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Gaidar a p presentation for primary school. Literary reading. Presentation by A. Gaidar "An ordinary biography in an extraordinary time". This is how Gaidar entered literature ...

understands in his own way. But all together the people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love and cherish this huge happy land, which is called the Soviet country ”“ Chuk and Gek ”. “... Many years have passed since then, but that stone still lies on that mountain unbroken. And a lot of people visited him. They come up, look, think, shake their heads and go home. I was on that mountain once. Something I had a troubled conscience, a bad mood. “And what, - I think, - I will knock on a stone and start living from the beginning!”. "Hot stone". “... In view of the fact that at night you raid the gardens of civilians, not sparing those houses on which our sign stands - a red star, and even those on which there is a star with a mournful black border, you, cowardly villains, we order ... ". "Timur and his team". “A golden moon shone over our garden. A distant train thundered to the north. The midnight pilot hummed and disappeared into the clouds. And life, comrades ... was absolutely good! " "Blue Cup".

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Arkady Petrovich Gaidar ( real surname - Golikov) - famous Soviet children's writer, participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. 04/04/2016 2

04.04.2016 3 Born in 1904 in the city of Lgov, now the Kursk region, in the family of the teacher Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov. His parents took part in the revolutionary actions of 1905 and, fearing arrest, left for the provincial Arzamas. He spent his childhood in Arzamas. Mother, Natalya Arkadyevna, teacher. She died early.

04/04/2016 4 In the First World War, my father was taken to the front. Arkady, then still a boy, tried to get to the war. The attempt failed, he was detained and returned home. At the age of 14 he joined the ranks of the Red Army. He became an assistant commander of a detachment of red partisans. At the age of 17 he began to command a reserve regiment.

04/04/2016 5 The author himself did not write unequivocally and clearly about the origin of the pseudonym "Gaidar". Once he was in Khakasiya. They spoke poorly in Russian. Sometimes, when they forget their surname, they laughed and said: “Arhashka, haidar? (where are you?) "And he responded as a surname, he even liked him better, asked to call him that.

04/04/2016 6 In the mid 1920s, Arkady married a 17-year-old Komsomol member from Perm, Lie Lazarevna Solomyanskaya. In 1926 their son Timur was born.

04/04/2016 7 The first work, the story "In the days of defeats and victories", written in 1925, was published in the then famous Leningrad anthology "Kovsh". The writer signed himself with the pseudonym Gaidar, became a classic of children's literature, famous for his works about sincere friendship and military comradeship.

04.04.2016 8 Most famous works Arkady Gaidar "P.B.C." (1925) School (1930)

04.04.2016 9 "Military Secret" (1935) story "Hot Stone" (1941)

04/04/2016 10 "Timur and his team" (1940)

04/04/2016 11 Bumbarash (1940)

04/04/2016 12 1939 - "The Drummer's Fate"

04.04.2016 13 "The Tale of the Military Secret, about the Boy - Kibalchish and his firm word" (1940)

04/04/2016 14 1939 - "Chuk and Gek"

04.04.2016 16 During the Great Patriotic War Gaidar was in the active army, as a correspondent " Komsomolskaya Pravda". Arkady Petrovich ended up in a partisan detachment. In the detachment he was a machine gunner.

04/04/2016 17 Five partisans in the morning of October 26, 1941 stopped for a halt next to the railway embankment. Gaidar took a bucket to collect potatoes in the house of the lineman. At the very crest of the embankment, I noticed the Germans lurking in ambush. He managed to shout: "Guys, Germans!", After which he was killed by a machine-gun burst. This saved the others - they managed to escape the ambush. On October 26, 1941, a group of partisans of the detachment, in which he was a war correspondent, faced a German detachment. Gaidar jumped up to his full height and shouted to his comrades: “Forward! Behind me!". Was struck by the German line. GAYDAR DEATH VERSIONS:

04.04.2016 18 In 1947 Gaidar's remains were reburied in the city of Kanev. Monument to Gaidar in Arzamas

04.04.2016 19 The name of Gaidar was given to many schools, streets of cities and villages. Monument to the hero of Gaidar's story Malchish-Kibalchish - the first monument in Moscow literary hero - was installed in 1972 near the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

04/04/2016 20 Screen adaptations of works 1937 - Duma about the Cossack Golota 1940 - Timur and his team 1942 - Timur's oath 1953 - Chuk and Gek 1954 - School of courage 1955 - The fate of the drummer 1955 - Smoke in the forest 1957 - On the ruins of the counts 1959 - Military secret 1960 - Let It Shine 1964 - The Blue Cup 1964 - The Tale of the Boy-Kibalchish 1964 - Far Countries 1965 - Hot Stone 1971 - Bumbarash 1976 - Timur and his team 1976 - The fate of the drummer 1977 - RVS 1981 - School 1987 - Summer on memory

04/04/2016 21 Badge of Honor - state award of the USSR Order of the Patriotic War - military order of the USSR State awards of Arkady Gaidar

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Arkady Petrovich GAYDAR (Golikov) Pages of biography January 22, 1904 - October 26, 1941 105th birth anniversary

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Childhood Future writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar was born on January 22, 1904 in the town of Lgov, Kursk region, into a family of rural teachers. Pyotr Isidorovich and Natalya Arkadyevna loved their profession, in their free evenings they studied French and German. My father was fond of the apiary, the vegetable garden. He made stools, shelves for books.

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Arkady invented new games for children interesting games for myself and my younger sister. The city of Arzamas, where the family moved, was remembered by children as a city of apples and churches. Dad often told his children life stories different nations, they often taught and recited poetry, sang songs. At the age of 8, the boy enters a private school, at the age of 10 he enters a real school, where he received extensive knowledge.

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School life During these years Arkady began to compose poetry. With friends, he took part in stage performances based on the works of Gogol, Ostrovsky, recited poetry, while smiling shyly. Arzamas city. A real school where A. Golikov (Gaidar) studied from 1914 to 1918.

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Arkady's father is a participant in the First World War. In 1915-1918, Arkady's father took part in military events. The boy wrote to his father like a child: “Daddy, I know that some people send rifles from the front as a gift. Maybe you can send it to me somehow, I really want to. How are you, dear daddy? If you come after September, bring me something from the war ... "

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Arkady - Chairman of the Student Committee The revolution changed Arkady's life: he reached out to high school students who were part of the revolutionary youth circle, participated in the movement to democratize the school environment, and acquired a reputation as a political leader. Soon, the Revolutionary Headquarters gave him a rifle, and Arkady patrols the streets, becoming the defender of Soviet power. On the streets of the city.

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1919 - 1924 - fighting youth “He joined the Red Army in Arzamas in December 1918. In 1919 he participated almost all summer in battles against atamans in Ukraine. On August 23, he was appointed commander of the 6th company of the cadets regiment of the Shock Brigade, in which he took the fiercest battles for the defense of Kiev from the chieftain Petlyura, ”Golikov wrote in his autobiography. A. Golikov, enlisted in the commandant's command of the Defense Headquarters of all railways of the Republic. End of 1918

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Arkady's military service He commanded a company for fifteen years, and at seventeen he commanded a regiment to combat banditry. At twenty, after numerous wounds and concussions, he was sent to the reserve as a regiment commander. A. Golikov, company commander. 1920 A. Golikov, battalion commander. 1922

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Arkady Gaidar - journalist, writer “Since then I began to write. Probably because I was still a boy in the army, I wanted to tell new boys and girls what life was like? How it all began and how it continued, because I managed to see a lot, ”- this is how Arkady Petrovich explains the choice of the profession of a writer. 1932 1935

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“I don’t want to be in reserve,” wrote Arkady Gaidar on June 22, 1941 in a statement to send him to the front. July 18 - October 26, 1941 a military journalist takes part in battles, is forced to retreat near Kiev, is surrounded, joins a partisan detachment. “If it is necessary to knock out German cars, Gaidar commanded an ambush. You need to get food for the detachment - Gaidar is in this group and gets food under the noses of the policemen. He did not think about himself when he went into battle, ”the partisan I. Tyutyunnik recalled. A. Gaidar at the front. 1941. Map of combat roads of A. Gaidar.

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Gaidar called his life "an ordinary biography in an extraordinary time." Indeed, the time was indeed extraordinary - Gaidar was freed by fate for two revolutions and three wars for his short life. He lived in a special time, but his fate was also unusual.

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Arkady considered Arzamas his hometown. All his childhood passed here. “Our small town Arzamas was quiet, all in gardens, town-dwellers with dilapidated fences. Blossoming ponds stretched across the city past the gardens ... ”A.P. Gaidar

Now the house houses a museum.

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The extraordinary in the biography of A.P. Gaidar begins with his pedigree.

MOTHER of the writer, Natalya Arkadyevna Salkova, the daughter of an officer, was M.Yu. Lermontov's six-cousin niece. Of course, this fact is not so much a questionnaire as symbolic meaning and can not help but excite our imagination. One involuntarily wants to connect with him the roots of Gaidar's poetic talent. After graduating from high school, she left home, broke with her environment, deciding to devote her life to educating the people. She herself received the right to teach in the lower grades, and therefore, having arrived at a new place, together with her husband, she began teaching work. Natalia Arkadyevna Salkova (Golikova)

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Gaidar's FATHER, Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov, was the grandson of a serf, thanks to persistence and perseverance made his way to education, worked as a teacher. It is quite possible to associate Arkady's talent with his father, who had an easy, lively syllable and a penchant for writing. It was with his giftedness, spiritual wealth and broad erudition that he, then a seminarian, schoolgirl Natasha, who followed the example of her beloved literary heroines, disregarding class prejudices and contrary to her father's will, she marries a modest teacher who has just received a diploma and a referral to the Lgov elementary school (Kursk province). Petr Isidorovich Golikov

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Childhood Arcadia with his usual boyish affairs - a real school, games, first poems, "sea battles" on the pond - coincided with the First World War and the revolution. When Arkady was 14 years old, he volunteered for the Red Army. Gaidar was a physically strong and tall guy. He managed to do everything: to guard the city at night, to educate himself, to write in the student newspaper. At the age of 16, Gaidar commanded a regiment. During the four military years he went from adjutant to regiment commander. Arkady went a long and glorious way along the fronts of the Civil War. He survived the death of many friends, learned the resentment and bitterness of defeat, and the inspiring joy of victory.

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Unusual time gave birth to unprecedented biographies

In December 1924, Gaidar left the army due to illness (after being wounded and concussed). I had to learn to live in a new way. Gaidar's meeting with the commander MV Frunze helped him find his place in the ranks. Arkady decided to help people no longer with weapons, but with a pen in his hands. "Probably because I was still a boy in the army, I wanted to tell new boys and girls what life was like, how it all began and continued." A.P. Gaidar

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This is how Gaidar entered literature ...

The second army, an army of millions of readers, has found its leader. His stories about heroes and ordinary people fascinated not only children, but also adults. If you carefully read Gaidar's little stories, you can say that they were written by a cheerful person, with an open heart and a strong character, a person who has seen a lot in life. Gaidar loved courageous, truthful people, devoted to the revolution, to the Motherland. It shows heroes, adults and children, in the most difficult, decisive moments of life. At such moments, a person gathers all his strength, all his mind to do the right thing, with dignity. At such moments, one can see what a person is capable of, what he is worth. So, the choice is made: to write about children and for children. Big, cheerful, clear-eyed, Sitting down to a child's fire, He composed his stories, Like an endless game.

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During his short life, Gaidar managed to write not so much: all the best that he created easily fits into a one-volume book. The works created by him are small - they are stories or stories. Gaidar has always been one of the most beloved Soviet children's writers. He was a participant in revolutionary events, a fighter in the Red Army, he told the boys and girls of the Soviet country about the revolution and the Civil War. But times have changed. The time in which Gaidar lived and worked, the ideals in which he believed, were reassessed. But best books its not obsolete.

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Gaidar considered his best works to be the story "RVS" (1925), the stories "Distant countries", "The fourth dugout" and "School" (1930), "Timur and his team" (1940). He traveled a lot around the country, met different people, eagerly absorbed life. He knew how to write, locked in an office, at a comfortable table. I wrote on the go, thought over my books on the road, recited whole pages by heart, and then wrote them down in simple notebooks.

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Other famous works of Arkady Gaidar: "Chuk and Gek", "The Fate of a Drummer", stories "Hot Stone", "Blue Cup" ... The writer's works were included in school curriculum, were actively filmed, translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The work "Timur and his team" actually marked the beginning of the unique Timur movement, which aimed at volunteering assistance to veterans and the elderly from the pioneers.

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Writer and journalist Arkady Golikov began signing his works with the pseudonym "Gaidar" in 1925. Biographers made various assumptions. "Gaidar" in Mongolian means "rider galloping in front". This is how one of the versions sounds. Gaidar served in Khakassia in 1922. He was the head of the second combat area for the fight against banditry. Local residents, seeing him, asked each other: “Haydar Golikov?”, Which meant “Where is Golikov going? Which way? " Hence the word "Gaidar" arose.

Monument to A.P. Gaidar in Arzamas

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The Great Patriotic War…

The war began and Gaidar, of course, could not stand aside. And he got to the front, if not as a soldier, but as a correspondent. He walked ahead and spotted an ambush a moment earlier than the others. He managed to warn his comrades, and he himself fell, struck by a fascist bullet. Favorite children's books creator And a faithful friend of the guys, He lived like a fighter should live, And he died like a soldier. You open a school story - Gaidar wrote it: Truthful of that story is a hero And he dared, even though he was small

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On February 27, 1963, the son of A.P. Gaidar, captain of the first rank Timur Arkadyevich Gaidar, was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, which was posthumously awarded to his father.

Gaidar's name is immortalized in the names of hundreds of streets, schools, Palaces of Pioneers, and libraries. Ships and diesel locomotives, a village in Kazakhstan and a distant, distant asteroid bear his proud name.

“He died riddled with fascist bullets, died defending his dear dear country. He lived as a wonderful writer and an extraordinary person and died a hero. ”Konstantin Paustovsky

Memorial to the memory of Arkady Gaidar in the Children's City Recreation Park in Khabarovsk. Author - Galina Mazurenko A building in Khabarovsk, which housed the editorial office of the Tikhookeanskaya Zvezda newspaper. In 1956, a memorial plaque in memory of Arkady Gaidar was fixed on it. A memorial plaque for Arkady Gaidar.

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Where and when was Arkady Gaidar born? The surname "Gaidar" is a pseudonym. And what is the real name of Arkady Petrovich? 3. How old was Arkady when he joined the Red Army? 4. . How old was Gaidar when he was appointed commander of the regiment? January 22, 1904 in the city of Lgov, Kursk Province Golikov 14 years 16 years

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5. Why did Arkady leave the army? 6. About whom and for whom did Gaidar write? 7. Under what circumstances did Arkady die? 8. How many years did he live on earth? amazing person?

Due to illness About children and for children Killed by a fascist bullet in the Great Patriotic War 37 years

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http://www.litra.ru/biography/get/wrid/00576591211284022442 http://www.gaidardb.ru/nash-gaidar/ http://www.aodb.ru/gaydar/biography/

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Arkady Gaidar Born: January 22, 1904 City: Lgov Died: October 26, 1941 City: Moscow Presentation author Liventsova Olga Viktorovna GBOU Secondary School No. 473

Born in 1904 in the village of a sugar factory near Lgov, now the Kursk region, in a family of teachers - Peter Isidorovich Golikov (1879-1927) and Natalia Arkadyevna Salkova (1884-1924), a noblewoman, a distant relative of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The parents of the future writer took part in the revolutionary uprising in 1905. Soon P. I. Golikov was appointed to Arzamas. There Arkady Golikov lived with his family until 1918. Arzamas. The house where A. Gaidar spent his childhood. Now the house houses a museum.

In the mid-1920s, Arkady married a 17-year-old Komsomol member from Perm, Lie Lazareva Solomyanskaya. In 1926, in Arkhangelsk, their son Timur was born. But after five years, his wife left for another. In 1934, A. P. Gaidar came to see his son in the village of Ivnya, Belgorod region, where L. L. Solomyanskaya edited the large-circulation newspaper of the political department of the Ivnyanskaya MTS "For the harvest". Here the writer worked on the stories "Blue Stars", "Bumbarash" and "Military Secret", and also participated in the work of the newspaper (wrote feuilletons, captions to cartoons). In the summer of 1938, Gaidar met D.M. Chernysheva and married her

One of the few books that Gaidar wrote

Arkady Gaidar died on October 26, 1941. Five partisans led by Gaidar were moving towards the new base of the partisan detachment (carrying food for the soldiers); On the morning of October 26, 1941, they stopped for a halt next to a railway embankment near the village of Lepliavo. Gaidar took a bucket to collect potatoes in the house of the lineman. At the very crest of the embankment, I noticed the Germans lurking in ambush. He managed to shout: "Guys, Germans!", - after which he was killed by a machine-gun burst. This saved the rest - they managed to escape the ambush. Buried in the city of Kanev. Schools and libraries, streets in cities and towns are named after Gaidar. Arkady's son, Timur Gaidar, became Rear Admiral, and his grandson, Yegor Gaidar, became the youngest Prime Minister in Russian history.