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Christmas tree at the beginning of a career. Singer Yolka (Elizaveta Ivantsiv) - biography, family and personal life of the singer. Married Christmas tree: biography

On the modern Russian stage there are very few original performers who are unlike anyone else. If someone shocks the audience with their appearance, then most often they do it on purpose. And very rarely knows how to sing. That is why a strong voice, bright appearance, beautiful compositions and openness of this singer became her ticket to fame.


The girl Christmas tree was born on July 2, 1982. Ukrainian Uzhgorod became her homeland. The future star was fortunate enough to grow up in a family in which everyone was in some way connected with music. Mother was fluent in several musical instruments. His father was fond of bodybuilding and worked as a security guard. But this did not prevent him from being an ardent fan of jazz and the owner of an excellent collection of jazz records. The older generation did not lag behind them - singing in the choir was a favorite pastime of grandparents.

All photos 6

Elizaveta Ivantsiv in those years had not yet acquired her nickname and future pseudonym, but she could already boast of a beautiful voice. The relatives, of course, paid attention to him. So, barely leaving for school, the future star got into the local choir. Then she began to study vocals from professionals in her field. The girl enjoyed visiting all kinds of concerts and music festivals - she liked to expand her horizons.

At the age of 14, Elizabeth joined the KVN team. She played in Ward 6, which quickly made it to the Major League and had a huge following. Liza mostly sang on stage - her strong voice, combined with a fragile appearance, invariably amazed the audience and was a peculiar feature of the team.

After leaving school, the girl decided to get a musical education. However, her relationship with the teaching staff turned out to be so difficult that she chose to drop out until she was kicked out.

For some time Elizaveta Ivantsiv worked as a backing vocalist in the local group "B&B". They managed to perform at the Rap Music festival in 2001, but soon disbanded. Around the same time, the triumphal procession of "Ward No. 6" ended. As a result, the girl was forced to wash the dishes in a small cafe. It's funny, but many visitors came there to see the "girl from TV".

However, it soon turned out that Vlad Valov drew attention to the performance of the talented singer at the festival. His band Bad Balance was already popular at the time. He decided to take the girl under his wing and brought her to Moscow. So the Elka was born.

Already her first performance on the big stage did not go unnoticed. It was Micah's memorial evening. The girl performed his song "Bitch-love". Many have argued that this clever commercial move brought her fame. However, ordinary listeners just liked her voice and herself.

In 2005, the album City of Deception was released. He became the first swallow and showed that people like the music and manner of singing. She was criticized by many for overly mixing styles in order to please everyone. But the majority recognized the talent and great prospects of the performer.

The album "Shadows" appeared in 2006. He did not become as popular, but still presented the public with several hits. For example, "Student girl". A year later, the singer received the Golden Gramophone for the song "Handsome Boy". At the same time the album "This Magnificent World" was released.

Work on the next album was in full swing when the contract with Vlad Valov was terminated. Elizaveta Ivantsiv was forced to leave all her work to the former producer. As a result, the third album was released, but was received coolly. Critics started talking about the artist's creative crisis.

In 2011, the singer released the song "Provence". She instantly became a hit, topped many charts and brought the performer three MUZ-TV awards. Many reputable publications noted that the girl owes her revived fame to new producers - Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. All the following albums turned out to be interesting, high quality and worthy of the highest awards.

Personal life

The singer Elka does not like to talk about her personal life. She is sure that the audience should be quite enough for her bright image and beautiful songs. What is happening outside the doors of her house should not concern anyone. To all questions about her husband and family, she replies that she adores her cats, and she doesn't need anyone else.

In fact, Elizaveta Ivantsiv bears little resemblance to the notorious lonely owner of several dozen tailed pets. The singer has a husband, his name is Sergey Astakhov. The young man works as an administrator for his famous wife.

Judging by the stories of the former producer of the singer Vlad Valov, it was he who became one of the reasons for the termination of their contract. The singer was unhappy with his unflattering comments about her lover. In addition, she wanted to get rid of unnecessary people and earn much more on her own.

And the singer needed money, because her future husband did not work anywhere, he lived exclusively at her expense. The girl wanted her family to have all the best: housing, things, rest.

Be that as it may, but at the moment she has everything she wants. Together with the love and adoration of her husband.

The journalists also dug up information about the very first novel of the performer. At the age of 14, young Liza fell in love with the captain of the team “Ward No. 6” Vasily Krainy. Despite the fact that the young man was much older, he reciprocated her. The couple did not part for seven whole years. However, at one point it became clear that Vasily was unlikely to be able to achieve any significant heights after the dissolution of their team. Lisa dreamed of a great future.

The couple broke up. The girl left to conquer Moscow, and the former lover could watch her progress exclusively on TV. By his own admission, he was very upset by the breakup.

Luck is very changeable. But it is safe to say that she is very fond of the stubborn and purposeful. All this can be fully attributed to the singer Elka.

On July 2, 1982, in Uzhgorod (Ukraine), a girl was born to the Ivantsiv family, who was named Elizabeth. Each member of this family, in one way or another, was related to music: the mother was fluent in several musical instruments, the father collected compositions of jazz musicians, grandparents sang in the folk choir.

It is not surprising that from an early age, Liza, who had a loud, clear voice, began to attend a vocal circle at the Palace of Pioneers.

As a teenager, Ivantsiv was seriously interested in soul music, and often attended music festivals in Europe. The girl first became famous in her hometown: in high school she was a member of the popular KVN team, which allowed her to demonstrate her vocal abilities. By the way, even then the girl used the pseudonym Yolka.

After leaving school, Lisa decided to devote herself entirely to music, and entered the vocal department at a music school, but she lasted only six months there. According to the singer, she could not find a common language with the teachers and chose to leave the walls of the educational institution before they try to kick her out. The stumbling block was the appearance of Lisa, who always tried to shock the audience: she applied excessively bright makeup, shaved her bald head, adorned her body with tattoos and piercings.

Liza began her ascent to the musical Olympus by getting a job as a backing vocalist for the "B&B" band. The group has compositions in the style of rap and R'n'B, and enjoyed a certain popularity among fans of this genre.

In 2001, the collective took one of the prizes at the Moscow RAP MUSIC festival, and was noticed by the famous SheEFF producer - Vlad Valov. However, for some reason, the first acquaintance turned into a creative collaboration only three years later.

By that time, Lisa had already given up hopes of becoming a famous singer and seriously considered ending her unsuccessful musical career entirely... A real shock for her was the call from Vlad Valov, who invited her to Moscow to perform his famous song "Bitch-Love" at a concert dedicated to the memory of Mikhei.

SHEF managed to discern a lot of creativity in Lisa, and he immediately signed a contract with her. He suggested that the girl change her pseudonym, but Yolka flatly refused to do this. She explained her refusal by the fact that for a long time she "became close" with her pseudonym, and almost forgot what her passport name was.

Cooperation with a Moscow producer bore fruit - in 2005 the debut album of the aspiring singer "City of Deception" was released, which quickly gained popularity. All lyrics and music were written by Vlad Valov, he was also involved in the arrangement.

The album turned out to be very multifaceted, in fact, it was a bold experiment with various musical genres, and it turned out to be very successful.

The Christmas tree consolidated its popularity by performing the composition "Student Girl", which was broadcast on all radio stations in the country. The singer's second album, entitled "Shadows", could not repeat the success of her debut album, but took its rightful place in the singer's creative piggy bank. As before, most of the compositions belonged to Vlad Valov.

Interesting notes:

In 2008, the singer delighted fans of her talent with the release of her third album. "This Magnificent World" was distinguished by lighter and more positive works, creating a feeling of lightness after listening. This was the last album with SHEF as the songwriter. Elka, feeling the strength in herself, decided to change her own style and work with other authors and composers.

According to the singer, such a decision has been ripening in her for a long time, but she was able to take a decisive step after talking with Alla Pugacheva, who advised her to expand her creative framework.

Yolka stopped her choice on the Velvet Music company, in cooperation with which she recorded a new album, Dots Are Set, with a softer sound. The songs "About you" and "Provence" became real hits from this album. A large team took part in the work on the singer's new project, which boldly experimented with various musical styles and directions.

This period of searching for a new sound became incredibly successful in Yolka's creative life: her popularity grew day by day, she toured a lot throughout Russia.

In addition, Yolka's experiments with style in clothes were also successful. She began wearing elegant dresses and suits, quickly gaining fame as a style icon in Russian show business.

In 2014, the singer presented a new album called "Fake Love", which included previously unreleased compositions by Vlad Valov, as well as several new tracks recorded together with "Velvet Music". A year later, the Christmas tree delighted its fans with the release of the next album "# SKY", which was highly praised by both music critics and ordinary listeners. In total, Yolki's discography includes 5 albums:

  • City of Deception (2005);
  • Shadows (2006);
  • This Magnificent World (2008);
  • "Points are set" (2011);
  • "# Heaven" (2015).

2016 gave the singer a joint performance with her longtime idol, Ilya Lagutenko. She dreamed of singing with him on the same stage, but did not think that this dream could come true in life. The musicians performed the song "Do not part with your beloved", which became the soundtrack to the film "Yolki".

Despite the busy schedule, Yolka managed to try herself as an actress, starring in such films as "The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood", "", "This is Love!", "Fight". Currently, the singer leads an active touring life, often appears on television as an honored guest or host of many popular shows.

Despite the increased interest in his own person, Yolka by some miracle manages to hide the details of his personal life from the ubiquitous journalists.

But, despite the singer's secrecy, it became known that she had been married to Sergei Astakhov for several years, which had nothing to do with show business. The first acquaintance of the spouses happened in their youth, but a spark of passion flared up between them a few years later, during a chance meeting in Moscow at one of the parties.

Unfortunately, the marriage could not stand the test of financial difficulties, and the couple divorced. You can read more about the personal life of the singer Yolki.

Posted by (@elkasinger) 24 Sep 2016 at 5:34 PDT

In addition, the Elka is known as a great animal lover and animal protector. She helps shelters and often posts about animals on her social media.

Childhood and youth

The Christmas tree (the singer's real name is Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv) was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (Ukrainian SSR, USSR, now Ukraine) in a creative family.

Lisa's dad, Valdemar Mironovich Ivantsiv, collected music records, mainly of the jazz direction, and her mother, Marina Eduardovna Lyashenko, played music on various instruments herself.

The girl early discovered a craving for creativity, already in childhood, her parents enrolled her in the choir, and a little later - in the vocal circle.

Christmas tree as a child with dad

Lisa grew up, her musical preferences changed, which often happens among teenagers looking for themselves and their place in the sun, and at some point the girl became interested in soul.

At the same time, young Lisa tried herself on stage in another capacity as an actress, she played in the school KVN team.

After graduating from secondary school, the girl decided to continue her study of creativity at the local music school, but six months later she left there - the teachers did not accept the artist's hobby for fashion trends, they also did not like Lisa's bright appearance.

By the way, it was because of him that the teenage girl began to be called the Christmas tree. The nickname stuck, and after her friends, Lisa's parents began to call out like that.

Early life and first steps in music

The girl took her first steps on the professional music scene in the mid-1990s, when she got a job as a backing vocalist in the B&B group, which performed music in the styles of rap and R'n'B.

Christmas tree in youth

In 2001, the team decided that it was time to conquer Moscow, and Elka went to the Russian capital together with colleagues on the stage. In the same year, the guys won a prize at the rap music festival, where they were noticed by producer Vladislav Valov.

However, according to data from open sources, for some reason Valov contacted Yolka only a few years later, when she no longer sang in this group. Moreover, by that time the girl had left Moscow and had nothing to do with music at all.

Later Yolka recalled that she decided that this call was a joke, but the girl was sent a ticket to the capital, and now she is already on the Moscow stage and sings Mikhei's song at a concert dedicated to his memory.

Soon after, Valov, also known as Sheff, signs a contract with the aspiring singer. Not without long disputes, but they still agree that Liza will be engaged in creativity under the pseudonym "Christmas tree".

In 2005, the singer's debut album "City of Deception" was released, many of the songs from which became hits. Here, there is still a craving for experiments from childhood, and Valov fully supports this passion of the Christmas tree. It was he who wrote the music for the versatile tracks of her first album.

The Moscow public and critics were supportive of the creative endeavors of the young artist, she was called the discovery of the year and the hope of pop music.

In the same year, the girl presented several singles, and in 2006 - a new album, "Shadows". This is not always the case with novice musicians, but this is exactly what happened to Yolka: the singer's second disc, on the whole, repeated the success of her debut disc and even brought her the first Golden Gramophone. By the way, Valov wrote the songs again.

Christmas tree in the image

Vlad also wrote songs from the artist's third album, This Magnificent World (2008). There were experiments on this disc, but it was still clear that the Christmas tree was growing up and changes were coming in her world. The assumptions were confirmed - soon the singer decided to change her style and completed her collaboration with Valov.

New label and flourishing career

The singer began to expand her musical horizons together with the Velvet Music company. In 2011, her fourth album was released with the self-explanatory title "The Points Are Set". The listeners got to know the Christmas tree from a new perspective - still more as a performer of not modern, but popular music.

The most famous compositions of that time were the songs "Provence" and "Near You", which brought the girl prestigious awards - statuettes "Golden Gramophone" and "Sound Track" and the RU TV channel award.

In the wake of success, Yolka goes on her first large and long tour of cities and towns of Russia, and almost everywhere she will be sold out.

However, Yolka does not forget about direct creativity, but since there is still catastrophically little time for it, instead of recording a new album, the singer restricts herself to releasing the collection "Fake Love" (2014), which includes old, but previously unreleased songs.

In addition, during and immediately after the tour, Yolka recorded several successful singles that received various awards, including a duet with Burito.

In 2015, the singer released the long-awaited fifth album "# Heavens". The artist explains this name by the fact that she loves to publish pictures of the sky on social networks, accompanying them with the appropriate hashtag.

The songs from the disc were popular with listeners and brought various awards to the Elka. So, in 2015, the artist won the Song of the Year, Golden Gramophone, Big Love Show, Tophit Awards and RU TV awards.

Recognition and the present

In 2016, the singer presents to the public the song "Happiness to Gray" and receives another "Golden Gramophone" and the RU TV award.

Christmas tree currently

In 2017, in order to consolidate the success and reach a new level, Yolka gives a big solo concert, one can say that it is significant for her and her work. The performance took place at a large and popular venue - Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

The Christmas tree is not just one singer, but a whole group of musicians. Her team includes, in particular, a keyboardist, drummer, guitarists, percussionist, saxophonist and DJ.

In addition to the awards, which we have already written about, at various times Yolka became a laureate of such awards as Krasnaya Zvezda, Europa Plus Live, Russian Music Awards and Glamor Awards.

Film and television

The singer's songs are often soundtracks for various film projects - both feature films and television series.

For example, in 2012 the composition "I Want" became the soundtrack for the film "Love with an Accent", and in 2015 the song "The Sea Inside" was chosen as the title song of the film "Without Borders".

Moreover, the Christmas tree itself plays in episodes of paintings or voices the characters of cartoons. So, in 2005, the singer dubbed the main character of the cartoon "The True Story of Red Hat" for the Russian distribution.

In 2012, Yolka played in an episode of the comedy "Gentlemen, Good Luck!", And in 2013 appeared on the TV screen in the popular project "SASHATANYA" and in the series "Trial".

In 2014, the artist played herself in the film "A Gift with Character", she could also be seen in an episode in the mini-series "Fight". In 2015, the Christmas tree again made a cameo appearance in the film "About Love".

However, Lisa can be seen not only in these projects, but she is also a frequent guest on television and participates in programs both as a performer and as a mentor.

For example, in 2010 Yolka became one of the members of the jury of the Ukrainian version of the popular vocal show "X-Factor", and at various times appeared, in particular, in such shows as "Big Difference", "Evening Urgant", "Ural Dumplings" and SpotlightParisHilton and Knockin 'on the Star.

Personal life What little is known is about the personal life of the singer Yolki. The fact is that the girl prefers not to advertise her. Sometimes rumors about this side of Lisa's life get to the press, but in most cases the girl does not comment on them.

Nevertheless, according to journalists from a number of publications, the artist is married, and her chosen one has nothing to do with a secular get-together. The media also call the name of the spouse of the Christmas tree - Sergey Astakhov. Again, the singer does not respond to such statements, although she is very active on social media pages. Speaking of which, the Christmas tree often writes about creativity, publishes her thoughts about literally everything in the world, shares photos of her surroundings, but very rarely writes about personal.

Memories of my dad became one of these posts. Lisa told literally the following: “Two weeks before my thirtieth birthday, I left the stage and learned that dad had died. I remember this day and the next two in minutes. I very often catch his features in those people I love. I know for sure that he is proud of me. "

In addition, Lisa loves animals and occasionally encourages her Instagram followers to take care of the dog or cat. The fact is that the singer supports funds that help stray animals find owners.

Christmas tree with kittens

In one of her posts, Yolka admitted: “As a child, I dreamed that when I grow up, my dad will build me a big house where I can bring all the homeless animals.”

An amazing, extravagant, successful singer Yolka reacts very sharply to questions about her personal life. “It will always be that way, trust me,” she says firmly. No matter how hard the artist tried to hide her private life, something is known about her.

Accidental acquaintance and meeting ten years later

The real name of the singer Yolki is Elizaveta Ivantsiv, and she is married. Her husband, the most ordinary guy named Sergei Astakhov. They met in 1994, when Sergei and his family were vacationing at the Carolina Bugazu resort, and Yolka was on tour there. The young people met, spent some time together - an ordinary resort romance. Much later, after Yolki moved to Moscow, he met again, and the relationship continued.

At that time (and it was 2004), Elka just signed a contract with Vlad Valov and disappeared at the recording studio. The debut album "City of Deception" took almost all the time, and Sergei faithfully waited for his beloved in the car. As the producer himself recalls, even from the musicians and the entire group, Elka hid her romance. Once the secret union ceased to be secret, and Vlad said: "Bring him here, we will touch him."

Sergei gave the impression of an agreeable man, it was clear that the tree was a leader in these relations, and she was satisfied with it. Her future husband lived with his parents in Khotkovo near Moscow, and the artist began to live with him. The singer's personal life was not limited by the contract (to get married, have children), so the producer did not influence this situation in any way. Sometimes it seems to him (Vlad Valov) that in vain.

Love is evil

The fact is that Sergei has no profession, he did not work anywhere for a long time, and, according to the same Valov, led the life of a typical gigolo. The Christmas tree began to talk more and more often about where and how to make more money. Spitting on this, in collaboration with Gross, the number of her performances was reduced to two per month.

To go to a new level, it was necessary to "go into pop music." Which is exactly what happened.

The Christmas tree was bought by the influential production tandem of Alena Mikhailova and Liana Meladze.

The fantastic song "Provence" appeared, a broader, even widespread recognition appeared, money appeared.

Lisa and Sergei entered into an official marriage at almost the same time as the Christmas tree had a creative breakthrough, in 2010.

The celebration was modest, almost at home. Family life was unusual - the Christmas tree worked a lot and was the only breadwinner in the family. Sergei's father earned his living by digging wells and did not have a stable income. Astakhov's mother was sick a lot and did not work. The Christmas tree had to support the whole family.

Fellow villagers say that with the advent of the singer, the Astakhovs' life has improved significantly - she brought gas and heating to their house, helped to finish building a garage.

Interesting notes:

Was there a divorce?

She even began to build a house in Sergiev Posad, mainly her husband and father-in-law were engaged in construction. A cottage with an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters with a view of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra began to be built back in the same year when the young people got married.

In 2016, construction was suspended. According to neighbors, the couple stopped appearing in Sergiev Posad because of the emerging disagreements. “The star got tired of carrying everything on herself, so she kicked him out,” the neighbors gossiped.

Elka does not comment on this information. It is known that in 2016 the singer fired Astakhov from the post of her administrator. His labor activity in this field was the longest, but even a loving wife could not motivate this man to productive work. Astakhov did not cope with this profession.

Posts from that period on social networks are characterized by the fact that The Christmas tree appears in the photo in splendid isolationhowever the wedding ring does not take off. In the recent photo, the husband is also absent, but there are many concerts, friends and dogs. In recent years, the singer has been helping a lot to shelters and just homeless animals, helping them find owners, to save them from the euthanasia procedure.

There is no official information about the singer's divorce from Sergey Astakhov. There are no children in this marriage either. Public opinion about this union was divided into two unequal parts. Most consider this couple a classic union of mom and gigolo, others, especially those who know Sergei personally, believe that he is a very sincere, polite, calm young man, and Yolka is quite happy with him. Someone else's family is in the dark, and who knows what exactly conquered a simple rural guy with a bright informal girl.

Few, probably, today there are those who have not heard the popular musical compositions performed by the modern Russian pop star - Elki. The bright, unlike the other singer has won the love of fans and the respect of colleagues. Did she do it easily? What past helped her create the present?

The name of the Christmas tree can now be found in the first lines of popular charts. Her compositions "Provence", "In a big balloon", "Near you", "I want to fall in love" are sung by fans throughout her native country and far beyond its borders.

Childhood Christmas trees

The singer was born in the very beautiful Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod. From the first days of her life, the girl's parents were confident in her great future and called her “little star”. Elka was introduced to music by his father, who was a fan of jazz music and Russian rock.

Talent development

In her youth, the girl sang in the school choir, and later attended a vocal circle. She even was a member of the KVN team of the city of Uzhgorod under the interesting name "Chamber number 6". As a teenager, Yolka became interested in rap music, and in the mid-90s she became the backing vocalist of the B & B group. At the music festival of rap artists in 2001, the potential of the shocking girl was noticed by producer Vlad Valov, but he offered to sign a contract only 3 years later. At that time, the group as such no longer existed, and Elka actually abandoned her childhood dream of becoming a singer - she

Formation of the future star

Yolka graduated from Uzhgorod secondary school, but never received a higher education. She entered the music school, but she failed to graduate. According to Yolka, she did not develop relationships with the teachers of the educational institution, so she decided to leave the school before she was expelled. However, this fact from her past did not prevent her from creating a bright present.

The name Yolka at the dawn of her popularity raised many questions among her fans. Of course, everyone understood that this was a pseudonym. Many were wondering what is the real name of the Christmas tree? And why did she choose such a strange name for her stage image?

Singer Elka: real name

It is interesting that she did not choose a pseudonym for herself on purpose. This happened back when she was eleven years old. So her friend accidentally called her. And the nickname "stuck" to the girl so much that even her parents began to call her affectionately as Christmas tree. Many have forgotten that the real name of the Elka is Elizaveta Ivantsiv, even she herself has long ceased to react to it, and only the father sometimes took offense at his daughter's friends and acquaintances for this.

It must be said that such a stylish stage name played an important role in the singer's career. The real name of the Christmas tree would hardly have allowed her to achieve such popularity. The bright and laconic pseudonym, combined with the energy and originality of its owner, was immediately remembered by the listeners, forced to pay close attention to her, and then fall in love with her for a long time.

The personal life of the singer

She never talks about what is happening with the Christmas tree behind the scenes. For her, it's a matter of principle. The singer believes that personal life is something that should always remain out of the reach of curious journalists. According to her, this is the only way to preserve personal happiness. It should be noted that the Christmas tree does not suffer from "star fever", she remained the same simple person, despite the fact that she is on the crest of fame. Including for this, probably, fans love her so much.