
Local history projects. Local history project "My library in the history of the region" Finished library project on local history

MBUK Central Library of the MR Blagovarsky District

I approve

Director MBUK Central Library

local history activities

"My small homeland"

Project details

Project implementation timeline: 2017–2018.

Project Manager - Director of MBUK Central Bank

Address: 452740 Blagovarsky district, s. Yazykovo, st. Lenin, 16

Project executors:

Head of the methodological department

Head of the Central Bank Service Department

Head of the Children's Library

Local lore is an integral part of our great history, connecting the thread of times. The revival of library study of local lore today is caused by an unprecedented rise in national consciousness. Huge educational, patriotic possibilities of local history material allow raising a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on examples from the life of parents, fellow villagers, on events from the history of his village.

In the course of the project "My Little Homeland" it is planned to organize a column on the library's website.

The implementation of the project will create an opportunity to organize a fund of unique local history resources on electronic media, expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe originality of the historical and cultural heritage of our region; contributing to the formation in children, feelings of love, pride and a sense of belonging to a small homeland.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to create informational discs consisting of a presentation "Blagovar's Blagovar Land", a photo exposition "My village today" and a multimedia photo collection "We invite you to Blagovar".

The result of the photo competition "Native Places", the purpose of which is to develop the creative activity of library users in collecting materials about historical and significant places in the Blagovarsky District, will be the creation of a photo album "Chronicle of the District".

An important and significant moment in the implementation of the project will be the publication of the booklet "The Great Winner" about the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of our region.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to hold presentations, meetings, competitions for practical and creative works.

Relevance of the project

Local lore work is a continuous process rooted in the past and leading to the future, the purpose of which is to ensure the connection of generations, preserve and transmit historical heritage, knowledge and traditions, create conditions for the holistic spiritual, intellectual and cultural development of both an individual and the whole society as a whole. Local lore work is one of the priority directions in the work of MBUK Central Library of the MR Blagovarsky District.

According to statistics, 25.6 thousand people live on the territory of the Blagovarsky district. Due to the fact that the percentage of the elderly population is decreasing every year, it became necessary to transfer the accumulated knowledge about the native land to the younger generation.

Analyzing these statistics, the libraries decided to create a column on the MBUK Central Bank's website “My Little Homeland”.

The relevance lies in the fact that work on the site will fulfill an important social mission: to foster patriotic feelings, expand knowledge about the region, its history, develop interest in the past, present, contribute to an understanding of the beauty, features, and uniqueness of the native land.

Project goals:

* propaganda of local history literature, shaping the image of the library as a place where everyone can find help and support in matters relating to their small homeland.

* creation of our own local history resources on electronic media;

* instilling in the younger generation a sense of love, pride and belonging to a small homeland, patriotism and citizenship;


* creation of our own local history resources in electronic and traditional media;

* organization among users of the local history movement to collect materials about their village, area, the development of their creative activity in learning the history of their native land;

* creation of favorable conditions for classes, communication and leisure activities for readers.

The project is designed for all user groups.

Organizations involved in project implementation

To implement the project, we will cooperate with the following organizations:

Rural Houses of Culture and Rural Clubs;

Kindergartens, schools;

Orthodox church with. Yazykovo, mosques;

Regional Museum of Local Lore

Public organizations;

Project activities

Stage I (January - June 2017) presentation:

"Native places";

"Historical Monuments of Blagovarsky District";

2. presentations:

“Blagovarskaya land. History in faces ”;

"All about the native land."

"Heraldry of the Republic of Belarus and Blagovarsky District";



1. Photo contest "Native Places";

2. Competition of practical and creative works "Save what we love".

Stage II (July-April 2018)

Photo albums "Chronicle of the region".

Booklet "The Great Winner.";

Collection of young poets "I find joy in poetry."


1. presentations of the created discs;

2. intellectual quiz "The land forever beloved";

3. cognitive game “I know everything about my village”;

4. creative poetry evening "I sing a hymn to my native land"

Expected results:

1 User satisfaction with the quality of the activities and the results of the work.

2. Attracting new users to the library.

3. Development of interest in reading local history literature, works of compatriot authors.

4. Continuation and addition of the "Chronicle of the village" with new events and facts.

Project Description

1. Conduct a survey and testing to identify knowledge about the native land.

2. Based on the results of the questionnaire, conduct educational virtual tours of the area

3. Arrange a series of meetings:

· With soldiers-internationalists;

· With eyewitnesses of the Great Patriotic War;

· With honorary citizens, natives of our area.

6. Replenish the book fund with literature on local history.

7. To design a permanent book exhibition "My Little Homeland" in the library.

8. To organize in the library the days of local history "Sweet places for the heart", "My native village".

9. Compile information booklets:

"Do we know how to be proud of heroes?" (about heroes - fellow countrymen of the Soviet Union);

10. Hold a literary and musical evening "Let the living remember, and let generations know." (About fellow villagers who died defending the Motherland).

Expected results

The implementation of the project will allow creating a fund of unique products of local history topics on electronic media in the form of presentations, photo collections.

The excursion route along the historical sites "Your history is quiet to me every corner is dear to me", developed together with the local history museum, will help to better know the history of the region.

The photo competition will contribute to the development of readers' creative activity in collecting photographic materials from the region.

Contest of practical and creative works "Let's Save What We Love" among middle school students. Its goal is to identify the most dear places for the hearts of every inhabitant, which are popular in the village, and, if necessary, help in their preservation. These can be springs, parks, etc.

The booklet "The Great Winner" will become another page of the heroic history, tell about the events of the last war and the people who made a huge contribution to the liberation of our Motherland.

“I find joy in poetry” will involve children in the world of literature. Children will learn the names of writers and poets-fellow countrymen, will experience a sense of patriotism, faith in themselves, their uniqueness, feelings of kindness and love for their parents, their land, for the Motherland, and most importantly - for books and reading.

During the implementation of this project, the number of users in the library will increase, attendance will increase, and the range of library services will expand.

Library users will receive a valuable information resource on local history and literary heritage of the Blagovarsky region.

The project will contribute to increasing the information work of the library on local history.

Evaluation of project efficiency

The creation of an electronic and documentary fund of local lore character is necessary for future generations.

At the end of the project, the effectiveness will be assessed by the number of visits to the library website and by the results of the questionnaire.

Interest in local history is a modern trend. Many institutions and organizations are now studying the history of the region and preserving cultural trends. Libraries occupy their own unique niche in the system of preserving, studying and reviving interest in the historical and cultural heritage.

IN "Fundamentals of state cultural policy" (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 808 of 24.12.2014) the leading role of libraries in collecting, storing, studying and popularizing regional and local culture, in preserving ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity and identity is determined.

Library local lore as one of the aspects of libraries' activity is becoming more versatile every year, enriched with innovative forms, acquiring new features.

In modern conditions, those libraries are successfully developing that have chosen a promising path of professional development, which makes it possible to model activities -development of library projects and targeted complex programs.

The result of the project activities of the libraries is:

- compilation of chronicles of settlements;

- organization of museums and museum expositions

- creation of literary and memorial museums in honor of writers whose work is associated with their native land

- release of our own publishing products


- series of publications "History in persons" ("Honorary Citizens ...", etc.)

- creation of a book dedicated to the anniversary of the village (village, settlement)

- creation of an encyclopedic dictionary by the name of the settlement (for example, "Alphabet of Omsk"), including information about history, organizations, nature, traditions, the fate of wonderful fellow countrymen, etc.

The development of new forms of information and educational activities is facilitated bytechnical re-equipment libraries.

Libraries, possessing a certain potential in the field of information and computer technologies, carry out the formation of local databases that replenish the information resources of libraries and expand the capabilities of libraries to meet user needs, are used in the preparation of a local history calendar of significant and memorable dates of the region / city.

Example:formation of full-text local history electronic databases "N -sky district: People. Events. Facts "," Municipal authoritiesN -sky district "," Social infrastructure of the district "," Honorary citizens of the cityN "," Participants in the war in Afghanistan and Chechnya. "

Every year, the role of libraries inpopularization of local history literature , increasing interest in the local history book, works of local authors. Creative meetings with local writers and poets, premieres and presentations of works by local authors are held.

For the formation of the interest of users, as well as for further study of the life and work of writers and poets of the Kuvandyk region by the staff of the Central Intersettlement Library named after PI Fedorov, a web page was created “Literary life of the Kuvandyk urban district "On the website" Library system of the Kuvandyk region "(Orenburg region). Purpose of creation of this electronic product is to ensure the entry of users into the cultural environment of the region by studying biographical data and familiarizing themselves with the creative life of writers and poets associated with the Kuvandyk region. The web page is intended for a wide range of users.

One of the areas of innovative activity of libraries is the introduction of innovations inorganization of mass work.

Among the most interesting finds of Orenburg librarians:

Bibliographic performance "Rain, like tears, washed the victorious morning of the country";

Regional actions "Help a veteran", "How do you live a veteran?";

Electronic presentation of the video book "The Last Witnesses of the War";

Festival of military books "War, your bitter trace in the books on the shelf ...";

Dialogue of generations "Fathers and Sons", timed to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.

In recent years, it has become increasingly common in the work of libraries to promote library services such bright complex events asstock, which may include theatrical performances, colorful processions, quizzes, contests, flash mobs, etc.

Informational reason for the action maybe: an anniversary calendar date (literary, historical, political on a country, district, village scale); leading theme of the year; problems of concern to everyone; implementation of a library project, etc.

The approximate program of the action, as a rule, includes such forms of events as presentations, excursions, processions, discussions, competitions, theatrical performances, polls, questionnaires, meetings with writers, famous people, reading literature, loud readings, etc. (not necessarily all these forms , there can be 2-4 of them in total). At the end of the action, it is natural to analyze the event, where conclusions and recommendations are determined, which must be taken into account when organizing further work. Summing up the results of the action is covered in the media, on the library website or library portal.

Colleagues create mini-museumsat libraries, collecting historical material, objects of material and spiritual culture. An example is « cossack household room » libraries them. Sholokhov, Volgograd. Both museums of Russian traditional culture and museums of other national cultures are being created. Materials and exhibits of museums are actively used not only when serving users within the walls of the library, but also in public events held jointly with the club system (village anniversaries, national holidays).

One of the important ways of providing local history information is the use of the Internet. Libraries everywhere place local history information on the Internet, creating headings and pages on library sites, creating independent local history sites and blogs. The value of the created electronic resources lies in the preservation of the documentary heritage of their regions, propaganda and promotion of information about them.

The formation of electronic local history resources of libraries is carried out in three main directions :

- Generation of own electronic resources on the basis of the library fund of local lore;

- borrowing external resources;

- corporate interaction within the framework of various projects.

These directions exist in close relationship. The main local history electronic resources of libraries presented on the network are:

- local history electronic catalogs;

- local history databases (bibliographic and full-text);

- local history thematic sites (portals);

- local history electronic bibliographic and reference publications;

- electronic versions of printed documents of local lore;

- electronic factual local history information (including factographic databases);

Libraries present the following information on the local history pages of their websites and blogs:

- history of the region / district / settlement

- official symbols: anthem, coat of arms, flag

- monuments and memorial sites

- veterans of the Second World War and hot spots

- natural monuments,

- annotated sources in the library collection,

- scenarios of local history events

For example, in my methodological blog, there are local history pages "About the Muromtsevsky District", "Honorary Citizens of the Muromtsevsky District", "Famous Compatriots", and also published posts of local history orientation. Lyudmila Lonevskaya, an employee of the library No. 4 in Mikhailovka, Volgograd region, maintains, along with a library blog, a local history blog« Mikhailovsky ethnographer ».

A virtual exhibition is placed on the Kuvandyk library website« History album open …». The users are presented with books that tell about the history of the villages of the Kuvandyk region. The same site has a very informative section."Local history".

Database "Honorary Citizens of the city of Mednogorsk"(Central Library System of Mednogorsk) was created in order to preserve the memory of people who were awarded the highest Mednogorsk award, to increase knowledge about their life and work and to disclose documents, access to which is difficult or restricted for library users. Each of the 47 honorary citizens of the city of Mednogorsk is assigned a separate block in the database, which includes a curriculum vitae, information about achievements and awards, a photograph of the honorary citizen, as well as bibliographic lists of printed and electronic materials telling about his career. All printed sources - newspaper articles, book fragments - can be found in the database. They are digitized and saved in pdf format. Some blocks also include photo albums containing copies of award documents, certificates, diplomas, photographs of awards. Blocks about honorary citizens are arranged in the order of their title assignment. In addition to the nominal blocks, the base has an introductory article and a complete list of awardees.

The base is created by the staff of the Central City Library MBUK "Central Library System of Mednogorsk". Documents from other databases are not included in it. All work on the selection of materials and their digitization is carried out only by employees of the Central City Hospital. The database is addressed to a wide audience. First of all, it is of interest to amateur local historians and professional historians, librarians, teachers and students of various educational institutions, organizers of cultural and leisure activities. Users can get acquainted with the database on the official website of the Central City Library, as well as in all libraries of the system where computers are installed.

At present, the database contains 47 personalities. It includes 268 digitized documents, 13 hyperlinks to Internet resources.

The use of interactive forms in local history

Libraries assist in awakening the cognitive interests of children by organizing search and collecting, research and creative activities. Libraries of the Saraktash region(Orenburg region) for many years have been not only the custodians of the accumulated local lore values, but also partly their creators. Proceeding from the fact that the fund of local lore is replenished poorly, it became necessary to publish local history thematic collections, accumulative folders, collections of poems by local poets and much more. Today, modern technologies make it possible not only to produce printed materials, to use media carriers in work, but also to create thematic electronic resources ourselves. For several years, the employees of the district library have been translating materials from accumulative folders into an electronic version, creating virtual excursions, book exhibitions, slide films and much more. The accumulated material contributed to the creation of an electronic resource - the local history database "My heart is registered here." Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is the employees of the libraries who are engaged in the collection of local history material, the digitization of local history documents.

Saraktash librarians are both initiators and authors of books on the history of villages. For example, V. N. Tretyakova (head of the Nadezhdinsky s / f) is one of the authors of the book "The native land forever beloved" about the village of Nadezhdinka. Belova V.Yu. - Co-author of the book "Silver Spring" about the village of Cherkassy, \u200b\u200betc.

1. any local history publications immediately become a bibliographic rarity after being published due to the fact that they are published in small editions and are practically never reissued;

2. for the maximum disclosure of the fund in the virtual space of the Internet (in the hope that the “virtual” reader will eventually become “real”).

The heading "Local history book" contains the usual for librarians "Thematic reviews", "Reviews of new acquisitions" and "Virtual exhibitions". However, the material presented in them is able to interest the reader as much as possible. Reviews of new acquisitions include short biographies of authors, excerpts from works. Virtual exhibitions, made in the form of music video clips, strive to figuratively present the work of Orsk writers. Thematic reviews are not limited to dry annotation, but include expanded content and illustrative material.

The capabilities of modern technologies are widely used in public events. So, in 2013, the famous fellow countryman Igor Fedovich Sakhnovsky turned 55 years old. There was an idea not only to hold a literary evening dedicated to his work, but to try to organize an Internet bridge and provide the library readers and Orsk writers with an opportunity to communicate directly with the famous fellow countryman. This idea was successfully implemented, and in May 2014 Igor Fedovich came to Orsk and, of course, met with admirers of his talent.

In the methodological treasury of the department of local history for 2012-2013, a rich material on literary local history was collected: virtual exhibitions, video clips, video recordings of conversations with poets and prose writers, electronic versions of books provided by the authors, photographic materials, etc. In order for all these materials to be available to a wide range of users, library program "Literary Orsk in electronic format".The program is designed for 2 years. The goal of the program is to popularize the creativity of Orsk writers and foster love for their small homeland through the creation of a series of discs "Literary Orsk". Employees of the Department of Information and Library Technologies of the Central State Library named after Gorky.

The main target audience of the project is youth. The modern young generation is interested in receiving information in electronic form. The information placed on disks will eventually be able to attract the attention of young people to books. The series of discs will also be of interest to literature lovers who can learn more about the work of Orsk authors. Virtual exhibitions, clips, interviews with authors can be shown at literary local history lessons and during events.

Such forms of work are interesting:

- "Memorial Day for the Disappeared Villages"

- “Where is this street? Where is this house? " - project , the purpose of which was to collect information about the emergence of the streets of the village. The project resulted in the publication of a brochure on the history of this settlement;

- Intellectual and creative competition "Literary - local history stagecoach", developed by the library (Yoshkar-Ola, river Mari El.), was a journey through the streets of the city. Its participants prepared creative works on the history of the name of the street (11 streets). The main goal of the competition was to draw attention to the Mari literary heritage through the study of the history of the names of the streets of the city bearing the names of Mari poets and writers. All projects of the participants of the local history competition were posted on the website of Yoshkar - Ola Central Library System in the section “Literary and local history stagecoach”.

- Thematic (local history) library . The library events' programs included various topics: "Bread is the head of everything", "Amusing business", "About fishing", "White patterns" - about the famous Orenburg scarf, "We are strong when we are united." The musical part of the events included a dialogue about the friendship of the peoples of the region, musical and poetic numbers in Russian, Kazakh, Tatar, Chuvash languages, short stories about traditions, tasting of national dishes, songs, folk dances. For each event, exhibitions with books, photographs, and folk art items were arranged. Based on the collected materials, the collection "Springs of Creativity" was published.

· activation of the activities of libraries for the preservation of the literary heritage and further development of the national identity and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the region;

· identification, generalization and dissemination of new, interesting experience of libraries in the preservation and development of the literary creativity of local writers and poets.

· exhibition-dialogue of books "Library - the territory of tolerance", oral magazine "Peace to thy home",

· creative work "Revival and preservation of Mordovian culture", and other works.

In libraries, work is underway to collect materials about the participants in the war. Leaflets were prepared and disseminated with an appeal to the population of the village and district with a request to help collect photographic materials with biographies of the participants in the war to create a photo gallery "History in faces". In the lobby of the district library "grows" Memory tree.On the wall there is an appeal to fellow countrymen: “Green ribbons - life after the war, the modern world, the memory of the lost people. Tie a ribbon, and thanks to you, the withered tree will come to life. " Library visitors tied ribbons to tree branches. And they also left brief information about the participants in the war in a special Book of Memory, created by the library workers under the title: “I remember! I'm proud!".

Librarians conduct regional competition of pen samples "My brooding land" (initiated by the central district library). The competition is designed to promote reading, the development of educational activities of the district libraries, the activation and stimulation of the creative activity of libraries, and the improvement of the professional skills of library workers. Poetic and literary compositions were presented at the competition in the nominations:

In connection with the anniversary date, a number of projects and programs on local history were carried out in the libraries of Omsk, which are being implemented by all or several municipal libraries: the Internet project "Virtual Center of Literary Local History" (2011-2015); the program on historical and literary local history "The city can be read like a book" (2015); the project "Information Center for Local Lore" (2014-2016); the project "Origins" (2015); program of events of the local history hall “History

my library "(2015-2016); the project "Local history knowledge for the people": anniversary routes of the Omsk bibliomobile (2013-2016); target complex program "The World of Omsk" (2013-2016); the project "Omsk Virtual Reference" (2010-2016); the Omsk Digital Library project (2009-2015); the project "Tobolsk Gate" (2014-2016): organization of the excursion bureau ". "Activities of state and municipal libraries of the Omsk region in 2015"):

- a project of the Russian-Polyansky district to create a virtual gallery "Library and Museum: Virtual Handshake", in which there are 4 showrooms: "Immortal Regiment", "Honorary Citizens of the Russian-Polyansky Municipal District", "Honor Board" and "Local History Hall";

- The Krasnoznamensk Rural Library of the Moskalensk District worked under the program "My Little Homeland", aimed at reviving and preserving the cultural heritage of the village. Within the framework of the program, materials were collected in the format of "Oral History" - memories of old-timers on the history of the villages of Krasnoe Znamya, the villages of Kharlovka, Luzino, Novo-Luzino, Lansk, Dubrovka;

- in the Tarsky region, the project “Literary and historical marathon“ Tara in the years of the Great Patriotic War ”was implemented, which received a subsidy from the Government of the Omsk region;

- in the Firstovskaya library of the Bolsheukovsky district, the program "Library - the center of knowledge about one's small homeland" is being implemented. The result of the work on the program was the opening of a room-museum named after the writer-countryman M.I.Rasskazov. Within the framework of this program, in 2015, the project “Village of Firstovo and the Moscow-Siberian tract” was developed and implemented;

- in the libraries of the Tyukalinsky municipal district, a system of work on local history has developed within the framework of 13 programs, incl. “My land is the land of Tyukalinskaya”, “Mini-museum“ Church parish school ”, where participants of interactive excursions try to write with a pen, learn interesting facts about Tyukalinsk, guess by Domostroi, play games of the 19th century, solve problems from the solution book“ Arithmetic "(1897).

exhibition expositions in the Tavricheskaya CDB, they were collected in collections of readers' works, became the topic for local history literary and historical lessons and excursions, information booklets and bookmarks. On June 12, 2015, on the day of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Tavrichesky municipal district, the employees of the Central Children's Library opened a literary and intellectual platform in the "Summer Reading Room" "And I live in Tavrichesky!" The site visitors took part with pleasure in the events organized by the Tavricheskaya CDH. They were given the opportunity to walk through the impromptu photo gallery "Forever in the memory of the people" and learn about the glorious combat path of the Tauride people - heroes of the Great Patriotic War; solve the fascinating crossword puzzle "My native Tavricheskoe" and at the same time test your knowledge about your favorite area; decipher the entertaining puzzles "Everybody has his own street" and get acquainted with interesting facts about the familiar streets of the working village; guess which of the "Poets of the Land of Tauride" owns excerpts from poems, and read them aloud.

The exhibition-excursion "Street, writer, library" was dedicated to poets and writers, whose names are found in the names of Tara streets. During its preparation, it turned out that there are 8 such streets in Tara: A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, N. Chernyshevsky, A. Herzen, A. Radishchev, M. Gorky, M. Lomonosov, per. M. Lermontov. The exhibition presented not only books by these wonderful authors, but also a collage of photographs of Tara streets, as well as a large map of the city, on which the children were interested in finding streets with poetic names.

In the Tara CDL, employees of the information center "School Academy" are engaged in local history work with readers. In 2015, they implemented the program "Cultural and tourist all-terrain vehicle", which included a theatrical sightseeing tour "Ancient city named Tara", quest game "Tara fortress", interactive platform "City of childhood", regional photo competition "Reading Tara", tournament “Do you know your city?”, presentation of the coloring book “Time Travel. The beginning of the XX century "from the series" Walks in Tara ", the paleontological quest" What the Tara land keeps: the results of excavations ", toponymic riddles" I will walk along Aleksandrovskaya, I will look at the Jubilee ", the video express" I will breathe the smell of my homeland "and a local history meeting game "Lands of my past years."


The role of libraries in local history information is difficult to overestimate: they have a universal collection of documents and remain the most accessible for all categories of users. Skillful use of innovative forms of work contributes to the formation of a new image of the library as a cultural, educational, informational, educational, leisure center and, most importantly, a center of public life of the local community.

Libraries strive to present in the Internet the wealth of their local history resources accumulated over many years, to make them accessible to the widest user. This is not so much a trend of the times as an attempt to systematize all the accumulated material and provide users with the ability to remotely access information.

Sources not mentioned in the text:

Wherever we are, We are in a hurry from afar To untold fatherly places, Where we have our own copses, Groves, all paths, Where you yourself are for each bush ... D.I. Blynsky Wherever we are, We are in a hurry from afar To untold fatherly places, Where we have our own copses, Groves, paths all, Where you yourself are for each bush ... D.I. Blynsky

It consists, first of all, in the fact that literary local lore, being an integral part of library local lore, promotes the best ideologically and artistically works in which the life of the Livensky region is vividly reflected, and thereby contributes to the education in the reader of a sense of connection with the native land, with his "small homeland", acquaints the reader with the history of the region's literature, recreates the panorama of modern literary life, tells about the best people of the region, fellow countrymen and natives, who left a significant mark on literature.

Study of the life and work of local writers who were born in the region and closely related to it, study of the life and work of classic writers in terms of regional and local history relations, study of modern literary life in the region and the history of the development of literature in the region, reflection of the region in fiction; Russian writers on the Livenskaya land.

The role of literary local lore in promoting the best ideologically and artistically works, in which the life of the Livensky region is vividly reflected, in familiarizing lyceum readers to the sources of folk culture, to the cultural and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof their people.

1. Awakening a sense of patriotism, love for the native land. 2. Development of creative abilities of readers. 3. Formation of cultural - historical consciousness of readers of lyceum students. 4. Intellectual and spiritual development of the personality of the lyceum student reader. 5. Independent creation of new documents of primary or secondary information on literary local history; writing scripts of mass events on local history topics, developing methodological aids. Expected results

Terms of project implementation The project is long-term. "" Academic year 1. Creation of the Rodniki club at the Library and Information Center of the Lyceum; 2. Creation of bio-bibliographic manuals on the creativity of Livians, including students of the Lyceum. 3. Conduct research “Paustovsky and Livny.

Legal and regulatory framework for literary local lore Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" National educational initiative "OUR NEW SCHOOL" State program of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years. Law of the Oryol Region "On Education in the Oryol Region" A comprehensive program of moral and patriotic education of citizens in the Oryol Region. Law of the Russian Federation "On librarianship"

Fund of local history literature The book fund on literary local history, has almost 300 copies of books, brochures, periodicals. These are literary documents, including publications of works by contemporary Livonian authors (F. Kovalev, G. Ryzhkin, N. Provalov, M. Belyaev, Yu. Bondarev, O. Safonova, Yu. Gritchenko, Yu. Vorobyov, A. Smirnykh, N Barabanov and others). Sources of printed publications on literary local lore: publications of local periodicals; bibliographic indexes and calendars of significant dates.

Reference and bibliographic apparatus for literary local lore - universal card index “Our city. Our area "; - thematic card index "Love and know your land"; - fund of reference and bibliographic manuals on literary local history; - archive of completed bibliographic references on literary local history; thematic and bibliographic folders "Literary Livny" and "Creativity of our readers".

- "Writers and poets of the Livensky region"; - "Their names are associated with the Livensky region"; - "Poetry"; - "Literary criticism"; - "The literary life of the region until 1917"; - “Folklore of the region. Storytellers "; - "Livensky region in fiction". Universal card index “Our city. Our area "

The main directions of literary local history: Mass work (literary evenings, evenings - meetings, evenings - portraits, conferences, oral journals, literary hours, poetry hours, book premieres, etc.) Information and bibliographic activity (collection of data for dossiers, introduction to computer of full-text databases, execution of inquiries, organization of card files by topic). Publishing activity (publication of bibliographic aids, booklets, digests, bibliodigests, information lists, fact sheets, etc.)

Club "Rodniki" CLUB MOTTO. “We must live on the earth as a wheel turns: With just one point it touches the ground, And the rest will certainly strive upward” Blessing of Saint Ambrose. CLUB CHARTER. Our club appeals to everyone who loves "Russia, a modest corner - the city of Livny - our small homeland", who wants to know its history, traditions, great compatriots, learn new names in poetry and prose and glorify our city yourself "- come to us.

Here I live and this edge is dear to me

Library local lore is a priority direction in the work of the Pervomaiskaya rural library

Recently, a model standard for the activities of libraries has been vigorously discussed, according to which a large role is assigned to the creativity and initiative of library workers.

The stimulus for further creativity, the search for new forms of work for the workers of the Pervomayskaya rural library is the awareness of the need and significance of their activities for the residents of the village.

The priority direction in the work of the Pervomaiskaya rural library is library study of local lore.

Library starts with an exhibition

Pervomaisky rural library usually begins with a local history exhibition and exhibitions of artists and craftsmen of the village of Pervomaisky: “Interesting people live in the village”, “When inspiration comes”, “Crossroads of destinies and times”, “My village is Pervomaisky”, "People and Time", "Eternal Fire of Memory".

In the library, you can constantly see exhibitions of works of folk craftsmen of the village:

"Clay is obedient to her hands" - the work of the potter Vorontsova AL, woodcarving and paintings by the artist Kozlov VL, "Song to the tree" - the work of the folk craftsman N. Yu. Kopanev, "Grandma's chest" - the work of craftswomen from the family dynasty Khorenkovs - Timoshkins, "The Magic Needle" - embroidery by Zorina V.I. "Skillful hands mastery" - beadwork and cross-stitch work by GI Pereverzeva. "Patchwork mosaic" - works of Semyonova NS "With love embroidered towel" - works of Borisenkova V.V., "Beauty beloved" - cross-stitch and satin stitch embroidery of the toiler of the rear, Shabanova MA

Unforgotten old times

The premises of the Pervomaiskaya rural library are small, so the “Unforgotten old times” stand was decorated in the corridor.

It contains information about the Pervomaisky rural settlement at the present time, information about the collective farms that existed on the territory of the Pervomaisky rural council, a list of villages that disappeared in the post-war years from the map of the Pervomaisky rural council, trades and crafts that existed in the village of Pervomaisky, folk craftsmen of the village of Pervomaisky, glass artists of the Pervomaisky glass factory.

In addition, in the corner "Unforgotten antiquity" you can see items of folk life, utensils, embroidery, old clothes typical for the village of Pervomaisky.

Interesting people live in the countryside

Pervomaisky is famous for its talents,

Many different interesting people

And in almost any of them there is a highlight,

But they are silent about her out of their modesty.

The library workers have created and are replenishing many folders-accumulators about the village of Pervomaysky, about folk craftsmen, craftsmen and craftswomen of the village: "Honored Artist of Russia Berdnikov Vladimir Ivanovich", "Literary talents of the village of Pervomaysky", "Our young talents", "Heroes of newspaper pages", "People and time", "Creative biography of Vladimir Vasilyevich Filipenkov", "Here I live and this land is dear to me", "History of the Pervomaisky glass factory", "Interesting people live in the village", "The history of the Pervomaisk rural library" was written.

The work of the club "Young local historian"

For children of secondary school age in the Pervomaiskaya rural library there is a club "Young local historian". There are many events: "Hours of Historical Story", "Memory Lessons", "Lessons of Courage", "Virtual Travels" around the Pervomaisky rural settlement, memorable and historical places in the Shumyach District and the Smolensk Region, meetings with interesting people. The guys went on an excursion to the glass museum of the Pervomaisky glass plant, in the workshops of the plant. Young local historians have done a lot of good deeds: in the spring they made and hung birdhouses in the park, in the winter - bird feeders, took part in the campaigns "Veteran Lives Nearby", "Letter to a Veteran", "Sacred Memory". The purpose of the action "Sacred Memory" is to tell the children about all the monuments, obelisks and memorial signs located on the territory of the Pervomaisky rural settlement and to take a tour of these memorable places.

Our job is to care about people

Elderly People's Club "Zavalinka"

The Elderly People's Club "Zavalinka" has existed in the Pervomaiskaya rural library for six years. A library for the elderly is a place of leisure, communication, active recreation.

Themed evenings dedicated to mothers of many children, needlewomen and craftswomen who attend library gatherings, honored glassmakers, awarded orders and medals for their labor, children of war, and home front workers have become traditional. Older people are happy to celebrate the holidays in the library: Epiphany, Maslenitsa, March 8, New Year, Day of the Elderly, etc., because they have the opportunity to show their artistic abilities: they play instant performances, interludes with the library workers, sing their favorite songs with pleasure , read monologues and poems, participate in competitions. Library gatherings have become very popular, here women communicate, exchange culinary recipes, they can get legal information on topical issues, watch the works of folk craftsmen of the village, listen to music, watch their favorite TV show.

For many years, the library has operated such a form of work as the Bureau of Good Services - serving war veterans and home front workers, labor veterans, disabled children and young people with disabilities with a library book at home. Such children and adolescents are involved in various creative competitions of regional and regional significance. So, they took part in contests many times and, based on the results of the contests, were awarded with memorable gifts and diplomas Denis Paisov and Katya Korneeva.

All children are talented

Readers of the Pervomaiskaya rural library actively participate and become winners of regional and regional local history competitions, of the last - on the work of the writer-fellow countryman IS Sokolov-Mikitov, on the Patriotic War of 1812. The regional youth library in 2012 awarded the Pervomaisky rural library with a letter of thanks "For the excellent organization of patriotic education of youth and the popularization of knowledge about the state symbols of the Russian Federation and the Smolensk region", prizes and well-deserved awards were received by our readers in the regional youth competition "The history of my city (populated paragraph) ": Ivankova Olya (11th grade) wrote the work" The village of Pervomaisky is famous for glassmakers ", Tarasenkova Yana (9th grade) - about the glass artists of the Pervomaisky glass plant, and Nikitina Nina (9th grade) was awarded a diploma for the work" Pervomaisky glass plant - one of the oldest enterprises in the Smolensk region ”.

Native village Pervomaisky - our publishing experience

Now, in the age of high information technologies, it is difficult to surprise with the publication of printed materials.

Guided by the fact that the small homeland should be studied in various aspects and directions, we are working on the publication of information and bibliographic manuals on the history of the village of Pervomaisky.

For young people, memos about artists and craftsmen of the village of Pervomaisky were created:

"Clay is obedient to her hands" - about Vorontsova A.L. "The Magician Who Lives Near Us" - about the main artist of the Pervomaisky Glass Factory, Honored Artist of Russia Berdnikov V.I., "The Master of the Cutter" - about the craftsman N.Yu. Kopanev. We hand these memos to our readers during mass events.

Memoirs have been created for young people about the heroes of the village of Pervomaisky and Shumyachsky region: "The Order of Courage for Courage" - memos about the inhabitants of the village of Pervomaisky Moiseenkov K.V., awarded the Order of Courage posthumously, Ivanov V.N., awarded the Order of Courage, currently living in Pervomaisky, “They did not return from the battle” - about our fellow countrymen who died in Chechnya, “From the flames of Afghanistan” - about our fellow countrymen performing their international duty in Afghanistan, about the full holder of the Orders of Glory, a native of the village of Pervomaysky, Sudarkov N.M., about Heroes of the Soviet Union I.P. Gomankov and Vatagine A.I. We use these memos and hand them over to the listeners during such events as "Lesson of Memory", "Lesson of Courage", "Hour of Historical Memory", "Hour of Historical Story", etc. They are used by teachers in local history lessons, readers use them to participate in local history competitions, for creative works and essays.

"It must be alive" -

album of the national memory of the Pervomaisky rural settlement.

The library workers have been working on the creation of this album for more than a decade: they talked with old-timers of the village, participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, workers of the rear, prisoners of concentration camps, collected photographs and documents from family archives, and worked with local history publications. The album contains several chapters.

"Let the living remember, let generations know"

Here you can find information about all the monuments, obelisks and memorial signs located on the territory of the Pervomaisky rural settlement.

Stele to the fallen soldiers of the village of Pervomaisky

Memorial sign at the site of the mass execution of Jews

Obelisk to the fallen soldiers of the surrounding villages of the settlement in the village of Sloboda

“Dear memory. On the eve of the war "

On these pages - the life of the Pervomaisky Village Council before the war: what collective farms existed, how many inhabitants, cattle, implements, descriptions of villages that disappeared in the post-war years, memories of the village's old residents of pre-war life.

“And it's scary to remember, and you can't forget. The beginning of the war, the years of occupation "

Memories of eyewitnesses, extracts from museum documents, materials from local history publications, a list of civilians, tortured, shot, executed by the Nazis, taken into slavery in Germany.

"Legendary Generation"

About those who died at the front or went missing during the Great Patriotic War. Documents, photographs. Only 77 names of the dead and missing residents of the village of Pervomaysky were known, but thanks to the research work done, 159 names of the fallen fellow countrymen became known.

"Veterans go into silence"

This is a list of disabled people, veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War who met Victory Day, but died in the post-war years, and their memories recorded by employees of the Pervomaiskaya rural library, award documents, photographs, publications about them from local history publications.

"We will always remember you"

On these pages - photographs of the events that took place dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, poems and compositions of children, creative works.

Work on the "Album of National Memory" continues. New publications appear, new facts are revealed, new names become known.

Although that thunderstorm rumbled

The pain of the heart does not leave ...

This book has a beginning

But there is no end in sight.

"According to work and honor"

The library workers have collected material about notable glassmakers of the Pervomaisky glass factory, who were awarded high government awards, and created an information and bibliographic guide “On Labor and Honor”.

The bibliographic index "By Labor and Honor" includes the names of notable glassmakers of the Pervomaisky Glass Factory, awarded with government awards, some of them have been published in the media, in local history publications available in the fund of the Pervomaiskaya Rural Library. The information about the majority of fellow countrymen was collected by employees of the Pervomaisky rural library on the basis of personal conversations with them, while documents from family archives and information from the archives of the Pervomaisky glass factory were used.

Bibliographic references are arranged in alphabetical order of surnames, literature, magazine and newspaper publications - in reverse chronological order.

The appendix contains a list of family glassmaker dynasties and a list of government award winning glassmakers.

Few survived those who glorified our village with feats of arms. Gradually, hereditary glassmakers also die. Those who built the Pervomaisky glass plant are no longer alive, one after another we see off the last journey and those who revived it from ruins in the post-war years, those whose golden hands transformed the plant and the village, created normal conditions for work and life, who glorified his native enterprise with his labor. The library maintains close contact with those who currently live in the village of Pervomaysky and whose names are included in this publication.

The purpose of this local history information and bibliographic publication is to help teachers, students and all those who want to better know the history of the village of Pervomaysky. Teachers will be able to use the pointer in local history lessons, students to prepare essays and creative works on the history of the village.

The particular value of this publication is that it contains information about people who are well known to all residents of the village. Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are readers of the library can be proud of them, many of them themselves are representatives of the famous dynasties of hereditary glassmakers.

The main goal of the local history work of the Pervomaisky rural library is to work for the benefit of fellow countrymen, instilling in its readers respect for the people of the Pervomaisky village and its history.

Local history - a comprehensive study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements by the local population, for which this territory is considered a native land.

Local lore studies the nature, population, economy, history and culture of the native land

Library task:

To bring literary history and works of contemporary writers to the younger generation,

cultivate love and respect for their small homeland, organize and conduct meetings with interesting people, get acquainted with the work of writers and poets of their native land.

Using the great heritage of compatriot writers, the library tries to instill in children and adolescents a true patriotic feeling, to develop love for their land through the study and analysis of local history literature.

To raise the level of knowledge of the history, traditions of the Kazakh people, fostering a feeling of love for the motherland, pride in their land.

Relevance the chosen topic is due to the fact that today local history is one of the priority areas of the rural library. Undoubtedly, each person needs to know: who he is and where he comes from.

The revival of library study of local lore in rural libraries today is caused by an unprecedented rise in national consciousness. By recognizing universal human priorities, library study of local lore is able to fill in people that moral process, which is now much talked about, morality is instilled together with love for the father's house.

The degree of elaboration of this topic.

The proposed work examines the regional studies of the rural library.

The subject of development is the local history activity of the Dvurechenskaya rural library.

Mission: Preserve the past, discover the future.

Theoretical aspects of the local history activities of the rural library:

The tasks of the local history work of the rural library are very diverse, each library has its own face, finds its own "zest", direction,

in its daily work, a rural library solves many problems:

Preserves and transfers cultural traditions in time and space, providing the memory of generations;

Forms the moral attitudes of young people, creates a special cultural, educational and intellectual environment in society.

One of the traditional directions of the library's work has always been local history, even the concept of "library local history" was formed

Dissemination and promotion of local history knowledge

The library conducts systematic work in this direction. Involvement in the study of the past of the native land has significantly expanded the field of activity of rural librarians. Today we also act as local history chroniclers, ascetics of the patriotic education of youth. A feature of such activities of the library is cooperation with the school.

The problemfor rural libraries is the lack of specialists to work with information resources and the necessary software.


Today, even the smallest rural library in Kazakhstan diligently collects and stores materials on the facts of local history, accumulates local material for years.

Expected results:

The library's local history work will receive a new impetus thanks to the use of new technologies in the preservation and dissemination of information in our area.

Local history activities of the Dvurechenskaya rural library:

To improve and continue the work of the "Regional Studies" club. The members of the club are high school students - 9 people. With the help of the club members, the library is replenished with fresh material about the life of the honored workers of the village, the first virgin lands, veterans. The memory of one's roots makes a person more worthy and stronger. Today the Dvurechenskaya rural library is assigned the role of the creator of the encyclopedia of the native land. The time of the work of the reading room in the village has long passed, but there is great interest in this period among the inhabitants of the village.

Formation, organization and storage of the fund of local history materials

The basis of the local history activity of the library is the collection of local history documents (in its territory and in the region as a whole). It includes published documents about the native land; unpublished documents transferred to the library for permanent storage by private individuals or created by the library itself.

Work plan for 2017

The name of the event.

The form



"Young ethnographer"

Meeting. Work plan

“We love our village and will make it better”



"We are guys and girls of the Kazakh steppe!"


"To be remembered by descendants ..."

Evening - meeting with participants of the Second World War

Middle-level students. Youth

Village Monuments - "Let's Preserve Cultural Heritage"


"Its own contribution to the history of the native village"


Adult group of readers

"Instilling love for the native land"

History hour

Middle school students

"Praise the hands that smell like bread!"

Photo booth

Wide range of readers


"Learning to be patriots"

Excursion to the school museum of local lore. E. Zaichukova

Middle school students

"I love my native village!"

The writing

Studying different age.

On the occasion of the village's birthday: "With good memories of Tselina"

Evening meeting

First virgin lands

"To make our life better here"

Round table

Akimat, club of veterans.

Librarian of the Dvurechenskaya Rural Library - Snigur Lyudmila Nikolaevna