
What male name is suitable for a patronymic? Middle name for girls. Boy's patronymic name Vyacheslavovich

The time comes to choose a name for a newborn, and many parents find themselves confused - which name to choose? There are a huge number of them - and exotic ones (unusual, but so beautiful!). Moreover, the names of beloved relatives and screen “idols”. There is a lot to be confused about. But there is a simple and proven rule - to name a child after compatibility of first name and patronymic.

Choosing a first name- this is the key to ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, does not experience discomfort from an absurd combination, and, moreover, does not become an object of ridicule. If the “inappropriate” name can be changed, then we inherit the patronymic. Therefore, when choosing a name for your baby, it is logical to start from the middle name.

The name must match the sound of the patronymic and be pronounced easily and freely. Agree that Valery Dmitrievich is much easier to pronounce than Gennady Dmitrievich. And Irina Arkadyevna makes a better impression than Irina Ivanovna. Experts in the field of names advise paying attention to “hard” and “soft” patronymics. Soft or neutral names go better with a solid patronymic - Olga Eduardovna will most likely have a complex, almost masculine character, and Alexey Mikhailovich may grow up to be overly flexible. Name researchers advise against giving a child the name of a deceased relative. Thus, you seem to allow a repetition of his fate in the life of your child.

Why is numerological analysis of first and middle names necessary?

When choosing a name for your child, remember that by doing so you are creating the “core” of the future personality. And here numerological testing of the intended name is very useful. The sum of the numerical values ​​of the vowels of a name will tell you what true desires a person will have, which will become the main motivation for his actions. The number of the middle name shows what quality traits your baby received from his ancestors. And the full name (first name, patronymic, last name) or Expression Number will determine the general direction of a person’s life. Taking into account all these factors, you will be able to develop certain abilities of your daughter or son, adjust the upbringing process and balance your character.

What to consider when choosing a name for a boy.

For those parents who stand before choosing a boy's name by patronymic, it is not recommended to dwell on the father's name. Not only is Lev Lvovich or Kirill Kirillovich quite difficult to pronounce when paired with a middle name, such children usually inherit not the most positive character traits of their dad. And, choosing a male name by patronymic, make sure that at the junction of the name and patronymic there is no accumulation of consonants or vowels (few people can pronounce Mark Dmitrievich without hesitation).

Tips for choosing a name for a girl.

At choosing a girl's name by patronymic It should be remembered that fashionable names that are analogues of male names (Alexandra, Evgeniya) are recommended to be combined with soft middle names (Mikhailovna, Ilyinichna). Otherwise, your daughter may develop a too quarrelsome, firm character. Think carefully if choosing a female name falls in the name of the child's mother. Even with differences patronymic, it will be difficult for mother and daughter with the same names to find a common language. And if you want to give your daughter an “overseas” name, see if it will sound as ridiculous in combination with a middle name as Cleopatra Konstantinovna or Snezhana Ivanovna.

In the vast majority of cases, a person turns to the help of numerology after reaching adulthood. At the same time, he already understands the characteristics of his personality quite well and soberly assesses his strengths and weaknesses. He takes the numerological description of his character as a given. Indeed, the numbers forming the name and date of birth have already deeply and firmly penetrated all areas of his life, shaped his environment, and set the necessary directions for development. In this case, there are no longer any ways to influence fate; you can only understand yourself more deeply, become more flexible and learn to reliably cover up those personality traits that, by definition, cannot be developed.

Fate and character of the child by name and date of birth

A completely different situation arises in the case of an unborn child. A fantastic opportunity opens up for future parents to give their baby something they can no longer do for themselves. A competent approach to choosing a child’s name allows you to lay the foundation for the development of outstanding and bright qualities of a future personality, make his character balanced, and significantly reduce the risks of unwanted deviations (alcohol, drugs, mental trauma, etc.).

All this sounds like fantasy, but what about Fate? - You ask. And you will be absolutely right. The thing is that we cannot influence many parameters. First of all, this concerns the date of birth, as we know the exact moment of birth is impossible to predict. Secondly, do not forget about the child’s last and patronymic names; they are already predetermined and very few people are capable of such an ambiguous act as changing these components of the baby’s future name.

How to choose a name for a child, taking into account patronymics and surnames of parents ?

Each letter of the full name (last name, first name and patronymic) corresponds to a numerical value that contributes to the character, abilities and talents of the child. A large number of identical numbers indicates qualities that will manifest themselves clearly; missing numbers determine the weaknesses and pain points of the individual. The total value of the numerical series of a name determines a person’s capabilities, his predisposition to certain areas of activity and professions.

You can choose a suitable name for your child by filling out the following form. The calculation is free, no SMS required.

Selecting a name by date of birth of the child or by month of birth

If your baby has already been born, but you have not yet chosen a suitable name for him, we suggest using the service for selecting a child’s name by date of birth. This is the most accurate method that gives the most complete description of the future personality.

If your baby has not yet been born, you can only indicate the month and year of birth. The calculation is absolutely free, no SMS is required.


Sometimes a child is named after his mother or father. If you decide that there should be two Alexanders or Lyudmila in your family, come up with a diminutive name for the baby that is different from yours. Then little Milochka will not be confused with mom Lyuda, and son Sanya with his dad Sasha.

Another popular technique is combining parts of parents' names. Usually the resulting word is called . Babies with the sonorous and strange Igtala, Dana, Sana or Tara are not so rare. Before you give an unusual name to your son, think about your future grandchildren - after all, they will have to bear an equally unusual middle name.

A safer option is to choose a name from existing ones that are quite harmonious. For example, the daughter of Sergei and Anna can be called Snezhana, and the son Arsentiy. If your parents' names are Taras and Tatyana, support the family tradition. Timofey, Timur, Tamara or Taisiya are suitable for children.

Having found a suitable name, be sure to think about how it will sound in combination with the middle name. Perhaps the idea of ​​calling Oleg’s daughter Olga is sweet and original, but when she grows up she will be called Olga Olegovna, which doesn’t sound very nice. The more difficult the middle name is to pronounce, the simpler the name should be. Call Eugene’s son Peter or Ilya, but Innocent or Anatoly will create an unpronounceable combination.

You should be especially careful with foreign and outdated names. If your name is Roland, you should not name your daughter Anfisa or Glafira. But Alice, Alina or Maria will suit her - the combination will be unusual, but quite harmonious.

Consider whether the chosen name will go with the surname. For example, with a difficult surname like Kislaya, you should not give the name Lily or Rose. Choose another one that does not carry additional semantic load.

Write your invented first name, middle name and last name. The initials should also look beautiful. If three letters in a row form a funny or meaningful combination, look for other options.


  • how to choose names for children

Many parents, when thinking about choosing a name for a child, want it to be sonorous and beautiful. But opinions differ about which name can be considered sonorous. To understand this issue, it is necessary to understand what determines the nature of the sound in any word, including a name.

Phonetic analysis of the name

A name, like any other word, consists of sounds. Depending on the nature of their extraction, sounds are divided into vowels, which consist of voice, and consonants, consisting of voice and noise. Depending on the degree of “noisiness”, consonants, in turn, can be divided into

Sonorant, in which sound prevails over noise ([p], [l], [n], etc.)
- deaf, in which noise prevails over sound.

The least sonorous, therefore, can be called hissing and whistling sounds.

It follows from this that the more vowels and sonorant consonants in a name, the more sonorous it will be, and vice versa, if the name is dominated by dull, especially hissing and whistling sounds, it will be difficult to call such a name “sonorous”.

To understand how good a name sounds, you can break it down into syllables and analyze each of them. It is clear that a syllable ending with a vowel will be more sonorous than one ending with a consonant, especially a voiceless one.

Determining the nature of sounds

Official science believes that sound in itself does not carry meaning. However, there is no doubt that sounds pronounced sequentially, as well as each of them separately, have a certain emotional impact on a person.

An interesting study on this topic was conducted at one time by the Soviet philologist A.P. Zhuravlev. During the experiment, he asked participants to characterize the vowel sounds of the Russian language and think about what... color they are. It turned out that the opinions of the majority of the experiment participants coincided:

And described as deep red
I was seen as bright red
O was perceived as light yellow or white
E – green
E – yellow-green
E was described as greenish
And most “saw” him as blue
Wu was perceived in different ways: as dark blue, blue-green, purple; but, in any case, it was a “dark” sound
Yu was “similar” to U, but had a lighter “shade”: bluish, lilac
Y was seen by all participants as gloomy, dark brown or black in color.

Such unanimity can hardly be called an accident. The experiment showed that people in general perceive certain sounds similarly. And since vowels are the most pronounced and “noticeable” sounds in any word, it is clear that a name, for example, containing vowels such as “i”, “e”, “yu”, “o” will be generally perceived by others as “lighter”, and magnification, in which the vowels “u” or “a” predominate, will be more “darker”. It is necessary to take into account that the most “important” sound that determines the impression that a name makes on a person will be

Deep in the subconscious, each name evokes associations with a specific person, so a person we like is always associated with his name. In addition, there is a theory that the sounds present in each name and differing in pitch are capable of stimulating certain parts of the brain and thus influencing not only its bearer, but also the people around him.

Today we will talk about how to choose the right names for boys by patronymic and in the table that you will find below, you can choose the names most consonant with the patronymic for a boy.

Some names have a hard, harsh sound: Dmitry, Igor, Anatoly, etc. Children with such names are constantly exposed to sound stimuli, due to which they develop a stubborn and persistent character. Such children are distinguished by independence and determination. Owners of names that sound soft (for example, Alexey, Mikhail, Vasily, Ilya and the like) are usually distinguished by a calm and flexible character.

Between hard and soft names there are also intermediate, neutral names: Andrey, Arkady, Artem, Alexander, Vitaly, Valentin, Pavel, Roman, etc. People with such names are characterized by balance, prudence, and some perseverance.

Middle name also plays a big role. Excellent middle names Vladimirovich and Yaroslavovich, they greatly contribute to achieving results. Next on the list are Mikhailovichi, Sergeevichi, Pavlovichi and Petrovichi.

Combinations of names ending with a consonant with patronymics beginning with it sound difficult. And if at the same time they themselves have a lot of consonants, for example, Eduard Dmitrievich, Alexander Dmitrievich, then the interlocutors often distort the first name and patronymic, which leads to constant anxiety of the person, to the expectation of the next distortion. When choosing a name for your child, try to consider such names of boys by patronymic, which form the most harmonious pronunciation in the combination of first name and patronymic.

Choosing a name for a child, parents often make the same mistake - they do not take into account how the middle name will influence the child’s name. In the best case, a simply consonant combination of name and patronymic is selected, while the influence of the father’s name, that is, the patronymic, is completely ignored. But the patronymic is the connection between the child and the father, the foundation on which the child’s name will be based. The influence of the patronymic does not appear immediately, but only after quite a long time, namely, at the moment the child enters adulthood and begins his working activity.

It is in the correct selection of a name for the patronymic that the child’s future pride in himself lies. When, when addressing him, people will respectfully call him by his first name and patronymic - what could be more pleasant. When choosing a name, it is imperative to take into account the influence of the patronymic, as well as their overall influence on the character of a person, on his inclinations, abilities, life attitudes, because ultimately all this influences the fate of a person.

Try to choose something euphonious and easy to pronounce when paired with your middle name. name for your baby. Below you can see the table of boys' names by patronymic and which combinations with the patronymic are the most harmonious.

To start selecting a name, please read the methods and recommendations indicated on this page. The service is paid.

Selection options

Method 1 is one of the main ones. With the help of numerology, you can determine a person’s character, his habits, inclinations, aspirations, as well as what awaits him in the future. Using the numerical numerological alphabet, all possible names are compared with specific patronymics and surnames, and the results of calculating fate using this method are determined. Since the decoding of a name contains both positive and negative meanings, the system analyzes and displays only those names that have only positive meanings from the point of view of numerology.

Examples of meanings of the numerological alphabet: positive - well-being, love, family, political activity, desire for profit, courage, honesty, etc., negative - war, disaster, sacrifice, destruction, disastrous consequence, poverty, crime, narrow-mindedness. We analyzed many people and the results showed that the values ​​obtained after deciphering the first and last names are somehow reflected in the person’s fate. And if one strives to reduce negative values, then a person’s fate will be easier and more successful. This numerological alphabet allows us to get a certain imprint of a person’s fate based on his full name, and depending on the chosen name, we impose a certain fate on the person. The presented alphabet allows you to obtain this data in a clear, simple form and make the appropriate selection of a name.

On our one of the first sites on the page Secret of the name, numerology of the name in the section “Secrets of the name -> fate” you can make completely free calculations of your data, relatives, etc. and better understand how it all works. Therefore, the name selection service is based on the fact that only those names are selected whose meanings, when deciphering the first name, last name and patronymic, turned out to be favorable.

As a result of the selection, we get a list of names that, in terms of pronunciation or meaning, may not be liked. For example, you choose from popular names, but the resulting decoding does not turn out very well, then at least you can choose the second “correct” name. In ancient times, people were always given several names, although this tradition has remained to this day. The first is a worldly name, and the second secret name is kept secret so as not to be jinxed or damaged, etc. As one of the options, you can choose a secret name using this method.

The priest's answer regarding the second "secret" name:
“At the same time, the presence of several names for a person has been a common phenomenon since ancient times and did not lead to any division. Many biblical persons had two names: the patriarchs Jacob (Israel) and Joseph (Tzafnaf-paneah). The Prophet Daniel in Babylon was given his second name is Belshazzar. He held high government positions under the Chaldean and Persian kings. Therefore, his second name was in constant use. He never refused the name (Daniel), which was given to him at circumcision on the 8th day. Simon, brother of Andrew The First-Called, our Lord Jesus Christ, accepting one of His apostles, called Peter (John 1:42). The name given by his parents was also preserved during his later life: “Jesus says to Simon Peter: Simon the Jonah!” (John 21:15). Many Russian saints had two names: Grand Prince Olga (in holy baptism Elena), Grand Prince Vladimir (in holy baptism Vasily).His children: St. Boris (Roman ) and Gleb (David). Monks often have a mismatch between their secular name and the one given during tonsure. And since the name in the passport remains the same, when drawing up any document you have to give the previous name."

A striking example of the effective use of numerology is the fact that successful and popular personalities resort to it: politicians, businessmen, artists, athletes. Although, maybe they became successful precisely because of the application of this knowledge in practice.

Method 2. One of the rules of numerology is that if the birthday number is higher than the name number, this means that the person is inclined to follow his basic inclinations, which may make it difficult to develop the traits of his name or name vibration number. Conversely, if the name number is higher than the birthday number, then the person's ambition and goals, expressed by this name number, predominate, so that the natural traits and inclinations of the individual are directed towards the circumstances of his choice. The human tendency is to set conditions rather than obey them.
A person with the same birthday and name has the opportunity to develop an even, harmonious character, the ability to take on all matters with ease.
It is not for nothing that many writers, actors and other people in creative professions take a pseudonym so that it coincides with the number of their birthday if it is successful, or improves it if it is not so successful.
Therefore, you can choose a name in which the number of the name will correspond to the number of birth. Calculate the child's birth date.

When choosing a name, it is best to give preference to the first method, and the second method can be used as a complement to the first. It is also possible to apply both methods separately; to do this, you need to select the appropriate setting on the name selection page.

Tip 1. When choosing a name, consider all possible options. How will it sound in combination with the patronymic and surname? Do you get easy-to-pronounce and sonorous name options for your peers? Finally, will it be easy for the baby to pronounce it, because he will have to do it often! The more different variations of a name there are, the more different aspects of a personality will be able to acquire their name. So, if you want your child to be flexible, free in different situations and with a variety of people, choose a name that is easily varied. If, on the contrary, you want to encourage his loyalty, stability and constancy, look for a name that is difficult to change.

Tip 2. Whatever path you take, usually the name you choose for your baby is associated with some person. And intuitively you try your baby on him, expecting similar reactions, actions, and abilities from him. This is not bad, this is natural and normal, this is the mechanism of influence of your parental message expressed in the name. You should be wary when the child’s name becomes an excuse for some undesirable traits that hinder him (according to the principle “what can you do, Peters are all so stubborn!”) or when you begin to pay attention to those shortcomings of the baby that upset you in the prototype.

Tip 3. Under no circumstances should you name a child in honor of the memory of deceased relatives, for example, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister. This can cause the child to feel inferior on a subconscious level. The child is also exposed to the negative influence of the fate of deceased relatives, because parents, choosing a child’s name in honor of deceased relatives, recognize the possibility of their fate repeating in the child’s life.

Tip 4. Be aware that by choosing a name, you are thereby, consciously or not, encouraging and supporting certain traits in your son or daughter. This is your first message to your baby about how you want him to be, what kind of fate you wish for him.

We sincerely hope that the presented materials and services will play an important role in the process of choosing a name for your child, and when he grows up, he will be pleased with it.