Driving lessons

Guided tour of computer science. Excursions in informatics and methods of conducting them. Teaching Methods and Visual Aids

Borisoglebsk is famous for its unique architectural buildings, which have been perfectly preserved since the beginning of the 19th century. Over a hundred historical and architectural monuments are protected on the territory of the city.

Picture gallery them. P.I.Sholokhova

The art gallery contains works of fellow countrymen. The collection is based on the works of Pyotr Ivanovich Sholokhov, whose name is now the gallery. Peter Ivanovich Sholokhov (1898-1988) - famous artist. He spent his childhood and youth in Borisoglebsk. Lived in Moscow. Author of paintings on a military theme, picturesque subjects related to the places of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana and A.P. Chekhov in Melikhovo. Seven of his works are on permanent display at the Tretyakov Gallery. He presented 70 of his works as a gift to the art gallery. In 1998, Moscow celebrated the 100th anniversary of his birth.

The collection also contains works by A. Ryabushkin, A. Kuprin, N. Chernyshev, A. Romanov and many other famous artists. The total number of works is 1300 units.

Borisoglebsk History and Art Museum

Borisoglebsk History and Art Museum was opened on February 5, 1913. Initially, it was created as a school museum of teaching and visual aids, which in 1929. was transformed into a state museum of local lore. At present, it is a historical and art museum, which, through the efforts of its employees, has been turned into a cultural, educational and research center. The following main collections have been formed in the museum funds: painting, graphics, sculpture, products of applied art, numismatics, ethnographic objects, weapons, documents , rare books, items of natural science collection, items of history of technology, precious metals.

Drama theater. Chernyshevsky

Borisoglebsk Municipal Drama Theater, named after N.G. Chernyshev, was opened in 1934 on the basis of the city state and collective farm theater. Now the theater is located in the most beautiful building of the city - in the house of the merchant Mokhov himself. This house has long been considered an architectural monument. Borisoglebsk Drama Theater of N.G. Chernyshevsky. This theater is considered the best theater in small towns. Performances in it are staged based on the works of Lorca, Williams, Chekhov, Ostrovsky and other authors.

Church of Saints Boris and Gleb

The most ancient building in the city and in the entire region is considered the temple of the holy princes passion-bearers Gleb and Boris. It is located on the site where the Pavlovsk fortress was located in the seventeenth century. In 1703, the first chapel was built in honor of the holy princes. The cathedral part of the church with the chapel of Saints Boris and Gleb was built and illuminated in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1792. The bell tower and the refectory were built at the beginning of the 19th century.

Train Station

A decisive event for the development of the city was the construction in 1869-1871 of the Gryazi-Borisoglebsk-Tsaritsyn railway, which connected it with the industrial centers of the country and with the ports of the Baltic Sea. Agricultural products have entered the Western European market. The construction of the railway led to the creation of new industrial enterprises in the city.The station building is a beautiful three-storey building. The main entrance is located in the center, there are two more wings on the sides. On the ground floor of the station there is a waiting room, toilets, several shops and a ticket office. The station hotel is located on the second and third floors.

Lesson topic: Basic objects of a text document. Entering text.

The lesson is held in the second quarter according to the plan. The lesson uses game methods and other forms of work.

"Basic objects of a text document"

Lesson-excursion "To the park of culture and rest"


Lesson topic:Basic objects of a text document. Entering text.

Program section: Text information

Lesson objectives:

- get acquainted with the main objects of a text document;

Lesson type:a lesson in studying and consolidating the knowledge gained.

Lesson type:lesson - virtual excursion.

Control forms:mutual control, self-control, test control

Forms of student work:individual, in pairs, group.

Student grading system:During the excursion, during the passage of each attraction, the students gain points, at the end of the excursion the points are converted into grades according to the assessment table.

Methods and visual teaching aids:

    a ticket to the park for each student;

    darts, darts;

    phonogram of the song "Carousel, carousel ..."

    questions for the amusement rides "Carousel", "Boat";

    cards with tasks for the Ice Cream kiosk;

    rating table.

Software: MS Word word processor

During the classes

    Organizational moment (greeting).

Teacher.Hello guys!


Attraction - "Carousel"

Attraction - "Boat"

Attraction - "Tyr"

Cafe "Ice Cream"

Total amount

Lesson grade:

TeacherSo our excursion begins.

    Virtual excursion to the park of culture and recreation

2.1. Attraction - "Carousel".

TeacherThe children sit in pairs and ask each other questions. Four people are “connoisseurs-vacationers”, four are “operators-vacationers”, asking questions and receiving answers; Connoisseurs-vacationers sit opposite the "operators", they answer the operators' questions one by one. Then they switch places. The carousel is controlled by a mechanic; I, the teacher, will play his role.

During the operation of the attraction, tickets are filled by operators. The expert gets one point for the correct answer. Thus, knowledge on the previous topic is tested.

So, all the seats on the carousel are occupied, we begin our first attraction. ( Begins nfirst circle of the carousel.The soundtrack of the song "Carousel, Carousel ..." sounds.)

Attention! Stop carousel! Please, a question for experts.

Attention, experts! We moved to other places in a clockwise direction, changed places with the operators.

Questions about the "Carousel" attraction.

    List the types of information by presentation. ( Text, numeric, graphic, audio, video)

    A person encodes text information using ...? (Letters)

    What is called text information? (information provided in written form)

    How was information recorded in ancient times? (stone, clay tablets, papyrus, parchment, birch bark)

    Previously, to make changes to the text, what had to be done? (had to rewrite)

    What device changed writing technology? (computer)

    Is the word "ABC" of Slavic origin? (Yes)

    What did the Egyptians use to encode information in writing? (hieroglyphs)

Sit down at your desks in two groups. Sign your tickets.

2.2. Defining the topic and purpose of the lesson

Teacher. - Look at the slide, read it. "What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax"? What is it? (proverb) Guys, how do you understand the meaning of this proverb? Do you agree with him? Which device changed writing technology? (computer)

Guys look more quickly here, someone mixed up all the letters in the words. .

What are your words? (character, line, word, paragraph, fragment). What are these objects? (text document objects)

What goal will we set ourselves for this lesson? (-get acquainted with the main objects of a text document)

2.3. Trampolines (physical minute)

Teacher. We got up from behind the desks, went to the board, lined up in two rows, repeat after me.

We put our hands up higher

We will hear the information:

"Clap once, clap twice,

Shooting awaits us ahead. "

2.4. Attraction - "Tyr"

Teacher. Darts hanging on the board

What are some examples of text documents? (article, invitation, report, greeting card, poem, announcement).

    Hypertext is a way to organize a document so you can quickly find the information you need. Where do we most often find hypertext with hyperlinks? (The Internet)

    Fragment is an arbitrary sequence of characters. What could be a fragment? (word, line, paragraph, page, all input text)

2.5. Attraction - "Boat"

Teacher. Our next attraction is "Boat". We will split equally into two teams. Each of you receives a card, you must combine these statements with a boat "yes" or with a boat "no".

Card-task for the attraction "Boat"

Teacher. (The slide shows the correct answer.)Teams, exchange cards with your neighbors, compare answers to the sample. One correctly drawn line is one point. Calculate the number of points, and write in the empty box on the ticket opposite the “Boat” attraction.

TO artochka-answer to the attraction "Boat"

2.6. Attraction "Slot machines"

Teacher. Being in the park of culture and recreation, we cannot pass by slot machines. Computers will play the role of slot machines. You must complete the proposed task. When entering text on a computer, you must follow the rules. (showing the video).

Children do practical work.

2.7. Cafe "Ice Cream"

Teacher. Now I propose to go to a cafe and "eat" ice cream. Go to the counter and choose any "ice cream" you like, then sit down at the table and "eat", ie complete the test task, which is written on the back of the "ice cream" card. For a correctly completed task, you will receive one point.

P exemplary type of cards - "ice cream"

Questions for cards - "ice cream" (I level):

A text editor is a program designed to:

work with text information;

working with images in the process of creating game programs;

managing PC resources when creating documents;

automatic translation from symbolic languages \u200b\u200binto machine codes.

4. What is missing in the row: “character - ... - string - text fragment”:


    When typing, one word is separated from another:

    a space;


(II level)

A text editor is _______________, designed to work with information. The input device for text information is _____________. The device for displaying text information is _______________. When typing, one word from another is separated by ________________.

Reference words:space bar, program, monitor, keyboard

Teacher. Now check the correctness of the completed task yourself. Look at the slide. Put points on the ticket.

3. Summing up the results of the lesson. Grading.

Teacher. Our tour has come to an end. What is the topic of our lesson? Let's remember the purpose of the lesson? How do you think we reached it?

Summarize. Let's find the sum of points scored for the lesson. I post a table of conversion of points to grades.

Number of points


On the back of your ticket, write your score. And now the first to hand over the tickets are those who received the grade "five", the second - the grade "four", ...

    p. 8, no. 111


There are little people on the table, attach them to the ladder of success, to the place where you think you are?

This concludes our lesson . Goodbye!


    L.L. Bosova Informatics and ICT Textbook for grade 5. - M .: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2011

    L.L. Bosova Informatics: workbook for grade 5. - M .: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2011

View document content
"Technological lesson map"

Belitskaya T.A. , MBOU "Akbulak secondary school No. 2", 2016

Technological map of the lesson. Bosova L.L .. Informatics. Grade 5. FSES.

The date: 30.11.2016

Lesson 11.Basic objects of a text document. Text input

Lesson objectives:

Give students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main objects of a text document;

To consolidate ideas about software - text editors and word processors;

Remind students of the basic rules for entering text;

To update the existing skills of using special keys and their combinations when entering text;

Demonstrate the importance of being able to work with text;

Develop fast typing skills.

Lesson steps

Lesson teaching material

Student activities

UUD at the stages of the lesson

Organizing time

Hello guys!

Today we will conduct an extramural excursion to the park of culture and rest. There are several attractions in the park, we must visit each one. You have a ticket to the park, there is an empty seat opposite the name of the attraction. Points will be entered here after passing each attraction. The more points, the higher the grade you will receive at the end of the lesson.

Children sit in their seats. Check for accessories.

Personal UUD:

- self-organization skills formation

Building writing skills

2.1 Updating knowledge - attraction "Carousel"

Children sit in pairs and ask each other questions. Four people are “connoisseurs-vacationers”, four are “operators-vacationers”, asking questions and receiving answers; Connoisseurs-vacationers sit opposite the "operators", they answer the operators' questions one by one. Then they switch places. The carousel is controlled by a mechanic; I, the teacher, will play his role.

Children read and answer questions by putting marks on tickets

Personal UUD:

- development of literate speech

- mutual control and evaluation

Cognitive UUD:

Updating the knowledge gained in previous lessons;

2.2. Defining the topic and purpose of the lesson

- Look at the slide, read it. "What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax"? What is it? Guys, how do you understand the meaning of this proverb? Do you agree with him? Which device changed writing technology?

Guys, look here rather, someone confused all the letters in the words. Let's try to put everything back in place. .

- What words did you get? What are these objects?

So the topic of the lesson today: Basic objects of a text document.

What goal will we set ourselves for this lesson?



-symbol, line, word, paragraph, fragment

- text document objects



Development of the ability to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson in accordance with the tasks and norms of the Russian language

2.3. Trampolines - a minute

We got up, went to the board, lined up in two rows, repeat after me.

We put our hands up higher

We will hear the information:

"Clap once, clap twice,

Shooting awaits us ahead. "


Personal UUD:

Formation of a healthy lifestyle

2.4. Attraction - "Tyr"

And now we will check which of you is the most accurate. We are in the dash. ( Darts hanging on the board). You are invited to each throw a dart. Then you have the opportunity to supplement your knowledge with information.

    Document - any text created with a text editor.

What are some examples of text documents?

    Hypertext is a way to organize a document so you can quickly find the information you need. Where do we most often find hypertext with hyperlinks?

    Symbol - number, letter, punctuation mark, etc.)

    Word - an arbitrary sequence of characters, limited on both sides by service characters (space, comma, brackets)

    Line is an arbitrary sequence of characters between the left and right borders of the document.

    A paragraph is an arbitrary sequence of characters, limited by special characters at the end of the paragraph.

    Fragment is an arbitrary sequence of characters. What could be a fragment?

Article, invitation, report, greeting card, poem, announcement

the Internet

Word, line, paragraph, page, all input text

Cognitive UUD:

Updating information from personal experience;

Building reading skills

Formation of skills for finding the necessary information in a printed source

Literacy development;

Development of cognitive activity;

Personal UUD:

- the ability to apply knowledge in practice;

Development of logical thinking

Communicative UUD:

Formation of the ability to communicate with peers, respectful attitude towards classmates;

The ability to restrain emotions.

2.5 Anchoring - Attraction - "Boat"

Let's do the exercises in the workbook: No. 106, 107, 113

Our next attraction is "Boat". We will split equally into two teams. Each of you receives a card, you must combine these statements with a boat "yes" or with a boat "no".

106, 107, 113

They carry out the task by commands;

Mutual verification;

Personal UUD:

- memory development

- mutual control and evaluation

Communicative UUD:

Ability to work in a group,

2.6 Attraction "Slot machines" - practical work at the computer

Being in the park of culture and recreation, we cannot pass by slot machines. Computers will play the role of slot machines. You must complete the proposed task. When entering text on a computer, you must follow the rules.

Guys, let's remember the topic of the lesson and the goal.

Watching a video

Children do practical work - p. 113-114 Tasks No. 1, No. 2

Personal UUD:

Building touch typing skills

Communicative UUD:

Ability to work in pairs,

Development of dialogical speech

2.7. Cafe "Ice Cream"

Now I propose to go to a cafe and "eat" ice cream. Go to the counter and choose any "ice cream" you like, then sit down at the table and "eat", ie complete the test task, which is written on the back of the "ice cream" card. For a correctly completed task, you will receive one point.

Now check the correctness of the completed task yourself. Look at the slide. Put points on the ticket.

Perform the test

Carry out self-test

Personal UUD:

Development of reading skills,

Development of analytical skills

Self-control and evaluation

Summing up the results of the lesson. Grading.

Our tour has come to an end. What is the topic of our lesson? Let's remember the purpose of the lesson? How do you think we reached it?

Summarize. Let's find the sum of points scored for the lesson. On the slide, you see a table for converting points to grades.

Basic objects of a text document

Get to know the basic objects of a word processing document

Give themselves marks

Personal UUD:

- memory development,

Ability to concisely formulate a thought,

Homework briefing

§8 ; RT: No. 111

Working with diaries

Personal UUD:

Building writing skills


There are little people on the table, attach them to the ladder of success, to the place where you think you are?

Was it easy or difficult for you?

What did you do best and without mistakes?

What was the most interesting task and why?

How would you rate your work?

This concludes our lesson . Goodbye!

Determine their position on the "Ladder of Success"

Personal UUD:

Reflection of ways and conditions

actions, and process evaluation

and performance

View presentation content

The park

culture and













Goal: get acquainted with the main objects of a text document


We put our hands up higher We will hear the information: "Clap once, clap twice, Shooting awaits us ahead. "

Attraction "Tyr"

  • ... After any character press the key Space ?
  • ... Is there a space before the punctuation mark?
  • ... End a paragraph with a key press Enter ?
  • ... Are all letters and numbers on the keyboard assigned to a Special Key Group?
  • ... Are lines automatically wrapped to another line?

Answer card to the attraction "Boat"

1. After any character press the key Space ?

2. Is there a space before the punctuation mark?

3. The paragraph ends by pressing the key Enter ?

4. Are all letters and numbers on the keyboard assigned to a Special Key Group?

5. Are the lines automatically wrapped to another line?

Attraction "Slot machines"

Practical work at the computer

Subject: Basic Objects of a Text Document

Goal: get acquainted with the main objects of a text document

Test answers:

Question number


Number of points

Homework briefing: p. 8, workbook No. 111

, Extracurricular work , MHC and IZO, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Lesson presentation

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is used for informational purposes only and may not represent all the presentation options. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Project goals:

  • Develop your own excursion route around the Toparevsky nature reserve;
  • expand knowledge of the world through acquaintance with the Moscow region where our school is located;
  • create your own map;
  • to form skills of self-development and self-education;
  • continue to develop skills for working with different sources of information;
  • develop the ability to identify the main thing, clearly formulate thoughts;
  • foster love for native nature, respect for animals, ecological culture in the younger generation;
  • to develop the communication skills of students;
  • to promote the development of students' creativity.

Project tasks allow:

  • to expand interdisciplinary connections,
  • show an activity-based approach, demonstrate the formation of research skills of students,
  • participate in the project for various categories of students.

Hypothesis:The tourist route will improve the educational level of students.

Relevance of the topic the fact that the project helps to attract the attention of students to the protection of nature in their native land.

An important rule: each stage of work on a project must have its own specific product!

Stages of work on the project:

1. Organizational.The purpose of this stage is to prepare students for work on the project, to define the goals and objectives of the project. A clear definition of goals serves as the basis for enhancing the work of students, turning them into conscious participants in the educational process, and ultimately - the development of the student's personality. Tasks are formulated.

  • Choose a place of excursion;
  • Select objects for the excursion;
  • Follow the route of the excursion;
  • Find information about the excursion objects;
  • Organize the material;
  • Create a map of the route of the excursion around the reserve based on Google Maps technologies;
  • Draw pictures of the corners of the reserve;
  • Create a video film “The nature of the Troparevsky landscape reserve”;
  • Write a report.
  • The output of such a project is often publication in the media, incl. in the Internet.

2. Design (planning)

At this stage, tasks (responsibilities) are distributed among the members of the working group. Choosing the best option for the project. Phased distribution of research tasks of the project. The entire project - from the definition of the problem and the topic to the presentation is carried out outside the classroom. The tasks were carried out by children individually or in small groups (2-3 students).

3. Finding information

In this project, computers were used to search for information, create a map of the route of an excursion around the reserve based on Google Maps technologies, and make drawings in computer graphics. The presence of the Internet in the classroom made it possible to make the computer a guide to museums, opened access to information in the libraries' repositories. The result of this stage of the project was the collection of information about the Troparevsky reserve, with the aim of analyzing, generalizing and presenting it to a wide audience, as well as choosing a theme and plot for the future drawing of a favorite corner of the park.

4. Product

Preparation of a report on the progress of the project with an explanation of the results obtained (possible forms of the report: oral report, oral report with demonstration of materials, written report).

Writing work according to plan:

  • The position of the Troparevsky landscape reserve.
  • The history of the creation of the Troparevsky landscape reserve.
  • Excursion route.
  • Drawing up an ecological quest.

Making drawings of views of the park. In the process of working on the project, students made pencil sketches of interesting places in Troparevsky Park. Then they created computer versions of their sketches in a graphic editor.

5. Presentation

The presentation itself has a great educational and educational effect. It is very important that the children tell how they worked on the project. At the same time, visual material is also demonstrated, the production of which was devoted a significant part of the time, the result of the practical implementation and implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills is shown. The presentation project is presented in the form:

  • presentation, which includes various effects: sounds, photo and video fragments (a product made on the basis of information technology),
  • sketches of park corners, plants and animals, which were performed by students in nature (then, already in the classroom, they created graphic and pictorial works, depicted Troparevsky Park in computer graphics);
  • virtual excursion;
  • ecological quest;
  • excursion route in the reserve based on Google Maps technologies;

Presentation title: “Excursion around the territory of the Troparevsky landscape reserve”

Number of slides in presentation: 16 slides

Environment in which the presentation is made: MS Office PowerPoint 2010;

The film was made using Windows Live film studio and Audacity sound editor.

6. The stage of summing up the results of the work on the project.The task of this stage is to analyze the work, assess the success of achieving goals and outline prospects for the future.

Was the goal of the project achieved?

Problems encountered while working on the project ________________________________________

What did you manage in the project? ___________________


The project is a means of gradual formation of educational skills and abilities:

  • organizational;
  • informational;
  • logical;
  • communicative

This project shows children the important role of observation in the process of learning about nature. Each object during the excursion was accompanied by text, illustrations, a video fragment with small stories of their own, thereby demonstrating their communicative competence, the ability to present material in an accessible form. A video was created from the materials collected by students in the course of preparing this project, from photographs taken by the authors, as well as from photographs found on the Internet. The authors also selected suitable music for the video.

The project helps to expand the horizons of students, develops creative artistic and imaginative thinking. In the course of work on the project, the emotional and spiritual sphere, cognitive activity and independent artistic creativity of students are enriched.

The results of this project are of methodological, theoretical and practical significance, and can be used not only in the educational process, but also for presenting to a wide audience (conducting excursions in the park).

List of references.

  1. N.V. Beloborodov Social creative projects at school. M .: Arkti, 2006.
  2. V.V. Guzeev The project method as a special case of integrated learning technology. // Head teacher. - 1995. - No. 6.
  3. Konysheva N.M. Artistic and design activity (Basics of design education). - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2003.
  4. Pakhomova N.Yu. Method of an educational project in an educational institution. - M., 2005.
  5. Stupnitskaya M.A. What is a project? Moscow: September 1st, 2012.

4. Rajabaliyev G. P., Kurbanov A. R. Interactive whiteboard as a means of enhancing the learning process / Interactive technology in professional education: SB. article Interuniversity student conference. Makhachkala, 2015.


Rajabaliev G.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nurmagomedova N.Kh., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of FSBEI HE "Dagestan State Pedagogical University"

Annotation. The article discusses the educational and cognitive possibilities of excursions in teaching computer science. The issues of planning, organizing and conducting excursions are analyzed.

Key words: Didactics, motivation, visualization, scientific character, training, potential, stage.


Radzhabaliyev G. P., c. tech.n., associate professor, Nurmagomedova N. H., c-ped.n Dagestan state pedagogical University

Abstract. The article examines the educational possibilities of excursions in the teaching of Informatics. Analyzed in planning, organizing and conducting tours conducting.

Keywords: Didactics, motivation, presentation, science, education and training in radiation, potential, stage.

The didactic purpose of excursions in computer science is the formation of missing information and facts directly

observations of all kinds of objects, processes and phenomena. In the process of conducting excursions, students observe the objects, processes and phenomena under the direct guidance of the teacher.

As an educational and cognitive process, the excursion implements many essential educational functions, the most important of which are:

Implementation of the principle of visualization of teaching;

Increasing the scientific character of teaching and strengthening its connection with life, with practice.

Excursions in computer science provide the implementation of the didactic principle of linking theory with practice.

Excursions in computer science are considered to be a very effective form of organizing educational work, and in this regard they implement a number of important didactic functions:

The excursion provides the visualization of teaching, as students directly and dynamically get acquainted with the objects, processes and phenomena under study;

The excursion increases the scientific nature of teaching and strengthens the relationship of being with practice;

The excursion achieves polytechnic training, since in the process of its conduct, students get acquainted with production processes and with the use of scientific achievements in this area;

The excursion provides vocational guidance of students to production activities.

A computer science tour assists in the successful solution of the main tasks of teaching and educating students of all age groups:

Promotes the emergence and formation of students' interest in knowledge, curiosity, encourages an independent search for the latest information, motivation for learning;

Expands the horizon of students' interests;

Teaches to analyze objects, facts and phenomena of processes in interrelation, comparing them with each other, to generalize them.

Computer science tours should be carefully planned and carefully prepared.

You need to plan the following main parts of the excursions:



Time spending;

Report on the work done.

The topic of the excursion in informatics and the place of its conduct are chosen so that there is practical significance and implementation in the given conditions. In this case, the incarnation should be rich, perfect and favorable for contemplation. In other words, the topic and objects for a computer science tour should be chosen in a way that is consistent with local conditions. These conditions determine the time of the excursion, which is regulated by the curriculum and the schedule of lessons. The report and registration of the conducted excursion is made taking into account the needs of the office, school, and the entire educational process.

The preparation of a computer science excursion takes place in the following sequence:

Detailed acquaintance with the object of the excursion. Identification of those components of an object or technological process that are of interest;

Selection of the tour guide. Perfect for this case, we can assume, is the candidacy of the teacher. But in industrial facilities, the teacher's intelligence may be insufficient. In this case, usually, the excursion is conducted by an employee of the enterprise, with whom the purpose of the excursion and the level of preparedness of the students have been previously agreed;

Conducting a conversation with students, who are told the topic and purpose of the excursion, the necessary theoretical material is repeated and they are armed with questions that need to be answered during the excursion.

At the appointed time, students gather at the school, and a guided tour is conducted under the guidance of a teacher. It is good that the organizer would be helped by one of the older students, or another teacher. With this in mind, complex excursions are of particular interest when students are led by several teachers. During the excursion, students:

Listen to the teacher's explanation and look after the objects;

Writing down the teacher's explanations and sketching the shown objects, they save the information obtained for the preparation of the report.

Then, by all means, the result of the work done in special classes is summed up. Students share their impressions, give answers to questions that the teacher put before the excursion. A written report on the excursion is drawn up. Presentations are made, stands-conclusions are made with the materials received during the excursion. The teacher must summarize the results of the excursion, explain the same material that the students did not understand well during the excursion.

Structure of the excursion lesson

Formulation of the problem. Motivation.

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the excursion, the result that will be obtained during the excursion.

Activity planning.

Project implementation.

Independent implementation of student activities.

Information and analytical stage.

Excursions in computer science in the modern sense have their own specifics. It lies in the fact that during the excursion, in addition to educational tasks, information problems that are feasible for schoolchildren can be solved. It is necessary to organize the activities of students so that it is aimed at identifying violations in information activities. The preliminary conversation will help keep students interested.

Summing up, it is possible to carry out in the form of a conversation with an assessment of the knowledge gained and the work performed.

So, the excursion methodology includes the following stages: I. Preparatory work for the excursion:

a) a clear definition of its purpose,

b) the choice of the object of study;

c) posing specific questions to students;

d) the viewer visiting the excursion object, solving the question of who will

act as a guide - he or an employee of the enterprise. Agree with him about the purpose of the excursion, its content, method of explanation.

III. Summing up, summarizing what the students learned new during the course.


1. Glushanok TM Huuskonen, NM Practice of excursion activities. Saint Petersburg: Gerda Publishing House, 2006.

2. Dolzhenko G. P. Excursion business. - M .: ICC "Mart", 2005.

3. Smirnova EO Child psychology. M .: Vlados, 2003.

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Khaibulaev Magomed Khaibulaevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Technologies of Professional Education, FSBEI HE "DGPU"

Annotation. The article deals with the problem of interaction of education with the economic institutions of society. Functions considered