
Funchoza kcal boiled. Calorie content, composition, benefits, harms and funchose recipes. Funchoza in cooking

Why are the inventors of glass noodles from China practically not overweight? Funchoza for weight loss, when properly prepared and despite the presence of a large amount of starch and high calorie content in the recipe, is a great way to lose weight and improve your health and mood. Glass noodles do not have a pronounced individual taste, but due to their ability to adsorb the taste and aroma of other foods, they are considered one of the best side dishes in the world.

What is funchose

Thin rice noodles are increasingly used as a dietary side dish. It has been proven that funchose for weight loss enhances the metabolic processes of the body. This is due to the fact that the composition of glass noodles is about 20% of resistant starch (which does not turn into glucose) remains in the intestine and becomes food for bacteria (fermentation process). Due to the processing of noodles, the body receives the necessary fatty acids, it is easier to absorb calcium and magnesium, the level of glucose and cholesterol gradually decreases, and fat accumulation is “burned”.

Properties of glass noodles:

  • vitamins of groups B, D, macronutrients;
  • consists of complex carbohydrates that give a long feeling of satiety;
  • amino acids contribute to the creation of new cells;
  • no gluten;
  • correct balance of BJU.

What is funchose made of?

Funchoza for weight loss is made from the starch of various East Asian plants, such as cassava, green mung beans, quinoa. To reduce the cost of production, manufacturers are increasingly changing the composition of funchose: expensive starch from Chinese plants is being replaced with cheap rice, potato or corn starch. Corn noodles can only be distinguished after cooking: they become white, not transparent (crystal) like the original bean noodles. In addition, analogue manufacturers add harmful zinc and aluminum to starch.

The benefits and harms of funchose

For people who want to lose weight and improve their health, rice noodles will become an indispensable tool for losing weight, the main thing is to learn how to cook it correctly. The benefits and harms of funchose are described in the literature, but with proper preparation and selection of high quality noodles, the negative consequences are leveled, and nutritionists talk about its usefulness. Do not overeat if the body is weakened by chronic diseases. Since bean noodles are a side dish, be careful about the way they are cooked and the amount of spices, especially if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, if you are cooking for a pregnant woman or a nursing mother.

Useful properties of Chinese funchose for weight loss and PP:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin, preserving its youth;
  • decrease in blood glucose in diabetes mellitus;
  • reducing the risk of vascular disease;
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal motility;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • maintains the water-salt balance of the body.


Dry starch noodles have a calorie content of 320 kcal / 100 grams, boiled - 82 kcal / 100 grams, with a low glycemic index (carbohydrate absorption rate). Is funchose high in calories? By itself, bean noodles are a dietary product, since they have a minimum fat content. In rare cases, manufacturers add soy or buckwheat, but this practically does not affect the calorie content or taste. Although the calorie content of funchose is high, it is recommended for overweight people, since it is made from bean flour, which does not harm the figure.

Energy value, KBJU, vitamin and macronutrient content in glass noodles:

Energy value (grams)

Vitamins (mg)

Macronutrients (mg)



How to cook funchose

Making a delicious bean noodle dish at home is easy. First you need to put it in warm water for 10 minutes, when it swells, put it in boiling unsalted water, boil for 3-5 minutes. Ready-made noodles can be added to soup, used as a side dish for fried chicken, turkey, shrimp, fish or pickled vegetables. You can make an unusual spicy Korean salad with soy sauce, carrots and sweet peppers. Cooking funchose will give you a subtle nutty flavor, serve it hot.

How to choose real Chinese noodles (fantasy in the original):

  • study the composition;
  • pay attention to the color - it may be slightly grayish, transparent, without a yellow tint;
  • the noodles are very fragile, regardless of the thickness of the threads;
  • the threads are all separated, not stuck together;
  • no smell;
  • thread width up to 3 mm, length not less than 50 cm.

Funchoza for weight loss

Many people wonder if it is possible to eat funchose on a diet when they find out the number of calories in a dish. Ordinary pasta is prohibited in most diets for losing weight, but the difference with glass noodles is its low calorie content in boiled form relative to the pasta we are used to. According to nutritionists, funchoza with a diet becomes an excellent substitute for almost any side dish. If you replace potato dishes with a serving of starchy noodles with dietary meat, the process of “burning” fat will begin to gain momentum.

Is funchose useful for weight loss

The benefits of noodles for losing weight lies in its composition. Slow carbohydrates qualitatively provide muscles with energy, and due to its ability to dull the feeling of hunger, much less sugar and saturated fat foods are eaten. Is funchose useful for weight loss? "Nests" of Chinese funchose for weight loss are used as the main side dish in some types of diets. After five days of such a diet, the body will look much better, and the person will be filled with energy.

Is it possible to recover from funchose

Do they get fat from funchose? If you don’t eat a bucket of starch vermicelli a day, you can’t get better from funchose. As with any other dish, a normal serving of noodles will not lead to weight gain. The main task of losing weight is to keep track of what is with Chinese vermicelli. If you lean on fatty meat, pastries and sweets, you definitely won’t be able to lose weight. It is very useful to eat starchy noodles with vegetables (pickled and stewed). You can use different oriental spices, this will add a pleasant aroma and unusualness to it. Ginger, sesame and honey goes well with noodles.

Video: what is funchose and how is it useful

Currently, in addition to rolls, sushi and other rice-based dishes, another Asian dish, noodles, has also become very popular in our country. In the menu of restaurants and delivery services of Asian cuisine, you can find several types of it, one of which is called funchose or glass noodles. Today you will find out what are the beneficial properties of this product and what it includes, and diet lovers will find out how many calories are in funchose.

Features of funchose

Funchoza can be purchased dried or cooked. It is called glass because after cooking it becomes transparent. Another distinctive feature of this noodle is the absence of a characteristic taste, so funchose is used as an ingredient for:

  • soups;
  • side dishes;
  • salads.

Many mistakenly believe that funchose is rice noodles. But in fact, glass and rice noodles differ from each other in appearance, taste and other characteristics.

So, rice noodles are made from rice flour and turn white when cooked. And after heat treatment, funchose acquires a translucent shade and resembles glass threads. They differ in their calorie content.

Funchoza has a high calorie content - 320 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product. This calorie content is the result of the presence of legume starch in the noodles, but sometimes it is produced based on corn starch. And this often became the cause of scandals and lawsuits against manufacturers.

The fact is that mung bean funchaza has the best characteristics in terms of taste and value. Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers bleached raw materials with lead and sent the products for sale. Because of this, in some countries of the world, sales of this type of noodles are completely prohibited.

Beneficial features

The benefit of this product lies in its vitamin and mineral composition. The composition of the noodles contains many vitamins of groups PP, B and E. It also contains minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

When cooking, the noodles are not salted, but that's all spices and spices are added to the sauce with which she dabbles. The noodles themselves have no taste, they are served as part of spicy and sweet and sour salads, with fish or meat dishes, as well as with vegetables. In Asian countries, there are a huge number of funchose-based recipes.

The number of calories and energy value

As already mentioned, the calorie content of funchose is high in itself. But, due to the fact that these noodles in their pure form do not have a characteristic taste, they are rarely served as an independent dish. Accordingly, the calorie content will be different.

100 grams of the product contains:

  • 320 kcal;
  • 0.7 g of proteins;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 84 g of carbohydrates.

Despite its calorie content, funchose is still considered a diet food good for weight loss. After all, it contains complex carbohydrates that give energy to the muscles. With daily consumption of these noodles, you can significantly reduce the consumption of sugar and fat, which will positively affect a person’s health and give him energy. Also in the composition of the noodles there are amino acids that form new cells.

Such noodles can be used by allergy sufferers, since they do not contain gluten, which is the cause of allergic diseases. Therefore, funchose is a healthy and safe product suitable for everyone, despite its calorie content.

By the way, 320 kcal is the number of calories in raw form, but in boiled it is much lower - only 87 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking funchose is quite simple - boil it for three minutes, then rinse under cold water, you can fry a little extra.

Funchoza is served in salads, side dishes, and also as a main dish with the addition of:

  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms.

How to cook funchose during a diet

Those who count calories and carefully monitor their diet can also cook something for themselves with this noodle. The salad with funchose is especially popular, its calorie content is low and it will not be terrible for the figure. In addition to noodles, you will need:

  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • seasonings.

All ingredients not only low-calorie, but also useful, so this salad is very good for everyone, not just for dieters. To calculate the calorie content of the finished salad, you need to add the calorie content of all products. Moreover, all of them, except for funchose, are used in its preparation in its raw form.

One of the ingredients of the salad is red bell pepper. Its calorie content is about 26 kcal per 100 grams. It has such useful properties:

  • contains vitamin C in large quantities;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Despite the fact that it is called sweet, there is not much sugar in it, so even diabetics can eat such peppers.

Cucumber has a calorie content of 19 kcal per 100 g, more than 95 percent of its composition is water. It is capable of the following:

  • actively cleanse the kidneys;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • restore the water-salt balance of the body.

Onion contains 41 kcal per 100 grams and has the following properties:

  • used to fight infections;
  • supports the cardiovascular system due to the presence of potassium;
  • iron in the onion cleanses the blood and is present in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • helps with fatigue and insomnia.

The other three components of funchose salad have the following calorie content and properties:

  • garlic (149 kcal) - has a warming property;
  • vinegar (21 kcal) - reduces the total calorie content of the dish and actively breaks down fats;
  • greens - helps to better digest the dish and stimulates the acceleration of metabolism.

On average, 100 grams of ready-made salad will have calorie content about 111 kcal. Sometimes you can buy a ready-made salad based on the following ingredients:

  • funchose noodles;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • seasonings;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil.

Such a salad will have a different calorie content and, due to dressing with oil, will be considered more useful than one that is seasoned with vinegar.

But, no matter how you plan to use funchose noodles, remember the following:

To make funchose noodles not only tasty for you, but also a healthy dietary product, its gotta cook right and pair with the right products. Knowing all this, you can enjoy an incredible Asian delicacy without harming your figure.

Funchoza is a special transparent noodle made from starch and water. The source of starch in the classic version of the product is the mung bean, which is often called "green beans" or "mung beans" - this is tracing paper from the English name "the mung bean".

What green beans look like

Mash grows in India, China and Southeast Asia: almost every state in the region has its own version of processing mung beans into noodles.

It should be noted that our country, like the whole world, first got acquainted with the Chinese version of the product. Hence the name "funchose", which is a modified Chinese "fensi" - a string of noodles. In the Celestial Empire itself, this vermicelli is often called "dongfen" - winter or ice noodles. In the CIS, the descriptive term "glass noodles" has taken root, and in the English-speaking world, the adjective "cellophane" is more common.

Calories and nutritional value

Before eating a product, you should know how many calories and nutrients it carries with it.

If your choice was funchose (calorie content per 100 grams in finished form as much as 351 kcal!), your body will have to absorb a real bomb of complex carbohydrates and water. This dish contains practically no other ingredients.

Yes, the real calorie content of funchose noodles is higher than is commonly thought! The transparency of the finished product does not make it airy or light.

The main components in 100 grams of finished vermicelli are carbohydrates (starch) - 86.1 g and water (13.4 g). The remaining half a gram has a meager amount of fat and protein.

Myths about resistant starch

You may have heard of the so-called “resistant” starch found in legumes. According to studies, it is beneficial for the intestinal microflora and, through the harmonization of its composition, has a positive effect on the body. And everything would be wonderful (including bean noodles) if this starch did not change shape at high temperatures. Alas, the concentrated source of resistant starch is not processed legumes, but raw vegetables (celery, carrots, Brussels sprouts, onions) and potato flour cooked without overheating

When the focus is on a new product (funchose is no exception), the benefits and harms that it brings to health should take into account the content of vitamins and trace elements. Of the huge variety of useful nutrients, the best samples of glass noodles can boast only the presence of thiamine (vitamin B 1) - about 10% of the daily value.

Vitamin B6 reaches 4% of the daily value. Vitamin E in funchose is a meager amount (1%). Of the mineral salts, there is non-heme iron (12%), which is poorly absorbed by the body, selenium (11%), zinc and phosphorus (4% each), and calcium (3%).

As we can see, the numbers are not outstanding.

The benefits of funchose

Even if you're an ardent champion of diet food, these high-calorie noodles can make their way into your diet. An episodic visit to a Chinese restaurant or an exciting culinary adventure at home in the kitchen will not cause irreparable harm to your figure, and you can get new impressions from unusual recipes.

If you have hard work to do, a long workout or a long trip where you won't have time to eat, this vermicelli can be a real lifesaver. It doesn’t matter at all whether it is called glass noodles, funcheza or funchoza - the calorie content of the dish in combination with starch (its main ingredient) gives long-term massive saturation. Ease of preparation is also of great importance: in moments of time pressure, every minute is at stake.

In medical nutrition a significant advantage of glass noodles is the complete absence of gluten in it. In those who suffer from the rare hereditary disease celiac disease, this protein is not completely digested, leading to poisoning. In addition, a large array of practical data has been accumulated that a special diet without gluten and casein helps to alleviate the manifestations of such a disorder as autism, as well as accelerate the psycho-speech development of children with delays. Limiting gluten in your diet can also help with chronic fatigue, persistent migraines, and ailments of unknown origin.

Product harm

The basic principle of medicine says: everything determines the dose. Although it is extremely pleasant to pamper yourself with the original novelty of funchose, the composition of noodles does not allow it to be part of the daily menu. Unless, of course, you want to gain a few extra pounds in just a week or two.

Another quality of glass noodles that is doubtful for health is its ability to saturate a person even in small portions. You simply do not have an appetite for cereals, meats and vegetables with fruits.

The risk of various diseases increases when the body is deprived of proteins, vitamins and trace elements. That is why it is so important to cook from funchose not often and only those recipes where there is a large proportion of vegetables with minimal heat treatment.

There is one more circumstance that makes you treat this product with caution - manufacturer country. We all know well that Chinese goods vary greatly in quality. Such a seemingly banal product as noodles is no exception.

In 2004, it was discovered that several companies producing glass noodles were preparing them not from expensive raw materials - mung beans, but from cheap semi-finished products - corn starch. In order to give their products the necessary transparency, the scammers abundantly saturated them with lead compounds that are harmful to health. Basically, such “noodles with a surprise” were supplied to the domestic market, but several batches were exported. In 2010, a new scandal erupted: funchose that came to the Czech Republic from China contained aluminum 14 (!) times more than the maximum allowable norm.

Unscrupulous myths about glass noodles

In order to promote the product, some cunning importers and retail chains greedy for novelty advertise funchose, attributing to it those properties that it does not possess. In fact:

  • There is very little dietary fiber in funchose (1.5 grams per 100 grams);
  • It does not contain “the most important amino acids for the body” (and in general there are almost no proteins!);
  • The set of vitamins and minerals in noodles is scarce, and those useful substances that are still present are in very small quantities;
  • It does not remove toxins from the body;
  • It does not help weight loss (rather, on the contrary, if you eat it often);
  • Its use does not contribute to the improvement of thyroid function;
  • It does not improve visual acuity, does not make the skin velvety, does not strengthen hair and nails;
  • The product does not have miraculous healing properties, does not have some unforgettable taste, does not help restore male strength, achieve longevity or prevent cancer.

How to choose funchose correctly

  • Solid trading network. Funchoza is better to buy in large supermarkets: the goods in them come from large suppliers and are checked by sanitary control. Do not trust noodles from small shops or markets;
  • Label in Russian. Carefully inspect the pack: if its entire surface is covered with hieroglyphs, but does not contain a word in Russian, there is no guarantee that this product is edible;
  • Mash = green beans = mung beans. Be sure to study the composition of the purchased vermicelli. Make sure it's made from mung beans (or the proverbial "green beans", "mung beans"), and not from starch, which is derived from potatoes, corn, or sweet potatoes;
  • Do not immediately buy a large amount of food unfamiliar to you. No one is immune from individual allergies and food intolerances. First, try some noodles, and then, based on your well-being, continue culinary experiments.

In terms of organoleptic properties, high-quality funchose is fragile, with a slight nutty smell, after cooking it becomes translucent.

Preparation and storage

Funchose is prepared in boiling water. It is enough to steam it for 7-10 minutes, or boil it for only two or three minutes, and that's it - the dish is ready. It is important not to leave the grayish, light-transmitting vermicelli in a saucepan, but to take it out as soon as possible and strain it in a colander in cold water (!) - otherwise the funchose will swell and become unappetizing.

Another cooking method

Put the dry semi-finished product on the grid in the slow cooker: 12 minutes of steaming will be enough for complete readiness.

The thickest noodles must be boiled for 3-5 minutes, like regular vermicelli, adding vegetable oil and stirring to avoid sticking.

What to do with a particular noodle is written on the package, and the thickness of the product is visible in the transparent part of the package.

Store this vermicelli in the same way as regular pasta - in a dry place at room temperature.

A pronounced taste is not something funchose can boast of. Recipes for cooking at home include its use as a component of cold and hot salads with vegetables, mushrooms and seafood, as a side dish for spicy fish or meat. Very often, funchose is put in soups instead of the usual bread noodles.

On our website we have collected for you the most vitamin recipes and dishes with easily digestible protein, where funchose plays the role of a satisfying carbohydrate filler surrounded by healthy well-known products.

So all the secrets of noodles with the exotic name of funchose are revealed. You know the benefits and harms of this dish: be careful, and your diet will be replenished with an original Asian product.

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Dishes of Asian cuisine, even the names of which we did not know until recently, are confidently gaining more and more popularity in our country. In this case, funchose or, as many housewives call it, glass noodles is not an exception.

The energy value of dry bean noodles is quite high and amounts to 320 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The dish owes its name to its appearance - in the process of cooking, noodles made from green bean flour (mung bean, yam, cassava, canna) become translucent.

In boiled form, 100 grams of funchose has much lower caloric values ​​​​- 77 kcal.

By itself, the noodles do not have a pronounced taste, rather it can be called tasteless. Therefore, this product is used as an ingredient in various salads, first courses are prepared with noodles, used as a side dish for meat or fish.

The calorie content of dishes using "glass" noodles depends on the calorie content of the remaining ingredients and their quantity.

The usefulness of funchose dishes is determined by the composition of the product. Noodles contain a large amount of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron, vitamins E, PP and group B.

If we consider the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product, then we see that carbohydrates make up almost 99 percent with almost no fat.

Funchose complex carbohydrates are a real find for those who are fighting for a slender figure. They allow you to provide a person with energy, reducing the consumption of fats and sugar, and this has a great effect on both well-being and external attractiveness.

Funchoza with vegetables

Funchose noodles - excellent absorbent of tastes and smells, therefore ideal for pairing with any ingredient.

Consider in detail the preparation of the dish "Funchoza with vegetables". For him, we need the following products:

  • funchose - 100 grams;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 small cucumber;
  • bell pepper (red);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • soy sauce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

First, pour boiling water over our noodles and leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse well under cold water.

We cut the vegetables into thin strips, set the cucumber aside, and saute the carrots and bell peppers in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil until the vegetables soften. At the end, squeeze the garlic into them.

Mix noodles with vegetables in a salad bowl, salt and add soy sauce to taste. An excellent nutritious and healthy dish is ready! What is the calorie content of funchose with vegetables?

100 grams of the finished dish contains 170 calories.

The usefulness of such a salad is determined by its ingredients. Bulgarian pepper not only supplies vitamin C to the body, but also increases stress resistance, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Cucumber restores the water-salt balance.

This dish can be made less caloric by using raw vegetables for cooking. In this case, in the list of ingredients, vegetable oil will need to be replaced with 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar. Vinegar lowers the overall calorie content of the dish and adds an interesting taste to it.

Calorie content of 100 grams of salad with funchose and raw vegetables is 111 kcal.

Calorie funchose with meat

Do you want to surprise your family with an unusual dinner? Prepare funchose with meat and garlic arrows for them.

The energy value of 100 grams of the dish is 253 calories.

For this you will need:

  • 400 grams of pork pulp;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 600 grams of funchose noodles;
  • young shoots of garlic - 300 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • soy sauce;
  • spices (salt, ground black pepper, ground paprika);
  • lemon juice.

Funchose must be poured with boiling water and boiled for 8-10 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly under running cold water.

While the funchose is being cooked, cut the garlic arrows into strips 3-4 cm long and let them boil in salted boiling water, then put them in a colander and rinse under cold water.

Fry the onion cut into half rings until golden brown in vegetable oil, then add the pork cut into strips and prepared garlic to it. After 10-15 minutes, add half a glass of water to the pan, close the lid and leave our dish to stew for another 15 minutes.

After the meat with garlic has reached readiness, put it in a bowl and add the carrots, grated on a Korean grater. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice, pour over soy sauce, pour black pepper and paprika, but do not mix.

Pour a quarter cup of sunflower oil into a hot frying pan, and when it is hot, sprinkle paprika and squeeze 2 cloves of garlic. All this must be done as quickly as possible! Spiced oil is ready. Pour them over the salad and now mix.

Funchoza with vegetables and chicken

Cook noodles with chicken breast - and you will get not only a nutritious and very healthy, but also a fairly low-calorie dish.

The energy value of funchose with chicken breast is only 114 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse three small chicken fillets thoroughly and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel a medium-sized onion and cut into half rings.
  3. Cut two medium carrots into strips.
  4. Fry the chicken fillet in a pan with vegetable oil, then add the onions and carrots and simmer all together for 10 minutes.
  5. While the meat is stewing, wash 1 tomato and cut it into cubes. Pass 2-3 cloves of garlic through a press. Add the tomato and garlic to the pan with the meat and vegetables, season with salt and pepper, and pour in 3 tablespoons of soy sauce. Stir and let simmer for another 5 minutes.
  6. Boil funchose for 5-7 minutes, rinse it in cold water and heat it for a couple of minutes in a pan with chicken and vegetables.
  7. Decorate the finished dish with finely chopped greens.

How many calories in funchose in Korean

Funchoza in Korean is the most popular recipe for bean noodles. Even novice housewives will be able to cope with cooking. In addition to the funchose itself, you will need carrots, bell peppers, olive oil, garlic and herbs for the dish.

The calorie content of funchose in Korean using these ingredients will be 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Do not forget that before serving, such a dish should stand for two hours so that the noodles are fully saturated with the taste and aroma of the rest of the ingredients.

Funchoza is a popular product of Asian cuisine. It is also called starch or glass noodles. After the noodles are cooked, their thin white threads become transparent, like glass. Many people confuse funchose with rice noodles, but there are a number of important differences between them in appearance, taste and consumer characteristics. Funchose noodles are not customary to salt. All spices and spices are added not to the dish itself, but to the sauce that is served with it. These noodles easily absorb smell and taste and are therefore a wonderful side dish. It is enough to use even a small amount of seasonings to shade the taste.

Composition of funchose

Funchoza noodles are made from the starch of legumes such as mung, peas, yams, canna, or cassava. Today you can often find funchose from corn starch. But the taste and consumer properties of such a product will differ from the traditional funchose made from mung beans. Since these noodles are made from legumes, they are a very satisfying product and quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Calorie funchose

The calorie content of funchose noodles is quite high. The number of calories in funchose per 100 g of dry product is 320 kcal. But do not be afraid, like other noodles, funchose loses a large amount of calories during the cooking process, as it increases in volume due to the absorption of a large amount of moisture. This noodle does not have a pronounced taste, so it is most often served as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. The answer to the question of how many calories are in funchose may vary depending on the serving of the dish. The calorie content of funchose in finished form is much less than in dry form, and is only 87 kcal per 100 g of product. Thus, the calorie content of boiled funchose will not add unwanted extra pounds.

Dietary diet with funchose

Salad with funchose noodles is relevant in dietary nutrition. In addition to the main ingredient, it includes vegetables, herbs and seasonings that have a positive effect on the figure. The calorie content of such a salad can be found by counting the number of calories of all the vegetables that make up its composition. Regardless of the number of calories that you end up with, there are two rules for eating this noodle. Funchoza cannot be combined with potatoes, since it is quite satisfying without it and contains a large amount of starch. It should not be combined with heavy meats such as pork, beef or lamb. In addition, it should be borne in mind that funchose noodles mainly consist of carbohydrates, so you can use it only for breakfast or lunch. At dinner, it is better to refrain from eating high-carbohydrate foods. If you follow the above rules, funchose noodles will not harm the figure and highlight all of their most useful qualities as much as possible.

The benefits of funchose

The benefits of funchose lie in its vitamins and minerals. It contains B vitamins, especially worth noting the content of folic acid, which affects the immune system and the circulatory system. Vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant, also present in funchose noodles. And vitamin PP, which takes part in many chemical processes inside the human body.

Among the trace elements, sodium and phosphorus should be noted, which affect the functioning of the central nervous system, bone tissue, water-salt balance, cell growth and kidney function. Potassium and magnesium help the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. And selenium and iron normalize the process of hematopoiesis. Funchose noodles are also suitable for allergy sufferers, as they do not contain. In turn, it is not noodles that can bring harm to the body, but the sauces with which they are consumed.