
Importance of play for child development. The value of the game for the mental development of the child What is the importance of the game in the development of children

Anna Syuvatkina
The value of the game for the comprehensive development of the child's personality

« The value of the game for all-round development

child's personality»

The game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, ways and means of communication. In Game child develops as a person, those aspects of the psyche are formed in him, on which the success of his educational and labor activities, his relations with people will subsequently depend.

For example, in the game such a quality is formed child's personality, as self-regulation of actions, taking into account the tasks of quantitative activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also significantly restructures his intellectual sphere, since interaction takes place in a collective game. different meanings, development event content and achievement of a common game goal.

It is proved that in the game children get the first experience of collective thinking. Scientists believe that children games spontaneously, but naturally arose as a reflection of the labor and social activities of adults. However, it is known that the ability to play does not arise by automatically transferring into the game learned in everyday life.

Children need to be involved in the game. And on what content will be invested by adults in those offered to children games depends on the success of the transfer of society's culture to the younger generation.

It should be emphasized that the fruitful assimilation of social experience occurs only under the condition of one's own activity. child in the course of his work. It turns out that if the educator does not take into account the active nature of the acquisition of experience, the most perfect at first glance methodological methods of teaching the game and controlling the game do not achieve their practical goal.

Tasks comprehensive upbringing in the game is successfully implemented only if the psychological basis of the game activity is formed in each age period. This is because game development associated with significant progressive transformations in the psyche child, and, above all in his intellectual sphere, is the foundation for development all other sides of the nursery personalities.

Mental education of children in the game.

In the game, the formation of perception, thinking, memory, speech takes place - those fundamental mental processes, without sufficient development which cannot be said about the education of harmonious personalities.

Level development the child's thinking determines the nature of his activity, the intellectual level of its implementation.

The teacher must remember that any activity of children is aimed at solving a specific problem. The main task has many intermediate ones, the solution of which will make it possible to transform the conditions and thereby facilitate the achievement of the goal. Practical tasks that a child must solve differ from educational ones. The content of game tasks is dictated by life itself, the environment of the child, his experience, knowledge.

The child gains experience in his own activities, learns a lot from educators, parents. A variety of knowledge, impressions enrich his spiritual world, and all this is reflected in the game.

Solving game problems with the help of objective actions takes the form of applying more and more generalized game methods of cognizing reality. The child feeds the doll from a cup, then replaces it with a cube and then simply brings his hand to the doll's mouth. it means that the child solves game problems at a higher intellectual level.

It happens in practice and so, the teacher does not understand values generalized game actions of children's thinking, requires them to take collective actions as similar as possible to practical ones.

Firstly, if everything that happens to a child in everyday life is transferred to the game, then it will simply disappear, because its main feature will disappear - an imaginary situation.

Secondly, the game, reflecting a well-known, but little generalized life situation, involuntarily comes to a standstill. At the same time, it is known that in everyday life children receive not only clear, concrete knowledge, but also unclear, hypothetical ones. For example, a child knows who a sailor is, but he does not understand what he does. In order to clarify their views, during games he asks questions and, having received an answer, acquires quite clear knowledge, but new information raises new questions. So there is a continuous course of knowledge. It is done in practice and in play. The game is a special form of knowledge of the surrounding reality. The specificity of game tasks lies in the fact that in them the goal is presented in an imaginary, imaginary form, which differs from the practical goal in the uncertainty of the expected result and the optionality of its achievement.

A very important point is to establish continuity of content outside of the gaming experience and games. This is not about copying real objective actions in the game, but about their understanding and transfer to the game. A more generalized game action transfers the game itself to a qualitatively new intellectual basis.

The substitution of a game action with a word is especially indicative. motive games becomes not an action with objects, but the communication of children with each other, which reflects the interactions and relationships of people.

When the necessary level of thinking is formed, the child is able to replace the image of another person - to take on a role and act in accordance with its content.

Formation of moral relations in the game.

educational opportunities games are most fully realized with skillful pedagogical guidance, which provides the necessary level development gaming activity.

So gradually in the game children master moral norms, and responsibility for performing actions grows. Psychologist D. B. Elkonin identified 3 stages of this process.

The child is focused on the knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects, the possibility of action with them. Having satisfied his interest in objects, the child begins to show attention to the actions of other children playing nearby. That. This stage lays the foundation for further development of children's relationships.

Children's interest moves to the sphere of adult relationships.

The teacher, leading the game, aims children at the development of moral norms that serve as the basis for humane human relations.

Objective actions, even the most attractive ones, are subordinated by the child to the main play goal determined by the play role. The focus is on the other person. Game actions are performed in a situation where their result is used for the benefit of other people, i.e., the activities of preschoolers acquire a social orientation. The main way to get rich games moral content lies through the familiarization of children with the phenomena of social life and the education of positive attitudes towards them.

Ensure the assimilation of the norms governing moral relations, while maintaining a creative, amateur character games only possible with the right pedagogical guidance.

With the help of game appeals, you can activate the moral relations formed in children and replenish developed story in multiple episodes. The teacher easily achieves the required goal if he enters into role-playing relations with the children. Advice, suggestions, questions, reminders of an adult should be addressed to to kid- the performer of a certain role. The teacher directs the game, activating and improving the moral experience of the preschooler. As a result, independent communication in the game takes place at a fairly high moral level and is characterized by a long, harmonious relationship between all children.

emotional development of children in the game.

The game of a preschooler is saturated with a wide variety of emotions, surprise, excitement, joy, delight, etc. This makes it possible to use game activities not only for development and education of the personality of the child but also for the prevention and correction of his mental states.

On the existence of a special, emotional plan games drew the attention of many Soviet psychologists. They emphasized that the main meaning games consists of a variety of experiences, meaningful to the child that's in progress games there is a profound transformation of the original, affective tendencies and ideas that have developed in his life experience. The relationship between play and the emotional state of children acts in two ways, the restoration and improvement of play activity affects the emergence and development of emotions formed emotions affect game development certain content.

Different the nature of the experiences that arise along the way games, allows us to distinguish two types of emotional behavior of young children.

Emotionally active people have a pronounced interest in the game as a whole and in actions with one or more objects. They play for a long time. They perform a large number of actions with toys, many of which end in direct, pronounced reactions: laughter, surprise, delight, etc.

In emotionally passive children, the game is in the nature of a cursory, superficial acquaintance with toys. The total time of their activity is short.

Emotional manifestations are extremely poor. There is no pronounced joy or surprise.

Development of emotions arising in the course of actions with characters is important for game development and to nurture his moral qualities personalities.

A necessary condition for the emergence of a full-fledged games is deployment it has social content - the content of communication, interaction and relationships between characters. Watching the game provides an opportunity to determine how relationships develop with peers. The range of emotions addressed to a playmate can be extremely wide: from complete indifference and ignoring to interest and support for emotional contacts, meaningful communication, mutual actions. Emotional manifestations that arise in a specific game situation are able to consolidate and generalize, the educator must organize the game in such a way as to prevent the emergence and development negative emotions, manifestation of inattention, aggressiveness.

It should be especially emphasized that the level of a child's emotional orientation towards a peer, the nature of emotional responsiveness reveals a close relationship with the level game development. Negative emotions thrive most often when children fail to organize and expand the game.

However, greater efficiency can be achieved with the participation of the teacher himself in the game. Taking on the role, the adult indirectly controls the game, leading the children out of the conflict situation and warning them. This is especially successful in cases where the educator is well aware of the life situations and play interests of the children and delicately, unobtrusively uses his knowledge to maintain a positive attitude towards the game and partners.

Having defined the importance of children's play for the comprehensive development of the child's personality, it is necessary to consider those various historical approaches to the study of the child's play activity, which are presented in the available literature.

Stages of formation of children's play activity.

First step development game activity is an introductory game. Based on the motive given to kid adults with the help of a toy object, it is an object-play activity. Its content consists of manipulation actions carried out in the process of examining an object. This activity of the infant very quickly changes its content: the survey is aimed at identifying the features of the object-toy and therefore develops into oriented actions-operations.

The next stage of play activity is called display activity. games in which individual subject-specific operations pass into the rank of actions aimed at identifying the specific properties of an object and achieving a certain effect with the help of this object. This is the climax development psychological content early childhood games. It is he who creates the necessary ground for the formation of child relevant subject activity.

At the turn of the first and second years of life child development game and objective activity closes and at the same time diverges. Now the differences are beginning to emerge, and the next step in the way of doing things is coming. game development: it becomes plot-representative. Changes in her psychological content: the child's actions, while remaining objectively mediated, imitate in a conditional form the use of an object according to appointment. This is how the prerequisites of the plot-role play gradually become infected. games.

At this stage game development words and deeds merge, and role-playing behavior becomes a model of relationships between people meaningful to children. The role-playing stage is coming games, in which the players simulate the labor and social relations of people familiar to them.

Scientific understanding of the phased development game activity makes it possible to develop more clear, systematized recommendations for managing children's play activities in different age groups.

To achieve genuine games, emotionally rich, including an intellectual solution to the game problem, the teacher needs to comprehensively manage the formation, and exactly: purposefully enrich the tactical experience of the child, gradually transferring it to a conditional game plan, during independent games to encourage the preschooler to creatively reflect reality.

In addition, a good game is an effective means of correcting disorders in the emotional sphere of children brought up in unfavorable families.

Emotions cement the game, make it exciting, create a favorable climate for relationships, increase the tone that everyone needs. to kid the share of his spiritual comfort, and this, in turn, becomes a condition for the preschooler's susceptibility to educational actions and joint activities with peers.

The game is dynamic where the management is aimed at its phased formation, taking into account those factors that ensure timely development gaming activities at all age levels. Here it is important to rely on child's personal experience. The game actions formed on its basis acquire a special emotional coloring. Otherwise, learning to play becomes mechanical.

All components of a comprehensive formation guide games are interrelated and equally important when working with young children.

As children grow older, the organization of their practical experience also changes, which is aimed at actively learning the real relationships of people in the process of joint activities. In this regard, the content of educational games and the conditions of the subject-game environment are being updated. The focus of activating adult communication is shifting with children: it becomes businesslike, aimed at achieving joint goals. Adults act as one of the participants games, encouraging children to joint discussions, statements, disputes, conversations, contribute to the collective solution of game problems, which reflect the joint social and labor activities of people.

And so, the formation of gaming activity creates the necessary psychological conditions and fertile ground for. Comprehensive education of people, taking into account their age characteristics, requires the systematization of games used in practice, the establishment of links between different forms of independent gaming and non-gaming activities, which takes place in a playful way. As you know, any activity is determined by its motive, that is, by what this activity is aimed at. Play is an activity whose motive lies within itself. it means, what child plays on that he wants to play, and not for the sake of obtaining some specific result, which is typical for everyday, labor and any other productive activity.

The game, on the one hand, creates a zone of the nearest child development, and therefore is the leading activity in preschool age. This is due to the fact that new, more progressive types of activity and the formation of the ability to act collectively, creatively, and arbitrarily control one's behavior are born in it. On the other hand, its content is fueled by productive activities and ever-expanding life experiences of children.

The development of the child in the game takes place primarily due to the diversity of its content. There is games, directly aimed at physical education (moving, aesthetic (musical, mental (didactic and plot). Many of them at the same time contribute to moral education. (plot-role-playing, dramatization games, mobile, etc.).

All types of games can be combined into two large groups, which differ in the degree of direct participation of an adult, as well as in various forms of children's activity.

The first group is games where an adult takes an indirect part in their preparation and implementation. The activity of children (subject to the formation of a certain level of game actions and skills) has an initiative, creative character - the guys are able to independently set a game goal, develop the idea of ​​the game and find the right ways to solve game problems. In independent games, conditions are created for children to show initiative, which always indicates a certain level of intelligence development.

Games in this group, which include plot and cognitive, are especially valuable for their developing function, which has a large meaning for general mental development of each child.

The second group is various educational games in which the adult, telling the child the rules games or explaining the design of the toy, gives a fixed program of actions to achieve a certain result. In these games, specific tasks of education and training are usually solved; they are aimed at mastering certain program material and rules that players must follow. Educational games also for the moral - aesthetic education of preschoolers.

The activity of children in learning to play is mainly reproductive character: children, solving game problems with a given program of action, only reproduce the ways of their implementation. Based on the formation and skills of children, independent games, which will have more elements of creativity.

The group of games with a fixed action program includes mobile, didactic, musical, games - dramatizations, entertainment games.

In addition to the games themselves, it should be said about the so-called non-gaming activities that do not take place in a playful form. These may be the initial forms of child labor organized in a special way, some types of visual activity, familiarization with the environment during a walk, etc.

Timely and correct application various games in educational practice provides a solution to the tasks set "The program of education and training in preschool" in the most appropriate form for children. It must be noted that games have a significant advantage over specially organized classes in the sense that they create more favorable conditions for the manifestation of active reflection in children's independent activities of socially established experience.

The search for answers to emerging gaming problems increases the cognitive activity of children and real life. Psychic processes achieved in the game child development significantly affect the possibilities of his systematic training in the classroom, contribute to the improvement of his real moral and aesthetic position among peers and adults.

progressive, value-developing games consists not only in the realization of the possibilities all-round development of the child, but also in the fact that it contributes to the expansion of their sphere of interests, the emergence of a need for classes, the formation of a motive for a new activity - educational, which is one of the most important factors in psychological readiness child to school.

Marina Shevlyakova
The value of the game in the mental development of preschool children

Consultation for teachers and parents

Educator MADOU "Kindergarten

combined type No. 11, Shebekino "

Shevlyakova Marina Vladimirovna

The value of the game in the mental development of preschool children.

Leading activity in preschool is a game, it has a huge impact on child development. In gaming activity, not only mental qualities and personal characteristics, but other types of activities are also taking shape, acquiring an independent meaning. teachers and psychologists emphasize that the game affects all sides development of the child's psyche. So, A. S. Makarenko writes: "The game has an important importance in a child's life, has the same meaning as an adult has activity, work, service. What a child is in play, so in many respects he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place primarily in the game. And the whole history of the individual as a doer or worker can be represented in game development and in its gradual transition to work.

First of all, the game affects development of arbitrary mental processes: the child begins develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. In the conditions of play activity, children concentrate better, because the conditions themselves games require him to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the plot and the actions being played.

The experience of the child in the role-playing game is the basis for development a special property of thinking, allows you to take the point of view of other people, admire their future behavior. Based on this, the child can build his own behavior.

Role play has a special importance on the development of the imagination.

Influence development games child is that it is through the game that he gets acquainted with the behavior of adults, with their relationships. Subsequently, they become a model for the child's own behavior. The game acquires communication skills that are necessary to establish contacts with their peers. The game forces the child to obey the rules, and this contributes to development of the volitional sphere.

Some productive activities, such as drawing and construction, are closely related to play from an early stage. At first, the child simply has a play interest, which later develops into an interest in drawing or designing itself.

Inside games educational activity is also formed, which then develops into the leading activity of the younger student. The teaching does not arise by itself, it is introduced by an adult. But preschooler refers to learning activities as a kind of role-playing game with new rules. But when the child fulfills these rules, he directly masters the learning activities.

The game influences speech development. The need to explain during games requires a certain level of proficiency. In the game, the child learns to fully communicate with peers, distributing roles, agreeing with each other. If, for some reason, a joint game breaks up, then it is improved in the process of communication.

special meaning onto a sign function turns out to be a game. Development This function in the game is carried out through the replacement of some objects with others.

As a leading activity the game is special importance for the development reflective thinking. Reflection is the ability to analyze one's own actions, deeds and the ability to correlate them with social values. In Game development reflection arises through the ability to control the performance of an action that is part of the communication process. The role-playing game creates the prerequisites for development reflection through the comprehension of their own actions.

In Game develops motivational-need sphere. New motives and related goals emerge. Now in the game the child more and more easily gives up his fleeting desires. The child's behavior is controlled by other people, he must follow the rules that follow from his role and has no right to be distracted from games nor change your role.

In a game with intricate plots and various complex roles, the child actively develops creative imagination.

Thus, in preschool age game for the child becomes an independent activity, with the help of games he enters different social spheres, knowing them.

Introduction _____________________________________________________________3

The value of the game in the development of the child's personality ___________________________ 4

Classification of games _______________________________________________9

Role-playing games ___________________________________________9

Theatrical games _______________________________________________10

Didactic games_______________________________________________10

Musical and didactic games ____________________________________10

Conclusion __________________________________________________________11

References ________________________________________________12


The game is the leading activity of the preschooler. It is through the game that the child learns the world, prepares for adulthood. At the same time, the game is the basis of the creative development of the child, the development of the ability to correlate creative skills and real life. The game acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults, where everything is intertwined and interconnected: the world of adults affects the world of children (and vice versa) games often imply the “performance” by children of certain social roles of adults, adults often use games to get to know the world even better (business games), increase the level of the “inner self” (sports games), develop the level of intelligence (role-playing games), etc.

The game is based on the perception of the presented rules, thereby orienting the child to the observance of certain rules of adult life. The game, by virtue of its characteristics, is the best way to achieve the development of the child's creative abilities without the use of coercion methods. From the foregoing, it is clear what role play should (take) in the modern educational process and how important it is to strive to intensify the play activity of preschoolers. Hence the constant importance and relevance of considering the theory of the application of the game in the upbringing and development of the child, the formation of his creative abilities.


Development as a biological process is the implementation of closely interconnected quantitative (growth) and qualitative (differentiation) transformations of individuals from the moment of birth to the end of life (individual development, or ontogenesis) and throughout the entire existence of life on Earth of their species and other systematic groups (historical development, or phylogeny). In this case, we are interested in the first definition, which implies qualitative and quantitative changes. With the development of the child, not only does the body weight increase and its physical capabilities are activated. At the same time, the child develops mentally, learns the world, reality, enters into communication with him. And here, the game becomes the basis of the child's communication with the world.

In the first 2-3 months of a child's life, games and toys (play items) are important for the development of the child's senses, the accumulation of visual and auditory impressions, and maintaining a positive emotional state. For these purposes, bright, large, contrasting colors of toys are needed. The child learns to grab them, examine them, get them out of different positions. Then he crawls to the toys, plays with them while sitting, standing and walking with them. This is how the first physical and cognitive skills of the child develop with the help of the basics of the game. Important toys that the child sees, hears and touches simultaneously with all the senses and which attract his attention with a variety of shapes, colors, melody of sound.

At this age, it is important to constantly communicate with the child, play with him, which will contribute to the development of his initial prerequisites for motor skills, communication skills, etc.

At the age of 3 to 7 years, the child begins to imitate the activities of adults in the game. Here, such games are important that allow you to learn the purpose of objects, their functions, teach children to use objects as tools. Classes with pyramids, dolls, building sets expand children's ideas about the size, shape, color, position of objects in space, and classes with toys on wheels, shovels, scoops, which can be used to dig snow, sand, increase motor activity, improve movement coordination. The child in the game begins to imitate the activities of adults, and toys serve as symbols for him, help develop the plots of games, and contribute to the formation of the beginnings of abstract thinking. At this age, games are needed for the child with peers on topics close to their experience and reflecting the events of social life. Games at this time serve as a means of shaping the social consciousness of the child, unite children into a team, knowledge of the world and its transformation, while creating conditions for all types of independent children's activities.

The game is a reflection of life. Here everything is “as if”, “pretending”, but in this conditional setting, which is created by the child’s imagination, there is a lot of real; the actions of the players are always real, their feelings, experiences are genuine, sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are only toys, but loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a “real” pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, is truly proud of his victory.

The game as a phenomenon has been the subject of research by many philosophers. According to I. Kant, the duality of reality, inherent in the game as a type of activity, makes the game related to art, which also requires simultaneously believing and not believing in the reality of the conflict being played out. F. Schiller considered the game to be a specifically human form of life activity: “A person plays only when he is a person in the full sense of the word, and he is fully human only when he plays. The origin of games is associated by various researchers with magic-cult rituals or with the innate biological needs of the human body and psyche. Owen M. Teoriya igr. M. 1996. S. 4 ..

Games are studied by cultural historians, ethnographers and psychologists. There are several concepts in the approach to the game phenomenon: a) the German philosopher and psychologist K. Groos; according to it, play is a preliminary preparation for the conditions of the future life; b) the Austrian psychologist K. Buhler, who defines the game as an activity performed for the sake of obtaining pleasure from the very process of activity; c) the Dutch scientist F. Beitendijk, who considers the game as a form of realization of common primordial inclinations: to freedom, to merge with the environment, to repetition. Z. Freud believed that the game replaces repressed desires. G. Spencer treated the game as a manifestation of the excess of vitality Lesnoy D.S. The game. // Big encyclopedia. M. 2000. S. 254. .

A different interpretation of games is given by the theory of "active recreation", developed by the German psychologists Schaller, Lazarus, Steinthal. According to this theory, in addition to passive rest, which we have in a dream, we need active rest, in a different activity, free from all the gloomy and painful that is associated with work. Fatigue from work requires not only psychophysical relaxation, but also mental, emotional rest, which can be realized only in activity, but this activity must develop in the mental space. That is why a person needs to play even when he does not have an unused reserve of energy, he must play even when tired, because physical fatigue does not interfere with deep mental rest, the source of energy. Such an interpretation of the game, its goals and functions, however, as well as Spencer's interpretation, of course, is more characteristic of the world of adults, although it is quite clear that the concept of the game should cover both the play of children and the play of adults. Moreover, the functions of the game in children and adults can be completely different Lesnoy D.S. The game. // Big encyclopedia. M. 2000. S. 256. .

To some it seemed that they had found the source and basis of the game in the need to vent excess vitality. According to others, a living being, playing, obeys the innate instinct to imitate. It is believed that the game satisfies the need for rest and relaxation. Some see the game as a kind of pre-workout before the serious business that life may require, or see the game as an exercise in self-control. Others, again, look for the beginning in the innate need to be able to do something or do something, or in the desire for dominance or rivalry. Finally, there are those who regard the game as an innocent compensation for harmful impulses, as a necessary replenishment of monotonous one-sided activity, or as a satisfaction in some kind of fiction of desires that are impossible in a real situation, and thereby maintaining a sense of Lesnoy D.S. The game. // Big encyclopedia. M. 2000. S. 256 ..

The Dutch thinker and cultural historian J. Huizinga, who undertook a fundamental study of the game (Homo ludens, “Man playing”), sees its essence in the ability to delight, bring joy; he defines it as “a voluntary action or occupation performed within the established boundaries of place and time according to voluntarily accepted, but absolutely binding rules with a goal contained in itself, accompanied by a feeling of tension and joy, as well as the consciousness of a “different being” than “ordinary " life". According to Huizinga, a game that exists not only in the human, but also in the animal world does not lend itself to logical interpretation, it is, in the fullest sense of the word, a kind of excess. However, this point of view did not prevent the philosopher from seeing the game as the highest manifestation of human essence, the basis of culture, and hence the basis for the development of Huizinga J. Homo ludens. M., 1992. S. 17-18.

Among domestic researchers of the phenomenon of the game follows Elkonin, Leontiev, Sukhomlinsky and others.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Quoted from: Nikitin B.P. Educational games. M. 1998. S. 12 ..

It is difficult to find a specialist in the field of child psychology who would not touch upon the problems of play, would not put forward his own point of view on its nature and significance. Game activity is widely used for practical purposes. A special “play therapy” is widespread, which uses detailed forms of play activity to correct possible deviations in the behavior of children (unfitness, aggressiveness, isolation, etc.), for the treatment of mental illness See: Elkonin D.B. Selected psychological works. M.:: 1989. S. 65. .

In the empirical psychology of play, in the study of play, as well as in the analysis of other types of activity and consciousness in general, the functional-analytic approach dominated for a long time. The game was considered as a manifestation of an already mature mental ability. Researcher K.D. Ushinsky saw in the game the manifestation of the imagination or fantasy, set in motion by a variety of effective tendencies. A.I. Sikorsky connected the game with the development of thinking. N.K. Krupskaya in many articles spoke about the importance of the game for the knowledge of the world, for the moral education of children. "... Amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of great importance, much more than anything else." The same idea is expressed by A.M. Bitter; “The game is the way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called to change” Cited. Quoted from: Nikitin B.P. Educational games. M. 1998. S. 12 ..

The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children's relationships, on the clear organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

Imitation of adults in the game is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

Children's creativity is manifested in the idea of ​​the game and in the search for means for its implementation. In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, props, decorators, actors. However, they do not hatch their plan, they do not prepare for a long time to fulfill the role, like actors. They play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that they own at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation, and therefore it is a developing activity.

Reproducing various events of life, through the game - episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, read and heard about; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more understandable for him.

In play, the mental activity of children is always connected with the work of the imagination; you need to find a role for yourself, imagine how the person you want to imitate acts, what he says or does. Imagination also manifests itself and develops in the search for means to carry out the plan; before you go flying, you need to build an airplane; for the store you need to pick up suitable goods, and if they are not enough - make it yourself. So in the game the creative abilities of the younger schoolchild, the abilities of the child develop.

Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make the life of children complete, satisfy their need for vigorous activity. Even in good conditions, with good nutrition, the child will develop poorly, become lethargic if he is deprived of an exciting game.

Most of the games reflect the work of adults; children imitate the household chores of mothers and grandmothers, the work of an educator, doctor, teacher, driver, pilot, astronaut. Consequently, in games, respect is brought up for any work that is useful to society, and the desire to take part in it is affirmed.

Game is a form of activity in conditional situations. Real actions performed during the game, often requiring complex mental work, specific skills and abilities, take place in a situation of conditional reality, perceived as such by the player himself.


Preschool childhood (from 3 to 7 years old) is a segment of a child's life when the framework of the family expands to the limits of the street, city, country. If during the periods of infancy and early childhood, the child, being in the family circle, received the necessary conditions for his development, then at preschool age the range of his interests expands. The child discovers the world of human relations, various activities of adults. He feels a great desire to get involved in adult life, to actively participate in it. Having overcome the crisis of 3 years, the child strives for independence. From this contradiction, a role-playing game is born - an independent activity of children, simulating the life of adults.

The role-playing game is the leading activity of preschool age (one of the fundamental provisions of the work), so the book is certainly designed for psychologists and teachers working with preschoolers. Nevertheless, it will be very useful for the school psychologist for several reasons.

First, according to the level of development of the child's play actions, one can determine his readiness for schooling, because, according to the author, the main prerequisites for the transition to learning activities are formed within the framework of a role-playing game.

Secondly, in order to understand a younger student, one must know the peculiarities of the mental life of a preschooler.

Thirdly, the formation of the psychological worldview of a specialist occurs as a result of familiarization with fundamental psychological research, to which this publication belongs.

Fourthly, the game does not end at preschool age, and the germs of the so-called game with rules appear in the role-playing game.

Role play, or as it is also called creative play, appears at preschool age. Play is the activity of children in which they take on "adult" roles and, in play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. The child, choosing a certain role, also has an image corresponding to this role - a doctor, mother, daughter, driver. The child's play actions also follow from this image. The imaginative internal game plan is so important that the game simply cannot exist without it. Through images and actions, children learn to express their feelings and emotions. In their games, mother can be strict or kind, sad or cheerful, affectionate and tender. The image is played, studied and remembered. All role-playing games of children (with very few exceptions) are filled with social content and serve as a means of getting used to the fullness of human relationships.

The game takes its origins from the object-manipulative activity of the child in early childhood. At first, the child is absorbed in the object and actions with it. When he masters the action, he begins to realize that he is acting himself and as an adult. He had imitated an adult before, but did not notice this. At preschool age, attention is transferred from the object to the person, due to which the adult and his actions become a role model for the child.

On the border of early and preschool childhood, the first types of children's games appear. One of the types of games of this period is a figurative role-playing game. In it, the child imagines himself to be anyone and anything and acts in accordance with this image. A child can be surprised by a picture, a household item, a natural phenomenon, and he can become one for a short period of time. A prerequisite for the deployment of such a game is a vivid, memorable impression that caused him a strong emotional response. The child gets used to the image, feels it with both soul and body, becomes it.

The figurative role-playing game is the source of the role-playing game, which is clearly manifested from the middle of the preschool period. The game action has a symbolic character. When playing, a child under one action means another, under one object - another. Not being able to handle real objects, the child learns to model situations with substitute objects. In-game item substitutes may bear very little resemblance to real items. The child can use the wand as a spyglass, and then, as the story progresses, as a sword. We see how in a role-playing game a sign enters the life of a child and becomes a means of organizing his activity, just as in the life of an adult.

A child usually receives a lot of toys that are substitutes for real objects of human culture: tools, household items (furniture, dishes, clothes), cars, and so on. Through such toys, the child learns the functional purposes of objects and masters the skills of their use.

To trace the development of the game, consider the formation of its individual components.

Each game has its own game means: children participating in it, dolls, toys and objects. Their selection and combination are different for younger and older preschoolers. At younger preschool age, the game may consist of monotonous repetitive actions, sometimes reminiscent of manipulations with objects, and the composition of the participants in the game may be limited to one or two children. For example, a three-year-old child may "cook dinner" and invite a "guest" to dinner or "cook dinner" for her doll daughter. The playing conditions of older preschool children may include a large number of participants in the game. Each participant can have several additional items and toys to better reveal their image. During the game, sometimes there is a complex scheme of transition of toys and objects from one participant to another, depending on the development of the game plot.

Children's play begins with a contract. Children agree on the beginning of play activities, choose a plot, distribute roles among themselves and build their actions and behavior in accordance with the chosen role. By taking on a role, the child begins to accept and understand role rights and responsibilities. So, for example, a doctor, if he treats a patient, must be a respected person, he can require the patient to undress, show his tongue, measure the temperature, that is, demand that the patient follow his instructions.

In a role-playing game, children reflect their surrounding world and its diversity, they can reproduce scenes from family life, from adult relationships, work activities, and so on. As the child grows older, the plots of their role-playing games become more complicated. For example, a game of "daughters-mothers" at 3-4 years old can last 10-15 minutes, and at 5-6 years old - 50-60 minutes. Older preschoolers are able to play the same game for several hours in a row, that is, along with an increase in the variety of plots, the duration of the game also increases.

The game plot, as well as the game role, are most often not planned by a child of younger preschool age, but arise situationally, depending on what object or toy is currently in his hands (for example, dishes, which means he will play at home). ). Quarrels in children of this age arise because of the possession of an object with which one of them wanted to play.

Role play in older preschoolers obeys the rules arising from the role taken on. Children plan their behavior, revealing the image of their chosen role. Quarrels of older preschool children, as a rule, arise due to incorrect role-playing behavior in a game situation and end either with the termination of the game or the expulsion of the “wrong” player from the game situation.

There are two types of relationships in the game - game and real. Game relations are relations according to the plot and role, real relationships are the relations of children as partners, comrades who perform a common task. In a joint game, children learn the language of communication, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, learn to subordinate their actions to the actions of other players.

The game is the leading activity in preschool age, it has a significant impact on the development of the child. In the game, the child learns the meaning of human activity, begins to understand and navigate the causes of certain actions of people. Knowing the system of human relations, he begins to realize his place in it. The game stimulates the development of the cognitive sphere of the child. Playing out fragments of real adult life, the child discovers new facets of the reality around him.

In the game, children learn to communicate with each other, the ability to subordinate their interests to the interests of others. The game contributes to the development of arbitrary behavior of the child. The mechanism for controlling one's behavior, obedience to the rules, is formed precisely in a plot-role-playing game, and then it manifests itself in other types of activity (for example, in training). In a developed role-playing game with its complex plots and roles that create a wide scope for improvisation, children develop their creative imagination. The game contributes to the formation of arbitrary memory, attention and thinking of the child. The game creates real conditions for the development of many skills and abilities that a child needs for a successful transition to learning activities.