English language

Congratulations on the other 21 years. Cool greetings from friends

You are 21, not too many and not too few,
And adulthood is just the beginning.
Confidently and boldly go always through life,
Let there be positive ideas, plans, thoughts.
I wish you pure and sincere love,
Follow your bright dream.
Good luck to you, joy, in all matters of luck.
Always let there be a freaky and bright mood!

21st birthday
The year fell into the piggy bank
I wish the most
This day was happy.

So that all wishes come true
What is being heard here today?
Years - voiced coins,
Let them ring in the piggy bank.

Build plans, catch luck
Don't forget about friends
And in a good mood
Meet each new day.

Happy Birthday. your date, 21 years old is like a new stage in life, a new runway, and let this runway be a successful start in flight to your goals and ideas, to your dreams and hopes. I wish you vital energy and strength, strong friendship and true love, a wide range of opportunities and high notes of optimism in your mood.

twenty first birthday
Are you celebrating now
I wish you not to lose
A daring glint of sly eyes.

Let it work for you
Let love take you prisoner
May in all your aspirations
You will definitely get lucky.

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish that on the way
Lucky to meet
And find your love.

Lay your route to happiness
Steady course:
The road is calling on a good path,
And she is a lifetime.

21 - how cool, congratulations.
With all my heart I wish you joy.
I wish you love bright, endless,
The cares of the most tender, the most eternal.

Beautiful dreams, beautiful days
Kind, generous people.
Health, affection, beauty.
Let your dreams come true!

Twenty-one is a wonderful age,
Life is ahead, and this is not the time to be sad,
We wish you a happy birthday
Happiness to find, and sadness to let go,
You enjoy the beautiful days
Try to appreciate every moment
Together with family and friends
Can you conquer all the peaks!

Good meetings, bright surprises,
Only joyful chores
wonderful gifts
And a whirlpool of love.

twenty first birthday
Let it bring into your life
Only warm moments
And great optimism!

Illuminated by the bright sun
Your twenty-first year.
Youth is wonderful.
And I'll tell you, my friend
Gotta enjoy life
Be surprised at the little things.
Smile at people more often
Count the stars at night.
Be kinder, a little easier
And don't hold grudges.
Feel free to rejoice in success.
Believe, hope and love!

21 is a glorious date
So much for you today!
May life be rich for good luck
The sun of love will shine in fate!

May it be easy to succeed
Glorious success, reach heights.
May the sun smile brightly at you
To receive good in your own hands!

twenty-first birthday
happy date,
Life is full of new discoveries
Rich in ups.

I wish you happiness,
new conquests,
Joy, beautiful love,
Only bright accomplishments.

In the years of youth and youth, every birthday is still perceived as a holiday. It is not surprising, because at this age we have not yet had time to get used to many things, we have something to be surprised at. 21 years is a birthday that is perceived in a special way. This is the last line before adulthood. On such a special day for the birthday man, it is necessary to present him not only a good gift, but also a congratulation. If there are difficulties with the second one, our article will help you find a decent text.

From Mom

Today I accept 21 years ago he came into my life, and I'm still surprised by this. When I felt like a mother, I changed forever. Today you, dear son, have a birthday and we are all infinitely happy about this. With you, I always learn something new, I solve any, even the most unusual tasks. I wish you to preserve and increase your vital energy in order to do a million things at the same time. Let each of them captivate you, bring joy and inspiration. Health, success and love will be useful in the piggy bank of wishes.

Support and support

For some women, the support personifies the husband, but perhaps they simply do not have a son. It's so beautiful to watch a man grow before your eyes. Not without pride I will say that under the strict guidance of your parents, you have become quite an adult. Do not be afraid that from year to year the age will only increase. I want, as a mother, to wish that there is no room for regrets in life, the colors of youth do not fade, and youthful enthusiasm does not leave you. Strive for a dream, do what you love, never get lost in problems and routine, but always find time for interesting things.

Stingy male tear

Everyone tells you, son, beautiful birthday greetings. 21 years old is a great occasion to say a few special words, and therefore I want to “push” the speech. For a man, a son is a great chance. While he is still a child, his father can play enough with him in fancy toys that were not there before, remember all the yard chants. However, over the years, responsibility grows: it is necessary to teach the child to be persistent, strong, to be able to stand up for himself and for the weaker ones. You have learned all these lessons perfectly, and therefore you are going into adulthood young, but still a man. Dare! I am sure that you will have the strength to build your life and reach all the heights!

Cool greetings from friends

Now the liver may begin to be afraid, because alcohol will already be sold to you, the main thing is not to forget your passport. But do not relax, friend. You still need to earn money for alcohol and, of course, have a roof over your head where you can drink it. All this, of course, is a joke. We wish you to always be able to clearly identify goals and competently achieve them. Everyone says that adult life has now begun, and let it be whatever you want: bright, interesting, exciting, crazy. And the number of years lived will be able to reach record numbers, because retirement is not soon.

humor from friends

Hello everyone, freedom! Now, in any dispute with your parents, you can say that you are an adult and you will decide everything yourself. True true! And they will definitely agree with you, and if not, then show your passport! And also, older uncles, and maybe aunts, will take you to work. In general, there will be a lot of new things, but better without spoilers! You are 21 and have a whole life ahead of you. Use it for cool things, and leave everything unnecessary or bad in the past.

Beloved girl

Dear (name)! Please accept my congratulations on your birthday. A girl at 21 still has a lot to learn, to learn a lot of women's tricks. However, already now you have become for me the only, beloved and most beautiful. I want to wish never to pay attention to age. May you always be loved and happy. I wish you more happy moments, smiles and fulfillment of desires.

my one and only

I congratulate you on such a special, amazing and wonderful day - your birthday. 21 years is only the beginning of adulthood, which means that you will have a lot of such holidays. May you be happy not only on this day, but on any other. I wish your inner and outer beauty only increase. Let what a little girl dreamed of come true already in an adult girl.

For daughter

When you prepare a birthday greeting for your daughter, you involuntarily return to the time when you just turned 21 years old. And even though it was a different era, but much has remained unchanged. For example, create a happy and strong family, enjoy every day. I wish you all this, so that when you come home, you feel endless warmth, love, care and support. Don't forget to share it with your family and friends. Be always so smiling, open, gentle and joyful.

Much needs to be done

Well, girlfriend, happy birthday! A 21 year old girl is no joke. It's time to get active. You have to learn to clearly and easily explain to a man what you want, because soon you will finally be convinced that they do not understand the hints. Perhaps soon the hostess will turn on inside, who will force them to wash all the dishes and endlessly scold the household for violating order. However, do not forget that you are still young, which means you should not forget about carelessness, fun. All of them help to create individual moments that make up an amazing life. We wish you to have time, if not everything, then a lot, but at the same time be cheerful, inspired and beautiful.

No time to be sad

Worrying about getting older every year is a stupid thing to do. Remember that this opens up more and more opportunities. Save up for the trip you dreamed about, buy insanely expensive shoes that will be terribly uncomfortable, be the first to meet a handsome handsome man who rides with you every morning in transport, because you are only 21 years old! Happy birthday and congratulations let it rain down on you like rain! We hope that many more adventures await us, because without them it is very boring.


It's always great to celebrate a birthday, and turning 21 is the epitome of youth, energy and perspective. It is worth congratulating the birthday man on such a wonderful period that begins in his life.

Here it is, a beautiful birthday,
Everyone is already in a hurry to congratulate you,
Accept this congratulations for happiness,
We have so many kind words to say.

And on this bright clear holiday,
In the howl of the bright twenty-first year,
We wish you happiness and good luck
For more joyful chores.

For happiness or luck
We give this congratulations
To bring you happiness
And you weren't alone with him.

21 is the date
That you can only dream of happiness.
Live like a butterfly, gloriously fluttering,
And all questions are easy to resolve.

I congratulate! I wish you fun
Good luck and revived dreams,
On this most beautiful birthday
Surprise everyone with stormy joy!

Having crossed the line for 20, you celebrate your birthday. I congratulate you and want to wish that at the age of 21 you have new ideas, opportunities, prospects, friends, goals, aspirations, hopes, dreams. May life become even brighter and more beautiful, may the soul strive for perfection, may the heart always inspire love.

I want you to soar
Like a mighty Seraphim.
Be always successful
You are at 21.

On my birthday I wish
Trouble not to know and not to get sick,
Only strive for the best
The world is huge to see.

May success be with you
in your endeavors.
So that the fire of the beautiful soul
Burned brightly, did not subside.

Happy twenty-first year
I want to congratulate.
good luck wishes
And send love.

May a beautiful age give
Forces and desires.
Realize and recreate
All your dreams.

Twenty-one is very cool!
Accept congratulations as soon as possible:
We wish that every minute
You were in the sweet pool of love
So that all ideas succeed,
To make you smile more
So that everyone admires you
So that everything would always work out!

Twenty plus one today, you can congratulate
I wish you a lot of happiness, not to know sorrows.
Let adversity and sorrow be out of work,
May fate arrange chaos for you.

What you wish will come true, I wish
Let true friends go with you through life.
May hope, faith and love go with you,
And you will be quietly guided through all the bad weather.

Happy birthday long-awaited,
We sincerely wish
To the twenty-first year
Pulled you forward
Closer to the goal of embodiment,
To amazing accomplishments
To a place where you would know everything
And unlocked the potential.

Childhood is gone forever
The adult world is beautiful - not heavy,
Be sure of this all your years.

Everything is in your hands, no doubt
Do not let sadness enter the house,
Even if it's hard - smile!
Let all adversity disappear from the path!

Here it is, perfection itself,
Not some 18 there,
Real twenty one
This is where life begins.

The time of the most justified rights,
And love, and searching, and disputes ...
Happy birthday! Be healthy
The rest will follow soon!

Dear (Name), on your twenty-second birthday, I would like to congratulate you. I wish you that your life path becomes a path of victories, so be brave among the strong among the weak, be kind, learn and work to love with all your heart and forgive And may our wishes help you apply wisdom in your younger years

21 plus is a marvel to everyone:
This is interesting and beautiful.
This is not naive, but already piquant ...
21 plus is elegant
21 plus is not too much
It is loved by the elderly and the boys.
21 plus is not the limit
For fun, crazy things.
It means to be in great shape,
Being healthy without a diet...
You can play tennis and football
Believe in predictions
You can be an avid theatergoer
Only the "wooden" money is not enough, it's a pity!
21 plus - sex awakening.
This is creativity and affection, and skill.
At more than 21, you can torture your loved one.

We congratulate you on your birthday.
You are like a balm in our crazy life!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Forever be a "golden girl"!

Congratulations to 21 girls in verse

21 - your fate is spring!
You are full of hopes, desires, plans.
Before you in a pink mist
Life unknown country.

There are many roads waiting for you in it -
Choose any, and bolder.
Even if you can do a lot
Don't forget about your native threshold.

You will overcome the difficult path.
Be unique and loved.
Young thoughts and strength
Check with your heart, with your soul!

Beloved hare,
On her birthday
Dear little fairy
Our congratulations.
most adored,
Smart and beautiful
We sincerely wish
Be always happy!

Happy birthday to you!
At this hour, I wish you:
Let the heart be filled to the brim
The best thing on earth.
May your love be hot
And the dream will be high
Let your eyes cry with joy!
Let your beauty not smolder!
Be beautiful like a white lily
And fresh as a misty dawn
Be so happy baby
To envy the whole wide world!

Congratulations to girlfriend 21 today

At 21 you are so beautiful
Fresh breath of spring...
Those who are familiar, it's not in vain
Deeply in love with you.

Mila, full of charm,
Kind, slender, light, smart ...
And a cup full of happiness
May God give you a drink!

happy birthday congratulations
We wish you good years
To live in your own house
Like pancakes in honey
She had a white face
And cheerful eyes
For the sun to warm you
So that everything in life is in time!

Congratulations daughter 21 happy birthday

You are 21 today!
How fast the years go by
Like a fast train, like a rocket -
You shouldn't be upset.
You look to the future
And you will take away the light of the sun,
We all wish from the bottom of our hearts
Live for at least a hundred years!
We also wish you
Health, vivacity and happiness,
Let bad weather pass by!
We wish you a good friend,
smiles on your face,
Trouble and joy on the way
You shared peacefully together.

Sparkling sunlight!
The murmur of silver streams!
Fragrant delightful bouquets!
And on a starry night of trills of nightingales!
May this day fill your soul with warmth
And give everything beautiful, bright,
And all the crystal dreams will be fulfilled
About happiness, about luck, about love!

Comic congratulations to a girlfriend happy birthday

You are such a cutie
You are such a beauty
I want to wish you
Superfood Groom

To love you endlessly
All-all-all gave you
Entertain like a queen
But not to be a crocodile

Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish
Be funny, cute,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, sleep tight at night
To have such power
To always stay cute -
For legal spouse
And maybe another friend.
May health be strong
Happiness your house will not forget
A lot of joy, warmth,
So that fate is good
So that youth is not sluggish,
To not know old age.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl from friends

Such wonderful beauty
Rarely seen
We are happy that you are with us
What a joyful heart beats!
Heavenly eyes,
And hair in the color of the light of the sun ...
We confess from the bottom of our hearts
We love you, our sun!

Congratulating you is not too lazy
On your birthday
and wealth and health
I wish you not too lazy!
And also love, good luck
And friends-girlfriends to boot!

Happy birthday wishes to a girl from a friend

Hello Beautiful! Happy Birthday!
Now a friend, no doubt
It's time to take care of yourself
To stay perfect.
Blossom to be younger
And it doesn't look like a passport photo!
Love you, good luck!
Well, and some more money to boot!

Happy birthday wishes to wife 21 years old

Happy birthday my sunshine
May everything be fine with you.
May you always be lucky
And work will bring joy.
May all your dreams come true
Everyone always gives you flowers.
Be good to yourself forever.
You are my beautiful wife.

Short congratulations to a girl on her 21st birthday

Be cheerful
Be happy
around the clock beautiful
Gentle, kind, cute
With a great mood
Nice and young...
Well, in short, as always!

You are 21, not too many and not too few,
And adulthood is just the beginning.
Confidently and boldly go always through life,
Let there be positive ideas, plans, thoughts.
I wish you pure and sincere love,
Follow your bright dream.
Good luck to you, joy, in all matters of luck.
Always let there be a freaky and bright mood!


21st birthday
The year fell into the piggy bank
I wish myself
This day was happy.

To make all wishes come true
What is being heard here today?
Years are voiced coins,
Let them ring in the piggy bank.

Build plans, catch luck
Don't forget about friends
And in a good mood
Meet each new day.


Happy 21st birthday. May youth bring many good impressions and fun adventures, happy and successful days, successful deeds, loved ones, good deeds and personal hobbies. I wish you to persistently strive for your cherished dream, get everything you need from life, love and enjoy your happiness.


Twenty one is a great date
Let experience, knowledge and not rich,
But the sea of ​​feelings, fullness of mood,
I congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you smiles and looks at the trail,
The neighborhood is slimmer, prettier there,
Your eyes are like forest lakes
May life be forever in a beautiful major!

Friends and more, yes it is true to love,
Beautiful and wise, and fun to live,
Work, study, succeed in everything,
Do not get tired of a good life!


twenty first birthday
Are you celebrating now
I wish you not to lose
A daring glint of sly eyes.

Let it work for you
Let love take you prisoner
May in all your aspirations
You will definitely get lucky.

Cool birthday greetings 21 years old


Good meetings, bright surprises,
Only joyful chores
wonderful gifts
And a whirlpool of love.

twenty first birthday
Let it bring into your life
Only warm moments
And great optimism!


21 - how cool, congratulations.
With all my heart I wish you joy.
I wish you love bright, endless,
The cares of the most tender, the most eternal.

Beautiful dreams, beautiful days
Kind, generous people.
Health, affection, beauty.
Let your dreams come true!


Twenty plus one today, you can congratulate
I wish you a lot of happiness, not to know sadness.
Let adversity and sorrow be out of work,
May fate arrange the happiness of arbitrariness for you.

What you want, so come true, I wish
Let true friends go with you through life.
May hope, faith and love go with you,
And you will be quietly guided through all the bad weather.


21 is a glorious date
So much for you today!
May life be rich for good luck
The sun of love will shine in fate!

May it be easy to succeed
Glorious success, reach heights.
May the sun smile brightly at you
To receive good in your hands!


Twenty-one is a wonderful age
Life is ahead, and this is not the time to be sad,
We wish you a happy birthday
Happiness to find, and sadness to let go,
You enjoy the beautiful days
Try to appreciate every moment
Together with family and friends
Can you conquer all the peaks!

Beautiful congratulations on your 21st birthday


I congratulate you not just on your next birthday, but on full adulthood! Now you can be considered an adult in all respects. I want to live up to this role, but never forget that you can be a child in your soul. Happy holiday!


You are 21 today. You are still at the very beginning of a fascinating, diverse, sometimes difficult life path. But you will solve any issues easily. Adult independent life is waiting for you. Feel free to go forward, let sincere love, great luck and, of course, health accompany you!


Happy Birthday. your date, 21 years old is like a new stage in life, a new runway, and may this runway be a successful start in flight to your goals and ideas, to your dreams and hopes. I wish you vital energy and strength, strong friendship and true love, a wide range of opportunities and high notes of optimism in your mood.


You are twenty one today
I hasten to congratulate you.
And have fun anyway
On my birthday, I beg.

Don't be sad and don't be discouraged
And keep success by the horns.
Be less upset in life
And let everything be cooler than everyone else.


For the twenty first time
Everyone congratulates you
And on your birthday
Good luck everyone wishes.

What more could you want?
True friends, love,
strive to achieve
Any of your dreams.

And may dreams always
They call you forward
May fate be in miracles
Rather waiting for you.

Touching congratulations for 21 years


One day has come since the century,
Meet you full adulthood!
This date means a lot to everyone
We will roll up a party here now.

Close your eyes for a moment
Try suddenly to believe in a fairy tale.
Make a wish, believe in a dream
Well, we wish you beauty.

On the day when all dreams come true
When your star lights up in the sky,
You promise us to be beautiful
21 is the start of being an adult, cool.


Clean and thoughts, and heart, and soul,
How beautiful and beautiful you are.
I personally congratulate you very tenderly,
Live the way you want, even better, I wish.

I am a mother, I know you better than others
I wish you always be loved!
Happy twenty-first birthday
Daughter, you smile and give us mood!


Illuminated by the bright sun
Your twenty-first year.
Youth is wonderful.
And I'll tell you, my friend
Gotta enjoy life
Be surprised at the little things.
Smile at people more often
Count the stars at night.
Be kinder, a little easier
And don't hold grudges.
Feel free to rejoice in success.
Believe, hope and love!


Twenty-one is very cool!
Please accept congratulations:
We wish that every minute
You were in the sweet pool of love
So that all ideas succeed,
To make you smile more often
For everyone to admire you
So that everything would always work out!


On my birthday, dear (a) friend (girlfriend) in life, I wish you to be a winner, maintaining dignity, honor, respect, compassion, a cold mind and a warm heart. May good luck accompany you everywhere, love be mutual, and happiness eternal!

Poems birthday 21 year


21 is a great date. Learning, fun and many friends - let the next year be carefree and happy for you. Let the work itself be found, as well as the second half. Love and happiness to you!


twenty-first birthday
happy date,
Life is full of new discoveries
Rich in ups.

I wish you happiness,
new conquests,
Joy, beautiful love,
Only bright accomplishments.


I congratulate you not just on your next birthday, but on full adulthood! Now you can be considered an adult in all respects. I want to live up to this role, but never forget that you can be a child in your soul. Happy holiday!


Here it is, perfection itself,
Not any there 18,
Real twenty one
This is where life begins.

The time of the most justified rights,
And love, and searching, and disputes ...
Happy birthday! Be healthy
The rest will be added soon!


Happy birthday long-awaited,
We sincerely wish
To the twenty-first year
Pulled you forward
Closer to the goal of incarnation,
To amazing accomplishments
To a place where you would know everything
And unlocked the potential.


Childhood is gone forever
The adult world is beautiful - not heavy,
Convince yourself of this all your years.

Everything is in your hands, no doubt
Do not let sadness enter the house,
Even if it's hard, smile!
Let all adversity disappear from the path!


Ah, twenty-one! It's just great
You are even considered an adult by the sea,
On the other hand, young and perky.
Eh, I would be so 21 to repeat!
Wow, I would have started business then!
Well, congratulations, since the date has arrived.


21 is the date
That you can only dream of happiness.
Live like a butterfly, gloriously fluttering,
And all questions are easy to solve.

I congratulate! I wish you fun
Good luck and revived dreams,
On this beautiful birthday
Surprise everyone with stormy joy!


I want you to soar
Like a mighty Seraphim.
Be always successful
You are at 21.

On my birthday I wish
Trouble not to know and not to get sick,
Only strive for the best
The world is huge to see.

May success be with you
in your endeavors.
To the fire of the beautiful soul
Burned brightly, did not subside.


Dear (name), on your twenty-second birthday, I would like to congratulate you, wish you that your life path becomes a path of victories, so be among the strong, brave among the weak, learn and work to love with all your heart and forgive, and may our wishes help you apply in your younger years wisdom


Oh, how beautiful this date is when the world is open for a shirt. So please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday. We wish the Sun warms, but not burning, the wind caresses and only fair, the sky is clean and peaceful. May Your life path be covered with a velvet carpet of petals, on which thorns never meet.


You turn 21 today!
You have become an adult, fortunately for your parents.
Let everything that is planned turn out
Son, bad weather will bypass you.

Appetite will play up to luck,
And fate will instantly shine.
The greeting will be added to this,
And let happiness be very successful.


Last year was celebrating an anniversary
Is yours. Twenty plus today
Fulfilled by you. Come on soon
Let's gather at the table, the guests are already there
They trample impatiently in the yard,
Reading your congratulations by heart.
The third is already a dozen, this is for children
And I didn’t dream, fate is not easy.


Having crossed the border for 20, you celebrate your birthday. I congratulate you and want to wish that at the age of 21 you have new ideas, opportunities, prospects, friends, goals, aspirations, hopes, dreams. May life become even brighter and more beautiful, may the soul strive for perfection, may the heart always inspire love.


Happy twenty-first year
I want to congratulate.
good luck wishes
And send love.

May a beautiful age give
Forces and desires.
Realize and recreate
All your dreams.


Accept congratulations
And receive gifts
Birthday is the best holiday
It should be celebrated
Performed today
Because you're twenty-one
Have fun, have fun
Silence, do not sit still!
We wish you success
You really need him
Happiness, cheerfulness and laughter,
Joy in your destiny.


The wave of life beats the "key",
We'll score a goal for her soon.
Let's meet the date of birth,
Date of full maturity.

And congratulations for the 21st time,
We will send our wishes.
So that happiness smiles at you
And everything always worked out.

Stay brave guy
In any case, do not give up!
Fulfill your desire
And hello from us you accept.


21 is definitely a milestone.
At this age, people grow up.
They see friendship, goodness and ignoramus ...
Many know and many can.

Wish only left then
On your birthday - such an important day -
To be the sun and always shine
Be wise, be kind and brave!


You turn twenty-one
And you should be proud of your age.
Only with him comes, believe me,
In countries many come of age.

We give you such a wish -
Become perfect in literally everything -
Not only in years, but in many deeds,
And in life, so that everything succeeds on "ah"!


Leave all your problems behind
Let only happiness be ahead.
At 21, girlfriend, take the start soon,
After all, being a leader is definitely more fun.

I wish you love on your birthday -
The kind that lights up the stars in the sky.
Among those stars, fortune wakes up,
Let it fall into your palms in an instant.


Happy birthday to you my friend!
You are already 21!
Let it be joyful around
And the nightingales sing in the shower.

May everyone remember this day
With grip and sweeping breadth,
Neighbors remember for a long time
Your amazing birthday!

May you find everything you are looking for -
Love, harmony with yourself,
Let happiness be as much as you want
Your fulfilled dream.

In all moments, let luck
Problems are just like a trampoline:
To temper the strength of the spirit,
And so that you become invincible!


21 years old - the beginning, a turn in life,
Happy birthday dear friend
You are still so young.
We wish that life
Bringing only joy
Live and be happy always
After all, we have only one youth,
Let naive dreams
Your thoughts no longer color
But adult life ahead
And we wish worthily
you pass it,
Catch our congratulations,
It's your birthday.


21 - neither more nor less ...
The road to the family, the time has come ...
For the soul, for love, for everything,
That your heart is so close and sweet.
For you, everything is naive, playful.
Let the wanderings end at this moment
And the whole world will fall at your feet...
And let all dreams be justified.
And your house will be filled with happiness!


My dear friend, the best,
Today is basically your birthday.
Accept my congratulations you are better
And listen to me soon.

On the day of full adulthood,
The day you turned 21.
I wish you great luck
Stay in the world you are alone.


happy birthday congratulations
And I wish that on the road
Managed to get lucky
And find your love.

Lay your route for happiness
Steady course:
The road is calling on a good path,
And she's a lifetime.