
Competitions for children with balloons at home. Sports event "Relay race with balloons. Balloon Contests: Multicolored Delight

What is a children's holiday if there are no fun games and funny contests in it. If you prepare balloons in advance, then the success of the children's birthday is guaranteed to you.
We offer games and contests for children's birthdays.

popping balloons

Props: 1 inflated balloon per player (balls of a certain color for each team).
Members: children of different ages.
Rules of the game: The children of the two teams line up one after the other. Balls are placed three meters from the first player. The player runs to the ball of his color and sits on it. You need to jump on it and jump with it until it bursts. As soon as the balloon burst, the player runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team whose players burst all the balloons first wins.

Relay race

Props: 2 tennis rackets, 2 inflated balls of any size
Members: children, from 3 to 5 people in a team.
Rules of the game: Each team chooses a racket and an inflated balloon. The first team members must take rackets, put a ball on it and run a certain distance, while chasing a ball with a racket.
Then the players return to their teams and pass the racket with the ball to the next participant. If the ball falls to the floor while running or passing, the player must re-run the given path. The team whose participants complete the relay first wins.


Props: balloons, papers with wishes, small prizes
Members: children of all ages
Rules of the game: From a large pile of balloons, children take turns choosing balloons for themselves, burst them and complete the task written on a piece of paper. Prizes are awarded for each completed task.

Volleyball with balls

Props: balls (2-3 balls per person), chairs or a screen to divide the space of the room.
Members: preschool and school children
Rules of the game: Each team has an equal number of balloons. On a signal, you need to throw all your own and other people's balls to the opponent's side. The team with the fewest balls on their territory wins.

Balloon battle

Props: Balls on a ribbon according to the number of participants
Members: Children schoolchildren
Rules of the game: A balloon is tied to the ankle of each player's right foot. After the starting signal, all the children try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. Participants whose balloon burst are eliminated from the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Competitions and relay races with balloons

(for preschool children)

Held at the sports ground

Prepared and conducted by an instructor in physical culture: Snigireva N.N.

Tasks. Improve motor skills and skills, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races and games with balls and balls. To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, attention to each other, to promote the development of creative imagination and friendliness.

Children in sportswear to the music go to the sports ground and line up.

Leading. Hello guys!

We all gathered for a cheerful holiday,

Come on, friends, let's have fun!

Let's chill in the summer

Let's play sports

Let's have a rest in the summer

Let's swim and sunbathe

Play with air balls!

Carlson runs into the playground to the music - (with balloons)

Carlson. Hello! Hello! here I am!

Do you recognize me friends?

I am Carlson. The most fun in the world

Therefore, I like adults and children.

I came to celebrate you

I know you are happy to have guests!

I really want to know

Do you like to play

Children. Yes!

Leading: Dear children, we invite you to a fun holiday of balloons. We will play with them and have fun.

Carlson: Well then - go ahead!

Leading: Carlson, what is it that you have so beautiful in your hands, balloons?

Carlson: These are not ordinary balls. These are puzzle balls. Whoever guesses the riddle gets the ball.

Leading: "Guess a riddle"

small balls

Hanging on the tree:

Red, green -

They look tempting.

love these balls

Adults and children,

pourable balls -

The best in the world!(apples)

On a green fragile leg,

The ball has grown by the track(dandelion)

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball?(watermelon)

Good-natured, thick-skinned,

Similar to a balloon

Almost always lives in water

Thick-skinned …(hippopotamus)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...

Color - any, for different tastes.

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds(balloon).

Carlson distributes balloons to all children.

Leading: Lots of different entertainment

All of them are not listed here.

And you have a lot of enthusiasm

Yes, the power is still there.

Now a new fun

Let's all dance for a laugh.

A warm-up with balloons is held to the music.


Balloon, my balloon,

Fidget naughty!

The ball is round, the ball is smooth,

The ball is thin, the ball is soft.

I press the ball

It flies out of hand

Up. But I caught him

Tied a string to my finger

To the right - a ball, to the left - a ball,

My glowing flashlight!

Let me hug you

And I will press you to the cheek.

You don't leave me

Be with me, don't fly away!

Vedas: And now Carlson, see how our children will play with balloons.

Carlson: My friends are forward again, the competition is waiting again.


1. Kangaroo. With the ball sandwiched between the legs, jump to the cone and back.

2. Inflate and release the "reactive ball". Whose ball will fly farthest.

3. "Pair dance". Children dance in pairs, holding balls in different positions (between foreheads, arms, stomachs, etc.)

4. "Barrel". Push as many balls as possible into the bag.

5. "Centipede" Children are divided into 2 teams, stand one after another, the ball is clamped between the back of the previous and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. You need to go to the landmark and back, who is faster.

6. "Strongmen". Inflate the balloon as quickly as possible so that it bursts.

7. “If you went out with a friend” (carry the ball in pairs, sandwiched between the stomachs).

8. "Thunder from a clear sky" (jump and pierce the ball with a pencil). 9. "Waiters" (carry a balloon on a racket).

10. "Blow on the balloon and hit the hoop."

11. “Give the doll a ball” (a doll sits on a chair, tie the ball to the chair).

12. Pass the “bouquet with balloons” to each other.

The game "Not a single ball" on the asphalt

The game "Pass the ball in a circle to the music"

(Children pass the ball in a circle to the music. When the music stops, the child who has the ball left in his hands leaves the game. If the music stops on Carlson, he does not want to give the ball away.)

Carlson. Well done boys! It's time for me to say goodbye to you and go to another garden!(Carlson leaves)

Vedas. Kindergarten is good

You won't find a better garden.

And what are the guys here:

Fast and bold

Dexterous, skillful.

What a fun holiday. You see how much joy, laughter, noise and fun an ordinary balloon can bring. Goodbye, guys!

Competition of drawings on asphalt "Colored balls".

Let's start with balloon contests - there are many of them and they are always bright, fun and exciting.

Competition "The most dexterous".

For this contest, you need to invite two or three participants of approximately the same build (this is important, otherwise one of the contestants may suffer). Three or four balloons are tied to one leg of each of them ...

Competition "The most dexterous".

For this contest, you need to invite two (or maybe three) participants of approximately the same build (this is important, otherwise one of the contestants may suffer). Three or four balloons are tied to one leg of each of them. At the signal of the host, each of the contestants tries to burst the opponent's balls with their free foot, while protecting their own in every possible way. The winner is the one who can save the last ball.

The same competition, only slightly modified, can be held between couples: then several couples are formed from among the guests, a ball is tied to the girl’s leg, a slow dance is announced, music is turned on and, waltzing, the participants of each pair try to burst the balloon of another couple, while trying to save mine. Naturally, the pair that keeps the ball intact wins.

Competition 2. "Inflate a balloon."

For this competition, you will need “frog” pumps, you can purchase them at the “everything for the holiday” store or (cost from 100 rubles).

3-5 young people or the same number of girls are invited to participate in the competition (depending on the number of pumps). The “frog” pump is placed on a chair, the contestant stands above it, pulling the hose from the pump between the legs. A balloon is put on the tip of the hose and our contestants energetically sit down on the balloons and inflate them. The one who inflates the balloon the fastest wins.

Competition "Ball pop".

This contest is a logical continuation of the previous one. Now young people sit on chairs, they squeeze balls between their legs, and girls try to burst these balls by jumping on them (to make it more interesting, the balls should not be inflated very much - they should be soft). The one who bursts the ball first wins, or vice versa, the one who has the strongest ball, only this must be announced at the end of the competition.

Competition "Balls in pants".

For this competition, you will need huge pants, preferably in the form of a jumpsuit - 2 pairs and many, many inflated small balloons. From among the guests, two main contestants are invited to wear overalls over their clothes (it is better if they are thin, because the pants should fit very loosely). There can be as many other participants in the competition as they like: they are divided into 2 teams and, at the signal of the leader, they begin to stuff the balls into the pants of the player of their team, when the balls no longer fit - the leader stops the competition and invites team members to burst all the balls without taking out their pants-overalls of the contestants . The team that bursts all the balloons the fastest wins.

Competition "Pass the ball".

For this competition, you will need an inflatable sausage ball, and it is better not quite thin, but medium. There can be any number of participants in the competition, but it is better to hold it during a dance break. The first participant holds the ball between his legs, and, during the dance, without the help of his hands passes it to the next dancer.

Competition "Ball with a secret".

For this competition, you need to prepare simple comic tasks in advance, write them on pieces of paper and place them in balls. Balloons should be inflated and hung in the hall, or you can decorate your festive room with them. During the celebration, you invite guests to choose a balloon, burst it and complete the task placed inside.

Competition "Confusion".

This competition is a bit similar to the previous one, but instead of notes with tasks, notes with the names of all the invitees are placed inside the balloons. During the holiday, guests are invited to burst the balloon and read how it will be called until the end of your event. The winner is the one whose name actually matches the name in the balloon. Here you can dream up and put men's names in balls of blue and green shades, women's names in pink and yellow, etc.

False Pregnancy Contest.

For this competition you will need balloons and matches. Several young people are invited from among the guests and they are invited to feel "in an interesting" position. To do this, 1 large or several medium-sized balloons are fixed at the level of the abdomen (you can tie it with a thick thread or put it under a sweater), a box of matches is scattered on the floor in front of each participant in the competition and it is proposed to collect them. The first person to collect all the matches wins.

Competition "The Strongest".

For this competition, you will need balloons - they are scattered around the room in large numbers. Several participants, or participants, are invited from among the guests, and at the command of the host, they begin to collect balls. The one who holds the most balls wins.

Competition "Without arms, without legs."

This competition is convenient to carry out as a continuation of the previous one: you have a lot of inflated balloons, now you invite the participants to burst them without the help of arms and legs (you can leave the same participants in the competition, or you can invite others). The one who pops the most balloons wins.

Competition "Fashion show"

This is a very fun and interesting contest. To organize it, you need to prepare souvenir banknotes in large quantities and clothespins.

Two, and preferably three couples are invited to participate in the competition from among the guests of the holiday.

Girls and young (or not very young) people stand opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters. We put chairs or tables in front of the male participants, on which banknotes and clothespins are laid out. At the command of the facilitator, each of the participants takes a banknote and, with or without a clothespin, attaches the banknote to the clothes of his partner, thereby creating an original costume from banknotes. Under the terms of the competition, you can take banknotes only one at a time, attach and return for the next one. You can fasten money with clothespins, as well as without them: behind the collar, to pockets, under cuffs, etc. After 2-3 minutes, at the command of the host, the participants stop and the "Fashion Show" is announced. Each of the model girls to the music (pick up a few musical fragments in advance) presents her costume model. Here, let the participants fantasize themselves: you can defile, as on the podium; dance, etc., according to the results of the audience voting, the “Super Model” is selected. But the competition does not end there, now the men need to free the girls from the "money" costumes and calculate the income - the couple with the most amount wins this competition and is awarded with memorable souvenirs.

Competition "Find your favorite"

For this competition, one participant is invited, and it is better if it is a birthday boy or a spouse of a birthday girl who is blindfolded. In the meantime, chairs are placed in a row, several girls sit on them, and the contestant is invited to guess his companion by the leg.
This contest will be more fun and interesting if, in addition to girls, you involve several (two are enough) men to participate in it and ask them to wear stockings (namely, stockings, not tights, and it’s enough to put each on one leg).

For this contest, you will need a banknote (50, 100 or 500 rubles), preferably new and not wrinkled. Several people of any age, gender and build are invited to participate in the competition and they are invited to catch a banknote. It is better to take a small denomination bill, for example, 100 rubles, how to hold it is shown in the video. At an arbitrary moment, the presenter releases the banknote, and the contestant tries to catch it. Each participant is given 3 attempts, either in a row or in a circle. Naturally, the one who manages to catch the bill takes it for himself. As the competition progresses, you can increase the rate and replace the bill with a 500-ruble note. Just don't think it's so easy, try it yourself. Good luck!

Competition "Super-contribution"

For this contest, you will need game banknotes (you can, of course, also real ones), which you can buy at any store "everything for the holiday", kiosks of the Soyuzpechat, etc. Two couples are invited to participate in it and the girls are invited to make reliable deposits in "banks", that is, to hide the banknotes transferred to them in the most secluded places (in men's clothes) so that no inflation and defaults could devalue them, and for this they given one minute.

After the time has passed, after making sure that all the deposits are distributed, the host asks the couples to exchange partners and now the task of the girls is to withdraw all the invested funds, that is, to find the banknotes hidden by her rival. The girl who finds the most banknotes wins.

Competition "Collect the word".

For this competition, you will need sets of letters: they can be printed on A4 sheets, they can be cut out of colored cardboard and glued to a rigid base, or you can buy an “alphabet” or a congratulatory streamer in a bookstore and cut it out. Just decide in advance on the approximate number of participants in the competition, questions and words that they will need to collect.
For example, there are enough guests at your holiday and you can form 2 teams of 5-7 people from them. Then you need to identify words consisting of 5-7 of the same letters and distribute them to the participants of the competition. Then the leader makes these words to each team, and each time awards 1 point to the team that first collected the word. You can hold a competition in this form: do not say the words that the participants of the competition need to collect, but choose questions for them: “Nature has no bad ....” (the word "weather"), etc.

If there are not too many guests at your holiday (for example, only two teams of 4 people can be formed from them), then the letters can be printed on sheets (or glued to cardboard) on both sides (each side has its own letter), then you you can invite the contestants to collect more words. Here are examples of letters, words and questions for them for two teams of 4 people;

1 team: letters L / C; E/S; T/I; O/I

Questions, words:

  1. Hot season (SUMMER)
  2. A piece of furniture in the kitchen (TABLE)
  3. First Kindergarten (NESS)
  4. A film about a Sicilian mafia family - "The Godfather ..." (FATHER)
  5. A fat person has fat ... (BODY)

2 team: letters M / G; A/E; R/N; O/O

Questions, words:

  1. Red, black, mediterranean ... (SEA)
  2. Deer horns)
  3. Everest is the highest ... (MOUNTAIN)
  4. Big Cancer (OMAR)
  5. The work of Korney Chukovsky - "Fedorino ..." (GORE)

This competition is suitable for any age company and always takes place in a fun and noisy environment, so you can hold it for any holiday.

Competition "The most stylish couple".

For this competition, you will need some not too new things from your wardrobe (not only clothes, but also hats, shoes), which need to be distributed in advance. Two (or several) couples are invited to participate in it, they are given boxes with prepared clothes and, at the signal of the leader, they quickly begin to put on everything that is in the box. The pair that runs out of things the fastest wins.

Competition "Perfect couple"

Several couples are invited to participate in the competition from among the guests, preferably a “boy-girl”. The leader ties the right hand of one participant from behind to the left hand of his partner. All contestants receive the same task, for example: tie a shoelace, tie a bow, peel a tangerine, unwind a candy, etc. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

To participate in this competition, 8 people are invited from among the guests and 2 teams of 4 people are formed (it is better if it is 1 girl and 3 young people). You also need to prepare 6 ribbons in advance, each about 2.5 meters long; divide them into 3 pieces for each team and tie a knot on one side. Then one member of each team (preferably a girl) picks up a knot, and the remaining three - the ends of three years, and at the command of the leader, they begin to braid the ribbons into a braid. At the same time, the one who holds the knot tries to direct the movements of the rest of the members of his team: he tells in which direction to move, who to bypass whom or crawl under the ribbons. At the command of the host, the weaving of the ribbons ends and the braids of both teams are compared with each other not only in length, but also in the quality of weaving. According to these criteria, the winning team is selected.

Competition "Compliments"

All guests who are divided into 2 teams can participate in this competition. The facilitator gives each of them a piece of paper and a pen.

Each team needs to write as many original compliments to the birthday boy in 3 minutes. At the end of the time, the teams begin to take turns reading their words, while points are earned only for original compliments that are not on the list of the opposing team. So, the members of the first team begin to read out their compliments, and if the opponents do not have such a compliment, the team earns 1 point; if the opponents have such a word, both teams cross it out and no one earns a point.

The team with the most original compliments and the most points wins.

Examples of original comments


Competition "Dance".

We have held this competition more than once, and every time it is perceived by the guests and its participants with a bang. First you need to choose the music: we, as a rule, use national dance compositions (for pair dances): “gypsy girl”, “quadrille”, “hopak”, etc. The number of dances depends on the number of invited guests who are ready to participate in this competition, as a rule, these are 6-8 musical compositions lasting 1-2 minutes each. Then you need to write on small pieces of paper the names of these dances in duplicate, put one of them in different containers (for example, in hats) and let women pull out notes from one hat and men from the other: this way we will form random pairs.

Then you need to give partners 10-15 minutes to prepare and be sure to offer pre-prepared costume elements: for example, a scarf for the gypsy dance, some colorful elements and beads for African dance, etc. And then we proceed to the competition: in any order, announce the names of the dances, turn on the music and invite dance couples. At the end, viewers can choose the winners of the contest.

Competition "Dance Surprise".

Another interpretation of the previous competition. Several couples (or teams) are also selected from among the guests, who are given sheets with the name of the obligatory dance: “gypsies”, “tango”, “waltz”, “lambadas”, “lezginka”, “little swans” and given time to prepare . When the couples (or teams) are ready, the host announces the dance prepared by the couple, but completely different music sounds. The team must dance exactly their dance, not paying attention to inappropriate sounds of music.

We start the competition: the host asks the guests of the holiday what musical instruments they know - in response he hears a listing: piano, violin, saxophone, guitar, drum, accordion, balalaika, psaltery, organ, cello, double bass, harpsichord, trumpet, pipe, flute, harmonica, tambourine and others. Next, the host asks if the guests can determine which musical instrument sounds by sound and turns on fragments of musical works in turn. The winner is the one who determines the most tools.

I offer you my selection of such fragments. The cost of the kit is 100 rubles. You will receive 16 files with 10-20 second fragments of musical compositions performed on various musical instruments.

Competition "Song".

This is not even a competition, but a small concert. Several songs are selected in advance, you can find them here "" and groups of guests who can perform them (we selected groups of 3-5 people so that everyone would have more fun).

Again, in advance, it’s even better to do it on the eve of the holiday, you need to familiarize the guests with the text, and preferably with the music of the song (you can do this by sending a link to our website, or you can use any messenger convenient for you, such as Viber or WhatsApp). And then, during the holiday, you announce that now a small festive concert will be organized in honor of the birthday boy.

And so that during the performance of the song your guests feel more relaxed, it is better not to force them to stand, but to seat them at a table specially equipped and set for them. The best performers of the song can be awarded memorable prizes.

This competition is convenient in that its participants may not even leave the festive table. Each of the guests says some phrase, and the birthday person (with closed or blindfolded eyes) must recognize him by his voice, while the voice can, and even needs to be changed.

Competition "Well, guess what."

This is a raffle contest and can only be played once.

Several guests are invited to participate in it, each of whom is given a glass with a straw filled with 1/3 of a clear liquid. The host announces that all the glasses contain plain water and only one contains vodka, and the audience, by the expression on the faces of the participants drinking this liquid, should guess which one. The contestants, at the command of the presenter, begin to drink the contents of the glasses from the straw, trying in no way to betray the one who got the vodka from them. And the draw is that vodka is in all glasses.

Competition "Move your body"

An old competition, but despite this, it is always very fun and exciting. You will need several (according to the number of participants) empty glass bottles (for example, from champagne), the same number of pens or pencils and thread or a thin rope. From two to four guests are invited to participate, the handle is tied to the end of the thread, which, in turn, is girded around the participant's waist (or tied to a belt in the middle of the back) so that the handle hangs strictly vertically at the back by 50-60 centimeters. We place a bottle behind the back of each participant. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants must get the handle into the neck of the bottle, of course, without the help of hands, only due to body movements. The winner is the one who quickly puts his pen into the bottle.

Competition "The most sober".

For this competition, you need to prepare in advance a felt-tip pen and a “drunkenness scale” in the form of a drawn bottle with marks for the stages of intoxication, from top to bottom, for example, like this:

5° - like glass
- 10 ° - in neither eye
- 15 ° - slightly oblique
- 20 ° - clouding of reason begins
- 25° - drunk calls to exes
- 30 ° - I want to dance
- 35 ° - already caught the devils
- 40 ° - drunk in zyuzyu
- 45 ° - turns on the autopilot, etc.

The alcohol meter is attached to the wall at a certain distance from the floor (it depends on the size of your alcohol meter, practice in advance), and the leader invites the participants to turn their backs to the alcohol meter, bend down, and, stretching their hand between their legs, mark the degree of their intoxication on the scale with a felt-tip pen. The winner is the one who can reach the highest degree, that is, the most sober.

Competition "Check for sobriety".

For this competition, participants also do not have to leave the table. The host offers a sobriety test: for this, guests must repeat the tongue twisters he proposed (note that obscene expressions may appear when playing some of them):

The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.

The king is an eagle (5 times)
Cook Peter, cook Pavel. Peter swam and Paul swam
Our trains are the most traveled trains in the world. And no trains will override our trains.
There is a hill with sacks in the field, I’ll go out onto the hill - I’ll fix the sack.
I'm driving along the potholes, I won't leave the potholes!
A bridle hangs on a nail, a star on a bridle burns.
Under you under vertebrae

Hello, friends!
When the organization of a children's birthday or any other children's holiday is on the agenda, questions arise in the minds of parents:

  • How to entertain children?
  • What games and contests to come up with?
  • What props do you need to buy?

And now the good news! If you have balloons, then consider that all of the above issues have already been resolved. Balloon games are suitable for any cheerful company of children. And for schoolchildren of 7-10 years old, and for preschool children.

We present you a selection of the most popular and interesting "air" entertainment that will help fill the holiday with laughter and joy and make it unforgettable.

Lesson plan:

Just don't fall!

We give each participant a balloon, it is desirable that they be of different colors, so the children will not get confused where whose balloon is. At the command of the host "Air!" children throw their balls up, and then, knocking them from below with their hands, try to prevent them from falling to the floor. The winner is the one who keeps his ball in the air the longest.

You can complicate the task, give the guys not one at a time, but two balloons at once. The game has been tested by us personally more than once, it always goes with a bang.

And we are penguins!

Great for all kinds of relay races. The ball must be clamped between the ankles and in such an uncomfortable position, try to reach a certain goal, for example, during the relay race, bypass the chair and return to the team, passing the baton to another player. Children really resemble small clumsy penguins.

Another kind of this fun is "kangaroo". This is when the ball is located between the knees and you do not need to reach the goal, but to jump.

big charabah

A very loud game for very brave children) Inflated balls are scattered on the floor. The task of the participants is to burst these balls, but not with a foot, not with a hand, and not even with a head, but with a booty! Whoever destroys the most balls wins.


This entertainment is much calmer than the previous one. Use it if you need a little break from active movement. Give the children balloons and tell them that they are actually planets. And these planets need to be inhabited by inhabitants. Now hand out felt-tip pens and ask them to draw many, many little people on the planets. We start drawing on command, we finish too.

The winner is the owner of the most populous planet.

I give!

Another moving and noisy fun. We will give each other "gifts". We divide the children present at the holiday into two teams, and divide the room in half with the help of some ribbon or rope, just put it on the floor.

Balls are used as gifts. Put the same number of balls in front of each team. The task of the players is to present their balls to the opposite team, and in fact, to transfer all the "gifts" from their side to the side of the enemy. At the same time, shouting the word "I give!".

"Gifts" that arrive from rivals must also be quickly sent back. When "this merry disgrace" is over (and this moment is determined by the presenter), it is necessary to calculate how many balls are on each side. The team with the fewest "gifts" wins.

Air lambada

You can also dance with balloons. Before starting, teach the children the basic movement of the lambada, practice. Then invite the children to line up in a snake, putting their hands on the shoulders of the one in front. Turn on the music and start moving around the house while dancing the lambada.

And now enter the balls into this dance action. Place them between the players. One presses the ball with his back, and the one who follows him with his stomach, etc. The task is to walk like a snake, dance the lambada and at the same time try to hold the balls. There will be no winners here, but there is more than enough fun and laughter)

Dance battle

Another musical-dance-entertaining fun. Children are divided into pairs. Each pair has its own ball. The kids squeeze the balls with their foreheads. And at the command of the leader, they begin to dance, do not forget to prepare the music in advance. You can dance in different styles, rock and roll, break, waltz, polka, folk dances. The main thing is to keep the ball in place.

The couple that lasts the longest wins.

My friend

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare balls that are not very large, about the size of a human head. And also get all kinds of hats, caps, panama hats, scarves from the cabinets.

Each participant is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Let's make air friends.

It is necessary to depict a face on the ball and put on one of the hats on it. When the "friends" are ready, invite the children to introduce them and tell about the friend's name, how old he is, what he is interested in and where they met.

By the way, with such aerial friends you get cool photos.


Prepare two large t-shirts. Divide the children into two teams and put on T-shirts for two children. Scatter the balls on the floor. On command, the participants begin to grab the balls and stuff them under their player's T-shirt.

The team whose fat belly is fatter wins, this can be determined by counting the number of balls hidden under the T-shirts.


Tie a ball to each leg of each child with the help of threads. On command, it is necessary to step on the opponents' balls to burst them and at the same time not to allow your own to burst. The game is very mobile and very noisy, but very fun.

The winner is the owner of at least one whole ball.


This game is the fastest of the proposed, but also one of the most fun. Children line up in a line and each hand is given an inflated, but not tied, ball. We will launch rockets. On command, the kids must release their "rockets" from their hands.

Shot throw

Imagine that we are at the Olympics and take part in shot throwing competitions. The nuclei, of course, will be balloons. From the start line, you need to throw your core as far as possible, and this is not so easy.

The winner is determined by the throw distance.

Air forfeits

If you have balls, then you can play the game of forfeits in an unusual way. Notes with tasks are hidden in inflated balloons. The child chooses a balloon, pops it, reads the note and completes the task. In order to burst the ball, you can use a toothpick, well, or do the same as in the game "Big Balloon".


For this task, you need to build some kind of track that the children will need to go through with the ball. For example, set up chairs that you will need to go around, or gates that you will need to get into.

Only now to move the ball, moving with it from the start line to the finish line, it is necessary to wave a fan at it. A fan can be made from a landscape sheet. The winner can be determined by marking the time spent on the passage of the track using a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.

air hockey

And if not only round balls are available, but also long ones, then you can arrange hockey competitions. Instead of a puck, a regular ball, instead of long clubs. Don't forget to build a gate for each team.

With such fun fun, you can even throw a stylized "air" party or arrange an "air-style" birthday party. Well, you can supplement it with experiments with balloons, which we talked about.

Happy summer to you!

And unforgettable holidays!

Especially for you, we searched the entire Internet, and found. Now your celebration will be fun and bright. And to simplify your task, our website contains the best balloons that you can order immediately after reading the article.

Now we will tell you the most interesting contests with balloons from all over the Internet and we hope that you will be able to choose the right one for you.

Balloon hockey.

There are several options for this competition, however, the main condition will be to drive the ball into an impromptu gate.

  • This can be done using a different kind of balloons. They are also called "sausage", so long, from which they also make various animals and the like.
  • You can also take a badminton racket into service and use it like a hockey stick.
  • The most interesting way, in our opinion, is the use of two fans and now how wizards control the wind flows to score a goal!

No need to worry about this game nor does it mean a team sport. You can just arrange a one-on-one standings.

Princess Nesmeyana.

In this case, you can call several participants and seat them on chairs. After that, it is desirable to inflate each one with a light ball. Give out scarves or handkerchiefs, as well as a felt-tip pen. After that, the time is set, and the participants put the headscarf on the ball at speed and draw the face of the princess. Most often it turns out a witch or a weeping maiden.

The most rich.

Before the competition, you need to prepare and inflate as many balloons as possible, and then scatter them on the floor. Then call the participants to the center of your room. They must quickly take for themselves as many "treasures" as possible, that is, balls. Moreover, you can do this in any way: hold it in your teeth, clamp it between your legs, hide it under your clothes as you like. We also advise you to prepare a camera in advance in order to capture the “richest” in the photo and then you can watch and remember the fun game together.


To hold this competition, you need to prepare in advance, you need to take a garbage bag and cut off its corners. In such a way that huge pants would turn out. And if you put them on, you can imagine that this is a barrel in which you need to harvest. Divide those present into teams. The first - plays the role of the barrel itself, and the second - the harvester. The team with the most crops wins.

Immediately we want to give a hint on the size of the garbage bag:

  • Adult - 240 liters;
  • Teenager - 120 liters;
  • Child - 60 liters.

If you are one of those people who like to be smart, you can sew special bags with holes and elastic bands in advance. Thus, the competition will be more comfortable.

If you do not know where to get balloons for your contests, then everything is very simple, order them directly on our website!

Balloon contests for kids

You have probably often noticed that with age, guests rarely come without their children, and yours are probably already growing up. So now everyone needs to have fun together. And most of the balloon contests on the Internet are more suitable for adults. Children, too, should not be left unattended. Therefore, we will tell you the most fun games that are suitable for both children and adults.

Neat kangaroo.

The competition is called so because it will be necessary to jump on balloons. As you already understood, it is better to stock up on spares.

The essence of the competition is as follows, those present at the celebration are divided into two or three teams (depending on the number of guests). And the most standard relay race begins, the goal of which is to jump on the ball in one direction and back to the team. An important nuance, the ball cannot be popped. Often this rule is ignored.

Great artists.

This contest is simple, but that doesn't make it uninteresting. Just prepare the light balls in advance. When you are already a company to play contests with children, call the participants and give them each a ball and a felt-tip pen. Now their goal is to paint the ball on any arbitrary topic. That is, it can be animals, famous personalities and even those present. There are no winners, at the end you can give everyone a consolation prize.


There are no special blanks in this competition, you just need to buy balloons of any shape and color (it is advisable to buy all the balloons of the same shape). The essence of the competition is to check who has the largest lungs, it is quite simple to do this, you just need to call the men and give them one balloon at a time. After the signal, they begin to inflate the balloon at the same time, but this is done with one breath. As a result, the one who has the largest ball becomes the Bogatyr, that is, the winner.

If you do not know where to get balloons for competitions, then on our website you will find those that you would like! Order right now, let your holiday be the most fun.

Wedding contests with balloons

What kind of wedding can take place without entertainment and fun contests? Of course, none, so we decided to help you with the search for contests on such an important day for you. These competitions should take into account the wishes and age of each person present at the celebration. Therefore, we have collected the best contests that only exist for this important day for every person - the wedding.

Let's get into position.

To hold a contest, in addition to the balls, you will also need paper clips or buttons.

The essence of the competition is as follows, cause several men. And after these balls are attached to these daredevils in the abdomen, in such a way as if a pregnant woman is being imitated. Various small objects are scattered on the floor. To cheerful music, men must collect them from the floor. An important condition is that this must be done so that the balloon does not burst during the "cleaning".

Air couple.

It is necessary to call an even number of guests from the hall, so that at least 5 couples can then be organized. After that, a balloon is tied to each girl in the ankle area and she is paired with a man. During the competition, couples must dance without breaking their hands and, moreover, pop the balls of the pairs of opponents. It looks pretty hectic, but it's a lot of fun nonetheless.

Close cooperation.

You also need to recruit an even number of participants from the audience, the main thing is that later you can form boy-girl pairs from them. When couples line up near the impromptu start, a ball is clamped between them in the chest area, they must pass in this position to the finish line and back. The last couple to arrive are eliminated. The remaining participants again stand at the start, now the ball changes its position, let's say in the abdomen or hips. And so it continues until one pair wins.

You no longer need to look for balloons. You are on the site with the largest selection of balloons of any shape and color. Book now and have an unforgettable wedding!

Adult competitions with balls

It is generally believed that only children are addicted to balls, but this is not so. Even adults can have fun and have fun using balloons. To prove this, we have specially collected the most relevant and fun contests on the Internet.

Try it, go ahead.

This balloon contest for adults is not so much interesting in the process as in the final result and photos. First you need to call two daredevils who are ready to measure the strength of their lungs. Then you need to seat them at the table opposite each other. Now we close their eyes. A very important nuance, because after that flour is poured into the balls. Announce the start and get ready to get a lot of successful and fun shots.

Wanted to burst? Do it!

Why is it just so wasted on balloons during the decoration of the holiday, no matter whether it's a birthday or a wedding. Everything is very simple before you inflate the balloons, put a note in them with the task that they must complete for bursting the balloon. It seems like a trifle, but a lot of pleasant surprises can be hidden in the notes that fall out of the ball. Ideas for tasks can be gleaned from the Internet or from your imagination.

Make your holiday more fun and brighter with balloons! Order directly from our website or give us a call. The manager will answer all questions and help you make a choice.