
How to teach a kid to hold his head. How to help the baby learn to lift and hold his head


Today we will consider one of the important questions that loving parents are looking for an answer before the baby learns to roll over, crawl stand up on legs. When small child  begins to hold his head and how many months can he independently raise the body?

It is important to understand that each baby is very individual and the consistent psychophysical development of your baby may differ from the average statistical indicators, which we will give below. Your baby’s neck muscles will gradually get stronger. and over time, he will learn to control his movements, will raise and turn the head to the sides. But you must constantly help the baby learn these important skills and, with the help of special exercises that strengthen the muscles of massage, contribute in every way to the proper development of the baby. Below you will find a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck and body, as well as a videomassage techniques for babies.

If the baby is not yet 2 weeks old, then the small head will lean back limply, when you lift it a little by the handles. Some babies by the age of 3-4 weeks from the moment of birth can slightly raise their heads when they lie on their tummy.

When do most babies confidently begin to hold their heads?
According to averaged statistics, by 2.5-3 months the child independently lifts the body, resting on the handles and lifting the head at the same time. And by the age of 4-4.5 months, the baby keeps his head straight when he is picked up. He can turn his head in different directions and slightly raise his chin up at this age. But up to 3 months of age, be sure to hold the baby by the body and the back of the head when you are holding it in your hands. The cervical muscles of the baby are still very weak and he can easily get a vertebral injury.

What is important is important for parents to know!

How a newborn baby holds his head:

At this age, the neck muscles of the child are too weak to directly hold their head, even for a moment, without assistance. It is necessary to constantly hold the baby by the nape, if you take him in his arms, lay him on his back or on his tummy. When the baby is in his arms, try to look into his eyes more often, smile. This perfectly strengthens the emotional bond between you and the baby. When the child is lying on the back, attract his attention with a bright toy that you shift from one side to the other. The baby will try to turn the head, to focus on the toy.

How a 1 month old baby holds his head:

Some babies can raise their heads while lying on their tummy by the end of 4 weeks. But they keep their head no more than a few seconds to look at an interesting action or object.

How a 2 month old baby holds his head:

Many babies can raise their heads and pull their chin to their chest by 7-8 weeks, while lying down. And lying not on the tummy, they can turn the head to the right and left. The kid is interested in watching what is happening around, being in a reclining position (you can raise the back in the stroller or the upper part of the mattress in the crib).

How does a baby keep his head at 3-4 months of age:

By 3 months of age, the muscles of the neck of the baby are already significantly strengthened. The baby can independently rise on its handles from a prone position on its stomach and turn its head in different directions. It is very useful to lift the crumbs by the handles from the supine position and carefully lower them to their original position. At the same time, the head of a 3-month-old baby should not lean back.

At 4 months, you can take the baby in your arms and not hold it at the back of the head. By this age, the child’s neck muscles should be developed so that he can calmly hold his head in an upright position.

How does a baby keep his head at 5-6 months of age:

At this age, the child must confidently keep his head straight, turn in different directions, tilt down and lift up. Riding in a stroller in a sitting position, the baby freely turns his head in any direction, focusing his eyes on the objects and events surrounding him.


Some babies cannot hold their heads even at 4-5 months of age, even briefly. Let's look at the main reasons that impede the normal psychophysical development of crumbs:

With the baby, they were insufficiently or improperly strengthening the muscular system. From a very young age, it is necessary to do massage for the baby, and closer to 2 weeks of age, perform a special complex of strengthening exercises. Otherwise, the crumbs will have a very weak muscle tone (including the neck);

Birth trauma can directly affect the ability to hold the head correctly. It is important to go through all the examinations and take tests in time to eliminate this problem;

Neurological pathology can cause neck muscles to malfunction;

Too low weight at the moment the baby is born (or a premature baby) are often the cause of a longer physical development of the baby. A child may begin to lag behind their peers in their ability to hold their heads straight;

Improper feeding or a constant lack of nutrients can affect the timely physical development of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the change in the weight of the baby and adjust the feeding, if necessary;

Pathologies such as paresis of some cervical muscles or congenital torticollis can cause problems with even head retention. In order for the baby with such ailments to learn to keep his head straight, be sure to do a special therapeutic massage that improves blood circulation in damaged muscles and strengthens muscle fibers. Learn more about proper execution. therapeutic massage  we will tell below.


As we mentioned above, from a very early age it is necessary to include special exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the child in the daily routine. If you have to practice daily and properly feed a balanced diet with your child (the ideal option is breastfeeding at least until the baby’s six-month-old age), then by the age of 4 months the baby will certainly begin to keep his head on his own.

A special set of exercises to strengthen the baby’s muscle system:


Useful advice!

Try to spread the newborn baby on the tummy more often! We recommend turning the baby on his tummy before each feeding. By 3 weeks of age, place a small roll of soft towel under the crumbs of the baby. Gently lift the baby's head by the chin and slowly lower it after a few seconds. A little above the line of the baby’s eyes you can hang a rattle so that he concentrates his attention on it when lying on his stomach.

Massage and 3 important exercises that will help cure congenital torticollis in a newborn baby:



When your child begins to hold his head for at least a few seconds, it is very useful to lay it on his chest. The first video plot is devoted to such exercises that the crumbs really like! Then you can watch the video - classes with the baby on fitball and the last story is dedicated to the treatment and prevention of torticollis in newborns.

If such a wonderful event happened in your life as the birth of a child, then you need to have patience and responsibility. For proper psychological and physical development, you need to daily monitor changes in the behavior of the baby.

A regular visit to a neurologist is mandatory, because only he can notice even the slightest abnormalities in the development of the newborn, give you practical advice on the newborn. Indeed, at birth, the baby does not control the work of muscles, and all movements are reflex. And the first serious step in life is when the child learns to hold his head.

How many months does the child begin to hold his head

Many parents know what time a child begins to try to hold his head, but this period can vary significantly even among the most healthy children, because even at a young age everyone is already a little man with his own personal history and certain signs, habits. The timing of neurological development in newborns with birth injuries or who have health problems is especially different. The first step in physical development occurs between two and three weeks, when parents begin to lay the baby on their stomach.

  • At the second or at the beginning of the third month, children already raise their heads in a lying position for 30 seconds without a break;
  • It is considered normal when children at three months of age begin to hold their head on their own at the level of the body and hold it for a minute, lying on their stomach. Be careful that at this stage of development, safety net is required, you still need to hold your head;
  • At the age of four months, the baby can confidently control the neck muscles. He can turn his head in all directions, being interested in what is happening around him. And lying not only raises the head, but also the body for a while.

This pattern does not always work - some babies try to hold the head later or earlier than the recommended period.

When a child begins to keep his head ahead of schedule, this is no reason to be glad that the baby began to develop early. Most often, lying on his stomach, the position of the newborn changes, folding with a crochet, he raises his knees and head, pulling them to his chest. In this case, it is better to worry and consult a doctor. Often, the cause of this behavior is increased intracranial pressure or a violation of the tone of the neck muscles.

If the child has not yet turned one and a half months old, do not let him load the neck muscles with independent movements. Be sure to support the head and shoulders when feeding and bathing the baby. If you do not adhere to these recommendations, you can damage the small cervical vertebrae, which causes serious problems.

If at 3 months the baby holds his head poorly

You need to see a neurologist for examination for deviations and problems of a neurological nature.

The reasons for this may be:

  1. Early birth. In this case, you can wait another month until the muscles are developed to a certain level. Children most often with this problem catch up with their peers and do not differ from them;
  2. Injury during childbirth or weak muscle tone. In this case, the doctor prescribes special massages for newborns, which should help the baby overcome difficulties;
  3. The child is behind in weight. The doctor will advise you on the breastfeeding system, develop a specific nutrition system for you, or switch to formula feeding.

Sometimes there are times when the baby holds the head on its own, but unevenly, such an anomaly is called torticollis. Most often manifested in boys.

In this case, your doctor will prescribe a course of massage treatment, aimed at eliminating the disease and offer a special pillow. But if you do not pay attention to the anomaly, then how many problems can arise, such as scoliosis, deformation of the skull and face, their asymmetry. But with proper treatment, after a few months, this disease can be completely eliminated.

Strengthen the neck muscles of the child

As soon as the umbilical wound in a newborn heals, it is necessary to spread it on the tummy several times a day. The duration of one procedure should be gradually increased, you should start with one minute and add time every day. This is best done before breastfeeding or an hour after.

Such an exercise will be useful in some cases. Firstly, it will help get rid of gas jets, and the baby will feel better. Secondly, such training helps strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. Do not worry that your baby will suffocate in a lying position, a healthy baby will have the instinct of self-preservation, and he should lay his head on one side.

Sometimes a little one can not perceive such changes well - to resist, turn around and be capricious. In no case do you need to stop the exercise, because it will help further proper physical development. Soothe him with singing, stroke his back, talk to him, distract him with bright toys. Such procedures should be done on a hard surface and under the constant supervision of adults.

Periodically perform gymnastics:

  1. Take the baby in his arms, he should be in a position face down. Support him with one hand over his hips, with the other - over his chest and shoulders, raise the child in the air with smooth movements uphill and down;
  2. Support the little man, just like in the previous exercise, alternately raise the ass, then the head;
  3. Exercise should be performed by two adults. The crumb should be put on the ball with his tummy, one adult holds the baby by the ass, the other holds the hands and swings in different directions on the ball.

It is very important for the baby, if the parents do gymnastics in a playful way, then the newborn with pleasure will begin to give in to exercises, and they will be more effective.

For a tiny person, learning to hold his head is a great achievement in life! And your parental duty is to help him in this and see the problems in time, if any.

In the motor development of a child of the first year of life, the timely formation of the ability to hold the head is of utmost importance.
  If the child does not hold his head by two or three months, then a whole chain of unfavorable factors is formed: the development of visual perception and the vestibular apparatus is impaired, the ability to distribute muscle tone, which provides an act of sitting, is not developed. As a result, the whole scheme of motor development is distorted, which is intimately connected with intellectual development.

Therefore, exercises are offered that are specifically aimed at developing this ability of the child.

1. The child is lying on his stomach. Put your hand on the child’s chin and with your other hand touch the feet. In response, the child begins to push his legs and move forward.
2. The child is lying on his stomach. Put one hand under his chin, and the other under his stomach and slightly pull the child forward. The child will make crawling movements.
  3. Place the child in an upright position. Hold his hips in weight while sitting, balancing so as not to upset his balance. The child will try to keep his head and body upright.
  4. The position of the child lying on his back. Grasp the child’s hands and pull gently towards you. He will try to pull himself forward with his hands.
  5. Grasp the baby’s stomach and hold it face down on the weight. The child will raise his head.
  6. You also hold the child in weight, but in an inclined-lateral position, clasping either the right or left side. He will raise his head and straighten his legs.
  7. Place the child on a support in an upright position. In response, he will straighten his legs, torso, raise his head. If you pull it slightly forward, it will make a step motion.

Repeat each of these exercises for 3-4 minutes, patiently wait for a response, do not try to help the child perform the necessary movements.


The development of the sensorimotor sphere in the first year of a child’s life is the main condition for the development of perception of the surrounding world.
  The main task of sensorimotor development is to help the child increase motor activity, accumulate ideas about the color, shape, size of objects, etc.

You can deal with the child only when he is in a calm state, when he is full and nothing bothers him.


Place a bright toy (ball, rattle, ring) on \u200b\u200ban outstretched hand in the field of vision of the child at a distance of 60-70 cm above his face and wait until the baby's gaze lingers on the toy. After that, begin to shake it to the right, then to the left with an amplitude of 5-7 cm and an oscillation frequency of approximately two times per second. Then move the toy to different directions  (right, left, up, down), moving closer to the baby at a distance of 20-30 cm and removing a distance of an outstretched arm about 1.5 m from the child. The lesson lasts 1-2 minutes, repeated twice in a row, 1-2 times a day. A lesson is also held with a toy making a soft, soft sound.

For this exercise, you need a small bell 5-7 cm high. The child lies on his back. You hold the bell on your outstretched hand (the child should not see you) and quietly ring the bell. Do 2-3 oscillatory movements and let the sound calm down. The child listens to the sound. Ring the bell again. Before calling, let the sound fade away. Keep the bell over the baby’s chest at a distance of 60-70 cm.

Then tie the bell to the fishing line and move it to the right, drowning out the sound. After moving the bell to a distance of 80-100 cm from the center, slightly ring it, causing the child to search for eye movements, turn the head in different directions. In the same way, move the bell to the left.

Classes are held 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. Then it is better to take a break for a week, and in the future, you can conduct a lesson during the second and third months of life 1-2 times a week.

Suspend a garland rattle at a distance of 60-70 cm. Attach to it with the help of tapes another rattle-garland at a distance of 7-10 cm from the child lying on the back. Attract the child’s attention to the toys by swaying them slightly. Catching the rattle, the child opens his eyes wide, calms down for a few seconds, and then joyfully throws his hands up, accidentally touching the low-hanging rattle. The upper rattle begins to sway, and the baby freezes again, examining it.

Then comes a new surge of motor activity, and the baby again comes up against the lower rattle with his hands, setting the upper one in motion. A child can play such a game for 5 minutes. After 2-3 days, swap the rattles. Do this exercise for one to two weeks.


As often as possible, gently talk with the child, trying in every possible way to draw his attention to himself, to cause a reciprocal smile. Dad holds the child in his arms in an upright position so that the baby looks over his shoulder. Mother, affectionately talking with the child, brings her face closer to him, trying to get into his field of vision. (The distance from which the child can see the adult’s face is 80-100 cm, at a closer distance, it is difficult for the baby to catch a glance at the face.) The child joyfully examines the adult’s face, smiles, and abounds.

Such a lesson can be carried out 2-3 times a day.


In 2-3 months, stimulate the child to fix his gaze on moving and stationary objects, encourage him to focus on the subject for a longer time.

Take a bright ball in your hand when the child catches him looking, move the ball from left to right, up and down. At the same time, ask the baby: “Where is the ball? Look, there he is! ”

During this period, widely use toys that make various sounds. By moving sounding toys, attract the attention of the baby. Ring the toy on the left, right, top and bottom. Ask: “Where is ringing? Ding Ding! Where now?"
  Give your child the opportunity to make as many groping movements with his hands. At the same time, the child must see the object that he is feeling. To do this, put an object in the child’s hand and draw his visual attention to this object. The shape, size, texture of such items should be varied, but convenient for grabbing.

Say the sounds that you have heard from the baby: “abu”, “agu”, “bubu”, “aaaaa”, “oooh”, “ha-ha”, etc.
   Encourage any desire of the child to move. Put a soft, beautiful toy on the side of the child so that it attracts his attention, and help the child reaching for her carefully roll over from his back to his stomach.
   To learn how to crawl, place the toy at such a distance from the child that he cannot grab it. Help the baby get closer to her by putting his palm to the soles of his feet so that he can rest and push off.
   Play hide and seek with your child. Throw a scarf over your head. Ask: “Where is mom? Where did mom hide? Find mom. ”Help the child, if he doesn’t succeed, open yourself and be sure to praise. Now, throw a handkerchief over the child, as if he had hidden himself. “And where is Anyutochka? There is no Annie. Where did she run to? - Take off your handkerchief: - Ahh, that's where Anyutka is! ”Continue to play with the child until he is interested, coming up with different versions of this game.
   Put the child on your lap and, leafing through a book with colorful images of animals, show and ask the child: “This is a pussy - meow, meow. Show me where the kitty is? This is a dog - av-av. Show me where the dog is? ”Etc. Offer your child different books, consider pictures together, talk with him.
   From the second half of the year, giving the child various toys, at the same time call them (“Lyalya”, “BBC”, “Misha”).
Try to stimulate the child’s objective and play activities as often as possible (tapping an object on an object, putting cubes out of a box, throwing an object, removing rings from a pyramid, shifting from one hand to another, etc.).
   Form the initial situational understanding of speech addressed to the child and submission to individual verbal instructions: “kiss mom”, “give the pen”, “say: goodbye”, “show how big you are.” How, for example, to develop the fulfillment of the request “give a pen”? You reach out to the child and ask for “give the handle”, at the same time take the child’s hand and put it in yours, gently stroking it, shaking it. Then release the child’s hand, again stretch yours and ask “give the handle”, slightly guiding the movement of the child’s hand. And so several times in a row, until the child himself on this instruction will not reach out.
   If you see that the baby is already making attempts to stand on his feet, holding on to the bed, hold the bright toy at such a distance that he can grab it only when he gets up.
   Your child is already free, holding his hands on the support. Stimulate him to walk. To do this, attract him with gestures, toys or objects that attract him especially.
   Give your child multi-colored cubes (no more than 6 pieces). Show how you can put one cube on another and build a tower. Help the child, control his hands and gradually complicate the games, for example, you say: “First, give me a red dice, no, it's yellow, and this is red. Now green. Where is green? ”Etc. Play with cubes of different sizes.
   In the process of bathing a child, play with him, for example, the following game: “Come on, Yulechka, wash the doll’s face. Where are her eyes? Where is her nose? Show me. Now let's wash her hands. Where are the doll's pens? Show ”etc.
Play with your child in “Teremok”. To do this, you need to make a house of cardboard and 3-4 toys: a cockerel, a bunny, a dog, a cat. “Look, who lives in a small tower? Who, who lives in a low? Come on, whoever lives there. Ku-ka-re-ku! Who is it? The cockerel is a golden scallop. Here, pet him. Well, go back to the house, cockerel. Who, who else lives in a teremochka? Who is that gray? This is a bunny. The bunny rode back to his house. Who else lives there? Av-Av I am a dog. Av-Av What a good dog. Look, ran away, hid. But look, who is meowing there? Meow meow. Who is it? This is pussycat. Stroke kitty. Kitty ran away. Everyone hid in a house. Let's call them. Pull them with pens. That’s all come running. Cockerel, bunny, dog, kitty. ” When the child remembers the names of all animals, replace them with others.

For a child from 1.5 months, massage is a good exercise for the development of psychomotor. Massage must be done with warm hands, smeared with baby cream. With light strokes, you massage your child’s hands from the hand to the shoulder, then the body, chest from the middle to the sides, stomach, back from the neck to the buttocks. Then, with your fingers, gently pinch the buttocks, stroking the legs, starting from the foot. Rub the feet of the child from the fingers to the heel and back. It is good to do such a massage daily, before bathing the baby. The duration of the exercises is 5-6 minutes.
   From four months, do special gymnastics with your child.


Under influence different games  and the nursery rhyme, the baby learns to receive unconscious pleasure from the special rhythmic intonation that distinguishes the nursery rhyme from ordinary speech.

As long as the child is not one and a half years old, the maintenance does not have much significance. The action itself is important. Such small children value various sounds, phrases and rhythmic designs more.

Nurseries have a comprehensive developmental impact on the psychoemotional, speech, intellectual sphere of a small child. Here are some examples.

   “There is a horned goat.”
  Lean over the child, smile, catch his gaze and condemn:

There is a horned goat
  There is a butted goat
  Legs Top Top,
  Eyes clap-clap:
  “Who doesn’t eat porridge,
  He doesn’t drink milk
  I’m gored, gored, gored. ”

“Fight” the child with his fingers, shake him. Play this game more often and you will see that at first the child will smile, listening to your voice, then he will make joyful sounds and move his arms and legs briskly. Such a response indicates the development of positive emotions, visual and auditory perception.

   “Okay, okay.”
  Take the child in his arms and, clapping his hands, sentence:

Okay ladies!
  Where were you? - By Grandma.
  What did you eat? - Porridge.
  What did you drink? - Mash.
  They ate the porridge
  They drank beer - Shu-oo-oo ... Flew!
  They sat on the head.

With the last words, raise the child's handles to the head. Play this game at every opportunity. First, you make all the movements for the child, and then he can clap his hands and raise the handles to his head. Attention, memory, conceptual thinking, emotions develop.

The game “Forty-white-sided” well develops fine motor skills of the fingers, is an excellent incentive for speech development, gives the baby a joyful bodily contact with his mother. Do this exercise necessarily on the right and left hand. Very useful finger massage.

The appearance of a little man in the family always brings a lot of happy emotions and boundless happiness to the house, however, in addition to pleasant emotions, various questions about the psychological and physical development of the baby appear in the heads of young parents. Naturally, when crumbs are born, various experts confirm it physical healthHowever, the work of parents is to teach their baby everything that they can do themselves. Naturally, the first skill of a newly born man is to absorb useful mother's milk, the first screams and sighs, subsequently the child must walk, talk and much more. It is in these endeavors that parents should make a lot of efforts so that the child develops fully and harmoniously, so we will try to give comprehensive answers and recommendations to many questions.

All forty weeks in the womb, the child feels comfortable, but motor functions are limited, because the baby is surrounded by water and everything that is necessary for life he miraculously receives from his mother. With the birth of stress, the little one does not understand where to go, what to breathe, what to eat, how to learn to hold the head, all this is necessary for parents to know in order to provide the necessary assistance in acquiring useful skills.

The bones are very fragile, the muscles are practically not developed, so the newborn looks like a worm, the head of which involuntarily throws back. Parents should support the crumbs and prevent the head from tilting back, because such actions can lead to serious injuries of the cervical spine and the development of complex diseases in the future. There are many exercises and practices that will allow young parents to teach their child to keep their heads on their own.

Teaching techniques for young parents

By a certain time, a newborn child must learn to independently hold the head in a different position, this is important for proper feeding, and is an indicator of full development. However, if the baby does not fit into the planned schedule and holds his head poorly, you should not ring the bells and doubt its usefulness. There are a number of circumstances that may impede the development of the child:

Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, which allow the child to develop correctly.

Food that is unbalanced and not suitable for the baby.

Poorly formed skeletal and muscular structure due to premature birth (prematurity).

Cervical trauma received during childbirth.

Various violations of the cervical spine, a common ailment - torticollis.

Problems of the central nervous system, the development of neurological diseases.

Lack of training at home, which parents should regularly conduct.

If at least one of the above items corresponds to your problem, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will prescribe all the necessary tests and make a diagnosis. Based on the decision of the medical commission, special exercises will be offered that will help the baby develop properly and catch up with her peers.

Today, there are a fairly large number of techniques that can teach a child to hold the head on their own, however, they are all divided into several groups:

- Exercises for training the baby on the tummy.

- Workouts conducted on the back.

- Exercises in an upright position.

We consider each of the subgroups in detail, it is worth noting that for the proper development of muscle memory, you need to do exercises, both on the abdomen and on the back. For a newborn child, it is very important to learn in a timely manner to perform various tasks, regardless of body position. In the mother’s stomach, the child is in a twisted position, respectively, and the neck muscles are practically not involved, the baby does not need to turn his head and examine the world around him, for forty weeks there have been few interesting events in his life.

Having been born, the child enters a completely different world and it is important for him to understand what surrounds him, and for this it is necessary to raise his head and consider everything around. The first workouts must be started already in three weeks and it is best to do this while lying on the tummy. To teach a child to keep the head lying on his stomach is quite simple, but patience is required in every business.

Follow these steps regularly and the result will not be long in coming:

Periodically between feedings, lay the baby on the changing table strictly on the tummy, make sure that the wound on the navel has healed and does not bring the baby discomfort. This situation should force the baby to spontaneously raise the head and put it on the shoulder, because he will be interested in what is happening around.

To maintain interest, put bright toys, shiny candy wrappers and colorful books that will surely attract the attention of the child and make him raise his head. This exercise must be done for several minutes throughout the day, do not be lazy, because the correct development depends on you.

To strengthen the muscular skeleton, you need to constantly massage the back and the whole body, this will allow you to quickly build muscle and strengthen it. Massage can be done according to the guidelines with light strokes and pats, it is best to invite a professional several times for a training course. Muscle tone will depend on the frequency of the massage, and, accordingly, the child’s ability to quickly learn to raise his head.

Putting your child on the tummy, start swinging it in different directions, this exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles, and also promotes the development of coordination. While the child is trying to focus on one position, he begins to strain his muscles and keep the head stationary, slightly lifting it.

During sleep, try to monitor the baby’s position and constantly turn it over, this is very important because the newborn’s muscular memory is well developed and the same situation can aggravate the situation, crumbs will just develop the habit of putting their head in a certain position. Even when the little ones are awake, try to shift him from place to place and adjust his head so that he explores the world around him.

They perfectly strengthen muscles and develop coordination of exercises on phytobole, the main thing is to perform them in a lying position on the tummy. Roll the little one on the sword, supporting him by the armpits, he will involuntarily begin to twist his head and will try to hold it.

In addition to lying on your stomach, you need to learn other teaching techniques, you need to teach your child to keep his head on his back, for this regular training is necessary and they differ significantly from the exercises presented earlier. To get the result, you need to practice every day and devote enough time to the exercises, it is best to start with the following:

Being in the mother’s tummy, the child was in contact with water all the time he was there, so this condition is familiar to him, you can start training in the bathroom. Get a special circle and put your little one on the back, stroking his tummy, start to slightly raise his shoulders, supporting the head, over time, the baby will understand that the head needs to be lifted along with the shoulders and will independently perform similar manipulations.

Using a mattress for water procedures, you can conduct gymnastic exercises in the bathroom, laying the baby on the back. Raising the legs and arms, turning it in different directions, muscles are perfectly strengthened, which will allow you to independently raise the head.

When the child is lying on his back, you need to lift him by the arms and shoulders, gently without damaging the joints, in the wake of the shoulders and chest, the child will begin to raise his head by inertia, without even attaching importance to this. After the baby begins to hold the head for more than five seconds, it is recommended to perform exercises on a special ball and in a different body position.

To teach a child to keep his head upright is quite simple, but you can do this at the very last stage. Taking your baby in his arms, lay it on his tummy and support his neck, the child will try to maintain balance and, due to curiosity, will begin to raise his head.

There is no need to rush things and bother the child with excessive training, if his vestibular apparatus, cervical spine and nervous system are in perfect order he will perfectly learn to raise his head independently in a timely manner. Hurry parents can lead to irreversible consequences, which can cause serious injuries to the spine and neck. All exercises must be performed carefully and carefully, because the bone structure of the newborn is very fragile.

How to prevent deviations in the development of a newborn baby?

Naturally, with the appearance of the baby, parents have not only happy moments, but also a lot of fears, because the child is a huge responsibility. Young mothers often ask questions about how to avoid various troubles and developmental delays in their newborn babies. After childbirth, doctors examine the child and give recommendations for care, first of all, you need to pay attention to whether the child began to hold his head and at what time this happened.

It is worth noting that correctly developing crumbs make their first attempts already in the third week of life, however, without any support they begin to keep their heads closer to four months, this is absolutely normal and correct. If you saw that the child keeps his head excellently in a month, it’s worth thinking and you should definitely consult a doctor, the fact is that such a condition can be caused by increased intracranial pressure, which is a deviation from the norm. However, even in such a situation, there is no need to sound the alarm; there are special preparations, various exercises and masses that will eliminate the problem in infancy and ensure the further proper development of the child.

Do not forget that the happy life of the baby, its full psychological and physical development, depends entirely on you. Pay more attention to classes, monitor your diet and try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, discovering this beautiful world with your little one.