
How to reanimate a bent vinyl record? (transfer). Original vinyl gizmos, records What can be made from gramophone records


Consider yourself warned: cats are cunning - and surprisingly cute at the same time. You won't even be particularly angry with them - and there is nothing you can do about it. Having recently come home, I found my cat on the couch. He yawned and got up - and then I saw that he was lying not just on the couch, but on my vinyl record. And not on any, but on the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac. I listened to this album to the holes when I was a teenager - he managed to brighten my life, and while I was doing endless homework in physics, and when I was suffering from unrequited teenage love.

As it turns out, my cat produces as much heat as the forges on Mount Doom [the one in Mordor - approx. transl.] - when I lifted the cat from the plate, it turned out that the outlines of his body were imprinted on it. The plate was bent.

I won't lie - I was terribly upset. Of course, I myself am to blame for leaving her lying on the couch after the attack of nostalgia that washed over me at night. And of course, my cat had no idea what vinyl was and was unaware of the importance of classic rock and roll. But this album was a part of my youth - my thirteen year old teenage soul.

My furry childhood memory destroyer

But it wasn't all that bad, was it? I put the record on the turntable. The voices of Knicks and Buckingham [Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham are the band's vocalists] were distorted due to the damaged audio track. It was definitely the day that music died.

When later my composure returned to me, I decided that there was nothing irreparable in the problem. I had to fix everything - I just needed to figure out how. So I called my friend (owner of an amazing record collection) who told me what to do. So, I grabbed my record and got to work. In the process, I was able to take a few photos, so that a little tutorial came out.

What to do if your vinyl record is bent:

You will need two pieces of glass that are larger than your plate but smaller than your oven. It is better to use heavy and thick glass.

  • Take the recording out of the packaging and make sure there is no dust or dirt on it.

  • If the record is dirty, clean it.

  • Place the plate in the center of the piece of glass.

  • Cover the plate gently with another piece of glass

  • Preheat oven to 80 degrees.

  • Glass can crack from sudden temperature changes. Make sure the glass has been stored at room temperature before, or place it in a warm enough place to avoid "temperature shock".

  • Place your plate, sandwiched between the pieces of glass, in the oven.

  • Stay close to the oven at all times. If you notice unpleasant odors or strange noises, immediately remove the recording from the oven.

  • Heat a "sandwich" from a plate and pieces of glass in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

  • If you leave the plate in the oven for a longer period, it may melt.

  • Using oven mitts, remove the glass and plate from the oven.

  • Again, don't forget about the possibility of a temperature shock. Do not place glass on cold surfaces.

  • Place the glass on a room temperature surface. To protect the surface, it is better to cover it with a towel or special napkin "under the hot".

Unusual, creative designs can be done using old vinyl records.

With the help of simple manipulations with vinyl, you can design any room yourself in a very original way: be it an apartment or an office, a home kitchen or a cafe-bar. You can paint on a plate with acrylic paints, make a wall clock by cutting out various patterns on any theme, decorate the interior with vases and original vinyl plates. You can even make jewelry, because vinyl is a very pliable, easily bendable material, it is easy to drill any hole in it, it sticks well, you can decorate with beads and any material at hand. By showing imagination and patience, you can make an original, unique thing with your own hands.

In order to bend a vase out of vinyl, you need to heat the plate in the oven at a temperature of about 150C, for several minutes (the temperature may be higher, it all depends on your oven). The main thing is not to overheat the vinyl, otherwise it may leak. As soon as the record becomes soft, put gloves on your hands, and immediately start working. You can bend the edges of the record in the form of a wave, or you can make an original plate - then put a jar in the center of the heated vinyl (warm, cold will burst) and wrap the edges of the vinyl around the can. Any object can be used instead of a jar: a bowl, a saucepan, etc. The leg of the vase can be from an old furniture handle attached to the center of the plate with a screw. You can heat vinyl several times, until you get the product you intended.

You will need scissors to make jewelry. Cut strips of any size from hot vinyl and twist them with a spiral. At one end of the spiral, drill a hole and insert an eyelet for the future earring. You can decorate jewelry with any pattern made with acrylic, or glue bugles and beads, and then varnish the product. In general, you can make any object of any design from vinyl, and wall clocks from vinyl records with various cut patterns look just amazing.

For painting with acrylic, the plate must first be prepared: sand the work surface, then cover it with acrylic paint in several layers. After that, you can start decorating with multi-colored acrylic paints by drawing any picture you like. If you are on "you" with artistic visual arts, then take any drawing depicted on paper, cut out and glue it on a plate. Let the masterpiece dry and then varnish. In general, working with vinyl is where your imagination can go.

Many artists and creative artists work with such interesting material as vinyl.

The second life of vinyl records - 1
The second life of vinyl records - 2
The second life of vinyl records - 3
The second life of vinyl records - 4
The second life of vinyl records - 5
The second life of vinyl records - 6

Some old records are certainly valuable to collectors. But all items that do not belong to such can be turned into new interesting accessories. Our review presents 7 retro-style items that are easy to make with your own hands.


A fairly simple option is to turn an old vinyl record into a sophisticated watch. The mechanism with arrows is easily attached to the disk, any person can handle the task. A more difficult option is to create a curly clock by cutting the plate according to a previously created stencil.


If books keep falling off the shelf every now and then, you can build a stand for them from an old vinyl record. To do this, the lower edge of the plate must be bent to give it stability. This is done simply - boiling water is poured into the baking dish, into which the plate is immersed to the desired level. Hot water will make the material soft and pliable. Under the pressure of the hand, the plate will bend easily, and when taken out of the water, it will harden again.

Mirror frame

With the help of several vinyl records, it is easy to make an original mirror by sticking them in a circle.

Small vases

Another interesting option is to build small elegant containers from old plates. The creation process is simple and very interesting.

1. Preheat the oven to 100-120 ° C. Put a heat-resistant container or, as in our example, a colander on a baking sheet.

2. Put a plate on top, send everything to the oven. Wait a few minutes for the vinyl to start melting and softening.

3. Take the structure out of the oven. The record will only be soft for a few minutes, so you have to act quickly. It is necessary to carefully bend the plate on the sides to form a kind of vase. If the result is not satisfactory, the plate can be heated again to try again to get the desired shape.

Wine bottle stands

Vinyl records went out of fashion back in the days when dinosaurs ruled the world ... Some of them were lucky enough to get into rare collections of music lovers, but most of them still live in modest obscurity somewhere in the mezzanines of numerous houses and apartments. They are scratched and frayed, the sound quality does not match the modern one, and the repertoire itself is of little interest to anyone. However, they were not stored in vain: it turns out that vinyl records can be given a new life - after all, this is an excellent material for eco-creativity!

So many of them are not invented by jack of all trades.

Estonian designer Pavel Sidorenko decided to immortalize vinyl as the dial for the original wall clock from the “RE_VINYL” collection. Each watch is unique and exists in a single copy.

Made with skilful laser-cut plates, they depict landscapes, people, animals and well-recognized communal objects.

Some of Pavel's works are dedicated to various cities famous for their architecture - Toronto, Rome, Tokyo, London, Miami, Amsterdam, Moscow, Sydney, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRio, Tallinn. As you can see, whatever you can’t make money on, the blog about earnings describes other ways to make a profit.

They tell the history of world-famous metropolises, with an emphasis on the most famous landmarks - and vinyl-based music recordings are also historically associated with specific cultural centers.

Therefore, “RE_VINYL” is not just a talented “openwork” from Europe, but deeply symbolic particles of the past. And most importantly, by purchasing such a watch, you can not only decorate the walls and create a special romantic mood, but also express your support for the idea of \u200b\u200breusing things.

Vinyl bags are another opportunity to communicate your musical tastes and green philosophy to the world.

Such accessories are made by the designer Natali Pezoa: "rarity" is placed on two edges of the product, and any suitable material holds the plates together.

Plates are good as material for decorative plates and vases, pots for indoor flowers or floral arrangements, bird feeders, pencil boxes (if the edges are squeezed together). You can make them yourself by heating the vinyl to a soft and pliable state. But first you need to remove the paper labels that are glued, as they say, "conscientiously".

If you succeed, the rest of the process will seem like fun: preheat the oven to 200-250 degrees and place the plate on a metal bowl (saucepan). In 5-10 minutes the vinyl will “ripen” for dramatic changes - here it will be your turn to bend it as you like (of course, wearing thick fabric gloves). When the masterpiece has cooled down, it can be painted or painted at will.

Do you want a unique lamp from an old record? Swiss Bjorn Ischi knows how to do this: having cut the music carrier in a spiral, like an orange peel, he fixed the lampshade on the base.

Moreover, the master carved the word “Vinyl” into the center of the record, which is displayed on the ceiling every time the light is switched on. A stylish lamp, despite its ridiculous cheapness, will revive any interior and give it an unexpected twist.

The luxury of vinyl is that this material is easy not only to melt - but also to cut, drill, fasten with screws. A little imagination - and old junk will turn into bracelets and jewelry, covers for music books or albums, holders for napkins, letters or newspapers.

You can easily glue any materials to the plates, decorating them with fur and glass, cardboard and tree bark, beads and ribbons, dried flowers and moss. You can use them as a kind of frames, pasting photos, pictures inside - or painting a round label with paints. In short, do not rush to throw away the "legacy of the past" - vinyl will certainly come in handy!

Consider yourself warned: cats are cunning - and surprisingly cute at the same time. You won't even be particularly angry with them - and there is nothing you can do about it. Having recently come home, I found my cat on the couch. He yawned and got up - and then I saw that he was lying not just on the couch, but on my vinyl record. And not on any, but on the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac. I listened to this album to the holes when I was a teenager - he managed to brighten my life, and while I was doing endless homework in physics, and when I was suffering from unrequited teenage love.

As it turns out, my cat produces as much heat as the forges on Mount Doom [the one in Mordor - approx. transl.] - when I lifted the cat from the plate, it turned out that the outlines of his body were imprinted on it. The plate was bent.

I won't lie - I was terribly upset. Of course, I myself am to blame for leaving her lying on the couch after the attack of nostalgia that washed over me at night. And of course, my cat had no idea what vinyl was and was unaware of the importance of classic rock and roll. But this album was part of my youth - my thirteen year old teenage soul.

My furry childhood memory destroyer

But it wasn't all that bad, was it? I put the record on the turntable. Knicks and Buckingham's voices [Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham are the band's vocalists] were distorted due to the damaged audio track. It was definitely the day that music died.

When later my composure returned to me, I decided that there was nothing irreparable in the problem. I had to fix everything - I just needed to figure out how. So I called my friend (owner of an amazing collection of records) who told me what to do. So, I grabbed my record and got to work. In the process, I managed to take a few photos, so that a little tutorial came out.

What to do if your vinyl record is bent:

You will need two pieces of glass that are larger than your plate but smaller than your oven. It is better to use heavy and thick glass.
Step 1
  • Take the recording out of the packaging and make sure there is no dust or dirt on it.
  • If the record is dirty, clean it.
  • Place the plate in the center of the piece of glass.
Step 2
  • Cover the plate gently with another piece of glass

Step 3
  • Preheat oven to 80 degrees.

Step 4
  • Glass can crack from sudden temperature changes. Make sure the glass has been stored at room temperature before, or place it in a warm enough place to avoid "temperature shock".
  • Place your plate, sandwiched between the pieces of glass, in the oven.
  • Stay close to the oven at all times. If you notice unpleasant odors or strange noises, immediately remove the recording from the oven.
  • Heat a "sandwich" from a plate and pieces of glass in the oven for 2-3 minutes.
  • If you leave the plate in the oven for a longer period, it may melt.

Step 5
  • Using oven mitts, remove the glass and plate from the oven.
  • Again, don't forget about the possibility of a temperature shock. Do not place glass on cold surfaces.
  • Place the glass on a room temperature surface. To protect the surface, it is better to cover it with a towel or special napkin "under the hot".

Step 6
  • Press down on the glass with a stack of books or other heavy, flat objects.
  • Leave the structure until the glass has completely cooled.
  • When the glass is completely cool, you can take out the plate.

Step 7
  • If during playback you still hear distortion of sounds, it may be worth repeating the operation: hold the plate in the oven for a little longer and press it down with slightly heavier objects as it cools.
  • Then store the vinyl upright and in a cool enough place so that it will no longer bend.
Approx. transl .: if your record is in such a bad condition that it cannot be reanimated, remember: this and many other vinyl records can be found in