
Imagine that you are instructed to organize a small sociological. How to conduct sociological research. Questions and tasks

Topics of plans for the section "Sociology"

1. 1. Social stratification and its types.

2. 2. Social communities and groups.

3. 3. Youth and its role in modern society.

4. 4. Social status and social role.

5. 5. Social status and social mobility .

6. 6. Social mobility and its types.

7. 7. Social control and its types.

8. 8. Social norms and social sanctions.

9. 9. Deviant behavior.

10. 10. Family and its role in society.

11. 11. Nations and national relations.

12. 12. Social conflict and ways to resolve it


"Social stratification and its types"

1) The concept of social stratification. / Social stratification is a way of dividing society into groups for various reasons.

2) Functions of social stratification:

a) streamlining public life;

b) organizing people into groups;

c) socialization of the personality and its support.

3) Types of social stratification:

a) caste;

b) estate;

c) social class;

d) by strata.

4) Criteria of social stratification:

a) income (lower class, middle class, upper class);

b) education (with primary, secondary, higher education);

c) place of residence (townspeople, provincials, villagers);

d) professional activities (engineers, teachers, scientists, etc.);

e) ethnicity, etc.

5) Features of social stratification in modern society.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social Communities and Groups" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of social groups and communities. / Social community - a set of people, united by the conditions and goals of life.

2) Varieties of social communities:

a) nominal communities;

b) mass communities;

c) the audience;

d) social circles.

3) Signs of social groups:

a) the stability of the composition;

b) duration of existence;

c) certainty of composition and boundaries;

d) a common system of values ​​and norms;

e) awareness of their belonging to the group by each individual.

4) Classification of groups:

a) by the nature of connections (formal and informal);

b) by the level of interaction within the group (primary and secondary);

c) by volume (large and small);

d) depending on gender and age (demographic), etc.

5) Group cohesion and differentiation.

6) The specifics of the formation and interaction of social groups in modern Russia.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Youth and its role in modern society"

1) Youth is a special social group.

2) The boundaries of youth age, the most important stages of growing up:

a) teenagers (teenagers) - 16 - 18 years old;

b) youth - from 18 to 24 years;

c) young adults - from 25 to 30 years.

3) Features of youth age:

a) the desire to master new social roles;

b) maximalism, conflict with the values ​​of the older generation;

c) striving for the reorganization of the world (messianic complex);

d) positive and organic perception of innovations;

e) psychological instability, search for oneself, identity crisis.

4) Specificity of youth subculture:

a) youth fashion;

b) youth music and cinema;

c) youth slang;

5) The main problems of modern Russian youth:

a) reduction in the number of young people in the structure of the population;

b) the growth of youth unemployment and the decline in the prestige of a number of professions in society;

c) the deterioration of the health of the younger generation.

6) State youth policy in the Russian Federation.

7) The growing role of youth and youth movements in the modern world.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social status and social role" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

a) place of residence;

4) Relationship of social status and social role.

5) The structure of the role set of personality:

a) roles in the family;

b) roles in a small society;

c) roles in professional activities;

d) roles in civic activities, etc.

6) The predominance of achieved statuses in modern society.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social Status and Social Mobility"

1) The concept of social status. / Social status - a characteristic of a person's position in society.

2) Signs of social status:

a) place of residence;

b) level of education and profession;

c) style of behavior and clothes, etc.

3) The main types of social statuses:

a) prescribed (given, congenital);

b) achieved (acquired).

4) Social mobility is the process of status change.

5) Manifestations of social mobility:

a) vertical mobility (implies a change in status);

b) horizontal mobility (no change of status).

6) A high level of social mobility is a characteristic feature of modern society.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social mobility and its types" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Social mobility - the process of changing a person's position in society. / The concept of social mobility.

2) Social mobility as a characteristic feature of the type of society:

a) societies with a low level of mobility;

b) societies with a high level of mobility.

3) The main channels of social mobility (social lifts):

a) family;

b) the education system;

c) professional activity;

d) public service, etc.

4) Manifestations of social mobility:

a) by direction (vertical mobility (implies a change in status) and horizontal mobility (without a change in status));

b) by composition (individual and group).

5) Career as one of the types of social mobility.

6) Migration processes are a kind of social mobility in modern society.

6) Features of the processes of social mobility in the modern Russian Federation.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social control and its types" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of social control. / Social control is a set of ways in which society influences the behavior of an individual and groups.

2) Signs of social control:

a) orderliness, categorical and formalized;

b) connection with sanctions - punishments for violation of norms and rewards for their observance;

c) collective exercise of control.

3) Functions of social control:

a) regulatory (regulation of people's lives);

b) protective (preservation of values ​​and ideals existing in society);

c) stabilizing (ensuring people's behavior in standard situations).

4) Elements of social control:

a) social norms;

b) social sanctions.

5) Types (circles) of social control:

a) formal control through legal norms;

b) informal control through moral norms, customs, mores;

c) social control in professional activity;

d) social control in the family and private life;

6) The inextricable link between external control and self-control exercised by the individual.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social Norms and Social Sanctions" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of social norms. / Social norms are the rules of behavior adopted in society.

2) Functions of social norms:

a) coordination of people's activities;

b) mastering the rules of life in society for the younger generation;

c) act as characteristic features of groups.

3) Types of social norms:

a) moral standards;

b) legal norms;

c) customs and traditions;

d) rituals, ceremonies;

e) etiquette.

4) Social sanctions - measures of the impact of society on the individual:

a) on presentation (formal and informal);

b) in relation to the personality (positive, negative).

5) The complexity of combining various norms and sanctions in modern society.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Deviant Behavior" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The concept of deviant behavior. / Deviant behavior - behavior that deviates from generally accepted norms.

2) Causes of deviant behavior:

a) the influence of the family and family education;

b) the presence of special abilities and talents;

c) crisis phenomena in society;

d) problems of youth socialization.

3) Types of deviant behavior:

a) positive;

b) negative.

4) The reaction of society to various manifestations of social deviation.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic The family and its role in society . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The family is the primary unit of society. / The family is an institution for the reproduction and development of society.

2) Properties of a family as a small group:

a) the presence of consanguinity or marriage ties;

b) joint housekeeping, domestic relations.

3) The main functions of the family:

a) reproductive;

b) leisure;

c) social status;

d) economic;

e) emotional and psychological;

e) educational.

4) Family Forms:

a) by composition (nuclear, generational, complete, incomplete);

b) by the nature of the relationship between members (traditional (patriarchal), partnership (democratic)).

5) Trends in the development of the family in modern society:

a) equal distribution of rights and duties in the family;

b) changing traditional gender roles in families;

c) an increase in the number of early marriages and their breakdown;

d) loss of old traditions, holidays and authority of adult family members;

e) an increase in the number of divorces and sexual emancipation;

f) increasing the employment of women outside the family, the interests of family members not related to family life.

6) Features of family development in modern Russia.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Nations and National Relations" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Ethnic groups in the structure of society. / Nations - a special kind of ethnic group.

2) Signs of an ethnic group:

a) the presence of the territory of residence;

b) common language, traditions, customs;

c) commonality of historical and sociocultural experience;

d) similar features of appearance, character and mentality.

3) Varieties of ethnic groups:

a) clan and tribe;

b) nationality;

c) nation;

4) The main trends in the development of interethnic relations:

a) international integration;

b) international differentiation.

5) Democratic principles of interethnic relations:

a) equality of representatives of different nations in all spheres of society;

b) free access to the study of national languages, customs and traditions;

c) the right of citizens to determine their nationality;

d) development of tolerance and multicultural dialogue in society;

e) creating in society an intolerant attitude towards xenophobia, chauvinism, propaganda of national exclusiveness.

6) Interethnic relations and national policy in modern Russia.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social conflict and ways to resolve it" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of social conflict. / Social conflict is a clash of interests of individuals and groups.

2) The main causes of conflicts: a) unfavorable working conditions;

b) dissatisfaction with wages;

c) psychological incompatibility of people;

d) difference of essential interests and principles;

e) redistribution of influence in a group or between groups;

f) ideological differences (political and religious), g) unfair distribution of values ​​(income, knowledge, information, benefits).

3) Types of social conflicts:

a) intrapersonal or personality-role (the clash occurs in the soul of the person himself);

b) interpersonal (disagreements arise between two or more members of the group);

c) intergroup - groups of people are drawn into the struggle, each of which has its own interests and goals.

d) conflict of belonging - a person is included in two groups that compete with each other.

e) conflict with the external environment - rejection of state organizations, laws, norms, rules, traditions and customs.

4) Stages of development of intergroup conflict:

a) the gradual strengthening of the participants in the conflict through the introduction of new forces;

b) an increase in the number of problem situations and a deepening of the primary problem situation;

c) increasing the conflict activity of the participants, involving new people;

d) an increase in emotional tension;

e) change in attitude to a problem situation or conflict in general.

5) Constructive and destructive ways of resolving conflicts.

6) Increasing social culture, readiness for the negotiation process and compromise are the leading ways to resolve conflicts in the modern world.

  1. What is meant by political participation?
  2. What are its forms?
  3. Expand the content of the concept of "political culture".
  4. What types of political culture do you know?
  5. What are the features of Russian political culture?

Think, Discuss, Do

1. Make a table "Typology of political culture."

2. Democratic political culture presupposes the presence of such personal qualities as tolerance, humanity, criticality. What else would you add to this list? Explain the answer.

3. Among the functions of political culture, scientists especially note: value-oriented, normative-regulatory, integration, innovation. How do you understand these features? Expand them on the example of one of the types of political culture.

4. Imagine that you are instructed to organize a small sociological study on the topic "The political culture of high school students in our school." Prepare a general research plan, including organizational questions, as well as questions for respondents. Discuss and implement this plan with your like-minded people. Make a report on the results of the work done.

Work with the source

Read the arguments of the modern Russian scientist E. V. Shestopal about the political socialization of the individual in the UK. Many ordinary Englishmen have been brought up (both by family, school and propaganda) in the belief that activity, active participation in all spheres of life can bring personal success. An active character is a national trait. This is facilitated by the socialization of the younger generation through all sorts of voluntary organizations, committees, clubs, commissions, associations, flourishing in all social strata.

In politics, socialization also presupposes the inculcation of an active position from childhood (through school discussion clubs, youth branches of parties, etc.). This applies primarily to professionals, from whom “gladiator” qualities are required, but involvement, although more superficial, is promoted as a positive characteristic of an ordinary person.

Shestopal E.V. Personality and politics. - M., 1988. - S. 94.

Questions and tasks to the source

  1. What is the political socialization of the individual?
  2. What institutions contribute to the political socialization of the British?
  3. Based on the text, show the connection between political socialization and political culture.
  4. Are the processes of political socialization similar in Great Britain and Russia? Justify your answer based on your personal experience.

Task B1 o Write down the missing word in the table. Branches of powerThe highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation LegislativeFederal Assembly of the Russian Federation Executive Decision: The executive power in the Russian Federation is the Government of the Russian Federation Answer: The Government of the Russian Federation. Content

Task B2 o Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "art". Imagery, emotionality, fantasy, validity, subjectivity. Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept. Solution: Art cannot be justified. Answer: Justification. Content

Task B3 o Establish a correspondence between the stage of economic activity and its manifestation: for each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column: MANIFESTATION STAGE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY A) accrual of bank interest on deposits 1) distribution B) purchase of shares 2) exchange C) making a profit D) selling registered bonds Decision: The correct sequence is the following: 1212 Answer: Contents

Task B4 o Find the constitutional obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated: 1) preserve nature and the environment 2) receive special education 3) pay legally established taxes and fees 4) resolve disputes in court 5) protect the Fatherland Solution: Get special education and resolve disputes in court - is not a constitutional obligation of citizens of the Russian Federation. At the same time, citizens are obliged to preserve nature and the environment, pay legally established taxes and fees, and protect the Fatherland. Answer: 135. Contents

Task B5 o Read the text below with each position numbered. (1)More and more people in the world are using mobile phones: they not only make or answer calls, but also text through SMS messages. (2) The habit of communicating using short, simple texts can lead to the fact that a person forgets how to talk heart to heart, delve into the intonations of the interlocutor and sympathize with him. (3) Dozens of phone users have been diagnosed with “SMS addiction” in a number of European countries. (4) Experts from the department of bad habits of one of the clinics recorded that people suffering from this disease can write SMS messages for seven or more hours a day. Determine which provisions of the text are A) factual in nature B) the nature of value judgments Decision: The correct sequence is the following: ABAA Answer: ABAA Contents

Task B6 o Read the text below with a number of words missing. “Society is dynamic: both individuals and social groups are constantly changing their ________ (1). This phenomenon is called the social _________ (2). Sociologists distinguish several types of it. Movements that do not change the social position of individuals and groups are called ________ (3) mobility. Examples are the transition from one age group to another, a change in job, and the relocation of people from one locality or country to another, i.e. ________ (4). ________ (5) mobility implies a qualitative change in the social position of a person. Examples include obtaining or losing a title of nobility in a feudal society, a professional career in a modern society, and so on. The channels of mobility are social ________ (6): family, school, property, church, army, etc.” A) migration B) mobility C) horizontal D) institution E) status F) vertical G) group H) stratification I) marginalization

Text for tasks C1-C4 o Try to do a little sociological research yourself. Ask people about the meaning of the words "spirit", "spiritual". You will be surprised at what different meanings your interlocutors will put into these words. For some, they will be associated with religion, the church (for example, "spiritual music"). Professional cultural figures are likely to note that spirituality is synonymous with creativity for them. Most people associate with the concepts of "spirit", "spiritual" ideas about the highest goals and meaning of human life, about the moral character of the individual ... We will proceed from the generally accepted definition of social activity as a conscious, expedient activity of people aimed at changing nature and society. As a result of social activity, objects are created that satisfy a variety of needs: tools, food and clothing, government and cultural institutions, works of art, architectural ensembles, and scientific works. That side of human activity, which is aimed not at the processing of the "substance of nature", but at the processing of "people by people", that is, ultimately, at changing the qualities of the social subjects themselves, we will call spiritual activity, and its products - spiritual values. A striking example of spiritual activity is the work of a teacher, as well as an artist, priest, and journalist. To be precise, in philosophy it is customary to distinguish three types of social activity: practical, spiritual, and spiritual-practical. However, here I deliberately go for some simplification in order to make my idea more understandable. How are spiritual values ​​different from all others? Let's take a book as an example. It has all the attributes of a material, sensible thing: it can be seen and touched, moved from place to place, even destroyed (which, however, should not be done). Valuable natural materials and a lot of living, animated labor have been invested in the creation of the book. Finally, a book, like many other goods, has a market value. What specific properties give us the right to single out a book among other objects of the outside world, referring it, first of all and mainly to spiritual values ​​(A. V. Zakharov) Content С1 С2 С3 С4

Task C1 o How, according to the author of this text, do spiritual and social activities relate? What, according to A.V. Zakharov, spiritual activity is aimed at. What is the result of spiritual activity? Read the article Solution: Elements of the correct answer: 1) the ratio of spiritual and social activities is shown. Namely: spiritual activity is one of the sides of the social. activities; 2) shows the direction of the spirit. activities: aimed at processing "people people", i.e., in the end, changing the qualities of the social themselves. Objects; 3) spirit result is shown. activities: shaping the spirit. values. Content

Task С2 o Several meanings of the words "spiritual", "spirit" were given in the text. List four of them. Read the article Decision: 1) spiritual - connected with the church, religion; 2) spiritual - creativity, the ability to be creative; 3) ideas about the meaning of life and higher goals; 4) the idea of ​​the morality of the individual. Content

Task C3 o On the basis of the text, the facts of public life and personal experience, use three examples to confirm the validity of the author's statement that the work of a journalist, teacher, priest, artist personifies spiritual activity. Read the article Solution: Here are some relevant examples: 1. the teacher, telling about the heroic pages of the past, brings up patriotic feelings among the youth; 2. convincing acting in the film encourages many viewers to get acquainted with the original source; 3. the priest, through his sermon, contributes to the conversion to a righteous life, to moral values; 4. A journalist writing an article about the problems of the country is able to influence the civic consciousness of citizens. Content

Task C4 o The author speaks of a book as a subject in which the spiritual and material aspects are inextricably linked. Name three properties that make it possible to classify a book as a product of spiritual culture. Read the article Solution: Here is a variant of the correct properties: 1) a fiction book is a reflection of the inner world, the author's value system; 2) a scientific book contains knowledge, it preserves and transmits the experience of generations; 3) the main thing in the book is its content, addressed to the needs, personal experience, interests of the reader, i.e. to his spiritual world. Content

Task C5 What do social scientists mean by the term "social group"? Using the knowledge of the course of social science, you need to make two sentences that contain information about social. groups in society. Solution: 1) Let's define the concept of "social group". It can be, for example, as follows: "a social group is any set of people that has a common significant social attribute"; 2) Here are two sentences. duration of existence, sex and age - Being in a group, a person can realize his social essence.

Task C6 o Name any three economy. state functions. Illustrate each of them with an example. Solution: An example of a correct answer: 1. Function - the creation of public goods. Examples are communications, transport, defense. 2. Function - the redistribution of income. An example is fiscal policy. 3. Function - legal regulation of financial and economic relations. An example is antitrust law. Content

Task C7 o The star of the television series starred in a black-and-white non-commercial film with complex content. The film received high marks from film critics, but box office fees were low. What form of culture would you classify this film as? Give two signs of this. With the help of knowledge from the course of social science, give at least one more sign of this form of culture. Solution: 1. This movie belongs to the elite form of culture. (form of culture) 2. Signs: - complex content; - focus not on making a profit An example of an additional feature: - sufficient preparedness of the audience. Content

Task C8 o You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The environmental crisis as a global problem of our time." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. Decision: When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account: - the correctness of the wording of the points of the plan in terms of their relevance to the given topic and the clarity of the expression of thought; - reflection in terms of the main aspects of the topic in a certain (adequate given topic) sequence. One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic: 1) What problems have become global for humanity? 2) The essence of the ecological crisis and its connection with other global problems 3) What caused the ecological crisis? 4) Manifestations and consequences of the ecological crisis 5) Ways to overcome the ecological crisis? a) changing the attitude of people to nature; b) science in the service of ecology; c) the "green" movement. Content

Political culture is studied by scientists on the basis of different scientific approaches and is interpreted in science ambiguously. She, in the figurative expression of the modern American philosopher W. James, is "a blooming and buzzing confusion." And yet we will try to understand this political phenomenon.

Note that political culture is usually considered at two levels: the individual and society.

Political culture of the individual is a combination of three components: knowledge about the world of politics, political value orientations, ways of practical political actions.

Political knowledge can be of a scientific nature, but it can also exist at the level of everyday ideas. In everyday ideas, political phenomena are often distorted. For example, freedom is understood as permissiveness, consensus as conciliation, and democracy as the ability to do whatever you want. Knowledge of political science helps to adequately perceive the political reality. A person with scientific knowledge is less susceptible to misinformation and manipulation of his political consciousness. He, as a rule, critically comprehends what he heard and read.

However, it must be borne in mind that the political ideas of even the most educated person can be greatly influenced by the stable stereotypes that have developed in society, which have become an integral feature of people's political thinking. For example, during the reign of Stalin, only a few admitted the thought of his personal guilt in mass repressions and other lawlessness.

Political value orientations occupy a central place in the structure of the political culture of the individual. They include judgments, opinions of a person about political ideals, goals and principles of a reasonable and desirable social order, ways to achieve it, political mechanisms of functioning, etc. Political orientations are formed under the influence of knowledge, emotional personal attitude to political phenomena and their own assessments. In other words, value orientations express people's subjective political positions. At the same time, the value orientations of the individual are formed under the influence of normative socially recognized political values. Recall that in

In Russia, these include: democracy, parliamentarism, the rule of law (continue this list). Basic political values ​​usually act as criteria for evaluating a political event or phenomenon (“democratic or undemocratic”, “legitimate or illegal”, etc.).

Value orientations manifest themselves in different ways. Sometimes they exist in the form of unconscious preferences, for example, some political trend: social democratic, liberal, etc. In the absence of deep knowledge about the essence of these trends, the subject of politics often turns into its object, easily succumbs to populist appeals and slogans, blindly follows for political leaders. In this case, his political participation is sometimes characterized as mobilized participation.

If value orientations become conscious firm positions (beliefs), then they encourage active, purposeful and most often constructive actions. In other words, value orientations acquire the function of the most important regulator of a person's political behavior.

Political value orientations can change dramatically in connection with the change in the socio-political conditions of public life, the general direction of the country's development, and events abroad. Recall, for example, how A. I. Herzen, a Westerner in his political positions, under the influence of the revolution of 1848 in France and the massacre of its participants, sharply changed his views. In a matter of days, he came to the conclusion that Russia should not follow the Western European path of development, but its own, original path. Often, a person's value orientations also change under the influence of life circumstances, for example, in connection with a change in his social status.

Ways of practical political action are models and rules of political behavior that determine how to act. Many political scientists call them models of political behavior, because the performance by a citizen of any political role implies the observance of not one, but a number of successive rules. Together, these rules reflect the content of the respective role. For example, the role of a voter, as is known, involves analysis and evaluation from the standpoint of certain requirements of election programs, as well as the personal qualities of contenders for power. The totality of the voter's actions, in accordance with the regulatory requirements, will be the model (sample) of his political behavior.

Knowledge and ideas about politics, political value orientations (beliefs, preferences) belong to the field of political consciousness, and methods of practical political actions - to models of political behavior. As you already know, political consciousness predetermines political behavior, which, in turn, actively influences political consciousness.

The political culture of the individual is closely related to the political culture of society which is formed under the influence of the general culture of the country (religion, national mentality, the achieved level of science and technology, education). The national political culture embodies both modern political ideas, value orientations and norms of behavior, as well as the experience of the past. It appears in political traditions, symbols, customs, rituals, stereotypes of thinking and activity.

Traditions provide continuity between the past and the future, unite society into an integral mechanism. It is traditions that give stability to the political and cultural forms of human activity. It is indicative that the more stable the state structure of the country, the more respect its cultural and historical traditions are honored. In the UK, for example, there are traditional rituals associated with the history of the monarchy, parliament, and courts. Some resemble a theatrical performance: the arrival of the Queen to Parliament in an old carriage, medieval clothes of statesmen, a speaker sitting on a sack of sheep's wool.

Political culture includes diverse political symbols- signs generalizing any image, phenomenon, process.

It is well known that the symbols of the state are the flag, coat of arms, anthem. At certain historical stages, the scepter and orb were considered a symbol of power among different peoples. Currently, power is symbolized by the residence of the head of state. When people talk about the politics of the Kremlin or the White House, we immediately understand that they mean the politics of Russia and the United States.

Diverse political ceremonies, ceremonies, rituals. Probably, you have observed more than once, say, the ritual of the President taking office, the ritual of meeting the head of a foreign state, the wreath-laying ceremony, etc.

Reproducing traditions, rituals, ceremonies and relying on symbolism, political culture contributes to the introduction of a person to the political heritage, forms in his mind a sense of identity (identity) with his country, his people, a certain social

Group. A person feels himself an integral part of this socio-cultural community.

At the same time, political traditions can come into conflict with modern (often officially fixed) normative models of consciousness and behavior. Thus, situations of conflict coexistence of the old and the new are created. Thus, monarchical views can be represented in a republic; a high legal status of an individual can be combined with a low level of personal claims to political participation. It is no coincidence that within the framework of a national political culture there are political subcultures- relatively independent blocks of values, norms, stereotypes of political behavior, which are adhered to by certain social groups. The formation of political subcultures also occurs as a result of borrowing the cultural experience of other peoples.

An analysis of political subcultures makes it possible to single out in the political culture of society a set of prevailing characteristics that give it a special flavor and originality in the relationship between the state and citizens. For example, Japanese political culture is a culture of consensus and duty. It is distinguished by devotion to the state, respect for the authorities. The political culture of the French is characterized by a developed sense of belonging to a single nation, a firm republican tradition.


Political cultures can be classified in various ways. Thus, American scientists G. Almond (born in 1911) and S. Verba (born in 1932) identified three “pure” types of political culture on the basis of the revealed peculiarities of individual countries and regions. First, patriarchal culture. This culture is characterized by a lack of people's interest in politics, lack of knowledge about the political system and significant expectations from its functioning. Secondly, subservient culture, where orientations towards political institutions and loyalty to them are strong, but the level of individual activity of citizens is low. Third, a culture of participation reflecting the critical attitude of citizens to power, their interest in political participation and political activity.

In practice, these types of political culture interact with each other, forming mixed varieties with a predominance of certain components. Moreover, the most massive and at the same time optimal is the synthetic culture, called by scientists civic culture. It is dominated by the attitudes of a subservient culture,

Generating support for state power, as well as attitudes of a culture of participation that generate requirements for power structures. This creates the balance necessary to ensure the stability of the political system. Civic culture is today called the political culture of developed democratic countries.

In developed democratic countries, as a rule, 60% of citizens are representatives of a culture of participation, 30% - a subservient, 10% - a patriarchal culture.

Political culture, being an important part of the political system, is largely determined by its type. In this regard, many political scientists believe that the most general typology is the one based on the types of political systems. In other words, totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic political systems are dominated by totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic types of political culture. Thus, in totalitarian political systems, the conviction of citizens in the justice of the unlimited power of the state over the individual, the belief that the world is divided into two hostile camps - "friends" and "enemies" is formed. The image of an enemy that needs to be destroyed is cultivated in the political consciousness, and the struggle is perceived as a universal method for solving complex political problems. There is a deification of the personality of the political leader (leader), there is a feeling of merging with the authorities, which is one of the components of its legitimacy and largely determines the stability of the regime. Motives of omnipotence predominate in the political behavior of the elite, modesty and enthusiasm dominate in the behavior of citizens, and their participation in political life is of a mobilization nature.

The authoritarian type of political culture differs significantly from the totalitarian type. Society is aware of alienation from power, the feeling of merging with it disappears. Since the army is most often the backbone of an authoritarian regime, there is no deification of the personality of a political leader as a factor in the legitimacy of power. Competence requirements predominate in the political behavior of the elite, professionalism and obedience, a certain detachment from politics are required from citizens.

The democratic type of political culture is dominated by orientations towards democratic values ​​and norms. A person, his rights and freedoms are of particular value. In relation to the authorities, moods of criticality prevail. People view the state as an institution controlled by civil society, and at the same time

An important factor in its integration. The openness of political positions and the orientation towards political participation acquire great significance. Commitment to the laws, a sense of responsibility of citizens for their political choice and ways of implementing it, pluralism and tolerance in public opinion dominate.

The political culture of modern Russia has not yet settled down. On the one hand, it retains its traditional features: servile attitude to any center of political power; low self-discipline and self-organization; distrust of the state; a tendency to anarchy with a simultaneous thirst for strong power; weak respect for the law, the rights of the individual. As before, many Russians prefer radicalism and revolutionary methods in politics to measures of an evolutionary, reformist type. There is confidence in the possibility of simple and quick solutions to complex political problems.

On the other hand, there is a gradual acceptance of political pluralism as a necessary quality of political life and a guarantee of the irreversibility of democratic reforms. There is an open expression of various political orientations and preferences (while still traditionally the widest range of political extremes: from monarchism to anarchism). There is a growing understanding of the importance of personal responsibility, a desire for independence in political assessments and decisions. In other words, there is a transformation of political culture based on values ​​of a democratic type.

till Basic concepts: political participation, political culture, types of political culture.

IISI Terms: political role, political subculture.

Test yourself

1) What is meant by political participation? 2) What are its forms? 3) Expand the content of the concept of "political culture". 4) What types of political culture do you know? 5) What are the features of Russian political culture?

Think, Discuss, Do

1. Make a table "Typology of political culture."

2. Democratic political culture
there are such personal qualities as tolerance,
humanity, criticism. What else would you add to this
list? Explain the answer.

3. Scientists among the functions of political culture especially
note: value-oriented, regulatory
tive, integrative, innovative. How do you understand-

Do you want these features? Expand them on the example of one of the types of political culture.

4. Imagine that you are instructed to organize a small sociological study on the topic "The political culture of high school students in our school." Prepare a general research plan, including organizational questions, as well as questions for respondents. Discuss and implement this plan with your like-minded people. Make a report on the results of the work done.

Work with the source

Read the arguments of the modern Russian scientist E. B. Shestopal about the political socialization of the individual in the UK.

Many ordinary Englishmen have been brought up (both by family, school and propaganda) in the belief that activity, active participation in all spheres of life can bring personal success. An active character is a national trait. This is facilitated by the socialization of the younger generation through all sorts of voluntary organizations, committees, clubs, commissions, associations, flourishing in all social strata.

In politics, too, socialization implies the upbringing of an active position from childhood (through school discussion clubs, youth branches of parties, etc.). This applies, first of all, to professionals, from whom "gladiator" qualities are required, but involvement, although more superficial, is promoted as a positive characteristic of an ordinary person.

Shestopal E. B. Personality and politics. -M., 1988. -S. 94.

§§§| Questions and assignments to the source. 1) What is the political socialization of the individual? 2) What institutions contribute to the political socialization of the British? 3) Based on the text, show the connection between political socialization and political culture. 4) Are the processes of political socialization similar in Great Britain and Russia? Justify your answer based on your personal experience.

political conflict


what are the causes of interpersonal conflicts? What are the ways to overcome them? What is the significance of conflicts between social groups? What are the ways to manage such conflicts? What are the causes of interethnic conflicts? What are the conditions for their permission?

You already know a lot about conflicts in society. You also know that the whole variety of conflicts is studied by the branch of science that has arisen at the junction of philosophy, sociology, psychology - conflictology. In this paragraph, we will focus on political conflicts, which are a kind of social conflicts. It is clear that the common features of social conflicts are also inherent in political ones. However, political conflicts are not only a reflection of social conflicts that have reached a certain severity. This is an independent phenomenon that has significant features that are studied by political science. We will focus on them, considering them in the context of the political development of society.