
About exhibitions in the art gallery year. Tretyakov gallery on the Crimean shaft. Saint Louis and the relics of Sainte-Chapelle

For the City Day, the Tretyakov Gallery has prepared an exhibition of works about Moscow - from icon painting of the 17th century to painting of the 19th - 21st centuries. About 100 exhibits from the State Tretyakov Gallery and private collections

Tretyakov Gallery, September 7, 2017 - January 21, 2018
Engineering building, Lavrushinsky lane, 10

The Tretyakov Gallery opens the new season with a series of exhibitions about Moscow. Projects offer to consider the image of the city in the visual arts from different angles. The Tretyakov Gallery has previously addressed the theme of the city: "Moscow in Russian and Soviet painting" (1980), "Moscow and Muscovites" (1997), "Catherine the Great and Moscow" (1997), "Peter the Great and Moscow" (1998), “Elizaveta Petrovna and Moscow” (2010). The city's image invariably attracts and inspires artists. Contemporary curators find it interesting to introduce him to a new generation of Muscovites. This year's exhibitions are distinguished by the fact that they are composed almost entirely on the basis of works from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

The exposition of the Moscow Through the Ages exhibition pays much attention to the formation of the city's iconography - from the images of pre-fire Moscow in the icon painting of the 17th century and the first landscape views of the capital in the works of F. Alekseev to the search for the “formula of Moscow” by artists of the early 20th century and the display of the city's image in new forms and materials by contemporary craftsmen. The exhibition consists of five thematic sections: “Moscow - the third Rome”, “Moscow Kremlin - the heart of the city”, “Conversations about old Moscow”, “Red Square. Formula of Moscow ”and“ XX century. City voices ". Visitors will meet with well-known works of Simon Ushakov, V. Surikov, B. Kustodiev, A. Lentulov, V. Polenov, and with little familiar to the wide audience canvases by A. Vasnetsov, V. Perov, V. Makovsky, I. Nikolaev , A. Deineka, A. Labasa, K. Yuon, E. Vakhtangov, V. Brainina, T. Nazarenko, N. Nesterova and others.

Many paintings have not been exhibited before, for example, "Pushkin Square" by M. Gurevich, painted in 1937, when the monument to A.S. Pushkin was located not where we are used to seeing him, but on the opposite side of the street opposite the later demolished Passionate Monastery. For the first time, the paintings "Moscow of the 30s" (1932) by V. Midler, "Kuznetsky Most" (1958) by O. Vasiliev, "Kropotkinskaya Street" (1948) by V. Apfelbaum, "Yauzskie Vorota" (1979) by I. Sorokin will be shown and others. These artists are usually represented in the exposition and at exhibitions by more famous works - the listed works are little exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery and almost never go to visiting exhibitions. Within the framework of this project, finally, it became possible to show these things, which are inaccessible to the public.

Some of the paintings were restored specifically for this project. So, after serious work to remove dirt and yellowed lacquer coating, for the first time leaves the fund and is shown to the public "The Cabby in Zamoskvorechye" (1887–1892) by S. Svetoslavsky. The painting by A. Lentulov "Moscow" (1913), made in mixed media, can be seen in the permanent exhibition of the New Tretyakov Gallery, but it also underwent complex restoration work, after which it was noticeably transformed.

One of the features of the exhibition is the opportunity to hear the “voices of the city”: the Institute of Sound Design, which has the largest archive of sounds in Russia, was involved in the work on the exposition. Together with experts in various fields, audio installations were created that "sound" the main works of the exhibition and allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Moscow of different eras. So, for the sounding of "Moscow Courtyard" (1878), ornithologists helped to pick up the voices of birds that lived in 1878 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Arbat lanes - this part of the city is depicted in the painting by V. Polenov. This is how Spasopeskovsky lane looked about 150 years ago. In total, eight works were sounded, including: "Cathedral Square in the Moscow Kremlin" (early 19th century) by F. Alekseev, "Golubyatnik" (1874) by V. Perov, "Moscow Tavern" (1916) by B. Kustodiev, "New Moscow" (1937) Y. Pimenova, Metro (1935) A. Labasa, Builders (1959-1960) A. Deineka, Moscow Evening (1978) T. Nazarenko.

The aroma of the past will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 20th century Moscow. During the exhibition, the legendary Krasnaya Moskva perfume will be on sale in the souvenir shop.

The exhibition project goes beyond the walls of the museum and continues with special excursions around the city, the route of which was developed by "Excursion Bureau No. 1" based on the works presented in the exposition.

If the project "Moscow Through the Ages" is a kind of mosaic of picturesque images of the city, then the exhibition "City and People. Moscow in the graphics of the twentieth century ”(October 11, 2017 - January 14, 2018, New Tretyakov Gallery) reflects the personal approach of the artists, shows how they saw the capital, experiencing the dramatic events of 1917 and 1941, as well as the euphoria of the thaw period.

The exhibition "Preserved Shrines of Moscow bygone ..." (September 8, 2017 - January 21, 2018, Corps of Engineers) is unique. For the first time, works of decorative and applied art from the collection of precious metals and precious stones of the Tretyakov Gallery, one of the museum's storerooms, are most closed to the general public. The chamber exposition brings together 30 pieces of church art of the 16th - 19th centuries from 17 destroyed Moscow churches.

Source:press release of the State Tretyakov Gallery

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A guide to the most interesting exhibitions in Moscow in the second half of 2017

Autumn and the beginning of winter are not a reason to be depressed, but a great opportunity to visit museums and enrich yourself culturally. In 2017, Moscow will host several significant events at once: exhibitions of contemporary art, the arrival of guests from Asia and events in honor of the 870th anniversary of the capital. We have selected eight of the most interesting exhibitions worth visiting in the second half of this year.

If one autumn day you find yourself next to the Pushkin Museum, then on the outskirts of the building you will appreciate the scale of Tsai Guoqiang's exhibition, which will be held from September 13 to November 12 this year. Right on the steps of the main entrance, the genius of contemporary art and the owner of the Golden Lion of the Venice Biennale will erect an unusual installation of 350 prams and cots. Inside each of them Russian birches will "sprout" - a symbol of different human destinies and a reference to the famous scene on the stairs from the movie "Battleship Potemkin". If you remember, in it a carriage with a baby rolls long and terribly down the steps of the Odessa staircase, while the officers shoot the scattering crowd. "October" is the first exhibition of Tsai Guoqiang in Russia, it is timed to the anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution. Only she tells not about the event itself, but about the person who is experiencing it. The entire space of the museum will turn into one large-scale installation, where famous twenty-meter powder paintings, sketches, sketches and sculptural groups will be presented. The author asks: who is responsible for the fate of humanity? What are the consequences of our actions? Try to find your answers by meeting Tsai Guoqiang, a pyrotechnic master from the Middle Kingdom, whose creations adorned the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008, and the exhibition "Da Vinci of the People" attracted more than a million people and became the most visited event of the living artist.

The exhibition of paintings by the expressive artist of Belarusian origin Chaim Soutine, sponsored by VTB Bank, will open in the main building of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin on October 24 and will last almost three months. The exposition of the works of this unsociable and peculiar author will be held in Russia for the first time. Haim Soutine's paintings are very dramatic in execution and even give goosebumps to sophisticated modern viewers. Numerous "bloody" gladioli, still lifes with gutted carcasses and original portraits literally ooze paint and, of course, stand a little apart from the works of other representatives of the "Paris School" - the community of French artists of the 1900-1960s. Perhaps such a non-standard artistic manner was associated with the constant presence of pain in Soutine's life. Contemporaries claimed that even his face seemed to express pain all the time: he suffered from a stomach ulcer and died from it on the operating table in 1943. The exposition will occupy three halls - for three directions of the author's work: portraits, landscapes and still lifes. The organizers tried to tell what Soutine grew out of as a creator and who he influenced. In total, about 50 works will be presented: 20 paintings belong to Chaim Soutine himself, and the rest - to masters who were somehow connected with him: Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Jean-Baptiste Chardin and others.

State Tretyakov Gallery, 15 April 2016 - 17 December 2017

Why Reboot? Because the exhibition, which the Tretyakov Gallery is holding until mid-December 2017, will show visitors the long-term path of contemporary Russian art and make it clear how it has evolved. The exposition is collected and grouped by genre so that guests can “connect” and “compare” works that at different times were included in the museum's collection. The expansive panorama includes paintings, objects, assemblies, video works and installations, united by themes: Abstraction, Kineticism and Optical Art, Mystics and Surrealists, New Realism, Pop Art, Minimalism and Post-Painterly Abstraction "," Sots Art "," Conceptualism - an image in the head "," Poetry and writing "," Performance "," Understanding machines "," Neo-Expressionism "," Conceptualism - a new generation "," Postmodern archeology "," Actionism 1990 -x "and" Project: Art of the 2000s ". Half of the 200 exhibited works belonged to the famous collector Leonid Talochkin and will be shown to the general public for the first time. The format of the exhibition corresponds to the name, and for the Tretyakov Gallery this is a great experiment: guests will be able to interact with some of the exhibits and even become part of them. For example, sitting at a table, studying interactive copies of works, or twirling them in your hands. To give visitors a better understanding of the beauty of contemporary art, the curators organized an additional educational program "Philosophy after Art", where you can listen to lectures and discuss the topic of free will and the connection between culture and technology.

The exhibition of watercolors and drawings from the first half of the 19th century is worth a visit, even if you are not art-savvy, just for aesthetic pleasure. For the exhibition, 200 best watercolors and graphic works of artists of the Romantic era have been collected: landscapes, genre drawings and everyday scenes. The semantic core of the exhibition is the work of the teachers of the Imperial Academy of Arts: Ivanov, Egorov, Shebuev, Bruni, Basin and their students (including the famous Bryullov). The paintings that populated the five halls of the museum have a clear narrative line: the almost weightless, as if painted with air and light, the early works of the academicians are gradually being replaced by the joyless everyday sepia, anticipating the graphics of the Itinerants of the 20th century. A separate room is dedicated to Bryullov's solar creativity, where illustrations from trips to Greece, Turkey and entertaining sketches of Italian life are collected. In the last room, visitors will get acquainted with Fedotov's "observation" work: sketches of Moscow life with author's comments and satirical drawings about everyday life. During this period, there was a flourishing of magazine graphics and illustrations, with which visitors can get acquainted with cartoons and cartoons by Sternberg, Benoit, Stepanov and Ramazanov.

State Tretyakov Gallery, 28 September 2017 - 14 January 2018

Who is "Someone 1917" predicted by the poet Velimir Khlebnikov, and how he burst into world history and the history of Russia, will demonstrate the exhibition of the same name, which will open at the Tretyakov Gallery in September. As the director of the museum, Zelfira Tregulova, says, this exhibition is not just the iconography of the October Revolution. "Someone 1917" is a reflection of the controversy, discussions, ideas and reactions of the authors of that time to an event that turned the world community upside down. Some artists were ready to cooperate with a new type of state and found it promising. Others hid in workshops and refused to see what was happening around them. Catastrophic changes awaited both those and others. And today people from 1917, who did not yet know what would happen, can use art to “talk” with us, people from distant 2017. Guests will find about 120 works by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Boris Kustodiev, Zinaida Serebryakova, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, Alexander Rodchenko, Olga Rozanova and other artists, as well as photographs and newsreels from 1917-1918. The exhibition will be multi-layered, like the historical moment to which it is dedicated and about which there is still controversy. You should not try to interpret the works from the point of view of some concept: as Zelfira Tregulova says, “in order to perceive this exhibition, you need to be non-partisan”.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, September 29, 2017 - February 4, 2018

When it comes to Japan, images are born before our eyes: anime, high technology, Tokyo neon signs, sakura in bloom, sushi, engravings depicting Mount Fuji ... All together - a combustible mixture of completely different and often incompatible things and phenomena. The work of the popular Japanese author Takashi Murakami is just that: bright, contradictory and ultra-fashionable. You can get acquainted with the variety of his works, first presented in Russia, at the exhibition, which will be held at the Garage Museum this fall. The author himself claims that his works are a criticism of modern Japanese culture, in which everything is mixed, and high art cannot be distinguished from a consumer product. A striking example of the symbiosis of everything with everything is Murakami's collaboration with the Louis Vuitton brand: the artist replaced the brown-beige background of the bags with white, painted the ornaments with all shades of the rainbow and added psychedelic images of flowers, mushrooms, funny bear cubs and other characters. The exposition will open in five rooms, and exhibits, including paintings, print run graphics, films, objects and animation, will tell about the phenomena of Japanese culture, reinterpreted by Takashi Murakami.

Even small children are familiar with the work of Ivan Bilibin. The illustrations of the artist and decorator of the early 20th century are inextricably linked with images from Russian fairy tales and are instantly recognizable. We can say that it was Bilibin who formed in the minds of the inhabitants of modern Russia the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Sister Alyonushka and other textbook characters of Russian folklore look like. How he succeeded and where the author's inspiration came from, will tell the exhibition, which takes place in the Tsaritsyno estate from May 12 to October 29, 2017. The organizers collected 101 exhibits from the Ivangorod Museum, the Novoladozhsky Museum of History and Local Lore, the Priyutino Estate Museum and the Station Keeper's House Museum. Moreover, these are not only familiar illustrations for "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Vasilisa the Beautiful" and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" from childhood, but also no less magical sketches of costumes and scenery for theatrical performances - Ivan Bilibin, among other things, was an outstanding set designer. The event turned out to be very atmospheric: the artist's works are presented interspersed with his personal belongings and objects of Russian life - folk costumes, embroidery, icons, popular prints, old printed books and oriental miniatures.

The team from the Tretyakov Gallery proposes to celebrate the 870th anniversary of Moscow by visiting an exhibition that will tell about the history of the city through the voices of its residents, guests and famous artists. The space will be divided into periods from the 15th to the 20th century. The historical chronicle of the city will be composed of ancient icons, paintings by authors up to the 20th century, memoirs and works of contemporary artists. The event promises to be atmospheric: the curators focused not on the information component, but on the emotional perception, the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with residents of the city of different eras, to feel and see Moscow as they saw it. For example, with what enthusiasm metropolitan construction unfolded at the beginning of the 20th century - through the work of Pimenov. What cozy backyards surrounded the current Arbat - through Polenov's canvases. What Cathedral Square and the Kremlin looked like in the eyes of Alekseev, Vasnetsov and Kandinsky. The organizers have prepared many surprises and invite you to enter the exhibition directly from the festivities on the City Day to truly celebrate the anniversary of the capital. It is also planned to prepare a mobile application and an educational website for the opening of the exposition.

Goya, Dali, Klimt, Schiele, Titian, Gaudi, Murakami, Cattelan: The Art Newspaper Russia editors have chosen the most interesting New Year exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which you probably won't want to miss

Salvador Dali. Goya's Caprichos. Series of 80 prints. "No". 1977. From the collection of Boris Fridman. Photo courtesy of the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin

Caprichos. Goya and Dali
The main building of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin
January 24 to March 12

The year will be opened with an exhibition of prints Francisco Goya and Salvador Dali, in which 41 etchings by the 19th century artist are side by side with 41 engravings created 180 years later. Hypocrisy, injustice, laziness, dormant human consciousness, fear - the gallery of vices, dressed in fantastic images by Spanish geniuses, is not much different from today. But the museum warns against hasty conclusions: Dali himself, in one of the etchings of the exposition, depicted his predecessor in the form of a mysterious sphinx lying against the backdrop of the desert. An impressive lecture program is devoted to interpretations of the works in the exposition. But besides her, each pair of "caprichos" is preceded by a literary commentary from Goya himself, who explains, along with satirical overtones, the mystical origins of his characters. The etchings arranged in pairs add to the game: sometimes Salvador Dali simply follows his predecessor, without intruding on the image, but often transfers the plots to another plane, introducing additional characters and new details.

Type of HPP-2. V-A-C

"Double Engagement". Stained glass from Sainte-Chapelle. France, 1230-1248. Patrick Cadet / Center des monuments nationaux

"Saint Louis and the relics of Sainte-Chapelle"
Patriarchal Palace of the Kremlin Museum
From March 2 to June 4

The French king, whose name is associated with the flourishing of the Gothic style in France, was a keen collector of Christian relics. Starting with the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ, he collected more than 20 sacred objects: from a particle of the Cross of the Lord to the Spear of Destiny. All of them were kept in Sainte-Chapelle - a reliquary chapel, which also has the same complete ensemble of stained glass windows of the 13th century. Some of them were dismantled six centuries later. Now, thanks to the Center for National Monuments of France, stained glass windows, along with other masterpieces of French Gothic art from the Louvre, the Cluny Museum, the National Library and Archives of France, can be seen in Moscow.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Triennial of Contemporary Art
Garage Museum

Garage's curators explored Russian cities from Kaliningrad to Vladikavkaz to find the most prominent regional artists and art that best reflects the spirit of the times. The exhibition will highlight seven directions, reflecting the same artistic trends in different territories of the vast country. The exposition, in addition to the museum, will be located in Gorky Park, and all the selected artists, of whom there are more than 60, will be invited to the opening.

Wassily Kandinsky. Sketch. 1920. Watercolor, ink, brush on paper. Yaroslavl Art Museum

"Poste restante. Collections of the Russian avant-garde from regional museums ”. Part II
Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
From March 30 to May 28

The project, the first part of which was included in the rating of the best exhibitions of the year of our newspaper, in the new year will present about 100 works of the Russian avant-garde during the Civil War, the transition to NEP and collectivization. From the curator Andrey Sarabyanov again unknown works await, never before exhibited in Moscow.

Zinaida Serebryakova. "Behind the Toilet" ("Self-portrait"). 1909. Tretyakov Gallery

Retrospective of Zinaida Serebryakova
State Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane
April 4 to July 30

The Tretyakov Gallery, like the St. Petersburg Russian Museum, already hosted exhibitions of the artist a couple of years ago. Now visitors will see a retrospective with an exhaustive set of paintings not only from Russian museums, but also from the artist's Paris fund, private English and French collections. For the first time, the viewer will get acquainted with decorative panels Zinaida Serebryakova for the villa of the Belgian baron Jean Brouwer, which were presumed dead during the Second World War, but miraculously survived and were found in 2007 in the basement of that very villa. The large gallery of portraits will be supplemented by a series of paintings dedicated to the backstage life of the Mariinsky Theater, as well as landscapes and sketches of murals at the Kazan Station.

Giorgio De Chirico. "Nostalgia for Infinity". Piazza d "Italy

“De Chirico. Nostalgia for Infinity "

April 19 to July 23

For the exhibition of the founder of metaphysical painting and the forerunner of surrealism Giorgio De Chirico their exhibits were provided by the Pompidou Center in Paris, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Foundation Giorgio and Isa De Chirico, National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. The artist's work will be presented very broadly: about 100 works of art, from painting and sculpture to theatrical costumes. The audience will also be reminded of the Russian trace in the work of the avant-garde master. Living in Paris with a Russian actress Raisa Gurevich-Krol, de Chirico created costumes for Diaghilev's play "Ball" - they, as well as archival photographs and materials, will become an additional decoration of the exposition.

Vasily Vereshchagin. "Walk on the Water". 1903. State Russian Museum

“Vasily Vereshchagin. To the 175th anniversary of the birth "
The Russian Museum
April - July

Historians joke that the only accepted Vereshchagin the award was the Order of St. George for the defense of the Samarkand fortress. Impulsive, egocentric, freedom-loving battle painter loved to travel and took part in all military actions that fell in his fate. The retrospective exhibition of the artist will show 220 works of the master, including the famous Balkan and Turkestan series, many landscapes, as well as ethnographic sketches and graphics. The exposition will be decorated with items from the Ethnographic Museum associated with Vereshchagin's numerous trips.

Anselm Kiefer. “Velimir Khlebnikov”. 2004-2010 Phillips

"Anselm Kiefer to Velimir Khlebnikov"
State Hermitage
May 31 to September 3

That the "Chairman of the Globe" Velimir Khlebnikov inspires kabbalist Anselm Kiefer, the world community found out when Kiefer's work “Velimir Khlebnikov. Doctrine of War: Battles ”in 2016 was sold at a Phillips summer auction for £ 2.4 million. It turned out that Kiefer constantly re-reads the futurist's poems translated into German. In his fantastic installation for a retrospective in Paris and London, he illustrated Velimir Khlebnikov's mathematical theory of civilizational clashes in history. It can be seen in the Hermitage, where 18 more large-scale works will be added to it.

Sagrada Familia. Photo by Bernard Gagnon

“Antonio Gaudi. Barcelona "
Moscow Museum of Modern Art
May 22 - September 10

Instead of reading a guide to Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou can come to the exhibition in late spring. Sketches and models of the most outstanding structures of the Art Nouveau master, as well as a collection of photographs from the archives of the Catalan College of Architecture, will be shown at MMOMA. The architect left behind 18 structures, and 12 of them are located in Barcelona. First of all, this is the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral, on which the architect worked for 43 years and to which a separate section will be devoted to in the exposition. Four others will focus on his residential buildings, the creation of the Güell Palace, the history of collaboration with the main customer, an industrialist Eusebi Guell, and furniture, which was also designed by the architect. The exposition will end with a documentary film "Dali and Gaudí" from the Spanish Film Archives, which is natural, if you remember that Salvador Dali called the architecture that inspired the surrealists "the most original phenomenon in the history of art."

Johann Groot. "Owl sitting on a bitch." 1750th. From the collection of the State Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Selo"

“The Groot Brothers: Portraitist and Animal Painter. German artists at the Russian court "
Bread House of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve
June 1 to September 17

The summer exhibition in Tsaritsyno is dedicated to the German masters of portrait painting of the 18th century, who linked their lives with Russia and played a huge role in the development of Russian painting. Georg Groot famous primarily for his graceful portraits Elizaveta Petrovna (for example, in the form of Flora) and her courtiers, and his brother Johann turned out to be the very first animal painter at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, giving the foundation to a whole school of animal painters. The whole courtyard visited Johann Groot's workshop in admiration - so realistic were the animals and birds he depicted. The exhibition in Tsaritsyno, where about 60 works collected from museums of both capitals and private collections, will be shown, will open the amazing and touching world of wild animals of the 18th century and pets at the court of the first Russian empresses.

Paolo Veronese. Apollo and Marsyas. Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin

“Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto. The Golden Age of Venetian Painting "
Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin
June - end of August

The legacy of the Venetian school of painting is one of the brightest pages in the history of the Italian Renaissance. The Venetians, who found themselves aloof from the Italian mainland feudal wars, experienced the joy of life unusually fully, transferring the sensual beauty of the world and bright colors to their works. So far, it has not been reported which masterpieces the viewer will see at the exhibition that opens the summer season, it is only clear that they will reflect the period from the heyday of the school to its extinction in creativity Tintoretto... Another distinctive feature will be the genre variety of canvases, of which there will be about 40 on display - from the portrait, beloved by Venetian masters, to religious and mythological subjects. Tickets, apparently, should be taken care of in advance.

Aristarkh Lentulov. "Ringing". ("Ivan the Great belltower"). 1915. Photo: Tretyakov Gallery

“Aristarkh Lentulov. To the 135th birthday anniversary "
Theater Museum. A.A. Bakhrushin. Main building

Aristarkh Lentulov was a tireless experimenter. He wrote both in the spirit of expressionism and in style Cezanne, after a trip to France he switched to cubo-futurism, creating one of his most famous paintings - "St. Basil's Cathedral". One of the founders "Jack of Diamonds", the artist was afraid of repetition, which is what the upcoming exhibition should tell about. Its museum plans to make it quite large-scale and promises to show viewers 24 works of the period 1910-1920s.

Pavel Filonov. "Cowsheds". 1914. Russian Museum

"Dreams of global prosperity"
The Russian Museum
August - November

The centenary of the October Revolution was reflected in the programs of most museums and galleries, as we have already discussed. The St. Petersburg Russian Museum also decided to comprehend the consequences of the events of 1917 in the history of art. The exposition of the exhibition "Dreams of global prosperity" will include a large number of works Paul Filonovadedicated to the "world prosperity" - the idea of \u200b\u200bsymbolic flowering and germination both in society and in painting - a whole poetic hymn "Sermon on the World Sprouted". In addition to him, the exhibition will feature works Kazemir Malevich, Alexander Deineka, Alexander Samokhvalov and other artists from the museum's collection, who, despite differences in manner and political views, shared their views on the post-revolutionary future with equal enthusiasm.

Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. "1918 in Petrograd". State Tretyakov Gallery

"Someone in 1917"
State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val
September 27 - January 14, 2018

The exhibition should not only show the iconography of the images of the revolution, but also reflect the internal discussions, the intense struggle between artistic trends and ideas of the early 20th century. The exposition is intended to be large-scale: to learn about the thoughts and feelings with which the artists met the revolution, it will be possible by the example of 120 works, including canvases Nesterova, Petrova-Vodkina, Serebryakova, and Filonov, Rodchenko, Kandinsky, Malevich. To show the contrast between painting and the real life of exhausted and starving people, the exhibition will be supplemented with photographs and newsreels of those years. To tell about one of the most significant events in modern history, the 1917 revolution, the Tretyakov Gallery selected exhibits not only in the regions of Russia, but also abroad: at the Pompidou Center, the Tate Gallery, the Dutch Stedelejk Museum, museums in Spain, Greece, Israel.

Takashi Murakami. "Kaikai". 2000-2005. 2000-2005 Takashi Murakami / Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Private Collection. Courtesy Galerie Perrotin

Takashi Murakami retrospective
Garage Museum

In the fall, in the "Garage" you can get acquainted with the art of one of the most expensive and fun modern Japanese authors - Takashi Murakami... This is the first retrospective of a pop-art artist in Russia who uniquely combines manga with contemporary art and design. Works with the eared mister Dobom - the alter ego of the 54-year-old kidult, posters with the most incredible cartoons and sculptures of neon colors - just what you need in the fall season. They decided to enhance the impact of such art many times by playing on contrasts: the exposition will include old Japanese paintings and engravings from the collection of the Museum of Oriental Art and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin. According to the already established tradition, the exhibition will leave the limits of the museum to the adjacent Arts Square, where a monumental sculpture by Murakami will appear. Its name is still kept secret.

TV Lambert ("Lambert") 21-S-502 stationary CRT. Polytechnical Museum

"Encyclopedia of Television"
VDNKh, Pavilion No. 64 "Optics"
September-October - January 2018

All the secrets of television - from Soviet broadcasting to the highest-rated modern programs - will be offered to guests of the autumn exhibition at VDNKh. It will show the equipment used by the first Russian television men: from cameras to recording and projection installations from the funds of Russian museums, television studios and TV channels. It has not yet been announced whether the exposition will be interactive, but what can be seen and heard unambiguously is archive footage from filming, models of studio scenery, as well as costumes, props, funny fragments from TV programs and musical themes for them.

Egon Schille. "Klimt in a blue robe." Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin

Drawings by Klimt and Schiele from the collection of the Albertina Museum
Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin
Mid October - mid January 2018

The Vienna Albertina Museum in exchange for the canvases of the Impressionists provided the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin 120 graphic works Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele... The latter considered himself a student of Klimt, and it is known that during their first meeting, Klimt not only agreed to exchange his work for a drawing by an artist 28 years younger, but also bought several works, noting: “Why do you want to exchange with me? You draw better anyway. " Subsequently, Klimt patronized the artist, introducing him to profitable buyers and exhibiting his works with his own. The grateful student made his portraits and drawings, one of them - "Klimt in a blue robe" - most likely, can be seen in the exhibition.

Maurizio Cattelan. Installation at Frieze Art Fair. Photo: Timothy Schenck; courtesy of Frieze Projects

Exhibition by Maurizio Cattelan
Multimedia Art Museum
From October 30 to December 17

The brawler's exhibition has long been awaited in Russia, since the artist, breaking the word that he is leaving art forever, exhibited his works at the Paris Mint last year. It is unlikely that the Multimedia Art Museum will allocate a special selfie room with a golden toilet, a recent masterpiece. Cattelana, which is now in the New York Guggenheim Museum. But you can definitely count on the famous stuffed animals stuck with their heads in the wall, and provocative wax sculptures. Who knows, maybe an Italian will create a piece specifically for a Russian exhibition.

UPD: project canceled

Sergei Eisenstein on the set of the film "Old and New" ("General Line"). 1929 Silver gelatin print. State Central Film Museum

Eisenstein. Revolution in art "
State Hermitage
November 7 - March 5

In the past year, Moscow museums dedicated several projects to the personality of an eccentric director, artist and teacher. Garage Museum compared the works Eisensteinwith creativity Francisco Goya and Roberta Longo, and in the Multimedia Art Museum a large project with fragments from films, posters, sketches of scenery and drawings by the author opened the celebration of the anniversary season. Little is known about what exactly will be shown at the exhibition in St. Petersburg. On the one hand, this may be another project under the sign of the Great Revolution with the demonstration of the film "October" and the study of the director's influence on revolutionary Soviet cinema. On the other hand, the project can reveal Eisenstein with his graphics, visual and theatrical solutions as an innovator, “revolutionizing” art as such. “If it were not for the revolution, I would never have“ split ”traditions, only the revolutionary whirlwind gave me the main thing - freedom of self-determination,” he wrote in his autobiography.

Chaim Soutine. "View of Sere". 1921

Retrospective of Chaim Soutine
Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin
November 11 - February 19, 2018

Painting of one of the brightest representatives of the Paris School Chaima Soutine Moscow viewers could see in 2011, at the exhibition of artists of the Paris School. On it he was represented by the largest number of works. This year, the Pushkin Museum, together with the Parisian Orangerie Museum, is preparing a retrospective of an expressionist who painted naked so as not to wear out his clothes, and starved himself until he painted still lifes with herring or bloody carcasses of bulls.

Lazar Lissitzky

El Lissitzky
Jewish Museum and State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val
November 16 - February 4, 2018 Popular materials

In April, the Tretyakov Gallery will show a large monographic exhibition by Zinaida Serebryakova. Photo by RIA Novosti

In 2016, Moscow continued to impress with the excitement surrounding fine art exhibitions. Raphael's exhibition at the Pushkin Museum. More than 200 thousand people visited Pushkin in three months. About 600 thousand people came to the exhibition of Ivan Aivazovsky at the Tretyakov Gallery in four months. Several employees were fired in a scandal for speculating in tickets, and in the last days of the project, the museum was open until midnight. The next project of the Tretyakov Gallery - "Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinakothek" - opened in the fall and will run until February 19. However, it is no longer possible to get to the exposition: the sale of tickets has completely ended. For the first time, they were personalized, they could only be bought on the Internet or at the box office in limited quantities, and the last batch of the cherished entrance ended on January 13th.

The coming 2017 promises to be no less generous with high-profile expositions. So, in the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, a chamber project dedicated to the graphic cycles of the same name "Caprichos" by Francisco Goya and Salvador Dali will open on January 24. The exposition will try to compare the concept and aesthetics of the two series of prints, which are more than a century and a half apart. However, despite the inner beauty and depth of the exhibition, most likely it does not have a chance to become a record holder of attendance. In June, the Pushkin Museum will open another Italian project, this time from different collections will bring about 40 works of the great Venetians - Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto. Italian expositions are the undisputed favorites of museum visitors, and this time too, you should expect a lot of attention.

Another contender for the love of the public is an exhibition from the collection of the Viennese Albertina, which will arrive in Moscow in October. There are 120 drawings of the most important Austrian and European avant-garde artists - Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. They will, of course, show different aspects of the work of both masters, but given the fact that both Klimt, and especially Schiele, are known for their erotic drawings, which not only amazed the audience with frankness 100 years ago, but also impressive the modern viewer, one should not exclude public discontent.

Following the latest museum trends, the Pushkin Museum decided to hold an exhibition-intervention - a project in which the works of contemporary artists invade the space of classical art. Last year, the project of such a plan in the Hermitage caused a great public outcry: then the works of the Belgian Jan Fabre came as a shock to many visitors, who condemned both the master himself and the Hermitage leadership. The young and perky group Recycle is entrusted with tearing templates and exploding old meanings in the main Moscow museum. Will she be able to achieve a similar effect, we will see in May.

Pushkin will end the year with a retrospective of Chaim Soutine, the first in Russia. The exposition, which will open on November 11, will show about 60 works from French and Russian museums and private collections.

The State Tretyakov Gallery also boasts a solid program. On February 7, the exhibition “Masterpieces of Byzantine Art of the XII-XV centuries” will open. The Byzantine civilization had a major impact on the development of Ancient Rus, and Russia has a representative collection of Byzantine art. However, this exposition will show Byzantine icons, manuscripts, objects of decorative and applied art, specially arrived from the museums of Greece.

Six months ago a large exposition of Byzantine treasures from various collections of Greece was already shown by the St. Petersburg Hermitage, now another selection of exhibits can be viewed in Moscow.

In April, two impressive retrospectives await us at the Tretyakov Gallery. On April 4, the largest monographic exhibition of Zinaida Serebryakova will open in the Engineering Building on April 4. In 2014, the Tretyakov Gallery already celebrated the 130th anniversary of the artist's birth with an exhibition, but then the emphasis was placed on the work of Serebryakova in exile. In the new project, on the contrary, the Russian period will be shown especially fully; there will be many early portraits and landscapes. Works of the Parisian period will come from French collections and will be exhibited in Russia for the first time.

On April 19, another large-scale exhibition under the heading "for the first time" will start in the building on Krymsky Val. For the first time, the Moscow audience will have the opportunity to see about a hundred works by Giorgio de Chirico - they will come from museums in Italy, France and Great Britain. The great Italian founder of metaphysical painting is represented in Russia by only a few works. The future exposition includes paintings, graphics, sculpture, as well as theatrical costumes made by the artist for Sergei Diaghilev's entreprise for the 1929 ballet "Ball".

Finally, another monographic exhibition is scheduled for the fall: the most complete retrospective of El Lissitzky will open on November 16, and it will be held at two sites at once - in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. About 200 exhibits will present all the periods of creativity of one of the leading masters of the Russian avant-garde, there will be paintings, graphics, objects, design sketches, photography, as well as a large corpus of archival documents.

The Moscow Kremlin Museums have announced three major foreign projects for 2017. An exhibition of jewels and relics from the era of Saint Louis IX, one of the most famous French kings who ruled the state in the 13th century, will come from France. Stained-glass windows of Sainte-Chapelle, Gothic sculpture, miniatures, jewelry art - all this can be seen in the One-Pillar Chamber of the Patriarchal Palace since March 3. In the summer, the exposition will be replaced by a project from Japan dedicated to the culture of the country in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Finally, the year will end with a large exhibition of Portuguese art, which will tell about the heyday of Portugal in the 16th-18th centuries and present more than 200 exhibits: weapons, armor, maps, jewelry, coins, manuscripts and many others. They even promise to bring Vasco da Gama's sword. The opening is scheduled for December 8th.

Among the plans of other museums, two more projects are especially worth noting. The first is the exhibition of Antonio Gaudi, which is being prepared at MMOMA. The exposition will open on 23 May and will present about 150 architectural drawings and models, including the development of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, as well as the architect's projects in the field of furniture design.

Another exhibition especially awaited by lovers of contemporary art is the first in Russia retrospective of the most important Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, which will open in the Garage this fall. It will show the master's works from the 1990s to the present in the context of Japanese culture. The exhibition will also include traditional Japanese engraving and painting and the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, and the Museum of Oriental Art, manga and anime.

Retrospective. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin.

The Pushkin Museum named after A.S. Pushkin

At the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin show the first in Russia large-scale exhibition of a French artist with Russian roots, a prominent representative of the Paris School of Chaim Soutine. The exposition includes more than 60 works - portraits, still lifes and landscapes - from the collections of the Orangerie Museum, the Pompidou Center, the Museum of Modern Art in the city of Paris, the Louvre, the Picardy Museum, the Tate Gallery, private collections from different countries, as well as works from the collection of the Moscow Museum of Avant-garde Art.

At the exhibition you can see the master's textbooks, including: "Siesta", "Big Hat", "Girl in Red Leaning on a Chair", "Child with a Toy", "Woman Entering the Water", and in addition, his still lifes with dead animal carcasses and lyrical landscapes.

The exhibition will run until mid-January.

7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art. New Tretyakov Gallery.

Bjork digital

The main project of the current Biennale, in which 52 artists from 25 countries are represented, was named “Transcendental Forests” and is located in the New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val. Participants explore the links between nature and technology, giving the viewer the opportunity to wander among houseplants, LCD screens and herbariums.

For the first time in history, the Moscow Biennale lasts 4 months. The exposition will end on January 18.

Modernism without a manifesto. MMOMA

Lev Brodaty. "Telegram". Around 1930

Works from the largest private collection of Russian art of the 20th century are shown in two parts at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. The research exhibition challenges the traditional division of Soviet art into "avant-garde" and "socialist realism", and in the second part it demonstrates "modernism" - the little-studied works of the Leningrad school of the 1920s-1950s.

The exposition includes Petrov-Vodkin, Vladimir Grinberg, pupils, artists of the circle from Detgiz, masters of lithography from the Experimental printing workshop of the Leningrad Union of Artists.

The Winter Palace and the Hermitage in 1917. State Hermitage.

The St. Petersburg Hermitage, like many other museums, celebrates the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution and presents its program of events. In the center of events - two exhibitions in the state rooms of the Winter Palace, dedicated to the museum buildings and the imperial residence in 1917.

The exposition in the Avanzal recalls the history of the Lazaret named after the heir to Tsarevich Alexei, which was opened in the Winter Palace in 1915 and existed until October 27, 1917. At the exhibition you can see photographs, documents, memorial items, including items from the Faberge company.

The exposition of the Nikolaev Hall tells about the main events that led to the February Revolution, the abdication and the October coup. In the Concert Hall, you can learn about how the Imperial Hermitage became the State Museum, and how the curators of the museum reacted to the events of 1917 and the new government.

El Lissitzky. Tretyakov Gallery.

Sergey Vedyashkin / Agency "Moscow"

At the end of the year, two museums at once - the Tretyakov Gallery and the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center - opened the first large retrospective of a talented avant-garde artist, creator of "prouns" and folding furniture, a contemporary of Chagall and Malevich, widely known to the Western world and, ironically, almost forgotten at home.

In the Jewish Center for Tolerance, the artist's early, "pre-avant-garde" works are shown, and in the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val - his more mature ones, including German projects of the 1920s. and prouns (meaning of the abbreviation “proun” - “draft approval of a new one”, “Gazeta.Ru”). Lissitsky invented "horizontal skyscrapers" for the Moscow Boulevard Ring, designed the Lenia tribune; created an unusual typography project; designed a variety of exhibitions, for example, the main pavilion of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.

In total, the exposition features about 400 exhibits from domestic and foreign collections - paintings, graphics, photographs, typography, illustrations, posters, collages, and manuscripts.