
English future simple exercises. Future Simple (Indefinite) Exercises

Today we will work out the use of a simple future tense Future simple.   First of all, I suggest you remember. I offer you a lot of different exercises that will help consolidate the theme of Future Simple.

Future Simple. Exercises.

Exercise 1. Write in l’ll, we "ll, he" ll, she "ll, they" ll, it’ll.

  1. I "d like to see animals. I think _______ go to the zoo today.
  2. Wendy likes dinosaurs. I think _______ go to the Natural History Museum.
  3. We like dancing. I think _______ go to the disco.
  4. My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the gift shop. "
  5. Jim likes walking. I think_______ go to the park.
  6. Put on your scarf and hat. I think _______ be cold today.
  7. I want to watch a cartoon. I think _______ go to the cinema tomorrow.
  8. Mike is ill. I don "t think _______ go for a walk with him.

Exercise. 2 Build suggestions for what your family members will do on Sunday. It will be Sunday tomorrow. Say what   you and your family will do, making use of the following table.

Free worksheets and study materials for elementary school. Most children automatically use a different story when they speak, or when they read, which means when something is written at one time or another. It is difficult if they need to know about the time in which the verb is, or even if they have to put it at another time. Since the German language consists of many irregular verbs, their use is not always easy.

The topic itself is important, because it is this transformation and recognition of time that also comes into play when studying foreign language. The exercise sheet of our online spellings that you have chosen is aimed primarily at such irregular verbs. If your child is an immigrant and does not speak German very well, you can provide him with tables from the school's language books or from children's books so that they can navigate. But for other students who struggle with this, this is a suitable offer of help.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the form Future Simple (Indefinite)

  1. I think we_________ two return tickets. (to buy)
  2. Kate ___________ ten tomorrow. (to be)
  3. My aunt ___________ to Canada next summer. (to go)
  4. I _____________ you in the evening. (to phone)
  5. I "m sure our 3-day tour __________ more than 5000 roubles. (To cost)

Exercise 4. Insert ‘ll or won’t.

  1. Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be 12.
  2. It’s sunny today. It ________ rain.
  3. Kelly is eleven today. She ___________ be twelve until next year.
  4. Rob is nine. He __________ be ten on his next birthday.
  5. This month is May. It________ be June next month.
  6. Jenny: "Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until eight o" clock.
  7. It "s 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow.
  8. I sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until tomorrow.

Exercise 5. Read the sentences in A and decide what to do. Use I think I "ll ...   and the words in B. Read the sentences in column A and find the solution in column B. Write your decisions starting with I think I "ll ...

By the way, we deliberately abandoned past perfection and the future. Task 1 of our German worksheet is to establish the prescribed - irregular verbs from the main form three times real, preterit and perfect in personal forms "you" and "he". They are common, but very complex, because they are usually irregular verbs, but elementary and elementary class students must be able to correctly establish.

The task - the task of the asterisk - consists of a predefined text in the preview. First, verbs are required to be emphasized, which certainly should be easy for most children. After this, however, the text on the additional sheet should be placed in the preter. Again, these are mostly irregular verbs.

1 It "s hot in this room.

3 My flat is in a mess.

4 I haven "t got any stamps

5 I want some new glasses.

7 I "ve just missed my bus.

8 There "s a good film on TV

9 My watch is broken.

go to the optician "s

turn on the heating

take a taxi home

get something to eat.

go to the post office

  1. I think I’ll open a window.

Exercise 6. Make suggestions for help using Future Simple.

1 It’s hot in here.

The penultimate exercise shows the verbs in different forms   personnel in praet. The challenge is to put them in the main form. If the children learned or understood the meaning of the words, it would be easy for them to do so. The last task is learning a language, which requires a lot of linguistic and linguistic skills. Therefore, our star again. Children are asked to acknowledge the difference between “false” and “false” and to find an appropriate approximate sentence.

Verbs are hidden in German not only by the person and number, mode and genus of Verbie, but also by time. Using different tenses, you can refer to events in the past, present and future. Times are also called tenses, mostly tense, Latin terms of time.

2 These boxes are heavy.

3 The windows are dirty.

4 I haven "t got any money.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences. Use ‘ll or won" t.

Amy "s brother is thirteen. He____ be fourteen on his next birthday.

I bought a lottery ticket, but I ____ win

My dad is thirty-nine. He ____ be forty on his next birthday.

My sister Mary is fifteen. She ____ be sixteen until next year.

My brother "s clever. He____ pass all his exams.

It "s raining now. But it____ be sunny later.

Debbie and Bob are always late. They____ arrive until eight o "clock.


The present tense is the most commonly used tense in German. You use them when you want to refer to events in present or already established actions in the future. You use the perfect expression to express that an event or action has been performed in the past. First of all, you want to emphasize the consequences or outcome of an action. The temporary form of perfection is usually used in everyday conversation, and not in the past tense.

You use this - similar to perfect - to talk about a past event or action in the past. The difference between the two tenses is that the past tense is more manifested in written language, in stories or reports. The past tense is almost always used to indicate facts or conditions in the past.

Exercise 8. Describe your plans for the day. Write about your plans for this afternoon.

Begin like this:

First I "ll have dinner. Then I" ll go for a walk. After that ...

Exercise 9.Write in the future tense.

1. You can speak to him.

To him.

2. You can dance there.


3. We must stay here.

4. I can help you.

5. She must make sandwiches.


6. She can read English books.

English books.

7. They can go to the party.

To the party.

8. They must invite their friends

Their friends.

9. You can buy food there.

Food there.

10. We can grow vegetables.


Exercise 10. Write your thoughts about the future of your classmates. Write predictions about your classmates "future.

I think Nick will be an engineer.

Exercise 11. What will you do on summer vacation. What will you do in the summer holidays? Use the words from the box.

go to the theater, go to the river, go to the zoo, collect pebbles, read books, read magazines, watch films, make friends, go sunbathing, write a diary

I think I "ll ____________

I don "t think I" ll ______________

Exercise 12. You are on an island, what will you do? You are on an island. What do you think you "ll do?

1. Will you live in a cave or in a village?

I think I "ll live in a cave.

2. Will you sleep on the grass or in the tree?

I think I "ll ________________.

3. Will you eat caterpillars or snakes?


4. Will you go fishing or collect fruit?


5. Will you wash in the sea or in the river?


6. Will you ride a horse or an ostrich?


7. Will you make friends with dolphins or with parrots?


8. Will you drink milk or water?


Exercise 13. Write suggestions for help. Write sentences offering help. Use the words in the box.

answer it, help you, close the window, buy you a drink, get you some fruit

The phone is ringing. I’ll answer it.

  1. It's cold in here
  2. I can "t do my Maths homework.
  3. I "m really thirsty.
  4. I’m hungry.

Exercise 14. Do you think that in the future, you will:

1 learn a new language?
2 travel a lot?
3 move to a different country?
4 learn a musical instrument or a new musical instrument?
5 be richer?

Write sentences.

I think I "ll _______________

Perhaps I "ll __________________

I don "t think I" ll __________________

I think I "ll learn a new language. Or Perhaps I’ll learn a new language. Or I don" t think I’ll learn a new language.

Exercise 15. Imagine that you will be very busy next week. Sau what will you do? Use Simple Future.

- After the lessons I’ll go home

  • go to
  • visit
  • learn

Exercise 16. Read the text, answer the questions.

My name is Tanya. I am a pupil. Tomorrow I will not go to school. It will be Sunday. Father and Mother will not be at home. They will go to see their friends.

Answer the questions:

1. Why won "t Tanya go to school tomorrow?

2. Will her Mother and Father be at home?

3. Where will they go?

4. What will Tanya do when her parents go to see her friends?

Exercise 17. Expand the brackets using Future Indefinite.

I ___________ (to be) at home. I ___________ (to invite) my friend Nina to come home. We_________ (play). She __________ (be) Big Gray Angry Wolf and I ________ (be) Litlle Red Riding Hood. And who ________ (be) Granny, who lives in the forest. I think we __________ (invite) Kate to come and play with, us too.

Exercise. Expand the brackets using FutureProgressive.

Tomorrow John __________ (to get up) at seven. Then he _________ (to go) to school. He __________ (to have) dinner at one. He ____________ (to come home) at three. Then he _____________ (to play) in the yard. After that he ___________ (to do) his homework.

Exercise 18. Read, translate into Russian, underline verbs in the form of Future Simple.

DAVID: What will we do tomorrow?

SUSAN: We’ll go into space. We’ll see a space school.

DAVID: Will we see computers there?

SUSAN: Certainly we’ll do.

DAVID: Will we play computer games?

SUSAN: Yes, we will.

DAVID: Do the pupils write and count at space schools?

SUSAN: No, they don’t. The computer counts and types instead.

DAVID: Will we come back tomorrow?

SUSAN: No, we won’t.

DAVID: Will we come back in two days?

SUSAN: I hope we will.

Exercise 19. Read the text. Expand the brackets by putting verbs in the form of Future Simple (Indefinite).

I like to go to school. I have many good friends there. But I like Sundays more. Soon it ____ (1 be) Sunday, and all our family _____ (2 be) at home. I _____ (3 get up) at 9 o’clock, and then I_____ (4 do) my morning exercises and have breakfast together with my parents. After breakfast I ____ (5 help) my mother in the kitchen and my father ____ (6 go) shopping. Then we (7 go) for a I walk in the park or to the cinema.

After dinner my friends ____ (8 come) to me, and we ____ (9 play) together at home or in the yard. In the evening my mother ____ (10 knit), my father ____ (11 watch) a concert on TV and I ____ (12 listen) to music or read a book. I know that I ____ (13 have) a lot of fun next Sunday.

b) Find answers to the following questions. Find the answers to the following questions in the text and read them aloud:

  1. Will all the family be at home on Sunday?
  2. When will the boy get up?
  3. What will he do in the morning?
  4. What will he do after breakfast?
  5. Who will come after dinner?
  6. What will they do at home or in the yard?
  7. What will they do in the evening?
  8. The boy will have a lot of fun next Sunday, won’t he?

Education negation and questions in Future Simple / Indefinite. Exercises.

Exercise 20. Record sentences in Future Simple (Indefinite).

Example: She / travel by car / next summer

She will travel by car next summer.

Will she travel by car next summer?

- She won t travel by car next summer.

I / buy a present / tomorrow

+ ________________________

— ________________________

? ________________________

We / go to the cinema / after classes

+ ________________________

— ________________________

? ________________________

Exercise 21. Ask all kinds of questions to the proposal.

Helga will read King tomorrow.

Exercise 22. Complete the questions and short answers.

(People travel) to other planets? +

Will people travel to other planets?

  1. (France win) the next World Cup? X
  2. (We pass) our exams next year? +
  3. (Britney be) Number One next week? X
  4. (I go) to university? +
  5. (Angelina Jolie win) an Oscar next year? X
  6. (You marry) an attractive, intelligent person? +

Exercise 23. What will life be like in 100 years? Compose your questions and answer them. What will life be like in 100 years from now? Complete the questions with will and give answers.

1 children | go | to school in 100 years?

2 people | watch | more TV than they do now?

3 people | read | fewer books?

4 people | live | longer?

5 everyone | speak | the same language?

6 the world "s climate | be | different?

7 life I be I better?

Will children go to school in 100 years?

Children will go to school in 100 years. or Children won’t go to school in 100 years.

Exercise 24. Ask your partner if he will do the following thing, after the lessons. Give answers.

Will you stay at school after the lessons?

Yes, I think I will. I’ll go to the library.

sleep in the afternoon, have lunch at home, listen to music, invite somebody home, do his (her) homework, play in the yard, help his (her) parents, go shopping, do nothing

Exercise 25. Compose questions and answer them in the negative. Ask questions to the following sentences and answer them in the negative.

  1. We will go to the zoo on Sunday.
  2. They will go to the park next Sunday.
  3. My father will go to the country next month.
  4. My friend will come to see me on Sunday.
  5. You will see an interesting film over TV next week.

Exercise 26. Ask questions. Ask questions.

Peter will learn English in Oxford next year.

a) Who? b) what? c) When? d) Where?

Exercise 27. Ask questions to the following sentences. Make questions for the following sentences.

1. He will buy tickets tomorrow.

When ______________?

2. Mike will go to the railway station in the afternoon.

Who ______________?

3. Sally will go to the airport on Monday.

How ______________?

4. I think the ticket will cost 100 pounds.

How much ______________?

Exercise 28. Write down sample offer suggestions for help. Write questions as in the example.

Example: We have no bread, (to go to the shop) - Shall I go to the shop?

  1. There is an interesting film on the cinema, (to buy tickets)
  2. I can "t do the exercise. It" s very difficult, (to help)
  3. The room is dirty, (to clean)
  4. It "s very hot in the room, (to open the window)
  5. We are very hungry, (to cook pizza)

In order to better remember how this particular temporal form of the verb is used. If you are not familiar with this topic, first read the article.

Exercise 1: Future Simple in Affirmative and Negative Sentences

Use the verbs in parentheses in the affirmative or negative form of Future Simple. You can use either the full version or the shortened one, for example: You will not see me \u003d You won’t see me.

Show answers with translation:

1. I will not change   my opinion (to change). - I will not change my mind.

2. Alice will show   you your new residence (to show). “Alice will show you your new residence.”

3. David will not bother   you (not to bother). “David won't bother you.”

4. She will take care   of your dog (to take care). “She will take care of your dog.”

5. Alice and David will be   at the meeting tomorrow (to be). “Alice and David will be at the meeting tomorrow.”

6. They will miss   you (to miss). “They will miss you.”

7. I will come   back (to come back). - I'll be back.

8. Someone will pay   for this! (to pay). - Someone will pay for it!

9. I think, you will not be   dissapointed (not to be). “I think you will not be disappointed.”

Exercise 2: Future Simple in Interrogative Sentences

Show answers with translation:

1. Will   you marry   me? (to marry) - Will you marry me?

2. Will   your boss approve   it? (to approve) - Does your boss confirm this?

3. Will   she ever see   her home again? (to see) - Will she ever see her house again?

4. Will   Tina and her brother be   at the party? (to be) - Will Tina and her brother be at the party?

5. What will   Rita ask   me to do? (to ask) - What will Rita ask me to do?

6. Where will   we live? (to live) - Where will we live?

7. How many books will   he read   this summer? (to read) - How many books will you read this summer?

8. How will   I know   it’s the right place? (to know) - How do I know if this is the right place?

9. How long will   it to take   to get my parcel? (to take) - How long will it take me to receive my package?

Exercise 3: Choose the Right Translation Option

In this exercise, you need to select the correct translation option. For each question there can be only one correct answer.

Show answers with translation:

  1. I will become a footballer. - I will become   a football player.
  2. Jack will not find work this year. - jack won’t find   a job this year.
  3. Will you tell Mary the truth? - Will   you tell   Mary the truth?
  4. Will she be in the store at 8 o’clock? - Will   she be   at the shop at 8 o’clock?
  5. Tim and Kelly will not find the way. - Tim an Kelly will not find the way.

Exercise 4: Find Errors in the Text

In this assignment, you need to check a simple text consisting of sentences with verbs in the form of Future Simple. Find five errors in it and mark the wrong words, then check the guess.

Show answers with translation.