
Energy efficient home how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Increasing energy efficiency in mkd. Saving electrical energy

The energy efficiency of a data center is usually described by the PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) indicator. It is not difficult to calculate it: you just need to divide the energy needs of the IT infrastructure to all the energy entering the data center. Ideally, the indicator will be equal to one.

However, experts in recent years point to the imperfection of this indicator. It is not clear which PUE is meant - the peak value or the annual average, what are the methods for measuring it, how to take into account the gradual filling of the facility, the quality of operation management, issues of relationship with the resource supplier (capacity selection in accordance with design values, efficient use of supply networks, reliance on network resources or local generation), what is the situation with the management of the IT equipment fleet, is there outdated, idle or idling equipment in it? One number cannot answer all these questions.

Therefore, experts suggest looking at the problem broadly and considering a whole range of issues based on which one can judge energy efficiency. It is important to operate only the equipment that is needed here and now, promptly shutting down or even decommissioning everything unnecessary - both in IT and in the engineering part of the data center.

In addition, it is necessary to effectively manage the engineering infrastructure of the data center, with a timely transition to optimal modes of operation of power and cooling systems in accordance with changes in both the internal conditions of the data center (loading) and external (climate, changes in tariffs and conditions of competing resource providers) .

Another issue is the maintenance of order and optimal conditions for air flows in the computer rooms of the data center, the absence of leaks and cold losses. Of course, it is important to take into account and control the use of space in the engine room, as well as energy resources.

How to ensure high reliability of power supply at the stage of designing and building a data center

Even at the planning stage, it is important not to miss the choice of a site with good power availability. A place with chronic power shortages and systematic power outages would be a mistake.

“For important and large data centers, it is better to find the possibility of connecting one power beam directly to the distribution substation of a large generation facility, at least to different substations,” advises Ilya Tsarev. - Where justified by the scale and economics of the facility, connections to high voltage networks (110/220 kV) should be sought, bypassing the local medium and low voltage networks. For data centers of a high level of responsibility, their own generation (diesel or gas power plant) must be planned and built.

When designing, it is important to keep in mind the issues of cost and availability of energy resources, the climate of the construction area (including the microclimate directly on the site), the design and materials of the data center building, the energy efficiency of individual components of its systems, and, in particular, the correct selection of the number and power of its queues (modules).

Experts note that the modern flagship products of leading vendors of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for data centers, in addition to high reliability indicators, as a rule, have very good energy efficiency indicators. Plus - the possibility of a flexible choice of modes in the range of "maximum reliability - maximum energy efficiency."

At the construction stage, one should not forget about the quality of materials and installation work. The leaky volume of the turbine hall, in addition to the obvious problems in terms of fire safety, will lose its expensive cold. Errors in laying communications or installation of shut-off and control equipment will lead to suboptimal operation of pumps and compressors in refrigeration systems. Careless installation of power distribution systems will provide extra percentage of losses in them.

What are the ways to improve the energy efficiency of already operated data centers

It is worth starting with a comprehensive audit, which is better to entrust to a third-party organization. Both expert organizations and leading vendors, such as Schneider Electric, deal with similar issues. An audit involves collecting information about the state of the data center as a whole, its individual systems, implemented practices and operating procedures. Based on its results, the company receives a detailed report on the identified problems and bottlenecks.

“From our experience, I can recall such widespread problems in customer data centers that lead to unproductive loss of resources in data centers, such as non-optimal temperature settings in cooling systems, errors in the installation of pipelines in cooling systems, careless installation of the raised floor and littering the space under it, errors in the selection and the placement of raised floor ventilation panels, the thoughtless use of steam humidifiers, the use of filters on an ongoing basis in “clean” chiller systems, the frequent neglect of the use of plugs and air flow isolation kits inside server cabinets,” lists Ilya Tsarev.

Basic principles of airflow management in a data center

There are several basic parameters that must be observed in order to maintain the greatest productivity and efficiency of the data center.

A reasonable approach to designing a house and good thermal insulation can reduce the level of heat losses and electricity consumption, and a thermal imaging survey will help identify shortcomings in the thermal insulation of structures.

Thermal imaging helps improve energy efficiency

The issues of energy saving and a conscious attitude to the environment are becoming more and more acute for mankind. The constant increase in fuel prices makes us remember that the planet's resources are not unlimited, and heat, water and electricity must be spent wisely. The amount that you have to pay monthly for utilities directly depends on the level of energy efficiency at home today.

A reasonable approach to designing a house and good thermal insulation can reduce the level of heat losses and electricity consumption, and will help identify shortcomings in the thermal insulation of structures and construction flaws. In Western countries, it has long been customary in the construction of buildings to take care not only of the durability, fire safety and reliability of buildings, but also that the level of energy consumption does not exceed the established standards.

The improvement in energy-saving characteristics allows to reduce energy consumption by an average of 40% compared to buildings built without taking into account this important factor at present. The time is not far off when we will begin to give preference to houses that save natural resources, and with it our money.

The energy efficiency of the building must be taken care of at the design stage.. When it is no longer possible to carry out structural and planning changes, there will be only one way left - to improve the thermal insulation system.

Until the house is built, it is possible to find the optimal orientation to the cardinal points, calculate the glazing area that does not lead to excessive heat loss, provide for vestibule rooms at the entrances to the house and other details of the project, thanks to which considerable savings in thermal energy will already be achieved.

It is better to place most of the windows and doors on the south and east sides, serious attention should be paid to thermal insulation solutions, always take an infrared camera to help, today it is inexpensive, the price ranges from 59,000 rubles, these are trifles compared to what costs you can incur if do not check the thermal insulation of the house. Building a well-insulated house is especially important for those regions where the cold season lasts a very long time.

A well-designed and implemented home insulation system will allow you to save on heating in winter, and spend less on air conditioning in summer. It is necessary to insulate the roof, walls and foundation, while choosing high-quality materials and performing the installation correctly, without the formation of cold bridges. For thermal insulation of the roof, you should choose a durable insulation that is resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity. During installation, it is necessary to take care of reliable waterproofing of the material.

Wall insulation can be performed in various ways, differing in the location of thermal insulation relative to the wall. The simplest is the method of insulation from the inside of the room, but it has more disadvantages than when creating thermal insulation inside the wall or outside. In this case, the useful area of ​​​​the room is reduced, and there is a risk of condensation between the wall and the heat-insulating layer. It is possible to place a heater inside a load-bearing wall only during the construction of a building, so this method is not always acceptable. External insulation can be carried out both during construction and in the process of repair work. This method is much more effective than insulation from the inside of the room. External insulation is always accompanied by external wall decoration, which gives the house an aesthetic appearance.

Wall arrangement technology and the choice of insulation system are perhaps the most controversial issues in low-rise construction. SuperDom applied for an authoritative recommendation on improving the energy efficiency of walls to the head of the technical department "Teplover" LLC NPP Ukrvermikulit Vladimir Dubrov.

Vladimir Dubrov
head of technical department
Specialist "Teplover" LLC NPP Ukrvermikulit

wall insulation requirements

In Ukraine, the thermal characteristics of enclosing structures are determined by building codes DBN V-2.7-31:2016. The standard establishes minimum requirements for the value of heat transfer resistance of walls, ceilings, doors, windows, etc. Recently, these standards are being revised more and more often, and it is obvious that in the future they will approach the European level. For example, in Europe, where a course to increase the energy efficiency of buildings has long been proclaimed, the minimum heat transfer resistance (R coefficient, m2K / W) of walls is: in Latvia - 4, in Lithuania - 5, in Switzerland - 5, in Norway - 5.5.

When choosing the thickness and arrangement of walls, you should try to reduce energy costs throughout the entire period of operation of the house. It is this factor for European consumers that often becomes decisive when choosing a home or investment object. It is possible to achieve a minimum level of energy consumption by using innovative materials and quality control of work at all stages of construction.

It is better to build a warm house from energy-efficient blocks of sufficient thickness so that the load-bearing wall plays the main role in preserving heat, and the insulation system is an addition. Do not build walls from heavy materials, and then insulate them with an endless layer of thermal insulation. For energy-efficient construction, there are ceramic and aerated concrete wall blocks on the market that comply with current building codes.

Why is it so important to insulate the walls of the house

People who want to invest in the future should make sure that their home receives a higher energy efficiency rating. Therefore, it is still better to supplement the facade with an insulation system that will increase the heat resistance of the walls, reduce heating costs and protect the walls themselves. Can be used:

  • wet-type insulation systems based on expanded polystyrene and basalt wool;
  • hinged ventilated facade systems;
  • thermal insulation systems.

For energy efficient blocks, materials with high vapor permeability are more suitable. When using them, the wall will be able to "breathe" and remain dry throughout the entire period of operation. As a heater, you should choose safe, non-combustible and environmentally friendly materials, such as basalt wool and heat-insulating mixtures. Another important factor in choosing an insulation system is the period of effective operation and the durability of the system. By the way, the manufacturer gives a 25-year warranty for the Teplover system.

No less important is the control of the correct installation of the insulation system, because even the best material with an illiterate approach will not be effective. A reliable result can be provided by a certified team from the manufacturing plant and a balanced approach when choosing other performers.

Reducing costs is always a topical issue. One of the currently popular methods for optimizing operating costs is energy saving measures and, as a result, an increase in the energy efficiency of the facility, which further contributes to the growth of its competitiveness.

Three parties may be interested in reducing energy costs. First of all, this is the owner of the facility, who seeks to reduce energy costs in general. These are tenants who are interested in paying less for utilities. And finally, an FM operator who, having practical skills in energy efficiency, is able to optimize the costs of maintaining building systems and communications. In general, the issue of energy efficiency for a shopping center is always quite acute. Therefore, a more rational approach to energy consumption provides significant savings.

The first thing that needs to be done to address the issue of the energy efficiency of a building is to conduct an energy audit. The basic measurement of electricity consumption for each type of engineering equipment makes it possible to identify weak areas and determine the most rational ways to optimize processes, and, as a result, the efficient use of resources. It is possible to reduce energy consumption by some of the following decisions:

1. The use of LED light sources will save money not only by reducing electricity and power consumption, but also by reducing the cost of air cooling in the summer, because The heat dissipation of LEDs is practically non-existent.

2. For thermal curtains, it is more profitable to use hot water from a centralized heating system or from your own boiler house. It is also quite beneficial to use heat accumulators.

3. When designing the entrance group of a shopping center, revolving or, as they are also called, revolving doors, which reliably protect the premises from drafts and heat loss, are a good solution. At every moment in time they close the entrance to the building, even if visitors pass through the doors at that time.

4. In air conditioning systems, absorption machines and refrigeration systems using ice built up at night, when electricity is cheaper, can be beneficial.

5. In the total cost of building operation, a significant part is the cost of energy for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In order to reduce energy consumption in microclimate systems, air handling units with recuperation are used.

6. Heat pumps make it possible to efficiently use the heat of natural resources for heating the premises in winter and for cooling the premises in summer.

7. During the day, the number of visitors in the shopping center is constantly changing, and, consequently, the content of carbon dioxide in the air also changes quite significantly. Therefore, the implementation of "ventilation on demand" based on the readings of the CO2 sensor brings a tangible reduction.

8. Reducing electricity consumption is possible with the introduction of a building automation and dispatching system due to the synchronous control of all elements of its engineering systems (lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.). Automation allows you to save heat and coolant, using its energy only when needed, and in the amount that is needed; turn on, turn off and adjust the intensity of artificial lighting according to the actual intensity of natural light.

These solutions are quite effective, their implementation will help you reduce energy consumption and improve the energy efficiency of the shopping center as a whole.

The material was prepared by Alexander Skrobko, Director of Client Relations at MD Facility Management.