
When is the day of the riverman. When is River Fleet Day? Task for the day

There are many different holidays in the Russian calendar. Some of them are national holidays, others are simply professional. One of the professional holidays is Fleet Day. Unlike Navy Day, this holiday is celebrated both by representatives of the navy and by workers of the river fleet. Fleet Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in July. This holiday was established back in 1980, or rather on October 1, when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On holidays and memorable days” was signed.

The history of the sea and river fleet, today has almost 90 years. In 1925, Sovtorgflot was formed. It was a single government organization that united in one company the management of all ships belonging to both sea and river shipping companies. By the beginning of 1941, almost 900 ships of various types were subordinate to the Sovtorgflot. At that time, there were about 14 shipping companies and 51 seaports in Russia, all of them were directly subordinate to the Sovtorgflot. Despite the fact that Sovtorgflot was a civilian organization, many ships, along with their crews, were militarized during the Great Patriotic War. Basically, these were cargo ships that were engaged in the transportation of military equipment, provisions and much more. The German troops did not distinguish between warships and cargo ships, so many of the latter were scuttled. Some members of the crews of such vessels received medals of the Hero of the Soviet Union and other awards posthumously, but many heroes of the civilian fleet are alive and well to this day. Their memory, of course, must be honored on the day of the fleet.

The merits of the civilian fleet in the post-war period can hardly be overestimated. Just 20 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the civil fleet not only restored the pre-war volumes of traffic and the number of ships, but also increased the total number of ships that are part of the Softtorgflot. Fleet Day is a holiday for all employees of the sea and river fleet, which has been celebrated for almost 30 years.

Of course, the largest number of cargo transportation and passenger flights accounted for and still accounts for the navy. In the 1980s, the maritime transportation system was modernized, the marine fleet was replenished with various types of ships adapted to transport oil products, containers, heavy cargo, as well as comfortable passenger ships. There was a need to modernize the ports and various complexes located on the coast. Because of this, it was necessary to increase the staff, hire qualified specialists and much more. For this reason, Fleet Day has become a holiday for thousands of people working both on shore and on the water.

The Day of the Russian Fleet was not always an official holiday: with the collapse of the Soviet Union, like many other professional holidays, it was canceled, and the civilian fleet itself was in a deplorable state. For a long time, this holiday, due to the decline in the maritime and river transportation industry, was a little forgotten, and only in 1996, after the government adopted a special program for the revival of the Russian merchant fleet, it became possible to talk about the revival of the river and sea civilian fleet Russia. And the Day of the Russian Fleet holiday has regained its relevance and is celebrated today by everyone who is related to the merchant fleet.

The Day of the Russian Fleet had to be established also because, every day, merchant fleet workers transport tons of various cargoes. But this is far from the only function. Sea and river fleets are also necessary for the transport of passengers. Russia is surrounded by seas, in the waters of which there are islands, and sometimes, you can get to the right place faster by water than by car. An example is Kamchatka, it is easier to cross the strait on a ferry than to travel by land. It is also for this reason that water transport remains in demand to this day. And it is difficult to overestimate all the merits of the representatives of the river and sea fleet. And, probably, it is absolutely fair that on the day of the Russian fleet, the most senior officials of the state congratulate workers in this area.

Congratulations on the day of the fleet are sent to workers in this area as officials, from ministers and leaders of political parties to family members of those who are workers in the fleet. Congratulations apply not only to sailors, but also to port workers, ship repairers and everyone who ensures the smooth operation of the Russian civil fleet. Therefore, officials are not limited to congratulations on the day of the fleet. Honored workers are awarded with memorable gifts, diplomas, valuable gifts, letters of thanks. And in the 80s, the USSR Insignia "Excellence in the socialist competition of the river fleet" was even established.

Russian Navy Day, today for some cities it is almost a national holiday. First of all, we are talking about port cities. These are Murmansk, Vladivostok and many others. In these cities, not only the city budget, but also the number of jobs depends on the work of the port. Therefore, the day of the fleet is celebrated here on a very wide scale.

The Day of the Russian Navy is, of course, a civil holiday, but the civilian fleet also plays a significant role in protecting the country and in its economic development. For this reason, the significance of this holiday cannot be underestimated. The Day of the Russian River Fleet is another reason to celebrate everyone who helps Russia develop as a strong state. This is a truly complex and difficult job that requires attention and professionalism. Moreover, technological progress presents new products almost every day, which means that the merchant fleet also needs qualified specialists who can understand these new products. Russian River Fleet Day has been celebrated for 30 years, and will continue to be celebrated for many years to come, in order to pay tribute to all those who work daily in this area.


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The water expanses of the state are huge. Sea and river fleets successfully compete with the largest maritime states. Russian sailors have been glorifying their profession for many hundreds of years and defending the country from various encroachments.


The creation of the fleet began with the decree of Peter I, in which the ruler indicated that "there will be sea vessels." This happened in 1696 and is rightfully considered a historical event. After 30 years, a permanent squadron was created in the Russian Empire. 111 brigantines, 60 sailboats, 38 frigates, more than a hundred galleys, as well as many cargo liners, bombardment ships and other small sea vehicles were built.

In the Soviet Union, in 1924, Sovtorgflot was created - a society that brought together marine vehicles, ship repair plants, educational institutions and other organizations that previously belonged to various structures.

During the years of the Second World War, the fleets showed excellent results in battles, more than 100 million cargo was transported. Hundreds of sailors were awarded awards and orders.

In the 1960s, maritime modes of transport become leading in international trade relations. The fleet developed and grew, coastal bases and special ships for the transport of goods were built. The flotilla of the union was accepted into international organizations, where it became an ally of numerous states.

The modern Russian fleet performs a number of tasks:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • transport sea and river transportation.


On a holiday, sailors and everyone related to the fleet accept congratulations from their superiors, relatives and friends. At solemn events, diplomas are awarded, especially distinguished workers receive orders and prizes. Concerts, sea and river carnivals are held in cities. The holiday is celebrated widely and on a grand scale.

For the professional day, sailors are preparing a parade of ships, which is called both dances and a frigate ball. For sailors, motorbikers are also preparing an unforgettable spectacle. Many people with children come to see these spectacles. By the end of the day, residents of festive cities and towns enjoy colorful fireworks.

Schoolchildren, local authorities and organizations hold rallies at the monuments on this day, lay flowers in tribute to the memory of sailors who left in the line of professional duty.

We are all in the soul of romance and, standing on the shore of the sea or river, everyone wants to conquer the blue expanses, if not on the captain's bridge, then at least as a passenger. It was romance that called for choosing a fleet of river and sea fleet workers as a place of work.

The Russian fleet was created at the end of the 18th century, when the city of Azov was established by the decree of Peter I as the main port of the country. As a result of this decision, continental Russia should become a maritime power. Now the sea and river fleet is one of the advanced sectors of the economy, which allows delivering goods to the most inaccessible corners of the country, and carries out the main international trade in Russia. Every year on the first Sunday of July, the country celebrates the Day of Marine and River Fleet Workers, established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On holidays and memorable days."

The employees of the maritime fleet,
For employees of the river fleet
We wish you great health
May there be a lot of good luck.

We wish you success in your work,
Ships won't go without you
We wish you cheerfulness, laughter,
Joy, happiness, love.

All those who gave their lives to the fleet
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Glorious are you, sea wolves,
And the river ones are good.

May there be no storms in life
Schooner fortunately only goes
Fresh breeze will give wings
It will bring inspiration.

I congratulate everyone who works for the benefit of the sea or river fleet on their professional holiday! Move through life on the waves of happiness and success! Let the wind always be fair and help you get closer to your dreams and goals! Work with pleasure and get an excellent salary for your work!

Employees of the fleet, sea, river
I want to congratulate you with all my heart now!
I wish you success, steel health,
Let every moment in life please you!

More often let your smiles shine
I always wish to keep the course for happiness,
And all that your souls dream of
I wish it is easy to translate into reality!

Handwheel, four turns...
He is like a flat circle of fortune.
Today is Navy Day.
The liners are anchoring.

And let seven feet under your keel...
I wish you sailors
Float through life in a free style,
And the rest is nonsense!

Port workers, congratulations!
Your work is not easy, few will appreciate.
And on this day, we sincerely wish
May all dreams and goals come true.

Let work bring you joy
Let the difficulties disappear without a trace.
And let a little work fatigue
Your life only fills with happiness.

Happy Fleet Day, I congratulate everyone,
May you all be lucky in life
Let fate not play hide-and-seek
And happiness - boldly enter the house!

Let there be rivers without thresholds,
And the oceans - without storms,
Then in life there will be many
Love, hope, peaceful dreams!

Happy Navy Day,
And also river!
You - great happiness,
Good mischievous,

So that beauty days
Filled with tenderness
And also love
Fun, hope!

All employees in the fleet
We congratulate you today.
Day of sea and river
We all celebrate the fleet.

We wanted to wish you
Do not sit down to aground.
So that the courts do not fail,
Would have walked without damage.

Let the wind fill the sails
Let miracles happen more often
To pass the storms in life,
So that all sorrows evaporate,

Seven feet under your keel
Be friends with the calm
Always be afloat
On land hot rendezvous!

Let all this from history ...
They dream of sails
Here everyone can be a poet
This day is sacred!
A fleet worker is proud!
That's why there are no extras here.
Ships leave the port
Again, to surf the planet!
When it comes to toast
...for those at sea...
You must be born a sailor
Luckily, is it...

Congratulations: 63 in verse, 13 in prose.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet is a professional holiday of workers of the sea and river fleet, which has been celebrated annually on the first Sunday of every July since 1981. June 1, 2018 is a holiday for all sailors and rivermen of the passenger, merchant and icebreaker fleets, port workers, ship repairers and many other specialists, thanks to which the operation of sea and river routes is ensured.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet: the history of the holiday

In the Soviet Union, Navy Day was established by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Belarus on June 22, 1939. The Day of the Navy of the USSR has been celebrated on the last Sunday of June every year since 1939.

Workers of the Soviet merchant fleet, including sailors, did not have their own holiday, however, the Day of the Soviet Fleet, which was celebrated on the last Sunday of June, was considered the day of all workers of the Soviet fleet in the Black Sea Shipping Company in the 1970s.

The Black Sea Shipping Company had its own reasons for celebrating it due to the fact that the ships of this shipping company occupied the largest share in the delivery of Soviet Union military supplies, including the Cuban blockade and other transportation to hot places. But commercial sailors did not celebrate this day, on the last Sunday of June, because they did not consider it their own holiday.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet: a holiday after the collapse of the Soviet Union

In the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this holiday was preserved in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. As of 2000, maritime transportation included 10 large state and joint-stock shipping companies and about 300 private shipping companies, 44 commercial ports, 146 berths belonging to commercial structures, 13 shipyards, 4 research institutes and 2 project bureaus, 3 maritime academies, 6 colleges and other organizations.

Since 1996, the management and supervision of the sector has been the main task of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and, in particular, its Maritime Administration. The new Merchant Shipping Code came into force on May 1, 1999 in Russia to replace the 1968 Code that was in use during Soviet times.

In 1998, the Russian merchant fleet carried 36 million tons of cargo, which is 26% less than in 1997. In 1998, Russian shipping companies exported only 1.3 million tons, which was 4% of the total international maritime traffic of 32.5 million tons. This was comparable to three-fifths in 1997.

The sector received 4.3 billion rubles, which is equivalent to more than 500 million US dollars, under the "Revival of the Merchant Marine" program approved in 1993. In 1998, maritime shipping companies received 23 new vessels with a total deadweight of 800,000 tons. The total tonnage in shipping companies increased by 7%.

The Russian shipping industry did develop in the two years after 2000, especially in the international arena. In 2001, international freight traffic rose to 270 million tons (from 240 million in 1999). Approximately half of them are oil and oil products. In 2001, the Russian shipping industry generated total revenues of over $1.3 billion, with net income of $300 million.

By 2003, Russia ranked 22nd in the list of the world's leading maritime powers, with a fleet of 7.7 million DVT under its flag by January 1, 2003. By this time, the total number of sea transport vessels under Russian control amounted to 1117 units from a total capacity of 11.9 million units. This figure included 58.3% of the tonnage flown with foreign flags. In 1992, this number was 18.4%.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet: the state of the Russian navy

The state owns five nuclear-powered and two diesel-powered icebreakers, environmental and hydrographic ships, as well as a fleet of ships for deepening the sea or river bottom. Most Russian ships were built during the Soviet era and their average age is around 20 years. Foreign fleets are usually 4-5 years younger.

About 34% of the river fleet vessels are obsolete for use, but they still operate on inland waterways. Russia has the world's largest medium-sized cargo fleet, capable of operating both inland waterways and sea routes.

Such small vessels with a cargo of 4,000 to 6,000 tons are very popular among European charters. River and sea vessels operate on international lines along the Baltic, Caspian, Black and Mediterranean routes.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet: the importance of water transport and workers for the development of the economy

Water transport is an important component of the republic's transport complex. River fleet workers make a great contribution to the development of the economy and the social sphere, passenger transportation, tourism activities, and the expansion of trade and economic cooperation between Russian regions and foreign countries.

Their knowledge and experience ensure the development of water transport in a strategic sector of the economy. In difficult conditions, they are responsible for responsible tasks, every year they send thousands of passengers, hundreds of thousands of tons of goods to their destinations. Being a fleet worker means preserving and observing traditions, constantly improving professional skills.

River fleet workers now play an important role in the development of the construction and road industries. Thanks to their full professionalism, experience and responsibility, ship crews, fleet specialists and coastal service workers make a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of Russia.

For some, the sea is knee-deep, and for some, the country pond will seem like the Mariana Trench. It does not matter at all whether you are a sea wolf or a modest river wolf cub, you can safely write the Day of the Sea and River Fleet as your professional holiday. Perhaps, all the boys once dreamed of becoming captains of a huge ship and going on a long voyage to discover new lands, continents and mysterious uninhabited islands.

History of the day of the sea and river fleet

More than thirty years ago, back in 1980, the USSR issued a decree that every year, on the first Sunday of July (July 1 in 2019), the country will officially celebrate the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleets. Our country is rich in water resources, these are seas, oceans, as well as numerous full-flowing rivers and huge lakes. This geographical position simply required that river and sea transport become one of the main sectors of the country's economy. Often sailors and rivermen are whole dynasties, for many generations, who have connected their destinies with the water element.

When they celebrate

The Day of Marine and River Fleet Workers is celebrated on the first Sunday of July, at the height of summer.

It was included in the holiday register during the Soviet Union. The year 1980 was marked by the adoption on October 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, according to which not only the navy, but also the civilian one was honored with its professional holiday. On November 1, 1988, a new version of the document was issued under No. 9724-XI.

Who is celebrating

The Day of Maritime and River Fleet Workers is intended to honor all professionals in this industry: rivermen and sailors of merchant and passenger ships and icebreakers, ship repairmen, workers of numerous Russian ports.

About profession

The profession of a sailor is dangerous, but at the same time it is considered very romantic. The civil fleet is an important aspect of the formation of the economic potential of the state, so Russia is in need of professional personnel in this area. Its main functions are to transport oversized cargo and passengers across the country and abroad.

Thanks to the daily work of the employees of the sea and river fleet, Russia maintains trade relations with partner countries, has wide export opportunities, and develops sea and river tourism. The professionalism of these specialists is the key to the economic prosperity of the Russian Federation.

Congratulations on the day of workers of the sea and river fleet 2018

On the day of the sea and river fleet,
Reason to have champagne open
Those whose daily work is
To surf the expanses of water,

Raise a toast to a friendly team
For a brave and zealous ship
Must sailor today everyone
Walk spectacularly, but beautifully.

Congratulations on the holiday today
Skippers, mechanics, sailors
May good luck always be with you
And male friendship without question.

Everyone knows - there are different ships,
Sea liners, ferries and tugs,
River tram lights fires
And tankers carry oil around the world.

There is a river fleet, and there is a sea
But the main thing here is who controls it,
Who is the magician, who is he, that hero,
What makes a ship sail on water.

There are many heroes, you can't count them all -
Shipbuilder, captain, sailor, mechanic.
Today is the holiday of the fleet and in their honor
Let the volley of salutes from the ships of all burst loudly.

Let him pursue them on water and land
Infinite luck and happiness
And the ship of life will never be destroyed
Dashing storms, storms and bad weather.

Put on an old vest
And on the face put on a smile in the whole mouth
Get out the cognac, pour everyone a glass,
Raise a toast to the entire Russian fleet!

B give you the hunt
Water bodies of all countries ...
Happy Navy Workers Day
You, sailor, captain!
Is the ocean furious
Or a calm, light breeze,
You carry tourists
Charcoal, fruits and rice.
On river rigging
Or on a long journey
More fun than you, more beautiful
Not found on earth!
No salty miles
Accounts - flights, ports ...
And seven feet under the keel
We wish you again!

Merchant fleet, fishing fleet,
River or sea fleet, -
Does it matter, the right word! -
Sometimes we - what a fleet!
On the water - not like on land, -
Everything is not easier, everything is not so, -
And understand the sea soul
Not everyone can!
There, in the soul - the sea gave,
Stormy storm and complete calm,
The wives are there, who have been waiting for a long time,
You, almost lost,
All-around with the elements,
And beloved wave of the hand ...
In general, I read you poems, -
Happy holiday, sailors!

B without rivermen and sailors,
We can't go through all those roads
What is the water surface, blue,
So beckon us from childhood with you!
We congratulate you, friends,
Let your life be at the helm
There will be love, health and happiness!
And the peace flag flies on the mast!

D hey sailor! Nautical miles...
Love and friendship are not melting,
We say: storms and calms -
Your fate is happy!
Fogs, countries, oceans,
Hold, watch, slings, seaport ..
Latitudes and meridians
You know firsthand!
Let not a captain, a sailor
You walk, whether you are old or young,
You will always be an idol, a boss
All the hearts waiting for the sailor!!!

Z hiring, the fleet is different,
There is sea, and there is river.
But the main sailor is a brave one,
And not what's behind the stern.

Clearly, the sea is not a river.
The sea beckons the sailor.
We don't want to separate you
Let's celebrate together!

Boats or ships -
To keep everyone water!
To the title of "sailor"
Proudly you carried like a flag.

They became at the call of the heart
And they tied their fate with water.
We wish the sailor
Waiting to be on the shore!

B large multi-ton ship
Enters the port with cargo again.
The goods in it are worth millions,
But it will take everything to the right place.
You have a serious job -
Deliver cargo by sea!
I wish you on Navy Day,
Live comfortably and not get sick!

B without water you can't live a day -
Everyone on the planet knows this!
The fleet is our pride and our armor,
Our stars that do not fade at dawn!
Happy holiday to you, Happy Fleet Day!
Let life boil with water
And let there be one concern in the heart -
When will you return home...

WITH a holiday is looming at our gates,
How can he not open it?
After all, the day of the sea and river fleet,
Nobody can forget

Today I want to congratulate
Our brave sailors
And before all the strange glorify,
Forgotten all sea wolves!

Let your ship not know
Holes, storms and tsunamis,
Let it be crowded on deck
A fair wind will be with you!

IN from and the resurrection day came,
The first in July - it's yours!
Your glorious, wonderful holiday
It's time to board:
Today, fleet workers,
Raise your flag proudly!
… Work brings happiness,
The matter is arguing in the hands:
Everything is easy for you -
You are in your element!
Happy holiday, naval commanders!
Quiet rivers and seas to you!

IN white waves,
military ships,
The severity of unforeseen roads -
This is our brave fleet.
Protects the honor of Russia
Strangers will not be allowed on the threshold.
Flags over Russia.
proudly develop,
With true dignity
Firmly and conscientiously
The sailor's hands rule!

E that day is familiar to those who are in the seas
Spends a lot of time.
This holiday was not invented in vain.
Those guys are respected by the people.
The river and sea fleet is important to us.
After all, water borders also need peace.
Congratulations! We wish the enemies
Give you a rebuff clearly and unanimously!