
Homemade miniature low voltage soldering iron. Battery powered mini soldering iron How to make a soldering iron at home

The purpose of the soldering iron is known even to people far from electricians. It is not at all necessary to talk about those who work in this area - for them it is simply an indispensable assistant. And the market, taking this into account, provides a huge number of devices that differ in many parameters. But not in all cases it is advisable to spend money, because you can make a full-fledged soldering iron with your own hands, without having any specific knowledge.

Homemade soldering iron

It makes sense to buy a soldering iron if you have to work with them constantly, or at least quite often. But if this is a tool that gathers dust on the shelf most of the time, then there is not much point in spending money. Moreover, it is quite possible to independently make a full-fledged apparatus of the necessary power, taking into account the likely needs.

Of course, in order to know how to make a soldering iron with your own hands, you need to understand its structure and principle of operation. After all, despite the external simplicity, there are some nuances that are preferable to know before starting work.

Structure and principle of operation

Soldering irons have an extremely simple device: a copper rod that interacts with a heating element is placed in a kind of tube that acts as a housing. A heat-resistant power cable is connected to the heater. And the whole structure is completed by a handle made of a material with low thermal conductivity.

Under the action of an electric current, a heating element (for example, a nichrome spiral) transfers thermal energy to a copper rod called a sting. The tip, having a high thermal conductivity, heats up, which allows soldering.

Knowing how the soldering iron works, it is quite possible to make it yourself. Moreover, to implement this idea in different ways, taking into account the needs in a particular situation.

Soldering iron for 220 volts on a resistor

The option with a voltage of 220 V, first of all, is good because it does not require a search for a power supply. At the same time, depending on the specific needs, its power can be made different, which allows you to create an electric soldering iron with your own hands both for soldering small equipment, and a hammer soldering iron for sealing tanks, pans and other metal utensils.

First you need to prepare parts that will be required in the process of making a soldering iron:

Depending on what work is expected to be done in the future with a soldering iron, you need to choose its power. And already on the basis of these data it is necessary to carry out calculations.

Here it is worth remembering the school physics course, and in particular the power formula and Ohm's law. To simplify the calculation, it is supposed to take a 100 ohm resistor as an example. Considering that the current will be 2.2 A, when using such a resistor, the soldering iron will consume 484 watts, which, of course, is too much. Therefore, the voltage needs to be reduced. A 300 ohm damping resistor and a 10 uF capacitor to 300 V will help in this. Thus, it will turn out to four times reduce the current, that is, to about 0.5 amperes, which will allow you to get a voltage across the resistor of 55 V.

When the necessary calculations are completed, you can go directly to solving the question of how to make a soldering iron at home, that is, to its mechanical assembly.

The main thing here is to correctly position the sting in the resistor. In order to securely fix it and reduce the gap between the copper rod and the resistor, fill it with silicate glue. This will also help protect the part from the possibility of cracking during operation.

To reinforce the insulation at the junction of wires and the heating element it is better to additionally wind asbestos thread. It would be useful to use an additional ceramic sleeve for these purposes. All this will make a homemade soldering iron safer and more reliable.

Now it remains to place the resulting structure in a suitable iron tube, on which a handle made of wood or textolite is mounted. A wire is passed into the hole of the handle as in a classic soldering iron to connect to the power supply.

Low power mini soldering iron

Quite often, the use of powerful models is inconvenient and impractical. This is especially true for work carried out during the repair of small household appliances, soldering smd and other elements sensitive to high temperatures. In such cases, a low-voltage, small, light and convenient soldering iron with a thin tip will come in handy. And here it would be useful to know how to make a mini soldering iron with your own hands, because the estimated costs in this case will be much less than in the case of buying a factory model.

As usual, it all starts with the preparation of parts and parts that will be required in the process.

  • Copper wire with a diameter of about 1 mm.
  • An unnecessary ballpoint pen that acts as a case.
  • A small piece of textolite measuring 30 by 10 millimeters.
  • A little steel wire with a diameter of 0.8 millimeters.
  • Since the soldering iron is made of a resistor, a 5-10 ohm resistor is used.

The first step is to prepare the resistor itself. To do this, you need to clean it from paint. You can do this in different ways: just scrape it off with a knife, connect the power and let it warm up, then remove the paint or wipe it off with a solvent. After that, one of the legs is removed, and in this place a hole is carefully drilled with a 1 mm drill, just enough for the prepared copper wire to enter. In this case, special attention should be paid to ensure that it does not touch the resistor housing. Therefore, it is worth processing the hole with a slightly larger drill - countersinking.

On the processed side of the resistor, on the cup itself, a small cut is made, where the current lead loop should subsequently lie. It is also made of steel wire, bent in such a way that a loop is obtained, which will lie in the sawn groove-propyl.

Now a piece of textolite is taken, which is cut out in such a way that one end fits well into the body of a ballpoint pen. Here, contacts are soldered on both sides, to which the supply wires will subsequently be connected. The other side of the textolite plate is made a little wider so as not to enter the pen body. Contacts are also soldered here, to which current-carrying parts from the resistor will be connected. Externally, the resulting blank resembles a kind of letter "T" approximately as in the figure:

Now all the details need to be collected. A wire with a loop is placed in the corresponding groove on the transistor, its ends are soldered to the contacts on the textolite plate.

A copper sting is inserted into the hole of the transistor. In this case, it would be useful to make protection from mica or a similar material so that during the heating of the sting, the resistor itself would not be damaged.

Wires are passed into the body from a ballpoint pen, which are soldered to the contacts on the thin side of the textolite plate - this will be the power. After that, the plate itself is also placed in the handle body.

When the base of the soldering iron is assembled from a resistor with your own hands, you should think about power. For this, a power supply with a voltage of up to 15 volts is suitable. Although it is best to use 9–12 V, this is the optimal voltage for the operation of such a device.

As you can see, with a minimum amount of materials that can easily be found in almost every home, you can make an excellent and safe homemade 12 volt soldering iron without having a high knowledge of electrical and electronics.

Autonomous battery powered device

Those who often have to work "in the field" know that the presence of an outlet where you can connect a stationary soldering iron is far from always the case. Therefore, it will be useful to have an autonomous tax in reserve. Of course, it will not work to produce soldering that requires a powerful model, but such a micro-soldering iron is still able to perform most of the work. Therefore, it is quite advisable to make a battery soldering iron with your own hands in order to simplify the work in some cases.

Almost all the parts that make up the cordless soldering iron model can be found in almost every home. Therefore, before starting work, you need to prepare:

When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the assembly of the soldering iron. And first you need to make a heating element: a nichrome thread must be wound on a prepared copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm in the form of a spiral. In this case, the length will have to be determined empirically. So, the heating of the spiral should reach a temperature of 300 to 450 degrees Celsius.

Now you need to put a piece of a heat-resistant tube on the same wire and wind a measured nichrome thread on it. Smaller tubes are put on its ends, after which a tube of the largest diameter is put on the entire resulting structure. Now the copper wire inside can be carefully removed.

The resulting heating element remains to be placed in a piece of antenna cut off to a suitable size. A sting is also inserted here and fixed with a self-tapping screw.

In general, the whole base is already ready. It remains only to solder the wires for power to the spiral and place everything in the case.

In order to prevent fire, between the tube with the heating element and the housing it is necessary to insert a piece of some non-combustible material.

The result is a cheap, reliable and convenient tool for soldering in the field.

Many home craftsmen have already thoroughly studied how to make a soldering iron with their own hands and how to use it correctly. There are many options for making tools; even improvised tools can be used to assemble them. The main thing is to know how the device works and understand why it is needed.

The most difficult to manufacture at home is a miniature and low-power 12 volt soldering iron. However, it is possible to make it with your own hands, but you need to have the appropriate skills and abilities.

Areas of use

Before you learn how to make a mini soldering iron, you need to understand, what is it for. Such a device for home needs will never be superfluous. Using a homemade 12 volt soldering iron, you can do the following:

  • Solder microcircuits of various household appliances.
  • Repair parts of micro-headphones.
  • Perform electronic watch repairs.
  • Repair phone chargers and more.

Such a device is made with the expectation that it will not be powered directly from the network, but through a 220/12 volt transformer.

What do you need to work

Most materials and tools will not need to be purchased additionally, since home craftsmen will most likely find them at home. Working materials include:

If copper foil is not at hand, it can be replaced with foil fiberglass, which is often used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards or circuits. But if they are not available, then you can buy everything in a specialized store for an average of 200 rubles. And to get another sheet of foil, then heat the fiberglass with a simple iron and pull the corner, dividing it into thin plates first, and wind it on a round stick.

The key element of the design is a 220 to 12 volt transformer, through which the device will receive the necessary energy from the mains. Sometimes a TVK-11OL brand device is used, which can be pulled out of an old tube TV.

Required tools include:

  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • tweezers;
  • rags;
  • stove (gas or electric);
  • plates or boards for washing with glue.

The process of assembling a mini soldering iron

The copper wire will act as a tip for the mini soldering iron. You only need 50 mm. Sharpen it in the form of a dihedral angle on one side and tin the edges. This tip will be located inside the heating element.

Then make a special electrical insulating mass:

  • Talc and liquid glass (or silicate glue) mix with each other.
  • To prevent the mass from sticking to your hands, apply insulation to the cylindrical surface with tweezers and sprinkle it with talc.

Roll the foil into a tube about 35 mm long, which will serve as the basis for the heating element. On the one hand, a soldering iron tip will be visible from under it. Cover the tube with insulating mass. Dry the applied mass over the stove until completely solidified. Then, wind a spiral nichrome wire no more than 350 mm long on the finished base. The turns should be laid carefully as close as possible to each other, and the upper and lower turns from 30 to 60 mm should be left as leads. Then cover the structure again with an electrical insulating mixture and dry it over the stove.

Bend the bar end of the wire back and press it firmly against the surface of the tube, then apply the mass again. And only after that you can use the heating element of the structure.

Wire protruding from under the heating element must be covered with electrical insulation. Do not forget to check the quality of your work every time you use it.

When the base is completely covered with insulation, you can assemble the mini-soldering iron itself. The ends of the nichrome heater are connected to the handle, for this purpose an electric cord is pulled in heat-resistant insulation through the internal plastic cavity. Be sure to isolate and dry the exposed areas and put a tin protective cover on the heater, connect it to the handle. After that, the device is ready for use.

Homemade resistor soldering iron

For the production of various tools at home, amateurs often use all kinds of improvised means. The resistor-based soldering iron is easy to use, reliable and simple.

As in the previous case, you will need copper and steel wire, as well as double-sided textolite. In addition to the elements listed earlier, you will need a ballpoint pen for the case and a special resistor with a resistance of 5 to 10 ohms.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Then proceed to the assembly of the structure. Put the current lead from the spring on the front cup and solder the current leads to the textolite board. Install the sting, dressing it first in ceramics or mica so that there is no current access. Then solder the wires to the board. It is recommended to use an adjustable device for the battery.

As for the features of using home-made mini-soldering irons, in application they do not differ in any way from factory models. The only thing is you can save your money. Thanks to such devices, you can independently do even miniature household soldering work.

There are many methods for creating a soldering iron at home from improvised materials on the net. This important and indispensable device can be purchased at the store in a fairly different configuration, but bloggers and YouTubers picked up this fictitious “challenge” for creating a home electrician’s tool of labor with their own hands.

We will not stand aside and lay out our vision of solving this problem.

Most devices require deep knowledge of radio engineering from the creator, but even a beginner can make a homemade soldering iron. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to make a soldering iron without special knowledge, difficult to access materials, but with a great desire. The instructions will be arranged from the simplest to the most complex, but let's not delay and get started.


The simplest technique for solving the problem of making a soldering iron involves using a resistor. The finished device will work with a voltage of 6-24 volts.

The materials needed to use this method are as follows:

  • textolite plate for the handle;
  • a resistor whose resistance is 20 ohms, and the power is 7 watts;
  • two wires of different sizes. The one that is thicker must strictly match the internal diameter of the resistor, but the one that is thinner is better to choose with the smallest possible diameter, for the convenience of subsequent soldering;
  • spring ring, washer and screw - we use them as a retainer.

So, the algorithm for self-manufacturing a soldering iron using a resistor is as follows:

Such a soldering iron allows you to solder elementary microcircuits, it can work not only from a 12-volt power supply, but also from batteries, it can also be connected to a cigarette lighter. In our opinion, this is the simplest and most effective option to quickly assemble a high-quality soldering iron at home.

Ball pen

In this artisanal method, it is necessary to replace the PEV resistor used in the previous version with an MLT. Therefore, although it is a separate method, some consider it a sophisticated variation of the previous one.

Necessary materials:

  • ball pen;
  • a resistor having a resistance of 10 ohms and a power of 0.5 W;
  • copper wire with a cross section of 1 mm;
  • steel wire with a cross section of 0.8 mm from steel of medium hardness;
  • double-sided textolite;
  • network cable.

The manufacturing steps are as follows:

The technique of execution in this case is somewhat more complicated, but the device turns out to be an order of magnitude more powerful. It will allow you to solder even SMD components of microcircuits.

Powerful impulse model

Finally, consider the option for people who have knowledge in electrical engineering that is far from the entry level. At a minimum, the ability to read electrical circuits is useful, because we will assemble the soldering iron using it.

This machine will easily melt tin, be ready to use in 5 seconds after connecting, at the same time, the ingredients for it are easiest to find at home.

And they are the following:

  • copper wire for the sting;
  • ferrite ring. The primary winding of the transformer should be of 100 turns of copper, and the secondary of 3mm copper bus.

At its core, this soldering iron is created in one action - connecting the wire to the secondary winding. After that, we connect one of the ballast outputs to the transformer winding and we have a pulsed soldering iron ready.

Useful video

For more tips on making homemade soldering irons, you can learn from the video below:

In conclusion

For beginners, it is better to use the first or second option proposed by us, professionals will benefit from the third option, which they will probably collect, although more for the sake of interest than for practical use. We hope our answer to this problem was helpful to you. Remember - we do not limit your imagination, because a soldering iron can be assembled even from a lighter, and a welding machine from a microwave. Be creative, but be careful and work safely.

This homemade soldering iron is great for soldering chips with a pitch of 0.5 mm, for elements in SMD packages and for other small work.

You will need:

  • case from a ballpoint pen;
  • resistor MLT-0.5 5 - 10 Ohm;
  • copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm;
  • double-sided textolite;
  • steel wire with a diameter of ~ 0.8 mm;
  • wires.

How to make a soldering iron

Heating element. We remove the paint with a knife from the resistor case. To facilitate this process, the resistor can be heated by connecting it to a regulated power supply. Next, we cut off one of the legs and at the place of the cut, we drill a hole with a diameter of 1 mm. There is no need to drill in the ceramic case, because. there is already a hole (as in all Soviet resistors) of about the same diameter.
Now you need to countersink the hole with a larger diameter drill so that the sting does not touch the cup. It is also necessary to make a cut on the cup to attach the current lead.

The current lead, in addition to the function of a conductor, will also perform the function of fastening the heating element.
The wire must be chosen so that it is well tinned and keeps its shape. We give it a shape as shown in the photo (the ring should be put on the resistor cup with little effort).

We cut out a small board from textolite.
It consists of three parts:

  1. Wide. For soldering current leads and dissipating heat.
  2. Serves as a board fastener in the handle body.
  3. Wires will be soldered to it.

We collect a miniature soldering iron. We put a ring on the front cup of the resistor and solder it. So we will provide a good contact for the passage of current. Solder down conductors to the board.

The tip for the soldering iron is made of copper wire. Before installing the tip, you need to place a small piece of mica or ceramic in the hole so that the tip does not touch the rear cup of the resistor.

Wires are best used MGTF (they will not melt on contact with the heating element). As a power source, PSU 1A, 0 -15V is used.
If you use an 8.5 ohm resistor, then the operating voltage of the mini soldering iron will be about 5.5 - 6V.

As for the technology of using this homemade soldering iron, it is no different from a conventional soldering iron (standard solder flux, etc.).

Here's what you can do with this device.

Based on materials from the site:

January 2018

Many are sure that at home it is impossible to make a good soldering iron on your own, which would not only not be inferior to factory samples, but also surpass them. And this, of course, is true, but with one caveat: such a task is impossible only for those who do not own a set of simple technological techniques and tricks. In this article, I share my experience and talk in detail about home technologies that make the impossible possible.

1. Sometimes it's easier to make than to buy.

In the arsenal of a good electronics engineer, the tool should be very different. This also applies to soldering irons. It is impossible to get by with one soldering iron for all cases. There are usually no problems with powerful soldering irons: there is enough of this stuff for sale for every taste. But with their "younger brothers" it is more difficult. However, it is more correct to talk not about power (it should also ideally be adjustable), but about the diameter of the sting and the distance from the tip of the sting to the handle. Power is often talked about as the main criterion, simply for the reason that soldering irons with a thick tip are designed to work with massive parts that have a large thermal capacity - the tool must develop a sufficiently large power to warm them up. And vice versa, for the smallest installation, soldering SMD components and chips with small pin pitch required miniature soldering iron with very thin sting. Such a soldering iron does not need high power, because the thermal capacity of the parts in this case is very small. At the same time, the smaller the distance from the tip of the tip to the handle, the more accurate the movements during soldering. This is especially noticeable under a microscope. But with a long soldering iron, the likelihood of a miss is much greater, and, for example, "glue" two closely spaced tracks or pins on the microcircuit, and then spend time eliminating such a defect. And in small installation this is very difficult.

That's all you need to make a soldering iron!
1 - wooden block (material for making a handle); 2 - a can of condensed milk (mild steel for the body); 3 - silicate glue (liquid glass - a binder for a heat-resistant composite); 4 - coil of thin steel wire; 5 - mild steel about 0.5 mm, often called galvanized iron; 6 - wire trimmer resistor (source of high-resistance wire for the heater); 7 - a piece of copper winding wire for making a sting; 8 - asbestos cord (fiber for heat-resistant composite).

The photo does not show only an electric wire, a small piece of fiberglass, as well as 10 centimeters of any thread and a drop of BF glue. All other materials used are shown in the photo.

Electronics keeps getting smaller and smaller. Today, a sting even 1 mm in diameter seems thick in some cases. In hardware stores, soldering irons with a power of less than 25 W and a tip diameter of less than 4 to 5 millimeters are rarely found. For such a product, it is better to contact specialized stores. You can also search online stores. In general, interesting samples can be found. But even with these samples, as a rule, something is wrong. Not a single "spoon of honey" is insured against a "barrel of tar". For example, I do not understand the fashion for stings with a conical working end made of some hard-to-work alloy. Such stings (if not sharpened, but it seems impossible to sharpen them) do not have a working edge and are poorly wetted with solder. But I would like, as the poet said: "And fingers ask for a pen, a pen for paper." Only in our case, instead of a pen, a soldering iron, and instead of paper, you know what. Yes, a soldering iron should inspire inspiration by its very appearance. And what? Technical creativity also requires inspiration. It is also a kind of art.

In general, you can look for a ready-made soldering iron and adapt to its shortcomings, or you can make your own soldering iron by adapting it to your preferences.

2. The main difficulties in the manufacture of a soldering iron

In order for the soldering iron to serve for a long time and flawlessly, it must have the necessary mechanical strength, and its electrical connections must be reliable. In this case, it is necessary that the heater is isolated from the body and the tip (even with low-voltage power!). High requirements are also placed on the reliability of this insulation. In addition, you should take care of the thermal insulation between the heater and the handle.

By themselves, all these conditions are easily met in conventional designs that operate at low temperatures. But we talking about a soldering iron- a product, some parts of which are heated up to hundreds of degrees Celsius. The first problem is already in the fact that many materials that could be used in our product immediately disappear. They just can't handle high temperatures. The second problem is the methods of electrical and mechanical connections. Most of the methods of joining parts available at home are unsuitable when working at high temperatures - they are either not applicable to heat-resistant materials, or the resulting joints will, at best, last a short time and collapse. In the past, for example, I could not find a way to connect the heater wire to the electrical cord for a long time. Attempts to directly connect a copper wire to a high-resistance wire constantly ended in copper burnout and the destruction of such a connection. Later, the correct solution was found - an intermediate link made of steel wire ensured high reliability.

3. Materials for making a soldering iron

After the first glance at the photo with the image of the materials, it may seem that the contents of the wastebasket were shaken out and carefully laid out in front of the camera. Yes, the soldering iron described in this article is made from such "garbage".

With the choice of material for the handle did not have to be particularly tricky. soldering iron handle made from wood. It is an easily accessible material, which is easy to process, strong enough, and has good thermal insulation properties.

Tin from a tin can is used for soldering iron body. It is a mild sheet steel that is easy to cut and bend, and at the same time, rolled into a tube has enough miniature soldering iron strength. I strongly recommend tin from condensed milk - it does not have polymer coatings, which is important for our case. Tin, coated on the outside with varnish, like canned fish, or on the inside with something white, like various peas and corn, is not suitable because of this very coating. At a high temperature, it will begin to release combustion products that we do not need. I especially want to emphasize that in the store you need to buy not "condensed milk", but whole milk condensed with sugar. I will not describe the difference here - this is not relevant to the topic, but there is a difference between these products, and the quality of the tin can also be different.

Next on the list we have silicate glue. This is a very interesting substance. It does not contain organics, it is not poisonous, it is not dangerous for the skin - you can work without gloves. After drying, it turns into glass - a substance that easily withstands high temperatures (more than sufficient for a soldering iron) and at the same time does not conduct electricity. When a heat-resistant fiber is added, it forms a composite that also has high mechanical strength. What we need as insulation for heater manufacturing.

Silicate glue in Soviet times could be bought at any bookstore. It was the most popular adhesive for paper and cardboard. But, I must admit, it is not very good for paper. Apparently, therefore, now it is not so easy to meet him on sale. Silicate glue has been almost completely superseded by more modern paper glues. It's a shame, because it's irreplaceable. soldering iron. However, it is still on sale to this day. The bottle of glue shown in the photo among other materials was bought in 2016 for a symbolic price. Rubles for fifteen. I confess, when I saw it in a newsstand located on the territory of a grocery store, I immediately thought of a new one. homemade soldering iron, which will bring together all the accumulated best technological solutions. The seller somehow strangely looked at me, clearly not approving the choice. I wanted to offer a better glue. But I assured her that silicate glue domestic production for some cases is simply irreplaceable. She had nothing to argue against such a powerful argument, and a profitable deal was made.

I will add that there is a lot of Chinese glue for paper on sale now, and, it seems, also silicate. But I did not try to use it, as I very much doubt its composition. Most likely, it contains a large percentage of impurities that make the glue more suitable for paper, but completely unsuitable for manufacturing. high temperature composite. These possible impurities, when heated, can begin to chemically break down with the release of toxic substances. A significant reduction in the strength of the product is also possible. Therefore, for me, when buying, it was important that this is a domestic-made glue, moreover, it is very cheap, which means that it is just liquid glass without any additives.

Thin steel wire is used to tie the tin case, which allows you to fix the heater in it, as well as create a "thread" for the handle - a simple but very effective solution. In addition, two pieces of steel wire are required to make the heater leads.

You will need mild steel sheet with a thickness of about 0.5 mm. A small rectangle is folded into a cylinder, which is then inserted into the body from the side of the handle attachment and provides the necessary strength in this place. Sheet galvanized iron is sold in building materials stores. It is mild steel, like the one used in tin cans. It is also easy to cut and bend, but it is much thicker than canning, and therefore the details from it are stronger. It is not a shortage, but only large sheets are sold in stores. One such sheet is enough for a thousand soldering irons. However, the material is good for many applications. In any case, you need to have it in the household.

For heater manufacturing will also need high resistivity alloy wire. You can get this wire in different ways. In the case described, the wire is taken from a wire-wound trimmer that was once soldered from a domestic-made color TV. To align it, the wire can be pulled over the edge of the table. It is necessary to evaluate the thickness of the wire, its length and resistance. High precision in this case is not required. Just be aware that very thin wire reduces the reliability of the soldering iron due to the risk of burnout. Thick wire will be more difficult to wind, and the thickness of the product will be increased. With the resistance of the wire (and, consequently, with soldering iron supply voltage) it is difficult to guess exactly - it is not known how much it will go to the heater. It is easier to make an approximate version, and when the soldering iron is ready, select the voltage to achieve the required power. But too big errors with the heater resistance will lead to the fact that either a very large current will have to be supplied to the heater, which increases the requirements for wires and electrical connections, or to make a power source with a very "specific" voltage, for example, 50 volts. However, power from 50 In case of an overestimated resistance of the heater, it is much better and more reliable than an unreasonably large current - with an underestimated one.

For making a sting a thick winding wire with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm is excellent. You can set aside a whole coil of such wire as a consumable, and in the future, as it wears out, make new stings. Soldering iron design provides for the possibility tip replacement. It is inserted into the steel base of the heater and held on by friction. So you don't have to worry about burnout.

Asbestos is a natural fibrous mineral. High temperature resistance is one of its most valuable qualities. In conjunction with silicate glue allows you to get an excellent composite for heater insulation.

As you can see, the materials are mostly readily available. Difficulties may arise in finding asbestos. If you can’t find a cord, you can try to grind asbestos cardboard and mix it with silicate glue to get a slurry. And use it to isolate the heater. But I have not tried this method. I used a cord, separating more or less even sections from it and winding it on an insulated surface. Then impregnated with silicate glue. You could try using fiberglass. More on this at the end of the article. There was an idea about using gypsum or even clay, but I did not try to use these materials either, so I can not guarantee anything. One way or another, you can find something suitable.

4. It's a pity not for a bee, or What should be a good sting

If the theater starts with a hanger, then a soldering iron starts with a sting. Both convenience in work and the result obtained largely depend on the quality of the sting. Making a soldering iron it is also wise to start with the choice of stinger. But what is it - good sting?

Here I would like to recommend a small article. It tells about the physical essence of the process, how wetting, capillary effect and surface tension solve most of the problem for us. This information is very useful for beginners, and will not interfere with those who continue.

But, returning to the topic of a good sting, you have to remember physics again. Now from the field of thermodynamics. Don't be afraid - there will be no formulas. It's about the form working surface of the sting. I had to touch on this topic due to the fact that manufacturers of soldering irons somehow peculiarly understand the optimal shape of the working surface and supply their product with tips sharpened under a cone. Suffer from this, as a rule, imported soldering irons. I can't say the same about domestic ones. I think this is such a marketing ploy among foreigners, counting on a mass amateur who has a sharp end conical tip associated with high precision soldering. But let's figure it out. The cone, in principle, is beneficial and effective, but only from the point of view of heat transfer along the entire length of the sting - this is when everything conical sting(at least its outer part). At the same time, the working surface in the form of a cone is extremely inconvenient and inefficient. That is, if you sting cylindrical, and the working end is conical - this is bad and pointless. Why is this so, and what does physics with its thermodynamics have to do with it?

As is known, heat transfer proceeds the faster, the larger the surface area of ​​contact between the interacting bodies. In our case, this is a sting and a detail. So, ideally, the surfaces should either be both flat, or each convexity should have its own "convexity", and vice versa. Conical working surface of the sting thus optimized for soldering "pits" and all sorts of "holes", which is not so in demand in practice. But to work with a plane, for example, irradiate the contact pad on the board, a cone will be much more difficult than a flat face. Practice shows that it is the flat edge that is the most versatile working surface, which means that the sting can be sharpened as you like, but so that there is at least one flat edge. In this case, it is not at all necessary to turn the sting into a "shovel". Even the smallest flat surface at the end of the tip gives a noticeable gain in ease of use of the tool. For thin stings(1-2 mm) we can recommend two classic forms of sharpening: wedge-shaped - with two flat edges, and in the form of an oblique cut - with one flat edge. Of course, any variations are also possible (there are indescribable many of them) for reasons of convenience for a particular case, but do not lose the working edge by getting carried away with sharpening.

We figured out the shape of the working surface. And now it may not even be clear why I find fault with the manufacturers of soldering irons with conically sharpened tips, if the tip can be resharpened. Yes, the fact of the matter is that not every sting provides for sharpening. The ones I've criticized are often short and not made of copper. It seems like this is some supposedly wear-resistant fireproof alloy. Maybe with some kind of coating. There is no point in sharpening also because this alloy is poorly wetted with solder. That is irradiate such a sting is very difficult even with the best fluxes. And after a long effort, when everything seems to have worked out, the tip is tinned, soon the solder on the surface of the tip becomes uneven again, gradually begins to collect in droplets. Maybe that's why the sting doesn't burn, because it can't be used. It's like that joke: so that toys do not break, do not give them to children. Why then use such metal for a sting, if even an ordinary iron nail is more suitable for this role? But maybe I'm just misunderstanding something about newfangled stings. I would be grateful if someone could tell me where I'm wrong, if so.

Nothing better than the most ordinary copper for a sting, I can not advise. Some copper alloys are good too. I'm in my soldering iron I used a piece of thick winding wire for the sting. First the sting was made with some margin in length, then I shortened it slightly. This is due to the fact that for a tip with a constant cross-sectional area (not a cone), there is a maximum allowable length value for a given diameter. Approximately (I do not pretend to be mathematically accurate!) The length of the outer part of the cylindrical tip (from the tip to the edge of the heater) can reach ten diameters. Exceeding this limit reduces the efficiency of the tip in terms of heat transfer, as a result of which, even with a powerful heater, it is still possible to solder only small parts.

And now, when there is complete clarity about what should be good sting, you can describe the process soldering iron manufacturing. In my description, I do not give exact dimensions, since this does not make any sense. Accurate copying of the product in compliance with all dimensions is an extremely time-consuming task. The technology that I propose is based on the fact that the dimensions of subsequent parts depend on the finished ones and are adjusted to the exact dimensions of the finished parts, where necessary. In those cases where the dimensions are not of fundamental importance, they are chosen "by eye". And the first dimensions that I had to decide on were the diameter and length of that part of the sting that is included in heater. I prepared a piece of thick winding wire for the future sting, aligning one end of it. The enamel coating has not yet been removed, so that there is some margin in diameter. There were fears (perhaps unfounded) that I would not be able to insert the sting due to "too precise" size matching. Thus, the diameter of the enameled copper wire became the internal diameter of the base of the future heater. I chose the length of the heater intuitively.

5. Heater base

The base of the heater is made of tin from a can. It is a steel tube, which, with some friction, includes a blank for the sting. The tube is obtained by folding a tin rectangle on a mandrel of suitable diameter. For folding the sheet, you can use a vice and pliers. The dimensions of the rectangle are chosen so that the edges of the metal sheet meet without overlap and do not form a gap. One end of the tube (from the side where the sting enters) expands in the form of a bell. To do this, several cuts are made on the edge of the tin blank before being rolled into a tube. The opposite end of the tube, on the contrary, is jammed so that the inserted the sting had an emphasis on heater. When jamming the end of the tube, do not forget to first insert the blank of the sting, otherwise the tube will be deformed more than necessary, and the sting may not be fully inserted in the future.

If you want to have soldering iron If there was an additional wire connected to the tip, for example, for antistatic purposes, then it makes sense at this stage to insert a piece of steel wire into the jammed end of the heater base to a depth equal to the length of the jammed part of the tube. In the future, you can solder an antistatic wire to this steel wire and connect it to a bracelet on your hand (preferably through a 1 MΩ resistor). Then electronic components sensitive to static electricity will be safe. Grounding is not required for this purpose. But keep in mind that if you connect the antistatic wire to ground and do not connect it to your body, then the effect antistatic protection will not be - the potentials between you and the earth will not be aligned. And remember that you can connect yourself to ground ONLY THROUGH A RESISTOR of at least 1 MΩ. It's without options. The equipment is grounded, of course, directly, without any resistors.

Finished heater base must be covered with a strong heat-resistant insulation. I used for this asbestos cord and silicate glue. He separated small bundles of fibers from the cord, removed defects in the form of solid particles, and wound them on a tin tube as thinly as possible, but without gaps. At the same time, the fibers were impregnated with glue. The blank of the sting was inserted to prevent the glue from flowing into the cavity of the tube. Periodically, I pulled out the sting blank from the tube to prevent it from sticking to the base of the heater.

Before winding high-resistance wire, the insulation layer must dry well.

6. Making the heater

winding process heater wire does not require special comments. The photo shows how it was done. The first layer is wound from the rear end of the heater base towards the tip.

It is desirable to lay the turns closer to each other, but not too close, leaving some distance between them so that the probability of short-circuited turns remains minimal. The wire, of course, tries to unwind, but you need to somehow prevent it from doing so. Various tricks are suitable for this.

The first layer of turns is covered with insulation in the same way as the base of the heater was covered. After that, the glue is dried again.

The second layer of turns is wound in the opposite direction - from the tip to the rear end of the heater. And again, the product is covered with insulation, and then thoroughly dried.

If, after the next drying of the insulating composite, significant irregularities are visible, they can be smoothed out with a file or sandpaper. It is useful to do this at every step, thus maintaining the cylindrical shape of the heater. In this case, care must be taken not to expose the surface to be insulated. It is better to scrape the dried composite in the fresh air so as not to spread asbestos dust in the room - they say it is not very useful.

Direct connection of ends high-resistance wire and electrical cord supply voltage to the heater is not a good technical solution. If this is done near the heater, then the junction will be exposed to high temperatures and will quickly collapse. If this is done inside the handle, where it is cooler, then such a connection, although it will last longer, will also collapse. And besides, even the ends of the high-resistance wire will emit unnecessary heat all the way from the heater to the handle. A reasonable solution is to use an intermediate link made of a metal that tolerates high temperatures well and, at the same time, has a low resistivity. Steel is quite suitable for this role.

For making heater leads I used two pieces of steel wire in my soldering iron. Given the high temperature, soldering here does not make sense. The connection is made by winding one wire onto another. But simple twisting is unreliable. To increase the reliability of the connections, they are crimped with tin tubes, which are made in the same way as the heater base - by folding a tin rectangle on a mandrel. But here it is better that the edges of the tin strip meet with some overlap. As a mandrel, you can use a needle of suitable thickness. With a correctly selected diameter, the finished tube is put on the junction with some friction. Further, each worn tube is compressed by pliers, slightly flattened, which ultimately ensures high strength of the connection.

The next step is to isolate the findings. For this, the same materials were used - asbestos and silicate glue. At this stage, it is necessary to exclude any possibility of shorting the heater leads. This is especially true for joints crimped with tin tubes, since these places are much thicker. Steel heater leads covered with insulating composite up to the point where they connect to the copper conductors electrical cord inside the handle.

Next, the finished heater was thoroughly dried. Dry soldering iron heater you can simply put it somewhere and forget about its existence for a long time, or apply a small voltage to its outputs to speed up drying. In the second case, it should be remembered that too high a voltage can cause the temperature to rise to such a value that the silicate adhesive begins to boil. Until the glue dries completely, you can not bring the temperature to the boiling point, otherwise it will lead to various swelling and deformation of the product, which in the end can ruin the whole work. Irregularities on the surface of the dried heater can be eliminated with a file and sandpaper, bringing the shape of the product to a cylindrical one.

By measuring the resistance between the base of the heater and its terminals, one can to some extent judge the completion of drying. In my case, this resistance after a thorough drying of the heater was 20-30 kOhm. By this time, the danger of boiling glue was no longer there. After warming up the soldering iron in operating mode, this resistance increased to several megaohms.

8. Manufacture of the body and installation of the heater

The body is made of tin from a tin can. The workpiece is a rectangle, the width of which depends on the diameter of the heater. In my case, the dimensions of the workpiece were 20.5 X 80 mm. Rows of holes are made to reduce heat transfer on the body in the handle.

The workpiece is rolled into a tube on a mandrel of suitable diameter. A heater is inserted into the resulting tube.

Heater fixed in the housing by tightly wrapping the housing in the area of ​​the heater with steel wire. In order for the ends of the wire to meet, I first bent it at a right angle, retreating a few centimeters from the beginning, and laid this section of wire in the gap between the edges of the body plate bent into a tube in the direction from the future handle to the sting. Then he tightly wound the wire coil to coil in the direction from the tip to the handle and connected the ends with a twist. I tucked the twist into the slot of the case.

9. Design features on the side of the handle

The opposite side of the housing, connected to the handle, is reinforced in the same way as the side of the heater - by wrapping it with steel wire. At the same time, this winding also plays the role of a thread, which provides the possibility of simple and high-quality body-to-handle connections. Of course, I did not cut the thread in the hole of the handle, but only adjusted the diameter of the hole with a round file to the size when the wire "thread" without excessive effort, but at the same time firmly screwed into the handle.

The wire is wound as tightly as possible to make the case durable. But if a stone-hard heater is located on the side of the sting under a thin tin, then the side of the handle would have been crumpled during the wrapping process if I had not installed an additional part - a reinforcing sleeve. The sleeve (see photo) is made by bending a rectangle cut from a steel sheet (galvanized iron).

Inside soldering iron handles the temperature is no longer as high as near the heater, so the choice of materials and methods for connecting parts is much wider here. Less heat-resistant materials can be used, and electrical connections can be made by soldering. To connect heater leads With electric cord it turned out to be tough, I inserted a fiberglass rectangle into the body of the future soldering iron between the leads sticking out of it. The width of the rectangle is chosen so that it is inserted with considerable effort and does not dangle after installation.

10. Making a handle

soldering iron handle planed with a knife from a wooden block without the use of machines. But first, a hole was drilled in the bar. If you first plan out the cylinder, and then drill a hole in it, then without using a machine it will be very difficult to get a hole exactly in the center. It is much easier to first drill and then evenly plan the workpiece around the existing hole. The finished handle is processed with sandpaper.

The diameter of the hole in the handle on the side of the connection with the body is slightly increased by a certain depth. This is done so that the actual contact of the metal case (carrying the unwanted heat flux from the heater) with the handle is a little deeper inside the handle. Thus, while maintaining a small distance from tip to handle decreases handle heating.

As electrical cord I used a cord from a handset. I agree that this is not the best option for a soldering iron - such a wire is designed for currents of a maximum of several tens of milliamps, which for soldering iron not enough. To burn something will not burn - it will create unnecessary resistance. But I wanted to have a cord twisted into a "spring". Yes, besides, a wire turned up, which had a defect in one of the connectors, and it was no longer suitable for its intended purpose. The photo shows how the connection is made. The ends of the conductors of the cord are free from insulation. The cord is fixed by winding it with threads to the fiberglass protruding from the body. The place of fastening with threads is covered with BF glue (in the photo it is marked with the number 2). The connection of the heater leads with the copper wires of the cord is made by soldering (in the photo it is marked with the numbers 1).

12. Finishing the assembly of the soldering iron

Of course, before attaching the cord, I put a handle on it. Then all that was left to do was turn soldering iron body into the handle with the help of his improvised carving.

After connection of the handle to the body the place of the cord exit from the handle is additionally reinforced so that the cord does not hang out in the handle and extraneous forces are not transmitted to the connections inside.

Finally, sting inserted, soldering iron tested. Everything worked out as it should. Properly assembled from suitable materials, the soldering iron does not smoke or exude odors. I later varnished the handle.

If a the stinger enters the heater too loose, you can wrap it with a strip of aluminum foil. It is better not to use copper foil, so as not to get scale in its place over time, which makes it difficult to remove the worn sting. After testing, I shortened the sting a little, bringing its outer length to about ten diameters. Reducing the length of the tip expands the capabilities of the soldering iron and even allows thin sting do the smallest work.

13. To be continued?

After the soldering iron was ready, ideas began to appear to improve the technology. In the store, I somehow drew attention to fiberglass. Bought a small piece. Fiberglass threads are easily separated from the flap at the edge. The idea was to use fiberglass instead of asbestos. This will be much easier already for the reason that artificial glass threads have practically no defects, unlike natural asbestos, which is full of small knots and solid particles. But haven't tried it yet. I don't know if it's possible to get a good composite if both the fiber and the binder are almost the same. In this case, both are glass. However, they are different types of glass. I think for soldering iron this combination should work just fine. Who will try before me, tell me what happened.

In addition, the idea arose to apply bifilar wound wire heater. To do this, the wire is folded in half, and then wound on the base of the heater from the tip to the opposite side so that the turns do not intersect, and the middle (place of bend) of the wire is at the very beginning of such a winding - from the side of the tip. In this case, there will be only one layer of wire, which will significantly reduce the diameter of the heater, and hence the entire soldering iron will become thinner and more elegant. Have you seen how a glass tube is twisted in energy-saving fluorescent lamps? There, the spiral is single-layered, but both ends of the tube meet on one side of this spiral. The difficulty is only in the higher requirements for inter-turn insulation. In the method that I used in my soldering iron, the turn-to-turn circuit is not significant. The soldering iron does not lose its working capacity from such a short circuit (unless there are too many short circuits). And in the case of bifilar spiral circuit can completely withdraw soldering iron out of service. To prevent this from happening, you can try one of two options. The first option involves covering heater wire before winding it thin but strong heat-resistant insulation. This can be tried by wrapping fiberglass around a wire and impregnating it with silicate glue. The second option is to fill the gaps between the turns of the already wound wire with the same glue-impregnated fiberglass. I like the first option more, since the spiral should be tighter and neater. But you have to try.

At the beginning of the article, I promised to talk about the manufacture of a reliable soldering iron that is not inferior to the factory one. After reading the article, I think you noticed that all the connections are not made "bluff". Despite their technological simplicity, they provide (in the absence of defects in work) a sufficiently high mechanical strength the whole structure and reliability of electrical contacts. This means that once you spend time on soldering iron manufacturing, you can get a tool that will faithfully last more than one year. Or maybe the grandson will not be ashamed to give.

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The use of materials from this site in publications is permissible only if these materials are accompanied by links to the source - site site indicating the author: E.A. Kotov. Copyrights are protected by the laws of the Russian Federation. Evgeny Kotov. 2017