
Grigory melekhov portrait. The image of Grigory Melekhov. Tragic fate. Grigory Melekhov and Aksinya

The image of Grigory Melekhov as one of the most central in M. Sholokhov's epic novel "And Quiet Flows the Don". A broad generalization of the ways and crossroads of the Don Cossacks, which made it possible to see how complex and contradictory Melekhov's life is. Female images of Aksinya and Natalia.

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The image of Grigory Melikhov (based on the novel "Quiet Don" by M. Sholokhov)

The image of Grigory Melekhov is central in M. Sholokhov's epic novel "And Quiet Don". It is immediately impossible to say about him whether this is a positive or negative hero. For too long he wandered in search of the truth, his path. Grigory Melekhov appears in the novel, first of all, as a truth-seeker. In the beginning of the novel, Grigory Melekhov is an ordinary farm boy with the usual circle of household chores, occupations, and entertainment. He lives thoughtlessly, like grass in the steppe, following traditional principles. Even love for Aksinya, capturing his passionate nature, can change nothing. He allows his father to marry him, as usual, prepares for military service. Everything in his life happens involuntarily, as if without his participation, as he involuntarily dissects a tiny defenseless duckling while mowing - and shuddered at what he had done. Grigory Melekhov did not come to this world for bloodshed. But the harsh life put a saber in his hardworking hands. As a tragedy, Gregory experienced the first human blood shed. The appearance of the Austrian killed by him appears later in his dream, causing mental pain. The experience of war in general turns his life upside down, makes him think, look into himself, listen, look at people. Conscious life begins.

The Bolshevik Garanzh, who met Grigory in the hospital, seems to open up to him the truth and the prospect of changes for the better. "Autonomist" Efim Izvarin, Bolshevik Fyodor Podtyolkov played a significant role in the formation of Grigory Melekhov's convictions. The tragically dead Fedor Podtyolkov pushed Melekhov away, shedding the blood of unarmed prisoners who believed the promises of the Bolshevik who had captured them. The senselessness of this murder and the callousness of the "dictator" stunned the hero. He is also a warrior, he killed a lot, but here not only the laws of humanity are violated, but also the laws of war. “Honest to the bottom,” Grigory Melekhov cannot help but see the deception. The Bolsheviks promised that there would be no rich and poor. However, a year has passed since the "Reds" are in power, and the promised equality is not there: "the platoonman in chrome boots, and" Vanyok "in the windings." Gregory is very observant, he tends to think over his observations, and the conclusions from his reflections are disappointing: "If the pan is bad, then from the ham the pan is a hundred times worse."

The civil war throws Gregory first into the Budennovsky detachment, then into the white units, but this is no longer thoughtless submission to a way of life or a coincidence of circumstances, but a conscious search for truth, a path. His home and peaceful work are seen by him as the main values \u200b\u200bof life. In the war, shedding blood, he dreams of how he will prepare for sowing, and these thoughts warm his soul. The Soviet government does not allow the former centennial ataman to live peacefully, threatens with prison or execution. The food requisitioning instills in the minds of many Cossacks a desire to "re-conquer", instead of the workers' power to put their own, Cossack. Gangs are formed on the Don. Grigory Melekhov, who is hiding from the persecution of the Soviet regime, falls into one of them, the Fomin gang. But the bandits have no future. For most of the Cossacks it is clear: it is necessary to sow, not fight.

The protagonist of the novel is also drawn to peaceful labor. The last test, the last tragic loss for him is the death of his beloved woman - Aksinya, who received a bullet on the way, as it seems to them, to a free and happy life. Everything was lost. Gregory's soul is burned out. There remains only the last, but very important thread connecting the hero with life - this is his home. The house, the land waiting for the owner, and the little son - his future, his trace on the earth.

With amazing psychological reliability and historical validity, the depth of the contradictions through which the hero passed is revealed. The versatility and complexity of a person's inner world are always in the center of M. Sholokhov's attention. Individual destinies and a broad generalization of the ways and crossings of the Don Cossacks allow us to see how complex and contradictory life is, how difficult it is to choose the true path.

Female images in the novel Quiet Don (Aksinya and Natalya)

The main female characters of Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don" are Natalia Melekhova and Aksinya Astakhova. They both love the same Cossack, Grigory Melekhov. He is married to Natalia, but loves Aksinya, and she, in turn, is married to another Cossack, Stepan Astakhov. A very traditional love triangle is formed, an important component of the novel's plot. But it is resolved very tragically. By the end of the novel, both Natalya and Aksinya die. What, then, led the two women in almost everything different from each other to a sad outcome? In its most general form, this question can be answered as follows: love for Gregory. Natalia cannot bear the fact that her husband continues to love Aksinya, does not want to have another child from him because of this, and commits a suicidal abortion, in fact, seeking death, and not simply trying to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Aksinya's love for Grigory drives him to the Kuban with him. And since Melekhov is hiding from the authorities, they have to flee from the patrol they come across. A patrolman's bullet accidentally wounds Aksinya, and wounds mortally.

The end of each of the heroines is natural in its own way. Natalya is a nervous, reflective woman. She is hardworking, beautiful, kind, but unhappy. Natalya, just learning about the Melekhovs' matchmaking, declares: "I love Grishka, but I won't go for anyone else! .. I don't need others, my friend ... I won't go, let them go and don't woo. But huch to Ust-Medveditsky Bring the monastery ... "She is a deeply religious, God-fearing person. And in order to decide first to attempt suicide, and then to murder an unborn child, she had to step over the Christian commandments so important to her. Only the strongest feeling of "love and jealousy prompted Natalia to such actions. She experiences her grief in herself, not splashing it out. Aksinya, from the very beginning," decided to take Grishka away from the happy, neither grief, nor joy of love, who had never seen Natalia Korshunova ... Only one thing she decided firmly: to take Grishka away from everyone, to pour love with him "to own him as before", before marriage. But in the clash of two women who love Gregory, as we know, there will be no winners.

When, due to her husband's infidelity, Natalya temporarily returned to her parental home, then "it all seemed to her that Gregory would return to her, she waited with her heart, not listening to the sober whisper of her mind; she came out at night in burning anguish, crashed, trampled by an unexpected undeserved resentment." Aksinya, unlike Natalia, loves Grigory not only with her heart, but also with her mind. She is ready to fight for her beloved by all available means. Aksinya actively strives for her happiness, while making Natalia unhappy. However, kindness is peculiar to her to a lesser extent than to her rival. After Natalia's death, it is Aksinya who takes care of her children, and they call her mother.

Natalya, shortly before her death, is inclined to go with the children to the parental home, allowing Grigory to openly take Aksinya into her kuren. However, Grigory's mother, Ilyinichna, by the author's definition, is a “wise and courageous old woman,” categorically forbids her to do this: “When I was young, I thought so too,” Ilyinichna said with a sigh. “Mine, too, was not one of the last dogs. I took it from him, and I can't say. Just getting away from your husband is not easy, and there is nothing to it. Put your mind to it - you will see for yourself. And take the kids from your father, how is it? No, you’re in vain. And don’t think about it. , I won't! " Here "everything that had been accumulating in Natalya's heart for so long suddenly burst out in a convulsive fit of sobs. She tore off the handkerchief from her head with a groan, fell facedown on the dry, unkind" earth and, pressing her chest against it, sobbed without tears. " Natalia sends the most terrible curses on the head of the unfaithful husband: "Lord, punish him accursed! Hit him to death there! So that he no longer lives, does not torment me! .. "And dooms himself to a painful death, trying to get rid of his child. Ilyinichna was going, with the help of Panteley Prokofievich," to dissuade her daughter-in-law, who was enraged with grief, from an unreasonable act, but did not have time. she got mad with grief. "Melekhov quiet don sholokhov

Aksinya is more balanced than Natalia. She also drank a lot of grief, survived the death of her daughter. However, she refrained from harsh, rash actions. Aksinya wants him and Gregory to be able to unite forever, get rid of human gossip, live a normal life. It seems to her that this dream can come true after the death of Natalia. Aksinya nurses the Melekhov children, and they almost recognize her as a mother. But Gregory did not have a chance to live peacefully with her. Almost immediately after returning from the Red Army, he was forced to flee his native farm, because he fears arrest for old sins - active participation in the Vyoshensky uprising.

Aksinya yearns without him, fears for his life: “It can be seen that she, too strong, was crushed by suffering. Apparently, she lived a life of salt these months ...” Nevertheless, Aksinya readily responds to Grigory's proposal to leave the house, children (their Melekhov expects to pick it up later) and go with him to the Kuban towards the unknown: "How would you think? .. Sweet to me alone? I will go, Grishenka, my dear! Petit will go, crawl after you, but I won't stay alone anymore! Better kill life, but do not abandon it again! .. "She, of course, does not suspect that this time she and Grigory will be very short, that she will face a quick and absurd death. Gregory is experiencing the death of both women - But he is experiencing in different ways. Learning that Natalya was pushed to a fatal step by a conversation with Aksinya, who told his wife the whole truth, Grigory "came out of the room, aged and pale; silently moving his bluish, trembling lips, sat down at the table, caressed the children for a long time, making them sit on his lap ... . "He understands that he is to blame for the death of his wife:" Grigory imagined how Natalya said goodbye to the children, how she kissed them and, perhaps, baptized them, and again, as when he read the telegram about her death, he felt a sharp, stabbing pain in the heart, a dull ringing in the ears As the author notes: “Grigory suffered not only because in his own way he loved Natalia and got used to her for the six years he lived together, but also because he felt guilty for her death. If during her lifetime Natalya carried out her threat - she took the children and went to live with her mother, if she died there, bitter in hatred of her unfaithful husband and unreconciled, Gregory, perhaps, would not have experienced the burden of loss with such force, and, probably- remorse would not have tormented him so violently. But from the words of Ilyinichna, he knew that Natalya forgave him everything that she loved him and remembered about him until the last minute. This increased his suffering, aggravated his conscience with a persistent reproach, made him rethink the past and his behavior in it ... "Gregory, who had previously treated his wife indifferently and even hostilely, warmed up to her because of the children: his father's feelings awoke in him He was ready to live with both women at one time, loving each of them in his own way, but after the death of his wife for a while he felt dislike for Aksinya "for the fact that she betrayed their relationship and thereby pushed Natalia to death."

However, the death of Aksinya causes even deeper suffering in Gregory. He saw how "the blood flowed ... from Aksinya's half-open mouth, gurgled and gurgled in his throat. And Gregory, dead from horror, realized that everything was over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life had already happened. .. "Again Melekhov unwittingly contributed to the death of a woman close to him, and this time she died literally in his arms. With the death of Aksinya, life for Gregory almost lost its meaning. Burying his beloved, he thinks; that "they part for a short time ...".

There are a lot of deaths in The Quiet Don. Almost all members of the Melekhov family die, and not a single kuren on the Tatarsky farm was spared death. This was really the case in the civil war, when a lot of Cossacks died. And the death of the two main characters in this sense is natural. The death of Natalia and the death of Aksinya, according to the writer's plan, should deepen Gregory's loneliness by the end of the narrative, leaving him with only his only surviving son Mishatka: "Like the steppe burned out by the fires, Grigory's life became black. He lost everything that was dear to his heart. with him, everything was ruined by a merciless death. Only children remained "(Gregory does not yet know that Polyushka's daughter died" from a gizzard "). Both the strong-willed Aksinya and the weaker Natalia are doomed to death in Sholokhov's novel. The tragedy of the civil war intensifies the tragedy and love line of "Quiet Don" on the lips: - Brothers, I have no forgiveness! .. Hack it, for God's sake ... mother of God ... Death ... betray! .. "He says almost those the same words as the Cossack Yegor Zharkov, who received a mortal wound in the First World War and begs his comrades to end his torment: “Brothers, put to death! Brothers! .. Brothers ... Why are you looking-di-te-ee? .. Aha-ha-ah-ah-ah! .. Brothers, put to death! .. "Melekhov, unlike Zharkov , whose intestines are falling out of a torn stomach, is not wounded, but experiences almost the same torment that one has to kill compatriots, Russian people, Cossacks, men, sailors ... Even killing an enemy in a fair fight, he sometimes experiences moral torment. to talk about the murder of the unarmed. True, in revenge for Peter, Grigory does such a dirty deed. But the feeling of revenge quickly passes. And having learned that the killers of Peter fell into the hands of the Cossacks, Grigory rushes to his native farm not to hasten their death, but vice versa to save him from death. But he was late: in the course of the lynching, Ivan Alekseevich was killed by the widow of Peter Darya. Truly, "what happens to people!"

Gregory does not accept the brutality caused by the civil war. And ultimately it turns out to be a stranger in all the warring countries. He begins to doubt whether he is looking for the right truth. Melekhov thinks about the Reds: “They are fighting so that they can live better, but we fought for our good life ... There is no truth in life. It can be seen who will defeat whom, he will devour ... And I was looking for a bad truth. I was sick, swaying back and forth ... In the old days, you can hear the Don Tatars offended, they went to take away the land, to be imprisoned. Now - Russia. No! I will not make peace! They are alien to me and to all the Cossacks. " He feels a sense of community only with his fellow Cossacks, especially during the Vyoshensky uprising. He dreams of the Cossacks being independent from both the Bolsheviks and the "Cadets", but quickly realizes that there is no place for any "third force" in the struggle between the Reds and Whites. In the White Cossack army of Ataman Krasnov, Grigory Melekhov serves without enthusiasm. Here he sees robbery, and violence against prisoners, and the unwillingness of the Cossacks to fight outside the region of the Don Army, and he himself shares their sentiments. And in the same way, without enthusiasm, Gregory fights with the Reds after the Vyoshenski rebels unite with the troops of General Denikin. The officers who set the tone in the Volunteer Army are not just strangers for him, but also hostile. It is not without reason that the esaul Evgeny Listnitsky also becomes an enemy, whom Grigory beats to a pulp for his connection with Aksinya. Melekhov anticipates the defeat of the whites and is not too sad about this. By and large, he is already tired of the war, and the outcome is almost indifferent.

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Sholokhov created a whole gallery of images in his novel "Quiet Flows the Don". The heroes of the novel have become extraordinary characters in world literature.

The most controversial and attractive character in the book is Grigory Melekhov. In the image of the hero, the author personified the individual character traits of an ordinary person. Melekhov is the most ordinary Cossack who was born into a wealthy family. From early childhood, the hero lives a peasant life. It contains love for nature, pity for all living things. Besides, Gregory is very honest and sincere with everyone. After growing up, he falls in love with Aksinya and keeps love in his heart forever. Aksinya was married. Despite her marriage, Gregory did not try to hide his feelings. Melekhov married Natalya and confessed to her that he did not love her.

The hero was distinguished as an economic, brave and hard-working guy. Finding himself in the center of the war, the young Cossack behaved like a staunch and brave fighter. He was smart, fearless and determined and at the same time proud of himself. He always acted according to honor and adhered to the principles that he learned in childhood.

Melekhov joined the ranks of the red revolutionaries. However, upon learning that the revolutionaries support violence and brutality, Gregory was greatly disappointed. Before his eyes, the red army killed all unarmed prisoners and shot all the Cossacks, plundered Cossack villages and raped women.

During the battles, the hero constantly saw the ruthlessness and cruelty of the white and red revolutionaries. Therefore, class hatred seemed meaningless to him. In his heart he wanted peace, love and simple work. Gregory did not know how to understand the contradictions of society. He took everything that was happening to heart, and therefore often changed camp. The hero did not know how to understand his thoughts and began to obey the will of other people.

Melekhov did not want to betray his principles and himself, and therefore became an outcast in the camps of revolutionaries. To know the truth, he deserted into the ranks of the white revolutionaries. He became a stranger to everyone and was constantly lonely.

After some time, he made an attempt to escape with Aksinya. But on the way, a misfortune happened to his beloved, which led to her death. Together with a strong and brave fighter, Gregory turned into a grief-stricken man who will suffer for the rest of his life.

By the end of the work, Melekhov completely abandoned weapons and war. He returned to his native lands, because he could not accept the cruelty of the mortal world.

Option 2

Mikhail Sholokhov wrote the most interesting epic novel And Quiet Don. A simple, life-like story about ordinary people who are destined to experience more than one difficulty. Life is difficult, and the author of Quiet Don wanted to demonstrate this to us.

Quiet Don about ordinary people, one of them was Grigory Melekhov. Gregory's fate is intertwined with many life events. He is the person who has been looking for the truth all his life. He is looking for justice, honesty, he wants to know the answers to many life questions. Grigory Melekhov is a contradictory personality, certain people condemn him, and many praise him, nevertheless he is a person, and a person is constantly changing.

It was difficult for him to cope with the realization that he had killed a man. He never imagined that the time would come when he would have to kill. He searched for the truth, but did not find it either among the whites or among the Reds during the civil war. Thus, we can say that he was not for a certain side, he was looking for, but he never found those who were right in honor ...

He was very often unlucky in life. He faced difficulties along the way, but always overcame them. It was difficult, but he coped. Grigory Melekhov got along with many, he was surrounded by many of his friends. Mikhail Koshevoy can be considered Grigory's best friend, but it is his best friend who kills Grigory's brother. After that, how can Mikhail be considered a friend?

But the main interweaving in the epic novel was the love story of Grigory Melekhov. He was a free man and no girl could bring him down. But he was popular with girls. He had 2 companions in life, Aksinya and Natalya. Gregory's parents forced Natalia to marry, but he could refuse, but did not do it. He claimed, and so everyone knew, that he did not love Natalia. They still had two children.

Gregory had a beloved - Aksinya. It was she who was the inspiration for him. In their relationship, there was passion, love, mutual attraction. It was a real relationship, but Gregory still could not decide who he needed to be - with his wife Natalia or his mistress Aksinya. Gregory even took delivery from Aksinya. They worked in the field, being pregnant, Aksinya also helped. But suddenly contractions begin. He took her to the cart, went to the village, but did not have time to get there, he had to take delivery himself.

Grigory Melekhov is a controversial character with a very difficult fate, but personally I respect him for the fact that he never changed his principles. He always sought to achieve truth and justice.

Composition Image and characteristics of Melekhov

In one of the most famous novels by Sholokhov, the author, revealing one of the problems - the relationship between the individual and the people, with special artistic skill showed the tragedy of the life path of Grigory Melekhov. The character and beliefs of the hero are significantly different from Peter. The writer, distinguishing 19-year-old Grishka from the Melekhov family, shows his amazing attractiveness. Gregory's appearance is emphasized not by what class he belongs to, but by his peculiar character.

As a teenager, he was a hardworking guy with a subtle sense of his native nature. Sholokhov's remarkable abilities, directness and openness are continuously noted. He opposes the cruelty of his villagers, stands up for Aksinya because of the terrible treatment of her husband, and contemptuously refers to the act of Daria, who shamelessly kills Kotlyarov.

Gregory sympathizes with those who are always courageous and maintain their dignity in the most dangerous situations in life. He always condemned cowardice and weak-heartedness, and at different stages of his quest he stood firm. Gregory's patriotism is especially vividly shown. So, for example, he cannot see the presence of British troops on the Don and expresses disapproval of them. Together with the positive qualities of a gifted person, his willful character was early revealed. As a worker, he is drawn to the best and new trends, however, his interest in possessiveness draws back, confuses him in choosing the right path. He hesitates for a long time between two political camps and seeks his own path in the revolution.

The main character cannot understand his personal relationships either. He is drawn to Natalya by the vein of the owner, home comfort, children. Aksinya is close to him with her ardent love and love of freedom. This position of Gregory between the two women is explained by the desire to reconcile love for Aksinya with family traditions. The author showed on the image of Gregory the features characteristic of the middle peasants. He showed his views and moods that distinguished the small owner. The tragedy of his fate was manifested in the fact that he was completely lost in his searches, opposed historical events, against the people of which he was a native.

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"Show the charm of a person ..." - how did this attitude of the writer affect the creation of the image of Grigory Melekhov?

Grigory Melekhov became the hero, fully corresponding to the character and tasks of the epic, in Sholokhov's novel. At the beginning of the novel, the character traits, lifestyle and attitude to the world are emphasized, which unite the hero with other Cossacks. He is the successor of the Melekhov family. Hardworking, youthfully poetic, but also frivolous. Even the relationship with Aksinya, Grigory at first does not realize how his fate, invites her to leave. Like everyone else, he marries at the choice of his parents, but soon shows rebelliousness and independence of character, taking Aksinya out of the village, leaving the "disliked" Natalia.

"Normal" conflicts of a dramatic, but about red peaceful life are abruptly cut short by the war. Gregory painfully perceives the violence in which he is forced to participate. Nowhere does Sholokhov poeticise military exploits, front-line comradeship, mutual assistance of the Cossacks, although he shows all this. The front paintings are colored by the main feeling in which the hero and the author are united - the rejection of war, which burns out the souls of the victors and the vanquished. It is the deep conviction of the unrighteousness of the war launched by the tsarist government that pushes the hero to sympathy for the revolutionaries.

Truth and justice are for Gregory the criteria for evaluating theories and actions. It is the attempts to find, and, if necessary, to defend in the struggle the truth, a just world order that determines the oscillations of the hero in the course of civil strife. Twice he fights on the side of the Reds, three times appears in the ranks of their opponents. And Gregory's talent makes everything he undertakes powerful, bright, be it work or battle. Gregory has no confidence in the tsarist generals and the Cossack authorities who dream of returning the past, where not everything suited the Cossacks. A former officer, a rebel, a proud man who does not agree to bend his neck in front of anyone, Gregory is constantly under suspicion of the new, Bolshevik authorities. Thus, M. A. Sholokhov shows his main, beloved hero at a crossroads, where none of the roads leads to the goal. The civil war is also unable to untie the historical knots, to solve the sore problems of people and society with justice.

Gregory always experiences and thinks in his own way and at the same time, like most of the honest Cossacks. His position is not aloof from the people's quest, but in the thick, at the very core of national life. It was such a hero that should rightfully take the central place in the national epic. The author, in spite of the horrors and violence, the image of which covers most of his work, nevertheless said that the main goal for him was to show the "charm of man." The more gifted a person is initially, the more actively he is involved in a contradictory historical vortex, the more he experiences delusions and insights, the more he takes on guilt and acquires a difficult but necessary truth.

This charm of human characters, personalities constitutes a real alternative to the next "ruin of the Russian land", described in "Quiet Don".

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  • the image of grigory melekhov
  • grigory melekhov image
  • the image of grigory melekhov composition

Restless nature, difficult fate, strong character, a man on the border of two eras are the main epithets of the main character of Sholokhov's novel. The image and characteristics of Grigory Melekhov in the novel "Quiet Don" is an artistic description of the fate of one Cossack. But behind him is a whole generation of Don men who were born in a troubled and incomprehensible time, when family ties collapsed, the fate of the entire multifaceted country was changing.

Gregory's appearance and family

It is not difficult to introduce Grigory Panteleevich Melekhov. The young Cossack is the youngest son of Panteley Prokofievich. The family has three children: Peter, Gregory and Dunyasha. The roots of the surname came from the crossing of Turkish blood (grandmother) with Cossack (grandfather). This origin has left its mark on the character of the hero. How many scientific works are now devoted to Turkish roots, which changed the Russian character. The Melekhovs' yard is located on the outskirts of the farm. The family is not rich, but not poor either. The average income for some is enviable, which means that there are poorer families in the village. For Natalia's father, Grigory's bride, the Cossack is not rich. At the beginning of the novel, Grishka is about 19-20 years old. The age should be calculated at the beginning of the service. The draft age of those years is 21. Gregory is waiting for the call.

Character traits:

  • nose: hook-nosed, kite-like;
  • look: wild;
  • cheekbones: sharp;
  • skin: dark, brown ruddy;
  • black as a gypsy;
  • teeth: wolf, dazzling white:
  • height: not particularly tall, half a head taller than his brother, 6 years older than him;
  • eyes: blue tonsils, hot, black, non-Russian;
  • smile: brutal.

They talk about the beauty of a guy in different ways: handsome, handsome. The epithet “beautiful” accompanies Gregory throughout the novel, even as it grows old it retains its attractiveness and appeal. But in his attractiveness there is a lot of masculinity: coarse hair, unyielding male hands, curly growth on his chest, legs overgrown with thick hair. Even for those whom he scares, Gregory stands out from the crowd: a freak, wild, a gangster's face. It is felt that by the look of the Cossack one can determine his mood. It seems to some that there are only eyes on the face, burning, clear and piercing.

Cossack clothes

Melekhov dresses in his usual Cossack uniform. Traditional Cossack set:

  • everyday trousers;
  • festive with bright stripes;
  • white woolen stockings;
  • tweets;
  • satin shirts;
  • short fur coat;
  • hat.

Out of smart clothes, the Cossack has a frock coat, in which he goes to woo Natalya. But he's not comfortable with the guy. Grisha tugs at the hem of his coat, tries to take it off quickly.

Attitude towards children

Gregory loves children, but the realization of complete love comes to him very late. The son of Mishatka is the last thread that connects him with life after the loss of his beloved. He accepts Tanyushka, the daughter of Aksinya, but is tormented by the thought that she might not be his. In the letter, the man admits that he dreams of the girl in a red dress. There are few lines about the Cossack and the children, they are mean and not bright. This is probably correct. It is difficult to imagine a strong Cossack playing with a child. He is passionate about communicating with children from Natalya, when he returns on leave from the war. He wants to forget everything he has experienced, immersed in household chores. For Gregory, children are not just a continuation of the family, they are a shrine, a part of the homeland.

Male traits

Grigory Melekhov - male image. He is a bright representative of the Cossacks. Personality traits help to understand the complex problems happening around.

Willfulness. The guy is not afraid of his opinion, he cannot back away from him. He does not listen to advice, does not tolerate ridicule, is not afraid of fights and fights.

Physical strength. The guy is liked for his valiant prowess, strength and endurance. He receives his first St. George Cross for patience and endurance. Overcoming fatigue and pain, carries out the wounded from the battlefield.

Hard work. A hard-working Cossack is not afraid of any work. He is ready to do anything to support his family and help his parents.

Honesty. Gregory's conscience is constantly with him, he is tormented by doing things, not of his own free will, but due to circumstances. The Cossack is not ready for looting. He even refuses his father when he comes to him for the loot.

Pride. The son does not allow his father to beat him. He does not ask for help when he needs it.

Education. Gregory is a literate Cossack. He knows how to write, and conveys thoughts on paper clearly and clearly. Melekhov rarely writes, as befits secretive natures. Everything is in their souls, on paper, only mean, precise phrases.

Gregory loves his farm, country life. He likes nature and the Don. He can admire the water and the horses splashing in it.

Gregory, war and homeland

The most difficult storyline is the Cossack and the power. The war from different sides appears before the eyes of the reader as the hero of the novel saw it. There are practically no differences between white and red, bandits and ordinary soldiers. They both kill, loot, rape, humiliate. Melekhov is tormented, he does not understand the meaning of killing people. He is amazed by the Cossacks who live in war, enjoying the deaths around. But time changes. Gregory becomes callous, cold-blooded, although he does not agree with unnecessary murders. Humanity is the basis of his soul. Melekhov also lacks the categorical nature of Mishka Korshunov, the prototype of revolutionary activists who see only enemies around them. Melekhov does not allow his superiors to speak rudely to him. He fights back, immediately puts in place those who want to command him.

The image of Grigory Melikhov (based on the novel "Quiet Don" by M. Sholokhov)

The image of Grigory Melekhov is central in M. Sholokhov's epic novel "And Quiet Don". It is immediately impossible to say about him whether this is a positive or negative hero. For too long he wandered in search of the truth, his path. Grigory Melekhov appears in the novel, first of all, as a truth-seeker. In the beginning of the novel, Grigory Melekhov is an ordinary farm boy with the usual circle of household chores, occupations, and entertainment. He lives thoughtlessly, like grass in the steppe, following traditional principles. Even love for Aksinya, capturing his passionate nature, can change nothing. He allows his father to marry him, as usual, prepares for military service. Everything in his life happens involuntarily, as if without his participation, as he involuntarily dissects a tiny defenseless duckling while mowing - and shuddered at what he had done. Grigory Melekhov did not come to this world for bloodshed. But the harsh life put a saber in his hardworking hands. As a tragedy, Gregory experienced the first human blood shed. The appearance of the Austrian killed by him appears later in his dream, causing mental pain. The experience of war in general turns his life upside down, makes him think, look into himself, listen, look at people. Conscious life begins.

The Bolshevik Garanzh, who met Grigory in the hospital, seems to open up to him the truth and the prospect of changes for the better. "Autonomist" Efim Izvarin, Bolshevik Fyodor Podtyolkov played a significant role in the formation of Grigory Melekhov's convictions. The tragically dead Fedor Podtyolkov pushed Melekhov away, shedding the blood of unarmed prisoners who believed the promises of the Bolshevik who had captured them. The senselessness of this murder and the callousness of the "dictator" stunned the hero. He is also a warrior, he killed a lot, but here not only the laws of humanity are violated, but also the laws of war. “Honest to the bottom,” Grigory Melekhov cannot help but see the deception. The Bolsheviks promised that there would be no rich and poor. However, a year has passed since the "Reds" are in power, and the promised equality is not there: "the platoonman in chrome boots, and" Vanyok "in the windings." Gregory is very observant, he tends to think over his observations, and the conclusions from his reflections are disappointing: "If the pan is bad, then from the ham the pan is a hundred times worse."

The civil war throws Gregory first into the Budennovsky detachment, then into the white units, but this is no longer thoughtless submission to a way of life or a coincidence of circumstances, but a conscious search for truth, a path. His home and peaceful work are seen by him as the main values \u200b\u200bof life. In the war, shedding blood, he dreams of how he will prepare for sowing, and these thoughts warm his soul. The Soviet government does not allow the former centennial ataman to live peacefully, threatens with prison or execution. The food requisitioning instills in the minds of many Cossacks a desire to "re-conquer", instead of the workers' power to put their own, Cossack. Gangs are formed on the Don. Grigory Melekhov, who is hiding from the persecution of the Soviet regime, falls into one of them, the Fomin gang. But the bandits have no future. For most of the Cossacks it is clear: it is necessary to sow, not fight.

The protagonist of the novel is also drawn to peaceful labor. The last test, the last tragic loss for him is the death of his beloved woman - Aksinya, who received a bullet on the way, as it seems to them, to a free and happy life. Everything was lost. Gregory's soul is burned out. There remains only the last, but very important thread connecting the hero with life - this is his home. The house, the land waiting for the owner, and the little son - his future, his trace on the earth.

With amazing psychological reliability and historical validity, the depth of the contradictions through which the hero passed is revealed. The versatility and complexity of a person's inner world are always in the center of M. Sholokhov's attention. Individual destinies and a broad generalization of the ways and crossings of the Don Cossacks allow us to see how complex and contradictory life is, how difficult it is to choose the true path.