husband;

Then she took up the farm,

I got used to it and became happy.

The habit is given to us from above:

She is a substitute for happiness Si j'avais la folie de croire encore au bonheur, je le chercherais dans l'habitude (Chateaubriand) If I had the recklessness to still believe in happiness, I would have looked for it in a habit (French)..

Akulka the former Selina

And finally updated

On cotton wool dressing gown and cap.

But her husband loved her heartily,

I did not enter into her ventures,

I believed her in everything carelessly,

And he himself ate and drank in his dressing gown;

Peacefully his life rolled on;

In the evening sometimes I converged

Good family neighbors,

Unofficial friends

And to push, and to speak up,

And laugh about something.

Time passes; meanwhile

They will order Olga to cook tea,

There's dinner there, it's time to sleep there,

And the guests are coming from the yard.

They kept a peaceful life

The habits of cute old times;

They have fatty carnival

There were Russian pancakes;

They fasted twice a year;

Loved the round swing

Songs, round dance are subservient;

On the day of Trinity, when the people

Yawning listens to the prayer,

Sweet to the dawn

Poor Iorik! " - exclamation of Hamlet over the jester's skull. (See Shakespeare and Stern.) - he said sadly, -

He held me in his arms.

How often as a child did I play

His Ochakov medal!

He read Olga for me,

He said: can I wait for the day? .. "

And full of sincere sadness

Vladimir immediately drew

His grave madrigal.

And in the same place with a sad inscription

Father and mother, in tears,

He honored the patriarchal dust ...

Alas! on the reins of life

An instant harvest of a generation

By the secret will of providence,

They rise, ripen and fall;

Others follow them ...

So our windy tribe

Grows, worries, boils

And to the grave of great-grandfathers press.

Our time will come, our time will come,

And our grandchildren in a good hour

They will oust us from the world too!

For now, revel in it,

This easy life, friends!

I understand her insignificance

And I am little attached to her;

For the ghosts I closed the veins;

But distant hopes

Sometimes they disturb the heart:

Without an inconspicuous trace

I would be sad to leave the world.

I live, I do not write for praise;

But I would seem to wish

To glorify your sad lot,

So that about me, as a faithful friend,

Reminded at least a single sound.

And he will touch someone's heart;

And saved by fate

Perhaps it won't sink in Summer

A stanza composed by me;

Perhaps (flattering hope!)

The future ignoramus will indicate

To my illustrious portrait

And he says: that was a poet!

Please accept my thanks

Admirer of peaceful aonids,

Oh you, whose memory will keep

My flying creations

Whose supportive hand

Will pat the old man's laurels!

The Palm Cherub, Wasisdas and the Host Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote the novel "Eugene Onegin" from 1823 to 1831 and, as is known, became the creator of the Russian literary language. Language is a living and developing space. Is Pushkin's language so clear today? We guess the meaning of a number of words from the context, and even then it is not always correct. For the poet's birthday, we have chosen 10 words from the novel "Eugene Onegin". Try to answer the question what they mean before you look into the comment.

  1. Joke

He had no desire to rummage
In chronological dust
Description of the earth;
But days gone by anecdotes
From Romulus to the present day
He kept it in his memory.

(Chapter 1, VI)

The anecdote here is not at all a short story designed to make the interlocutor laugh, but just an amusing, interesting, captivating story.

  1. Note coquette

How early could he disturb
Flirty hearts note!

(Chapter 1, XII)

In the text of the novel, "note" means "inveterate, notorious, generally recognized" (Language Dictionary P... T. 2.S. 84). "Note coquette" - an expression that had an almost terminological meaning.

3 disciple of Foblas

His wicked husband caressed him,
Phoblas longtime student,
And an incredulous old man
And a stately cuckold
Always happy with myself
With my lunch and my wife.

(Chapter 1, XII)

Foblas - the hero of the novel by J.-B. Louve de Couvray (1760-1797) "The Adventures of the Chevalier Foblas". Common noun for a female seducer.

  1. Pipette

Double carriage lights
Merry light is pouring out
And rainbows lead to the snow:
Littered bowls around,
The magnificent house shines;

(Chapter 1, XXVII) I

Pipes - flat saucers with lamps or candles fixed on them. Plates placed on the cornices were used to illuminate houses on holidays.

  1. Vasisdas

And the baker, neat German,
In a paper cap, more than once
Already opened my vasisdas.

(Chapter 1, XXXV)

Vasisdas (distorted French) - a window, Germanism in French, here: pun between the meaning of the word "window" and the Russian slang nickname of a German: Wasistdas? - What is it? (German).

  1. Disabled

So sure old disabled
Willingly tends a diligent rumor
The stories of young barbel,
Forgotten in his hut.

(Chapter 2, XVIII)

Considering love disabled,
Onegin listened with an air of importance,
Like, loving confession of hearts,
The poet expressed himself;

(Chapter 2, XIX)

Disabled in the language of the early 19th century. equal in content to the modern "veteran".

  1. Wafer

Tatiana will sigh, then gasp;
The letter trembles in her hand;
Wafer pink dries
On a sore tongue

Chapter 2, XXXII)

Wafer - a circle made of sticky mass or glued paper, which was used to seal the envelopes.

  1. Slander's vessel

He believed his friends were ready
For his honor to take the shackles,
And that their hand will not tremble
Break the vessel of the slanderer

(Chapter 2,VIII)

Vessel (ecclesiastical) here: weapons (cf .: Psalm, Psalm 7, verse 14: "The vessels of death are ready"), that is, Lensky believed that his friends were ready to smash the weapon of slander.

  1. Automedon

Because the winters are sometimes cold
The ride is pleasant and easy.
Like a verse without a thought in a fashionable song
The winter road is smooth.
Automedons our strikers,
Our triplets are tireless
And miles, amusing an idle gaze,
In the eyes flicker like a fence ...

(Chapter 7, XXXV)

Automedon - the driver of Achilles from Homer's Iliad, here (ironic): cab, coachman.

  1. Palm cherub

There was Prolasov, who deserved
Famous for the baseness of the soul
Blunt in all albums
St.-Priest, your pencils;
At the door another dictator ballroom
Was a magazine picture,
Blush like palm cherub

(Chapter 8, XXVI)

Palm cherub - figurine of an angel made of wax, which was sold at the "willow bazaars".

Hello dear.
Let's continue our conversation about part 2 of the wonderful work of AS Pushkin. The previous post can be seen here here:
There won't be much explanation today. Just enjoy the text.
So, let's begin:-)

To my village at the same time
The new landowner galloped
And the same strict analysis
In the neighborhood, the reason was:
Named Vladimir Lenskoy,
With a soul straight from Göttingen,
Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He's from foggy Germany
Brought fruits of scholarship:
Freedom dreams
The spirit is fiery and rather strange
Always a rave speech
And black curls up to the shoulders.

Alma mater Lensky

As they say - here is a phenomenon and a new hero for you. Landowner, handsome man with long hair, poet and good education. He studied in Germany at the famous University of Göttingen in Lower Saxony, which operates to this day. there studied, for example, the Great Heine, therefore it is not surprising that Lensky was Germanophilic.

From the cold debauchery of the light
Even before it fades,
His soul was warmed
Greetings from a friend, caress of virgins;
He was an ignorant dear at heart,
Hope cherished him
And the world has a new shine and noise
They also captivated the young mind.
He amused with a sweet dream
The doubts of his heart;
The purpose of our life for him
Was a tempting mystery
He racked his head over her
And he suspected miracles.

He believed that his soul was dear
I must connect with him,
That, melancholy,
She waits for him every day;
He believed his friends were ready
For his honor to take the shackles
And that their hand will not tremble
Break the vessel of the slanderer;
That there are chosen ones by destinies,
People are sacred friends;
That their immortal family
Irresistible rays
Will light up us someday
And the world will bestow bliss.

Romantic and idealist. I would especially like to draw your attention to the brilliant turnover " my dear heart was an ignoramus". In my opinion, brilliant.

Resentment, regret,
For good, pure love
And glory sweet torment
Blood was agitated in him early.
He traveled with the lyre in the world;
Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe
By their poetic fire
The soul was kindled in him;
And muses of sublime art,
Lucky, he did not shame:
He proudly preserved in songs
Always sublime feelings
Gusts of a virgin dream
And the beauty of important simplicity.

He sang love, love obedient,
And his song was clear
Like the thoughts of an innocent virgin,
Like a baby's sleep, like the moon
In the deserts of the serene sky,
Goddess of secrets and gentle sighs.
He sang parting and sorrow
And something, and a hazy distance,
And romantic roses;
He sang those distant lands
Where long in the bosom of silence
His living tears flowed;
He sang the faded color of life
Nearly eighteen years old.

Such a not weak characteristic, and very even flattering. Apparently, Lensky was very promising. And very young. 18 years.

In the desert where Eugene is alone
I could appreciate his gifts
Lords of neighboring villages
He didn't like feasts;
He ran their noisy conversations.
Their conversation is prudent
About haymaking, about wine,
About the kennel, about your relatives,
Of course, he did not shine with any feeling
No poetic fire
Neither sharpness nor intelligence,
No hostel art;
But the conversation of their lovely wives
He was much less intelligent.

Rich, handsome, Lensky
He was accepted everywhere as a groom;
Such is the village custom;
All daughters read their
For a semi-Russian neighbor;
Will he ascend, immediately conversation
Turns the word over
About the boredom of living single;
They call the neighbor to the samovar,
And Dunya is pouring tea;
They whisper to her: "Dunya, take note!"
Then they bring a guitar:
And she will squeak (my God!):
Come to me golden! ...

Young, interesting, not poor - of course an enviable groom. But was he interested in these provincial ambitions and local beauties? Despite his young age - not at all. The lady squeaks, by the way, the aria of the mermaid Lesta from the Russian adaptation of Cauer's opera "The Danube Fairy", which was called "The Dnieper Rusalka" and which was considered a great vulgarity.

But Lensky, not having, of course,
Hunt the bonds of marriage,
With Onegin I wished heartily
Acquaintance is shorter to reduce.
They got along. Wave and stone
Poems and prose, ice and fire
Not so different among themselves.
Mutual difference first
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it; then
Traveled every day on horseback
And they soon became inseparable.
So people (I first repent)
Friends have nothing to do.

But there is no friendship between us.
Destroying all prejudices,
We honor everyone with zeros
And in units - yourself.
We all look at Napoleons;
Millions of two-legged creatures
For us, the tool is one;
We feel wild and funny.
Evgeny was more bearable than many;
Though he knew people, of course
And generally despised them, -
But (there are no rules without exceptions)
He was very different from others
And he respected the feeling.

Well, that two heroes came together ... so different in temperament and age.
To be continued...
Have a nice time of the day.

We bring to your attention summary by chapter novel " Eugene Onegin» A.S. Pushkin.

Chapter 1.

Eugene Onegin, the "young rake" is sent to receive the inheritance he inherited from his uncle. The biography of Eugene Onegin follows:

« ... Evgeny's fate kept:
First Madame followed him
Then Monsieur replaced her;
The child was cut, but sweet ...«

« ... When the rebellious youth
It's time for Eugene,
It's time for hopes and tender sadness
Monsieur was driven out of the yard.
Here is my Onegin at large;
Cut in the latest fashion;
How dandy london is dressed -
Finally I saw the light.
He is in French perfectly
I could express myself and write;
Easy mazurka danced
And bowed at ease; ..«

« ... He had a happy talent
Without coercion in conversation
Touch everything lightly
With a learned air of connoisseur
Remain silent in an important dispute
And excite the smile of the ladies
By the fire of unexpected epigrams ... "

« ... Scolded Homer, Theocritus;
But I read Adam Smith
And there was a deep economy, .. "

Of all the sciences, Onegin mastered the most " the science of tender passion«:
« ... How early could he be a hypocrite,
Conceal hope, be jealous
Reassure, make you believe
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive il indifferent!
How languid he was silent,
How ardently eloquent
How careless in letters of heart!
Breathing one, loving one,
How he knew how to forget himself!
How quick and gentle his gaze was,
Shy and impudent, and sometimes
Shone with an obedient tear! .. "

«. .. Sometimes he was still in bed,
They carry notes to him.
What? Invitations? Indeed?
Three houses for the evening are called:
There will be a ball, there will be a children's party.
Where will my prankster jump?
Who will he start with? Does not matter:
It's no wonder to keep up everywhere ... "

Onegin - " theater evil legislator, fickle admirer of charming actresses, honorary citizen of the wings". After the theater, Onegin hurries home to change. Pushkin describes Onegin's office and his manner of dressing:

« ... Anything for an abundant whim
Scrupulous London trades
And along the Baltic waves
Carries us for the forest and lard,
Everything that tastes hungry in Paris
Choosing a useful trade,
Invents for fun
For luxury, for fashionable bliss, -
Everything decorated the study
A philosopher at the age of eighteen ...«

« ... You can be a smart person
And think about the beauty of nails:
Why is it fruitless to argue with the century?
The custom is a despot among people.
Second Chadayev, my Eugene,
Afraid of jealous judgments
There was a pedant in his clothes
And what we called dandy.
He's three hours at least
I spent in front of the mirrors ... "

Having changed clothes, Onegin goes to the ball. The judgment of Pushkin follows about balls and about women's legs. The ball ends in the morning and Eugene Onegin goes to bed. A lyrical digression follows about the life of business Petersburg. Immediately Pushkin wonders if his hero was happy with such a life:

« … No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was bored with the noise of the light;
The beauties were not long
The subject of his usual thoughts;
They managed to tire of treason;
Friends and friendship are tired ... "

Onegin is depressed, grows cold towards life and towards women. He tries to do literary work, but in order to compose it is necessary to work hard, which Onegin is not very attracted to. He's writing: " I read, read, but everything is useless ..."During this period, Pushkin met Onegin:

«… I liked his features
Unwitting devotion to dreams
Inimitable oddity
And a sharp, chilled mind…»

Together they are going to go on a journey, but Onegin's father dies. After his death, all remaining property is distributed among the creditors. Then Onegin receives the news that his uncle is dying. Uncle bequeathed his property to Onegin. Eugene goes to say goodbye to his uncle, upset in advance of the impending boredom. But upon arriving, he finds him already deceased.

« ... Here is our Onegin - a villager,
Plants, waters, forests, lands
The owner is full, but until now
Order is an enemy and waster,
And I'm very glad that the old way
I changed it to something ... "

But soon Onegin's rural life becomes boring. But Pushkin likes it.

Chapter 2.

Onegin decides to carry out a series of transformations now in his village:

« ... Yarem he is an old corvee
Replaced by light rent;
And the slave blessed fate ...«

Onegin does not really like his neighbors, and therefore they stopped communicating with him. Soon the landowner Vladimir Lensky came to his estate, located next to the lands of Onegin.

«… Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He's from foggy Germany
Brought fruits of scholarship:
Freedom dreams
The spirit is fiery and rather strange
Always a rave speech
And black curls up to the shoulders ...«

Lensky was a romantic:

« ... He believed that his soul was dear
I must connect with him,
That, melancholy,
She waits for him every day;
He believed his friends were ready
For his honor to take the shackles
And that their hand will not tremble
Break the vessel of the slanderer ...«

Lensky is welcomed in the district with pleasure and is perceived as a groom. However, Lensky is happy to communicate only with Eugene Onegin.

« ... They converged. Wave and stone
Poems and prose, ice and fire
Not so different among themselves ...«

«. .. Between them everything gave rise to controversy
And attracted to thought:
Tribes of bygone treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices,
And the fatal secrets of the grave ...«

Onegin and Lensky become friends " nothing to do". They see each other every day. Larins lived in these places. Vladimir, as a teenager, was in love with Olga Larina. This is how Pushkin describes Olga:

« ... Always modest, always obedient,
Always fun as morning
As a poet's life is innocent,
Like a kiss of love is sweet
The eyes are blue like the sky;
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp -
Everything in Olga ... but any novel
Take it and find it right
Her portrait: he is very nice,
I used to love him myself,
But he bored me immensely ...«

Olga has an older sister, Tatiana. Tatiana Pushkin describes as follows:

« ... Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe, fearful,
She is in her family
She seemed like a stranger to a girl.
She didn't know how to caress
To his father, nor to his mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
I sat silently by the window ...«

Tatyana loved to read novels that her relative, Princess Alina, recommended to her. The story of Princess Alina is described below. When she was a girl, she fell in love with a military man, but her parents gave her in marriage without her consent to another. The husband took Alina to the village, where she soon forgot her ardent love and enthusiastically took up the household:

« ... The habit is given to us from above:
She is a substitute for happiness ... "

« ... They kept a peaceful life
The habits of cute old times;
They have fatty carnival
There were Russian pancakes;
They fasted twice a year;
Loved the round swing
Songs, round dance are subservient;
On the day of Trinity, when the people
Yawning listens to the prayer,
Delightfully on a beam of dawn
They shed three tears;
They consumed kvass like air,
And at the table they have guests
They wore dishes according to ranks ...«

Vladimir Lensky visits the grave of Olga's father. Writes "gravestone madrigal". The chapter ends with philosophical reflections on generational change.

Chapter 3.

Lensky begins to visit the Larins as often as possible. Ultimately, he spends all his free time with the Larins. Onegin asks Lensky to introduce him to Larin. Onegin is welcomed and treated with pleasure. Onegin is impressed by Tatiana. The neighbors around are starting to spread rumors that Tatiana and Onegin will soon have a wedding. Tatiana falls in love with Eugene:

«… The time has come, she fell in love ...«

« ... Long sincere heartache
Her young breasts were pressed against her;
The soul was waiting ... for someone
and waited ...«

Now, rereading the novels, Tatiana imagines herself to be one of the heroines. Acting on a stereotype, she is going to write a letter to her beloved. But Onegin has long ceased to be a romantic:

«. ..Tatiana, dear Tatyana!
With you now I shed tears;
You are in the hands of a fashionable tyrant
Already gave up her fate ...«

One night Tatiana and the nanny got into a conversation about the old days. And then Tatiana admits that she fell in love. But she did not reveal the name of her lover:

«… Tatiana loves not jokingly
And surrendered unconditionally
Love is like a sweet child.
She does not say: put off -
We will multiply the price of love,
Rather, we'll start on the network;
Vanity stab first
Hope, perplexity there
We'll torture the heart and then
We will revive with jealous fire;
And then, bored with pleasure,
The cunning slave of the shackles
Ready for the hour…»

Tatiana decides to write a frank letter to Onegin. Writes in French, because " she didn't know much Russian«.

Tatiana Onegin's letter (P.S. Usually this passage is asked to learn by heart)

« … I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?
Now, I know, in your will
Punish me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate lot
Keeping a drop of pity
You will not leave me.
At first I wanted to be silent;
Trust me: my shame
You would never know
If I had hope
Though rarely, even once a week
In our village to see you,
Just to hear your speeches
You have a word to say, and then
Think everything, think about one thing
And day and night until we meet again.
But they say you are unsociable;
In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,
And we ... we do not shine with anything,
Though you are welcomed innocently.
Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I never knew you
I would not know the bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Humbled over time (who knows?),
I would find a friend after my heart
There would be a faithful spouse
And a virtuous mother.
Another! .. No, no one in the world
I would not give my heart!
That in the above is destined advice ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
The faithful meet with you;
I know you were sent to me by God
Until the grave you are my keeper ...
You appeared to me in dreams
Invisible, you were already nice to me
Your wonderful look tormented me
In my soul, your voice rang out
For a long time ... no, it was not a dream!
You just entered, I instantly knew
Everything was stunned, flamed
And in my thoughts she said: here he is!
Isn't that so? I heard you:
You spoke to me in silence
When I helped the poor
Or she delighted with prayer
Longing for a worried soul?
And at this very moment
Is it not you, dear vision,
In the transparent darkness flashed
Crouched quietly to the headboard?
Not you, with joy and love,
Whispered words of hope to me?
Who are you, my guardian angel
Or an insidious tempter:
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty
Deception of an inexperienced soul!
And completely different is destined ...
But so be it! My destiny
From now on I give you
I shed tears in front of you,
I beg your protection ...
Imagine: I'm here alone
Nobody understands me,
My mind is exhausted
And I must die in silence.
I'm waiting for you: with a single gaze
Revive the hopes of the heart
Or interrupt a heavy dream,
Alas, a well-deserved reproach!
I'm finishing! It's scary to reread ...
I freeze with shame and fear ...
But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her ... "

In the morning Tatiana asks the nanny to send this letter to Onegin. Two days pass. But there is no news from Onegin. Lensky arrives without Evgeny. He assures that Onegin promised to come tonight. Tatiana is convinced of the correctness of Lensky's words when she sees Onegin driving up. She gets scared and runs away to the garden, where the maids pick berries and sing a folk song.

Chapter 4.

Having received a sincere letter from Tatiana, Onegin considers it right to explain himself to the girl as sincerely. He does not want to deceive a pure soul. He believes that over time, Tatiana will bore him, that he will not be able to answer her with loyalty and be an honest husband.

« ... Whenever life is at home
I wanted to limit;
When would I be a father, a spouse
A pleasant lot ordered;
When would a family picture
I was captivated even for a moment alone, -
That, it is true, besides you alone,
I was not looking for another bride.
I will say without madrigal sparkles:
Found my old ideal
I would probably choose you alone
In a friend of my sad days,
All the best as a pledge
And I would be happy ... as long as I could!
But I am not made for bliss;
My soul is alien to him;
Your perfection is in vain:
I am not at all worthy of them.
Believe (conscience is a guarantee),
Marriage will be a torment for us.
I, no matter how much I love you,
Having got used, I will stop loving you immediately;
Start to cry: your tears
Will not touch my heart
And they will only enrage him ...«

« ... Learn to rule yourself:
Not everyone will understand you like me;
Inexperience leads to trouble ...»

Tatiana listens to Onegin's confession " barely breathing, no objection". A lyrical digression follows about relatives and friends who remember you only on holidays, about loving but fickle women. To the question “ Whom to love? Whom to believe?", Pushkin answers the following:" Do not ruin your work in vain, love yourself". After an explanation with Onegin, Tatiana falls into melancholy.

Meanwhile, between Olga Larina and Vladimir Lensky, the romance is developing in the happiest way. A lyrical digression follows about the poems in ladies' albums and Pushkin's attitude to them.

Onegin lives comfortably in the village. Autumn is passing, winter is coming. IN lyrical digression the description of autumn and the beginning of winter follows. Lensky dines with Onegin, admires Olga and invites Onegin to Tatyana's birthday to the Larins. Lensky and Olga are about to get married. The wedding day has been appointed.

Chapter 5.


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{!LANG-c665723b4875fa8eb984ffcbb983288f!} {!LANG-f8f5b563db28ae2674557aeff8cb1987!}{!LANG-b07c8c91d1646e2548d6399e93a3324f!} {!LANG-23a93108ccf936f0aedd535eb01d0115!}{!LANG-ec64a2519e606378c4e92f096a2de9cf!} {!LANG-171779ac916ccea51497c7865082d811!}{!LANG-51f6589041ffbcb3a8e4f0267aab3225!} {!LANG-477f99adbc228013dc542282e5e5218c!}{!LANG-18a3b15d8b1508ec9da3635e97b56fd7!}

{!LANG-66fcd95e471cc541f65b6ee73d93c3bd!} {!LANG-6d93110d3a0b6ab175a1a23a1a259f8e!} novel " Eugene Onegin«














How early could he disturb














The village where Eugene was bored,
He settled in that peace,
Where is the village old-timer
For forty years he scolded with the housekeeper,
I looked out the window and pressed the flies.


To my village at the same time
He believed that his soul was dear
He believed his friends were ready
He sang parting and sorrow
And something, and a hazy distance,
But Lensky, not having, of course,
Hunt the bonds of marriage,
With Onegin I wished heartily
Acquaintance is shorter to reduce.
Poems and prose, ice and fire
Not so different among themselves.
Mutual difference first
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it; then
Traveled every day on horseback
And they soon became inseparable.
And attracted to thought:
Tribes of bygone treaties,


Always modest, always obedient,
Smile, linen curls,

Take it and find it right
Not her sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not have attracted the eyes.
Dick, sad, silent,
She is in her family
And there were childish pranks
She is alien: scary stories
In the winter in the dark of nights
She liked novels early;


They kept a peaceful life



Our time will come, our time will come,
And our grandchildren in a good hour
They will oust us from the world too!
For now, revel in it,
This easy life, friends!



















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