
Correction of violations of written speech. Overcoming kinetic errors in junior schoolchildren Correction program optokinetic dysgraphia

Corrective work to overcome kinetic errors in younger students involves 4 stages:

Stage I - preparatory;

Stage II - practicing the kinetic skill of displaying the elements of letters;

Stage III - differentiation of graphemes (full image);

Stage IV - the direct introduction of mixed letters into various structural units of writing (syllable, words, phrases, sentences, text).

When working at the preparatory stage, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. The development of visual perception and recognition of objects in children.

Development of visual gnosis:

a) development of color perception;

b) development of perception of the form;

c) development of the perception of size and magnitude.

Development of letter gnosis:

a) development of perception of the color of letters;

b) development of perception of the form, size of letters;

c) differentiation of the arrangement of elements of letters.

Development of visual analysis and synthesis.

2. Refinement and expansion of visual memory:

a) the development of memorizing the shape of objects;

b) development of color memorization;

c) the development of memorizing the sequence and number of letters and objects (first we work on the development of visual memory, considering objects, then geometric shapes, then letters).

3. Formation of spatial perception and representations:

a) orientation in the scheme of one's own body;

b) differentiation of the right and left parts of the subject;

c) orientation in the surrounding space.

4. Formation of speech means reflecting visual-spatial relations.

5. Development of visual-motor coordination.

The main types of work at the preparatory stage:

Prescribing figures in the air

Mastering different ways of working with the hand - from large movements of the whole hand, to small movements of the fingers

(finger gymnastics - complexes of static and dynamic exercises);

Hatching, drawing straight, inclined, horizontal, curved lines with varying degrees of pressure on the pencil;

Drawing on the cells of geometric shapes, borders;

Recognition and finding of figures, letters in the conditions of a noisy contour;

Design, restoration of letters;

Exercises for tactile recognition of figures, letters;

Games - labyrinths;

Tasks for the development of visual perception

(based on a number of drawings with objects, the child, on the instructions of a speech therapist, finds the thinnest - thick trunk, high - low house, etc.);

Working with geometric shapes, letters by the type of proof tests (color all the given shapes);

Exercises aimed at the formation of spatial representations (left-right, top-bottom);

work with color rulers;

(the speech therapist offers to name the color of the first, last cell, to the right of yellow, to the left of orange, between white and yellow, etc.

Training of the visual analyzer.

Work on tables with printed and written fonts.

(speech therapist invites students to “find” another letter)

Cards with objects are used, after with letters.

(the speech therapist offers to name all the objects, the letters of the first line, the second, etc., all the images of the first, second, etc. columns, to say which letters are more, which are less)

Exercises for the development and refinement of space-time representations

Mastering your own body. Learn to navigate your own body.

Few steps:

Learn to highlight the right, left parts of the body;

Learn to navigate in a small space. What is from me to the right, to the left, in front, behind, above, below;

Learn to navigate in a large space in relation to another;

Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, modeling, application on assignment. Based on this, the formation of grapho-motor functions takes place.


Raise your right hand, left hand;

Show where the teacher has a right, left hand;

Name the objects that are located on the right, on the left;

The child is invited to reproduce the movements performed by the teacher sitting opposite: touch the right ear with the left hand, the left eye with the right hand, the right eye with the right hand, etc.


Put the pen to the right of the notebook; put the pencil to the left of the book; say where the pen is in relation to the book and the pencil in relation to the notebook - on the left or on the right. The spatial arrangement of three objects is also determined: put a book in front of you, put a pencil to the left of it, and a pen to the right;

Standing one behind the other, name the one standing in front, behind; standing in a line, name the one standing on the right, on the left;

On the demonstration canvas, place the corresponding pictures to the left and right of the given subject;

Sitting at the table, determine its right and left edges;

Determine the place of the neighbor in relation to yourself, correlating this with your corresponding hand; determine your place in relation to a neighbor, focusing on his hand;

Standing in pairs, facing each other, at the command of the teacher, one of the partners first determines his right hand, then his friend’s right hand, left foot, etc., then they change roles;

Name the order in which the colors of the rainbow are arranged;

Name the first number on the right, on the left. Which one is more?

Determine in which direction the numbers in the series increase;

Read the row in reverse order (right to left). Determine how the value of numbers changes in this direction (decreases);

Show number 4. Does it have neighbors in the row? What number is on the left of 4? Is it greater or less than 4? Name the neighbors of the number 4 on the right, compare them in size.

Works with isographs both with subject images and plot pictures (based on printed and written letters).

It is possible to reduce objective difficulties in teaching writing if the child is properly prepared and, in addition, his age-related capabilities are taken into account in the learning process. It is necessary to know the stages of formation of writing skills. By the way, let's remember that "skill is an action formed by repetition, characterized by a high degree of mastery and the absence of element-by-element conscious regulation and control."

There are three main stages in the formation of a skill:

The first stage is analytical, the main component of which is the isolation and mastery of individual elements of the action, the understanding of the content.

The second stage is conditionally synthetic. This is the stage of connecting individual elements into a holistic action.

The third stage - automation - is the stage of formation of a skill as an action, which is characterized by a high degree of assimilation and the absence of element-by-element conscious regulation and control. A characteristic feature of skill automation is speed, smoothness, ease. It is very important to know that speed should not be imposed, it should be a natural result of movement improvement, and fluidity (connectivity) should also arise as a natural result of skill formation.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of movements in writing, it is advisable to start learning not with whole letters, but with an explanation that each letter consists of elements, and we can actually “design”, assemble any letter from these elements.

Stage II - practicing the kinetic skill of displaying the elements of letters.

At the second stage, tasks were proposed according to the type of correction samples. Tasks of this type should be offered in stages, gradually developing kinetic skills.

The work began with a single element of a mixed letter. Let's take a couple and -, y -

Select the elements of the letter y and circle them in dots.

Find the elements of the letter and circle them by dots.

Then tasks were offered on the differentiation of elements mixed by graphemes. - find and circle the elements of the letters and - y -

The final type of work, within the framework of tasks by the type of correction samples, is the differentiation of whole kinetic

images (graphemes). Tasks must be offered to children on lined notebook sheets.

Find and circle the letter y.

Find and circle all the letters and

find and circle all the letters i, y using different colors.

Write the letters according to the instructions (in front of the child, a border consisting of the same elements of letters, the speech therapist calls the sounds - the child adds, for example, to the oval a line upwards with a rounding to the right - b, a line with a loop at the bottom - d, etc.).

By developing correct, accurate kinetic movements, it is necessary to pronounce sounds, thereby we fix the inter-analyzer chain that underlies the writing process

The process of writing is a complexly organized and initially very difficult activity for a child, and its success largely depends on the full concentration of attention, the ability to control oneself during the recording process, the ability to maintain productivity at work due to endurance and stability of attention. Having checked the features of attention with the help of special tests and observations of the student's writing process, the speech therapist in many cases will consider it necessary to include exercises in speech therapy work to develop children's attention and self-control when writing. Tasks like these contribute to the solution of this problem.

At this stage, work was also carried out on “decoding” (recoding the elements of mixed graphemes into complete images).

The students were offered tasks to decipher the borders from the elements of letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences. The children really like this type of exercise, the tasks are performed in a good emotional mood.

Stage III - stage of differentiation of graphemes(full image).

The teacher-speech therapist offers the child:

Continue the line y y y ...... etc.

Write with rhythm

Write a border with the letters iu iu, etc.

Read the words with the letter y - underline in blue, with the letter i in green.

Read the words, with the beech u - underline in blue, with the letter u - green, with the letters u, u - in red

Read the suggestions. Underline the words with kinetically mixed letters (with the letter p in blue, with the letter t in red).

Read the suggestions. Underline the words with the letter n in blue, those with the letter t in red, those with the letters n and t in green.

Similar work is carried out at the text level.

The main task of the speech therapist teacher at this stage is to teach children to highlight the supporting features that distinguish mixed letters.

Sequence of operations:

Isolation of sound from a syllable, word (work with a phoneme);

Determination of the signal sign of the articulum;

Correlation of the article with the grapheme (choice from a pair of mixed ones);

Control of the correctness of the choice;

Writing a letter.


Graphic dictations (designation in whole letters)

Working with syllabics:

The child must analyze the words and parse them into the appropriate groups (based on ready-made schemes);

The student makes his own word scheme.

Words are selected with similar graphemes and -u, oh -a

For example: ficus, minus below, satellite, cube, shoes

I__/_y___ __y__/__and___

The speech therapist offers the student to divide the words into syllables and write the syllables in the appropriate column.


Point, stick, film, works

Bones, sawn, plant, soldiers

Back, Tuesday, thank you, wall, raincoats

Thread, wicket

Posts, trail, bast shoes, etc.

Stage IV - the stage of direct introduction of mixed letters into various structural units of writing(syllable, words, phrases, sentences, text).

Fill in the missing letters P or T.

Form words beginning with kinetically mixed pairs p-t, and -y, b -d, etc. Write them down in two columns.

Fill in the missing letters p or m in the phrases.

Fill in the sentences with the missing letters p or t.

Find a place for the word in the sentence (words with mixed letters are offered in handwritten form).

Painters _ ceilings.
Pirates _ mined treasures.

Dog Dick _ the owner's paw.
Cinderella is in a hurry to _.


The puppy is calmly _ under the table.
The Ugly Duckling is a beautiful white bird.


Write the words in two columns pt.

Write the words in three columns n t n t.

Write out the words from the text in two columns

Write out words from the text in three columns p t pt

Write down dictation words in two, three columns;

Write down phrases;

Write sentences under dictation.

Zelenenko Marina Olegovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the 1st category,
GBOU SOSH - No. 633 Moscow

Prevention of optokinetic dysgraphia

in older preschoolers.

Dysgraphia - this is a partial specific violation of the writing process .

The following types of dysgraphia are distinguished: acoustic, optical, motor.

Optical dysgraphia associated with the underdevelopment of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis, spatial representations and is manifested in the substitutions and distortions of letters in writing.

Most often, graphically similar handwritten letters are replaced: consisting of the same elements, but differently located in space (c - d, t - w); containing the same elements but differing in additional elements (i - w, p - t, x - f, l - m); mirror spelling of letters (with -, e -), omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element (ay-), (w - , i - , u - , t -) and misplaced elements (x -), (t -).

In severe cases of optical dysgraphia, writing words is impossible. The child writes only single letters.

Prevention of reading and writing disorders should be carried out from preschool age, especially in children with speech disorders, mental retardation, mentally retarded and other categories of abnormal children. Work is being carried out to develop visual-spatial functions, memory, attention, analytical and synthetic activity, to form language analysis and synthesis, vocabulary and grammatical structure, to eliminate oral speech disorders.

For the prevention of dysgraphia for older preschoolers, the following tasks can be offered.

For the purpose of development object visual gnosis the following tasks are recommended: name contour images of objects, letters, crossed out contour images superimposed on each other.

For development visual memory the following types of work are used: the game “What is missing?”, “What has changed?”, decompose letters, figures, numbers in the original sequence.

For development spatial orientation children are offered the following tasks: determine the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to themselves, located on the side, determine the spatial relationship between 2-3 objects.

For development visual analysis of images and letters into their constituent elements, their synthesis, determination of similarities and differences between similar graphic images and letters The following tasks are offered:

    find a figure, a letter in a series of similar ones;

    draw a figure or letter according to the model;

    make a figure out of sticks;

    construct printed and handwritten letters from the presented elements of printed and handwritten letters;

    find a given figure among two images;

    show the correctly depicted letter among the correctly and mirror images;

    supplement the missing element of the figure or letter according to the idea; reconstruct the letter by adding an element: from A - L - D, K - F, H - C, G - B;

    reconstruct the letter by changing the spatial arrangement of the elements of the letters: P - L, I - N, N - P, G - T;

    determine the difference between similar letters that differ in only one element: З - В, Р - В;

    determine the difference between similar figures or letters, consisting of elements, but differently located in space: P - b, G - T, I - P, P - N;

    and many others.

All tasks are carried out in play form:

fairy letters

Tasks: develop visual attention, exercise in highlighting a letter from a fairy tale plot.

Description: work with a flat image of a fairy tale plot, against which a familiar letter stands out.

Exercise: look at the picture carefully and name the letter that is depicted on it.

Know by touch

Tasks: fix the image of the letter and the location of its elements on the plane; develop tactile sensations.

Description: work with letters, slightly protruding above the plane with rough letters.

Exercise: with your eyes closed, circle the letter with your finger along the contour and name it.

Lay out the letter

Tasks: clarify the image of the letter and its constituent elements; to develop the ability to analyze and synthesize the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Description: work with counting sticks and shoelaces of different colors.

Exercise: lay out the letters (preschoolers decide for themselves which of the given letters are best laid out from sticks, and which from shoelaces). At the initial stage, a visual image of the letter is given, then they are offered by ear.

Sculpt a letter and think of a word with it

Tasks: clarify the image of the letter and its constituent elements; develop the ability to analyze and synthesize the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Description: work with plasticine and modeling equipment.

Exercise: sculpt letters from plasticine (at the initial stage, a visual image of the letter is given, then they are offered by ear).

Cut out parts and stick

Tasks: clarify the image of the letter and its constituent elements; develop the ability to analyze and synthesize the letters of the Russian alphabet

Description: work with colored paper, scissors, glue.

Exercise: lay out a given letter from paper strips, and then make an application with it (the preschooler chooses the color of the paper on his own).

Decorate a scarf

Tasks: exercise in the ability to follow the instructions of an adult; to consolidate knowledge of the concepts of "right - left", to develop the muscles of the hands.

Description: work with flat images of scarves and colored pencils.

Exercise: decorate the scarf, strictly following the adult's instructions for choosing the location and color of the pattern.

funny letters

Tasks: in practice, to fix the image of the letter and the location of its elements on the plane, to develop fine motor skills.

Description: work with semolina, poured in a dense layer on a tray.

Exercise: draw a printed given letter with a finger on the croup.

Chess board

Tasks: exercise in orientation on a sheet in a cage; to consolidate the concepts of "right - left", "up - down".

Description: work on a sheet of paper in a large cell, marked out according to the principle of a chessboard.

Exercise: move the chip along the "chess" sheet from one point to another, following the adult's step-by-step instructions (at the second stage, the child talks about his step-by-step actions).

Thus, the elimination of optical dysgraphia is carried out by methods aimed at the development of visual gnosis, mnesis, spatial representations and their speech designations, the development of visual analysis and synthesis. Much attention is paid to the comparison of mixed letters with the maximum use of different parsers.

GBOU SOSH JV "Kindergarten "Kolosok"

Teacher speech therapist:

Republic of Karelia

Prionezhsky district

MOU "Zaozerskaya secondary school No.

Working programm

"Correction of optical dysgraphia in junior schoolchildren"


primary general education

teacher speech therapist

Nikonova Yu.I.


Explanatory note

Working programmby correctionoptical dysgraphiacompiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard on the basis of a methodological manual for a speech therapist R.I. Lalayeva "Speech therapy work in correctional classes" and the author's program E.V. Mazanova: "Correction of optical dysgraphia".

This working proGRAmmand directedenAfor the correction of optical dysgraphia andcohYesneithereatWithfishingAndth foruhffeToTAndforeign realAndbehindqiand and masterneitherIathashAndmisya main aboutRAhovatelbnoah prOGRAmms onhAlbButGoh ohbmorethimagehovania, inhislenand ensurehenAndeatwordsAndth forAndndiVAnddatAlbButGoh rahvitAndIathashAndxsInatandYesattendingin speech therapy correction and disshitanAnbut waywardmennoe predatpreanddeneithere andatWithTwoundneithereAndmeYucabbage soupXsya u ntheirnot enoughTToovPisumennoah rehAnd.

Regulatory and legal documents on the basis of which the work program has been developed

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education”;

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2010 No. 1241 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373”;

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2011 No. 2357 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373”;

5. Decree of the Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN”;

6. Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2000

2 « AboutopGAneitherbehindqiand slaveOYoulOGopediheuToOGOPatnTothat generalOsconcehovaTatebButGOathreanddeneitherI» ;

7. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998 No. 20-58-07in / 20-4 “On speech therapists and psychologists in educational institutions”;

8. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 1997 No. 48 “On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of types I-VIII”.

a brief description of optical dysgraphia

Optical dysgraphia is associated with underdevelopment of visual gnosis, spatial representations and manifests itself in substitutions and distortions of the graphic image of letters. Violations in the reproduction of letters in a letter are of different types:

- replacements of graphically similar letters - consisting of the same elements, but differing in the number of these elements(l - m, i - w, w - u, c, - u);

- substitutions for graphically similar letters that differ in one additional element(o - a, b - d, c - x, x - g);

- replacement of graphically similar letters - consisting of the same elements, but differently located in space(c - d, t - w);

- mirror spelling of letters(s - e, e - e).

The first two types of errors are associated with the underdevelopment of kinetic concepts. The last two are a consequence of the underdevelopment of optical concepts.

Purpose of corrective work

The purpose of corrective work is to overcome writing errors caused by optical dysgraphia by working at the level of sound, letter, syllable, word, phrase, sentence and text. As well as consolidating by students in speech therapy classes the knowledge gained in the classroom, filling gaps in learning.

Organization of work on the program

The training period is 60 hours, although the number may vary upwards or downwards (it all depends on the number of mixed letters). The work begins with the development of non-speech processes and includes two directions (work is carried out in two directions in parallel):

1. Development of non-speech processes;

2. Differentiation of similar letters.

It should be noted that work on the development of non-speech processes is not limited to the first stage. Further, the relevant measures are included in the work on the differentiation of letters in the form of separate tasks.

All correctional and speech therapy work can be divided into 3 levels:

1. Design, reconstruction of letters.

2. Establishing links between the grapheme (letter) and the article (sound).

3. Work with words-paronyms (vasiomonims).

The program is recommended for students in grades 2-4. One subgroup is formed from each class, the occupancy of which is from 2 to 6 people. Program hours are subject to change. The duration of one lesson is 35 minutes. The period of corrective classes is from September 15 to May 15. In the first two weeks of September and the last two weeks of May, a survey of the state of speech of students is carried out at the beginning and, accordingly, at the end of the school year.

The main tasks of correctional and developmental education

1. Establishment of logical and linguistic links between sentences;

2. Clarification of the morphological structure of the word (prefix, suffix, root, ending);

3. Development of inflection and word formation skills (various ways);

4. Development of the skill of the correct use of prepositional-case constructions;

5. Development of skills of using in speech various types of communication in phrases (management and coordination);

6. Teaching syntactically correct sentence design;

7. Learning to construct a complex sentence.

Planned results after completing the program

By the end of the course, children should know:

- primary colors and shades;

- geometric figures;

- own body diagram;


- articulation of all sounds;

- the similarity and difference of all similar letters;

- elements of letters of two fonts;

- the name of the letters of the native alphabet.

By the end of the course, children should be able to:

- distinguish between primary and tint colors;

- distinguish geometric shapes;

- correlate object and form, object and color;

- navigate in the scheme of your own body;

- navigate in time and space;

- compare objects by size.

- compare letter elements of two fonts;

- be able to design and reconstruct letters of two fonts;

- compare similar letters in all positions and at all stages;

- associate a letter with a sound and vice versa.

Training and metodology complex

    Eletskaya O.V., Gorbachevskaya N.Yu. Organization of speech therapy work at school. - M.: TC Sphere, 2007. - 192 p.

    Correction of optical dysgraphia. Summaries of classes for a speech therapist / E.V. Mazanova. - M. : Publishing house GNOM i D, 2008. - 88 p.

    Lalaeva R.I. Logopedic work in correctional classes: Method. manual for a teacher-speech therapist. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2001. - 224 p.: ill. (Correctional Pedagogy).

Thematic planning


Topic of the lesson


1. Development of non-speech processes


Development of visual perception, memory, sound analysis skills

Introduction to primary and tint colors. Introduction to geometric shapes. Correlating an object with color, size and shape. Differentiation of objects by color, size and shape. Introduction to the concept of "value". Comparison of objects by size, width, depth, etc.


Development of spatio-temporal relations

Acquaintance with such concepts as: year, month, day of the week, day, yesterday, today, tomorrow. Formation of temporary ideas in relation to food intake. Development of spatial representations: top, bottom, left, right, between, under, over ... Expansion of visual memory

II. Differentiation of graphically similar letters


Differentiation of optically and kinetically similar vowels (handwritten and printed type)

Differentiation of similar letters in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, text. Associating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Design and reconstruction of letters. Comparison of elements of letters. Development of optical-spatial representations. Development of hand-eye coordination. letter differentiation. Working with quasihomonyms. Development of figurative thinking


Differentiation of optically and kinetically similar vowels and consonants (handwritten and printed type)

Differentiation of letters in all positions. Comparison of elements of mixed letters. Associating a letter with a symbol and sound. Development of hand-eye coordination. Design and reconstruction. Development of kinetic concepts. Working with quasi-homonyms


Differentiation of optically and kinetically similar consonants (handwritten and printed type)

Differentiation of similar optical letters in all positions. Development of hand-eye coordination. Design and reconstruction. Development of optical representations and optical-spatial relations. Establishing links between the grapheme and the article. Working with quasi-homonyms

Total hours:

Sections: Primary School

The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech in children is currently one of the main problems of speech therapists and primary school teachers. Every year in primary school the number of children with various types of dysgraphia increases. Based on the mechanisms of each type of dysgraphia, the authors who have devoted their research to this area of ​​speech therapy (R.I. Lalaeva, I.N. Sadovnikova, I.N. Efimenkova, A.N. Kornev, etc.) express various reasons and offer various methods corrective work.

The failure of junior schoolchildren can be caused by a number of reasons: insufficient vocabulary of children, low level of development of oral speech. Students who get to the logopoint have violations not only of oral speech, but also of writing. Among the disorders of written speech, the first place is occupied by mixed dysgraphia: dysgraphia due to violations of language analysis and synthesis, complicated by underdevelopment of optical-spatial representations and optical-kinetic dysgraphia, complicated by acoustic underdevelopment.

The underdevelopment of optical-spatial representations and the replacement of letters according to the principle of optical similarity, as well as their distorted spelling, are not related to the state of the child's oral speech. In most cases, a child with quite sufficient visual acuity does not see the difference in the inscription of optically similar letters, which leads to their substitutions in writing or to incorrect spelling.

A mixed type of dysgraphia suggests the presence of errors of linguistic and kinetic properties, their correction is carried out in parallel to each other. In students of both general education and correctional classes, the appearance of kinetic errors can be largely explained by the peculiarities of Russian graphics. In both printed and handwritten fonts, a very small set of elements is used to designate all the letters of the alphabet, which, in different ways, are combined with each other to form various alphabetic characters. The limitedness of the elements inevitably leads to the presence in the alphabet of several groups of optically similar letters, consisting of the same type of elements. For example, in a handwritten font, these groups of letters are: g, p, t, p; i, w, u, c, p, t; b, c, d, y, h and others.

Many of the letters in the list differ from each other only by a different number of completely identical elements. (i, w; u, c), their different arrangement in space (w, T; c, e) or the presence of any additional elements (i, c; w, w). Therefore, it is not surprising that in the initial period of learning to read and write, many children do not catch these rather subtle differences in lettering. This is where the mutual substitutions of letters in the letter arise. In most children, as they master the process of writing, such letter substitutions usually disappear soon without the use of any corrective techniques.

With the optical form of dysgraphia in children, there is a violation of visual perception, analysis and synthesis, as well as motor coordination, inaccuracy of ideas about the shape and color, size of an object, underdevelopment of memory, spatial perception and ideas, difficulties in optical-spatial analysis, unformed optical image of the letter. Mixing letters by kinetic and optical similarity should not be taken as ordinary "mistakes", since they are not related to either pronunciation or spelling rules. Such errors can lead to a decrease in the quality of not only writing, but also reading. Violation of writing in a child is persistent systemic, so corrective work should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at eliminating an isolated defect.

For the attention of specialists, I offer my own work: a set of practical exercises designed to work with children with an optical-kinetic form of dysgraphia. The kit includes methodological recommendations and lessons worked out by me for each letter.

This guide ispractical material andcompiled by me taking into account the methodological requirements:

  • development of visual perception and visual gnosis, incl. and letter.
  • refinement and expansion of visual memory.
  • formation of spatial perception and representations.
  • development of fine motor skills.
  • development of visual analysis and synthesis.
  • formation of speech designations of visual-spatial designations.
  • differentiation of letters mixed in writing.

Lessons are numbered alphabetically. For convenience, each lesson is compiled for one, specific letter on a separate sheet.

I will briefly describe the methodology and tasks of the work of the proposed classes:

1 task

Task: To form a visual perception of a letter in various fonts. At the same time, familiarization and cognitive work is being carried out on the inscription of letters, finding similarities and differences. Showing stylized letters is effective.

2 task

Task: Formation of visual gnosis and praxis. Game "Traveler". You need to find a hidden new (we don’t say which one!) Letter. In parallel, for example, in mathematics lessons, work is underway to clarify the concepts: “circle” and “along the contour”.

3 task

Task: Revealing the image of a letter in a noisy, shaded version. In parallel, work is underway to get acquainted with geometry: broken lines, a cage, parallel lines, etc.

4 task

Task: To form a spatial perception of the image of the letter. Identify the letter in the wrong position. In parallel, work is underway to form the concepts: "tilt" and "left-right".

5 task

Task: Development of spatial relations. Selection of a familiar, new letter. In parallel, the spatial position of the object is formed, in particular "ON".

6 task

Task: Development of visual analysis and synthesis. Coloring and highlighting only the familiar letter. It is advisable to pay attention to the exercises in parallel in the speech development classes: - Name the words that begin with the sound .... .

7 task

Task: Develop spatial relationships. Add missing element. The game "The letter is broken." In parallel, tasks are carried out to develop spatial perception: top-bottom, left-right, from the side, in front, etc.

8 task

Task: Form visual recognition of the letter. In parallel, classes are held in modeling, drawing, hatching, graphic dictations.

The proposed methodology was tested in work with preschoolers (in preparation for school under the Rainbow program, private lessons) and in the correction and prevention of dysgraphia in the primary grades of the Municipal Educational Institution of Gymnasium No. 2 in the city of Nelidov, Tver Region. Dynamics is positive! Classes are always interesting. The use of this manual in the work will allow parents, educators, primary school teachers, a speech therapist, tutors to carry out effective corrective and preventive work during the year and help track the dynamics of the child's written speech.

Used Books:

  1. R.I. Lalaeva. Methodological heritage. Book 4: Violation of written speech: Dyslexia. Dysgraphia. M-Vlados, 2003
  2. O.N. Yavorskaya. The development of written speech among schoolchildren. KARO-S-Petersburg. 2007.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Uvel secondary school1"


professional self-education

speech pathologist

Vostrikova Yulia Vladimirovna

for 2014-18

Theme of self-education:

"Techniques for correcting optical dysgraphia"

Explanatory note

The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech (dysgraphia and dyslexia) in children is still one of the most urgent tasks of speech therapy. Every year, the number of children with various types of dysgraphia increases in primary school. Based on the mechanisms of each type of dysgraphia, the authors who have devoted their research to this area of ​​speech therapy (R.I. Lalaeva, V.A. Kovshikov, I.N. Sadovnikova, I.N. Efimenkova, G.G. Misarenko, A.N. Kornev and others). offer a variety of remedial methods.

Specialists are offered a set of manuals designed to work with children with an optical form of dysgraphia. The kit includes methodological recommendations, abstracts of frontal correctional classes and two individual work albums for the child to complete tasks. These manuals represent practical material systematized by the author and are compiled taking into account methodological requirements.

With the optical form of dysgraphia in children, there is a violation of visual perception, analysis and synthesis, as well as motor coordination, inaccuracy of ideas about the shape and color, size of an object, underdevelopment of memory, spatial perception and ideas, difficulties in optical-spatial analysis, unformed optical image of the letter. Mixing letters by kinetic and optical similarity should not be taken as ordinary "mistakes", since they are not related to either pronunciation or spelling rules. Such errors can lead to a decrease in the quality of not only writing, but also reading. Violation of writing in a child is persistent systemic, so corrective work should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at eliminating an isolated defect. The use of manual materials in the work will allow the speech therapist teacher to carry out effective correctional work during the year.

In order to conduct effective corrective work with children with an optical form of dysgraphia, a speech therapist needs to take into account the early dates for the start of corrective work, the complexity of measures aimed at overcoming specific errors, and timely involve parents in doing homework. After a comprehensive examination, a series of special remedial classes is carried out, and work is also carried out in parallel on individual notebooks. When eliminating specific violations of written speech in a child, it is necessary:

    Clarify and expand the amount of visual memory.

    Form and develop visual perception and representations.

    Develop visual analysis and synthesis.

    Develop hand-eye coordination.

    To form speech means reflecting visual-spatial relations.

    To teach the differentiation of letters mixed by optical features.

For a better assimilation of the image of letters, the child is traditionally offered:

Feel, cut, sculpt them from plasticine, outline them, write in the air, determine the similarity and difference of optically similar letters, etc. (R.I. Lalaeva);

Design and reconstruct letters from elements (V. A. Kovshikov);

    a series of exercises to develop visual, visual-spatial perception, memory and analysis on objects and geometric shapes;

    carry out the differentiation of letters similar in outline in written exercises.

Corrective work is carried out in four stages.

1st stage. Organizational. Goals and objectives

    Conducting an initial survey.

    Documentation and work planning.

3. Reporting the results of the survey to all participants in the pedagogical process (for joint corrective work). Work at this stage is carried out from 1 to 15 September. At this stage of work, conversations, examinations (primary and in-depth), speeches at parent meetings, etc. are provided.

2nd stage. Preparatory. Goals and objectives

1. The development of visual perception and recognition of objects in children.

Development of visual gnosis:

a) development of color perception;

b) development of perception of the form;

c) development of the perception of size and magnitude.

-Development of letter gnosis:

a) development of perception of the color of letters;

b) development of perception of the shape, size and size of objects and letters;

c) differentiation of the arrangement of elements of letters.

    Development of visual analysis and synthesis.

    Clarification and expansion of visual memory (visual mnesis):

a) the development of memorizing the shape of objects;

b) development of color memorization;

c) the development of memorizing the sequence and number of letters and objects (first we work on the development of visual memory, considering objects, then - geometric shapes, and only then - letters).

4. Formation of spatial perception and representations:

a) orientation in the scheme of one's own body;

b) differentiation of the right and left parts of the subject;

c) orientation in the surrounding space.

    Formation of speech means reflecting visual-spatial relations.

Development of hand-eye coordination.

Work at this stage is carried out at the beginning of training. At this stage of work, it is planned to conduct conversations, frontal and individual lessons on album 1.

3rd stage. Basic. Goals and objectives

    Strengthening the links between the pronunciation of sound and its graphic representation in writing.

    Automation of mixed and interchangeable letters.

    Differentiation of mixed and interchangeable letters.

Vowel differentiation:

a) in isolation (writing);

b) in syllables and in words;

c) in phrases;

d) in sentences and text.

Differentiation of vowels and consonants:

a) in isolation

b) in syllables and words;

c) in phrases;

d) in sentences and text.

Consonant differentiation:

a) in isolation

b) in syllables and in words;

c) in a phrase;

d) in sentences and text.

Work at this stage is carried out throughout the entire period of study. At this stage of work, it is planned to conduct frontal and individual lessons on albums 1-2.

4th stage. Final . Goals and objectives

    Consolidation of acquired skills.

    Transfer of acquired knowledge to other activities.

Work at this stage is carried out at the end of the training.

For the convenience of the teacher, all the most frequently mixed pairs of letters are presented in the table.

Tasks : teach children to compare letters according to their style; consolidate knowledge of the spelling of letters in syllables and words; to teach the differentiation of letters in syllables and words; develop optical-spatial representations; to acquaint children with words-paronyms; develop vocabulary.

The continuation of work on the development of visual analysis and synthesis is the refinement and differentiation of letters that have optical and kinetic similarities. Students practice in the construction of letters, analysis of the composition and structure of a graphic sign; in its synthesis from elements; in the comparative analysis of letters (from coarser differentiations to finer ones).

Differentiation of letters should occur at all levels of organization of speech activity in the following sequence:

1) isolated writing of letters;

2) in syllables;

3) in words;

4) in phrases;

5) in offers;

6) in the text.

Work on distinguishing optically similar letters includes the following exercises:

Finding differentiable letters in a series of similar ones;

Determination of similarities and differences between similar letters, clarification of the spatial arrangement of letter elements;

The transformation of differentiable letters into pictures-pictograms (b-squirrel, d-woodpecker, c-chicken, u-pike, etc.). Various verses and riddles about letters are used:

The letter B will wake up early.
The letter B is a barrel with a tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy,
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky.

Someone recently said:
P looks like a gate
I was too lazy to object
I knew that P is like a stump.

Letter C -
See for yourself -
Like a bench
Upside down.

Drawing (stroking along the contour) of a different element in differentiable letters with pronunciation;

Writing syllables and words with differentiable letters in two columns;

Finding differentiable letters in the text with their subsequent stroke or underlining;

Writing a dictation containing the maximum number of differentiable letters, followed by their underlining, etc.

Understanding the mechanisms of dysgraphia and its effective correction require a deep psychological and pedagogical study of specific writing errors, features of oral speech, as well as a neuropsychological analysis of other mental functions of schoolchildren.

The elimination of optical dysgraphia is carried out by techniques aimed at the development of visual gnosis, mnesis, spatial representations and their speech designations, the development of visual analysis and synthesis. Much attention is paid to the comparison of mixed letters with the maximum use of different parsers.

Exercise 1: Consider letter elementsAnd make letters. What letters did you get?

Task 2 : Development of logical thinking. Working with crossword.

Guess the words of the crossword.

    Domestic bird.

    She wears her house.

    Wintering bird with yellow breast.

    The dog and the anchor have it.

    Ferret-like predator.

    Robber at sea.

    Vegetable growing in the garden.

    A piece of furniture.

Answers: chicken, snail, titmouse, claw, mink, pirate, cucumber, bed.

Task 3: The development of literal analysis. Differentiation of studied letters at the word level

The fox and the crane were playing with words. They inserted lettersand - y in words. Each of them wanted to insert their own letter into the words. Help the heroes. Fill in the letters and read the words.

L...TKA...H...TEB SH...TK CHEN....K...GR...SHKA...TK... K...R...CA WANTED. ..D... V...LK... ...L...CA Sh...ShK... D...DK.... M...X... TR.. .BARREL... ...DAUGHTER...

Task 4: Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures. The development of connected speech.

Compose texts for a series of plot pictures. Read the story on p. 6-7. Write it down from memory.

Dog Fluff

Sasha had a dog Fluff. Once Sasha went to school. And Fluff was left at home alone. Fluff is a naughty man: he tore off the napkin from the table. Cups and a teapot fell to the floor. Sasha came from school. The boy was very upset. He scolded the dog.

Task 5: Development of visual perception and visual attention


aknojewdem ilsenirp ukintoho

lisurts en konozhevdem, utanmok in vapoP

ondobows yaseb lavovtswouchop no

akabos yachintokho alshov ontemazen utanmok V

aknozhevdem alavovtsvuchop uzars ano

metsog miknelam derep ukyots alaleds akaboS

tertoms lats and logu in the nursery base konojewde

unorots in alshoto and og alahunop akabos

ulgu in lunsu and yasliokopsu, hitaz konozhevdeM

That does not work? How to cope with this task? Maybe try to do the opposite: read it not from left to right, but from right to left? What did you get? Write down the text, indicate the letters of the lesson.

Bear cub.

The bear cub was brought to the hunter.

Once in the room, the bear cub did not flinch.

He felt free.

A hunting dog entered the room imperceptibly.

She immediately felt the teddy bear.

The dog made a stand in front of the little guest.

The little bear hid in a corner and began to look.

The dog sniffed it and stepped aside.

The little bear calmed down, calmed down and fell asleep in the corner.

Task 6: Children write down letters and name the number of elements, determine the location of all elements in space, then the speech therapist puts symbols on the board to indicate the letters of the lesson: a red two for the letterAnd, blue three for the lettersh.

AND 2; Sh-3;

3 P 2 K 3 UTK 2 3 AR 2 K

3 P 2 ON 3 2 3 KA 3 2 LO


M23KA AF23A MALY 3 2

Task 7: Development of language analysis and synthesis.

Make sentences from the given words and pictures (the words given in brackets are replaced by pictures), (mouse), mink, came out, from. (cat), (mouse), no, sees. Gone, (house), from, everyone. Left, (cat), alone.

Went, kitchen, (mouse), on.

Pushed, (cheese), (mouse), (cup), with

Found, there, (cheese), she.

Jumped off, with, (window), (cat),

(cup), broke, fell, and.

But, no, (cat), caught, no one.

This, (the cat), heard.

She ran, (mouse), (cat), and, her, behind.

Children read the resulting sentences aloud.

Task 8: Work at the text level. Differentiation b - e in the text.

Insert lettersb - e c words of the text and read. What happened? Why is this text? Name the features of the text.

In the village.

In the summer...the army...were in...the village at...a...ears and...e...ears. Not... far from... the village... there was... a fast river. Every ... th ... y ... children lu ... or y ... y there ry ... y in the morning and ... oh oh ... e ... ah. Then they hurried to the forest for gri...ami and yago...ami. And in the evening...the army of ra...went to the garden...e together with...e...ear and...a...ear.


    Technological means (TSO), slide projector, screen.

    Sheets of A4 paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

    speech therapy albums;

When organizing classes, it is necessary to apply:

    carrying out correct systematic work on the development of children's written speech;

    exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus;

    tasks aimed at activating the vocabulary of younger students, mastering grammatical norms and improving the sound culture of speech, sound pronunciation and general speech skills;

    development of coherent speech - dialogic (in communication) (in retelling and compiling one's own story);

    hearing development;

For the successful implementation of the course, various types and forms of work are used: game elements, hand massage, articulation gymnastics, finger games, didactic and handouts, proverbs and sayings, rhymes, counting rhymes, rebuses, crossword puzzles, puzzles, fairy tales.

    Burina E.D. Such similar different letters. Training on the differentiation of similar letters. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. - 96 p.

    Inshakova O.B. Development and correction of graphic-motor skills in children aged 5-7 years. A guide for a speech therapist. – M.: Vlados, 2003. – 112 p.

    Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003 - 336s.

    Lalaeva R.I., Venediktova L.V. Diagnosis and correction of reading and writing disorders in younger schoolchildren. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2001. - 224 p.

    Speech therapy: Textbook for students defectol. fak. ped. universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskoy-M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1998. - 680 p.

    Mazanova E.V. Correction of optical dysgraphia. - M.: GNOMID, 2006. - 88 p.

    Paramonova L.G. Dysgraphia: diagnosis, prevention, correction. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2006. - 128 p.

    Sadovnikova I.N. Speech disorders and their overcoming in younger schoolchildren. – M.: VLADOS, 1997. – 256 p.

    Tokareva O.A. Reading and writing disorders (dyslexia and dysgraphia). // Speech disorders in children and adolescents. / Ed. S.S. Lyapidevsky. - M.: Medicine, 1969. - S. 190-212.

    Yastrebova A.V. Correction of speech disorders in secondary school students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1984. – 138 p.