
Simple ways to memorize a large number of foreign words. How to quickly learn foreign words

The vast majority of people who want to remember information are trying to use the visual, motor and auditory types of memory. For someone to quickly it is necessary to run through it with their eyes, the second perceive the material well only after listening, and the third most easily memorize new words only after rewriting or retyping them with their own hands.

Scientists argue that kinesthetic memory contributes to the rapid memorization of material only when a person performs all the described manipulations on his own.

You can apply another option for accelerated memorization, which is called figurative or associative thinking. This method is based on the fact that in the mind it is required to create an image of what needs to be remembered and associate it with the help of associations with text or words.

Thinking in images

It is quite difficult to quickly learn new abstract meanings. To facilitate this process, it is necessary to learn how to associate words with visual images. This method is especially effective when learning foreign words. Here, the similarity of pronunciation quickly helps to memorize whole sentences. In addition, an elementary audio player can bring an invaluable service for learning new foreign words. On the job, while in the subway car, you should constantly listen to the text, because - the human brain at this time is bored and requires "food", remembering information quite easily.

Fast learning

There are many tips for quickly learning words that can be of real help, provided they are followed.

1. Be sure to tune in to success, believe in yourself. Without this, it is impossible to start learning new information.
2. For better memorization of words in the text, it is necessary to highlight, underline and come up with sentences from them.
3. During classes, it is best to devote 30 minutes of time to the educational process, and take a break for 10 minutes.
4. For the study of words, cards with pictures and the motto are best suited: "Imagine - Speak - Depict."
5. Without regular, healthy and sound sleep, no educational process is possible.
6. It is better to repeat new words: the first time - immediately, the second time in an hour, the third - after waking up in the morning.
7. You can make links from words. For example.

What do you do when you encounter an unfamiliar word in an English text?

You ask your teacher for its translation or look it up in a dictionary and write it down above the word. Perhaps write out in a dictionary, if you have one. Close the dictionary and put it aside along with the word.

Almost everyone who studies a foreign language does this. But how effective is this method? How many words in your vocabulary do you actually remember and use, and how often do you open it up to repeat words? If, while studying English, you notice that you memorize a minimum of words, you experience a lack of vocabulary to express thoughts, then you need to change something in your learning strategies. There are different methods and whole techniques for memorization, not every tenika is suitable for you personally, since everyone has their own characteristics of memory and perception of the material, and if it is enough for one to see a word once to remember it, then for another it will take hours of practice.

I want to offer you some tips for memorizing foreign words, but before you get acquainted with them, remember how you memorized words before, what you paid attention to, if you wrote down, then what exactly. As you read each paragraph, think about what you have already tried to do to increase your efficiency in learning new words, and what you might take on board!

1. Organize words

Organized and logically designed material is better remembered. Get a notebook in which you write down all the unfamiliar words that you come across. Come up with categories for yourself and distribute them by topic, by part of speech, by complexity. As you wish. If a word fits in many categories, write it in all. Better to remember.

2. Remember the sound of the word

When you write out a word, say it out loud several times. Don't forget about . Without transcription and understanding of pronunciation, at best, you will only have a visual image of the word: you will remember how it looks, distinguish it in the text, but when you hear it, you may simply not recognize it and not remember it.

3. Do not confuse the meaning of the word and the translation of the word

What's the difference? - you ask. Translation is the specific meaning of a word in a specific context, how best to convey the meaning in Russian.

4. Be selective

Do not try to embrace the immensity and remember all the words that are in the dictionary at once. Choose only those words that you really need. Think about how often this word is used in real life. If you come across a word in the text that you almost never use, an outdated word, a narrow scientific term, then you do not need to write it out and memorize it. If the word meets you in the future, then this is already an occasion to think. Textbooks, for example, are built in such a way that after a word has appeared once, it will repeat itself again, and you will notice that the word is familiar. In addition, it is better to learn the words "in portions". By dividing the material into parts that you can master at a time, you memorize more efficiently. The recommended number of units is 7 - 8, but no one forbids you to experiment with your memory.

5. Review what you have already learned

Do you know what it is? This chart is called forgetting curve. Psychologists have proven that 20% of the material is forgotten 20 minutes after reading the material, 50% is forgotten after an hour, and only 20-30% of what has been studied will remain in your memory a month later. The rest of the words will go into the category: "Something familiar / Somewhere I met this."

What to do in order not to forget so quickly, but it is better to remember and fix the words in memory? Psychologists recommend constant repetition, as often as possible. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to repeat at least 4 times:

1st time immediately after the end of reading;
2nd time 20 minutes after the first repetition;
3rd time - 8 hours after the second repetition;
4th time - 24 hours after the third repetition.

You should repeat meaningfully, and not just look through, although even looking through a list of words, you will activate your memory.

6. Use your leading channel of perception

As you know, there are three main channels of perception: visual(visual), auditory(sonic) and kinesthetic(tactile, tactile). If you understand how you perceive information, then it will be easier for you to learn. In the process of working with new material, observe yourself and try to determine how it is easier for you to perceive the material (by ear, writing down, looking at pictures, working with cards). By identifying your key channel of perception, you will no longer waste time memorizing in a way that is inefficient for you, you will be able to focus your energy on the channel that is best developed for you.

7. Practice

I really hope that these tips will help you memorize English words more efficiently and easily. Or maybe you have your own unique method of learning vocabulary? Share with us and your advice will definitely come in handy for someone else!

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When learning a foreign language, it is very important to constantly replenish your vocabulary - memorize new and new words in English. However, not everyone succeeds in doing this. We offer you seven tips to help you remember new words in English more effectively.

Build Associative Networks

Our brains take what we read and convert it into images, ideas, and feelings, and then form connections between the new information and what we already know. This is how memorization happens - the new is combined with the old.

Imagine a tree. Isn't it easier to see a large spreading tree with many branches and leaves than a small tree with a few branches? The same is true for the brain. When you connect a new word or concept with something you already know, it's easier for your brain to find it and remember it at the right time.

How to do it? Very simple. Draw a network of concepts. Take what you want to remember (word, idea, sentence) and write it in the center of the paper. Then draw lines from it in all directions, like a web.

At the end of each line, write down any English words or even draw pictures that come to your mind when you think of the word written in the center. It doesn't matter what the associations are, just write down whatever you come up with.

It only takes a couple of minutes, and now all the words or concepts will be interconnected in your brain. If you see or hear one of them, it will be easier for you to remember the others.

To make it work even better, say how this or that word in English is related to others. The more often you do this, the more connections are formed. And the more connections, the easier it is for your brain to “see” the word you want to remember.

Memorize phrases (phrases)

Remembering a word is important, but English, like any other language, is not just a set of concepts, it is a tool that people use to communicate and express their thoughts. Find examples of how a particular word is used in the text.

Write down not only the word itself, but also neighboring ones. For example, if you need to remember the English word "arrogant" (arrogant), you can write: "the tall, arrogant man" (tall arrogant man).

This will help you remember that "arrogant" is an adjective used to describe people. Then try three complete sentences to practice using it.

Use Pictures

Draw small pictures to remember the meaning of the word. Can't draw? Don't worry, it's even better. Our brain receives so much monotonous information that a strange picture is a kind of surprise, and we always remember surprises.

Our brain is better at reading visual information. Draw a funny picture illustrating the meaning of a word and you will remember it much faster.

Make up stories

English learners often complain that there are too many new words and they are hard to remember. There is one trick that you can use to quickly learn words. Make up any, even a ridiculous story, in which all the words in English are involved. Imagine it in detail.

We easily remember stories, especially strange ones, if we can recreate them in our imagination. Feel free to combine words in fun and awkward ways. Let's say you need to memorize the following 20 English words:

shoes, piano, tree, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV set, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone

(shoes, piano, wood, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone)

You can make up such an incredible story from them:

There is a piano wearing shoes and sitting in a tree. The tree is strange because someone has stuck a giant pencil through it. On the pencil a bird is sitting and watching a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver is reading a book which is bad because he isn't paying attention to driving. So, he hits a dog that is eating a pizza in the middle of the road and kills it. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog in it and then puts a flower on it.

He notices that there is a door in the dog's grave and opens it. Inside he can see a TV set with 2 spoons for antennas on top of it. No-one is watching the TV set because they are all watching the chair. Why? - Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing stones at the computer.

The piano sits on a tree in shoes. The tree looks strange because someone pierced it with a huge pencil. A bird sits on a pencil and looks at a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver reads the book, which is bad because he doesn't pay attention to the road. So he hits a dog that was eating pizza in the middle of the road to death. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog, then places a flower on top.

He notices that there is a door in the dog's grave and opens it. Inside, he sees a TV with two spoons on top that act as antennas. Nobody watches TV because everyone is looking at the armchair. Why? Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing rocks at the computer.

Try it. You will be surprised!

Remember opposites

Remember in pairs words with opposite meanings (antonyms) and words with similar meanings (synonyms). For example, remember the pairs angry/happy and angry/cross at the same time. We remember similar and opposite things faster, as the brain creates connections between them.

Parse the word by composition

Use roots, prefixes and suffixes to guess what a word means.

For example: even if you are unfamiliar with the word "microbiology", you can guess what it means. First, take a look at the "micro" prefix. "Micro" means something very small. You may know that the "-logy" part means science, the study of something.

So, we can already say that it is about learning something small. Also, you may remember that "bio" means life, living beings. Thus, we can conclude that "microbiology" is the science of microscopic living organisms.

Modern teaching methods offer to learn a language as quickly as possible, where the main indicator of the quality of knowledge is the richness of vocabulary. Each person has his own type of thinking and memory. Some just need to look at a new word to memorize it, others have to stubbornly sit and memorize it, as once in childhood - the multiplication table.

Method of interaction of sensations

A useful method that is extremely useful to use in parallel with other memorization techniques. Its essence boils down to the fact that each foreign concept should not just be memorized, but felt, imagining that it is from the native language. This rule will allow you to communicate as freely as possible in a foreign language and “not go into your pocket for a word”, thinking about the answer for a long time. Thanks to this method, the necessary associations themselves will pop up in the head at the right time.
Example: when memorizing the English cup, you need to imagine a cup and repeat this word to yourself in a foreign language.
By the way, if the meaning itself flies out of your head, cup can be remembered as an image: a cup into which water is dripping from a tap with the sound "drip". Thus, the method of associations will help to remember the word, and the method of interaction will fix it in the subconscious.


This memorization method suggests composing a short story in order to better consolidate. The main rule here is not to strain too much imagining - the story may be simple and ridiculous, but vivid and memorable.

For example, almost ("almost") can be represented as follows: once upon a time there was a girl Alla, who once wanted to throw herself off the bridge, but a passer-by prevented her, grabbing her leg. So she almost succeeded in accomplishing her plan. Before you is an absurd story that will definitely not let you forget a word or its meaning. If you repeat the story several times at different times to yourself, it will be easy to remember. This method is suitable for words to which it is not possible to find a simple association.

Phonetic association method

It is known that in all languages ​​of the world there are words or their parts that coincide in sound. From the point of view of the method of phonetic associations, memorization of words with different meanings can be made convenient. To remember a word that is similar in meaning to another, it is enough to link these two meanings together. This technique will help you remember the most complex values ​​in the shortest possible time, the main thing is to repeat associations from time to time. And, of course, write down what you have learned in a special dictionary.

For example, you need to remember the English plumber (plumber, plumber). You need to imagine a plumber, and imagine it very brightly - in his blue overalls, with a yellow helmet. The word plumber, upon some consideration, may seem like a Russian "plombir". Next, you should very vividly imagine a plumber who greedily eats a melted ice cream flowing through his hands. Ready! A vivid association is chosen and will certainly not fly out of memory.


Pasting stickers around the surrounding space will help you better immerse yourself in the language environment and get used to the language more quickly.

This is an interesting and unusual way for creative people whose family will not mind if all the items in the house are pasted over with stickers with strange inscriptions. This method is based on the pattern that most people on earth are visuals who remember visual information better.

Working with hearing

As it has recently become clear from the practice of English-Russian schools, for some reason the biggest problem for Russian-speaking students is the perception of foreign speech by ear.

One of the methods to eliminate this feature is the independent dictation of the studied text or individual words into a voice recorder and their subsequent listening. In this case, special attention should be paid to the correct pronunciation. If it is not clear how a word is pronounced, refer to connoisseurs and competent sources, because the distortion of one sound can change the meaning of the entire phrase.

Smart cards

The method suggests using brainstorming. First you need to take a generalized concept - for example, fruits - and list all the fruits in this language, writing them out. The more time you can spend on one such enumeration, the better these words will be deposited in your head.

All “sorted” concepts should be written out and saved in order to review in a free minute, repeating. This is a good way to translate several concepts at once into an active vocabulary.

Mobile applications

Easy way to repeat and learn words - applications for mobile phone, smartphone or tablet. An important advantage is that applications can be used at any convenient time: on the road or during a break at work.

Google Translator- a good dictionary that knows 90 languages. To work with it, you need to enter a word in a foreign language. The translator will give several translation options that you can listen to if you wish. All translated materials can be saved and synchronized with other gadgets.

Yandex translate- a handy dictionary from Yandex developers. The application allows you to translate individual words, phrases, sentences and texts online and offline. Offline mode means offline work with six languages, and using the Internet, more than 90 languages ​​will be available. Everything is free.

Memrise– will help to learn a foreign word both online and offline. The mobile application allows you to learn not only new words, but also various terms, capitals. There are free and paid versions.

Find an accomplice

Find a friend who has studied or is studying the same language and start practicing learning with him. A friend who can correct the pronunciation, the construction of phrases is almost a personal tutor.

If there are none among your friends, you can find special communities on the Internet that practice a similar method of learning a language. Even if informal meetings of those wishing to speak a foreign language do not take place in your city, the Internet will help to expand the boundaries and, for example, via Skype. Learning a language in this lively way is not only extremely rewarding, but also fun!

Habit building is the key to ensuring that precious knowledge doesn't get lost and stays in the place it was put in years ago. There are several important points that should be observed in order to learn the language in the most effective way.

mother of learning

Replenishing your vocabulary, like a piggy bank - with coins, you should not forget that if you do not practice repeating the language, words are forgotten over time. It's one thing to remember, another thing to hold in your head for a long time. To do this, there are simple but mandatory rules that everyone who wants to memorize new words needs to follow: repeat them an hour later, before going to bed and the next morning, and flip through your personal dictionary at least once a month.

Regularity and focus

Practice shows that the most effective method of learning foreign languages ​​is regularity. You should not set yourself the “learn 100 in a day” setting - it’s better to gradually, every day, get acquainted with 10 new foreign concepts and memorize them reliably. You should not spray on several languages ​​at the same time, especially if you need knowledge in perfection. Constantly switching to another language is not prohibited, but remember that this will reduce the effectiveness of classes.

International specialist in Human Design systems and Gene Keys, author of the book Cloudless Life Design, meditation teacher. Lives between Russia and India, consults, conducts sessions, seminars and retreats, works with clients from all over the world. He writes healing fairy tales in English and Russian. Occasionally consults at the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India.

  • I didn't start learning English from the cradle. Since my sister learned German and excelled in it, I decided in kindergarten that this was my way too. I wanted to imitate my sister in everything: it was thanks to her that I learned to read at the age of 4, so it was also easy with the choice of German. So, for several years my sister and I studied Deutsch on our own, and it was interesting. And then the fifth grade came, and they didn’t ask me what I, baby, want, and they wrote me down in an English group. After all, I felt that this was my destiny :)

    Today I want to talk about ways to learn foreign words. They have passed many tests, have been tried on me and my students, some methods have been improved, others have been swept away as unnecessary. So, I share what worked personally for me and my beloved students.

    1. Mnemonics or just associations.

    Honestly, I did not know that this method is called such a tricky word. I used it at school on my own, and over time I began to refine myself :) Now I will explain.

    Everything is very simple: we take the word, we attach the image to the word. The method works well for visuals. I still often, along with a word and an image, imagine side by side how this word is spelled. This technique is especially useful for abstract words. For example: heat- desert, Love- cupid with an arrow, open- a hand opening a bottle of lemonade or beer. We all have our own associations, and even if they seem very strange to someone, but it works for you, let's be strange :)

    The next stage is the consolidation of this image, word and the connection between them in the brain, i.e., repeat over and over again until it is postponed. Do not treat this as hard and tedious work. I am for any process to be easy and playful. I use mnemonics with especially complex words that don’t want to be remembered right away.

    2. We make cards for words.

    The good old way I used to prepare for the dreaded GRE exam you need to get into an American university. On one side we write the Russian version, on the other English. Important: do not write all the meanings of this word, the first two are always enough to start, unless a specific term is meant. Cards can be done on the phone, or on paper. It is convenient to carry them with you and check yourself in your free time.

    3. Paste objects with stickers.

    This is reserved for creatives and beginners. A word is best remembered when, instead of translating it, you have a picture in front of your eyes.

    4. Vision in context.

    English is contextual. When people ask me how to say "go", I always answer: "depending on where, depending on why, and depending on how long". Until we see the new word in context, there is little that can be done with it. So that the word does not remain a dead weight, we will make sentences in writing with the word or expression, and preferably three, then read them aloud.

    5. Dictation on audio.

    It is important not only to recognize a word (expression) when we see it, but also to recognize it when we hear it. To do this, you need to say it repeatedly. A good way is to dictate yourself into a recorder and then listen to it. Of course, at first it is important to find out how this very word is pronounced correctly, so as not to follow the sad example of Vitaly Mutko and his speech at FIFA under the well-known name "From ze botom ov my hart":) After 30 minutes, the word should be repeated. It is said that repetition before going to bed is the best time to memorize, because this is the best time to work with the subconscious.

    6. Smart cards.

    We take one topic and do brainstorming. For example, fruits are melon, pear, apple, plum, grape, etc. You can combine this method with the "card" method. And also remember that the more time we spend on one word, the faster it is deposited in the passive dictionary and the faster it will enter the active one.

    About active and passive vocabulary. When we learn / see a new word, it is first deposited in a passive internal dictionary. This is the first important step. That is, you begin to recognize this word when you see it, especially in context. Only after that, this word has a chance to "leave" in the active dictionary, i.e. you can retrieve it from memory and use it in speech.

    7. Find an accomplice.

    Surely there is someone in your life who would like to learn a foreign language with you. It stimulates. It is especially fun to make an associative series with a friend - it's a lot of fun :). At one time, I did not have an accomplice, and I studied English by myself. But I use this rule in other cases, it always works! Somehow I'll tell you.

    8. Use emotions.

    When memorizing a word, the emotions that you put into a new word are very important. If you associate it with some lively pictures that evoke emotions, preferably positive ones, but not necessarily :), the word will be deposited at least in a passive dictionary. You can link to personal memories, which is also very effective. You can evoke smells, taste, fill the picture with color, or combine it with your favorite music. This method is well suited for remembering certain concepts that are difficult to attach to something specific.

    9. Spelling.

    The word must not only know how to pronounce it, but also be able to write. To do this, take a sheet of paper and write it many times. The concept of "spelling" is very important in the English language. If you have a friend Ashley whose name is spelled Ashly and not Ashleigh, then God forbid you spell her name wrong. No offense will not do :)

    10. A bunch of concepts.

    When you learn individual words, it's one thing, but when you link them together, it becomes even more effective. You can, for example, choose 10-20 words and write a coherent story consisting of these words. He can be stupid, funny, serious - it doesn't matter, have fun with it! Personally, I find this method very entertaining.

    11. Opposites.

    We choose those words that have antonyms, and remember them first separately, then in pairs. For example, good - bad, awful - awesome. You can do the same with synonyms (nice - fine - good), with professions (to teach - teacher, etc.), using word formations. More on this in the next paragraph.

    12. Word formation.

    Here you can learn suffixes and prefixes, with the help of which new words are formed. For example, believe (believe) - believable (probable) - unbelievable (incredible) - believing (believing) - belief (faith) - disbelief (unbelief).

    13. Combination of all methods.

    This is the best way. All of the above methods complement each other and help.

    Now it remains only to start :) Next time I will tell you about the resources with which learning and improving English can become a powerful tool for self-development!