
The most desirable wife. Who is she? A desirable woman through the eyes of a man What is a desirable girl

Every woman is a beautiful flower that can bloom at any age. You just need to know your advantages, your strengths. It is not for nothing that marriages between older women and very young men have recently become more frequent. This means that 40 and 60-year-old berries can give odds to their 20-year-old girlfriends. Just remember to be a real woman at any age. A woman with a capital letter.


At 20

Almost always a girl dreams of a prince. But few people remember at the same time about the "law of alchemy": gold can only be obtained from gold. That is, in order to marry a prince, you need to be a princess yourself. Cinderella is an exception. Speaking of Cinderella. Do you remember (even from pictures in books) how she walks, in what position she sits - leg by leg, the stiletto heel is slightly removed and sways? And a hairpin is nothing more than a non-verbal message to the stronger sex that a woman's strength is in her weakness. How can a creature on stilettos drag a heavy backpack or a bag of groceries from the market over its shoulders?

Leaving the house, the princess looks in the mirror not to check the “arrows and lips”, but to embrace herself entirely, the way men look at us. She likes it because she loves herself for who she is, while many girls suffer from dislike for themselves: they get fat, lose weight; they do piercings - and in pursuit of fashion they do not notice what is happening inside them. A bad mood does not add beauty.

A real princess knows: own house in the country and a super jeep does not mean that you have got a prince - rather, you run the risk of contacting an adventurer, because it is impossible, without an inheritance, to live so luxuriously at 25 years old. But when he is over 40, he has a wonderful profession and his own company - he really owns all this. However, according to esoteric science, marriage with an age difference of more than 12 years is unequal and problematic. (For 12 years, the planets of the solar system pass in their orbit and the zodiac sign is updated. So if there is such a difference in age between you, you are people from different planets.)

To check if your prince is suitable for family life, dance with him! If you are comfortable, then this is your man who will lead through life. His courtesy and dexterity speak of responsibility, an unconscious desire to help and protect. And be sure to get acquainted with the mother of the chosen one: you will learn more about his inclinations and passions, you will see what type of housekeeping he is used to. The outward resemblance to his mother is a sure sign that he will definitely marry you!

The princess with a capital letter remembers that the prince will not be attracted by vulgar clothes, tattoos on the body and bright hair color.

And do not sew a white dress after the first intimacy - try to find out about his plans first.

At 30

The woman is still young, but she already has life experience, and, as they say, it is on her face. At this age, the most relevant thoughts on how to preserve the elusive beauty and how to catch a man are "the last chance for marriage." And the most popular way to “lasso” is pregnancy. But a child born in spite of something or in exchange for something will never bring joy!

When there are women who "stayed in mistresses" for 10 years or more, one can only be surprised: it's like not to love yourself! After all, a man is polygamous by nature, and his state of "male" is always supported by a woman. The wife does not cope with this task - the husband will look for courage on the side. A romance will start, during which she will go out of her way to “lasso”, he will feed her with fairy tales that he does not have intimacy with his wife (but for some reason children are born!), And when the children grow up, he will divorce. In the position of a mistress, there is only one convenience: you don’t have to run a house, follow your husband’s career and raise children. But then these advantages cease to “warm”, the mistress understands that her time is running out, and often goes for broke: she calls her lawful wife for a conversation. Do not make such mistakes, do not hope to get a husband in this way! A smart wife will urgently take action, a stupid one will kick you out, but he still won’t come to you. In 99 cases out of 100, mistresses are not married.

At this age, it is good to look for a mate at work. An office romance will end especially well if both are equal in positions. The secretary will not win the boss's heart, even if she comes to the registry office with him, but two managers can develop normal relations.

A woman with a capital letter at the age of 30 refused cheap jewelry and buys expensive underwear. If she lacks taste, she finds a stylist.

She walks around the house dressed up, not in a shabby robe (a robe is a cleaning lady's uniform!).

She remembers: most men are conservatives (if your chosen one is not a hairdresser or a stylist), so she does not radically change: what he saw her when he fell in love, she remains so. But she shares all his interests: fishing, skiing together!

She does not complain about life, because not a single man marries a pile of problems: those who know how to solve their problems are chosen as wives.

At the same time, she knows how to remain “weak”. And if men give flowers to other women only during courtship, she will keep this tradition forever. After all, flowers are a confession: “I admire you!” And if during the month a man at least once brought fresh flowers home to you, it means that you are behaving correctly.

At 40

Women are divided mainly into two groups. The first includes those who have already been married three times, fulfilled the plan for childbearing, waved their hand at themselves and accepted as a fact that "life is over." The second group is women who have never been married, take care of themselves and passionately dream of a husband, because those casual relationships that she has are not real. These women are related by the fact that, deep down, they put an end to themselves as a woman and hit their careers. But they cannot go far, because instinct still screams its own: you need to start a family, and this is higher than a career! As a result, they meet the 40th anniversary on the verge of a crisis.

In fact, a woman at the age of 40 is a good lover and mistress (during this time she has learned everything), knows how to dress, is financially secure and has no housing problems. But if she does not have a husband, people come to her house only to live for free. Why? Yes, because there they will feed, and entertain, and put to bed, but the man will not see what attracts her as a protector, breadwinner and male. And does not marry, because she suppresses him with her unrealized maternal instinct.

A woman with a capital letter will not be a "mommy" - only a wife and a "daughter" who needs to be pampered and loaded with gifts! She will never transfer her unspent tenderness to a male being - he is stifled by this love.

She takes care of herself, is a little imposing and does not run anywhere.

She is well-groomed: a good haircut, thoughtful makeup, an elegant outfit and expensive high-quality shoes. But the main thing is that she has burning, interested eyes.

She is not afraid of an “unequal” marriage with a young and hot partner, because by the age of forty her hormonal system reaches its sexual peak. But you have to pay for everything. For every year of a lover's youth too. And she pays - with his absolute freedom.

At 50

The woman already has rich life experience. Realizing that she is getting old, she no longer finds fault with the appearance of a man - his belly, bald head and glasses. At this age, she sculpts it herself - this process is called "great friendship." She knows that with age, he also begins to appreciate her "for the soul", so in her heart there is a place for his mother and children (if he was married), and they all feel comfortable there. She does not interfere in his business and in relations with ex-wives. Many ladies have a hard time going through menopause, but in vain - because they do not lose either the feeling of orgasm or the joy of the fullness of life.

At 50, a woman with a capital letter thinks about how to keep her figure, or at least skillfully change her wardrobe. She skillfully emphasizes her chest and does not wear what 25-year-olds wear to her waist. She is always dressed according to her age and according to the weather. And one more thing: a perfectly matched hat appears in her wardrobe.

The 50-year-old "man hunter" draws attention to males "after 45". Because before forty he did everything to ruin his health, and after forty he does everything to somehow collect it. During these years, he already quit smoking, drank his own, broke up with his wife, retained / restored potency, built a house and a career. True, such men often pay attention to 20-year-olds, but usually they quickly “see the light”, because together with the “little chick” they get hassle and a new personal tragedy. But having paid attention to an older lady, they acquire both a child, and a mother, and a friend.

A woman with a capital letter will never talk in the presence of a man about her sores, enemas and sanatorium treatment, because a man of any age does not need a sick and old ruin (even if she looks good), but a healthy young aunt who will ride with him on cycling long distances and running in the morning.

She is sympathetic to the habits of her man and does not stuff her vegetarian diet - the male eats meat! And if he himself refused meat, then she will try to provide him with good nutrition. Because from semolina, as they say, even a shirt collar is not worth it.

At 60

And later you can easily be happy, because the age of a woman depends on love and on her demand. From the age of 60, a woman with a capital letter "biological clock" begins to go in the opposite direction and she looks "always at 38".

A woman with a capital letter at this age is self-sufficient, she has learned to value what she has. She made her choice: either she has a family, or she is not interested.

If she still lacks someone "for complete happiness", she knows how to wait for the moment. And if she needs to attract a man to her, she does it easily and gracefully.

Based on the materials of the Expert Center


Partner news

Many women dream of becoming the woman dearest to a man's heart. At the same time, they suffer from a lack of communication skills with the opposite sex, which ultimately is an obstacle to personal happiness and the creation of strong marital relationships. But why then are there women who do not need to rack their brains over finding a life partner, since men surround them everywhere? Why are such women lucky in their personal lives, and is it luck?

Before you are 10 rules, adhering to which, you will learn to understand what's what in relationships with the stronger sex, stop making mistakes leading to disorder in your personal life, and as a result, you can become a desirable woman for your man!

Do not show maternal instincts!

Yes, of course, you really want to protect your beloved man from the work that you yourself are able to handle. Do you think you are doing the right thing? Absolutely not! Remember that for a man you are a beloved woman, and not his second mother, so do not make your husband a mommy's son, but give him the opportunity to express himself, his male core.

Learn to communicate without words!

A friend is the person with whom you can talk as much as you want, and with a man you'd better learn how to communicate with your hands, eyes and a smile. One form of intimacy is silence. Why would you use words where there is only eroticism?

Be sexy and attractive

These two qualities can be called indicators of the internal state. Agree that the person who feels great looks good. Men want to see next to them just such a woman who has the opportunity and desire to reveal his sexual charm. Desired is the woman on whose face there is femininity, carelessness, coquetry and lightness.

Build a love nest

Great sex is only possible in a place where everything is aimed at inciting desire. In ancient times there were temples of love. You also need to create a similar zone. Create a real temple of love and intimacy from your bedroom, and from time to time experiment sex in an unusual place.

Let go of shyness and doubt

Everyone knows that men feel quite free in the company of women of easy virtue. Why? Because such ladies are ready to give a man freedom and fun. Why don't you try to do the same? Worried that others misinterpret your actions? But you are not a courtesan, but just a desirable woman with whom a man is free and pleasant!

Mood will help to become a desirable woman

Are you used to waiting for the mood to come, thereby dooming your man to a joint expectation? And everything can end unpleasantly, because over time your chosen one will begin to think that he is the cause of your reluctance and gloominess. Make your man happy, create a sexy mood, and if it doesn't work out, play!

Show your chosen one your erotic magnetism

No, this is not sexuality, but the erotic magic of seduction, capable of awakening an irresistible fire of desire in a man. Lower your eyes, touch your lips with your finger, let out a gentle sigh ...

Be a lover!

Remember - no matter how hard you try to become a friend and lover for a man at the same time - this is impossible. Men clearly share sex and friendship, therefore, a girlfriend is an open book, and a lover is a mystery that you really want to solve, but you can’t do it, because every time she is new and unpredictable! Try to keep your secrets to yourself, and be only a desirable woman for a man in bed!

Don't teach a man

Without a doubt, a woman knows better about the qualities that a great lover should have, however, do not rush to share your knowledge with the chosen one. Give your loved one the opportunity to reach the knowledge of the art of love.

Learn to trust yourself!

You can not contradict yourself and your principles, even for the purpose of winning the favor of a man. For a man to value you, always remain yourself in any situation and trust your inner voice.

Each woman is able to create her own image on her own, which means that she can play a major role in arranging her personal life. Become more liberated, discard all complexes, and you will certainly meet your Only One and become the most desirable woman for him!

Oddly enough, but men are drawn to both accessible and inaccessible women.

Because, looking at some, they think that they are no worse than all other men. In relation to others, they experience something like a sporting interest. However, after analyzing, most men are still attracted to women of certain types.

This means that they pay attention only to the type that excites them, arouses desire and irresistibly draws to them. So what exactly are the types of most desirable women considered the most attractive to the male half?

in the famous series Sex in the city was shown 4 types desirable women, especially exciting men: a female girlfriend, a sexual hunter, a real lady and an independent feminist. However, every man from his own experience could add here a couple more fads of the most desirable women.

So it's all somewhat subjective!

Actresses, singers, and also sex symbols, such as Angelina Jolie And Marilyn Monroe, act for men in the role of a certain image. And who then is she - a woman, from acquaintance with which, a man loses his mind?

It is said that a beautiful woman, if desired, can seduce any man. Female appearance plays a paramount role when meeting, because, as you know, a man falls in love in eight seconds. And certainly not a monkey. However, there are not so many beautiful women with a perfect figure and impeccable appearance. It turns out that not every woman can seduce a man. Only ugly girls naively believe that without even the slightest degree of decent appearance, one can be successful with men.

Well, let's consider in detail what are the most desirable women.

Pretty silly

Blondes are often called pretty silly or just fools. They are always interested in men, for whom they are just a toy, since, as a rule, this interest does not go beyond intimate relationships. They do not understand that it is not only about a pretty face, long legs and beautiful forms, you need to have something else.

And apart from clothes, glossy magazines, entertainment and pleasures, they are not interested in absolutely anything. However, this does not bother men at all, because against the background of these silly girls they can not only show off their intellect, but they can manipulate them and get amazing sex from them.

A woman without complexes

All men, especially young ones, dream that his chosen one always wants the same thing as he does. So that she does not think that in some way the initiative should come only from him. And now they are looking for a woman who has no complexes, she is not a coward and is able to give herself anywhere. However, it also has many disadvantages: surely she is frivolous - smokes, does not care about anyone.

The motto of a woman without complexes is - " sex friendship is not a hindrance". Walking down the street with you, she will not see off the wedding procession with dreary eyes, and come up with a cunning plan on how to turn you from a friend into a husband. And this is important for many men.


She is also called a predator or lady hunter. Men are conquered by her beauty and arrogance. She chooses her partner herself. A female tiger is insanely good in bed, but absolutely unbearable in a relationship. For a long time, men cannot stand her, because with constant claims she makes the man understand that he owes her and even owes her. She considers herself a goddess created for worship.

A tigress woman hunts mainly for rich men, skillfully emptying their thick wallets. Naturally, she dresses chic, visits salons and carefully looks after herself. In order to sleep with her, a man, especially if he is elderly, is ready to pay any money in order to amuse his male pride and then tell his friends about how he tamed Tigress.

Business lady

She is somewhat similar to tigress woman, only she does not need the money of a man, because. she earns them herself. The business lady is independent, efficient, erudite and energetic. This is almost a feminist, able to live without male support. She can easily take off» Gigalo, go to a male striptease, thus showing that not only men buy sex. She pays for herself on dates, and only dates someone who earns as much as she does.

She is also arrogant, and not all men like such traits. Then why do men want her? Because here their wounded male pride plays a role, that this woman is too independent and is not inferior to any man.

In their fantasies, men, as a rule, imagine oral or anal sex with a business woman, since this is the only way they can feel their superiority over her.

Woman with character

A woman with character will not let you get bored! As a rule, this is a person who is passionate about some business. This desirable woman is unpredictable, knows her worth, attractive, smart, energetic, prudent and able-bodied, knows what she wants and how to achieve it, she is looking for a man weaker than herself to take the main role. She is not arrogant, unlike a business woman, and her requirements for a candidate are very different. In addition, for further relationships, she is a much better option.

Why does the man want her?

Yes, because it really becomes interesting for him to penetrate into her interesting and boring life.

After reading this article, every woman can easily recognize herself and determine her type. But, as you know, nothing exists in its pure form. In every woman, one type dominates, but it is easy to find traits of another type in it.

How to become desirable and loved. A desirable woman through the eyes of men. Many women dream of becoming the woman dearest to a man's heart. At the same time, they suffer from a lack of communication skills with the opposite sex, which ultimately is an obstacle to personal happiness and the creation of strong marital relationships. But why then are there women who do not need to rack their brains over finding a life partner, since men surround them everywhere? Why are such women lucky in their personal lives, and is it luck?

Here are 10 rules on how to become desirable and loved, adhering to which you will learn to understand what's what in relationships with the stronger sex, stop making mistakes that lead to disorder in your personal life, and in the end you can become a desirable woman for your man!

Do not show maternal instincts!

Yes, of course, you really want to protect your beloved man from the work that you yourself are able to handle. Do you think you are doing the right thing? Absolutely not! Remember that for a man you are a beloved woman, and not his second mother, so do not make your husband a mommy's son, but give him the opportunity to express himself, his male core.

Learn to communicate without words!

A friend is the person with whom you can talk as much as you want, and with a man you'd better learn how to communicate with your hands, eyes and a smile. One form of intimacy is silence. Why would you use words where there is only eroticism?

Be sexy and attractive

These two qualities can be called indicators of the internal state. Agree that the person who feels great looks good. Men want to see next to them just such a woman who has the opportunity and desire to reveal his sexual charm. Desired is the woman on whose face there is femininity, carelessness, coquetry and lightness.

Build a love nest

Great sex is only possible in a place where everything is aimed at inciting desire. In ancient times there were temples of love. You also need to create a similar zone. Create a real temple of love and intimacy from your bedroom, and from time to time experiment sex in an unusual place.

Let go of shyness and doubt

Everyone knows that men feel quite free in the company of women of easy virtue. Why? Because such ladies are ready to give a man freedom and fun. Why don't you try to do the same? Worried that others misinterpret your actions? But you are not a courtesan, but just a desirable woman with whom a man is free and pleasant!

Mood will help to become a desirable woman

Are you used to waiting for the mood to come, thereby dooming your man to a joint expectation? And everything can end unpleasantly, because over time your chosen one will begin to think that he is the cause of your reluctance and gloominess. Make your man happy, create a sexy mood, and if it doesn't work out, play!

Show your chosen one your erotic magnetism

No, this is not sexuality, but the erotic magic of seduction, capable of awakening an irresistible fire of desire in a man. Lower your eyes, touch your lips with your finger, let out a gentle sigh ...

Be a lover!

Remember - no matter how hard you try to become a friend and lover for a man at the same time - this is impossible. Men clearly share sex and friendship, therefore, a girlfriend is an open book, and a lover is a mystery that you really want to solve, but you can’t do it, because every time she is new and unpredictable! Try to keep your secrets to yourself, and be only a desirable woman for a man in bed!

Don't teach a man

Without a doubt, a woman knows better about the qualities that a great lover should have, however, do not rush to share your knowledge with the chosen one. Give your loved one the opportunity to reach the knowledge of the art of love.

Learn to trust yourself!

You can not contradict yourself and your principles, even for the purpose of winning the favor of a man. For a man to value you, always remain yourself in any situation and trust your inner voice.

Each woman is able to create her own image on her own, which means that she can play a major role in arranging her personal life. Become more liberated, discard all complexes, and you will certainly meet your Only One and become the most desirable woman for him!

A sexy woman is always desirable

Sexuality is in every woman

In this book, we will talk about ways to open up and increase sexuality. I think now is the right time for such a conversation.

I want to tell you right away that every woman has a huge potential, which, with skillful use, can turn any of us into a goddess of sex. And for this it is not at all necessary to use any additional devices or put on someone else's mask.

Sexuality begins to manifest in us very, very early. Tell me, honestly, at what age did you start having erotic dreams? Much earlier than fifteen years, wasn't it? If a woman is healthy, full of energy, she will definitely be sexy. Because the desire to enjoy life with a man is natural, it says that everything is in order with you. If you are characterized by “the usual kind of peace and health”, then for a man this means that your hormonal levels are normal, and your psyche is in balance. You radiate benevolence and gentleness, and therefore are so attractive to men.

Sex is freedom, creativity, joy that everyone needs. In sex, a woman can get much more pleasure than a man, because the ability to experience multiple pleasure is inherent in us by nature. It is believed that only men constantly think about sex, but this is far from the case! We all love to enjoy! Do you agree with me? I see yes!

Men adore women who are open to the joys of life, and call them sexy, although outwardly such women may not differ in anything special. Signs of sexuality are not a leather corset, a collar with spikes and the ability to moan like the heroine of an erotic film. A truly sexy woman does everything in her life erotically, for example, she laughs so that men get goosebumps. She speaks in a soft, enveloping voice, without the need to achieve the effect of a smoky, low voice of a vamp at all. Her movements are smooth and graceful. She sleeps with her mouth open seductively, she wakes up in the morning, sweetly stretching, so that the man lying next to him can admire all the curves of her body.

By the way, not all men admire the notorious slimness of fashion models, whose protruding collarbones and protruding ribs discourage any desire to touch them. Now I will reveal to you a secret that is known to be the most attractive for men, and therefore sexy ladies. A real woman should not consist of straight lines, but of curves. And everything else to be able to demonstrate them.

Two Englishmen are talking:

– Robert, what is the first thing you notice in a woman?

“It depends which way she goes.

Have you ever paid attention to the fact that your loved one prefers to see you in tight-fitting clothes that emphasize the figure? And even if you are sure that extra pounds become noticeable this way, a man actually knows that you are beautiful and wants to admire the most perfect creation of nature - the female body. Somehow (this was already many years ago) I was riding a bus and above the door I saw something like an impromptu poster with photographs of beauties cut out from the then rare Burda magazine. So, under the poster, the cry of the male soul was written by hand: “Girls! Don't hide your pretty legs under pants and long skirts! Wear a mini!

So, my dears, do not hide your beauty and know that if a woman wants to please, she will be liked. And if you hope to hide a few extra pounds under loose clothes, you will look just that many pounds fuller. Yes, and it’s not about harmony, but about the ability to give a man what no other woman could give him.

I have a friend whose age allows her to be already a grandmother, and the figure, as you understand, is far from perfect. However, she can turn the heads of men half her age! Because she is sexy from the toes of her shoes to the roots of her hair. And men at the sight of her exclaim: "What a woman!".

Let's learn to be such that a man, when he sees us, says the same phrase.

Learn to think sexy

Where to begin? Oddly enough, from the head. Because how you perceive your feminine nature and your sexuality depends on your attitude towards yourself as a whole. I often repeat: love yourself! Love your body, your thoughts, your soul and its aspirations! Self-love will allow you to become desirable and happy, because the energy of your love will definitely be felt by a man who cares about you.

Sex is an area of ​​subtle and powerful energy circulation that has a huge impact on any of us. The classic expressed this truth in these words: "All ages are submissive to love." I add: "Everything and everything is submissive to love."

You know, my dears, but sex is not limited only to what happens between a man and a woman in bed! Sex is your bold thought about your beloved man, which often becomes material, and your smile to a colleague, and your request for help to bring a heavy suitcase addressed to a stranger. Remember this all the time!


It's quite normal! And then your sexuality will permeate everything you do and everything you think about. And it will certainly affect the appearance. And men love with their eyes.

What does a sexy woman look like? A sexy woman makes a man have an irresistible desire to touch her, to come closer, to inhale the scent of her perfume, to listen to the sound of her voice. I often notice that in the presence of a sexually attractive woman, men fall into a state of pleasant mild hypnosis. We can say that they fall into meditation. They meditate on the strength of a woman, on her beauty, on her calling biofield. In the end, everyone is happy.

Is it only beauty that attracts men? I would say that an integral image is important here, including a huge inner strength and charm of a beautiful personality. And beauty, as you know, is not limited to long legs and bottomless eyes. Remember the great seductress Cleopatra - after all, she was nondescript, with a large nose and small, close-set eyes. What made men submit to her and fly into her fire like moths?

What is the difference between a woman and a taxi?

“A woman with a spark is never free.

Moreover, there were people who were ready to give their lives for one night with her. The secret of Cleopatra's attraction was that she knew how to make any man feel his importance. She was subject to generals, and wise men, and young hot warriors, and sensible elders whitened with gray hair. But this skill is subtle and complex.

Let's continue the conversation about what features in the appearance of a woman indicate that she is attractive to men.

Soft, supple, gentle - how delightful she is!

First of all, it is softness. And smoothness. Your skin should be soft and smooth, and for this you need to constantly take care of yourself, groom your skin with creams and lotions. Hair should flow like silk and be vibrant and shiny. And it doesn't matter if your haircut is fashionable - if you do not overdo it with hair dyes or perm and you want to touch your hair, you will be attractive in the eyes of a man.

And one more thing - do not be afraid to change something in your appearance! On the contrary, boldly try, create, dare! After all, all experiments with appearance can cause a change in your behavior. They will help you become more relaxed, emotional, will allow you to more boldly go towards male desire - and this is one of the main characteristics of a sexy woman. I mean the willingness to show interest in communicating with a man.

The divine scent of a woman

Do not forget about the effect smells have on a man! Despite the fact that in the modern world the need to track prey by smell has disappeared, a man, like a real hunter, is able to figure out the desired woman by the intoxicating aroma that comes from her.

What smells does a sexy woman choose? Soft but strong. She does not chase novelties and does not abuse unisex perfumes. She emphasizes her feminine power with fragrances that make a man dizzy and have an irresistible desire to possess her. The French called the smell of Amarige perfume from Givenchy the sexiest and even obscene fragrance, which is hardly worthy of the title of the novelty of the season. I will not forget my favorite perfume and Chanel Allure. Sensual women prefer these fragrances to all sharp asexual smells in angular bottles. You can become a perfumer and create your own scent by mixing a few drops from different bottles.

Sandalwood, vanilla, myrrh and cinnamon are the main notes that can awaken desire in every man. And do not succumb to the persuasion of women's magazines to use one perfume during the day and another in the evening. Let a barely perceptible aroma come from you during the day, and in the evening it will envelop you from head to toe with an exciting cloud. If you find your scent, do not scatter and confuse a man.

How to dress to undress

It's time to talk about clothes. This topic is extensive, and it would take a lot of time to discuss all the subtleties of modern fashion and the features of the new products of the season. However, for us now the most important question is what clothes make women the sexiest. Here again the main conditions are softness and smoothness. Pay attention to velvet and satin. Yes, yes, since the 16th century they have been considered the sexiest fabrics, and all poets, writers and artists sing about them. Emile Zola, for example, in the novel "Lady's Happiness" compared these fabrics with female skin: the skin on the chest - with satin, and the skin on the hips - with velvet. Try to touch your own skin in these places, and you will understand that the great Frenchman knew a lot about women and was right in his comparisons. Now you will not be mistaken in choosing the fabric for bed linen, on which a date with your loved one should take place. Try to choose clothes that do not distort the proportions of the body. If you want to give the impression of being slimmer, do not wrap yourself in voluminous things, but simply take into account the peculiarities of human vision. Our eye perceives vertical lines as longer than horizontal ones, even if they are equal. Therefore, create more verticals in clothes and at the same time do not forget to emphasize the smooth transition from the waist to the hips - the most seductive part of the female body for a man.

Anything that scratches produces a feeling of hardness and unnaturalness. Even the finest lace. How much more pleasant to the touch silk, fine cotton and microfiber! And simple, without unnecessary hard seams, style. Having bought underwear from these materials, you will not only make yourself happy, but you will also be surprised to find that your loved one caresses you with great pleasure, while other men for some reason pay closer attention to you.

A conversation between a doctor and a patient in the traumatology department:

- Madam, what were you thinking when you saw a car coming straight at you? After all, you flew over your head three times and miraculously survived!

- Monsieur, I thought that today I put on beautiful underwear, and I was not ashamed to show it!

Dear ones, nothing in the world happens just like that. And therefore, the pleasant sensations of wearing soft underwear are transmitted to your eyes, which become more viscous and enveloping. And your gait, which becomes elastic and insinuating, “elastic”, like knitwear on your hips. And to your voice, in which notes appear velvety, like the surface of microfiber. Try to see for yourself. Put on something deliciously delicate and go on business. You will see - men will begin to feel that you radiate sexuality, and will be drawn to you themselves, they will not even need to be forced to draw attention to themselves.

This is the highest manifestation of femininity - do not go ahead, do not try to win a man, namely, be able to attract him with your softness, flexibility in every sense, tenderness and suppleness. There is no need to overpower yourself and your feminine nature and try to hide your seemingly unnecessary qualities in our time.


Ivan Bunin said this, whose "Dark Alleys" and "Clean Monday" are unsurpassed examples of erotic literature. And how wonderfully the Russian classic described women:

And she had some kind of Indian, Persian beauty: a swarthy amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinister in its thick black hair, softly shining like black sable fur, eyebrows, eyes black as velvet coal; the mouth, captivating with velvety crimson lips, was shaded by a dark fluff; when she went out, she most often put on a pomegranate velvet dress and the same shoes with gold clasps.

... she was standing straight and somewhat theatrical near the piano in a black velvet dress that made her thinner, shining with her elegance, a festive dress of pitch hair, the swarthy amber of her bare arms, shoulders, a tender, full beginning of her breasts, the sparkle of diamond earrings along her slightly powdered cheeks, coal velvet eyes and velvety purple lips; glossy black pigtails curled up to her eyes in half-rings, giving her the appearance of an oriental beauty from a popular print.

Here is a sample of a seductive woman - a great example to follow!

Don't be afraid to show your feelings

By the way, note that in the works of Ivan Bunin, women are not shy about their feelings, are not afraid to take the first step and surrender to passion without a trace. And the heroines of Turgenev, who are considered in our literature as a model of modesty and restraint, also do not hide their feminine essence. Moreover, the Russian philosopher V. V. Rozanov defined the quintessence of femininity as the desire to absorb a man, uniting with him into a single whole. For him, the embodiment of femininity was a modest woman with downcast eyes and passions seething in her soul and body, who in a quiet deserted place is able to pounce on a man herself.

And today, many of us believe, and in vain, that the first step should be taken by a man. And therefore they charge all the responsibility - from beginning to end - for the relationship between a man and a woman on the gentleman. It is not right! My dears, nature has arranged it so that a woman is a keeper and creator! And it is the lady who should take care of establishing contact and developing relationships!

Everyone knows that long before a man decides to approach a lady, she determines for herself whether she wants or does not want to reciprocate. But few people know that it is much more preferable that the initiative in sex comes from a woman!

First, most men are crazy about it: statistics are a stubborn thing.

Secondly, due to physiological characteristics, a woman “warms up” a little longer than a man. Therefore, if the partner is very excited, everything can end too quickly, and his girlfriend will not even have time to enjoy sex. If she is already set up for love games and begins to seduce an unsuspecting man, they both get a chance to experience much longer pleasure: according to sexologists, sex with an initial female initiative lasts at least an hour! So what, isn't it worth the effort? Moreover, it cannot be called labor - what could be more pleasant than to seduce the desired man?

These eyes are opposite

And then, who makes you take the first step? It is enough to smile, look at a man from under the eyelashes - and he is all yours. The power of the female gaze is very great, but many underestimate it in vain. Your eyes can express the whole range of feelings that you experience in relation to the man sitting opposite (or at the next table in a cafe). And their radiance will by no means go unnoticed. And at such a moment you become a miracle how good! Dilated pupils make the eyes large and deep, and their owner is given mystery and sexual appeal.

Here the woman begins to look sideways at the man, as if from behind a raised shoulder, gradually lowers her gaze from his eyes to his lips, then even lower, slowly turns away. Her voice becomes low and muffled, and the man does not care what she says! At the same time, she still moisturizes her lips with a slight movement of her tongue, leaves them slightly open ... If you observe such a reincarnation of a woman, then you can be sure: she is in love.

A look is the surest indicator of love. And the most powerful weapon. A look can say everything or almost everything: from the first joyful recognition to the expression of sincere and passionate feelings. The special expression of the eyes that lovers have cannot be hidden. There is a saying in English: “You can’t hide love and cough.” And indeed it is. And the thing is that the exciting, burning, inflaming gaze is explained only by a simple increase in the pupils several times. Therefore, of course, a romantic date by candlelight or subdued light will be at its best, since in this setting the pupils naturally increase. Since ancient times, all sorts of bewitching infusions (for example, from belladonna) have been known, from which the pupils dilated, and the woman became more desirable.

So cheer yourself up with the awareness of your attractiveness and keep shooting eyes if you want to be sly and ambiguous, for example. Or look at him without looking away if you want to show him how much you want to communicate with him. Remember how the popular song goes?

You can’t get anywhere, so the Witch’s Lake beckons to itself - a blue magnet.

Your look should capture, captivate and provoke a man to more daring thoughts and actions. You have caught his eyes with your eyes - and keep, keep the contact of your eyes. It should last at least half a minute. That is how much is needed in order to establish contact with even the most intractable specimen. Do not stop the exchange of energies, even if you only give him yours. The main thing is to establish communication, even if it is one-way for the time being. You know that he will not get away from you anywhere, and therefore continue to convince yourself of this. There is no need to doubt success - doubts only get in the way. And men are always attracted by a woman's confidence in her abilities. And if a woman wants to be loved, she will achieve it.

The most secret way of seduction

And now, my dear women, I will reveal to you the most intimate secret of seduction. Even if you don't know each other yet, you can, looking at a man, mentally imagine how you are making love to him - passionately, hotly and ardently. After all, your fantasies are unpunished! And such an innocent trick can bring a lot of benefits, because your thought gradually becomes material. And at some point you will notice that the man is looking in your direction more and more often. And then, unexpectedly for himself, he will begin to get excited and wonder what attracts him so much to this woman sitting to his right, who does not look at him at all, but smiles blissfully at her thoughts?

Those of my acquaintances who applied this method in practice achieved very interesting results. This works great! Indeed, something begins to happen, some invisible energy vibrations appear, and the object of your innocent sexual "hunt" is attracted to you.

And after that, my dears, be prepared for the fact that he will come up to you and offer to make an acquaintance.

And now you have already won: he overcame the barrier of the so-called personal distance, he let you into his own space, where the strength of your interactions increases many times over. And at this moment there is no need to play inaccessibility and demonstrate the so-called female pride. In simple terms, you should not fill your own price, which, by the way, a man has not yet determined for himself. And do not be like the lady from the following joke:

- Girl, can I meet you?

- First you need to get married!

Show the man that you enjoy his attention. No wonder you tried hard, really! Continue to douse it with the waves of your desire, without outwardly showing your state in any way. You show a man that you are ready to accept him as a whole, and he will definitely feel it and draw the appropriate conclusions. At the very least, he is flattered by your attention, he is excited about the opportunity to experience new sensations, he is interested in a new woman. What man could refuse such a lucrative offer?

You have reached your goal, and now it is important to consolidate the result. He gets a big dose of energy from you as an advance, and this is a guarantee that he will want to experience such “feeding” again and again.

What warms up love

Do you know what distinguishes a good diplomat from a mediocre one? A good diplomat will always find a strong side in the interlocutor and will definitely emphasize it. This ability is very favorably evaluated by men.

You have probably seen more than once that it is important for every man to feel unique or at least not like others. Especially in the eyes of a woman! Use it. In every adult person, a small child is hidden, which really blossoms from compliments. Do not skimp on courtesy, they will create a reputation for you as a sociable person. Bringing men the joy of meeting you, you will feel more confident in the company of men, and your "accessibility" will open the door for you to get closer to the most attractive men.


When meeting a man, do not be afraid to tell that he impressed you as an interesting person (if this is true) and that you would be happy to meet and talk to him again. Most men will react positively to your initiative and respond favorably to your friendliness. Perhaps in a casual conversation you will be able to find features that distinguish him from other men, and it will seem interesting to you, tell him about it.

Again and again, praise the man to make him feel special. You recognize him as unique, and that is why you want to offer him your company, your love. A man's need to be one of a kind drives him to pursue a career, achieve fame, and more in life.


You do not deceive him, but simply see what is. Perhaps these qualities are not yet very developed in your chosen one, but under the influence of your praise, he becomes better, more perfect and bolder.

Be a smart woman and you will win his love by reinforcing in him the idea of ​​his unusualness.


Call him by his name every ten minutes - this is probably the most pleasant sound for him. Give him compliments about his qualities: external attractiveness, intelligence, strength. He must know that you are not indifferent to him.


The next step by which you attract a man to you seriously and for a long time is your ability to make him feel significant. The best. You chose him, ignoring all other men, and this already flatters his pride. But he wants to hear from you yourself that you preferred him to all others. Therefore, when he approaches you and asks why you are smiling at him, you need to emphasize the moment of interest. You were so interested in him that you can not take your eyes off him. Maybe he has a wonderful appearance - a Roman profile, for example, and when you look at him, you have associations with Mark Antony. Perhaps you were attracted by his ability to move beautifully, even if he only once went to the bar for a cup of coffee. Or you noted his impeccable suit and perfectly matched tie - but you never know why a smart and thin woman will find reasons for a compliment! And although they say that a woman loves with her ears, in fact, the sensitivity of the male organ of hearing is sometimes much greater than ours. Men are usually very quick to respond to compliments addressed to them.

You radiate benevolence, because you are not used to communicating with people in a different way, and you notice only the good in him, because you are sure that every man is perfection. Moreover, if you know what tantric sex is, then in the eyes of your chosen one you are quite capable of seeing a spark of the Divine embodied in him. Now think about whether a man, if he is in his right mind, can refuse further meetings with you. After all, you are able to appreciate its exclusivity so truly and subtly. You are so sensitive and attentive, and it is worth getting to know you better ...


The quality of the compliment you give a man shows how deep your intuition is and how strong the connection that arose between you at the very moment you paid attention to him. In the end, it's not for nothing that you liked this particular person? Ideally, you should already be imagining his behavior in a more intimate setting, and therefore send signals to him more accurate and targeted.

As practice shows, all men instantly respond to purposeful female signals, and all the pleasant consequences that follow them are already just a matter of technology.

Although I have met such insidious coquettes who flirt desperately, however, when it comes down to it, they leave the man with nothing, causing well-founded irritation, and sometimes aggression. Why they do this remains a mystery. Perhaps they assert themselves in this way. But it's not for us. We will not waste our precious energy in vain. What's the point of this? We're not sadists, really...

The masochist says to the sadist:

- Well, torture me, please!

Sadist says:

- Nope!

Be that as it may, your ability to tune in to his wave can serve you well in the noble cause of seducing a man. You will become for him a supplier of energy, which, as you know, is the "currency" of the subtle worlds. After that, a man in communication with you will begin to experience energy hunger and will need constant replenishment. This means that every time he will expect new compliments and praise from you in his address. And this is not bad, because he will try to earn these praises. Will listen more carefully to your words. And, of course, he will not disappoint you in his talents, successes and ability to move beautifully (including in an intimate setting).


I learned this obvious, at first glance, truth from communication with a huge number of people. Age and gender don't matter in the slightest. Therefore, do not skimp on compliments for the desired man. Each of us has something to be proud of. Sometimes it seems to me that by “pulling” this “something” to the surface, we make a man even better. Isn't that the noblest task?

touching relationship

I mean the direct meaning of the word "touch". Once you have established eye contact and gained access to a man's personal space, you can strengthen your influence over him through touch. These do not have to be gestures that can be clearly interpreted as sexual. The secret lies in the fact that by touching a man, you establish an additional channel for the mutual exchange of energies. A sensual woman (and you, of course, you are) can touch a man's hand so much when listening to his inspirational and entrancing story about his own achievements in the field of improving graphic editors that he will forget about everything in the world.

By the way, you should try to establish contact with a man during his activities. For any man, his work and recognition of professional merits is much more important than the relationship with his girlfriend. A truly smart woman not only understands this, but also uses it. When you and your chosen one do one thing, you become a guiding star for him in case of success, and in case of failure - emotional support. There is no greater pleasure for a man than to hear a compliment to his professional qualities. And where is it better and more successful to do it, if not by working together?

And you don’t have to be colleagues for this, because the man’s activity may lie in the fact that for two hours now (appreciate his perseverance!) He has been trying hard to catch at least something with a new lure. And you sit nearby and take a lively and, most importantly, silent participation in his attempts to break last year's record for the catch of commercial minnows.

If you met while on vacation at sea and are looking forward to a beautiful holiday romance, perhaps with a sequel, do not lie indifferently on the beach and do not talk about the weather. Together with a man, search for rare jellyfish, collect stones with a hole (they say they bring happiness), build a sand castle. And do not forget to rejoice at his successes and praise him for every little thing.

A man, looking at a woman, can sometimes think about what he will do with her after sex. Therefore, it is very useful to show him how many hobbies you have in common! If he plays tennis, say that you have been dreaming of picking up a racket since childhood, even if this thought first arose in your charming head. If your chosen one is a fan of some football (hockey, volleyball) team, then take courage and keep him company during the broadcast of the match. Even if this happens only once, the man will be happy to explain to you what the matter is and how the players of his favorite team differ from their rivals.

And then he will understand what a rare and wonderful woman he met on his way. From a woman like you, warmth and kindness radiate, in which any man would like to dissolve, because they were all born in the womb. And consciously or not, but every man strives all his life to, as Mayakovsky said, "hide his ringing in a soft, feminine." And a real woman gives a man, whom she wants to see next to her, the opportunity to return to the sensations of that blissful state when the mother's body gave the child a feeling of absolute security and satisfaction of all needs. A sensual woman envelops a man, and he not only lacks strength, but does not even have a desire to get out of sweet captivity.

I knew a girl who knew how to win the hearts of almost all men - from young boys to gray-haired life-lovers. Even at the institute, Nina became the most popular girl among classmates. How did she do it? And it's very simple. While all the other girls were giggling and gathering in flocks, Nina, entering the audience, smiled broadly at everyone present. But for some reason, every man believed that her smile and the penetrating sonorous voice said “hello!” was addressed to him personally. Then Nina approached one of the guys, whose mood seemed to her somewhat gloomy. She touched his hand, looked into his eyes and said: "Everything will be fine!".

Nina never hesitated to call the children at home herself if one of them had problems: she didn’t pass the test, flunked the exam, quarreled with the teacher. On holidays - New Year, February 23 - Nina always congratulated all the men, and gave them some little things - just like that, without any hint. And each of them felt flattered and believed that Nina was not indifferent to him. And Nina's phone was constantly torn by calls from the entire small male audience of our course.

By the way, Nina was also outwardly very feminine: a plump, natural blonde with appetizing forms, which she skillfully emphasized with a simple tight skirt, an upturned nose, big green eyes, a small leg, the grace of which was enhanced by mincing gait. Even the old ladies' man, a sixty-five-year-old art history teacher, did not hesitate to set Nina as an example to all our beauties as an example of "eternal femininity." At the same time, Nina did not blush, but accepted compliments with dignity.

So, my dear women, do not hesitate to show participation and attention to a man, including through gestures and touches. This weapon is much more effective than just words, even if a man is so pleased to hear them that he is already “all yours”. And it’s great if he also becomes bolder in response and starts touching you. Stimulate his impulse and coquettishly say that the skin on another part of your body is much softer, you will notice how a voluptuous wave will run through his body, which, with good energy contact, will resonate with you. And you probably already felt that the time has come for more decisive action, right?

We go for rapprochement, choose allies

And now the man, whom you have quite definite views on, takes the initiative himself and makes an appointment with you in a restaurant. Congratulations! Having received an invitation from him to a good restaurant, you can already celebrate your first victory! And she is the sweetest. In addition, going to dinner with him, you will get a good opportunity to feel his energy and become closer to each other. Indeed, in addition to the fact that you will look at each other all evening, you will share a meal with him. And at all times, such a step was regarded as an act of trust and readiness for close relationships. So the meal is your first ally.

Sitting opposite your man at a table in a cafe or restaurant, you can finally exchange sensual glances in a relaxed atmosphere. Sometimes the anticipation of love pleasures is sweeter than their actual experience. How your heart stops when your eyes meet! Love and desire are strongest before they are expressed and satisfied. This is the most passionate part of the novel, when everything is yet to come!


In addition, do not forget that delicious food gives a man no less pleasure than the joys of love! And when he consumes a wonderfully prepared meal in your company, he associates you with a relaxing environment and the pleasure that he receives. And the greater are his expectations from future meetings with you.

An experienced and sensual woman is able to calculate the behavior of a man in bed in the manner of behaving at the table to the smallest detail. If you have the opportunity to watch your chosen one during work, and even better - games, you don’t have to think of anything. By the way, if he offers you to go with him to a sporting event, do not be offended by him, but, on the contrary, rejoice. After all, you had a rare luck - to find out everything that is possible about your man. At a football or hockey match, or during a boxing match, a man forgets about all the conventions and appears before you, so to speak, completely “naked”. And if he, even during a goal scored by his favorite team, remains restrained and calm, it means that you have a very tough nut to crack, and it will be more pleasant to crack it. So the opportunity to throw out energy and participate in a strong joint experience is your second ally.

The Englishman was walking in the park and noticed a gentleman on the lawn who was vigorously doing push-ups.

- Sir, it seems to me that your lady left you a long time ago!

You can choose a theater, cinema or exhibition as a date. But there, as in the stadium and in any other place where a large number of people gather, your and his attention will be scattered. Therefore, it is better to take a walk in the snow-covered park or take a boat ride on the pond. It is also a good idea to attend a concert of symphonic music, where, despite the large number of people, you will still be left alone with the world of divine sounds. And you will have the opportunity to become closer to your man when, during the most exciting passage, you take his hand to enjoy wonderful music together. Of course, provided that it was he who invited you to the concert - otherwise your chosen one, like most men, prefers the philharmonic society and the football field? If he nevertheless dared to take this step, then either he is very interested in you, or you got a sensitive man. Both are good signs for you. Move on!

Dance is a virtuoso possession of one's body

Did he invite you to a party or a club? This is luck! After all, there you can demonstrate to him all the grace and flexibility of your body!

You will dance for him! This is sheer seduction. Performing an oriental dance or including its elements in your own improvisation, you radiate sexual energy! Meanwhile, a man can see your figure in detail. In addition, he will also unconsciously imagine himself in the place of the owner of a whole harem - and what man does not dream of this?

You know how popular striptease is among men, how fascinated they look at a dancing girl. So do not be jealous, but use it! Moreover, today everything is only for him, the only one! Dance is the best way to say without words (which for some reason are considered the main proof of feelings) everything that you experience in relation to your chosen one. It's your turn to awaken his fantasies about how you will behave in an intimate setting.


It is not for nothing that at all times the best in matters of love were women dancers who could say in body language what they were not able to express in words. Both geishas and hetaeras were well versed in the art of dance. It is not a sin for us to take a few lessons of grace and plasticity in order to become even more perfect in the eyes of a man.

What kind of dances do men prefer to see (except for striptease, which we will definitely demonstrate to him)? Those in which the male understanding of the female essence is embodied. Today there are many dance styles in which we can demonstrate our sexuality. Slow and smooth or energetic and groovy (but always with swaying and rotating the hips) dances in your performance can turn your chosen one so much that he loses control over himself.

When you feel that the man himself is experiencing no less desire than you, you should probably slow down the process. After all, you want a long-term relationship, and not passionate copulation right on the dance floor? Although, in principle, this option is not excluded, especially if the dance floor is located on the territory of your or his apartment. In the end, there will be nothing shameful in the fact that you satisfy your desire to be together. However, if you prefer a man to admire you rather than take you rudely and primitively, you should resort to some tricks. In the midst of passions, slip out of his sight and wait until the emotions subside. And then return to your companion and tell him that it's late and you need to sleep. And in general, a woman should spend the night at home, because then she will remain in the eyes of a man a mysterious stranger and a ball queen. Gather all your will and fly away, even if you don’t feel like it, but want something completely different ...

It seems to me that a man should not see you on the first date without a romantic halo that accompanies a real feeling. Although, if you still couldn’t resist and stayed, then it’s necessary. After all, everything happens for the best for us in this best of all worlds!

Our allies: light and color

Along with dancing, light can also be your ally - diffused, mysterious. Choose places for dates with soft and subdued lighting. And do not forget that red or pink light has always been used by skilled seductresses who knew a lot about the art of pleasing a man. The red part of the spectrum causes a subconscious sexual arousal in a man. In addition, such light very advantageously sets off all the charms of the skin and emphasizes the warmth and softness of the body. Watch how in the light of a night lamp with a red scarf thrown over it, all the seductive dimples on your shoulders, arms, cheeks and other parts of the body that your chosen one is still unable to see (which is a pity) begin to play. So how can he get away from you?

And, of course, do not forget that red underwear is felt by men at some mystical level. Sometimes, to cheer yourself up, put on red lingerie, and also a garter belt - and feel mysterious and romantic. Works great.

Play from the heart

Do you know what a man values ​​most in a sexual relationship? Game element. After all, a man remains a child until the end of his life, especially if, on duty, he has to deal with serious things and dry numbers. That same "light", the willingness to join the game called "maybe" makes a woman so desirable and attractive in his eyes. And if she is distinguished by inexhaustible fiction, then she can replace for him all the women he has ever known.


However, while your relationship is still in the "bouquet-and-candy" stage, enjoy the fact that you are deliberately delaying the pleasure of going to bed with him. After all, you are adults and able to resist the temptation to lash out at each other. The greater will be the pleasure that you will experience when you are together without a dividing barrier in the form of a table in a restaurant.

Now talk to the man about his wildest dreams. Show a willingness to fulfill his long-standing sexual fantasy, such as making love in a public place. And he will be grateful to you even for the fact that you were imbued with all the charm of this event. And if you also play along with him and comment on this still virtual activity, for example, describing the faces of people who accidentally caught you having such a pleasant pastime, then your general friendly laughter can greatly contribute to your rapprochement.

Only your task is not to convince a man that you once experienced this magical feeling of novelty with another. No. You must assure your loved one that you want to experience such sensations with him. Because a man cannot and does not want to be compared with anyone, even if for you this is the past, so far away that you do not even remember the name of the former partner.

Here, too, you must give your chosen one what he wants: proof that he is the best. The best because you chose him as the object of your sexual fantasies. And you trust him so much that you are ready to experience the most exciting, hottest moments of your sexual biography with him. After all, every man dreams of an experienced virgin. And if you manage to become what he wants, without offending yourself, he will not get away from you anywhere!

And one more warning. At this stage of the relationship, I do not recommend giving out your secret desires and telling him, for example, that you dream of having sex with two men at the same time. No need. Men are very timid and tremulous, like young fallow deer, and may misunderstand you.

And now, when passions are already heating up so much that it makes no sense to delay further rapprochement, you merge in a passionate and deep kiss. Waves of pleasure run through your bodies, and you feel that you are almost unable to control yourself ...

And you finally understand that you made the right choice - only the first kiss can finally convince you that this person is really "yours". It smells “right”, it excites and excites you, at the same time giving a feeling of incomparable happiness.

I sincerely wish that you will not be disappointed with the first kiss, because this is a very serious test. So, the first major barrier is taken - and you have an exciting night ahead of you.

Unforgettable night of love

Now let's play. The rules of the game are as follows: we imagine sex with the most desirable, beloved and attractive man for us. The beauty of this game is that we, while enjoying our wonderful fantasy, will create the preconditions for it to come true!

But how could it be otherwise, we are wizards, and we are perfectly aware of the strength of our desires.


All you need to do now is to read the text, completely relaxed and imagining yourself and your ideal lover in the lead role. If you can truly let go of all skeptical thoughts, then create a happy future for yourself! Let's try to create in our imagination an ideal date with a clear intention and confidence that it is sure, MUST come true in life! And so it is, and so it will be! All our thoughts today have the power to create our tomorrow's events. So let's use our limitless possibilities and give free rein to erotic fantasy!

From the book A gift book worthy of a queen of seduction author Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

“For me, the one who likes me is desirable ...” For a man, it is preferable that the woman with whom he would like to get close gives him some sign (or signs) that clearly indicates that his courtship will not be rejected, and that he has a chance to win her favor.

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