
Chemical composition and nutritional value of cereals. Characteristics of various cereals

Groats are an important food product with high nutritional value. The cereal contains essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts. Cereals are widely used in cooking for preparing a variety of first and second courses, and in the food industry for the production of canned food and food concentrates.

The chemical composition of cereals depends on the type of grain and production technology. Cereals contain from 60 to 85% carbohydrates. Cereal carbohydrates are mainly starch, a small amount of sugars and fiber. The increase in the volume of cereals during cooking, the consistency of cereals depend on the properties and amount of starch. The highest content of starch differ cereals from rice, wheat, corn.

Proteins in cereals contain on average from 7 to 13%. Cereal proteins are mostly complete and easily digestible. Most protein substances in cereals from legumes.

There are few fats in cereals, about 1-2%, in cereals from oats - 5.8-6.2%.

Grains contain vitamins and minerals.

The energy value of 100 g of cereals is 322-356 kcal or 1347-1489 kJ.

In the production of cereals, hydrothermal treatment (steam under pressure) and drying are used. Such processing reduces the cooking time (makes the cereals boil quickly), increases storage stability.

When grinding the grain, the fruit and seed coats, the aleurone layer, the germ are removed, they are given a round or oval shape, the surface becomes dull, rough.

Some cereals (rice, peas) are polished, i.e. the shells and the aleurone layer are additionally removed. After polishing, the appearance of the cereal improves, but its value is somewhat reduced. Together with fiber, polishing removes part of the proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Groats are divided into varieties (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), numbers (barley, barley, wheat, corn, oatmeal Extra) and brands (semolina).

Millet. Polished millet is produced from millet, from which the flower films, fruit and seed coats, and partially or completely the germ have been removed. The croup has a spherical shape, a small depression at the site of the embryo. The surface of the grains is matte, rough, with a dark dot at the junction of the flower films with the core. The color of millet is from light yellow to bright yellow, the consistency is from powdery to glassy, ​​depending on the feedstock. The best consumer properties are characterized by millet of bright yellow color, with a large kernel and a glassy consistency. There is quite a lot of starch in cereals (about 75%), consisting of small grains. Starch under normal conditions is little hydrophilic, but when heated with water, it swells strongly. As a result, the volume of cereals increases during cooking. In the process of grinding, os-amylase, which is in the germ, is removed, and the porridges are crumbly. From carbohydrates, in addition to starch, there are sugars - 2%, pentosans - 3, fiber - 1%. Protein in millet is 14%, but it is poor in lysine, tryptophan and histidine. The germ in millet enters the endosperm in a wedge-shaped manner, and after grinding, part of it remains. As a result, a significant amount of lipids (up to 3.4%), which are unsaturated in nature, are retained in the groats, so millet is poorly stored, quickly rancid. However, if rancidity has not gone far, lipid oxidation products can be removed by thoroughly washing the cereal. hot water, in this case, the porridge will not have a bitter aftertaste. When millet is stored, especially in the light, the pigments are destroyed, and the grain turns from yellow to white with a grayish tinge.

Millet polished by quality is divided into four grades: the highest, 1, 2 and 3rd.

Millet is boiled soft in 25-30 minutes, while increasing in volume by 4—6 once.

Rice groats. Rice is used to produce ordinary and quick-cooking rice groats, polished and crushed, Pure rice, Zdorovye (brown) rice with a high content of vitamins and mineral elements, golden rice, flavored rice, etc.

Rice polished- these are grains from which flower films, fruit and seed coats, most of the aleurone layer and the embryo have been completely removed. The surface of the nucleus is slightly rough, white color, on individual kernels there may be remnants of the seed coat. Polished rice is produced in five commercial grades - extra, higher, 1, 2, 3rd. Only long-grain rice (Indian branch) obtained by grinding hulled grains of rice of I and II types can be classified as extra. Long-grain rice that does not match the quality of the extra variety, or rounded rice (Japanese branch) are classified as other varieties.

Rice crushed polished - a product of processing rice into cereals, consisting of split, additionally polished kernels with a size of less than 2 / 3 whole kernel, not divided into varieties.

Clean rice cereals that have undergone special processing, after which further preparation of it before cooking (washing, sorting), as well as washing after cooking, is excluded. Thus, all the vitamins and mineral elements that are in the cereal before the parka remain in the finished product.

Rice fortified with vitamins And mineral elements, obtained by TRP steam or by soaking grain. As a result, mineral elements and vitamins from the shells And germs diffuse into the endosperm, the adhesives are destroyed and, when cooked, crumbly porridges are obtained that do not need to be washed. For example, rice brand Unci Bens, golden rice And etc. Brown long grain is rice that has been lightly polished.

Rice groats have a high starch content (up to 85% dry matter). Starch granules are small, easy to digest, so rice is a dietary product. Rice groats are low in sugars, fiber and vitamins. In terms of the amount of proteins, it is inferior to all other cereals - no more than 8%, but the amino acid composition is quite complete. The limiting amino acid is lysine. Rice groats are well stored, as they contain few lipids (0.7%): Rice lipids are 76% composed of unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic (up to 45%).

Rice groats have high consumer properties. Cooking time - 20-40 minutes (fast-cooking cereals - 10 minutes), an increase in volume - 4-6 times.

Buckwheat grain. Two types of cereals are produced from buckwheat: core(whole) and prodel(stab). Groats from unsteamed grains have a creamy color with yellowish or greenish hues and a mealy texture. Under the influence of TRP, starch gelatinization occurs, dextrins are formed, protein coagulates, and chlorophyll is destroyed. Thanks to this processing, the croup acquires a brown color, it is better boiled soft. It is called fast-cooking.

The core is divided into three grades: 1, 2, 3rd. Prodel is not divided into grades.

Buckwheat is characterized by a high biological value, since albumins and globulins predominate in proteins, containing all the essential amino acids. The main component of cereals are carbohydrates, in particular starch (74%). Starch granules are small, round or multifaceted. The main sugar is sucrose. The kernel of buckwheat is not polished, therefore it contains up to 2% fiber. Lipids, as in other cereals, are represented by 80% unsaturated fatty acids, mainly palmitic and oleic. Vitamin E, which has antioxidant activity, contributes to the good keeping of cereals. Due to the fact that the main part of the embryo is inside the endosperm and is not removed during peeling, a lot of vitamins of group B, PP and mineral elements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc.) remain in the croup.

Buckwheat groats are quickly boiled soft (10-20 minutes), while increasing in volume by 4-5 times. The high nutritional and consumer value of buckwheat determines its exceptional role. V nutrition.

Oatmeal. Depending on the method of processing and quality, oatmeal is divided into types and varieties.

Groats oatmeal, not crushed is a product obtained from oats that have undergone steaming, peeling and grinding.

Oatmeal groats obtained by flattening on roller machines of oatmeal, not crushed, which has previously undergone repeated steaming.

The color of the groats of these species is grayish-yellow in various shades. By quality, they are divided into three commercial grades: the highest, 1st and 2nd. Oatmeal porridges are cooked slowly (an hour) and increase in volume only 3 times. Taste values ​​are not very high - viscous, dense texture. Therefore, oatmeal is subjected to additional processing to obtain flakes. Steaming causes gelatinization of starch, denaturation of proteins and inactivation of enzymes, which speeds up the cooking of porridge. Cooking time is reduced to 20 minutes or more.

Depending on the processing method of raw materials cereals divided into three types: Hercules, petal and Extra. Hercules and petal oat flakes are made from premium oatmeal, and Extra flakes are made from 1st class oats. Oat flakes Extra, depending on the cooking time, are divided into three numbers: No. 1 - from whole oatmeal; No. 2 - small cut cereals; No. 3 - quick-cooking from chopped cereals.

The main component of cereals is carbohydrates, and starch accounts for 62.2%, which is much less compared to other cereals. Sugars are represented by sucrose. It contains a significant amount of fiber (3.2%) and pentosans (5-7%), so the porridge is viscous and is recommended for dietary nutrition. The biological value of cereals is very high. In terms of fractional composition, proteins are close to buckwheat proteins and contain all the essential amino acids. Oatmeal is rich in B, PP and E vitamins, lipids (about 7%). The mineral composition is varied, but its main drawback is that phosphorus is in a bound state with phytic acid.

Oatmeal produced from steamed, dried oats, followed by grinding and sieving. The resulting product does not need to be cooked. The main indicator that is controlled during the examination of oatmeal is ash content, it should not exceed 2%.

Cereals from wheat. Wheat is used to produce semolina and polished wheat groats (Poltava and Artek).

Semolina It is obtained simultaneously with high-quality wheat baking flour and makes up 1-2% of processed grain. To obtain a high-quality product, semolina is subjected to double enrichment in sieves.

Semolina, depending on the type of wheat used, is divided into grades: "M" - from soft wheat, "T" - from durum wheat, "MT" - from soft wheat with an admixture of durum (up to 20%).

Groats brand "M" is a rounded opaque floury particles of even white or cream color. Groats brand "T" - translucent ribbed grains of cream or yellow color, brand "MT" - particles, heterogeneous in shape and color (white or yellow).

The nutritional value depends on the quality of the wheat grain and is close to premium wheat flour. Grain "M" contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.14%) and ash (0.54%), poor in proteins (12%) (but they are well absorbed, and very rich in starch. The increase in volume during cooking of cereals of this brand is the largest compared to cereals of other brands; It cooks quickly - 5-8 minutes.

Grain "T" contains more ash (0.63%), fiber (0.2%), proteins (13-15%) and, consequently, less starch (81%). Groats brand "MT" occupies an intermediate position.

One of the important indicators of the quality of semolina is the ash content, which is used to judge the thoroughness of the separation of the integumentary tissues of the grain. This indicator ranges from 0.6% for cereals of the "M" brand to 0.85% of the "T" brand.

Wheat groats obtained by grinding the grain of durum wheat. By size, the groats are divided into Poltava - from the 1st to the 4th number and Artek. Groats No. 1 and 2 are polished elongated particles obtained from wheat grains freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats. Groats No. 3 and 4 - particles of crushed grain of various sizes, rounded. Artek - polished particles of finely crushed wheat grain.

When conducting an examination of quality, the size is controlled by fineness by sieving on sieves. The content of the benign nucleus is not less than 92%.

Polished wheat groats contain a lot of starch (80%) and proteins (14.8%). In proteins, the limiting amino acid is lysine. Lipids are unsaturated, linoleic acid predominates. Mineral substances are insignificant, of which 60% are phytates. Among the vitamins, vitamins of group B predominate. The more carefully the grinding operation is carried out, the more starch is in the grits.

The duration of cooking depends on the number of cereals and is 15-60 minutes. The porridge is viscous or crumbly, with a pleasant taste; increase in volume 4—5 once.

Barley groats. IN Depending on the method of processing, they are divided into barley and barley. Pearl barley, depending on the size of the grains, comes in five numbers, and barley - three.

Pearl barley is an elongated core (Nos. 1 and 2) and a rounded shape (Nos. 3, 4, 5), freed from flower films, well polished, white with dark stripes at the site of the groove (underscoring).

Barley grits - these are particles of a crushed kernel of various sizes and shapes, completely freed from flower films and partially from fruit membranes. The color of the groats is white with yellowish, sometimes greenish tints.

Barley groats are close in nutritional value to wheat groats. The starch content is about 75%, but starch grains swell and gelatinize relatively slowly, which affects the cooking time. It contains a relatively large amount of fiber - up to 1.5%, hemicellulose - up to 6%, including gums - 2%. Sugars are represented by sucrose - 1.9%, monosaccharides up to 0.5%. Proteins are similar in fractional composition to wheat proteins, but have a more complete amino acid composition. By the amount of lysine, barley groats are close to oatmeal, and by the content of methionine they surpass it. Lipids are represented by 60% unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of linoleic and oleic acids, and in addition, tocopherols that protect lipids from oxidation. The low content of phosphorus should be noted, with phytates accounting for 40%.

The chemical composition of barley and barley groats is not exactly the same, as they undergo different technological processing. The consumer advantages of these cereals are also not the same. Barley boils for 60-90 minutes, depending on the size, increasing in volume by 5-6 times. The porridge turns out crumbly, the grains retain their shape well. The duration of cooking barley groats is less - 40-45 minutes, it increases in volume by 5 times, has a viscous consistency, and when cooled it becomes hard.

Corn grits. Depending on the method of production and the size of the grains, it is divided into types.

Grinded corn grits is a corn kernel particles of various shapes, obtained by separating the fruit shells and the germ, polished, with rounded edges, white or yellow. Depending on the size, it is divided into five rooms. It is intended for sale in the trading network.

Corn grits large and small- crushed particles of corn kernels of various shapes, obtained by separating the fruit shells and the germ. Large corn grits are used for the production of flakes and puffed grains, and small ones are used for the production of corn sticks. The composition of cereals is dominated by starch. There are few sugars, and they are mainly represented by sucrose. Hemicelluloses - up to 5%. There are few proteins - up to 10%, and they are very poor in amino acid composition. Among lipids, the main part is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid predominates. Corn grits are quite well stored due to the content of tocopherols. There are few vitamins, but a lot of carotenoids (carotene predominates) and niacin.

Corn grits are cooked for quite a long time - from 60 minutes or more, increasing in volume by 4-5 times, and it is hard due to the rapid aging of gelatinized starch.

Peas polished. This is the only type of cereal produced from legume seeds. It is obtained from green and yellow food peas and, depending on the processing method, is divided into types: whole polished peas; peas chopped polished. Peas whole polished consists of whole grains of yellow or green color, the admixture of split peas should not exceed 5%; for split peas, the admixture of the whole is not more than 5%. In terms of quality, whole and split peas are divided into grades 1 and 2, depending on the content of weed impurities, corroded unpolished seeds.

The nutritional value of peas is very high due to the high content of proteins (up to 26%), minerals and vitamins. Pea proteins are complete in amino acid composition (except megionine). The total content of albumins and globulins is 80%. Carbohydrates are represented mainly by starch - 55%, which is less than in other cereals, but the sugar content is higher.

Peas are cooked for a long time (up to 60 minutes), slightly increasing in volume (2 times), often forming a viscous puree-like mass. But peas are rarely used for cereals, mainly for making soups and canned food.

Cereals have always been one of the most important human foods. They began to be eaten even before agriculture was developed. After that, people learned how to cook various dishes from crushed grains, and today it is difficult to count the number of recipes for cooking dishes from cereals.

Cereals are valued for being an important element in a balanced diet. The vitamins, micro-, macroelements and fiber contained in them allow you to fill the body with benefits.

This article discusses the composition and the nutritional value cereals, which are most often on the tables of most people. Further, it will be possible to understand how cereals affect the body, as well as what benefits they can bring to human health.


Buckwheat is, without exaggeration, a unique product. According to its nutritional value, buckwheat is indispensable in the diet. Its chemical composition includes the following substances:

  • vitamins of groups B, E and K;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • copper.

Such a rich composition provides the human body with proper saturation without any negative consequences. It is worth noting that buckwheat is an indispensable product in the diet of athletes and people who prefer proper nutrition.

The benefit of buckwheat for humans is that it helps to cleanse the body of radioactive substances. The protein, which is part of the cereal, is easily digested, and the fiber cleanses the intestines. Also, buckwheat is able to cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins and reduce cholesterol levels. This cereal is great for cooking diet meals. There are a variety of diets for weight loss, the main product of which is buckwheat, as it favorably affects weight loss.


What kind of cereal, not everyone knows. Bulgur is able to bring incredible benefits to the body, since its chemical composition is rich in:

  • vitamins of groups B, E and K;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • copper.

Bulgur is useful in that its use has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. With its regular use, you can get rid of insomnia and overcome irritability. This cereal is able to lower blood sugar levels, so dishes from it are indispensable for people suffering from diabetes. Also, with the help of bulgur, you can effectively cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and toxins.

Now, knowing what kind of cereal - bulgur, consumers must include it in the diet, because when using this type of cereal, you can not only satisfy your hunger, but also significantly increase immunity.

Pearl barley

Inconspicuous at first glance, pearl barley grains provide incredible benefits to the human body. Barley porridge is one of the most ancient dishes that appeared in Russian cuisine. The nutritional value of barley lies in its rich chemical composition, which includes the following elements:

  • vitamins of groups B, A, PP, E and K;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

The benefit of pearl barley is that the components that make up it regulate brain activity, provide a good metabolism, improve eyesight, increase immunity and restore the condition of the skin.

Pearl barley is able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, increase hemoglobin and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Barley is also considered an excellent antioxidant.


Previously, it was believed that semolina is most useful product, therefore, from childhood, they fed and continue to feed children in the hope of saturating their bodies with useful substances. However, recent studies prove that semolina is several times poorer than other cereals in terms of its chemical composition. In fact, semolina is wheat fragments that remain during the flour production process. Semolina can be compared with premium flour. The chemical composition of this cereal should be considered. It includes:

  • vitamins of group B, PP and E;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc.

But, despite the fact that the nutritional value of cereals is less than that of other cereals, semolina still has its advantages. This is a great product for people who have a hard time digesting protein or fiber. Such a phenomenon can be observed, for example, in those who have recently undergone surgery, or in case of poor kidney condition.

Semolina is able to satisfy hunger for long time It is also a good breakfast option. However, nutritionists do not recommend eating semolina more than once a week.

Rice groats

The composition and benefits of cereals are difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, rice has been considered one of the most useful crops, since its chemical composition contains the following set of substances:

  • vitamins of groups B, H and PP;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum.

The nutritional value of cereals lies in the ability to establish the work of all internal organs and systems. Regular consumption of rice contributes to the fact that all functions begin to recover, which improves the condition of the person as a whole.

Rice maintains a water-salt balance, so it should be included in the diet of people who have problems with the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system. Rice is absolutely gluten-free, so rice porridge is the safest for babies' first foods. Residents of Japan claim that with regular consumption of rice, the work of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract improves, concentration improves, and intelligence increases.


Almost all cereals have a similar chemical composition, but differ in nutritional value. Based on this, we can conclude that cereals affect the human body in different ways.

The inclusion of cereals in the diet can provide the body with a proper replenishment of the supply of vital substances. Just one serving of any porridge per day, thanks to the nutritional value of cereals, helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, normalizes the state of body systems, and also satisfies hunger for a long time.

determines the extent to which a particular product raises blood sugar levels and determines the insulin response of the pancreas. The lower the glycemic index, the more often you should eat these foods. The higher the glycemic index, the less often these foods are included in your diet.
Short glycemic index: 10-35.
Average glycemic index 35-50.
High glycemic index: over 50.

Overall score
This is an indicator based on a combination of the following factors: calories, glycemic index, content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each product is rated on a scale from 0 to 10 and determines how much a particular product is recommended to be consumed during a weight loss program. The overall rating is not related to the "absolute benefit" of a particular product, but only indicates how much the product helps or hinders. The higher the overall score, the more often it is recommended to consume such products; the lower, the less often.

With cereals, the story is as follows: in a dry form, we, of course, will not chew them, and heat treatment, that is, cooking, significantly increases both the calorie content and the glycemic index. But, in porridge cooked on water, the glycemic index does not increase by much. If we add milk and butter, this is already a significant calorie content of the product. And even more importantly, these are store-bought cereals. fast food! This is generally a fat bomb, due to the addition of sugar and the type of industrial processing.
However, we need cereals, because they are useful and saturate very well. But, if we want to lose weight, then we need cereals only on water, without sugar and salt, and nothing else. To make it not so boring (although after a week you get used to it and feel the full bouquet of porridge taste), you can add vegetables or mushrooms.

Product namefoodvalue(per 100 gr.)Overall score
Rye bran15 155 15 3,5 15,5 10
Wheat bran25 212 15 3,5 30 10
Buckwheat25 308 12,6 3,3 57,1 9
Buckwheat porridge on the water40 92 3,4 0,7 20 10
Buckwheat porridge with milk60 201 9,5 2,9 34,8 6
Pearl barley25 320 9,3 1,1 73,7 9
Barley porridge on the water45 106 3,1 0,4 23 10
Barley porridge with milk75 135 4 0,6 31 6
Oat groats30 342 12,3 6,1 59,5 9
Oatmeal on the water40 88 3 1,7 15 10
Oatmeal porridge55 92 3,1 1,5 17 6
Oatmeal with milk80 102 3,2 4,1 16 6
Muesli85 248 6,9 5,8 44,1 2
Millet50 353 11 3 69 9
Millet porridge on the water50 120 4,5 1,5 20 10
Millet porridge with milk70 145 4,2 2,5 27 6
germinated wheat15 198 7,5 1,3 41,5 10
Wheat groats50 304 13 2,5 57,5 8
Wheat porridge on the water70 91 3 0,5 18,8 9
Wheat porridge with milk95 198 4,6 1,5 26,9 6
Semolina60 333 10,3 1 70,6 8
Semolina porridge on the water75 98 2,5 0,2 15,3 7
Semolina porridge with milk98 120 3 3,2 16,8 6
Rice white75 374 8 1 78,2 2
Boiled white rice85 116 2,2 0,5 24,9 3
rice brown45 362 7,5 2,7 72,8 8
Boiled brown rice50 110 2,6 0,9 22,8 10
wild black rice45 101 4 0,4 21,3 10
Wild black rice cooked50 100 4 0,3 21 10
chickpeas30 329 20 4,3 46 8
Canned chickpeas40 364 19 9 56 6
Peas mung bean25 308 24 1,4 52,7 8
Quinoa groats35 368 14,2 6,1 57,2 8
Amaranth groats40 371 13,6 7 69 8
potato flakes95 369 7 1 83 2
Corn grits 328 6 1,2 71 2
Canned corn60 58 2,2 0,4 11,2 6
Corn porridge66 86 0 0,2 20 5
Cornflakes85 326 8,3 1,2 75 2
Almond flour30 602 25,9 55 4 5
Lentils25 328 25 1,1 53 8
Lentils boiled in water30 110 8 0 20 10
Peas dry25 314 23 1,6 50 6
Peas (canned)45 40 3,1 0 6,5 6
Pea porridge25 99 7,7 0,5 19,3 8
Beans35 292 21 2 46 8
Beans, boiled30 125 7,8 0,5 21,5 9
Beans, canned59 99 6,7 0 16 5

Groats are a valuable food product that is a source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The calorie content of cereals in dry form is from 300 to 350 kilocalories per 100 grams. Such a high energy value has made cereals indispensable during all the centuries of human history. Everything today more people seek to reduce the calorie content of the menu in order to lose weight. But should you give up cereals? How to keep this valuable product in the diet and not get better? Can you lose weight with a grain-based diet? In this article, we will discuss all these issues.

calories in cereals

Groats are whole or crushed grains of various crops. The most widely used in agriculture are cereals and legumes. The source of calories in cereals are complex carbohydrates. These substances are considered the basis of a healthy diet. Due to their energy, more than half should form the energy value of the daily diet. If a person refuses complex carbohydrates, then adverse changes occur in his metabolism. Any low-carb restrictive diets lead to weight loss, but after they are stopped, the weight quickly returns. The calorie content of cereals is not so high that a losing weight person needs to completely abandon them. In addition, calories in cereals are digested at a slow rate. Whole grains that are friable and boiled will be the slowest to digest. Grains should be consumed in moderation.

Calorie content of cereals in dry form

On the packaging of the product, the calorie content of cereals in dry form is indicated. In tables of caloric content of food products, the energy value of cereals in dry form is also usually written. Let's look at the calorie content of cereals of some specific varieties. Most often in Russia, buckwheat porridge is eaten. For its preparation, either buckwheat groats (308 kilocalories per 100 grams) or buckwheat (300 kilocalories per 100 grams) are used. Calorie content of oatmeal - 342 kilocalories. The energy value of Hercules oatmeal is even higher - 352 kilocalories per 100 grams. Rice in dry form contains 303 kilocalories per 100 grams. Pearl barley - 320 kilocalories. The calorie content of semolina is higher - 333 kilocalories per 100 grams. Shelled peas have a slightly lower calorie content - 299 kilocalories. It is convenient to use the calorie content of cereals in dry form when you are preparing a dish yourself. In the event that you eat food already prepared (for example, in a cafe or if relatives cook it), it is better for you to use information about the calorie content of boiled cereals.

Calorie content of boiled cereals

In boiled form, the calorie content of cereals is not very large. While the grain is cooking, it absorbs a large amount of water (3 times its own weight). Water does not contain calories, so the energy value of ready-made cereals is lower than dry ones. There are about 100 kilocalories in 100 grams of cooked cereals. Semolina porridge on water contains 80 kilocalories per 100 grams. Oatmeal - 88 kilocalories. The calorie content of boiled buckwheat is about 95 kilocalories per 100 grams. The calorie content of cereal products, including cereals, depends on the method of their preparation. If you cook porridge in milk, add butter, honey or sugar, then the energy value of such a product will be much higher than that of simple cereals cooked in water. To minimize the calorie content of cereals and their dishes, do not add any fat during cooking. Fresh fruit or low-calorie sweeteners can be added to ready-made porridge. Of course, such a recipe may not seem very attractive at first. However, fruit porridge is not only a dietary product, it is also a truly tasty and healthy breakfast or dinner.

Calorie cereal flakes

Those who monitor their health and weight are well aware of the modern breakfast dish - muesli. If you follow the figure, then keep in mind that muesli can be very high in calories. They often contain cereals, bran, dried fruits, nuts, spices, honey. The calorie content of cereals does not fully determine the energy value of this food, but plays an important role in it. There are more than 320 kilocalories in 100 grams of instant cereal flakes. The calorie content of cereal flakes depends on their chemical composition. The more fat in flakes, the higher their energy value. The greatest amount of fat contains oatmeal (about 7.5% of the mass). Nuts, honey, many dried fruits contain a lot of calories (more than 400 kilocalories per 100 grams). If you add full-fat milk, cream to muesli, then you increase the calorie content of the dish even more. The calorie content of cereal flakes with spices and fat-free yogurt will be minimal compared to other types of muesli.

Grain diet

The calorie content of cereals without additives is relatively low. They contain a lot of useful substances and satisfy hunger well. Based on cereals, a special cereal diet has been created to reduce body weight. This is a restrictive diet that can be recommended for weight loss for people who do not have severe health problems. This diet is well tolerated. But, like any food system with a sharply limited set of products on the menu, this diet is unbalanced. It should not be kept for more than 7 days. A big plus of a cereal diet can be considered its economy. The essence of this food system is that you can only eat cereals and drink plenty of water. Groats will have to be cooked without salt, sugar, milk and butter. Not everyone will like this porridge to taste, but it has few calories and almost no fat. For a cereal diet, millet, buckwheat, wild rice, oats, red lentils are suitable. Do not use white rice, semolina and any instant cereal. All diet days for breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat 150 or 200 grams of any porridge. Even during the day, you can use 300 grams of vegetables (except potatoes) and 250 grams of fermented milk fat-free product. Drink green or herbal tea without restrictions. You can also use clean drinking water.

For example, for breakfast, eat buckwheat porridge, for lunch - oatmeal and fresh tomato salad with a spoonful of yogurt and spices, for dinner - lentil porridge and a glass of yogurt. Within 7 days of a cereal diet, you will lose 2 to 4 kilograms of excess weight. To increase the effectiveness of the diet and improve well-being, add half an hour of exercise to your daily routine.

Cereals have not lost their importance in nutrition modern man. Carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements in their composition are useful for metabolism and health in general. The calorie content of cereals is high enough to maintain strength throughout the day. When used correctly, cereals not only do not harm the figure, but, on the contrary, help to lose weight. A grain diet is the most economical and easiest way to lose weight without harm to health in a short period of time.

Cereals with delivery

Now a huge assortment of cereals is presented on the market, the entire sector of goods in this category is collected in the online service instamart. Agree, it’s convenient, you don’t need to go to the store, just collect the basket on the website or through the mobile application and specify the desired delivery time.