
Light oriental dance video. Master class of oriental dances for beginners.

Someone once said that life without dance is impossible, and in his own way this person is right. See for yourself: all nations have their own national dances. It is with the help of dance that a person is able to express his passions and feelings overwhelming him, show his emotions, express his inner world.

Each dance has its own meaning, and the dance itself is not just a method to improve the mood of others and yourself, but also an excellent cure for spleen and stress. He drives away bad thoughts, relieves stress, relieves depression and boredom, liberates. And the dance helps to keep the body in good shape and helps to make the figure attractive.

The dance does not recognize racial or religious differences. Everyone can learn to dance, regardless of their place of work, study, age, gender.

Nowadays, great popularity has gained dance direction  - belly dance or oriental dance. He wants to learn girls and women who dream of making the figure perfect, the body - plastic and flexible, and the waist - thin.

Oriental dance is not just plastic hand movements, waves and shaking of the hips. First of all, belly dancing is a mystery, energy, passion, life itself! If you learn this art, you can better control your body, become more graceful and flexible, improve your health and drive any man crazy. But how to learn this? You can try to study at home - through video lessons, books, articles on the Internet, or go to a dance school. And anyway: is there any benefit in belly dancing, or is this just a big exaggeration? This will try to tell you everything in detail.

Oriental dance: we dance in pleasure and with benefit

When you make movements of this dance, a huge number of muscles are involved, even the most undeveloped and deep, which cannot be "reached" with ordinary aerobics, but can only be worked out by strength training. You not only get a boost of energy and energy, but also heal and strengthen the whole body. This is especially necessary for those who have sedentary work and those who have a sedentary way of life.

Each girl, if desired, can learn belly dancing. And let you not do it professionally, but you will gain flexibility and plasticity, and you will also feel different - more desirable, more beautiful, healthier.

Performing elements of oriental dance, you activate all kinds of muscle groups, improve blood circulation and develop flexibility. By the way, a similar result will be difficult to achieve with regular fitness. The dance is very exciting, thanks to which every movement, even the most difficult, is easy for the dancer.

If you spend a lot of time sitting, for example, at a table littered with various documents, or at a computer monitor, a stoop will appear over time. Classes in oriental dance will lift your chest, improve posture, tighten your stomach, strengthen bones, straighten your back. In the end, they are a good tool from the tummy and useful for the figure.

But, having decided to learn belly dancing, you should understand that only healthy women who do not have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive system and spinal problems can do it. Therefore, before training, get approval from your doctor.

Learn oriental dance at home

To get started, make the room become well lit, then select oriental music and it remains to show a little desire.

Oriental dance consists of some basic elements that need to be mastered first. Only after that you will be able to dance a full-fledged dance, which embodies your attitude, mood and state of mind.

Hip Movement:

  • Twisting (the hips rotate (twist) in each direction, and the rest of the body remains stationary)
  • Eight (print the number eight with your hips)
  • Wave (hips draw a circle in the lateral and frontal planes)

Breast Movement:

  • Twisting (head and hips do not move, chest is twisted in different directions)
  • Eight in any direction
  • Circle (body body tilts or locks)
  • Breast wave

To make the belly dance excellent, girls can use various objects: candles, swords, scarves, scarves, ribbons and so on. They help make the dance more erotic and exotic.

If the idea of \u200b\u200blearning oriental dance inspired you, and you want to get started, then don’t postpone it until tomorrow, start now!

Video lessons

The lessons oriental dances Now enjoy wildly popular around the world. If earlier only sheikhs and sultans could admire the graceful feminine dance, now such pleasure has become much more accessible for everyone! Girls have long realized that it is these sets of movements - smooth, soft, mesmerizing - that will captivate the hearts of men and develop grace, and try to use it.

Classes of oriental dances: benefit

The movements of oriental dances are not only spectacular externally, but also incredibly useful internally for the entire female body. Judge for yourself:

  1. You can use oriental dances for weight loss, because they represent a fairly intense load and make it easy to spend calories. And thanks to movements that involve the pelvis, hips, chest and arms, excess weight leaves precisely the problem areas!
  2. The technique of oriental dance very well develops the organs of the small pelvis, as a result of which you will not only forget what PMS is, but also easier to endure pregnancy and even easily give birth to a baby.
  3. Before you learn oriental dancing, you, in fact, are an ordinary woman. But when you comprehend this science, you will reveal in yourself such boundless femininity and desire that you will forever forget about complexes and self-doubt.
  4. Have you always dreamed of flexibility and grace? It is oriental dances that make it easy, effortlessly to develop plasticity and become a real panther!
  5. As a result of constant training, a more firmly defined waist, a beautiful tummy and an elastic body will be a pleasant bonus.
  6. Starting to go to school of oriental dances, you will always know what a surprise to arrange for a husband or lover's birthday! And he will feel himself a real sultan next to you and will be ready to throw the whole world at your feet.

Of course, this is not all the reasons that make more and more women look for oriental dance courses for beginners. However, you can easily notice the other positive effects yourself.

Oriental dance: training for beginners

Before you dance oriental dances, you need to decide whether you will do it at home or start attending a special school. Of course, the second option is preferable, since your dance instructor will be able to help you deal with all the tricks of the performance, and the classes themselves will give a boost of vigor and self-confidence. However, if you do not have the opportunity to attend classes in a group, you can learn on your own using video material that is easy to purchase on DVD or download on the Internet.

If you are seriously thinking about how to learn to dance oriental dances, try not to put it aside so as not to waste your enthusiasm: get special beautiful clothes for dancing, and its mere presence will drive you to classes. After all, putting on an oriental outfit embroidered with shining elements, you will feel like a real oriental princess!

The best part is that these dances look great on girls of very different physiques. Oriental dances go like full girlsand slenders. The dance looks especially beautiful if you have large breasts and there is a fat fold on your stomach. Oriental dances for beginners are a great way to relieve emotional stress and feel yourself the most beautiful and attractive! Just for the sake of this it is worth trying to plunge into their magical, bewitching world.

  Do not force yourself to do exercises, but do you want your body to be plastic and all muscles to be in good shape? Then dancing to music is an activity for you! Your Izyuminka offers an original set of exercises, it presents simple dance moves  from oriental dances.

Dancing is a very useful activity for the beauty and health of the body, they:

Form a beautiful gait and posture;
   develop muscle flexibility and relieve tension;
   strengthen internal muscles;
   correct the figure and contribute to weight loss;
   learn to own your body;
   develop coordination of movements;
   relieve stress, help with depression.

In this complex, all the main muscles of the body are worked out, you do not need to do monotonous boring exercises as when doing regular gymnastics. All you need to do is turn on a nice rhythmic music and enjoy the movement of the dance!

First you need to do a short five-minute warm-up: make rotational movements of the head, arms, body, pelvis, do several bends and squats. Now that your body has warmed up, try learning some simple dance moves. It is better to perform them in front of a large mirror in order to check the correctness of the dance movements.

1. Belly dance - we form the abdominal muscles.

Grab your abdomen by tightening your abs, and then relax. In this movement, breathing should not be used as a “pulling force”. Tighten your muscles alternately and then relax. Get aerobatics - pick up and relax your stomach at a fast pace. Start with 3-5 minutes and then, when you are doing well, bring your belly dance to 10 minutes.

2. We work on the hips and buttocks.

  Feet shoulder width apart, arms relax. With your hips, draw a figure eight, first 8 times in one direction, and then 8 times in the other direction. Then, slowly descending, having managed to do four eights, and then slowly rise up, doing another four eights. Go down, go up 4 times. In order to better focus on the movement of the hips, palms are better placed on the back of the head (but not necessarily).

3. We work out the upper body - shoulders.

  Standing straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart, slightly bend the left leg, and at that time move the pelvis to the right and make a backward movement of the right shoulder a couple of times. Now bend the right leg, the pelvis moves to the left, and the left shoulder makes a circular motion backward - 2 times. Make 10 shoulder movements backwards with dancing foot movements, and then 10 shoulder movements forward. Then do the same movements with your legs and pelvis, and with both shoulders do circular movements forward - 10 movements and then the same number of shoulders back.

4. We work out the hips.

  All dance movements are easy to repeat, you can perform them yourself, carefully following the movement. The simplest dance movement of the hips is to alternately raise one or the other thigh up.

Now stand sideways to the mirror and make a movement of the basin taking it as far forward and then back as possible.

  Try a slightly different movement with your hips, turning your hips along with your pelvis to the left and then to the right. The main thing that you need to monitor when performing this dance movement is that the upper body remains stationary. You are good at it, let's continue further. In order to perform the following dance movement, you need to put your foot forward a little on the toe and do a hip movement up and down, unbending and bending the leg.

By learning how to perform simple thigh movements, you can try more labor-intensive, while lowering the body. Just keep in mind that such a dance movement takes more power, so at first do as many movements as you can do. After all, the most important thing is to get a pleasant fatigue and a good mood.

5. We work on the muscles of the neck.

  Stand straight, keep your head straight in front of you, start moving your head left and right, while making sure that it does not lean! Now stretch your nose forward, make sure that your head does not lean! And then the back of the head. At the same time, the shoulders remain motionless, only the head works: make 10 movements left and right and as many movements back and forth. The most important thing in this movement is that the head is straight, not leaning, but “walking” left-right and back and forth. This movement strengthens the muscles of the neck and helps to cure cervical osteochondrosis, which affects many who spend a lot of their time sitting at the computer. In this case, be sure to include head movements in your dance program.

Your Izyuminka hopes that these simple dancing movements will not be difficult for you to repeat and you will love oriental-style dances. Let dancing classes bring you light, pleasant fatigue, energize you all day in the morning, give you a lot of positive emotions and good mood!

Your Izyuminka also offers to watch simple dance moves in a video that shows oriental dances for beginners. Enjoy your viewing.

Video number 1. Training in oriental dances.

Video number 2. Oriental dances for beginners.

Video number 3. Belly dance for beginners. Part 1.

Video number 4. Belly dance for beginners. Part 2.

Increasingly, women are turning their attention to oriental dances for beginners. And this is understandable. During classes, not only the muscles of the waist, arms and back are trained, but also flexibility is acquired, movements become smoother and more graceful, the body's stamina increases, blood circulation improves, and women's health is strengthened.

However, oriental dances are not only beneficial, but also fascinate with their beauty. If you want to surprise your beloved, visit any workshop, and you will see how great their power of charm is. However, to learn the technique you should not immediately sign up for a club. If you wish, you can learn everything at home, watching thematic videos.

Before you start learning the basics dance art East, you will need to choose the right clothes for such an activity. It can be purchased in a specialized store or pick up something from an old wardrobe. The main thing is that clothes should not constrain movements, but also not be wide. Shorts and a tank top are ideal. It is such a dance form that will allow you to control all the movements and notice errors. A scarf embroidered with beads or coins will help you to feel the musical rhythm.

First of all, you should pay attention to those movements that are most easily learned. It is with them that one should begin the study of oriental dances.

Having mastered the basics, it is rational to move on to more complex figures. No less important information in the learning process will be familiarity with the history of dancing. A very important point is the musical accompaniment. Therefore, the music must match your dance, so that you have the opportunity to "catch" the desired rhythm.

The speed of training will be facilitated by a master class recorded on video, and designed for beginner dancers. Such lessons will allow you to learn the basic movements to automatism and teach you how to repeat them correctly.

When studying oriental dances, you need to remember that the main element in them is the ability to hold posture, as well as correctly “dispose” of one’s hands and feet, and put them in appropriate positions.

For oriental dances, not only the correct movements are important, but also the facial expressions and emotions that the dancer should invest in them. Even the mood of the performer at the time of the performance of the dance composition is important.

The basis of oriental dancing

For beginners, an important point is the study of the structure of oriental dances, which consists of three parts:

  • Taksima or slow dance;
  • Main dance;
  • Shaking.

During the performance of a taksima, smooth movements, improvisation, playing with the whole body, turns, which could demonstrate divine twists, are necessary female body. However, for beginners, dancing lessons will be somewhat difficult. Indeed, almost the entire dance composition at the beginning will consist of standing in one place with at the same time a small lag behind the musical composition. Ideally, you should get the impression of a slow motion movie.

When the lessons in this part are mastered, you can begin to study the basic movements of the dance, which will include the performance of waves and rocking hips. In the second case, the master class will consist of alternating movements of the left and right thighs with simultaneous transfer of weight from one leg to another.

After mastering the described technique, you can begin to study significantly complex movements, which are rifts, domes and movements of the abdomen.

Oriental dances are available for study at any age.

Only after the lessons on the Taksim and the main movements are learned can we begin to study shaking. Its basis is the vibration of the body, during which only the knees move. In many videos, which are a master class for beginner dancers, you can not see the most important thing - at the beginning, it is not important to maintain rhythm. It will not even coincide with the musical tempo, since you must first learn the technique of movements.

Oriental dance secrets

Filmed in a separate dance lessons for beginners or the entire master class will not reveal all the secrets to you. A very important point is training in the performance of the hips of the figure eight, on which the oriental dances themselves are practically built. To do this, you need to study the following elements:

  • the left thigh is fed slightly to the left without taking the heel off the floor;
  • then the thigh is retracted as far back as possible;
  • at the same time, the second round of the eight is drawn right;
  • now the hips hold an even circle;
  • the back does not bend and retains posture.

The combined movements as a whole should ultimately draw a figure eight. This element is best studied separately. After all, not all dances are based on it.

Since ancient times, such dances have captivated male hearts. And today, the lessons at which oriental dances are taught for beginners are confidently leading the list of the most sought after. The exotic feminine body will not leave anyone indifferent, and the woman herself will have oriental dances for beginners who will present natural plasticity and will allow them to feel all their perfection and grace.

Dance school-studio "DanCo" is recording on belly dance lessons  for beginners and advanced. Experienced teachers will help you learn the basics, prepare a number for a speech, and introduce you to the secrets of this area. We will find an approach to each client!

The amazing magic of oriental dancing will envelop you with a stunning aura of self-confidence and possession of your body. Being engaged with us, you will increase your self-esteem, show your personality, demonstrate unique abilities. Comprehensively developing, you will never stop and want to achieve perfection. Such a desire will contribute to the development of leadership skills.

It should be noted that oriental dances, like no other, affect the beauty of the body. Being engaged, you will form an excellent posture and improve the lines of the waist and hips.

Schedule (metro Alekseevskaya)

Choreographer Days of the week Cost
Mon Tue Wed Th Fri
Yaseya 19:00-20:00 19:00-20:00 one-time lesson - 550 rubles.
  4 lessons - 2 100 rubles.
  6 lessons - 3,100 rubles.
  8 lessons - 3 950 rub.
  unlimited - 10 400 rubles.

Studying at a belly dance school for beginners

For beginners, DanCo forms separate groups, choosing belly dance lessons based on age and individual preferences. In the first lessons they unlearn basic movements, is getting acquainted with the music and traditions of the East. Teachers in Moscow closely monitor the correct execution of exercises, preventing minor injuries in the learning process.

Lesson course:

  • strengthens the vestibular apparatus;
  • develops plasticity, flexibility;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • forms the waist, muscular corset of the back.

Level Up Program

The second and third level of training include not only classics, but also modern oriental directions, the study of musical works, the staging of competitive performances, etc. The school provides for the possibility of individual training (including for beginners). The features of an advanced level include fairly high requirements for physical fitness.

School of Belly Dancing "DanCo" offers:

  • services of qualified teachers;
  • professional classroom equipment and classroom accessories;
  • high level of service, reasonable prices;
  • convenient schedule, classes in groups and individually;
  • vivid emotions and positive charge in every lesson.

Professional flooring in the classrooms provides comfort and safety of movement. Shower rooms, several changing rooms work. Call and sign up. We are located in the north-east of Moscow, near the station. metro station "Alekseevskaya".

Does your child like to dance? Come yourself and bring him to DanCo School.