
Why the straw brothers didn't communicate. Vitaly Solomin: life without compromise…. Theater and teaching activities

The visiting card of the actor Vitaly Solomin is the reservedly serious doctor Watson. He was almost always the same in real life. But sometimes he released the hussar part of his soul and then there was a feast for the whole world - banquets with friends, mountains of flowers for his wife and fireworks of good jokes.

This actor had a bright and rich creative biography, and several dozen memorable roles. The first fame was brought to the actor by the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." Then there were "Winter Cherry", "The Bat", "Silva".

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Solomin was born on December 12, 1941 in Chita, in a creative family. Father Methodius Solomin and mother Zinaida Ryabtseva taught music and tried to convey this love to their sons. The eldest son Yuri was already growing up in the family. Thanks to his parents, Vitaly quickly mastered the wisdom of playing the piano, he was sent to a music school to continue his studies. Vitaly did not like this instrument, but did not argue with his parents. His favorite pastime was reading; of the authors, the boy preferred Conan Doyle, with whom he read on long winter evenings, sitting by the stove.

Soon the parents realized that the son would not be a musician, and they allowed him to do what he wanted. The guy became interested in sports, and was enrolled in all the circles that he could find in his hometown. He simultaneously went to volleyball, basketball, athletics and gymnastics. But he still preferred boxing.

After leaving school in 1959, Vitaly decides to go to Moscow and try his hand at the Shchepkin Theater School, which his brother graduated from in due time. Luck was on the side of the handsome young applicant, and he joined the ranks of students. Nikolai Annenkov became his teacher, and fate sent Vitaly and to fellow students.

One feature of Vitaly Solomin was striking maximalism, because of which he almost dropped out of school after the first year of study. The future artist was used to getting only excellent grades, and when he was given 4, he even wanted to quit his studies.


But still, common sense won out, and the young man continued his studies at a theater university. The debut of Vitaly Solomin on the stage of the theater took place in his second year of study. He was invited to the Maly Theater to participate in the production of "Your Uncle Misha". After receiving the diploma "Slivers" Solomin was accepted into the troupe of this theater. His repertoire included mostly classical images - Chatsky, Astrov, Khlestakov, Protasov. In the 70s, Solomin developed an interest in directing. He released the performances "Living Corpse" and "My Favorite Clown", which pleased his fans.

Vitaly Solomin served not only in the Maly Theater, at one time he appeared on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. Fans of the artist remember his innate talent as a reader, especially during the recording of the novels "The Adventures of Father Brown" and "The Word about Igor's Campaign."


Vitaly Solomin's cinematic biography started with the picture "Newton Street, Building 1", in which he became the philologist Boyartsev. It was a cameo role that gave the aspiring artist his first experience on the set. Then Vitaly was called to a tape called "Women", in which he had to become Zhenya - the son of the central heroine. After this role, they started talking about the actor Vitaly Solomin.

But the all-Union fame covered the artist after he became the best assistant to Sherlock Holmes - Dr. Watson in the tape "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." Holmes got the role, and he fit perfectly into this image. The first two-part picture was released in 1979. Then the director Igor Maslennikov wanted to continue the adventures of the two detectives, and he shot four more tapes, in which there were several episodes. The duet of Livanov and Solomin took part in the adaptation of twelve short stories by the famous writer.

It is the Soviet film with the main characters, masterfully brought to life by Solomin, and is considered the best of all that were filmed based on the works of Conan Doyle. As a token of gratitude and recognition of the skill of the actors, a monument to the great detective and his permanent assistant was erected in Moscow, next to the British Embassy. Upon closer examination of the faces and figures of these two characters, you can see that they are exact replicas of the actors who so skillfully portrayed them on the screen.

Another landmark film in the career of actor Vitaly Solomin was "Winter Cherry". His character is very ambiguous and each viewer perceives him in his own way. In this tape, Vitaly became Vadim Dashkov, the married lover of the main character. The character seems to be repulsive, but in the performance of Solomin he turned out to be not so bad. The picture found its audience, especially the female half of the audience liked it. It was decided to shoot a sequel, and with an interval of five years, two more seasons of the beloved story were released.

Solomin's works in the films Silva and The Bat, directed by Jan Fried, were no less interesting. These tapes helped the actor to show everyone his comic talent, thanks to which stories look in one go.

Personal life

In the life of Vitaly Solomin, there were two official marriages. The first time he married the actress Natalia Rudnaya. Their acquaintance took place in 1962, during a student production, and in 1963 they got married. Very soon, their family life went wrong, and the young people divorced. After the divorce proceedings, Solomin decided that he would never marry again.

Several years passed, and Vitaly was invited to audition for the picture "City Romance". Among those invited to the casting was Maria Leonidova, who studied at the textile institute. The assistant director really liked this girl, whom he met by chance on the street, and he invited her to be selected for the cinema. Vitaly Solomin did not manage to get into this project, but he really liked the girl. So in 1970 his personal life changed completely - young people got married. In 1973, a daughter, Anastasia, was born in the family, in 1984, another daughter, Elizaveta. Lisa continued her father's work and became an actress and producer. She is married to director Gleb Orlov.

Solomin was a reserved and serious person, but sometimes he could arrange a real holiday of the soul, especially in the middle of ordinary weekdays. Once he came up with the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing New Year's holidays in the midst of spring.

Cause of death

Vitaly Solomin has been complaining of hypertension for many years. An aggravation of the disease happened on April 24, 2002, during the production of Krechinsky's Wedding. From the very morning, the actor felt that something was wrong, his head was very dizzy and he had absolutely no strength. But he was a real actor, and had no idea what could be the reason for the cancellation of the performance. He managed to hold out only the first act, and lost consciousness. The actor had to be carried away in his arms. Doctors made a disappointing diagnosis - a stroke, and began to fight for his life. For a month, doctors tried to improve the actor's condition, but almost all the time he was in a coma.

Photo: Vitaly Solomin's grave

Solomin often repeated that he would like to die like Moliere or, that is, like real artists, on stage. Probably, somewhere in the heavenly office, his words were heard, because he never returned to the stage. Vitaly Solomin died on May 27, 2002. The Vagankovskoye cemetery of the capital became the place of eternal rest.

Selected filmography

  • 1963 - 1 Newton Street
  • 1967 - Indian kingdom
  • 1972 - The Last Days of Pompeii
  • 1979 - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
  • 1979 - Bat
  • 1981 - Silva
  • 1982 - The Queen of Spades
  • 1982 - Fight at the Crossroads
  • 1983 - Return from orbit
  • 1985 - Winter cherry
  • 1991 - Cuckold
  • 1996 - Tests for Real Men
  • 2001 - Stop on demand
  • 2003 - Ban or disappeared


  • Dr. Watson's whims. The real face of Vitaly Solomin

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A favorite of the public, a talented actor, quivering and gallant on the screen ... Why was the charming Watson called the Stone Flower?

The most famous works of Vitaly Solomin were roles in the films The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, Winter Cherry, The Bat, Silva, etc. Charming, enthusiastic and good-natured on the screen, in life he was completely different. His friends and family claim that he was often sullen, withdrawn, uncompromising and cruel behind the scenes. True, just as shy as in many of his films.

Yuri and Vitaly Solomin

They say that due to a difficult character, Vitaly Solomin even had a conflict with his brother, no less famous actor Yuri Solomin. In all interviews, Yuri refused to talk about his brother. Their families don't communicate with each other. Viewers constantly compared the brothers, although there was never any reason for envy or competition between them - both were equally talented, successful and popular.

Vitaly Solomin in the film * The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson *

Andrei Konchalovsky says that Vitaly Solomin was an introvert and had difficulty communicating. For this he received the nickname Stone Flower from him. When Dr. Watson had to kiss the heroine according to the script, the process stalled - Solomin could not overcome his embarrassment. Perhaps, it is precisely due to the duality of character that the actor was equally good at both comedic and dramatic roles.

Vitaly Solomin as Dr. Watson

Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin

The role that brought the actor all-Union popularity was the role of Dr. Watson. At first, Vitaly Solomin and Vasily Livanov did not get along well on the set - both were distinguished by their firmness of character and stubbornness, both played the main roles in the film and considered it necessary to explain to the director and each other their vision of certain scenes. But in the process of filming, they turned into a real creative tandem, and after that they themselves and their family members were bound by warm friendly relations. Vasily Livanov admits: “In our attitude to life, we coincided very much. Vitaly shared deeply personal experiences with me, and I think he never shared these experiences with anyone else. "

Vitaly Solomin in the movie * The Bat *, 1978

Vitaly Solomin with his wife Maria Leonidova in the film * Silva *, 1981

Having lived almost his entire life with one woman - Maria Leonidova, the actor still did not differ in consistency. The wife admits that twice she had to forgive his betrayal. In many ways, the actor repeated the fate of his character from "Winter Cherry": he also fell in love, being married, and also did not dare to leave the family. Solomin had two stormy romances with actresses. The wife not only forgave, but also justified her husband: she said that it was a source of inspiration for him.

Vitaly Solomin with his family, 1985

Still from the movie * Winter cherry *, 1985

At the same time, Solomin did not know how to demonstrate his feelings, especially in public. In the family he was demanding, categorical and uncompromising, dictated his terms and expected unquestioning obedience. He insisted that his wife leave the acting profession. Moreover, he set this condition when he made an offer. “Earning money, arranging everyday life was considered his duty. And mine is to make all family members feel good at home. We had a house building, but by mutual agreement, ”Maria admits. And once, when his wife after work lingered behind a conversation with a friend and did not warn about it, Solomin let her down the stairs and slammed the door in her face.

Vitaly Solomin with his family

Vitaly Solomin with his wife and children

However, the actor was demanding not only to those close to him, but primarily to himself: suffering from high blood pressure, Solomin did not spare himself and until his last days went on stage. In his last performance "The Wedding of Krechinsky" he sang, danced and even sat on a split! He said that he dreamed of dying on stage, like Andrei Mironov. Unfortunately, this is almost what happened. On April 24, 2002, the actor could barely finish the first act, and during the intermission he was carried off the stage in his arms. Doctors diagnosed a stroke, Solomin spent about a month in the hospital and died on May 27.

People's Artist of Russia Vitaly Solomin

People's Artist of Russia Vitaly Solomin died 16 years ago. At the time of his death, the actor was 60 years old. In the last days of his life, Solomin did not communicate with his brother, Yuri. Many believed that Yuri Methodievich envied Vitaly, was jealous of his success. What can we say: both men had numerous admirers, but women for the most part still preferred Vitaly Solomin, loving him for his easy disposition, cheerfulness and charm.

The eldest grandson of Vitaly Methodievich was young when his grandfather died, but the guy remembers him well. Cyril did not follow in the footsteps of the famous relative, but he went with him in the past on the stage of the Maly Theater.

At this time, Kirill does not communicate with his grandfather's brother, Yuri Solomin, and does not even know how things are with him and his family.

“I saw him live twice, and neither I recognized him, nor he me. Then it became clear that it was my grandfather's brother, but we had no communication, ”Kirill shared.

// Photo: still from documentary

At one time, the families of the brothers got together, but later they stopped communicating. Yuri Methodievich admitted that he and his brother broke off relations after the death of their mother, Zinaida Ananyevna, who was the very link in their family. The woman invited Vitaly, Yuri and their families to all the holidays, but with her, alas, this good tradition was gone.

“They talked when my grandmother was alive. We went to visit each other, Yura came to us: alone and with his family, ”shared the daughter of Vitaly Solomin, Elizaveta.

// Photo: still from documentary

Yuri Methodievich denied rumors that he and his brother were jealous of each other. According to the actor, there was nothing to envy. And in fact, each of the brothers had successful roles, each of them was strong in his own field: for example, Vitaly Solomin perfectly managed to transform into comedic characters, and Yuri - in dramatic ones.

“Vitaly is not a serious person. When he said something seriously, it always seemed that he was carrying some kind of "blizzard" deliberately. This readiness to smile - it gave him a certain charm and charm. His older brother is a dramatic artist, his comedy is more difficult, ”summed up the director Andrei Konchalovsky.

// Photo: still from documentary

People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Solomin "Woke up famous" after the role of Captain Koltsov in the film "Adjutant of His Excellency." In total, he has more than 50 films and dozens of images on the theater stage. Recently, the 82-year-old actor became a guest of Boris Korchevnikov's program "The Fate of a Man", where he spoke about his life and competition with his younger brother.

While studying at the Shchepkin Theater School, Yuri Solomin met his fate for life. He met his future wife Olga, who was his classmate.

“We sat in the same auditorium, one seat was free. She was late for class and sat down next to me. This was our first meeting. Since then we have not parted for 60 years, ”said Yuri Methodievich. In the second half of the 50s, students lived in poverty, and the actor in love gave Olga sugar and other tasty things that he managed to get.

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The roles of Yuri Solomin in the cinema

Yuri Solomin said that he and Olga did not have a wedding, dress and suit. “We know the price of every penny. Now everything is fine with us, we do not need anything, but even then we were happy. They did not play the wedding: after the painting we went to Stoleshnikov Lane and sat together in a cafe. " In 1965, the couple had their only daughter, Daria, who in 1990 gave them a granddaughter, Alexander.

After the appearance of her daughter, Olga left her acting career and became a housewife, devoting herself to her husband and child. It was Yuri's wife who took his younger brother Vitaly by the hand to the Shchepkin Theater School.

Sometimes the Solomin brothers even took the stage in one performance. But after some time, Yuri Solomin stopped playing with Vitaly: “I decided for myself, I realized that I could not play with him as a partner, because I am older. It seemed to me that he was doing wrong, ”the actor recalled. At the same time, he denied rumors that he allegedly envied the success of his younger brother - Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series: “How could I, as an older brother, be jealous? Well, look at us, we are completely different people and actors. He played mine, I played mine. "

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Brothers Yuri and Vitaly Solomin - in life and in the cinema

Yuri Methodievich spoke about his experience of clinical death. On tour, the artist felt severe stomach pains. Doctors of an elite clinic decided that it was poisoning: “I was washed and my appendix was torn. Then the ambulance picked me up from the hotel. They saved my life. I experienced something similar to clinical death, there was a feeling of flight. When I woke up, I saw my wife: she felt something and came to me in Kiev. "

Soon after he miraculously escaped death, Yuri lost his younger brother. In April 2002 Vitaly Solomin during the performance he lost consciousness, barely finishing the first act. Colleagues said that he became ill before the performance, but the actor took medicine and went on stage.

“I was told that he played to the last, until the curtain closed. I arrived at the theater at intermission, he was already in bed. He was taken to the hospital, ”Yuri recalls. The doctors of the Sklifosovsky Clinic fought for the artist's life, but failed to save him. Yuri Solomin spoke about the mystical moment associated with the departure of his brother: “I woke up at the dacha and saw my father standing and looking at me. I close my eyes - he is not. At that moment Vitaly was gone. "

Yuri Methodievich Solomin. Born June 18, 1935 in Chita. Soviet, Russian actor, theater and film director, theater teacher, statesman and public figure of Russia. People's Artist of the USSR (1988). Minister of Culture of the RSFSR (September 1990 - November 1991).

Yuri Solomin was born in Chita into a family of music teachers Zinaida Ananyevna Ryabtseva (1910-1992) and Methodius Viktorovich Solomin (1905-1960).

Mother Zinaida Ananyevna lived in Tomsk. Methodius Viktorovich from Zabaikalsk. Yuri's mother had an exceptional ear, sang beautifully. My father owned all the stringed instruments.

Yuri Solomin is the older brother of the famous actor (died 2002).

From childhood he took part in the performances of the City Palace of Pioneers.

Back in Chita, he saw the film "The Maly Theater and Its Masters", filmed for the 125th anniversary of the theater. Then I learned about the Higher Theater School. MS Schepkin at the Maly Theater and after graduating from school in 1953 he entered the school, on the course of the great actress Vera Pashennaya.

In 1957, after graduating from college, Solomin was accepted into the troupe of the Maly Theater. Among the roles played by the actor on the renowned stage are Khlestakov in Gogol's Inspector General, Fedya Protasov in Living Corpse, Voinitsky in Uncle Vanya by Cyrano de Bergerac in E. Rostand's play and Tsar Fedor in the tragedy of A. K. Tolstoy.

His characteristic lyricism and humor made the images bright and memorable. Over time, Yuri began to play more and more dramatic characters. And how he precisely knew how to understand the psychology of heroes, he perfectly showed in the play "I will repay", where he played Nicholas II. Then there were "Cyrano de Bergerac", "Living Corpse", "Goblin", "Uncle Vanya", "Forest", "Mysterious Box", "Moliere", "Lyubov Yarovaya", "Celina". This is only a small part of theatrical works, where Yuri Solomin showed himself brilliantly. The actor treats the works of A.P. Chekhov with special respect, in whose plays he played many roles. There were many of them in performances based on the works of Soviet classics. Yuri Methodievich also remarkably proved himself as a director in such theatrical works as The Inspector General, The Seagull, The Mysterious Box, The Three Sisters, The Power of Darkness, The Dowry.

Since 1980 he has been working in the theater and as a director.

Since 1961, he also teaches at his native theater school, is a professor, and conducts master classes with foreign students. Since 1988 he has been the artistic director of the Maly Theater.

Yuri Solomin made his film debut in 1960, playing the main role in the film "Sleepless Night". Vera Pashennaya recommended him to the director Isidor Annensky.

And all-Union recognition brought the actor the role of Pavel Koltsov in the television film "Adjutant of His Excellency." This wonderful Soviet film turned out to be a real discovery for many of our citizens, since before its appearance our cinema did not dare to show the civil war in this way - all its tragic diversity, where the truth was not only on the side of the Reds. Then there were other films where Yu. Solomin played superbly revolutionaries, officers of the White, Red and Soviet armies, intelligence officers and counterintelligence officers. As a result, from the gallery of these portraits, Yuri Methodievich created a certain collective image of a Russian officer who devoted his life to serving the Fatherland.

He played leading roles in many famous films, including "Dersu Uzala" by A. Kurosawa, "Blockade", "The Bat" and "TASS is authorized to declare ...".

Yuri Solomin in the film "Adjutant of His Excellency"

Yuri Solomin in the movie "The Bat"

Yuri Solomin in the film "TASS is authorized to declare ..."

He calls Shtube his favorite film roles in Alexei Saltykov's film "And there was evening and there was morning" and Gettel in "Strong in spirit" by Viktor Georgiev.

In 1990-1991, Yuri Solomin was the Minister of Culture of the RSFSR.

He is a member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, a member of the Public Council for the publication of the "Orthodox Encyclopedia", president of the Association of Russian Drama Theaters and president of the Pokrovsky Cathedral on Red Square Foundation. Academician of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of the presidential candidate of the Russian Federation and the then Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal by cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

Yuri Solomin in the program "The Fate of a Man"

Yuri Solomin's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Solomin:

Married to an actress (born 1931). They met when they were students of the theater school. In this marriage, he has a daughter (born in 1965), who in 1990 gave him a granddaughter, Alexander.

"Yes, I am happy. And this is the merit of my wife - Olga Nikolaevna. She has been with me since the 4th year of the theater school, she had to go through a lot, and no troubles separated us," said Yuri Solomin.

Filmography of Yuri Solomin:

1960 - Sleepless night - Pavel Yegorovich Kaurov, engineer (debut)
1965 - Musicians of one regiment - Alexey Ilyutinsky, French horn
1965 - Mother's Heart - Dmitry Ulyanov
1965 - Chase - Nikolai Makarovich, major, hunter
1966 - Loyalty to mother - Dmitry Ulyanov
1967 - Strong in spirit - Major Gettel
1967 - Spring on the Oder - Alexander Meshchersky, captain
1969 - Red Tent - Troyani, engineer
1969 - Adjutant of His Excellency - Pavel Andreevich Koltsov, captain, senior adjutant of General Kovalevsky
1971 - And there was evening, and there was morning ... - Stube
1971 - Wandering Front - Alexey Shmakov, cornet
1971 - Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department - Sergei Ivanovich Golovko, police major
1971 - Dauria - Semyon Nagorny, blacksmith, Bolshevik
1971 - Sea on fire - Petrov, captain
1972 - The right to jump - the new coach of Viktor Motyl
1972 - Fourth - Charles Howard
1972 - My life - Vladimir Blagovo, doctor
1973 - Blockade - Alexey Zvyagintsev, major
1975 - Sokolovo - General Shafarenko
1975 - Dersu Uzala - Vladimir Arseniev
1976 - Melodies of the White Night - Ilya, composer-conductor
1976 - Crime - Alexander Vladimirovich Streltsov, police major, investigator
1977 - Walking through the agony - Ivan Ilyich Telegin
1978 - Guarneri Quartet - Vasily Ignatievich Voznitsyn, Chekist
1978 - School waltz - Pavel Knushevitsky, father of Zosia, head physician
1978 - An ordinary miracle - innkeeper Emil (vocals - Leonid Serebrennikov)
1979 - The Bat - Heinrich Eisenstein (vocals - Vladimir Barlyaev)
1980 - Light in the window - Vladimir Alexandrovich Egorov
1980 - Brickmill Scandal - George Cattle, Bank Manager
1981 - Cry of Silence - Dronov
1983 - Oath record - Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich
1983 - Moonlight Rainbow - Nikolsky
1983 - The Mystery of Villa Greta - Honores, MP for the National Front
1984 - The Shore of His Life - Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay
1984 - TASS is authorized to declare ... - Vitaly Vsevolodovich Slavin, KGB colonel
1985 - Morning without marks - Slavin, scout from Gleb's dream
1985 - Sophia Kovalevskaya - Grand Duke
1986 - Singing Russia - Mitrofan Pyatnitsky
1987 - Mysterious heir - Oleg Sergeevich Zykin, ambassador
1989 - Souvenir for the prosecutor - Zakhar Petrovich Izmailov, prosecutor
1990 - ... And I will repay - Nicholas II
1991 - Halt of wanderers - Vladlen Andreevich Grekov
1991 - Anna Karamazoff - Colonel General
1992 - Dreams of Russia - Count Alexander Andreevich Bezborodko, Vice-Chancellor of the Russian Empire
1993 - In the beginning there was a word - Svyatoslav
2003 - Farewell in June - Repnikov, Rector of the University
2003 - Challenger - Retired Admiral
2003 - Motherland awaits - Vladimir Timofeevich Rokotov, Lieutenant General
2003 - Repentant love
2004 - The Moscow Saga - Boris Nikitich Gradov, doctor
2005 - The Seagull - Pyotr Nikolaevich Sorin, brother of Arkadina
2007 - Kisses of the Fallen Angels
2008 - Maltese Cross - Pyotr Alekseevich Dolmatov
2008 - Invincible - Rokotov, general
2008 - Heavy sand - Andrey Mikhailovich Dolsky, lawyer
2009 - Isaev - Vladimir Alexandrovich Vladimirov, father of Isaev
2009 - Kromov - Tomilin, general
2010 - Boiling Point - Ivan Matveyevich, security guard at the hospital
2014 - Boulevard Ring

TV performances by Yuri Solomin:

1963 - Dogs - François, farm guard, son of Peter Labushan
1967 - Hotel Accident - Marek, Medical Student
1968 - Badgers - ensign
1968 - Sin - Pyotr Bukovich
1989 - Troika - Lobanov
1998 - Chaika - Boris Alekseevich Trigorin
2002 - Woe from Wit - Famusov

Director Yuri Solomin's works:

1980 - The Brickmill Incident
1984 - The Shore of His Life
1993 - In the beginning was the word
2006 - "Stay with me"

Theatrical works of Yuri Solomin:

1957 - "Macbeth" by W. Shakespeare. Stage directors: K. A. Zubov and E. P. Velikhov - Flins;
1957 - "The Power of Darkness" by Leo Tolstoy. Stage Director: B. I. Ravenskikh - Guy;
1957 - "A profitable place" by A. N. Ostrovsky. Stage Director: K. A. Zubov - Boy;
1957 - "Port Arthur" by IF Popov, AN Stepanov. Directed by: K. A. Zubov and P. A. Markov - Young Soldier, Officer;
1957 - "Sold Lullaby" by H. Laxness. Stage Director: P. A. Markov - 3rd Correspondent;
1957 - "Pygmalion" B. Shaw. Stage Director: I. Ya. Sudakov - Newspaper;
1958 - "When the Heart Burns" by V. Keane. Director: A. Goncharov - Bezais;
1958 - "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" by FM Dostoevsky. Stage Director L. A. Volkov - Yard guy, Mityushka;
1959 - "Vanity Fair" V. Thackeray. Stage directors: I. V. Ilyinsky and V. I. Tsygankov - Gentleman;
1959 - Lady Windermere's Fan by O. Wilde. Stage Director: V. G. Komissarzhevsky - Young Gentleman;
1959 - "Why the stars smiled" by A. Ye. Korneichuk. Stage Director: B. I. Ravenskikh - Yuri;
1959 - "House of Cards" by ON Stukalov. Stage Director: D. A. Vuros - Cheerful Employee;
1959 - “Our people - we will be numbered” by A. N. Ostrovsky. Stage Director: L.A. Volkov - Tishka;
1960 - "Ivanov" by A. P. Chekhov. Stage Director: B. A. Babochkin - Peter, Guest;
1960 - "Living Corpse" by Leo Tolstoy. Stage Director: L. A. Volkov - Spectator in court;
1960 - "Love Yarovaya" by K. A. Trenev, stage directors I. V. Ilyinsky and V. I. Tsygankov - 2nd escort;
1960 - "Unequal Battle" by V. S. Rozov. Director: D. Vuros - Slava;
1961 - "Explosion" by I. Dvoretsky. Stage Director: E.P. Velikhov - Lopatin;
1961 - "Spring Thunder" by D. I. Zorin. Stage Director: B. A. Babochkin - Arkady;
1962 - "Colleagues" by V. P. Aksenov, Yu. M. Stabova. Stage directors: B. A. Babochkin and V. I. Korshunov - Sergeant;
1962 - "Masquerade" by M. Yu. Lermontov. Stage Director: L. V. Varpakhovsky - Dancing;
1962 - Lady Windermere's Fan by O. Wilde. Stage Director: V. G. Komissarzhevsky - Cecile Graham;
1962 - "Vanity Fair" V. Thackeray. Stage directors: I. V. Ilyinsky and V. I. Tsygankov - Isidor;
1962 - "The Chamber" by S. Aleshin. Director: L. Verpakhovsky - Misha;
1963 - "Before dinner" by V. S. Rozov. Director: V. Monakhov - Grisha;
1963 - “They are waiting for us somewhere” by A. N. Arbuzov. Stage Director E. R. Simonov - Fedya;
1964 - “The consul was stolen” by G. D. Mdivani. Director: V. Monakhov - Papino;
1966 - "The Inspector General" N. V. Gogol. Director: Igor Ilyinsky - Khlestakov;
1969 - "The Golden Fleece" by A. Gulyashka. Stage Director: G. Avramov (Bulgaria) - Kovachev;
1970 - "Your Uncle Misha" by GD Mdivani. Stage Director: V. B. Monakhov - Valery;
1973 - "The Deeps" by A. N. Ostrovsky. Director: P. Vasiliev - Kiselnikov;
1976 - "The Deeps" by A. N. Ostrovsky. Director: P. Vasiliev - Unknown;
1976 - “Humiliated and Insulted” by F. M. Dostoevsky. Stage Director: E.P. Velikhov - Ivan Petrovich (Vanya);
1976 - The Consul was stolen by GD Mdivani. Director: V. Monakhov - Papino;
1976 - "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich" by A. K. Tolstoy. Director: Boris Ravensky - Tsar Fyodor;
1977 - "Love Yarovaya" by K. A. Trenev. Director: Pyotr Fomenko - Mikhail Yarovoy;
1978 - "The Coast" by Yu. V. Bondarev. Stage Director V. Andreev - Knyazhko;
1981 - "Virgin Lands" by L. I. Brezhnev, stage directors B. A. Lvov-Anokhin and V. M. Beilis - Host;
1983 - "Painting" by D. A. Granin. Stage Director: L. Ye. Kheifets - Astakhov;
1983 - "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Edmond Rostand. Director: Hrachya Kaplanyan - Cyrano;
1984 - "The Inspector General" by N. V. Gogol. Stage directors: E. Ya. Vesnik, Yu. M. Solomin - Khlopov;
1984 - "Living Corpse" by Leo Tolstoy. Director: V.M.Solomin - Fedya Protasov;
1985 - "The Inspector General" N. V. Gogol. Stage directors: E. Ya. Vesnik, Yu. M. Solomin - Khlestakov;
1987 - "The Game" by Yu. V. Bondarev. Stage Director V. Andreev - Krymov;
1988 - "Goblin" by A. Chekhov. Director: B. Morozov - Voinitsky;
1990 - "I will repay" S. Kuznetsov. Stage Director B. A. Morozov - Nicholas II;
1993 - "Uncle Vanya" by A. Chekhov. Director: S. A. Solovyov - Voinitsky;
1996 - "The Seagull" by A. P. Chekhov. Director: V.N.Dragunov - Trigorin;
1999 - "Forest" by A. N. Ostrovsky. Stage Director YM Solomin - Karp;
2000 - "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov. Director: S.V. Zhenovach - Famusov;
2003 - "The Mysterious Box" by P. A. Karatygin. Stage Director: YM Solomin - Saint-Felix;
2009 - "Moliere" by M. A. Bulgakov. Director: V.N. Dragunov - Jean-Baptiste Poquelin de Moliere.