
Like in English happy birthday. English birthday greetings. Letter of congratulations on the appointment

The tradition of congratulating a person on his birthday orally or in writing is present in many nations, the British and Americans are no exception in this regard.

In English, there are many expressions and words with which you can congratulate the birthday man. But not all of them are translated verbatim, therefore, before writing the text of congratulations in English, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that is given below.

How to write a congratulation "Happy Birthday" in English?

Congratulating each other on their birthday, the British say only two words "Happy Birthday". After these words, a long wish may follow, but in some cases they are limited to them alone.

If we talk about the literal interpretation, then the phrase "Happy Birthday" means not just "Happy Birthday", but "Happy Birthday". The word "Happy" is translated as "happy". When composing a congratulation in English, they do not bother specifying the details, but in Russian the same phrase often sounds like “Happy Birthday to you” and is translated as “Happy Birthday to you”.

Trying to beautifully compose a congratulation to an English-speaking person in his native language, you do not need to come up with something unusual in Russian, and then try to translate the resulting text into English. Phrases and phrases should be as simple as possible.

If you want to say something really nice, then you can see examples of how you can make a birthday greeting for a specific person, which are presented below.

Happy birthday greetings in English

There are many options for how to congratulate a person on the day of rain in English. The table below shows only some of the most popular congratulations that are often used in everyday life.

Happy Birthday! Happy birthday!
Let this day be the happiest! May this day be the happiest!
Congratulations, I wish a lot of gifts! Congratulations, I wish you many gifts!
I congratulate and wish you more joyful moments! Congratulations and I wish you many happy moments!
I cordially congratulate you! Congratulations!
Take this birthday greeting! Let all dreams and desires come true! Accept this birthday greeting! May all dreams and desires come true!
Have a nice day! I wish you a great time with friends! I wish you a good day! I wish you a great time with friends!
greetings! Let the most cherished dream come true! Congratulations! May the most cherished dream come true!
Congratulations, girlfriend! Stay always young and beautiful! Congratulations girlfriend! Stay young and beautiful always!
Congratulations! Long life, friend! Congratulations! Long life, friend!
Congratulations! I wish you fulfillment of all desires on this special day! Congratulations! I wish you the fulfillment of all desires on this special day!
I wish you prosperity and well-being and love! I wish you prosperity and family well-being, love!
Congratulations! I hope your life will be as Sunny as this holiday! Congratulations! I hope your life will be as sunny as this festive day!
I hope your life will be as sweet as this birthday cake! I hope your life is as sweet as this birthday cake!
I hope we celebrate your hundredth birthday together! Congratulations! I hope we celebrate your 100th birthday together! Congratulations!
I congratulate you and wish you many happy moments! Congratulations and I wish you many happy moments!
Take this gift from the heart on your birthday! greetings! Accept this gift from the bottom of your heart on your birthday! Congratulations!
This day is very important for me, because today you were born! This day is very important for me, because today you were born!
This is the best day of my life, because I can congratulate you on your Birthday! This is the best day of my life because I can wish you a happy birthday!
I was born! happy birthday to me Today I was born! Happy birthday to me
Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born. Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born.
The best day of my life is your birthday! The best day of my life is your birthday!
30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born! 30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born!
I wish you get a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your Birthday! I wish you a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your birthday!
Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love! Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love!
Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to celebrate it with friends and family! Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to meet him together with friends and relatives!
I hope that you will remember this Birthday for many years! Congratulations! I hope you remember this birthday for many years to come! Congratulations!
Happy Birthday my dear friend! We have come with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love! Happy Birthday my dear friend! We came with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love!
I wish you all the best on this holiday! I wish you all the best on this festive day!

If none of the presented congratulations fit, you can always compose your own birthday greetings in English.

Official birthday greetings in English

It is not always appropriate to scatter in compliments to the birthday man and make heartfelt speeches about the birthday. If we are talking about congratulating the birthday of an unfamiliar person - a colleague at work, a boss, a subordinate, an employee of any service, then the prepared speech should be official. The jokes are hardly appropriate.

The most popular official birthday greetings in English are presented in the table below:

For the best boss with respect from the whole team! Congratulations! To the best chef with respect from the whole team! Congratulations!
Our friendly team congratulates you and wishes you good mood, home comfort and optimism. Our friendly team congratulates you and wishes you a good mood, home comfort and optimism.
Favorite teacher! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only good students and success! Beloved teacher! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only good students and creative success!
Please accept our congratulations on your birthday! We wish you successful completion of all projects! Please accept our congratulations on your birthday! We wish you successful completion of all projects!
I sincerely congratulate! I wish you good health and success in your work! Sincere congratulations! I wish you good health and success in your work!
You are the best boss we can imagine! Congratulations from the whole team! You are the best chef imaginable! Accept congratulations from the whole team!
Today is the birthday of a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for our company! Congratulations! Today is the birthday of a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for our company! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your Birthday! We respect your work and wish you to continue our cooperation! Sincerely your colleagues and partners! Accept congratulations on your birthday! We respect your work and wish to continue our cooperation! Sincerely, your colleagues and partners!
I wish you a long life, good luck and financial stability! Congratulations! I wish you a long life, good luck and financial stability! Congratulations!

English birthday greetings in verse

It is not at all necessary to come up with a beautiful birthday greeting in prose. You can congratulate the birthday man on his birthday in English in verse. To do this, it is enough to compose a few quatrains in Russian, and then translate them into English, or choose one of the ready-made poetic congratulations.

Birthday boy - this day has come!

You say you're welcome!

You are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

And we're here to make your day happy!

Birthday - the day has come!

You say welcome to everyone!

You are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

And we're here to make your day happy!

Don't be sad and don't cry!

You're like a butterfly!

Beautiful and magical!

Lucky and loved!

Don't be sad and don't cry!

You are like a butterfly!

Beautiful and magical!

Lucky and loved!

The magic of life will be the way!

Don't forget tomorrow and today!

Let the bad disappear!

And good will always be near!

Magic in life will be the way!

Don't forget tomorrow and today!

Let the bad disappear!

And the good will always be there!

Happy birthday we're talking!

We can consider you our best friend!

You're always ready to understand!

I wish you simply to live!

Do not be sad and believe!

That all dreams come true!

Happy birthday we say!

I wish you just to live!

Do not be sad and believe!

That all dreams come true!

I wish health and happiness to your child!

Watch him only with a smile!

Happiness in life!

And only in good faith!

I wish your child health and happiness! Watch him with a smile! Happiness in life!

Only believe in the good!

We wish you happiness and love!

Let the days be full of luck!

Let there be all that you desire!

What you dream of comes true!

We wish you happiness and love!

May the days be filled with good luck!

May everything you wish be!

What you dream comes true!

Congratulations for a man

Happy Birthday!

We wish you success, joy and luck!

Good days and true friends!

Greatest asset and money!

For us you are the best man in the world!

Today all love is for you!

Happy Birthday!

We wish you success, joy and luck!

Good days and true friends!

A lot of capital and money!

For us, you are the best man on earth!

All love is for you today!

You're the man of my dreams!

You are my best husband and friend!

Happy birthday to you dear!

I'm glad you're so cute!

You are my wall of support!

I don't hear you reproach!

You're the father and the family protector!

And you are a real champ in life!

You are the man of my dreams!

Best friend and husband is you!

Happy birthday to you dear!

I'm glad you're so cute!

You are my wall and support!

From you I do not hear a reproach!

You are the protector of the family and the father!

And a great fellow in life!

Happy Birthday my friend!

Look around you!

Our whole family is here!

And we want to congratulate you!

wish health and happiness!

A lot of money, a little bit of power!

Love that drives you crazy!

Let luck come to you!

Expensive limousines and just cars!

Forget about work, traffic, subway! Go to the sea and visit Paris!

We wish you to achieve what you are sad about!

We wish to dream and want more!

We wish you to know how to do everything in life!

Happy Birthday, my friend!

Look around!

Our whole family is here!

And we want to congratulate you!

Wish you health and happiness!

A lot of money, a little power!

Crazy love!

Let luck come to you!

Expensive limousines and just cars!

Forget about work, traffic jams, subway!

Go to the sea, see Paris!

We wish you to achieve what you are sad about!

We want to dream more and wish more!

We want to be able to do everything in life!

Congratulations for a woman

Happy birthday sweetie!

You're bright and naughty!

I don't need any other!

I wish you many years to live without mourning and woes!

I wish you kindness, fulfillment of every dream!

Be always young and beautiful!

You are the dearest person for me!

Happy birthday, darling!

You are bright and mischievous!

I don't need any other!

I wish you many years to live without grief and troubles!

I wish you kindness, the fulfillment of every dream!

Be always young and beautiful!

You are the dearest person to me!

Happy birthday dear!

I wish you happiness without end!

I wish you smiles and kind words!

Pleasant moments, beautiful flowers!

You're the best mom, wife and daughter!

You're always ready to help us in trouble!

Let all wishes and dreams come true!

Let there be more warmth in life!

Happy birsday, my dear!

I wish you happiness without end!

I wish you smiles and kind words!

Pleasant moments, beautiful flowers!

You are the best mother, wife and daughter!

You are always ready to help us in trouble!

May all wishes and dreams come true!

Let there be more warmth in life!

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Congratulations for a colleague

A good friend and work colleague on her birthday can be pleased with an original congratulation in English in poetic form. An example of such a birthday greeting, read below.

Dear (name) I congratulate you on your Birthday!

I wish you to be successful and rich!

Don't waste your husband's entire salary!

I wish you to be in harmony with yourself!

To be beloved, do not be stingy!

Let the work bring you joy!

Let your life be sweeter than the best sweetness!

Dear (name), happy birthday to you!

I wish you to be successful and rich!

Do not spend your husband's entire salary!

I want to be in harmony with myself!

To be loved, not to be stingy!

Let work bring joy!

Let life be sweeter than the best sweetness!

We wish you a happy birthday!

We wish you great luck in your work!

We wish salaries not less than one million!

And men's admiring glances!

We wish you not to be angry with the boss!

We wish you to forget about the grief!

Happy birthday to you!

We wish you great luck in your work!

We wish you a salary of at least a million!

And the views of admiring men!

We wish you not to anger the boss!

We wish you to forget about grief!

Congratulations for the teacher

Let me congratulate you on your Birthday!

I wish you joy, success and luck!

Let melancholy and bad luck leave you

On this glorious day of spring!

We wish you success!

We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

Allow me to congratulate you on your birthday!

Wish you joy, success and luck!

May this glorious spring day

The blues and bad luck will leave you!

We wish you creative success!

We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

A favorite teacher, the great teacher!

We bring you greetings on your Birthday!

You're kind, sweet, smart, strict!

Always fair, a little vulnerable!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness!

We wish you success in work, health, patience

And luck in life!

Beloved teacher, great teacher!

Please accept our congratulations on your birthday!

You are kind, sweet, smart, strict!

Always fair, a little vulnerable!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness!

Success in work, health, patience

In work and life luck!

For children

Children love beautifully composed birthday greetings no less, if not more than adults. Here are just a few examples of what a good congratulation can be.

Happy birthday dear!

cute and groovy!

Get faster big!

We are all proud of you!

Our sweet flower, sweet angel!

Don't hurt or suffer!

Good dead don't forget!

Happy Birthday dear!

Sweet and groovy!

Get big fast!

We are all proud of you!

Our sweet flower, glorious angel!

Do not get sick and do not suffer!

Don't forget good deeds!

Happy birthday grandson!

Mother, father, grandmother and all relatives congratulate you on this holiday!!

All the toys are forgotten, books are also on the floor, Grandfather came to congratulations (name)!

I wish my grandson to be lucky and smart, to grow big!

I wish to live without troubles, to be healthy, to study well, never to be lazy!

Happy birthday, grandson!

Mom, dad, grandmother and all relatives congratulate you on this holiday !!

Toys are forgotten, books are thrown on the floor, grandfather came to visit our (name)!

I wish my grandson to be lucky and smart, grow big!

I wish you to live without troubles, be healthy, study well, never be lazy!

birthday invitation in english

Sometimes it is required not only to write a beautiful birthday greeting in English, but also to invite English-speaking friends to the holiday so that none of them refuse.

Examples of birthday invitations in English with translation:

Dear friend, I invite you to my birthday party! Dear friend, I invite you to come to my birthday party!
On Friday 20 November I was born! I aks you out for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Come, it'll be fun! I was born Friday November 20th! I invite you for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Come, it will be fun!
I know what you're doing this summer! You're going to my party! You're invited, you don't say no! I know what you're doing this summer! You're going to a party! You are invited, no refusal accepted!
I wish to invite you to the celebration. The celebration will take place at known locations, when the candles are burning! I would like to invite you to a feast. The celebration will take place in a place known to you at the hour when the candles are burning!
I invite my best friend to come and congratulate me! Good wishes and smiles are accepted as a gift! Waiting! Invite my best friend to come and congratulate me! Good wishes and smiles are accepted as a gift! I am waiting!
Come and see me! I will be very elegant and happy! It's my Birthday! Waiting! Come see me! I will be very smart and happy! After all, it's my birthday! I am waiting!
Dear friend, don't forget that you are invited to my birthday this year and for the rest of our lives. Come! Dear friend, don't forget that you are invited to my birthday party this year and for the rest of our lives. Come!

Congratulations on other events

Happy new year! We wish you health, wealth, family happiness and love! Let all dreams and desires come true in the New Year! Happy New Year! We wish you health, wealth, family happiness and love! May all your dreams and wishes come true in the New Year!
On this day Jesus Christ was born! We congratulate you on the holiday of the Holy Birth! We wish you to live together, to be healthy and happy! Merry Christmas! On this day, Jesus Christ was born! We congratulate you on the Feast of the Holy Birth! We wish you to live together, be healthy and happy! Merry Christmas!
Dear bride and groom, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We wish you to have a strong family! We want you to get along and love each other. We wish you to give birth to healthy children, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Dear bride and groom, congratulations on your wedding day. We want to create a strong family! We want to live together, love each other. We wish to give birth to healthy children, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Congratulations on your 50th birthday! We wish you good health, family well-being and success in your work. Let your children be happy and healthy! We wish you never to be sad, to keep in memory only pleasant memories. Happy 50th Anniversary! We wish you good health, family well-being, success in your work. May your children be happy and healthy! We wish you never to be sad, to keep only pleasant memories in your memory.


Inviting a friend or acquaintance to a birthday or wishing him a happy holiday is easy if you know several languages. Composing a cool birthday greeting in English will be considered an original gesture.

This approach to business will not only appeal to so many birthday people, but also gives a lot of room for creativity. An interesting congratulation or a short invitation to a holiday written on a postcard will be remembered for a long time.

You're a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy Birthday!
You are a miracle and beauty! May there be many joys and successes in your life and there will be no problems and sorrows! Health and happiness to you and everyone who is dear to you! Happy birthday!

I wish you sound health - gain your vital energy from the life itself.
Have good spirits and eternal youth of your heart.
Happy birthday!
I wish you good health - draw energy from life itself.
Vivacity of spirit and eternal youth of feelings.
Happy Birthday!

Have an amazing birthday!
Have a wonderful life every day
May you have plans for success
And try to avoid making a mess.
Save problems with the "cold" reaction,
Take from love hot satisfaction.
May all dreams really come true!
All the best! Happy birthday to you!
May your birthday be amazing
Let life seem beautiful every day
And all things are shrouded in amazing success,
You avoid polemics in vain.
Take a calm look at all the problems
And enjoy the passion from love.
Let all dreams come true with dignity!
All the best on your birthday!

May your birthday bring a smile to your face, happiness to your heart and many blessings to your life.
May your birthday bring a smile to your face, joy to your heart and beneficence to your life.

With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have a cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy Birthday!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! May all your most cherished dreams, hopes and expectations come true in the new year for you. Good joyful mood every day, good health, resilience to adversity and patience, success in all things and personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light that you give me! Thank you for being in this world! Happiness to you and good luck! Happy birthday!

Amazing life will be your way
Forever, not only today.

A wonderful life will be the way
Always, today, do not forget -
Let adversity overcome
Friends don't leave you!

Our wishes only for a “real” man
And we wish as much as we can:
Deep wells of health and strength.
It's the richest human wealth.
Set new goals and dream a new dream
Using your character and self-respect.
Be always cheerful in the face of adversity
And don't forget about life's curiosity.
Break the rules like a “real” man:
Feel yourself like a superman.
Don't give up and raise your mood
Singing a famous song “I feel good”!
Wishes only for a real man
We give a lot, as far as there is strength:
You are a strong fellow, we wish you good health,
It is priceless wealth today.
Follow a new dream and set a new goal
Character using his as a sight.
You boldly smile in the face of problems,
Try to play pranks with great curiosity.
Like a real man, give up on all the rules,
Feel free, without prohibition, like a superhero.
Never give up and have fun sometimes indecently
Sing the famous song “I feel great, great!

I hope you get whatever you wish for when you blow out the candles! I can only wish for you what I wish every year - may you enjoy the good things in life. Happy birthday!
I hope you get whatever you want when you blow out the candles. I can only wish you what I wish every year - enjoy the material things in life. Happy birthday!

I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness - without measure - every day!
I wish you good health!
I wish you long and happy years of life!
And most importantly, I wish you happiness - immeasurable happiness! Every day!

on your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!
On the name day, I wish you fun, fulfillment of all your desires, so that every minute is wonderful, and your birthday is perfect for you!

The sun shines extremely bright today,
Because this pretty woman has a birthday!
May glowing candles on your cake
Bring you smile and save from a mistake.
Act like a Lady, think like a Queen
As you're smart, beautiful, slim.
May the warm weather be in your family nest.
For your sunny birthday we wish you all the best!
The sun is shining brighter today
This beautiful lady has a birthday today!
The candles on the cake burn hotter,
By bringing you a smile, they will save you from confusion.
Outwardly be a lady, in your mind - a queen,
You are so slim, so smart and beautiful.
In your house, let it breathe only warmth.
Happy birthday to you, diva!

Happy Birthday!
good friends are hard to find,
But I found you who is so kind.
The little things that you do and say
Are always done in your special way.
So today I want to take this time
To wish you a happy birthday
A friend of mine.
Happy birthday!
Good friends are hard to find
But I found you, and you are so kind.
The little things you do and say
Always performed in a special way.
So today I want to take time
And wish you a good birthday, my dear friend.

Let the world without any complexities
will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities
are easily realized!
Let there be a condition
of peace of mind!
Let each desire
Will give pleasure!!
Let the world without any difficulties
Enchanted by love!
May all your possibilities
Easy to implement!
Let there be a state
Peace of mind!
May every wish
Gives you pleasure!!

Let's celebrate your birthday, honey,
And let this day be bright and sunny,
I want to wish you the greatest thing
Get what you want - just anything!
Amazing life will be your way
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
Let's celebrate your birthday
On this sunny day,
I wish you the best:
So that everything you want, gaining,
A wonderful life built a path,
Always, today, do not forget -
Let the problems disappear
Friends don't leave you!

I wish you each time only sweety words.
Don't let anyone brake you with swords!
when you walk there is a traffic jam,
You're one of the dreams for each man.
Go on to believe in a happy life!
All your friends are with you together.
For your husband you're Venus, a perfect wife.
Nobody'll spoil your wonderful life's weather!
I wish you always only sweet speeches.
Do not break under the weight of greedy swords.
There are traffic jams around everywhere, even just walking for no reason,
You are a dream for every man!
In a happy life, let faith not fade away.
For a beloved husband, you are an ideal, like Venus.
True friends are always near among the crowd of people.
Let the wonderful weather not spoil your life!

If kisses were rain i'd send you showers,
If fun was time i'd send you hours,
If you needed a friend i'd send you me.
Happy Birthday to you, Sweetheart!
If kisses were rain, I would send you showers
If fun was time, I'd send you a watch
If you needed a friend, I would send you myself!
Happy birsday, my dear!

Happy birthday my friend!
Happy birthday my honey!
I want to wish you health
And a dozen of money.
I say from the bottom of my heart
Stay yourself, as you're smart:
Beauty is power and smile is its sword.
I wish you happiness all over the world!
Happy birthday my friend!
Happy birthday, darling!
I want a lot of money
And be healthy.
With all my heart I want to wish
Be so chic and don't forget:
Your beauty is strength, and your sword is your smile.
Happiness of the whole world to you, my fish!

In Russia, it is customary to congratulate each other on their birthday sincerely and warmly. Happy birthday greetings in English will be very original, especially for those who know English.

Birthday is a special day of the year when it is customary to give gifts or simply show signs of attention in the form of cards or verbal congratulations. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to waiting for this holiday and literally counting the days until it arrives, and although we grow up, we become mostly serious, but many treat this day in a special way. Someone prefers not to celebrate it at all, someone calls friends, colleagues and arranges a feast for the whole world.

For example, in England, in such cases, congratulations are made with a postcard, which is sent by mail or handed in person.

If you want to surprise a friend or colleague, you can write congratulations in English with translation.

Below are the most popular greetings.

How to spell happy birthday in English

One of the most famous phrases in English is happy birthday, which translated from English into Russian means - "Happy Birthday."

If you want to write briefly, and congratulate, say, a friend, then you can say - Happy Birthday, dear Friend! - Happy Birthday my dear friend!

Or address him by name - for example, Happy Birthday, dear Marina! — — Happy birthday, dear Marina!

Congratulations in prose

Be sincere and choose the words that you like, and that you think will please a friend or colleague, mother or any other relative. Here are some of the wishes:

Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!

Happy birthday! I wish you all the best on this special day!

Happy Birthday to the person who means the most to me in this world. I hope your birthday wishes come true. Thank you for always being right by my side, sweetheart.

Happy birthday to a person who means a lot to me in this world. I hope your wishes come true. Thank you for being by my side, honey.

I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today!

I wish you a happy birthday! Wish you have a great time today!

I wish you a long and successful life.

I wish you a long and successful life.

happiness is not a reward; it is a gift. happy birthday.

Happiness is not a reward, it is a gift. Happy Birthday.

Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday!

I wish you all the best for your birthday!

Forget the past, look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come.

Forget the past, look ahead to the future, for better things to come.

My birthday wish for you is that you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. May beauty and happiness surround you, not only on your special day, but always.

My wish to you is not a birthday - that you continue to love life and never stop dreaming. Let beauty and happiness surround you, not only on your special day, but always.

Wish you fantastic life
And mutual love.
Beauty, wisdom, be healthy.
Let you be a little crazy.

Enjoy the moments, celebrate
Live without regret.
Let true friends be with you.
Happy birthday to you!

(translation into Russian in verse)
I wish you a fantastic life
Love - mutual, enchanting,
Wisdom, health, beauty,
Go on crazy deeds.

Celebrate, enjoy the moment
And live without any regrets.
I wish only faithful friends nearby,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you!

Today is your birthday
And so I desire to say
To you blessing words
It'll be rated afterwards.

I wish you life's good,
I want your fine mood
I so believe in your way
Will be better day by day!

Wish to your soul might,
Wish to your minds light,
stay good one forever
Happy Birthday, my dear!

(translation from English in verse)
Your birthday!
I will say in honor of him
Blessed words -
They are very valuable.

I wish you the best
And a good mood
I believe in your luck
Quickly, not otherwise!

I wish you strength in my soul
Mind of lordship
Lifting the mood -
Happy birthday!

So lovely, happy day today
Your Birthday like a wonder.
Let's make the greatest holiday
Without storm and thunder.

We wish you joy and fine life
With true and clean desire.
Let never in your fate be strife
Let love warm you like fire.

What a beautiful, glorious day
Your birthday is amazing!
We are not too lazy to arrange a holiday,
With you native people.

We wish you joy, fate,
Where everything is great.
Achieve all goals without a fight,
Love that brings happiness.

Brilliant smiles
And best wishes
Let all dreamy's stars
Be in the right position.

If some wrong things happen
Be strong, don't be mad.
It is not important
All of the bad things end.

Let your life shine brightly
And be healthy always.
Live wonderful, lucky.
I wish you Happy Birthday!

(translation into Russian)
brilliant smiles,
Best wishes,
May all the wish stars
They will be in the right key.

So that, suddenly, it does not happen,
Be strong, don't waste your nerves.
Know that it doesn't matter
Everything will surely pass.

Let life be bright
In it - health, luck,
Let everything be fine.
And all the best. Happy Birthday!

Have an amazing birthday!
Have a wonderful life every day
May you have plans for success
And try to avoid making a mess.

Save problems with the "cold" reaction,
Take from love hot satisfaction.
May all dreams really come true!
All the best! Happy birthday to you!

May your birthday be amazing
Let life seem beautiful every day
And all things are shrouded in amazing success,
You avoid polemics in vain.

Take a calm look at all the problems
And enjoy the passion from love.
Let all dreams come true with dignity!
Happy birthday, Se lja Vi!

You know that Birthday is a perfect date,
I wish you to have a lot of good emotions.
Be healthy and strong, enjoy, smile, create
Everything you want, sell it on in motion.

may your heart shine from love,
May your friends be only the best,
I wish you to choose the right path.
Have a lot of money, travel and rest.

Birthday is a wonderful date
I wish you much pleasure
Health, emotions, you always smile.
Create what you want, be on the move.

Let the heart shine with love
Let friends be the best
Life offers the right path,
Lots of travel and lots of money.

Wish you a beautiful life
and sincere greetings,
Enjoy, be in love
And have lovely meetings.

Let true friends support you
And make all your days.
Be rich, always happy
Say opportunities “Yes!”.

I wish you a wonderful life
Sincere congratulations,
Love, enjoy
And meetings - only excellent.

Let them be side by side
Friends will not leave.
Support, if it's tight,
The mood will be lifted.

Also, live richly
And always happy
Opportunities for all
Just say "Yes!"

wish you on your birthday
to find whatever you seek,
Let your life be fun-filled
And like a dream trip.

Be smart, strong, very brave,
Be lucky in your life
Great chances every day
Be healthy, be in love.

On your birthday I wish
Find what your heart needs
May your life be merry
And a wonderful journey.

I wish you wisdom and strength
Courage, and also - good luck,
And all the days to bring
Health, the right chances, love to boot.

Let faith help you never give up
Be great in the things you do
Be smart, be healthy, be in love.
And 'course let luck be with you too.

Always be honest with yourself.
Be proud of your thoughts and actions.
Also, wish you success and wealth,
Great moments in your life, true friendship.

(translation in verse into Russian)
Let faith keep you from giving up
Be glorified in your deeds always,
Health, wisdom and sincerely fall in love,
Let any moment of yours be successful.

Always be honest with yourself
Be proud of your actions and thoughts,
Success, prosperity be with you,
And true friendship, and the best moments in this world.