
Minerals of Chechnya. Chechnya. Chechen Republic. geography. chechnya geography. Chechen foothill plain





The Tersko-Kuma lowland is located between the Terek in the south and Kuma in the north. In the west, its natural boundary is the Stavropol Upland, and in the east, the Caspian Sea. Only the southern part of the Tersko-Kuma lowland belongs to Chechnya. Almost three quarters of the entire area here is occupied by the Terek sandy massif. With its hilly relief, it clearly stands out among the surrounding flat spaces. Geologically, the Tersko-Kuma lowland is a part of the Ciscaucasian trough filled from above with marine deposits of the Caspian Sea.

In the Quaternary time, most of the Terek-Kuma lowland was repeatedly flooded with the waters of the Caspian Sea. The last transgression occurred at the end of the ice age. Judging by the distribution of marine deposits of this transgression, called Khvalynskaya, the level of the Caspian Sea at that time reached 50 meters above sea level. Almost the entire area of ​​the Tersko-Kuma lowland was occupied by the sea basin.

The rivers flowing into the Khvalynsk basin brought a mass of suspended material deposited at the mouths and forming large sandy deltas. At present, these ancient deltas have been preserved in the lowlands in the form of sandy massifs. The largest of them - Tersky - is almost entirely located on the territory of Chechnya. It represents the delta of the ancient Kura.

One of the common landforms of the Pritersky massif is ridge sands. They stretch in parallel rows in the latitudinal direction, coinciding with the direction of the prevailing winds. The height of the ridges can vary from 5-8 to 20-25 meters, the width - from several tens to several hundred meters. Ridges are separated from one another between ordinary hollows, which, as a rule, are wider than the ridges themselves. The ridges are overgrown with vegetation and have soft outlines.

An interesting form of sand formations in the Pritersky massif is sand dunes. They are especially pronounced in its northern and northeastern parts. Dune sands are located in chains stretched perpendicular to the prevailing east and west winds. The height of individual ridges reaches 30-35 meters. Dune chains are separated by through valleys and hollows of blowing. During the years of Soviet power in the Pritersky massif, extensive work was carried out to fix loose sands with woody and herbaceous vegetation. Now dune forests have been preserved in relatively small areas.

There are also other landforms in the Pritersky massif - hilly sands. They are overgrown sandy hills of soft outlines 3-5 meters high. They were formed as a result of the scattering of ridge sands or the fixation of dune "sands by vegetation. Within the Terek-Kumskaya lowland, the valley of the Terek River should be especially distinguished. Its left-bank part is characterized by well-defined terraces, the entire complex of which is clearly visible, near the village of Ishcherskaya. There are six terraces here:

The first terrace is t named. It stretches in a narrow strip along the entire course of the river and is annually flooded with the waters of the Terek during floods. The surface of the terrace often changes under the action of erosion and deposits of flood waters, it is crossed by numerous channels and oxbow lakes, in some places it is heavily swamped and covered with impenetrable reed beds.

The second terrace - above the floodplain, can be called forest, as it is completely covered with forest and shrub vegetation. It is separated from the floodplain terrace by a well-defined ledge of 0.7-0.8 meters. Its surface also bears traces of the action of the river. Hollows-channels and traces of former oxbow lakes in the form of small depressions overgrown with reeds have been preserved on it. There are swampy areas in the forest. In years of high floods, the terrace above the floodplain is subject to flooding.

The third terrace has a ledge of 6.7 meters. The stanitsa 11 Savelyevskaya and part of the stanitsa Naurskaya are located on it. On the concave sections of the Terek, the terrace is completely eroded or stretches in a narrow strip. So, at the village of Ishcherskaya, its width is only 50-60 meters, and the village itself, once located on it, was moved to the fourth terrace due to its erosion.

The ledge of the fourth terrace is 3.8 meters. The villages of Ishcherskaya, Mekenskaya, Kalinovskaya, Alpatova, Naurskaya stations are located on it. Its surface, like the surface of the third terrace, is flat. There are many mounds and cemeteries here. It is intersected by a large number of irrigation canals. The Lenin Canal stretches along its northern outskirts.

The fifth terrace begins behind the Lenin Canal. The height of its ledge is 5 meters. The surface of the terrace is undulating, almost entirely plowed. It stretches to the north to the Tersky Massif, in the area of ​​​​the village of Savelievskaya, it calls out and merges with the fourth terrace. The sixth terrace - Terek sandy massif - breakers, It begins with a well-defined ledge, 2.5-3 meters high.


The Chechen foothill plain is part of the Terek-Sunzhenskaya Plain, located south of the Sunzha Range. The Assinovskiy spur divides the Tersko-Sunzhsna plain into two separate foothill plains - the Ossetian and Chechen, which is bounded from the south by the foot of the Black Mountains, and from the north by the Sunzha and Terek ridges. In the northeast direction, the plain gently decreases from 350 to 100 meters.

Its surface is dissected by the valleys of numerous rivers crossing it in the meridional direction. This gives the monotonous flat relief a wavy character. More indented by valleys, dry channels and gullies is the northern part of the plain, which goes to the Sunzha River. Here, in addition to the rivers flowing down from the mountains, in many places springs come to the surface, forming the so-called "black rivers" that flow into the Sunzha.

River valleys at the exit from the mountains to the plain usually have steep banks up to 20-25 meters high. To the north, the height of the coast drops to 2-3 meters. Well-defined terraces can be observed only in the valleys of the Sunzha and Argun rivers. The rest of the rivers do not have them at all or they are found in their infancy along the bends.

The watershed of the Argun and Goita rivers is distinguished by a peculiar relief on the plain. It is almost not dissected at all and is a small hill, elongated in the meridional direction, gently lowering towards both rivers.

The Chechen plain is the most populated place in the republic. Large Chechen villages and Cossack villages immersed in the greenery of fruit orchards are picturesquely spread over the entire area.


The area of ​​the Terek-Sunzhenskaya upland is an interesting example of the almost complete coincidence of tectonic structures with the forms of modern relief. Ranges correspond to anticlines here, and valleys separating them correspond to synclines.

The formation of the upland is connected with the mountain-building processes of the Cenozoic time, which gave the final structural form to the Caucasus Range.

The Terek and Sunzhsna complex anticlinal folds are expressed in the relief in the form of two parallel mountain ranges slightly convex to the north: the northern - Terek and the southern - Kzbardino-Sunzhenskaya. Each of them, in turn, is divided into a number of ridges, consisting of one or more anticlinal folds.

The Tersky Range stretches for almost 120 kilometers. Its western part from the valley of the Kurp River to the village of Mineralny has a latitudinal direction. The most significant peaks are also confined to it: Mount Tokareva (707 meters), Mount Malgobek (652 meters), etc. In the area of ​​​​the village of Mineralny, the lower Eldarovsky Range branches off from the Tersky Range in the north-west direction. Between the Tersky and Eldar ridges is the Kalyausskaya valley, formed in a longitudinal trough.

At the village of Mineralnoye, the Tersky Range turns to the southeast, maintaining this direction until Mount Khayan-Kort, and then again changing it to a latitudinal one, the maximum heights of the peaks of the central and eastern parts of the Tersky Range do not exceed 460-515 meters. At the eastern end of the Tersky Range, the Bragunsky Range stretches at a slight angle relative to it. The continuation of the northern chain and its final Even is the Gudermes Range with the peak of Geiran-Kort (428 meters). Its length is about 30 kilometers. At the Akeai River, it connects with the spurs of the Black Mountains.

Between the Bragunsky and Gudermessky ridges, a narrow passage (Gudermessky Gates) was formed, through which the Sunzha River breaks into the Terek-Kuma lowland. The southern chain consists of three main ranges: Zmeisky, Malo-Kabardinsky and Sunzhensky. The Sunzha Range is separated from the Malo-Kabardinsky by the Achaluk Gorge. The length of the Sunzha Range is about 70 kilometers, the highest point is Mount Albaskin (778 meters). At the Achaluk gorge, the low plateau-like Nazranovskal upland adjoins the Sunzha ridge, merging in the south with the Dattykh upland. At the exit from the Alkhanchurt valley, between the Tersky and Sunzhensky ridges, the Grozny ridge stretches for 20 kilometers. In the west it is connected by the Sunzhensky ridge with a small bridge, in the east it ends with the Ta scale upland (286 meters). The Grozny and Sunzhensky ranges are separated by a rather wide Andreevskaya valley.

To the southeast of the Sunzhensky Range, between the Sunzha and Dzhalka rivers, the Novogroznensky, or Aldynsky, range stretched out. Khankala gorge and the modern valley of the Argun river, it is divided into three separate hills: Suyr-Kort with the top of Belk-Barz (398 meters), Syuyl-Kort (432 meters) and Goyt-Kort (237 meters).

The Terek and Sunzha ranges are separated by the Alkhanchurt valley, which is about 60 kilometers long. Its width is 10-12 kilometers in the middle part and 1-2 kilometers between the Tersky and Grozny ridges.

The surface of the ridges of the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya upland is composed of slate, often gypsum-bearing clays, ferruginous sandstones, and pebbles. Quaternary deposits in the form of forest-like loams are widespread here. They cover the lower parts of the warehouses of the ridges, line the bottom of the Alkhanchurt valley, the surface of the Terek terraces.

The slopes of the ridges of the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya upland in some places keep traces of the former strong erosion and form a patterned lace of intricately combined gentle spurs and ravines, hills and basins, saddles and ravines. The northern slopes, as a rule, are more dissected than the southern ones. There are more beams on them, they are deeper, and are more pronounced in the relief. When moving to the east, the degree of dissection decreases.

The northern slope of the Tersky Range is distinguished by the greatest indentation. The northern slopes of the Eldarovsky, Bragunsky and Gudermessky ridges are poorly dissected. The slopes of the Tersky and Sunzhensky ridges, facing the Allanchurt valley, are gentle and long.

The Nadterechnaya Plain extends north of the Tersky Range. It is an ancient terrace of the Terek and has a slight slope to the north. Its flat character is broken in some places by slight undulations, as well as by a gently sloping elongated hill, displaying the Adu-Yurt buried structure in the relief. In the western part, the ancient terrace imperceptibly merges with the third terrace; in the eastern part, this transition is marked by a sharp ledge.

The second and third terraces are not clearly expressed everywhere. In some places they are washed out, in some places they are preserved in the form of small cornices. Only the ancient and modern floodplain terraces can be traced throughout the valley.


The section of the northern slope of the Caucasus Range, on which the southern part of the territory of Chechnya is located, is the northern wing of the huge Caucasian fold. Therefore, the layers of sedimentary rocks here dip to the north. But in many places this general regularity is disturbed and complicated by secondary folding, ruptures, and normal faults.

The relief of the mountains was formed as a result of a long geological process. The primary relief, created by the internal forces of the Earth, has undergone a transformation under the influence of external forces and has become more complex.

The main role in the transformation of the relief belongs to the rivers.

Possessing great energy, mountain rivers cut through the small anticlinal folds that appeared on their way through valleys, called breakthrough valleys. Such valleys are found on the Assa and Fortang when they cross the Dattykh anticline, on the Sharo-Argun and Chanty-Argun, in the place where they cross the Varandi anticline, and on some other rivers.

Later, in transverse valleys, in places composed of easily destroyed rocks, longitudinal valleys of tributaries appeared, which then divided the northern slope of the Caucasus Range into a number of parallel ridges. As a result of this dismemberment, the Black Mountains, Pasture, Rocky and Side Ranges arose on the territory of the republic. The ridges were formed where strong and resistant rocks come to the surface. The longitudinal valleys located between the ridges, on the contrary, are confined to the distribution bands of rocks that are easily amenable to erosion. The lowest range is the Black Mountains. Its peaks reach no more than 1000-1200 meters above sea level.

The Black Mountains are composed of easily destroyed rocks - clays, sandstones, marls, conglomerates. Therefore, the relief here has soft, rounded outlines, which is typical for the landscape of low mountains. The Black Mountains are dissected by river valleys and numerous gullies into separate massifs and do not form a continuous mountain range. They make up the zone of the foothills of the republic. In the Black Mountains, in areas composed of clays of the Maikop Formation, landslides are frequent.

In the mouths of small gullies and gorges overlooking the Chechen plain or on the terraces of mountain rivers, cones of significant size are found. They are composed of various clastic material: boulders, pebbles, sand, which is carried out of the gorges and gullies by rivers and rain streams during prolonged downpours. In the Black Mountains, especially in the eastern regions, there are ravines, the formation of which is associated with deforestation on mountain slopes or with their plowing. Actually the mountainous part of the republic is distinctly expressed by a number of high ridges. According to the features of the relief, it is divided into two zones: the zone of limestone ridges, which includes the Pasture and Rocky ridges. and the shale-sandstone zone, represented by the Lateral Range and its spurs. Both zones are composed of sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic age. The composition of the rocks that make up the first zone is dominated by various limestones. The second zone is composed mainly of argillaceous and black shales.

The zone of limestone ridges, in the western part, is complicated by the Kori-Lamekoy anticline and many thrusts and normal faults, and in the eastern part, by the fragile Varandian anticline fold. Therefore, the width of the zone itself varies in different places. Thus, in the basin of the Fortanga River, its width reaches 20 kilometers, in the upper reaches of the Martan it narrows to 4-5 kilometers, and in the Argun basin it expands again, reaching 30 kilometers or more. As a result, the Pasture Range on the territory of Chechnya has a complex structure and consists of a whole system of ranges. In the western part, it branches into three parallel chains, divided by river valleys into a number of separate ridges. The largest of them are Kori-Lam, Mord-Lam and Ush-Kort.

In the central part of the republic, the Pasture Range stretches in the form of one chain - the Peshkhoy Mountains. In the eastern part, it is represented by the Andean Range, from which numerous spurs extend. Some peaks of the Pasture Range are more than 2000 meters above sea level. South of the Pasture Ridge is the highest of the limestone ridges - Skalisty. It is only in a few places intersected by river valleys and for a considerable extent has the character of a watershed ridge.

From the Terek to the watershed of the Guloi-Khi and Osu-Khi rivers, it is expressed in relief for 4€ and is interrupted only in one place by the Targim Gorge of the Assy River. The western part of the ridge between the rivers Tersk and Lesa is called Tsei-Lay, and the eastern part, up to the upper reaches of the Guloi-Khi river, is called Tsorey-Lam.

The highest point of the Rocky Range is the top of the Rocky, or Khakhalgi (3036 meters), which ends the Tsorey-Lam Range. From this peak, the Rocky Range turns to the northeast and, in the form of the Yerdy Range, stretches to the Gekhi River, which crosses it with the deep Gekhi Gorge. From the Gekhi River, the Rocky Range stretches to the southeast to the Kiri-Lam Range, goes to the valley of the Sharo-Argun River near the village of Kiri.

The relief of limestone ridges is peculiar. Their slopes, although steep, are not sheer. They are strongly smoothed, do not form rocky ledges. In many places, the foot of the slopes are covered with powerful talus of slate rubble. The side ridge, stretching along the southern border of the republic, is a chain of the highest mountain ranges, composed of highly dislocated shale-sandstone and Lower Jurassic deposits. In this section of the Caucasus, it is almost 1000 meters higher than the Main Range. Only in two places does it intersect with the valleys of the Assy and Chanty-Argun rivers.

In the western part of the republic, between the Terek and Assa, the Side Range does not have the character of an independent range and, in essence, is a spur of the Main, or Dividing Range. To the east, in the Makhis Magali massif (3989 meters), the Lateral Range is already acquiring the features of a separate range, bounded from the north by the longitudinal valley of the Guloi-Khi River, and from the south by the longitudinal valleys of the Assy and Chaity-Argun tributaries. Further to the east, the links of the Side Range in Chechnya are the Pirikiteli ridge with the peaks of Tebulos-Mta (4494 meters), Komito-Dattykh Kort (4271 meters), DonooMta (II78 meters) and the Snow Range, the highest point of which is Mount Diklos-Mta (4274 meters ).

All these ridges form a watershed ridge, which stretches in a continuous 75-kilometer chain between the upper reaches of the Chanty-Argun and Sharo-Argun rivers in the north, Pirikiteli Al in the west and Andiysky-Koysu in the south.

The dominant role in the highland zone belongs to the longitudinal valleys of the main rivers. It is the longitudinal dissection that determines here the main features of the relief. Glacial and firn erosion plays an important role in its formation. Various forms of alpine relief are perfectly expressed here: cirques, carr, moraines. The glaciers have given many peaks lying above the snow line a pyramidal shape with sharp ridges separating the cirques of neighboring firn fields.

Below modern glaciers, traces of Quaternary glaciation have been preserved in the form of ice-free zircons, troughs, suspended side valleys with waterfalls falling off them, terminal moraines, and glacial lakes.

Between the Rocky and Side Ranges stretches a narrow strip of mountains composed of shale and sandstones of the Middle Jurassic. These rocks are easily destroyed. Therefore, there are no rocky cliffs or deepest gorges.


The main wealth of the bowels of Chechnya is oil. In total, there are about 30 oil and gas fields in the republic. Of these, 20 are located within the Tersky Range, 7 - on the Sunzhensky Range and 2 - on the monocline of the Black Mountains. Of the total number of oil fields 23, gas-oil 4 and gas 2.

The composition of Chechnya's oil is predominantly paraffinic with a high content of gasoline. Natural oil seeps on the territory of the republic were known as early as the 11th-17th centuries. The local population used it for domestic needs and for medical purposes, extracting oil from oil springs and specially dug wells.

In the first years of the last century, oil was produced in the Terek-Sunzhensk oil-bearing region, then it was discovered in the Ermolovsky section of the Starogroznensky field, and in 1913 - in Navogroznensky (Oktyabrskoye).

During the years of Soviet power, detailed studies of the geological structure of the Grozny oil region led to the discovery of a number of new fields. In 1930, an oil gusher was obtained on the Venoi uplift, in 1933 the Malgobek field was discovered. A few years later, the development of the Goragorskoye (1937), Oysungurskoye (1941), Adu-Yurtovskoye (1941) deposits began. In 1945, the Tashkala field came into operation.

In 1956, the difficult and persistent search for Mesozoic oil was crowned with success. The first oil from the fractured limestones of the Upper Cretaceous was obtained on the Sunzhensky ridge near the village of Karabulakskaya. In 1959, Cretaceous oil was discovered in Ali-Yurt and Malgobek, and a year later - in KhayanKort.

Later, the commercial oil content of the Upper Cretaceous deposits was established in the following areas: Akhlovskaya, Malgobek-Vaznesenskaya, Ali-YurtAlkhazovskaya, Eldarovskaya, Orlinaya, Zamankulskaya, Karabulak-Achalukskaya, Sernovodskaya, Starogroznenskaya, Oktyabrskaya.

In addition to oil and gas, the bowels of Chechnya are rich in building materials and raw materials for the construction industry. A significant deposit of cement marls has been explored in the valley of the Chanty-Argun River, near the Yaryshmardy farm. Huge reserves of marls made it possible to build a large cement plant near the village of Chirl-Yurt. Limestone deposits are confined to multi-meter strata of the Upper Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic. Their reserves are practically inexhaustible. Limestones of beautiful colors are found in the Assinsky Gorge. They are well polished and can be used as a facing material.

Gypsum and anhydrite deposits are associated with the Upper Jurassic gypsum stratum developed between the Gekhi and Sharo-Argun rivers. The Chinkhoyskoye deposit, located in the Chanty-Argun valley, north of the village of Ushkoloy, may be of great industrial importance. The gypsum-anhydrite suite here reaches 195 meters. Stocks are very large and practically unlimited.

The largest sandstone deposits (Sernovodskoe, Samashinskoe, Chishkinskoe) are confined to outcrops of deposits of the Chokrak and Kzragan horizons. Used to obtain wall and rubble stone. There are also pure quartz sands.

In the Shatoi region, west of the village of Malye Varanda, there is a deposit of mineral paints (ocher, mumil). A number of hard and brown coal deposits are known in the republic. However, due to small reserves and low quality of industrial significance.

The ore potential of Chechnya has not yet been sufficiently studied and evaluated. Almost all ore occurrences of metallic minerals are confined to the Lower Jurassic deposits. Several deposits of copper and polymetals have been noted in the upper reaches of the Armkhi and Chanty-Argun rivers. Sulfate-calcium hydrogen sulfide sources are confined to the band of distribution of the Upper Jurassic rocks, represented by a thick suite of carbonate deposits. Their exits are usually located at the bottom of the gorges of the rivers that cut through the Rocky Range.

The largest in this group is the Shatoevsky spring. It is knocked out to the surface in the form of several griffins in the channel of the Chanty-Argun, near the village of Ushkoloy, where the river opens up the Upper Jurassic deposits.

Hydrogen sulfide-chloride-sodium sources are associated with Upper Cretaceous limestones, which, due to their fractured nature, have good water permeability. There are few such sources, but they are powerful in terms of debit, with high salinity and a high content of hydrogen sulfide. This type includes the springs of the Chishkinsky (Yaryshmardinskoye) mineral water deposit. Here, for 300 meters, two groups of mineral springs are found: the lower one (along the river), located on the right bank of the Chanty-Argun River, near the village of Yaryshmardy, and the upper one, which breaks out to the surface in the thalweg of the river, on the left bank. The total debit of the six main sources of the top group is 2 million liters per day.

The balneological properties of these springs are highly valued. They contain the rarest combination of hydrogen sulfide, radon and radium emanation. According to the chemical composition, the Yaryshmardn springs are analogues of the world-famous Matsesta mineral waters. The high flow rate of the springs and excellent natural conditions make it possible to create a large resort here.

A number of deposits of thermal hydrogen sulfide waters, very valuable in terms of balneology, are confined to the ridges of the Tsrsko-Sunzhenskaya Upland. These include Sernovodsk, Goryachevodsk, Bragun and Isti-Suu springs.

Outcrops of thermal hydrogen sulfide waters are associated with outcrops of Chokrak and Karagan sandstones, there are more than twenty individual layers. These aquifers are involved in the structure of the artesian basin enclosed between the Chernogorskaya monocline and the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya folded zone.

The outlets of the springs are confined, as a rule, to deep gullies that cut through the slopes of the ridges. Sometimes one such beam over a distance of 200-300 meters reveals several aquifers with waters of the most diverse composition.

So; for example, in the resort of Srnovodsk, and in Mikhailovskaya Balka, in addition to the main hot (temperature plus 70 ") sulfuric spring, sulfuric-salty, sulfuric-alkaline (soda) bitter are knocked out to the surface.

Now in Chechnya, only one health resort operates on the basis of mineral waters - the resort of Sernovodsk, but the presence on its territory of large deposits of mineral waters of the most diverse chemical composition and different temperatures will make it possible to create resorts of a wide profile in Braguny, on the Gudermes Ridge and in Chishki.


The rivers on the territory of Chechnya are unevenly distributed. The mountainous part and the adjacent Chechen plain have a dense, highly branched river network. But there are no rivers on the Tersko-Sunzhensky Upland and in the areas located north of the Terek. This is due to the features of the relief, climatic conditions and, above all, the distribution of precipitation.

Almost all the rivers of the republic have a pronounced mountainous character and originate on high: crests of ridges or springs or glaciers. Possessed of a fast, stormy current and great manpower, they make their way in deep, narrow gorges. When entering the plain, where their flow slows down, the rivers created wide valleys, the bottom of which is completely flooded with water only during large floods. Pebbles and sand brought from the mountains are deposited here, forming rifts, shoals and islands. Due to this, the riverbed is often divided into branches.

According to the water regime, the rivers of Chechnya can be divided into two types. The first includes rivers, in which glaciers and high mountain snows play an important role. These are Terek, Sunzha (below the confluence of Lesa), Assa and Argun.

In the summer, when high in the mountains, snow and glaciers melt energetically, they overflow. The second type includes rivers originating from springs and devoid of glacial and high mountain snow supply. This group includes Sunzha (before the confluence of Assy), Valerik, Gekhi, Martan, Goita, Dzhalka, Belka, Aksai, Yaryk-Su and others, less significant. They don't have floods in summer.

The water regime of rivers of both types is characterized by sharp rain floods in summer. In the mountains, during heavy downpours, even small rivers and streams turn into formidable, turbulent streams within a short time, carrying uprooted trees and moving huge stones. But after the rain stops, the water in them subsides just as quickly.

The highest water levels and discharges in the republic's rivers occur in the warm part of the year, when snows and glaciers melt and it rains. In winter, the flow of water decreases sharply, since the rivers are fed mainly by groundwater. Freezing and ice regime of the rivers of Chechnya depend not only on winter temperatures, but also on the speed of their flow. On the rivers of the alpine zone (the upper reaches of the Assa, Chanty-Argun, Sharo-Argun), despite the rather low winter temperatures, there is no continuous freezing, because the speed of the water flow here is high. Only in places are ice edges formed near the coast (zaberezh).

In the lower reaches, where the speed of the current slows down with a decrease in slopes, in severe winters the rivers freeze in some areas. Only Shalazha is covered with ice every year. near the village of Shalazhi, Goyta near the village of Belaya and Dzhalka near the village of Germenchug.

The Sunzha River near the city of Grozny has not been frozen for a long time: its ice regime is influenced by warm waters discharged by the city's industrial enterprises.

The main river of Chechnya is the Terek. It originates on the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range from a small glacier located at the peaks of Zilga-Khokh. The first 30 kilometers flows to the southeast between the Main and Side ranges. At the village of Kobi Terek turns sharply to the north, crosses the narrow gorges of the Bokovaya, Skalisty, Pastbishny ridges, and then the Black Mountains and enters the Ossetian plain. In its upper reaches of the Kabardian plains, the Terek receives numerous tributaries from the left side, the most important of which are the Ardon, Urukh, Malka and Baksan. And on the plain, the Terek keeps a fast current.

Below the confluence of the Malka, the Terek turns east and a few kilometers west of the village of Bratskoye enters Chechnya. The Terek valley here has a wide floodplain. Its channel is winding, replete with shoals and islands, which often change their size and shape due to erosion and alluvium. Where the Terek receives its largest tributary - the Sunzha River, its lower course begins. Deviating to the northeast, it flows into the Caspian Sea outside the republic, forming a huge delta with many branches and old channels. The total length of the Terek is 590 kilometers, and the basin area is about 44 thousand square kilometers.

The second largest river in Chechnya - the Sunzha - originates from springs in the Ush-Kort massif. A small section of its upper reaches is located within North Ossetia. Entering the territory of Chechnya, Sunzha initially has a meridional direction. At the village of Karabulakskaya, it changes direction to the east and flows along the Sunzhensky ridge at a distance of 5-8 kilometers from it. Behind the village of Petropavlovskaya, the Sunzha comes close to the southern slope of the Tersky Range, goes around it from the east and, having made two sharp turns, flows into the Terek a few kilometers below the village of Staroshchedrinskaya. The length of the Sunzha is 220 kilometers. The Sunzha does not have any significant left tributaries, while the right tributaries are abundant and abundant. The largest of them are Argun and Assa.

The Argun is the most abundant tributary of the Sunzha. In terms of high water, it even surpasses it. Its length is about 150 kilometers. Argun is formed from the confluence of two rivers - Chanty-Argun and Sharo-Argun. Chanty-Argun originates on the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range within Georgia. Its gorge is very picturesque. Especially beautiful in the upper reaches of the river. The Sharo-Argun river starts from the Kachu glacier on the Lateral Range in the territory of the republic. Assa originates in Georgia, on the Main Caucasian Range. It crosses the mountainous part of the republic in the meridional direction, when it enters the Chechen plain at the village of Nesterovskaya, it turns east, and, having received a tributary - the Fortanga, flows into the Sunzha.

The valley of the Assy River is not inferior in beauty to the Argun Gorge. It is especially majestic and severe where the river cuts through the Rocky Range with the deep Targim Gorge in Ingushetia.

Almost all rivers of Chechnya belong to the Terek river system. The exceptions are Aksai, Yaman-Su, Yaryk-Su, belonging to the Aktash river system, flowing into the Agrakhan Bay of the Caspian Sea. The rivers of Chechnya are of great economic importance. They have large reserves of hydropower. Their waters are used for domestic and industrial needs.

The role of rivers in the irrigation of agricultural lands is great, especially in the semi-desert, where fields and pastures are dead without water. The semi-desert lands filled with water, with an abundance of light and heat, give the richest and most stable crops. For irrigation and watering of the Nogai steppe and the Black Lands, the Terek-Kuma Canal was built.

The Tersko-Kuma main canal is a high-water artificial river. It stretched for 152 kilometers across the steppe. The channel is up to 40 meters wide and 4 meters deep. Its throughput is 100 cubic meters per second, which is 3 times more than the average water flow of the Sunzha River near the city of Grozny.

The dam on the Terek leaves a great impression, curbing this strong and capricious river, which in the past brought a lot of trouble to the Cossack villages. The canal facilities are equipped with modern equipment and mechanisms. Water supply through the locks of the head structure and its passage through the dam are regulated automatically according to a given program. Branches depart from the main canal towards the Caspian Sea, through which water flows to irrigate arable land and pastures. In turn, irrigation canals diverge from these branches in different directions.

The Naursko-Shchelkovskaya branch passes through the territory of Chechnya with a capacity of 27 cubic meters per second. Its length is 168 kilometers. The Burunnaya branch separated from the Naursko-Shchelkovskaya branch and watered the sandy pastures, which was discharged into the old rivers of the Kura. Water fills the depressions between the sandy ridges - lakes appear in the breakers. A large Nadterechny canal was built for irrigation of the Nadterechnaya Plain. The arid Alkhanchurt valley is irrigated by the Alkhanchurt canal, which is also fed with water from the Terek. The lands of the Chechen plain are irrigated by the Assa-Sunzhensky, Samashkinsky, Khankalsky, Bragunsky and other canals.


Lakes in Chechnya are found both on the plains and in the mountainous part. Their number is relatively small, but they are diverse in origin and nature of the water regime.

Depending on the conditions for the formation of lake basins on the territory of the republic, the following types of lakes can be distinguished: eolian, floodplain, landslide, dam, karst, tectonic and glacial. Eolian lakes are found within the Pritersky sandy massif. The main role in the formation of their basins belongs to the wind. The basins are round or oval in shape, elongated from west to east in the direction of the prevailing winds. The sizes of eolian lakes are small, usually do not exceed several tens of meters. Most of them dry up in summer.

Floodplain lakes are confined to the valleys of the rivers Terek, Sunzha, Dzhalka. They occupy old channels already abandoned by the river and have an elongated or horseshoe shape. Their depth is small - does not exceed 3 meters.

The banks are often covered with continuous thickets of reeds. Fish are found in all floodplain lakes. The lakes in the old rivers of the Kura, which were reborn as a result of the discharge of the waters of the Burunny Canal into them, should also be attributed to the same type.

Landslide lakes are found on mountain slopes prone to landslides. There are several groups of such lakes on the watershed of Chanty-Argun and Sharo-Argun, in the Shikaroy tract. Dammed lakes are formed as a result of landslides or landslides that block the valleys of mountain rivers with a natural dam. This type includes the largest alpine lake in the North Caucasus, Kezenoi Am, located in mountainous Chechnya, on the southern slope of the Andi Range, near the border with Dagestan, at an altitude of 1869 meters above sea level. The surface of the lake is about 2 square kilometers. In terms of area, it surpasses Lake Ritsa, and above sea level it is located almost KYUO meters above it.

Spread among the rocks and mountains covered with a green carpet of vegetation, the bright blue lake is very beautiful. For its extraordinary beauty, it should rightfully be considered a landmark not only of Chechnya, but of the entire Caucasus. It was formed by Kezenoy-Am as a result of the damming of the valley of the mountain rivers Khorsum and Kaukhi. The collapse that dammed the valley occurred from the southern slope of the Kasher-Lam ridge, below the confluence of these rivers. It was probably caused by an earthquake.

The lake has a lobed shape typical of dammed lakes, elongated along the valleys of both rivers. The natural dam, located in the western part of the lake, reaches a height of over 100 meters. The basin of the lake has steep slopes and a flat bottom. Its maximum depth is 72 meters, the average depth is 37 meters. The length of the lake from north to south is 2 kilometers, and from west to east - 2.7 kilometers. The maximum width is 735 meters. The length of the coastline is 10 kilometers.

The lake is fed by rivers and streams flowing into it, as well as springs knocking out in the basin itself. The main role in nutrition belongs to the Horsum River, which flows into the lake in its northern part, and Kauha, which flows into the eastern part. The lake has no surface runoff. But below the dam, about 3 kilometers from it, as a result of underground water flow from the lake, several powerful springs are knocked out to the surface, which, merging, form a small river Mior-Su. The water level in the lake varies from year to year depending on the amount of precipitation in its basin. The water in the lake is cold. In summer, the temperature on the surface does not rise above 17-18. The water temperature in the lower layers is 7-8. In winter, the lake freezes, and in some years the ice thickness reaches 70-80 cm. Kezenoy-Am is a great place for skating and skiing. There are trout in the lake. The weight of individual specimens reaches 5-6 kilograms.

There is a small karst lake in the upper reaches of the Aksai River, near the pass through the Andean Range. It has almost regular rounded outlines with diameters of 25-30 meters. The shape of the basin itself is funnel-shaped. The depth of the lake is 4-5 meters.

An example of a lake with a basin of tectonic origin is Lake Galanchozh. It is located in the Galanchozh tract, on the right slope of the Osu-Khi river valley, at an altitude of 1533 meters above sea level. The basin of the lake is funnel-shaped. The lake has an almost oval shape, its maximum length is 450, the minimum is 380 meters, the depth in the center is 31 meters. The color of the water in the lake is bright blue with a greenish tint.

A poplar grove stretches along the southeastern and eastern shores of Galanchozh. Among the mighty poplars, birch trunks turn white. Around the lake is a bright green cover of subalpine grasses. Galanchozhskoye Lake is fed by springs. Three springs flow into it on the eastern slope. There are exits of keys and at its bottom. The lake has an underground runoff in the form of a small spring that breaks through a tectonic rupture on the northern slope.

The water temperature on the surface of the lake in summer reaches 20. From a depth of 6 meters, the temperature begins to drop sharply and reaches 5 at a depth of 20 meters. In winter, the lake freezes.

Lake Generalskoe is located in the north of the Chechen Republic (Naursky district). It stretches 1200 meters from east to west and 600 meters from south to north. Its depth reaches 5 meters. The western and eastern shores abound with bays and peninsulas. There are several islands in the middle of the lake. The blue water surface combined with the greenery of the surrounding forest and the yellow sand of the beach, the abundance of sun throughout the summer, the opportunity to go boating and fishing are the conditions for an excellent holiday.

Dzhalka Lake is located 6 km. east of the city of Gudermes. It has an elongated shape. The lake is 750-800 meters long, 100 meters wide, and 2-3 meters deep. The water level in the lake is maintained by an earthen dam. On the north coast there is a beautiful pine grove.


Alpine snows and glaciers play a huge role in the life of the mountains. Being a kind of natural reservoirs that feed the rivers at the height of summer, they have a beneficial effect on the adjacent plains. Rivers that originate on glaciers are always full-flowing.

On the northern slope of the Caucasus Range, the snow line, that is, the lower boundary of the permanent snow cover, rises when moving from west to east due to an increase in the dryness of the climate in the same direction. Within the Eastern Caucasus, it reaches 3700-3800 meters. However, in some cases, depending on local geomorphological conditions, the snow line may be located above or below its normal mark. In addition, the height of the snow line varies within a small range from one year to another as a result of the unequal amount of snow falling in different years. Glaciers are fed by atmospheric precipitation, avalanches and snowstorms. At high wind speeds, which are typical for high mountains, huge snowdrifts with a thickness of up to 1520 meters are formed in the wind shadow.

The glaciers of the Eastern Caucasus themselves are much inferior in size and area of ​​firn fields to the glaciers of the Central Caucasus. All significant glaciers here are confined to the northern slope of the Side Range. On the lower Dividing Range there are almost none.

The main morphological types of glaciers in Chechnya are valley, cirque and hanging. On its territory count;! 10 valley glaciers, 23 cirque and 25 hanging.

A distinctive feature of the valley glaciers is a well-defined tongue, sliding down the valley for 1.5 kilometers or more. All valley glaciers of the republic belong to the category of simple ones, since they begin in one individual basin, represented by a single-chamber or multi-chamber cycle. These glaciers have no tributaries from other supply basins.

On the surface of the valley glaciers of the republic, one can observe all the morphological forms that are characteristic of the glaciers of mountainous countries: ice falls, glacial mills, ice tables, “ant” heaps, various moraines, etc.

The cirque glaciers are smaller than the valley glaciers. A significant part of their surface is covered with moraine material, and therefore the lower boundary of the glacier is often difficult to trace.?

Hanging glaciers are small in size. They occupy small cars, beyond which the tongue of the glacier often does not go, and if it does, it immediately hangs on a steep slope.

Due to the reduction in the size of glaciers observed in the last 100 years, their morphological types have changed. During this period, in the Sunzha River basin, for example, 27 glaciers melted, 11 broke up into 34 small glaciers, and the area of ​​the rest decreased by 50-60 percent.

On the territory of Chechnya, glaciers are located in three groups. In the upper reaches of the Assa River, there are 10 glaciers with a total area of ​​3.8 square kilometers. Some of them are located on the territory of Chechnya.

The largest glaciers in the basin were grouped on the northern slope of the Makhis-Magali massif at the headwaters of the Guloikhi and Nelkh rivers. There are 6 glaciers here. They occupy deep, shaded karts. The largest glacier is located at the head of the Nelkh River. This is a valley glacier, its area is 1.1 square kilometers, and its length is 1.8 kilometers.

There are 24 glaciers in the Chanty-Argun basin with a total area of ​​6.2 square kilometers, nine of them, the larger ones, are located on the territory of Chechnya. A significant node of glaciation in the basin is the Tebulos Mta massif. There are 6 glaciers with a total area of ​​3.8 square kilometers. Among them is the Tebulos-Mta glacier, the longest in the Eastern Caucasus. Its length is over 3 kilometers, its area is 2.7 square kilometers. The feeding area of ​​the glacier is located in a deep and relatively narrow circus located on the northern slope of Mount Tebulos-Mta. Snow avalanches play a significant role in the nutrition of the glacier; their traces are clearly visible on the steep walls of the circus. The tongue of the glacier is long but narrow. Its width decreases towards the end from 400 to 200 meters. There are three icefalls on the glacier. The tongue ends at an altitude of 2890 meters.

Below, from under the moraine, a small but full-flowing tributary of the Argun, the Maystykhi River, originates. 5 glaciers of this group are cirque, located in the headwaters of the left tributary of the Maistykha River. 2 cirque glaciers are located in the upper reaches of the Belukha-Pego River, the right tributary of the Chanty-Argun, and one is in the headwaters of the Tualay River.

In the upper reaches of the Sharo-Argun River, there are 34 glaciers with a total area of ​​17.6 square kilometers. The river valley here has a latitudinal direction. From the south, it is bounded by the sections of the Bokovoy ridge - the Pirikiteli and Snegovy ridges, and in the north - by the Kobulam ridge, which separates the basins of the Chanty-Argun and Sharo-Argun rivers.

All glaciers are concentrated on the Side Range, the average height of which in this area is 3900 meters. They are confined to the sources of the Sharo-Argun itself and its right tributaries: Chesoy-Lamurakhi, Daneylamkhii Khulandoyakhk.

At the headwaters of Sharo-Argun there are 5 glaciers with an area of ​​3.33 square kilometers. The largest of them is the Kachu glacier. Its area is 2.2 square kilometers, and its length is 2.9 kilometers. It occupies a vast circus stretched from west to east between the peaks of Kachu (3942 meters) and Shaikh Kort (3951 meters). It is formed from two streams flowing towards each other. From the confluence to the northwest there is a short tongue of the glacier, ending at an altitude of 2860 meters. A feature of the Kachu glacier is the absence of large icefalls, its surface has a slight slope, gradually increasing towards the bottom. Two lateral and one median moraines are clearly visible on the glacier. The moraines merge at the end of the glacier into a continuous cover up to a meter thick.

There are 3 glaciers at the head of the Chesoy-Lamurahi River. Two of them are insignificant (0.2 square kilometers), and the third - the Komito glacier has an area of ​​​​2.4 square kilometers and a length of 2.7 kilometers. It is formed from the confluence of two streams of ice flowing from kars located on the northern slope of Mount Komitodah-Kort (4261 meters). In the feeding area, the glacier has large slopes, broken by numerous cracks. Below the confluence, the surface of the glacier is quite flat, and there are few cracks here. On the surface of the glacier, two lateral moraines and one median one are clearly expressed. All three moraines merge at the end of the glacier, forming a continuous cover.


The natural conditions of Chechnya are varied. When moving from the north and south, the latitudinal zones of semi-desert and steppes are replaced by high-altitude zones of forest-steppe, mountain forests and meadows, and, finally, eternal snow and ice.

Vertical zonality, or zonality, is the most characteristic feature of mountainous countries. It consists in a regular change in natural landscapes on the slopes of mountains in the direction from the foot to their peaks: The reason for vertical zoning is the change in air temperature, humidity, precipitation, etc.


The semi-desert zone covers the Tersko-Kuma lowland, with the exception of its southern part, adjacent to the valley of the Terek River.

The climate here is arid - precipitation is 3 (K) -350 millimeters. The summer is hot and sultry. The average monthly temperature in July is plus 24-25°. High summer temperatures and great dryness of the air lead to the fact that the evaporation of moisture exceeds the amount of precipitation. This causes severe drying of the soil and burning of vegetation.

In summer, the semi-desert impresses with its dull, lifeless appearance. Dry winds - sultry winds from the steppes of Kazakhstan - dry out the soil especially strongly and have a detrimental effect on vegetation. To combat drought, shelterbelts are being created here, forests are being grown on the sands, and irrigation and watering canals are being built.

Winter in the semi-desert has little snow and lasts about four months. The average January temperature is minus 3-3.5°. When cold air masses invade from the north or northeast, there are snowstorms with drifts and frosts down to minus 32. Thaws are frequent. Not infrequently, after thaws, frosts come, then the earth is covered with a crust of ice (sleet).

A small snow cover makes it possible to keep flocks of sheep on pasture during the winter. Sheep, raking loose snow, easily get their own food. But snowdrifts and sleet are a scourge for pastoralists. In order to avoid the death of sheep from starvation, insurance stocks of fodder are created on winter pastures.

The main background of the semi-desert of Chechnya is light chestnut soils of various textures. And the mechanical composition plays a significant role here: clayey rocks in an arid climate are susceptible to salinization, while this is almost not observed on sands. Therefore, soils and vegetation close to the desert type are usually formed on clays, and on sands - to the steppe.

Within the Pritersky sandy massif, sandy light chestnut soils are common, which are at different stages of development. Here one can observe all transitional varieties, ranging from free-flowing sands, almost unaffected by the processes of soil formation, to well-formed deep-humus sandy soils. In the eastern part, near the border with Dagestan, there are light chestnut solonetsous soils with patches of solonchaks, and along the old rivers of the Terek - meadow and meadow marsh solonetsous soils.

According to the composition of plant forms, the Tersko-Kumek semi-desert belongs to the transition zone from the steppes of the south of the European part to the deserts of Central Asia. Sod grasses typical for the steppes (fescue, feather grass) and desert drought-resistant shrubs (wormwood, kochia, etc.) also grow here. Typical representatives of the Central Asian deserts include camel thorn, sandy wormwood - sarazhin, sandy oats - kiyak, etc.

In the semi-desert, in contrast to the steppes, the grass cover is very sparse. On light chestnut soils of clay composition, various wormwoods dominate with an admixture of cereals and herbs.

In the eastern part, on saline soils, wormwood-saltwort groups were formed, consisting of wormwood, camphor, vaults, and various saltworts. The vegetation of the Pritersky sandy massif is distinguished by great originality. There is no surface runoff in the sands, and all moisture from atmospheric precipitation penetrates deep into the soil. And since sands have weak capillarity and evaporation from their surface is insignificant, the moisture reserves in them are well preserved even at very high air temperatures. In addition, moisture can accumulate in the sands as a result of the condensation of water vapor penetrating into them from the air. Due to this, the vegetation on sandy soils is richer both in terms of species composition and abundance, and in the summer heat it is preserved much better than on soils of clay composition. Therefore, the Pritersky sands, by the nature of their vegetation, approach the steppes. Overgrown sands are wonderful natural pastures. In their vegetation cover there are many valuable forage plants such as Siberian wheatgrass, roofing bonfire, blue alfalfa, fescue, sandy cochia, etc.

Pritersky sands are the main fodder base for the development of fine-wool sheep breeding in the republic. Pasture animal husbandry is possible here throughout the year. Due to the relatively shallow occurrence of fresh groundwater, shrubs goof, hawthorn, buckthorn, tamariks, Caspian willow and trees - poplar, willow pear - grow on the Pritersky sands. There are also artificial plantings of black locust, white locust, oak and even pine.

An attraction of the Priterskie Sands is a pine grove planted back in 1915, 9 kilometers north of the village of Chervlennaya. It consists of Crimean and Austrian pine. About 200 trees are now preserved. The height of individual pines reaches 13 meters, the diameter is 30 centimeters. Grapes, melons and fruit trees grow beautifully on the Prytersky sands.

The vegetation of the semi-desert contains many ephemera. Therefore, spring here is perhaps the brightest and liveliest period. The snow has not yet had time to melt everywhere, and the vast plain begins to quickly shed the rusty-brown rags of last year's weeds. The whole space is covered with delicate greenery of young grasses. Many flowers appear. Among the bright greenery, yellow and orange tulips, blue and purple irises, red poppies and other flowers bloom. In May, they fade, the leaves wither, the seeds ripen. The semi-desert becomes gray and dull.

In autumn, when the summer heat subsides, evaporation decreases and rains fall, everything around comes to life again and the green grass pleases the eye. These grasses go green under the snow and serve as good fodder on winter pastures. The fauna of the semi-desert, although not rich, is diverse. Of the large mammals here you can meet the saiga antelope. It usually keeps in herds, sometimes several hundred heads. Makes seasonal migrations. Runs very fast (up to 72 kilometers per hour). Predators also live in the semi-desert: the steppe wolf, which differs from the forest wolf, has a lighter coat color and is smaller in size, a small fox - a corsac, a badger.

There are a lot of rodents in the semi-desert, especially jerboas: a large earthen hare, an earthen hare, and a furry-legged jerboa. Gerbils abound - comb and southern - inhabiting mainly sands. There is a hare-hare.

In summer, fearing from the heat and stuffiness, many animals are nocturnal, and during the day they hide in burrows. Of the birds in the semi-desert, there are steppe eagles, demoiselle crane, larks, the largest steppe bird - the bustard. The bustard is a sedentary bird, in the warm season it feeds on insects, in the winter it feeds on grains and seeds.

Of the reptiles in the Pritersky sandy massif, many species of Central Asian deserts are common, including the round-headed lizard and the lizard, the steppe boa. There are snakes, steppe viper, Greek tortoise here.


The steppe zone includes the strip of the left bank of the Terek, the eastern part of the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya upland and the northern outskirts of the Chechen plain. Compared to the semi-desert, more precipitation falls in the steppes - 400450 millimeters per year. But the amount of precipitation falling during the growing season is not enough for the good development of agricultural plants. Therefore, artificial irrigation is widely used here. Summer in the steppes is hot, the average July temperature is 23-24°. The abundance of heat is favorable for the development of viticulture. In mild winter conditions, winter crops feel great here. The average January temperature is minus 3.5-4°C.

In the Terek valley, on high terraces, dark chestnut soils are developed, low terraces are occupied by meadow and meadow-marsh soils. On the Terek-Sunzhenskaya Upland and the adjacent strip of the Chechen Plain, chernozem soils predominate with occasional patches of dark chestnut soils. The flat part of the steppe is almost completely plowed up. In summer, it looks like a rolling sea of ​​golden wheat, vast tracts of green corn and yellow-orange sunflower fields. The natural nature of the vegetation cover can only be judged by the remaining, very small, areas of virgin lands. The left-bank part of the Terek in the distant past was a continuous steppe. Now there are almost no sections of the primitive feather grass steppe.

The vast expanses of the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya upland are occupied by forb-cereal steppes. In the herbage, their main role is played by the bearded vulture, feather grass, fescue, and thin-legged. Where the natural vegetation cover has changed dramatically under the influence of grazing or plowing, the original groupings have been replaced by weedy vegetation.

The steppe vegetation of the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya upland is a secondary formation. Its appearance is associated with the destruction of forests that covered the Tersky and Sunzhensky ridges relatively recently. Now the forests here in the form of small thickets of oak and elm have survived only in some places along the beams. Steppe grasses develop rapidly and are short-lived. During the summer, the steppe changes many times. For example, the forb-cereal steppe changes its outfit at least ten times during the growing season.

In early spring, immediately after the snow melts, the white flowers of the grains are the first to appear. Goslings bloom almost simultaneously - small lilies with yellow flowers.

By mid-April, viviparous bluegrass begins to turn green. By the end of April, steppe sedge and red tulips bloom.

The flowering of other steppe grasses - fescue, feathery feather grass, thin-legged, wheatgrass - occurs later - in May. Particularly beautiful are areas of virgin steppes during the mass flowering of feathery feather grass. They are covered with a solid silver-gray veil. And under the breath of the wind, this veil sways in waves.

In July, cereals ripen and the steppe acquires yellow hues. The lower terraces of the valleys of the Terek and Sunzha rivers, due to good soil moisture, are covered with meadows and floodplain forests, and in some places - with continuous thickets of reeds.

Floodplain forests, largely already cut down, consist of oak, willow, elm, wild apple and pear. Their undergrowth is formed by dense, often impenetrable thickets of privet, euonymus, buckthorn, hawthorn, elderberry, intertwined with hops and wild grapes.

In connection with the almost continuous plowing of the steppes, the animal world has undergone great changes. Only those animals have survived that are adapted to life in a territory that is economically developed and densely populated. Among them there are many rodents - pests of agriculture: hamsters, ground squirrels, field mice, baby mice, etc. The hare is quite common.

Of the insectivores, the common hedgehog and the Caucasian mole are common here, and of the reptiles, snakes and lizards. The steppes are inhabited by dangerous pests of fields, orchards, vegetable gardens - Asian locust, prus, winter scoop, cabbage scoop, mole cricket, apple moth, etc.

In the steppes, due to insects, a whole world of birds lives, flying away from here only with the onset of cold weather. This beautiful pink starling is the worst enemy of locusts and other agricultural pests. A lot of insects are eaten by steppe larks. Most of the birds inhabiting the steppe part of the republic belong to widespread species. These are swifts, swallows, sparrows, hoopoes, kestrels, orioles, rollers, rooks, gray crows and many others.

The fauna of floodplain forests is peculiar. In the forests near the village of Shelkonskaya, a noble Caucasian deer has been preserved. Wild ducks and geese nest in the reed beds of the Terek. On dry areas in the forest, in a thicket of bushes, the Caucasian pheasant lives. Predators also live here - reed cat, jackal. They exterminate a huge number of game birds and small mammals. In the floodplains of the Terek there are many muskrats acclimatized here.


The forest-steppe zone includes a large part of the territory of the Chechen and Ossetian plains, as well as the western part of the Tersko-Sunzhenskaya upland.

The temperature distribution here is already significantly influenced by the different heights of individual sections above ocean level. The average temperature in July is plus 21-23", and in January - minus 4-5 degrees.

Precipitation falls 500-600 millimeters. The increase in precipitation in the forest-steppe compared to the steppe zone is explained by the close proximity of the mountains. Even at the beginning of the last century, the Chechen plain was almost entirely covered with dense forests. But gradually they were cut down, and the plain acquired the character of a forest-steppe. Now the steppe occupies elevated areas of the plains, and the forest - river valleys and depressions. Most of the area of ​​the Chechen and Ossetian plains is plowed up and used for crops. But even now, among the arable lands, mighty branched wild pear trees, the remnants of the former forests, were still preserved in some places.

Meadow soils predominate on the Chechen plain. Its elevated areas are occupied by leached chernozems. Meadow-marsh and alluvial soils are widespread along the river valleys. The steppe areas of the plain are characterized by a dense high herbage with a wide variety of plants. Of the cereals, wheatgrass, fescue, bonfires, bearded man, and feather grass are common here.

Small areas of the forest consist most often of oak silt with an admixture of ash, maple, and Caucasian pear. There are many willows and alders in the river valley. The undergrowth is thickets of hawthorn, blackthorn, wild rose.

To cover the slopes of the Terek and Gudermes ridges: with thickets of derzhitree, buckthorn, bushy fluffy oak, cotoneaster, barberry, juniper, wild rose, spirea, etc. Almost all those animals that inhabit the steppe zone of the republic live in the forest-steppe. Wolves, foxes, badgers have been preserved in the deaf ravines.


The zone of mountain forests occupies the entire region of the Black Mountains and the lower parts of the northern slopes of the Pasture, Rocky and Side Ranges. Its upper limit passes at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, but in some places it rises to 2000-2200 meters.

The climate of the forest zone is not the same everywhere and varies depending on the altitude. In this regard, it can be divided into two belts: lower and upper.

The lower belt extends at an altitude of 400 to (200 meters above sea level and corresponds to the Black Mountains. The average July temperatures here vary in the range of 18 to 22 "and January - from minus K) to minus 12 °. Precipitation falls from 600 to 900 millimeters.The upper belt is located in the range of 1200-1800 meters.The temperature here is lower: in July - plus 14-18 °, in January - minus 12. Precipitation is more - 900 millimeters. Soils in the zone of mountain forests are diverse, which is explained by unequal conditions processes of soil formation at different heights and different slopes.On the northern, more gentle and moist slopes of the ridges, they are better developed and richer in humus compared to the soils of the southern, steep and dry slopes.The thickness of the soil usually increases towards the foot, as rain and melt snow waters wash away from the upper parts of the slopes to the lower ones.

Brown mountain-forest soils are widespread on the northern forested slopes. The content of humus in them is 5-7 percent. Meadow and meadow-marsh soils are common in river valleys and hollows. And where bedrocks come to the surface, skeletal soils are found on the screes, still little affected by the process of soil formation.

The vegetation of the mountain forest zone is rich and varied. The lower part of the slopes of the mountains is covered with dense low forest. Oak, hazel, buckthorn, hawthorn, ash, maple grow here. Shady elms and alders rise near streams and rivers. There are many fruit trees in the forest: wild apple, pear, dogwood, cherry plum, medlar and various shrubs. The trees are intertwined with brambles and creepers. In the summer, such forests are impenetrable, but they are a reliable refuge for wild animals.

In the upper belt, the rock composition changes. Beech forests with an admixture of hornbeam, elm, linden, ash, and maple already predominate here. Hazel, euonymus, privet are common in the undergrowth. In some places there are thickets of azalea - yellow rhododendron. In the depths of the Black Mountains, pure beech forests have been preserved, untouched by the hand of man. Like huge columns, light gray trees stand, covering the sky with their mighty crowns, through which the sun's rays do not penetrate. On the ground, covered with half-rotted last year's foliage, there are no shrubs or grasses. Only in some places the decayed trunks of forest giants felled by a storm turn black. The air is saturated with the smell of decay. Dampness, twilight and silence reign in this forest.

The higher, the rarer and lighter the mountain forests. Beech is gradually being replaced by mountain maple. Pine and birch trees appear. The trees here are small, with gnarled, curved trunks. Only the birch reaches the upper limit of the forest. But the harsh climate of the highlands oppresses her. Here she never has the strength, power and beauty that are characteristic of her in the forests of central Russia.

In addition to the fluffy birch, the relict Radde birch is common, which differs from the white shape and size of the leaves and catkins. The bark of this birch is pinkish in color, in old trees it is very flaky. At the upper border of the forest, among stunted birch groves and thickets of shrubs, there are areas where tall grasses grow unusually luxuriantly. In damp beams, the grass reaches such a height that a man on a horse can hide in them.

A little higher than the birch forests, the free areas of the meadow are covered with continuous thickets of evergreen Caucasian rhododendrons with hard shiny leaves. This shrub has perfectly adapted to harsh conditions and feels great here.

An amazing picture is the rhododendron at the time of flowering. In June, large, very beautiful, slightly creamy flowers bloom at the ends of its branches, collected in large inflorescences. Reminiscent of roses from a distance, they stand out as bright spots against the background of dark green foliage or the blue mountain sky.

Forests are a great wealth of the republic. The most common and valuable breed is beech. He goes to the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments, plywood, parquet. Hornbeam, oak, ash, maple, elm, linden are of industrial importance.

Clearings along the valleys of some rivers had a very unfavorable effect on their water regime. Floods have increased, sometimes during heavy rains they take on the character of floods. The water in the rivers becomes less in the summer. With deforestation in the mountains, springs disappear. In order to protect nature, the development of forests in the republic has been significantly reduced.

The fauna of mountain forests is rich and diverse. Of the large animals, the bear is found here. His favorite habitats are dense mountain forests, narrow rocky gorges littered with windbreak. On the edges and forest glades you can meet a shy beauty - a roe deer. There are many wild boars in the forests of the republic. They keep in herds, sometimes two or three dozen heads. A wild forest cat lives in the deaf beams, occasionally a lynx is found. Of the other animals in the mountain forests, there are wolves, foxes, hare, pine and stone martens, badgers, weasels, and others. A squirrel was brought to the republic from the Altai Territory.

There are many birds in the mountain forests, although less than in the steppes. Buzzards soar over the clearings with a plaintive cry, hawks quickly sweep by. Woodpeckers are found in dense thickets, there are several species of them. Finches, tits, warblers, bullfinches, and nuthatch scurry along the branches. Thrushes sing melodiously, restless jays call out. Owls find shelter in beech forests. Their loud cries are often heard at night.


The mountain-meadow zone covers a strip enclosed between the heights of 1800 and 3800 meters. It is represented by three belts: subalpine (1800-2700 meters), alpine (2700-3200 meters) and subnival (3200-3800 meters).

The climate of this zone is moderately cold. The summer is cool: the average July temperature is plus 14° at the lower boundary of the zone and 4? - at the top. Winter is long and snowy. Precipitation falls 700-800 millimeters. There is more precipitation in the subalpine zone than in the alpine zone. But in the subalpine belt, on the southern slope of the Rocky and Andean ranges, there are places where precipitation is less than 500 millimeters.

Soils in the zone are mountain-meadow with a high content of humus, which increases with height. In the mountain-meadow soils of the Alpine belt, the amount of humus sometimes reaches 35-40 percent. This is explained by the fact that as the height increases, the temperature decreases and the growing season shortens, which delays the decomposition processes. Due to the accumulation of semi-decomposed plant mass, a peaty layer is formed. The thickness of mountain meadow soils decreases up the slopes of the ridges. The soils of the Alpine belt are thin and gravelly.


The climate of the republic is formed as a result of complex interactions of both local climate-forming factors and those general climatic processes that take place far beyond its borders, in the vast expanses of the Eurasian continent. Local factors that have a significant impact on the climate of Chechnya include its geographical position: a complex, highly dissected terrain, the proximity of the Caspian Sea.

Located in the same latitudinal zone with the subtropics of the Black Sea coast and southern France, the republic receives a lot of solar heat throughout the year. Therefore, the summer here is hot and long, and the winter is short and relatively mild. The northern slope of the Caucasus Range serves as a climatic boundary between the moderately warm climate of the North Caucasus and the subtropical climate of Transcaucasia. The main Caucasian ridge forms an insurmountable barrier to the flow of subtropical air from the Mediterranean region. In the north, the republic does not have high barriers, and therefore continental air masses move relatively freely across its territory from the north and east. The continental air of temperate latitudes dominates the plains and foothills of Chechnya at all times of the year.

The temperature conditions of Chechnya are very diverse. The main role in the temperature distribution here is played by the height above sea level. A noticeable decrease in temperature, associated with an increase in altitude, is already observed in the Chechen Plain. So, the average annual temperature in the city of Grozny at an altitude of 126 meters is 10.4 degrees, and in the village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya, located at the same latitude, but at an altitude of 315 meters - 9.6 degrees.

Summer in most of the republic is hot and long. The highest temperatures are observed in the Tersko-Kuma lowland. The average July air temperature here reaches +25, and on some days it rises to +43. When moving south, with increasing altitude, the average July temperature gradually decreases. So, on the Chechen plain, it fluctuates in the intervals of +22 ... +24, and in the foothills at an altitude of 700 meters it drops to +21 ... + 20. On the plains, three summer months have an average air temperature above 20, and in the foothills - two.

In the mountains at an altitude of 1500-1600 meters, the average July temperature is +15, at an altitude of 3000 meters it does not exceed +7 ... +8, and at the snowy peaks of the Side Range it drops to +1. Winter on the plains and in the foothills is relatively mild, but unstable, with frequent thaws. The number of days with thaws here reaches 60-65.

In the mountains, thaws are less frequent, so there are no such sharp temperature fluctuations here as on the plains. As altitude increases, the mean January temperature decreases. On the Chechen plain it is -4 ... -4.2, in the foothills it drops to -5 ... -5.5, at an altitude of about 3000 meters - up to -11, and in the zone of eternal snows - up to -18.

However, the most severe frosts in the republic are not in the mountains, but on the plains. The temperature in the Tersko-Kuma lowland can drop to -35, while in the mountains it never falls below -27. This is because with relatively warm winters and cool summers in the mountains, the contrasts between summer and winter temperatures smooth out. Consequently, the climate becomes less continental and more even with increasing altitude.

Throughout the year, the air in Chechnya, with the exception of the mountainous part, is characterized by significant humidity. The average annual absolute humidity on the territory of the republic ranges from 6-7 millibars in the highlands to 11.5 millibars in the plains. The lowest absolute humidity is observed in winter; in summer, on the contrary, it is always high, its maximum occurs in July. The absolute humidity decreases with altitude.

One of the most important climate-forming factors is cloudiness. Cloudiness moderates summer heat and moderates winter frosts. In cloudy weather, there are usually no night frosts. At the same time, clouds are carriers of precipitation. On the plains of the republic, the greatest cloudiness is observed in winter. The cloudiest month is December. In summer, cloudless and partly cloudy weather prevails. August is the least cloudy. In the mountains, on the contrary, the clearest are the winter months, and the most cloudy are the summer months.

There are much more clear days in the year in the foothills and mountains than on the plains. Thus, in the village of Shatoy, ten months of the year have a clear sky probability of more than 30 percent of the days, and in Grozny - only 6 percent. Atmospheric precipitation in the territory of Chechnya is unevenly distributed. The least precipitation falls on the Tersko-Kuma lowland: 300-400 millimeters. When moving south, the amount of precipitation gradually increases to 800-1000 or more millimeters. In deep river valleys and basins, precipitation is always less than on the surrounding slopes. Few of them also fall in the longitudinal valleys. The Alkhanchurt valley is especially dry in the republic.

Precipitation falls unevenly throughout the year in Chechnya. Summer precipitation prevails over winter. Their maximum everywhere falls on June, the minimum - on January-March. Summer precipitation falls mainly in the form of showers. During the cold season, precipitation falls in the form of snow. But on the plains and during the winter months some of it may fall as rain. With an increase in altitude, the amount of solid precipitation increases, and in the highlands, snow falls in spring, autumn, and even summer. The share of solid precipitation here can account for almost 80 percent of their total.

On the plains of the republic, snow cover appears in early December. Usually it is unstable and during the winter it can melt and reappear several times. In winter there are 45-60 days with snow cover. Its average maximum height does not exceed 10-15 centimeters. The snow cover disappears in mid-March. In the foothills, snow appears at the end of November, and melts at the end of March. The number of days with snow here increases to 75-80, and the average maximum snow cover height is up to 25 centimeters.

At altitudes of 2500-3000 meters, a stable snow cover appears in September and lasts until the end of May. The number of days with snow reaches 150-200 or more. The height of the snow cover depends on the relief. From open places, it is blown away by the wind, and accumulates in deep valleys and windward slopes. At altitudes of 3800 meters and above, snow persists throughout the year.

Minerals of the Chechen Republic

The beginning of industrial oil production of the republic was laid back in 1893, when the first fountain of oil gushed in the Starogroznensky district. Over the century-long history of the industry, 420 million tons of oil have been extracted from the bowels.
For the first 60 years, prospecting and exploration work here was carried out exclusively on oil and gas deposits in the Miocene deposits. Before the start of World War II, about 4 million tons of oil per year were produced in the republic. During the war years, the oil industry in Grozny was almost completely destroyed. A new stage in the development of the industry began in the late 1950s, when highly productive deposits were discovered and put into development in deep deposits of the Upper Cretaceous age. During the 1960s, oil production progressively increased until 1971, when it reached a peak level of 21.3 million tons and accounted for more than 7% of Russia's total. In the 1970s, as the productivity of these facilities naturally declined, the annual production level was reduced by a factor of three. In the 1980s - early 1990s, due to the discovery of new, but less productive deposits, production stabilized at the level of 5-4 million tons. In the 1990s, oil production plummeted.
According to the published data of the Ministry of Petroleum and Chemical Industry of the Chechen Republic, as of January 1, 1993, there were 23 fields in development, containing 44 oil and one oil and gas condensate deposits. Most of the deposits were already at the stage of natural depletion and increasing water cut. The degree of depletion of deposits was almost 80% - the highest in Russia. The most significant deposits are Starogroznenskoye, Bragunskoye, Oktyabrskoye, Eldarovskoye, Pravoberezhnoye and Goryacheistochnenskoye, which produced about 70% of the total production of the republic. The degree of depletion of the first four of them is almost 95%, and the other two, from which 30% of production came, exceeds 60%.
The total well stock on the above date was 1456 units, and only 9 of them are new. In 1993-94, about 880 wells were producing, including 7 new ones, and at the beginning of December 1994, only about 100 wells were operating. The average productivity of the well did not exceed 4 thousand tons per year.
The degree of exploration of the initial resources of the republic is almost 80%. It is believed that large structures are practically identified, however, the prospects for discovering deposits with smaller reserves at deeper horizons are quite high. Potential oil resources of the Chechen Republic are estimated at about 100 million tons.
In addition to the discovery of new deposits, additional development of depleted deposits, re-commissioning of flooded deposits, the residual reserves of which are estimated at 150 million tons, may be a reserve for increasing production.
Since the late 1950s, the gas industry has been intensively developing in the republic. Five free gas fields produced less than 0.1 billion cubic meters annually. Of much greater importance in the economy of the republic is associated petroleum gas, the production of which in 1992 amounted to 1.3 billion and in 1993 - 1.0 billion.
According to the composition of the oil of the Chechen Republic, it is predominantly paraffinic with a high content of gasoline. Most of the fields are located within the Tersky Ridge system, however, oil wells are also located on the Sunzhensky Ridge and the Black Mountains monocline. There is also an oil field in the Fortanga river valley.

Other minerals of Chechnya

In addition to oil and gas, the Chechen Republic has large reserves of raw materials for the development of the construction industry. Huge reserves of cement marl, limestone, dolomite, and gypsum are concentrated in the mountainous regions. The most significant reserves of cement marls have been explored in the Chanty-Argun valley. On their basis, as well as using the nearby deposits of Upper Maikop clays, the Chir-Yurt cement plant, restored after the war, operates. Limestone deposits are practically inexhaustible, and there are limestones of beautiful colors. They are well polished and can be used as a facing material.
Gypsum and anhydrite deposits are located between the Gekhi and Sharo-Argun rivers. The largest deposit is located north of the village of Ushkaloy. The gypsum-anhydrite suite here reaches 195 meters. Some varieties of gypsum and anhydrite can be used as an ornamental stone for making souvenirs and art products.
Several sandstone deposits have also been explored in Chechnya, the largest of which are Sernovodskoye, Samashkinskoye, Chishkinskoye. They are used to obtain wall and rubble stone. There are also quartz sands suitable for glass production. Near the village of Small Varanda there is a deposit of mineral paints - ocher, mummy. In the mountains, there are also deposits of table and potash salts. The explored deposits of hard and brown coal have not yet been developed due to their low quality and small reserves.
The ore potential of the Chechen Republic has not yet been sufficiently studied. Several deposits of copper and polymetals are noted in the mountainous part. In the upper reaches of the Sharo-Argun, an antimony-tungsten deposit was discovered containing tin, tantalum and niobium. The sulfur deposit near the village of the Zone is also of interest. On the Chechen plain there are numerous deposits of brick-tile and pottery clay, gravel. Large deposits of building and glass sands, limestone-shell rock, sandstones, brick-tile and bleaching clays are known on the Terek-Sunzhenskaya Upland.
The use of hard coal reserves is currently not profitable for reasons common to the coal mining industry in Russia, as well as due to the depletion of coal seams and the complexity of developing deposits in the KChR. Coal mining in 1996-1997 was only 35 thousand tons per year.
Of great industrial importance is the extraction of copper pyrite ores with a high content of copper and associated zinc. Main deposit. Urupskoye (6 more have been explored, including the large copper Bykovskoye in the Labinsk Gorge). Urupsky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK) is the main copper mining enterprise in the industry, the second largest is Zelenchuksky GOK.
Deposits of gold (near Rozhkao) and silver have been discovered on the territory of the KChR. There are significant reserves of polymetallic ores (the Khudesskoye deposit is the eastern region of the copper-bearing zone), some of which contain copper, zinc, cobalt, etc.
The Republic needs investments for the development of promising fields:
- tungsten ores (Kti-Teberdinsky - a feasibility study for the construction of the Aksautsky tungsten mining and processing plant has been prepared);
- hematite ores (the Biychesyn-Bermamytskoye deposit, with an annual production of 120-150 thousand tons, they can be used to supply iron-containing additives for Kavkazcement JSC and other regions of Russia);
- copper pyrite and sulfur pyrite ores (Khudessky);
- Porcelain stone (at the present time, porcelain and ceramic factories in Russia are experiencing a shortage of raw materials, which is estimated at 350-400 thousand tons in the average annual measurement);
- gold-bearing ores, which, with the necessary additional exploration and development, will provide more than 100 tons of gold.


Natural features of the Republic of Chechnya

The Chechen Republic is located in the northeast of the North Caucasus and Eastern Ciscaucasia.

The western border runs with Ingushetia, in the northwest it borders with the Republic of North Ossetia Alania. The northern border runs with the Stavropol Territory, and in the east the border goes with Dagestan. The ridges of the Caucasian ranges separate it in the south from Georgia.

The length of the Republic from north to south is 170 km, and from west to east - more than 100 km.

A distinctive feature of the Republic is the exceptional diversity of natural conditions, which is clearly expressed in the soil and vegetation cover, in the differences in relief and climate.

Four parts are distinguished in the relief - flat, foothill, mountain, high-mountain:

  • The flat northern part is occupied by the Terek sandy massif with a height of 0 to 120 m. In the northeast there is a flat plain of the Terek delta. The Gudermes Plain is located in the east;
  • The foothill part is formed by the Tersky, Sunzhensky, Groznensky, Gudermessky ridges and an elevated plain south of the Sunzha River. The heights of this part are not more than 500 m. The Sunzha Plain adjoins the Black Mountains in the north;
  • South of the Black Mountains is the Rocky Range;
  • In the south of the Republic, the Side Range is located - this is a high-mountainous part of the territory. The heights here become much higher and reach 1000-2500 m.

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The temperate climate of the Republic varies with altitude and from north to south. The climate is formed in the process of interaction of local and general climatic processes. Hot and long summers, short and rather mild winters.

On the plains and in the foothills, the continental air of temperate latitudes dominates throughout the year.

The temperature distribution is greatly influenced by the height above sea level. The highest temperatures in the Tersko-Kuma lowland in July reach +25 degrees. On the Chechen plain +22…+24 degrees, and in the foothills already +21…+20 degrees.

With height, the January temperature decreases - on the Chechen plain the temperature is -4 ... -4.2 degrees, in the foothills -5 ... -5.5 degrees. At an altitude of 3000 m, it drops to -1, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bperpetual snow it is already -18 degrees.

Precipitation is unevenly distributed. The smallest amount of 300-400 mm falls on the Tersko-Kuma lowland, and towards the south it gradually increases to 800-1000 mm.

Remark 1

The Republic is characterized by dangerous geological processes, including seismicity, subsidence, scree, landslides, snow avalanches, landslides, mudflows, karst, erosion, floods.

The diverse climate and relief create preconditions for the diversity of the plant world. Forb-fescue vegetation is characteristic of the desert steppes of the Terek sandy massif in its northern part.

Solonchak-meadow and solonchak-marsh vegetation grows in the lower reaches of the Terek in the extreme north-east of the Republic.

Floodplain meadows in combination with shrub and forest vegetation grow in the depressions of the Terek and Sunzha valleys.

In more humid places, natural vegetation is represented by feather grass steppes. Oak forests grow in the low mountains, beech already predominates in the middle mountains.

Subalpine meadows are replacing continuous forest vegetation in the upper middle mountains. At an altitude of 1800-2800 m they occupy vast territories.

Alpine meadows begin at an altitude of 2700-3500 m.

Remark 2

The vast expanses of flat territories are almost all plowed up and cultural vegetation has replaced the natural vegetation.

Natural resources of the Republic

The main wealth of the Chechen subsoil is oil - there are about 30 hydrocarbon deposits in total. There are 20 deposits within the Tersky Ridge, 7 deposits on the Sunzha Ridge, and 2 deposits in the Black Mountains monocline.

Remark 3

Of the total number of fields, 23 are oil fields, 4 are oil and gas fields, and 2 are pure gas fields. Chechen oil is paraffinic in composition with a high content of gasoline.

Chechnya is rich in building materials. A large deposit of cement marls has been explored in the valley of the Chanty-Argun River. Huge reserves of limestone. In the Assinsky Gorge there are limestones of beautiful colors.

Between the rivers Gekhi and Sharo-Argun there are deposits of gypsum and anhydrite. Large deposits of sandstones of the Sernovodskoye, Semashinskoye, Chishkinskoye deposits.

Mumil and ocher are mined here from mineral paints.

Deposits of hard and brown coal are known, but the reserves and quality are low, so they have no industrial value.

Ore deposits have not been studied enough, there are several deposits of copper and polymetals in the upper reaches of the Armkhi and Chanty-Argun rivers.

Mineral sulfate-calcium hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide-chloride-sodium sources with high salinity and high content of hydrogen sulfide are highly valued.

The Republic is insufficiently provided with underground fresh waters.

Surface waters are unevenly distributed - the mountainous part and the Chechen plain have a dense and branched river network. The territories north of the Terek have almost no rivers, which is due to the peculiarities of the climate. The main river is the Terek, the second largest is the Sunzha River.

In addition to rivers in Chechnya, there are lakes that are found both on the plains and in the mountains.

There are few lakes, but they are diverse in origin and water regime - eolian, floodplain, landslide, dam, karst, tectonic and glacial lakes stand out. Eolian lakes often dry up in summer.

The natural reservoirs of Chechnya are high mountain snows and glaciers. Large glaciers are associated with the northern slope of the Side Range. Morphological types of glaciers in Chechnya are valley, cirque, hanging.

There are 10 valley glaciers, 23 cirque and 25 hanging glaciers within the Republic.

Chechen forests occupy an area of ​​361 thousand hectares or 18.7% of the territory of the Republic. In the forest fund there are relict beech forests, which are suppliers of valuable timber. In addition to them, Caucasian hornbeam, low-stemmed birch, ash, and light maple are forest-forming species. There are all the necessary natural conditions for the development of recreational resources.

Environmental problems of the Republic

Environmental problems are also characteristic of this Caucasian Republic.

Among them, the most serious include:

  • pollution of air, water, soil at the local level of the zone of untouched landscapes;
  • destruction of flora and fauna in areas affected by industry;
  • intensive use of resources, leading to the depletion of renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

As for regional environmental problems, they are determined by the level of anthropogenic pressure and natural features of the region.

Natural and climatic conditions, the history of the formation of the territory determine the ecological situation of the capital - the city of Grozny, especially its industrial zone, which is located in a closed space in terms of geomorphology.

In such a space, emissions from industrial enterprises into the atmosphere stagnate for a long time, and natural air renewal is small.

The main air pollutants are Nurenergo JSC, oil refining, oil production and construction industries.

Pollutants are hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides.

Causes of air pollution:

  • the enterprises unsatisfactorily implement decisions on environmental protection;
  • large irretrievable losses;
  • weak control over the state of the environment by departmental organizations;
  • poor control over the operation of treatment facilities;
  • low efficiency of installed gas cleaners.

Being a part of nature, society should strive for mutually beneficial cooperation with nature.

The resource and engineering-geological potential of the territory is determined both by the geographical location and natural conditions, and by the structure of the geological environment within which engineering and economic activities are carried out. Occupying a relatively small area, the republic is characterized by a significant variety of natural conditions: climate, topography, soils, flora, geological structure, engineering and geological conditions for construction, distribution of minerals, etc. Natural conditions are decisive in carrying out one or another economic activity on territory of the Republic.


The Chechen Republic is located in the southern part of the temperate climate zone. Despite the small territorial size, the climate changes significantly with increasing altitude and moving from north to south.

The arid continental climate of the northern semi-desert regions of the republic is characterized by a harsh temperature regime and a high frequency of dry winds and dust storms. To the south, as we approach the ridges of the Greater Caucasus, the climate softens and becomes more humid. In the foothills, a warm, moderately humid climate favors the growth of abundant vegetation. With the ascent to the mountains, the climate becomes colder, excessively humid, less continental, and in the highland zone it acquires the features of the climate of regions of eternal snows.

The climatic conditions of the Chechen Republic, which are unequal in terms of the degree of favorableness for construction and economic development of the territory, largely predetermined the territorial distribution and organization of production.

hydrographic network

The hydrographic network of the republic belongs to the basin of the Caspian Sea. The main river of the republic, crossing it from west to east, is the Terek River.

The distribution of the hydrographic network across the territory of the republic is extremely uneven. The density coefficient of the river network reaches its greatest value in the south of the territory in the mountainous regions of the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range (0.5-0.6 km/km2). When moving north (to the Grozny-Gudermes line), the density of the river network decreases to 0.2-0.3 km/km2.

The territory north of the Terek River is characterized by the almost complete absence of permanent watercourses.
The complex network of natural watercourses on the territory of the republic is thickened by an artificial irrigation and watering system.

The largest rivers flowing on the territory of the republic are Terek, Sunzha, Argun, Aksai, as well as Fortanga, Gekhi, Martan, Goita, Sharoargun, Dzhalka, Belka, Khulkhulau, etc.

Dangerous geological processes

On the territory of the Chechen Republic, dangerous geological processes are widespread, which have a significant impact on the engineering and geological conditions of construction. The most important of them are seismicity, subsidence, scree, landslides, snow avalanches, landslides, mudflows, karst, sand winding, salinization and waterlogging of soils, erosion, flooding with flood waters.

Seismicity. Within the republic seismicity varies from 7.5 to 9.0 points.

On the territory of Chechnya, there is a possibility of man-made earthquakes, the cause of which is the intensive pumping of oil.

Minerals and resources

At present, deposits of oil, gas, cement raw materials, and mineral waters have been discovered and explored in the Chechen Republic.

Explored reserves do not exhaust the mineral resources of the republic, the degree of geological knowledge of which is relatively low.

The geological structure of the territory predetermines the presence of a diverse complex of new types of valuable minerals.

The foothill part of the Republic is promising for strontium and sulfur, the mountainous part for lead-zinc and copper ores, as well as high-quality facing and building stone. The strip adjacent to the Main Caucasian Range is promising for polymetals.

In addition, the Republic as a whole, and especially the Tersko-Sunzha region, is promising in terms of obtaining geothermal energy. The expected temperature is 160-340˚.

combustible minerals

Oil and gas

The main oil and gas reserves of the North Caucasus (over 50%) are in the Chechen Republic, which has historically been one of the country's leading oil production and processing centers.

The Chechen Republic is part of the Tersko-Sunzha oil and gas province. Commercial oil and gas potential is associated with deposits of the Neogene, Paleogene Cretaceous and Jurassic ages.

Oil and gas reservoirs are sands, fractured sandstones, cavernous and fractured limestones, marls separated by strata of salt-bearing rocks of the Upper Jurassic and clays of the Neogene, Paleogene and Cretaceous.

According to existing estimates, the initial geological resources of hydrocarbons are about 1.5 billion tons of standard fuel. To date, the cumulative oil and gas production has reached more than 500 million tons.

For more than a century of oil and gas exploration, more than 30 fields have been discovered containing about 100 oil and gas deposits at depths from several hundred meters to 5-6 km.

Starogroznenskoe Goryacheistochnenskoe
Khayan-Kortovskoye Pravoberezhnoe
Oktyabrskoye Goyt-Kortovskoye
Gorskoye (village Ali-Yurt) Eldarovskoye
Bragunskoye Severo-Bragunskoye
Benoy Datykh
Gudermes Mineral
Severo-Mineralnoe Andreevskoe
Chervlennoye Khankala
Mesketian Severo-Dzhalkinskoe
Lesnoye Ilinskoye

Construction Materials

Due to the large volume of upcoming construction work, the extraction and production of building materials is of particular importance.

For the production of building materials, clay and limestone were explored - for cement raw materials, gypsum and anhydrite, building stone, brick and expanded clay, limestone - for lime, sand and gravel mixture, building and silicate sands. Deposits are located mainly in close proximity to industrial centers, within the middle part of the Republic

Fresh groundwater

Fresh underground water resources of the republic are estimated at 30-40 m3/s, which is approximately 30-40% of the surface runoff. These values ​​give an approximate idea of ​​the water supply of the republic.
The total amount of groundwater used in the country is a small part of the predicted resources.

Only the central part of the republic is assessed as sufficiently provided with groundwater for domestic and drinking water supply. The northern part is insufficiently supplied and the southern part is not provided with groundwater.

The problems of the northern and southern parts of the territory could be solved more intensively by exploiting the existing aquifers. It is also possible to increase the available reserves of groundwater by intensifying work on their search and exploration.

Mineral water

Mineral underground waters on the territory of the republic are known and studied in the valley of the river. Chanty-Argun, on the slopes of the Gudermes and Bragun ranges. Mineral waters come out in the form of springs and are opened by wells; they are diverse in composition.

The operational reserves of mineral waters of the Chechen Republic are approved for two deposits: Chanty-Argunskoye and the Isti-Su deposit.

Surface water resources

The overwhelming majority of the rivers of the republic, both in terms of runoff characteristics and mineralization, can serve as a source of water supply. At present, rivers are only used for watering and irrigating drylands.

The rivers of the republic have significant hydropower potential. The gross hydropower potential of the most studied rivers in 2003 was estimated at 10.4 billion kWh, incl. technically available for development is 3.5 billion kWh (in an average year in terms of water content). The tributaries of the river have the greatest energy resources. Terek - r. Argun, Sharo-Argun.

The rivers of the Chechen Republic are a reservoir of biological resources. In the rivers are found: carp, catfish, pike perch, and in mountain reservoirs - trout. Recently, due to significant pollution of the rivers, the number of fish in them has greatly decreased.

Forests and forest resources

Forests occupy approximately 1/5 of the territory of the republic and they are concentrated mainly in its southern part.
The Chechen Republic belongs to the forest-deficient regions of the country.

More than ¾ of the territory of the Chechen Republic is agricultural land, the fifth part is land of the forest fund and land of tree and shrub vegetation.

Agricultural land makes up about 64% of the entire territory of the Chechen Republic. Among them, pastures are the most significant in terms of area - 57% of agricultural land, more than 36% of the total area of ​​the republic (of which the main part is steppe, semi-desert and high-mountainous).


The beginning of industrial oil production of the republic was laid back in 1893, when the first fountain of oil gushed in the Starogroznensky district. Over the century-long history of the industry, 420 million tons of oil have been extracted from the bowels.
For the first 60 years, prospecting and exploration work here was carried out exclusively on oil and gas deposits in the Miocene deposits. Before the start of World War II, about 4 million tons of oil per year were produced in the republic. During the war years, the oil industry in Grozny was almost completely destroyed. A new stage in the development of the industry began in the late 1950s, when highly productive deposits were discovered and put into development in deep deposits of the Upper Cretaceous age. During the 1960s, oil production progressively increased until 1971, when it reached a peak level of 21.3 million tons and accounted for more than 7% of the total in Russia. In the 1970s, as the productivity of these facilities naturally declined, the annual production level decreased three times. In the 1980s - early 1990s, due to the discovery of new, but less productive deposits, production stabilized at the level of 5-4 million tons. In the 1990s, oil production plummeted.
According to the published data of the Ministry of Petroleum and Chemical Industry of the Chechen Republic, as of January 1, 1993, there were 23 fields in development, containing 44 oil and one oil and gas condensate deposits. Most of the deposits were already at the stage of natural depletion and increasing water cut. The degree of depletion of deposits was almost 80% - the highest in Russia. The most significant deposits are Starogroznenskoye, Bragunskoye, Oktyabrskoye, Eldarovskoye, Pravoberezhnoye and Goryacheistochnenskoye, which produced about 70% of the total production of the republic. The degree of depletion of the first four of them is almost 95%, and the other two, from which 30% of production came, exceeds 60%.
The total well stock on the above date was 1456 units, and only 9 of them are new. In 1993-94, about 880 wells were producing, including 7 new ones, and at the beginning of December 1994, only about 100 wells were operating. The average productivity of the well did not exceed 4 thousand tons per year.
The degree of exploration of the initial resources of the republic is almost 80%. It is believed that large structures are practically identified, however, the prospects for discovering deposits with smaller reserves at deeper horizons are quite high. Potential oil resources of the Chechen Republic are estimated at about 100 million tons.
In addition to the discovery of new deposits, additional development of depleted deposits, re-commissioning of flooded deposits, the residual reserves of which are estimated at 150 million tons, may be a reserve for increasing production.
Since the late 1950s, the gas industry has been intensively developing in the republic. Five free gas fields produced less than 0.1 billion cubic meters annually. Of much greater importance in the economy of the republic is associated petroleum gas, the production of which in 1992 amounted to 1.3 billion and in 1993 - 1.0 billion.
According to the composition of the oil of the Chechen Republic, it is predominantly paraffinic with a high content of gasoline. Most of the fields are located within the Tersky Ridge system, however, oil wells are also located on the Sunzhensky Ridge and the Black Mountains monocline. There is also an oil field in the Fortanga river valley.

Other minerals of Chechnya

In addition to oil and gas, the Chechen Republic has large reserves of raw materials for the development of the construction industry. Huge reserves of cement marl, limestone, dolomite, and gypsum are concentrated in the mountainous regions. The most significant reserves of cement marls have been explored in the Chanty-Argun valley. On their basis, as well as using the nearby deposits of Upper Maikop clays, the Chir-Yurt cement plant, restored after the war, operates. Limestone deposits are practically inexhaustible, and there are limestones of beautiful colors. They are well polished and can be used as a facing material.
Gypsum and anhydrite deposits are located between the Gekhi and Sharo-Argun rivers. The largest deposit is located north of the village of Ushkaloy. The gypsum-anhydrite suite here reaches 195 meters. Some varieties of gypsum and anhydrite can be used as an ornamental stone for making souvenirs and art products.
Several sandstone deposits have also been explored in Chechnya, the largest of which are Sernovodskoye, Samashkinskoye, Chishkinskoye. They are used to obtain wall and rubble stone. There are also quartz sands suitable for glass production. Near the village of Small Varanda there is a deposit of mineral paints - ocher, mummy. In the mountains, there are also deposits of table and potash salts. The explored deposits of hard and brown coal have not yet been developed due to their low quality and small reserves.
The ore potential of the Chechen Republic has not yet been sufficiently studied. Several deposits of copper and polymetals are noted in the mountainous part. In the upper reaches of the Sharo-Argun, an antimony-tungsten deposit was discovered containing tin, tantalum and niobium. The sulfur deposit near the village of the Zone is also of interest. On the Chechen plain there are numerous deposits of brick-tile and pottery clay, gravel. Large deposits of building and glass sands, limestone-shell rock, sandstones, brick-tile and bleaching clays are known on the Terek-Sunzhenskaya Upland.
The use of hard coal reserves is currently not profitable for reasons common to the coal mining industry in Russia, as well as due to the depletion of coal seams and the complexity of developing deposits in the KChR. Coal mining in 1996-1997 was only 35 thousand tons per year.
Of great industrial importance is the extraction of copper pyrite ores with a high content of copper and associated zinc. Main deposit? Urupskoye (6 more have been explored, including the large copper Bykovskoye in the Labinsk Gorge). Urupsky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK) is the main copper mining enterprise in the industry, the second largest is Zelenchuksky GOK.
Deposits of gold (near Rozhkao) and silver have been discovered on the territory of the KChR. There are significant reserves of polymetallic ores (the Khudesskoye deposit is the eastern region of the copper-bearing zone), some of which contain copper, zinc, cobalt, etc.
The Republic needs investments for the development of promising fields:
- tungsten ores (Kti-Teberdinsky - a feasibility study for the construction of the Aksautsky tungsten mining and processing plant has been prepared);
- hematite ores (the Biychesyn-Bermamytskoye deposit, with an annual production of 120-150 thousand tons, they can be used to supply iron-containing additives for Kavkazcement JSC and other regions of Russia);
- copper pyrite and sulfur pyrite ores (Khudessky);
- Porcelain stone (at the present time, porcelain and ceramic factories in Russia are experiencing a shortage of raw materials, which is estimated at 350-400 thousand tons in the average annual measurement);
- gold-bearing ores, which, with the necessary additional exploration and development, will provide more than 100 tons of gold.