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What should a breastfeeding mother eat to get milk. Effective methods to increase lactation. How to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk

It happens that after giving birth there was enough milk, and then it suddenly began to disappear. Let's figure out together why this is happening and how to act in this difficult situation. What to do when there is not enough milk in the breast?

This phenomenon is due to physiological mechanisms and appears due to the fact that the child, making a leap in growth and development, needs more food.

The mother's body needs some more time to rebuild and increase the amount of milk.

  • First crisis occurs at 3-4 weeks of a baby's life. This is a period of a sharp jump in the growth and development of internal organs.
  • The second period of the crisis- 3 months. This is the age of active knowledge of the world around, when the child is already lying on his tummy, learning to actively roll over. It can either hang on the chest, or completely repel it.
  • Third lactation crisis falls on 7 - 8 months. For many, breastfeeding stops at this stage. As a rule, the crisis lasts no more than three days. Lactation is getting better on its own.

    Do not stop breastfeeding during this period. The milk will definitely arrive, just wait a few days.

Milk shortage indicators:

  1. Low weight gain.
  2. Reducing the number of wet diapers. There should be 11-13 pieces per day.
  3. The urine of the baby becomes concentrated, bright yellow with a pungent odor.
  4. Child anxiety.

Reasons for reduced lactation:

  1. Stressful situations in the family. It happens that after childbirth the baby behaves restlessly and the mother does not get enough sleep. Hence, constant nervousness, irritability and, as a result, quarrels in the family are growing.

    Of course, understanding relatives will always meet you halfway. But if this does not happen, try to remain calm, because not only the weather in the house depends on the mood of the mother, but also the well-being and behavior of the baby.

  2. Infrequent breastfeeding. A newborn in the first month of life should eat every two hours. Moreover, there should not be long breaks at night.
  3. Psychological mood, unwillingness to breastfeed. Many women, consciously or not, do not want to breastfeed. This may be due to the fact that the mother does not want to spoil the figure, does not want to be constantly attached to the child.

    Get all these thoughts out of your head. What nature gives you cannot be harmful.

  4. Refusal of the baby from feeding. This may be due to a reduced sucking reflex or an illness in the baby.
  5. Decreased contact between mother and child during illness or forced separation.

Methods for increasing lactation

Breastfeeding is a very important process in the life of a baby and mother. But it so happened that the amount of milk disappeared or significantly decreased. You can increase lactation in the following ways.

Proper organization of breastfeeding

To do this, you need to feed the baby on demand.

Do not supplement with water or juices. Milk contains a sufficient amount of water, so supplementing the baby is considered impractical. You can drink more during the hot season.

Try not to give your baby a pacifier, as it distracts from the sucking process and the baby may simply not want to take the breast again.

Night feedings are very important. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the hormonal background. Prolactin is actively produced at night. It is a hormone that promotes milk production.

Pumping during the separation of mother and child

Separation can happen due to the illness of the mother or baby, or simply due to departure or other life situations.

In order not to burn the milk, you should express with a breast pump or hands every three hours during the day and several times at night.

Do not worry. If you do everything right, the milk will not be wasted. When pumping, try to think about the baby.

Even after a week of separation, lactation can be restored.

During the restoration of normal lactation, the mixture should not be abruptly removed. Try to gradually reduce the volume of the mixture, start feeding from the breast and finish with it, until the initial amount of milk returns. If you feel that the child is full, the mixture can be removed.

Rest and relaxation

Don't try to carry everything on your shoulders. If the baby is sleeping, rest too. Connect your husband, relatives, friends to help care for the child. With inadequate rest, fatigue, milk can begin to burn out, and we don’t need this at all.

Physical methods to help a nursing mother

Here you can use a warm shower or bath, massage of the cervical-collar zone, back, massage of the mammary glands.

Warm showers increase milk production and make it easier to pass.

Proper breast massage will also help to increase the amount of breast milk. Gentle stroking movements from the base of the breast to the nipple will facilitate the discharge of milk. You can massage with baby oil.

Constant contact with the baby

During the establishment of lactation, mother and baby should "stick to each other." This is necessary in order for the child to smell the mother's milk, which stimulates the sucking reflex.

A variety of foods should be included in the diet of a nursing woman - hot soups, meat, dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables. It is very important to observe the water regime - drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day.

Products that increase milk production:

  • cheeses;
  • kefir, curdled milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • spices and spices;
  • oils;
  • carrot juice;
  • walnuts;
  • meat.

Some medicines can spoil the taste of milk. For this reason, the baby may refuse to feed.

If you see that the baby is reluctant to suckle, then taste your own milk. It should be sweet, without bitterness.

It has been known since ancient times that Some herbs increase lactation levels:

  1. Nettle. Increases milk production, improves blood supply to the mammary gland.
  2. Fennel. Stimulates lactation, reduces gas formation.
  3. Chamomile, hops. They have a sedative, calming effect.
  4. Fenugreek. Powerful milk booster. Sometimes used to stimulate lactation in foster mothers.
  5. Thistle. Favorably affects the functions of the digestive tract.

These herbs can be used as infusions. To do this, the grass must be poured with boiling water and insist. Take half a glass 3 times a day until breast milk is restored.

Pharmacies sell ready-made lactogenic teas in filter bags from Hipp, Evalar, and Babushkino Lukoshko.

Maria, 28 years old:“In the second month of breastfeeding, I began to understand that my baby was not getting enough milk. Madly wanted to breastfeed, because the mixture is very expensive, and can not be compared with mother's milk. I bought tea from the Evalar Bio company in the pharmacy. On the third day of taking it, I felt a surge, and the milk returned in the same volume. ”

Lactation cannot recover in one day. This may take about a month. You need to be patient.

How to increase lactation, choose, of course, a nursing mother. We should not forget that proper lactation is “in the head”. Under comfortable conditions and a great desire, milk can be returned and stored for a long time. Don't panic. With the right attitude, you can safely increase the amount of breast milk and continue feeding.

The baby was born and with him there is a lot of reasons for excitement and worries.

Starting from what kind of stool for a newborn is the norm and ending with the search for secret products that can increase the fat content of milk.

The phone rang the other day.

A young mother, whose child was 2 weeks old, asked:

- Tell me, please, my baby suckles at the breast every hour. As soon as I put it down, it immediately wakes up. My mom says he doesn't eat, that's why he sucks so long and doesn't sleep much.

- No, why?

It's called the wet diaper test. It is believed that if there are more than 12 urinations, then there is enough milk.

- I did not do this, but my milk is not fat ...

- Why do you think so?

- I expressed milk, and it was pale white, and when it stood for a while, no “cream” formed on top at all. Mom said that my milk is empty, there is nothing useful, and I need to urgently go for the mixture ...

Such conversations, unfortunately, are often found in the practice of a breastfeeding consultant.

For some reason, women's milk, which was created by nature for feeding a baby, is applied methods for evaluating cow's milk intended for feeding calves.

It has been scientifically proven that mother's breast milk has a number of properties that no formula company has been able to replicate.

The fat content of milk is an indicator that changes:

  • from one mother to another
  • depends on the age of the child
  • depends on time of day.

And most importantly, milk adapts to the needs of a particular child.

The index of fat content begins to worry in two situations:

  1. The child is restless and exhibits "hungry baby" behavior. He suckles frequently, does so for a long time, refuses to sleep outside of his mother's arms, and may cry before and after feedings.
  2. The child gained little weight in a month.

The rate of weight gain per month for an exclusively breastfed baby per month is at least 500 grams, or 125 grams per week.

If suddenly this indicator is below the norm, first of all, it is necessary to assess the correctness of breastfeeding. And do it together with a specialist, a lactation consultant

Or you can do a full analysis of the situation as a result of a short training course "Happy motherhood: how to breastfeed and care for your baby".

Let's recap the fat content of breast milk:

The very concept of fatness, pallor, emptiness, etc. in relation to breast milk is incorrect. Breast milk is unique in composition and differs from mother to mother, from child to child, and even has a different composition depending on the time of day.

That is why there are no analogues to breast milk.

Milk is always nutritious and you only need to look at the weight gain in the child. This is the most objective and true indicator.

Condensed milk, nuts, food - do not affect the composition of milk. Therefore, if you like tea with condensed milk, drink it.

Not? You shouldn't force yourself.

See also the video on the fat content of breast milk:

What to eat for mom so that the milk is fatty?

The topic of nutrition after childbirth has not bypassed any mother. Lots of advice, lots of opinions, often contradicting themselves.

A moderate diet in the first days after childbirth is necessary not so much because of breastfeeding, but simply because the body is not overloaded and can easily recover after childbirth.

Baked vegetables - do not cause problems for the child. And in general, no maternal food directly enters the stomach and intestines of the child. It is a myth.

A child may worry for 1000 and 1 reasons, and not necessarily because of the mother's diet.

You can eat almost anything you want, but as part of a healthy diet, moderate.

Exceptions are:

  • bright red fruits and vegetables;
  • milk (with caution, with gradual introduction);
  • canned and chemically processed foods;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate.

Often, to increase the fat content of breast milk, it is recommended to eat walnuts. However, there are no proven data on their effectiveness.

You can eat nuts if you and your child do not have a reaction to them.

Be healthy! And be sure to breastfeed properly!

One of the most popular questions that mothers ask breastfeeding specialists even in the maternity hospital is: “What do I need to eat so that I have a lot of milk and?” It is not so easy to give an answer, because here are several common misconceptions about how mom's diet affects milk.

First of all, you need to understand how milk is produced. Two hormones are directly responsible for lactation - prolactin and oxytocin. When a baby sucks (or pumps), the nerve endings on the nipple and areola send a signal to the brain, where prolactin and oxytocin are produced. The former ensures sufficient milk supply, while the latter helps the milk to flow from the breast. Therefore, a very simple principle works: how much the baby sucks - so much milk will arrive. That is why it is recommended to feed the baby on demand, following a good, deep attachment to the breast: this is the main guarantee of milk sufficiency. And the mother is also advised not to be nervous, because the adrenaline released during stress suppresses oxytocin, and it becomes difficult for the baby to get milk, despite the fact that it is - this situation is popularly called "the milk is gone from the nerves." All this means that in order to have a lot of milk, mom does not need to try to eat something special at all, it is quite enough to feed the baby whenever he wants to.

As for "good" milk, then . At the same time, the body of a nursing mother provides, first of all, the needs of the baby, and if the mother’s diet lacks some nutrients, then they will be compensated by the resources of the mother’s body, and the mother herself may have health problems ... Therefore, every woman needs to know that, fully nourished, she cares mainly about her own health, and the child will receive what he needs.

Mother's milk is a very complex product in its composition, which combines hundreds of components, many of which are little studied and, of course, cannot be reproduced in industrial mixtures. If we simplify the process of milk production as much as possible, then it is produced in the mammary glands from the components of blood plasma. And mother's nutrition affects the composition of milk to the same extent as the composition of the blood: some substances that penetrate the blood and then into mother's milk can cause a reaction in a child predisposed to allergies.

We must immediately make a reservation that the product, which, being on my mother’s menu, always would lead to negative consequences any child, does not exist in principle. There are simply some groups of products, the use of which is more or less likely to cause complications, and then in case of predisposition. You should not completely remove them from your menu, unless the mother herself is allergic to one of them (but then she herself tries to avoid such a product). It is quite possible to eat them little by little, especially if you really want to - the body of a nursing mother, as during pregnancy, sometimes itself tells you what you need to eat in order to make up for the lack of some substances. But if the baby suddenly gives an allergic reaction or an upset tummy occurs, the mother needs to remember what she ate from the “risk groups” in the last 24 hours, and exclude the product from her menu for a couple of weeks.

So, what are these "risk groups"?

1) A certain amount of foreign protein enters the blood and, accordingly, into mother's milk. Of all the varieties of proteins foreign to the human body, cow's milk protein most often causes an allergic reaction. This may seem strange to many mothers - after all, there is a widespread belief in society that cow's milk is uniquely healthy and an indispensable source of calcium - but cow's milk is not at all like human milk. A cow produces milk to feed her own cub, and herbivorous ungulates for optimal development need completely different than a human child. Therefore, if a mother drinks fresh (not fermented) cow's milk in large quantities, her baby may experience pain in the tummy, or even an allergic reaction. In fermented milk, the protein takes a different form - which means that kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese and other similar products can usually be eaten calmly by the mother. Yes, and a portion of cream in a mug of tea will not do anything bad, but if the closest relatives have allergies or diabetes, you still shouldn’t drink milk with glasses, the predisposition to allergic reactions is inherited.

Another foreign protein that is much less common but can cause problems is gluten, which is found in many grains, including wheat. Cereals, in which gluten is probably absent - rice, buckwheat and corn; in all other cereals it is.

It is also rare, but it happens that the baby gives an allergy when the mother is a big fan of soy products, eggs and poultry meat or fish and seafood. All of them also contain foreign proteins, which in large quantities can overcome the protective barriers of the child's body.

2) A pigment that gives fruits and vegetables their red color. Like other allergens, it can work if the baby has a hereditary predisposition, and the mother overdoes the treats. In practice, this means that eating a few cherries or strawberries is not at all a sin, but if the mother comes off the plate of berries in half an hour, the child may be sprinkled. From here, by the way, the legs grow from the popular belief in maternity hospitals “you can’t eat red apples”: in fact, it’s quite possible, but if mom still wants to play it safe, it’s enough to peel the red peel.

3) Exotic fruits (kiwi, mango, etc.) and citrus fruits - precisely because of their alienness to our places. For example, in Spain or sunny Florida, oranges are often among the first complementary foods, and are considered much less allergenic than the same gluten cereals. But for our places it is still exotic, and therefore anything happens. Although, again, a child will almost never react to one tangerine, but it can already be a dozen tangerines eaten in one sitting.

4) Chemical additives: preservatives, dyes, flavor and aroma enhancers, sweeteners (aspartame and others). Well, everything is clear with this: a child's body, not adapted to anything other than mother's milk, still cannot cope with the "chemical attacks" that are familiar to an adult. But, strictly speaking, it would not hurt all of us to choose the most natural food ...

Finally, some herbs can have a bad effect on mother's health and lactation - this is very important for lovers of herbal teas that are popular today. So, it is better not to drink teas that contain hawthorn (contains stimulating substances for the heart and lowering blood pressure), sweet clover (substances that impair blood clotting), ginseng (may cause insomnia, sore breasts), euphorbia (strong laxative), tansy. Reduce the formation of milk mint, chamomile, sage, hop cones, walnut leaves.

Now you can understand in more detail some of the popular statements about what a mother should and should not eat.

“If a lot of milk has arrived and the breast is bursting, mom needs to limit drinking”

It just makes no sense, because the amount of milk is not regulated by the amount of fluid received. Milk will be produced as much as prolactin in the body - and if the mother drinks little at the same time, then she may begin to become dehydrated, up to a rise in temperature, headache and general weakness, and there will be no less milk. Therefore, it is necessary to drink according to thirst: more is not worth it, but less too.

“To have a lot of milk, mom needs to drink half a liter of tea before each feeding”

If a mother feeds on demand, then according to this principle, it turns out that she must drink for whole days. And even if the baby asks for food, for example, 8 times a day, it turns out that the mother should drink 4 liters of tea. And 10 times a day is already 5 liters ...

However, there is a tiny grain of truth in this belief. Namely: any hot liquid, drunk 10-15 minutes before feeding, stimulates the release of oxytocin and, accordingly, causes a rush of milk. That is, there will be no more milk, but at high tide it will be much easier for the baby to suck it out. But it is not at all necessary to drink half a liter, and not necessarily before each application, but when you want to.

“A breastfeeding mother should eat for two”

Look at this "second", for which the mother supposedly should eat. Well, how much can such a crumb eat? This is incomparable with the diet of an adult. Therefore, it is completely normal for a mother's diet to include 300-400 kilocalories more than before pregnancy. Mom is enough to eat according to her appetite. At the same time, it is optimal to continue to eat in much the same way as during pregnancy: in small portions, but often, so that the body constantly receives everything necessary for milk production and at the same time is not overloaded. The first few months of a baby’s life, when he often asks for a breast, it may be useful for a mother to leave a snack and drink somewhere near the bed for the night: hunger can roll unexpectedly after the child’s next night meal. As one nursing mother said with humor about life with a newborn: “You don’t sleep all day, you don’t eat all night - of course, you get tired! ..”

"In order for milk to be fat, one must eat nuts."

A belief that, alas, led many mothers to completely undesirable problems. Nuts do not increase the total fat content of milk, but change the composition of milk fats: after the mother eats nuts well, her milk becomes more viscous, hardly leaves the breast and contributes to lactostasis. And if the mother also takes additional calcium, the most nasty "milk plugs" form in the breast, when calcifications in combination with viscous milk fats literally clog the milk ducts. Therefore, a nursing mother should not abuse nuts (and very fatty foods too).

“The child was sprinkled - it means that mom is eating something wrong!”

Not at all necessary. A child in the first months of life does not often react with rashes specifically to mother's food compared to other possible irritants (the most popular of which are: unsuitable children's cosmetics, laundry detergent with bioadditives, substances in tap water, wool and dust). Not to mention the fact that many babies at the age of about three weeks experience a phenomenon known as hormonal rashes on the face. They do not depend on mother's nutrition at all and go away on their own by about a month and a half, but during this time they usually manage to at least try to put a nursing mother on a strict diet ...

“The baby has gaziki and poops greens, because mom ate cucumbers and cabbage”

There is some truth in this, but not much. Indeed, if some foods cause heartburn or flatulence in the mother, this can lead to changes in the composition of the blood, and, accordingly, be transmitted to the baby. Gas-producing foods most often include cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, grapes, pears, gas-containing drinks. But if the mother eats these products and does not suffer from bloating herself, then they will not affect the child either.

But as for the stool with greens, it can really indicate intolerance to some products - and here you need to think not about cucumbers or cabbage, but remember products from risk groups. But the most common cause of green stools is the so-called foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, when the baby is shifted too often from one breast to the other, and he receives too large portions of lactose-rich "forward" milk. The reserves of the enzyme that breaks down lactose in the child's body are small, and when they are exhausted, digestive problems begin ... This problem is solved very simply: do not change the breast until the child empties it; in this case, he will receive not only “forward”, but also fatty, well-digested “hind” milk.

“Nursing moms shouldn’t eat sweets”

A categorical "no"! A nursing mother needs to eat sweets, because carbohydrates are actively consumed in the process of milk production. Another question is what exactly these carbohydrates will be, because high blood sugar is not very good for both mother and child, and if mother eats a can of condensed milk every day, fermentation in the tummy and rashes are really quite real. It is best to consume the so-called complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, muesli with fruit, but without sugar. From directly sweet, let mom always have stocks of not too sweet cookies and white marshmallow, which supply the body with carbohydrates without an excessive load of sucrose.

"Onions, garlic, spices - out of sight!"

This is also an extra precaution. It is believed that they can change the taste and smell of milk, but in the studies conducted, spicy foods did not make babies less interested in their mother's breasts. On the contrary, some children liked the "spicy milk" even more!..

"Vegetarian mom can't keep her usual diet while breastfeeding"

It may well, despite the increased needs of the body. A vegetarian mom needs more protein - this can be done by increasing the proportion of legumes and grains, and grains are preferably whole; germinated grains are very rich in useful substances. Plenty of quality fats are needed and are best obtained from vegetable oils, preferably unrefined olive and sunflower oils. If the type of vegetarian diet provides for the rejection of dairy products, then remember that among plant foods, parsley, dill, onions, garlic, walnuts and almonds, raisins and grapes, apricots, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, carrots, beets, contain the most calcium. legumes (including the whole variety of soy products), peaches, pumpkin, sesame.

As for vitamins, plant foods contain all the necessary vitamins except B 12, which we get mainly from animal products (meat, liver, kidneys, egg yolk, cheese, fish); and if the mother does not consume them, then it is worth taking care of receiving it additionally. This vitamin is practically absent in plant foods, although some amounts are found in seaweed and chlorella. Vitamin reserves B12 with normal nutrition, they accumulate in the liver and therefore symptoms of deficiency may appear several years after the start of the diet. Even if the deficiency of the vitamin is not noticeable in the mother, its deficiency in milk can play a big role in the health of the child. vitamin deficiency B12 in infants, it manifests itself in poor appetite, delayed motor development, muscle atrophy, vomiting, abnormal blood composition, low hemoglobin.

But there are advantages to a vegetarian diet: the milk of vegetarian mothers contains less environmental pollutants than the milk of other mothers. Environmental contaminants are found mainly in fat, and vegetarian diets are usually lower in fat than those that contain animal products.

In a word, breastfeeding is a reason not to go on a strict diet, but rather to improve your menu in general. And that's good, isn't it?

If you want to learn more information about the nutrition of nursing mothers, we invite you to watch Olga Shipenko's webinar, where for an hour and a half all the nuances related to the effect of various products on mother's milk and her baby are described. Learn how to get the recording of the webinar

According to statistics, only about 3% of lactating women really have problems with lactation. The bulk of young mothers who complain about insufficient breast milk simply do not know how to properly organize the system of daily feeding of the child.

There are also certain crises during which the amount of milk produced decreases slightly. But these periods may not be a problem for a nursing mother who knows what to do to stimulate lactation.

Symptoms of insufficient lactation

Very often, young mothers worry in vain and “think up” a problem for themselves. But to calm down, you should contact a feeding specialist who will objectively assess the situation and tell you what to do for a nursing mother so that there is a lot of milk in her breast.

Signs that point to shortage breast milk are:

  • small weight gain of the newborn;
  • during the day, the baby wets the diaper less than 6 times;
  • the chest during application is half empty, and there is no feeling of hot flashes;
  • the child is restless, very often requires the breast.

The presence of such symptoms indicates low lactation during breastfeeding. However, there are many reliable methods by which you can ensure the stable production of the required volume of milk.

Psychological mood and calmness

It is very important for a nursing mother to properly tune in to feeding. Very often, in order to have enough milk, you just need to avoid overwork, stress, and negative emotions. The situation should be calm, and it is better for the mother to relax and switch completely to the feeding process.

Normal lactation is promoted by a certain hormone - oxytocin. Its production in a woman's body is closely related to her emotional state. The calmer the mother is during the application of the baby to the breast, the more oxytocin is released into her blood. It is necessary to take care that the mother is comfortable during feeding and nothing distracts her.

When breastfeeding, close contact with the baby is very important. It is better for mom to sleep with a newborn or to move his crib as close as possible to her. During the day, you need to take the baby in your arms more often, put it on your chest, talk, cradle.

At these moments, a strong emotional connection between the mother and the child is established, the level of oxytocin rises in the body, and a lot of milk is produced in the breast.

An important hormone is prolactin.

Also in the body of a nursing mother, a special hormone prolactin is produced, on which the volume of breast milk depends.

The following factors influence its sufficient production:

  • the presence of regular night feedings;
  • application frequency;
  • correct nipple grip.

The modern approach to breastfeeding differs significantly from the recommendations of the past. In order for a woman to have a lot of milk, it is necessary to refuse to feed the baby by the hour. The most correct is the attachment to the breast on demand.

The advantage of this method is that exactly the amount of milk that the baby needs is produced in the breast. Feeding on demand provides the mother with stable lactation and regular breast fullness.

In order for lactation crises to go as unnoticed as possible, a nursing mother needs to follow simple rules.

To increase the volume of milk you need:

  • refuse bottles with a mixture, pacifiers;
  • make sure that the baby is properly attached to the breast with an accurate capture of the nipple and areola;
  • alternately apply the child to the right and left breasts;
  • before feeding, drink warm sweet drink;
  • do a circular breast massage that helps relieve tension;
  • monitor nutrition - it should be high-calorie, healthy;
  • drink as much liquid as possible - tea, juices, compotes;
  • do not supplement the baby - breast milk not only saturates, but also quenches thirst;
  • add to the diet foods that stimulate lactation, such as fennel, cumin, cheese, walnuts;
  • observe the correct daily routine, consistently alternating walks, sleep, feeding, wakefulness of the child;
  • periodically do pumping.

If the baby is properly attached to the breast and fed on demand, there is no need to pump to stimulate lactation.

Active sucking - persistent lactation

To ensure that there is enough milk in the breast, the baby needs to empty the breast regularly and actively. The problem of reduced lactation may appear if the baby is weak, sucks sluggishly, or quickly falls asleep at the breast.

In this case, you can apply pumping method. This process can be carried out with your fingers or with a special breast pump. Pumping ensures the systematic production of prolactin in the body and prevents stagnation of breast milk.

Procedures to increase the amount of milk

During lactation crises, you can do a special breast massage that promotes the production of breast milk. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary that any natural oil is at hand.

The process is carried out with light clockwise movements in the area of ​​​​the milk ducts. Massage should be done daily for 2-4 minutes.

A good solution for a nursing mother would be a water massage while taking a shower. You should alternately direct jets of warm water to the chest, massaging it in a circular motion.

Useful products to increase lactation

The diet of a breastfeeding woman contains many nutritious foods. However, with a decrease in the volume of milk, it is necessary to additionally introduce products that stimulate lactation.

They are:

  • dill;
  • ginger and green tea;
  • lettuce;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • carrot;
  • radish;
  • black currant;
  • anise.

In order to have enough milk, you must adhere to a special diet, do not drink alcohol and fatty foods. It is very useful for a young mother to use dried fruit compote or make fennel decoctions.

What to do if breast milk is not added?

If the mother cannot cope with the problem on her own, she should contact a pediatrician or an experienced specialist.

In medicine, there are many modern drugs that effectively enhance lactation, for example:

  • Lactavit;
  • Apilak;
  • Lactogon;
  • Mlekoin;
  • special lactation teas.

These preparations contain natural collections of medicinal herbs that have a positive effect on lactation. However, taking any herbal preparation while breastfeeding requires prior consultation with a pediatrician and careful use.

Some herbs can cause allergies in a nursing mother, so they should be gradually introduced into the diet.

Calmness and confidence are the best helpers

Of course, the feeding period in the life of every mother is a rather difficult time. But all the problems are temporary, lactation will soon stabilize, and the mother will not need to do anything to maintain it.

The main thing is to tune in correctly, be calm, relaxed and confident in your abilities.

The process of breastfeeding- this is the natural destiny of a woman, which brings her many bright and joyful moments. These are unforgettable moments of happiness, harmony, solitude with a child and an invaluable period of tender motherhood.

All mothers know that the best thing for a newborn baby is breastfeeding. But what if there is not enough milk? How to maintain and even increase lactation without transferring the baby to artificial milk formulas?

First steps

Mom should take care that there is a lot from the very birth of her baby. The first thing that is important: immediately after the birth, the baby should be attached to the mother's breast, even if just a little, but the child will pull food. This will begin the process of establishing lactation, which can stretch even for several months. In order for milk to arrive, a woman should breastfeed her baby as often as possible. And you should never feed the crumbs from the nipple, so he can just get lazy and refuse to pull milk from the female breast.

It is also important for a mother to monitor her diet from the very birth of a child. At first, you need to give up all heavy food, eat light soups, mashed potatoes, and exclude fast food. It is also important to be mindful of foods that can cause sodas, onions, legumes, fruits like grapes and pears. From them, the baby can swell, and he simply does not want to take the breast next time. So lactation will not come to naught for a long time.

Most women, figuring out what to eat so that there is a lot of milk, can hear the recommendation that it is necessary to eat dairy and sour-milk products. It is a myth. From how much a woman will consume such food, the amount of milk will not change. Moreover, lactating and pregnant women are not recommended to consume unboiled whole

Often women may be interested in what to eat so that there is a lot of milk. Generally speaking, nothing out of the ordinary. You just need to eat right. Mom should eat foods that contain vitamins of different groups, saturating her body and the baby's body with useful trace elements. Also, the food should be quite varied, then the mother's milk will be more than enough.

special product

You can also try to find out for yourself what to eat so that there is a lot of milk, because each organism is individual. So, one mother will need to eat meat for good lactation, and the other will need a daily dose of walnuts. This can be detected by routine tests, following the reaction of lactation to the consumption of a particular product.

Tea and sweets

The most common recommendation that there is a lot of milk is the consumption of tea and eating sweets. There is a certain amount of truth in this. After all, sweets will replenish the reserves of carbohydrates in a woman's body, which are so quickly consumed. And the warm liquid that enters the body a few minutes before feeding activates which is responsible for and it will do its job perfectly.


Also, in order to have more milk, a mother can purchase special products at the pharmacy that are designed to increase lactation. It can be certain vitamins, teas to increase lactation. It is worth noting that they are very effective and help enhanced milk production.