
English lesson on New Year

A travel game for elementary school students on english language

Description:an abstract of the game can be used by English teachers to conduct extracurricular activities with primary school children. Students of the same class are divided into teams and go through the classes using the route sheet, performing different tasks.
Goal:  developing children's creativity and English language skills
  1. Develop teamwork skills.
  2. Provide children with the opportunity to show their skills
Organization of the game:
  Several teams take part in the game, 3-4 people per team. Each team must go a certain path, which is indicated on their sheet. Thus, children travel around the school and get to various places in which they receive special tasks. For completing assignments, children receive medals. Each medal indicates how many points they received. (Medals can be made different color. For example, orange for 5 points, yellow for 4 and gray for 3). The team that scores the most points wins.
  Route sheets for all teams with station names, sheets with filvords for each team, disposable plates and glasses, plastic bottles, tinsel, rain, glue, scissors, adhesive tape, colored paper, felt-tip pens, sheets of Whatman paper.

Game progress:
  Greetings to all team members at our New Year's event. New Year is a holiday that adults and children love not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Today you will see what tasks the guys in England and America perform in order to receive the New Year's prize. At the end of your journey, you will return back, and we will discuss with you what you liked and remember, as well as find out which of the teams was the most friendly and active.
  You can come up with the names of your teams and write them on the sheets that we will give out to you. Do not lose these sheets, it indicates where you need to go.
  After all the teams write their name, on a signal they go on a journey.

Challenge 1. Quiz
In this test, team members will need to correctly answer 5 questions. All questions have 4 answers. In this task, the participants check the knowledge of the culture of the country of the language being studied. For each correct answer a point is given.

The questions are:
  1. In Russia, a holiday that is celebrated from December 31 to January 1 is called the New Year, but what is it called in England?
  a) Silly dog \u200b\u200bb) Christmas tree c) New Year d) Fireworks
  2. On New Year's Eve Santa Claus comes to children to give gifts, and who gives gifts to children in England?
  a) Snow Maiden b) Santa Claus c) Snowman d) Grandmother Frost
  3. You take a word that does not apply to the New Year
  a) Snow b) Presents c) Cat d) Christmas tree
  4. What do you need to say in English to wish a Happy New Year?
  a) Happy New Year b) Good New Year c) Lucky New Year d) Better New Year
  5. Choose the color of the symbol of the New Year
  a) Black b) Purple c) Blue d) Green

Correct answers: 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.d

Test 2.New Year's web.
  In this test, teams need to find the largest number of words hidden in the fileword. For each word, 0.5 points are given. To make it easier for participants, a list of words to be found is given to them at the beginning of the test. 10 minutes to complete the task.
  Words: Santa, Present, Snow, Tree, Toys, Decoration, Cake, Deer, Magic, Cold

F c o l d n o
  d l f p e d b
  o r t r e e o
  t y o e r c m
  r l y s n o w
  f k s e u r p
  v c r n y a o
  s a n t a t t
  a k m a g i c
  x e d q v o f
  v n b e x n d

Test 3.  "Dress up the Christmas tree."
  Participants are given words in different languages. Their task is to select only words in English and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Test 4.  DIY or do-it-yourself postcard.
  Team members are given a piece of paper, colored paper, glue, scissors, felt-tip pens, paints, sparkles, etc. Their task is to make a card, the faster they make it, the more points they will receive. If the card turns out to be very beautiful, then the test leader may award an additional score.

Test 5.New Year's mosaic.
  In this test, participants in 5 minutes will need to collect sentences cut in advance into pieces (to make the task easier, you can specially cut the whole sentence not into words, but simply into different pieces, which then easily fit together). For each proposal, participants are given 1 point.
  1. Santa Claus gives presents
  2. Children like New Year very much
  3. People eat tasty food and sweets
  4. Kids like playing snowballs
5. Some people make a snowman

When each team passes all the tests, it returns to its original place and submits its sheets, after which the jury calculates points and announces the winner. While the jury signs the certificates, the leader asks the participants about their impressions.

Download Travel Game for elementary school  on the topic: New Year  (in English)

Prepared for us Olga, author of a thematic site for children and adults English Club  and blog Little nothings of life. Olga shared an excellent find, and since December is in the yard, it is especially important that she is New Year's.

It is widely believed among parents that the days immediately before and after the holidays are not the best time for classes foreign language. These days, many release their children from any clashes with English in order to immerse themselves in the festive bustle.

Meanwhile, practice shows that this opinion is erroneous. And today I’ll try to convince you that it can just become that “magic pendell” that can awaken your child’s dormant motivation to learn English.

Let's put aside all the textbooks, audio, video, and workbooks - and take a look around. Which of the real, not book, characters speaks English? Of course, Santa! And if your child knows not one, but two whole languages \u200b\u200b(even if he knows only a few words from the second), he has every right to receive two gifts in the New Year: from and. You agree with me?

True, in the case of Santa Claus, there is one tiny “but”: he does not understand a word in Russian. So if your child wants to write him a letter, he will have to do it in English - but you will help him, right? Here you and spelling training, and eyes burning with impatience - two, as it seemed earlier, absolutely incompatible things.

By the way, if you do not know where Santa lives, I will secretly share the address with you - after all, you will have to indicate it on the envelope:

Santa claus
  1 Reindeer Lane
  North pole

It was from this address that my daughter received a letter last year:

Do you know what Santa wrote to her? He suggested that Dasha do it himself, in which the elves will be able to bring tasks daily. We settled on a version of cardboard cubes that my daughter signed herself, simultaneously understanding the differences between even and odd numbers, and also making significant progress in the bill:

Santa kept his word: assignments really came every day throughout December. And all of them, of course, were in English. And now, a year later, I can say with confidence: believe, if Santa asks your child to learn, dance or draw a picture using the colors indicated in the letter (blue, red, yellow, brown, green, purple etc.), your child don't have to ask twice.

Here is our last year's list of tasks from Santa - I will be glad if it is useful to you too:

Advent Calendar Tasks

  • It is very cold outside. You are lucky to have a home and some food to eat. Go out and share some bread with birds.
  • Why not make paper snowflakes and decorate the windows today? Your home wants to look beautiful!
  • Your home looks beautiful and festive. It’s time to think about trees growing outside. Pour some colored water and put some pieces of thread into an ice cube tray and put it into the freezer. When the water freezes, go out and decorate a tree with your ice toys.
  • Make a paper chain for the tree.
  • Decorate every door in your house.
  • Make a birdhouse and feed birds.
  • What do snowmen eat for breakfast? (Answer: Snowflakes) Do you know any other riddles?
  • Write your letter to me. Yours sincerely, Santa.
  • Learn a New Year poem by heart.
  • Go out in the dark tonight. Look at lights and take some pictures.
  • Make a gift for your friend.
  • Write a New Year story together - have each person add a line.
  • Describe what you  love best about each family member.
  • Bring home some snow and stand in it barefoot.
  • Take out some colored water in a bottle and paint a picture in the snow with its help.
  • Make a New Year drawing - use glitter to make the snow glisten and the stars twinkle.
  • Put on a play. Act out your favorite New Year story.
  • Draw a house on the kitchen window with toothpaste.
  • Make a paper tree to decorate the fridge.
  • Color the page I’ve sent you. You’ll find it according to the plan I attach.
  • Create homemade cards to give to friends and family.
  • Go out with your camera and take some pictures of snow, trees and the sky.
  • Read a story about New Year.
  • Watch a New Year cartoon.
  • Make some paper crackers.
  • Draw or print a picture. Ask your mother to make some holes all along its outline. Switch off the light and shine a torch from behind your picture. What can you see?
  • It’s time to be generous. Make an ornament - then give it away as a present.
  • It is a family game night.
  • Let’s have some fun today! Why not dance and sing to christmas music?
  • Bake New Year cookies.
  • Well done, my dear friend! You’ve coped with all my tasks. Now it’s time to celebrate. After midnight look for the present I’m going to send you in your Christmas stocking. Happy New Year!

This year, my daughter herself sat down to write letters to Santa Claus and Santa. And she no longer needs tasks - she herself knows what she can do in preparation for the New Year. But she is really waiting for answers from both and, of course, ordered gifts.

By the way, gifts from them also come in different ways: Santa Claus usually puts his surprise under the Christmas tree, and Santa - this funny and wonderful grandfather - out of habit thrusts his surprise into a sock or a boot specially made for this purpose:

Interestingly, do you relate to those mothers who use preparation for the New Year and other holidays to stimulate your child's interest in learning English and the culture of English-speaking countries?

With the approach of the New Year and Christmas, all teachers want to give their students the feeling of a holiday. For fun to make sense, of course, you need to connect the celebration script with the subject being studied, so I offer you an English lesson on the New Year theme.

List of English topics that are activated in this scenario (or what young participants should know):

  1. colors;
  2. appearance description;
  3. numerals (within twenty);
  4. christmas decorations;
  5. animals;
  6. declension of the verb TO BE;
  7. basic knowledge of Present Simple.

I think such a matinee will be interesting not only for teachers, but also for active mothers and grandmothers who can arrange a real theme holiday for their kids.

English lesson about New Year

Leading ( IN): Hello, dear children! We are glad to see you! Hello dear guys! We are happy to see you!

IN: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Today we are going to show you our New Year Party! You will take part in all our competitions and games! Today you will see our New Year's Eve and take part in all our contests and competitions.

B: So let’s begin! So let's get started. New Year is a fabulous evening. Do you know what fairy-tale characters come to visit?

Children: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman ....

B: And now let's call these characters in English.

Children: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman.

B: That's right. And who knows who comes to visit children in the UK? That's right, Santa Claus and the heroes of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland." Let's call them Alice, the Hatter, Cheshire Cat, Humpty Dumpty ... But the main character, of course, Father Christmas is the Christmas Spirit. It is he who gives gifts to children. Tell me, please, where does he leave them? That's right, he puts them in socks and stockings, which the English guys hang on the backs of their beds. And in the UK they love to celebrate Christmas. Who will remember when this holiday is celebrated by the British? (December 25th). In each house, a Christmas tree is placed (Christmas tree), which is decorated with beautiful toys and lights. Children, we have a Christmas Tree too. But look at her: she does not shine with lights. Let's say magic words so that our Christmas tree lights up! One, two, three - light our Christmas tree!

B: Strange, the Christmas tree does not light up ... Something is probably missing.

Snow Maiden enters.

Snow maiden: Good afternoon, my dear friends! Hello dear friends!

B: Snow Maiden, you came to our holiday just in time. Answer us a questionWhy can’t we light our Christmas tree? Why can't we light our Christmas tree?

Snow maiden  (Competition 1): So, let me see. All clear. She was bewitched by wizards. So they left a note. Let's see what is written here. To spell Christmas tree guys, I need your help. It is necessary to perform different tasks using all our knowledge of the English language. To make the Christmas tree lit up, you need to dress it up. The bag with jewelry is probably at Snowman. Only here we have a lot of Snowmen. It is necessary to make an identikit. Guys, let's split up into teams. Together with the Presenter, I will describe the Snowman to you in English, and you will draw it for me. (Each child from the team listens to one sentence and draws one element according to what he heard).

He has a round face. He has big blue eyes. He has an orange small nose. He has thin pink lips. His ears are big and white. His body is small - it has two parts. He has long arms. His fingers are long. He has small blue legs.

He has an oval face. He has small black eyes. He has a red big nose. He has full yellow lips. His ears are small and red. His body is big - it has three parts. He has short arms. His fingers are blue. He has small black legs.

B (Competition 2): Now each of you will recognize the Snowman you need and take a bag of jewelry from him. It's time to move forward. You guys all know the rules. traffic? What color do you need to cross the road? But since we are going to the magical land where Father Frost, Snowmaiden, Snowmen live, the traffic lights here are also magical. I will call you the colors in English, only one who has this color in clothes can cross the road. For those who don’t, ask that those who have this color in their clothes presented will take you across the road.

Snowmaiden  (Competition 3): Guys, we meet hungry animals along the way. It is winter. Snow covered all food supplies. Let's feed them. I will show an animal to each team. You must correctly name it and say that this animal eats. Each correct answer is one point to the team.

The host and the Snow Maiden show a rabbit (rabbit), a wolf (wolf), a bear (bear), a dog (dog), a cat (cat), a bird (bird).

Children call them and list what these animals eat:

A dog eats meat, sausages, fish ... A rabbit eats a cabbage, a carrot, mushrooms ...

Leading  (Competition 4): Guys, everyone did an excellent job with this task. Here are the houses of the Snowmen. But the river blocked our way, which does not freeze even in winter. There is no crossing. We will jump over the bumps and offers. I will hand out to each team the words on the cards; we need to make sentences out of them. Whoever makes the proposal correctly will not drown.

Words on cards:

  1. have, we, dog, a nice.
  2. Like, they, an ice-cream.
  3. Mother, my, in, lives, house, a big.
  4. Go, they, in the morning, to school.

(Competition 5): Almost a bit is left to shore. But we no longer have bumps. There is only the verb TO BE. Who remembers how this verb is translated? And how does he correctly bow with pronouns? Here are each team cards. Let's combine the pronouns with the correct form of this verb.

IN: So we found the Snowman houses. So, I see a note. Who can read and understand it:

Please, help me to collect toys for children.

Snowmaiden  (Competition 6): Please help me collect toys for children. And here is the list of toys. Guys, to collect toys on the list, you need to call them and their number in English. Teams, each of you will have your own list.

  • 10 dolls
  • 15 cars
  • 13 lamps
  • 17 cakes
  • 11 balls
  • 12 buses
  • 14 bags.

IN (Competition 7): We found a bag of New Year's toys. Now we are ready to decorate our Christmas tree - Christmas Tree. Guys, come closer, please name each New Year's toy in English. Now, let's light our Christmas tree. What magic words do we know? One, two, three - light our New Year tree!

Snowmaiden: But that is not all. Let's go together to the next room. Today we will have a master class on signing cards in English. We will learn how to write English congratulations on New Year and Christmas in English.