
Description of the painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". Painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev. Artist Grigoriev Sergei Alekseevich, short biography Description of the painting by Grigoriev

The painting "Goalkeeper" shows spectators a football match of schoolchildren, which they staged after school. The street depicts warm autumn weather, you can see yellow leaves on the ground, which crumbled from trees and bushes. The sky in the picture is light gray, from the smoke of smoldering bonfires in the distance. In the background of the picture, the city is located on a hill and many tall buildings are visible.

The central plan of the painting depicts the goalkeeper himself and the audience. The goalkeeper guards his goal, which the boys have built from their briefcases. He stands right in the center of his goal in the goalkeeper post. This stand looks like this: the boys' hands rested on their knees and the body is slightly bent, his gaze is directed at the ball in front of him and at the one who will punch him. The artist did not depict the punching player in the picture and from this it becomes even more tense. The goalkeeper is dressed in a black long sleeve jersey, blue shorts, sneakers and, of course, goalkeeper gloves. The boy shows that he is a fairly experienced and agile goalkeeper. Behind the goalkeeper is not a tall boy in a red suit. It is clear from his height that he is younger than the players, and perhaps the guys do not take him to play with them, so he stands side by side watching and brings the ball. And most likely he stood outside the goal, so that if the ball flies far away, he could bring it to the players. And behind this boy you can see the corner of a large building, which is probably the same school where young football players study.

In this picture, the spectators of the match are also of great importance. They sit on a pile of folded boards, among them there are children and a respectable adult uncle in a hat. Boys aged 7-8 are watching the game with great interest, and two very young boys, who look like 4 years old, are also interesting. If the kids were so interested in this match, then what can we say about an adult uncle. Most likely, he was just passing by, but this tense match interested him, and his love for football overcame the importance of his affairs, and he joined the audience. Next to the spectators, a white dog is curled up on the ground, and it is the only one who has indifference to a football match.

This picture perfectly combines everything, the tension of the game and the autumn weather. The main purpose of this picture is to show that football is a very exciting sport, it unites spectators of different ages with one common feeling of tension and worries about their favorite team.

Description 2

Pictures of children can be seen on the canvases of many artists. The world of childhood, filled with light and sincere joy, attracts painters with its vivid emotions and spontaneity.

One of these artists who devoted more than one work to the theme of childhood was Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev. In 1949, he painted the picture "Goalkeeper", which even now, many decades later, attracts viewers with the emotionality of the depicted moment of life, vivid feelings.

In the foreground of the picture is a tanned, thin boy of about twelve years old, stopped in a tense expectant pose. We find ourselves at a court football match, and the central person is the goalkeeper of one of the teams. He is wearing a dark brown sweater, short shorts, his socks pulled down, and galoshes tied with a ribbon on his feet. Apparently, the boy is trying to be a real goalkeeper, because he has big leather gloves on his hands, like the players of adult teams. His gaze is directed to where a sharp fight for the ball is now unfolding. He stands, slightly bent over, resting his hands on his knees. At any moment, the goalkeeper is ready to defend his team's goal. He probably fell more than once in the course of football fights, his knee was bandaged, perhaps it was injured.

Behind the goalkeeper is another younger boy. Perhaps he serves balls that have rolled out of bounds. He's not as tense and focused as the goalkeeper. A boy in a red suit stands with his hands behind his back, his stomach outstretched.

The game is closely watched by several fans, who have settled down on the uneven bars. These are children, dressed in warm jackets and sweaters, who came here with their younger brothers, sisters and even a dog. Among them, the figure of an adult man in a dark blue suit and hat stands out. He is wearing a smart embroidered shirt, a folder for papers clutched in his hand. It can be seen that he ended up at this match most likely by accident, he could not indifferently walk past the guys who were racing the ball. He is very excited about what is happening on the field, he is about to rush into battle. When we look at the picture, we seem to hear the screams of the fans cheering on their teams.

In the background of the picture are silhouettes of city buildings, low bushes that have preserved the last golden leaves, a blue forest on the horizon.

The entire canvas is made in soft, calm colors. The picture attracts the viewer's attention for a long time. Someone will remember childhood, someone will involuntarily ask the question: “How did this match end?”, Someone will admire the children's enthusiasm for football. But no one will remain indifferent.

Composition 3

Grigoriev wrote a large number of different paintings that have become popular today. This is the picture of the Goalkeeper. Here the main characters are ordinary guys who like to play football more than anything else. There is one boy in the middle of the picture. He is the goalkeeper. He looks about twelve or thirteen years old. The boy is tall and has blond hair. He stands in a tense pose and waits for the rivals to bring the ball to his goal and he will do everything to prevent this ball from entering the goal. The boy is dressed in a comfortable uniform and a warm jumper. From under the jumper you can see a clean and white shirt, and on the legs are brown socks and sneakers.

There is another little boy behind the goal who also really enjoys the game and in the future he also wants to become a goalkeeper and play football. But for now, they only take him to get sick and watch the game from the sidelines. The boy looks only eight or nine years old. He is very much a fan of his team and rests his hands on his hips.

Next to the players there are long benches on which the fans of one and the other team are seated. Among the young and young children, there is one adult man in a blue suit. It seems that when he looks at these guys, he recalls the time when he also played football and also stood at the goal. In his hands he holds a large folder with papers. From all this, we can conclude that he was on business, but seeing how the guys fervently and brightly play football, he decided to stop and see how this game would end.

In addition to the boys, there are also girls who do not really like the game, but still they are interested in how it will end. The short boy doesn't see the game very well, so he bent over and looked at it sideways. And next to him, the guy stretched his neck and carefully monitors the game so as not to miss anything. They even come here with their brother, like this a small boy sits on a bench, and next to him sits a boy even smaller than this one. From this it immediately becomes clear that this is a brother, and he joyfully hugs him very tightly. A dog sits next to them and also cheers for his team.

Behind the boys is a girl who had just left school and was about to go home, but when she saw the game, she also decided to watch the children.

The whole game takes place on a special vacant lot, where the guys play not for the first time.

There is a large and very beautiful church not far from the wasteland. The season is now autumn.


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The canvas is in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery and has been exhibited many times at exhibitions in cities of the USSR and modern Russia, as well as in China and the USA.

Grigoriev said that his "quest in the field of genre painting remained empirical for a long time", that at first he "wrote everything from life and pulled a lot of unnecessary things into the picture," but then "moved on to the director's decision." Researchers of the artist's work wrote that for the first time Grigoriev really succeeded in such a decision (to unite all the characters in a single action, corresponding to the intention of the artist-director) precisely in the film "Goalkeeper", which is so thought out, "directed" that it is perceived as a sketch of what he saw in life. This showed the mature skill of the genre painter. Each detail of the canvas has its own symbolic meaning, and each of its characters is convincing and unique in its own way. However, despite the merits noted by critics, in Soviet times, this picture was in the shadow of two other paintings by the artist - "Admission to the Komsomol" (the same 1949) and "Discussion of the Deuce" (1950).

The painting "Goalkeeper" was created in 1949. At this time, Grigoriev was already a professor, head of the department of drawing. The artist's appeal to children's themes was not accidental or the first (he first drew attention to his work with the painting "Children on the Beach" in 1937). Grigoriev appreciated spontaneity, naturalness, liveliness of reactions in children's images. The painting technique is oil painting on canvas. Dimensions - 100 × 172 centimeters. At the bottom right is the author's signature - "SA Grigoriev 1949", another autograph is on the back of the canvas - "SA Grigoriev 1949 Kiev".

Painting by Sergei Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" in the exposition of the New Tretyakov Gallery, 2017

The painting "Goalkeeper" (together with another painting by Grigoriev, "Admission to the Komsomol", 1949) was awarded the Stalin Prize of the II degree for 1950. The canvas was acquired by the State Tretyakov Gallery at the 1950 All-Union Exhibition from the author himself. It is still in the gallery's collection. Inventory number - 28043. The painting was presented at numerous exhibitions: in Moscow (1951), Leningrad (1953), at the Traveling Exhibition in Chinese cities from Beijing to Wuhan (1954-1956), in Moscow (1958 and 1971, 1979, 1986- 1987, 2001-2002, in the "New Manege" in 2002), in Kiev (1973, 1979), Kazan (1973-1974, 1977-1978), in the cities of the USA (1979-1980), at the anniversary exhibition dedicated to 225 anniversary of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, in Moscow (1983-1984).

VA Afanasyev reconstructed the events preceding the scene depicted in the painting by Sergei Grigoriev. A group of schoolchildren returning from school staged an impromptu football match, building a gate from briefcases, bags and berets. Outside of the image, an exciting episode takes place in the picture, which riveted the attention of casual viewers who settled down on a pile of fresh boards. The events on the field also draw attention to a lanky blond boy in a dark sweater, taking a seat at the gate. A. M. Chlenov drew attention to the fact that the canvas depicts early autumn, when it is still warm, but “some cautious mothers” have already dressed their children in coats. He noted that the artist chose not the scene of the fight for the ball, which is currently taking place, in his opinion, in the center of the field, but the very edge of the football field.

The boy has a bandaged right knee, and this, according to O'Mahoney, is a sign of loyalty to his team, willingness to sacrifice his health for her sake. Grigoriev relied on the metaphor characteristic of the culture and ideology of the pre-war years, the "goalkeeper-border guard", the valiant defender of the borders of the Motherland from insidious and cruel enemies (art critic Galina Karklin noted that the goalkeeper is much older than all other children depicted on the canvas, and as a student of elementary school with proudly demonstrates his football skills to the kids). However, the picture was written in 1949, and the metaphor, from O'Mahoney's point of view, acquires a number of additional meanings. A wasteland is depicted on the outskirts of a city or village (both outside the city and in the immediate vicinity of it, such a "line of defense", according to the British art critic, is a reference to both capitals, Moscow and Leningrad, at the very approaches to which during the war there was a front line ). The background of the picture tells about the restoration of the country - scaffolding is visible on two buildings; near, on the right, excavation work is underway; spectators sit on boards, which also hints that the match is taking place at a construction site.

Kiev Art Institute, in the garden of which, according to A.M. Chlenov, the action of the picture takes place

In her book about the work of the artist T.G. Gurieva, she concluded that the background of the scene depicted in the picture is a panorama of Kiev: the St. Andrew's Church over the Dnieper, construction sites, an array of houses are visible. Art critic A. Chlenov believed that the very place where the match takes place can be precisely determined. This is the garden of the Kiev Art Institute, where at that time the artist worked at the department of drawing. It is from here, according to Chlenov, that Grigoriev's view of the St. Andrew's Cathedral and the buildings above the steep slopes of the Dnieper, falling to Podol, the lower part of Kiev, opens.

The audience, with one exception, are children. They look, like the goalkeeper, behind the picture frame, at the opponent preparing to strike. Some children are spectators of the match in sportswear; one boy stands behind the goalkeeper and seems to be assisting him. "Gate" - school bags laid on the ground on either side of the goalkeeper. According to O'Mahoney, this indicates an improvised rather than planned nature of the event itself. Among the children, according to O'Mahoney, Sergei Grigoriev portrayed two girls (unlike him, Afanasyev counts four girls, referring to them the smallest child, as well as a character in a lilac bonnet coat, Gurieva considers three characters to be girls, including the number of the character in the red hood). O'Mahoney claims that girls play a secondary role in the picture. One of the girls (she is wearing sweatpants, the same as those of boys) is nursing a doll, which speaks of her more as a future mother than an athlete; the second, wearing a school uniform, stands behind the other children. TG Guryeva notes the diversity and persuasiveness of the psychological characteristics of children, as well as the artist's humor. Unlike Karklin, she attributes the older children in the picture to adolescence (pioneer) age. A boy in a red ski suit spread his legs wide apart and put his hands behind his back, sticking out his stomach, he is distinguished, in her opinion, by a calm, contemplative character (they do not accept the "kid" in the game, but he managed to join the competition, picking up balls that flew over the line gate). Chlenov noted that he was filled with a sense of his own importance, looked down on the players (despite his small stature), he did not care which team wins the match. Both more temperamental and quite calm fans sit on the boards. A kid in a gray hood reacts vividly to the game. A girl with a doll and a schoolgirl with a red bow in short hair are quietly watching the game. Bending down and resting her hands on her knees, a girl in a red hood is enthusiastically watching the match. VA Afanasyev sees the expression of complete indifference to the game only in the image of a "lop-eared dog" and "a baby wrapped in a warm scarf." Young guy (this is how Guryeva evaluates the adult character of the picture)

sits next to the childish small fry as they sit only at the stadium - ready to jump up, full of sports excitement, cheering the players with shouts and gestures. His hat is pushed to the back of his head, the collar of his embroidered Ukrainian shirt is open, his jacket is unbuttoned. The hand holds a folder with papers, but he no longer remembers them, just as he does not remember the affairs with which he was going somewhere. Carried away by the game, he sat down "for a minute" and ... forgot about everything, completely surrendering to the experience of the game

There is only one adult in the painting. O'Mahoney notes that the pose in which the man is depicted by the artist immediately attracts the viewer's attention: he sits with his left foot forward in the direction of the invisible opponent, resting his hand on his knee, repeating the position of the goalkeeper's hands. In turn, he is also duplicated by the little boy sitting to the left of the man. Judging by his clothes, the man is not a coach. The folder and documents in his right hand indicate that this is a responsible employee of a certain government agency. On the lapel of his jacket there are order strips and ribbons, indicating that he participated in the last war. In the film, he plays, according to O'Mahoney, the role of a mentor, passing on the experience of his generation to children. AM Chlenov "recognized", in his words, a student, a young artist, "making up for ... the front years." In early 1940, the artist himself was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Until the end of 1945, when he returned to Kiev, not a single work signed with his name appeared at art exhibitions. Grigoriev himself repeatedly said with pride that during his service in the army he did not work as an artist, but took part in hostilities as a political worker.

O'Mahoney considers it no coincidence that the Stalin Prize was awarded for this painting: Grigoriev emphasizes the importance of sports in the era of "restoration of the country and the revival of the nation." The role of the older generation is highlighted, and the artist has conveyed his knowledge and experience "as vital for the transformation of Soviet youth into new defenders of the USSR."

According to T. G. Gurieva, the landscape is painted in an interesting and subtle way, but its drawback is the isolation of the foreground figures from the city landscape on the horizon, which creates a feeling of some artificiality, “as if the background for a live scene in the foreground is a theatrical backdrop”. Gurieva notes the artist's skillful creation of a light, joyful color, which, according to her, conveys the artist's love for life, his optimistic mood. G. N. Karklin notes "the rusty-golden color of a warm, clear day with some decorative accents of red." According to VA Afanasyev, the landscape “filled with thoughtful elegance” does not play a dominant role in the picture, it is subordinated to the narration of a spectacular spectacle on an improvised football field. The autumn landscape, in his words, is written "easily and freely." The art critic notes a soft restrained color with a predominance of warm yellowish color. Increases the tension of what is happening on the canvas "an abundance of tactfully scattered, tonally varied spots of red" (the baby's clothes behind the back of the protagonist, a hat on the head of an "inflated girl", embroidery on the shirt of an adult character, pants on a girl in a hood, bows for girls and pioneer ties on boys). A. M. Chlenov noted that these red spots are balanced by cold tones, to which he attributed briefcases, goalkeeper and adult character's clothes, as well as the general yellowish color of the foliage.

According to Afanasyev, in "Goalkeeper" Grigoriev for the first time in his work managed not only to unite a large number of characters in a single action, but also to "stage" the scene so that it is perceived by the viewer as a sketch directly seen in life. Each detail has its place found, and each character is revealed in its own way convincingly. Ukrainian art and literary critic Oleg Kilimnik (ukr.) noted that "each child's image presented by the master enchants with its truthfulness, authenticity, the power of childish spontaneity."

Along with other paintings by Grigoriev, "Goalkeeper" in modern Ukraine was criticized. V. A. Afanasyev and the Ukrainian art critic L. O. Lotish in their articles noted the tendency that emerged among art critics to present the artist “as a cunning cynic riding the mare of socialist realism in Russian lessons, and a detailed analysis of its use is given in the book of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences L. A. Khodyakova, where the painting is offered as the theme of the composition in the Russian language lesson

In the article we will talk about the painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev. This is an interesting piece of art that requires detailed and thorough analysis. We will try to take into account the details as much as possible, and first let's talk a little about the author.

Note that football is a game in which almost all representatives of the stronger sex are interested. The game attracts both boys and adults. This is not surprising, because she is full of excitement, adrenaline and vivid emotions. For a man, it is an incredible pleasure to take the ball through many difficulties and obstacles in order to score it into the goal. The artist, which we will talk about below, managed back in 1949 to create a unique work of art that contains the entire palette of emotions. At the moment, the painting is in the Tretyakov Gallery, so after reading the article, you can go there to see firsthand the beauty and perfection of this work.

About the artist

Before starting the description of Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", let's talk a little about the artist himself. We are talking about a talented painter from the USSR, who depicted children and adolescents in almost all of his paintings. He loved to show the real life of the younger generation. This is especially interesting because the post-war years were in the yard.

Sergei Grigoriev was born in 1910 in the city of Lugansk. Already in 1932, the young man successfully graduated from the Art Institute in Kiev. After that he worked there as a teacher for several years. The main theme of the paintings has always been Soviet youth, or rather, the peculiarities of its upbringing.

Other jobs

Note that in addition to the well-known painting by Grigoriev "Goalkeeper", he also has several interesting works. For example, "In a Meeting", "Deuce Discussion" and a picture called "Returned". The activities of a talented person were not ignored. He was twice awarded the Stalin Prize, as well as various orders and awards. I would like to separately note: despite the fact that Grigoriev painted pictures back in Soviet times, almost all of them are still relevant. Even the modern education system does not forget about it. So, children in the 7th grade write an essay on the theme of his painting.

On the background

The artist Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" painted during its heyday. However, what was the main message he wanted to convey? Obviously, his work was more focused on a young viewer than an adult. So how do children understand the design? To do this, for a start, you just need to learn to formulate your thoughts clearly and clearly, be able to speak out and prove your opinion.

It is very important to see the plot on the canvas and understand its meaning. In order to draw some conclusions, and not just look at a beautiful picture, it is very important to analyze the scene that the artist depicts so carefully and skillfully on the canvas.


Before talking about the history of the creation of Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", you should think about the time at which it was created. It was 1949. Agree, quite a difficult time. Not many years have passed since the war, although the country was rebuilding at a rather accelerated pace. New enterprises, residential buildings, cultural structures were built. Yes, the population lived in the poor, but even a peaceful sky inspired them enough optimism to believe in the best.

Children who saw hunger, poverty and bombing with their own eyes were special. They were not spoiled and knew how to sincerely rejoice at something simple. For example, playing soccer with friends could have become a real event. It is this attitude to simple things that Grigoriev was able to convey in the film "Goalkeeper". Well, he really did it.

The theme and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe film "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev

So what is the main thing in the picture? First, it should be noted that the action takes place somewhere in a vacant lot. That is, we see not a beautiful equipped courtyard, but a desolate place where children gathered. They ran out of lessons and decided to play a little ball.

The main character is the most ordinary boy. He stands at the gate that the children have made from their briefcases. There is also a place for fans. They sat on a log, since there were no special benches for sitting. We see seven guys. An adult is sitting next to them, dressed in a suit. He also differs in his hat.

The description of Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper" should end with the presence of another hero on the canvas. This is a boy who stands outside the gate and watches the game with interest. There are also animals in this picture. So, we see a small white dog sleeping peacefully next to a little girl. She certainly does not show any interest in what is happening around.

Let's pay attention not to the scene itself, but to the landscapes in the background. What do we see on the canvas of Sergei Grigoriev? We see different buildings and temples. The first, by the way, are multi-storey, which means that all this action takes place in a fairly large city. By the state of nature, namely the yellowing leaves, we can understand that it is autumn outside. Children are dressed warmly, but not like in winter. Consequently, the weather is pretty cool.


We already know when Grigoriev painted the picture "Goalkeeper", but how did he show his hero of the post-war era? This is a boy who looks no more than 12-13 years old. He is wearing a blue sweater on top, from under which a snow-white collar is visible, which indicates that the boy is a diligent schoolboy. We also see shoes, shorts and a shirt on him. The boy is wearing gloves.

We see that his knee is bandaged, but despite this, he is confidently on his feet and is watching the match tensely. The game is quite difficult, the boy even bent a little while waiting for the ball. He understands perfectly well that the outcome of the game largely depends on him. He is focused and collected at this moment.


However, Sergei Grigoriev portrayed not only the main character, there are also minor ones. Let's turn our attention to the young fans, among whom there are both boys and girls. They too are tense and passionate. They all watch the field in fascination. Children understand that everything is about to be decided. They would also like to play, but they are still too small, which means they are too early. At the same time, the guys understand that supporting the team is also very important. Therefore, they honestly carry out this business. One of the guys could not sit still because of tense expectation and ran out of the field in order to quickly follow the outcome of the situation. He understands that he himself will not be able to influence the game, but, nevertheless, he is very interested.

Reproductions of Grigoriev's painting "The Goalkeeper" are in many museums and various institutions. The author's original work has been in the Tretyakov Gallery since 1950. Considering the canvas, you can pay attention to a rather interesting and atypical hero for this plot. This is a grown man in a hat who came to cheer for the children. We do not know who it is: maybe a casual passer-by who was carried away by the action, or perhaps the father of one of the guys. It is interesting that he follows the game with the same tension and passion as the children themselves. Moreover, the man himself would not have refused to play the ball.


The peculiarities of Grigoriev's picture "Goalkeeper" include the fact that it very vividly and vividly conveys the mood. We feel excitement and a burning desire to at least look at the outcome. The author of the canvas wanted to show how exciting this game can be. Despite the fact that this picture was written for a long time, its plot is relevant to this day. Indeed, a huge number of people love football. Thousands of fans all over the world come to the matches. School-age children will be interested in both reading and writing an essay on this work of the artist. After all, each of the guys in the evening also chases the ball with his comrades.

At the same time, as for the design itself, the picture is painted in soothing colors. Probably, the author did this in order to show the not so rosy post-war time. We see gray and cold shades, which seem to indicate that the time in the yard is rather difficult. At the same time, there are bright spots that mean faith in a bright future and hope for more.


Do you think there is a subtext in this picture? Many will immediately answer that no, but this would be an erroneous statement. In fact, there is a certain subtext that the author of the work wanted to convey. But what is he like? To do this, let's remember that collectivism flourished in the Soviet Union at the time of painting. What do we see? A team game in which the overall outcome depends on each participant. This is a kind of parallel with the state of affairs in the Union at that time. Indeed, the picture seems to remind that a person cannot live without society. It is an inseparable whole. To survive, you need to stick together. This is precisely the subtext that Sergey Grigoriev created in his painting.

Well, summing up the article, I would like to say that this work of the artist is one of the best. She showed all the diversity of his talent, as well as the ability to convey the essence with the help of an image. He seemed to show that just a brush and talent are capable of much. Grigoriev's paintings are characterized by special warmth and vitality. He depicts simple plots, but for some reason they are the ones that cause the most emotions, and not something complicated and pretentious. It is this simplicity that you want to disassemble, examine, just enjoy it.

Anyone who has the opportunity should definitely visit the Tretyakov Gallery to see with their own eyes the creation of Grigoriev.

One of the most popular works of the artist Sergei Grigoriev is the painting "The Goalkeeper", which is now in the Tretyakov Gallery. It was written in 1949, only four years have passed since the Great Patriotic War. By this time, the country had not yet recovered from the devastation, the standard of living of most people was low, but a peaceful life was filled with hope and optimism. The picture "Goalkeeper" tells us about it. It is dedicated to children's hobby for football, but at the same time conveys the atmosphere of that time, difficult and at the same time happy.

Football was the main love of the boys of those years, their biggest hobby. Football was played in courtyards, in parks, just on vacant lots, as depicted on the canvas "Goalkeeper". The main character of the picture is a boy standing at the gate. Although the artist has placed it off-center, the entire emotional burden of the painting goes to him. The goalkeeper stands in a tense position, it seems that the outcome of the match will depend on his quickness and agility. The boy shows that the role of the goalkeeper is familiar to him, he is a good and reliable goalkeeper.

There is no gate, they are "represented" by two portfolios, located where the bars should be. This suggests that the children did not go home after school, but moved to the vacant lot. The inconvenient surface of the field, which occupies the foreground of the picture, does not confuse the players. In those years, few were lucky enough to play on good green fields. We do not see how events unfold on the playing field, the artist deliberately brought this action beyond the picture. Only by the posture of the goalkeeper, by the expression on the faces of the spectators, we can guess that the players of both teams have to fight for victory, it will not be given just like that.

But look how many spectators the match attracted - those who were not taken to the team by age are enthusiastically watching the game. They settled down either on a fallen tree, or on a stack of boards. An adult spectator, perhaps a bystander, also joined the children. A guy in a red suit is standing behind the goalkeeper, he is not yet taken to the team, but he really would like to play, his whole appearance speaks about it. And only the dog, curled up in a white ball at the feet of one of the spectators, is indifferent to the game.

The events depicted in the picture take place on a bright, fine day in early autumn, the distance is clearly visible. In the background we see construction sites: high-rise buildings are being erected, which will soon become symbols of Moscow. This building landscape adds optimism to the overall mood of the painting.

The painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev was painted back in 1949. But it is interesting to watch it even now, because it is dedicated to the never-outdated game - football.

The painting depicts the match and the spectators watching it. The picture attracts attention with its ease. It seems that the guys have just come running from school to the vacant lot, made a gate from the briefcases and started the game. A curious feature of the picture is that it does not depict field players. We see only one of them, the goalkeeper.

Composition based on the painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev

Option 1

The painting was painted in 1949. She was very successful. For the pictures "Goalkeeper" and "Admission to the Komsomol" Grigoriev was awarded a state prize. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture is that football is a fascinating spectacle that everyone likes. Grigoriev's painting depicts a warm autumn day, late September - early October. The wind, sweeping away, twists yellow leaves, trees and bushes are almost naked. Still dry, but not early.

The sky was covered with a shroud. In the background, the city is visible in a light haze. The landscape is the background on which children are depicted. It is written easily and fluently. The landscape is subordinated to the main story about children who are keen on playing football. The guys gathered after school to play football in a vacant lot. Their gates were built from briefcases, bags and berets.

The artist did not depict the football match itself, so the canvas became even more valuable. But where the goalkeeper and the audience are looking, there is a very acute situation, maybe in a few seconds the ball will approach the goal. All spectators are dressed warmly, they sit in hats and coats. Only the goalkeeper in his underpants, like summer outside. He has gloves on his hands, which show that the boy is very experienced and has stood at the gate more than once.

The most striking spot of the picture is the red tracksuit of the boy standing behind the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper stands slightly bent over, closing the gate and reacting vividly to what is happening on the field of action. As if on benches, the fans sit on boards stacked at the edge of the house. Spectators of all ages: children, and uncle, and a small child. All of them are fascinated by the game watching it closely and very enthusiastically. The boy in a dark green suit is most captured by the match.

The man is a passer-by who got carried away by the game and stayed to watch it. The girls are also very focused. Only a white dog is indifferent to football, which is dozing, curled up next to the kids. The artist managed to unite the characters in a single action. Each detail has its place and, at the same time, each character is revealed convincingly; it is no coincidence that the picture "Goalkeeper" is one of the best. It combines expressive details, a successful composition, soft colors.

Option 2

In S. Grigoriev's painting "The Goalkeeper" we see a football match, players and spectators sitting on a vacant lot. Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted, the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves on his hands, by the face expressing seriousness, by the sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood at the goal more than once. The goalkeeper - a boy of twelve or thirteen years old - stood waiting for an attack on his goal.

He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase, which is instead of a barbell. The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on the football field, but on a vacant lot not intended for football. In the background: the boy behind the gate and the audience. Probably the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not hired because he is younger than the players. He looks only nine or ten years old, but from the expression on his face he really wants to play. The audience is of all ages: children, uncle, and a small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably someone from the audience, does not look at the game.

The scene of the picture is Moscow. Stalinist buildings are visible in the background. It's autumn. End of September - beginning of October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts. I liked this picture because it is "alive". I feel the emotions that the guys are overwhelmed with: both the players and the audience.

Option 3

I see a picture of S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". This painting depicts the audience and the goalkeeper during football. In the foreground of this picture is a boy, from his appearance it is clear that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very focused face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he will get a penalty kick.

The goalkeeper has a bandage on his leg, which shows that this boy regularly plays football. He is about twelve years old, I think he is an average student. Perhaps in the future he will make a good footballer. Behind the goalkeeper is another smaller boy. He is very sad that he was not taken on the team. He stands with an inflated face. He studies in about the third grade. He is very confident in himself. After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he is standing on the field.

The guys play in the yard, which is not intended for playing football. Instead of barbells, they have briefcases on their sides, indicating that they are playing football after school. In the middle ground, spectators are sitting on a bench, clearly passionate about the game, except for the dog, which is thinking about something of its own, most likely about food. On the bench, in addition to the children, an adult uncle is sitting, clearly extremely keen on the game. He probably remembers himself in his school years. Two girls are sitting next to my uncle. The first - in a cloak with a hood - is also very closely watching the game, the second is also no less interesting what is happening.

I think the second girl is obligatory. She has a small child in her arms. Sitting next to her are two boys, clearly interested in the game. The first boy bent down to better see the game, and the second craned his neck because he couldn't see anything behind his uncle. There is a girl behind this boy. I think she is a good student. She is wearing a school uniform with a bow on her head. Nearby is a boy with a little brother. I believe that this boy is very responsible, he helps his mother all the time and takes care of his younger brother. All spectators are very enthusiastic and focused on the game, even the younger brother of the last boy looks at what is happening with interest.

It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them. Buildings are shown in the background. I think the action of this picture takes place in a large city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, around the time of Khrushchev, in the 50s and 60s. The sky seems overcast to me, and it's not so hot outside.

This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people represent the number of players in the team, and the black and white dog represents the soccer ball. In general, I liked the picture, but it would be better if it showed the whole field and all the players.

Option 4

In the most difficult situations, a person knows how to find an outlet, some kind of activity for the soul. In Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper" the artist shows that a person can adapt to the most unpredictable conditions.

In the center of the picture is a little boy who amazes with his seriousness and concentration. The outcome of the game depends on him, so everyone's attention is riveted to him. The game is watched with interest not only by children, but also by adults. Simple clothes, a wasteland that is used together with the stadium, and dilapidated houses indicate that people live hard, that they lack the essentials.

The most amazing thing is the love of the game, which helps to distract from injustice and problems. The boys are playing, and the briefcases are nearby. It turns out that the game intercepted them on the way home. They are so passionate that they do not care about time, lessons and other delights of life.

At first glance, the picture seems a little sad, since all the characters and the objects around them are depicted in dark colors. True, the author gives us hope for a bright future, which will certainly come. At the same time, the artist emphasizes that the optimism of the protagonist and his fans will help to survive any difficulties.

Description of the painting by Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" - grade 7, composition

Option 1

In the center of the picture, the goalkeeper is a fair-haired boy in blue shorts, a dark sweater and gloves. His posture emphasizes dedication and commitment. A boy in a bright suit stands behind him and looks with delight at his idol - the goalkeeper. The rest of the spectators settled down on the boards. From their tense postures and close attention, it is clear that the game is truly addictive.

Among the spectators is an adult man in a suit, hat and shiny boots. It can be seen that he passed by, sat down for a minute and was carried away by the game. A baby in a coat, wrapped in a scarf, a girl with a doll in her hands - even they are closely watching the game. The only impassive participant in the action is a white dog curled up at the feet of the audience.

In the background of the painting, the outlines of the city are visible against the background of a light blue autumn sky. Signs of early autumn - fallen yellow leaves, bare branches of a tree. The artist uses bright colors: shades of yellow, green, red, blue.

The skill of the famous artist allows viewers to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of life after the war. Despite the difficult times, people knew how to rejoice and feel the fullness of life.

The picture "Goalkeeper" allows us to plunge into the world of childhood of our parents, when, having gathered after classes, schoolchildren played football. Thanks to the artist's talent, we can see the details of the lives of our peers from the middle of the last century. The wasteland on the outskirts of the city - a familiar place for games, as evidenced by the trampled grass - the guys turned into a football field. The gates are casually abandoned briefcases, the visual spots are stacks of boards. The guys are dressed in school and sports uniforms, which are unusual for us.

Option 2

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev is an outstanding Soviet artist. During his lifetime, his talent was highly appreciated, as evidenced by the numerous awards of the painter. His most famous work is considered to be the painting "Goalkeeper", which in our time has found refuge in one of the expositions of the Tretyakov Gallery. Two more of his canvases are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery: "Discussion of the Deuce" and "Returned". Other paintings by Sergei Grigoriev can be seen in many art museums in Russia and Ukraine, where the outstanding painter was from.

The main character of the picture

The painting "Goalkeeper" depicts a scene familiar to our courtyards: boys play football. The artist did not show us the whole field, but focused on only one character - the goalkeeper of one of the teams. This made it possible to convey as best as possible the tension that the goalkeeper experiences while watching the game. Just one glance at the boy is enough to understand what kind of opposition is going on. Not a single team, even a domestic one, wants to give the victory to its rival. In case of victory, the boys do not expect cups and medals, but nevertheless, the guys fight to the last.

Viewers in the picture

In addition to the main character, the picture also depicts other characters: fans and those who were not taken to the team. The latter includes the kid in red standing behind the gate. His posture and facial expression indicate that he really wants to be on the field. But apparently due to his age, the older guys did not allow him to play. Probably, the guy in red is giving the balls - so he somehow will be able to join this match.

Children play in an ordinary vacant lot right after school. Apparently, not all of them have good grades from school, and therefore they decided to play the match without going home - all of a sudden the parents won't let them play because of a bad mark. The children's portfolios have found their application, they have become improvised barbells.

The painting was painted in 1949. The war ended quite recently. During this difficult time, restoration work was still underway. Construction is underway somewhere nearby. This is evidenced by the stack of boards on which the fans sit. But even in difficult times, there is room for joy. It is brought to both players and fans by football.

This picture is further confirmation that football is really the game of millions, played by everyone, everywhere and always. The artist skillfully conveyed the emotions that people experience while watching matches, albeit amateur ones.

Option 3

Recently we were at the Tretyakov Gallery, and my attention was drawn to a painting by S. Grigorieva "Goalkeeper". I learned from the guide that it was written in 1949 and has received high awards. S.A. Grigoriev created many paintings, which are now in various museums in Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria and Japan. The childhood theme is one of the most beloved for the artist. The canvases "Discussion of the Deuce", "Admission to the Komsomol", "Young Naturalists", "Pioneer Tie" and many others are dedicated to children.

Let's talk about the picture Goalkeeper.

In the picture, I see a tense moment of the game ... The tension is directly felt! Probably, they shoot a penalty or something like that happens. I am not very strong in football, but everything is clear from the tense postures of the players and spectators.

The picture is called “goalkeeper”. Not in the middle, but slightly on the edge of the main character. A boy of about eight years old, hands on his knees - waiting for the ball to hit. There is no gate behind it, but this is a simple yard game, so no surprise. The guys just agreed that the gate is "here". Behind him is still a serious boy in red, he is younger. I think he is entrusted with catching the ball if the elder fails. And all in order not to knock out the windows if the ball flies out of the "gate"!

On the other hand, the audience. There is even an adult here, probably a young teacher. He follows the game intensely. There is also a girl - a schoolgirl. There is a dog under the guys' feet - she does not care about all this. There is a boy with a younger brother or sister - a very small child. But the kid also looks closely. Everyone stretches, bends, catches the ball with their eyes. Briefcases and textbooks dropped, the game doesn't wait!

Autumn - yellow grass and leaves. Some kids are wearing hats and hoods. But these are all spectators - they are cool to sit. The children have definitely gone to school (the girl is in uniform), but have not yet lost the habit of playing in the yard. And soon it will be completely cold, it will rain, so they probably want to play enough now. In addition, this match may be the last one this year. And it is very important who will be the champion on the “football vacation”. Maybe two teams from neighboring yards have been playing all summer!

This is how I throw my portfolio when my favorite series is on TV and I'm late. Mom swears ... But she also does so when she is late to watch her favorite show.

Option 4

It's autumn. The leaves and grass are not yet completely yellow. In the morning the guys agreed to play football after school. The weather is wonderful for that. Warm, albeit cloudy. The sky is gray-blue.

In S. Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper" I see a tense moment of the game. In the foreground is the goalkeeper in the schoolyard, dressed in a brown jacket, blue shorts, gloves. His face is calm and serious. He got ready to catch the ball. He must not allow a goal! The boy looks about twelve years old. His knee is bandaged. I think this is not his first game.

Not far from the goalkeeper are spectators, including both adults and very young. The fans' gaze is directed to the dribbler. Everyone is wondering if they will score a goal? The man leaned forward, he is fascinated by the game. Probably, before, like these schoolchildren, he threw his briefcase and cap instead of the goal, played football for hours. From a long game, only the shaggy dog \u200b\u200bis sad. She curled up at the feet of the fans and faithfully waits for her master.

In the background is the city where the parents of young football players have long been waiting for dinner.

I liked the picture. The faces of the players and fans are interesting. The artist managed to convey the emotions of the audience, the tension of the game. This can only be felt by those who have played football themselves.

Composition report on the film "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev

The picture of the goalkeeper, painted by the artist Sergei Grigoriev, is rightfully kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. The master so colorfully and believably depicted amateur football that after a while, the picture does not cease to attract the eyes of enthusiastic people.

Indian summer began today and it was a warm autumn day outside. The boys decided to play football. School ended, and they went to choose a deserted place to play. The gates were built from their bags and briefcases. Guys from the neighboring yard came to support the players, as well as a random passer-by. In his youth, he himself loved to play the ball, and now he watches with enthusiasm the growing tension.

They decided to put the most experienced player on the goal, the outcome of the game depends on him. He is the protagonist of the whole game and picture. The boy tries to be like a professional goalkeeper, this is evidenced by his stance and the appearance of his clothes. The boy is dressed in a dark-colored sweater, comfortable shorts, special leather gloves, comfortable shoes and lowered socks on his hands, all this emphasizes the seriousness of his intentions not to miss a single ball.

The boy, like a seasoned goalkeeper, took care of himself, he tied up his injured knee before the important match. We don't know if his knee is badly damaged, but he was determined to play. The team has pinned their hopes on him, and he cannot do otherwise. Sport made him strong and responsible.

Behind the goalkeeper is a little boy in a red suit. He closely observes the game, he also wants to play the ball, but he is not taken. It is clear from his enthusiastic look that he really likes this sport. He will certainly play when he grows up a little.

The spectators' faces show that they are very passionate about the game. The decisive moment has come and everyone is anxiously awaiting the outcome of the game. Even a casual passer-by gets nervous.

It is not for nothing that the artist depicted a boy as the main figure of his creation. So confident and obliging, he will definitely catch the ball and his team will win this game.

Essay on behalf of the goalkeeper

Football was very popular in my childhood days. We boys were just a fan of football. And not only boys. We tried to devote every free minute to our favorite game. In those years, there were few specially equipped sports grounds. Football matches were played in any place suitable for the game.

I still remember one such match. It was a game that made me the best goalkeeper. As a rule, we played more in the fall, because in the summer we were going in different directions. This autumn we played more than ever. We had a large vacant lot behind the school. We adapted it for a football field. And every day after school they gathered there to arrange football competitions. Somehow it happened by itself that all the guys from neighboring yards learned about our team. And one team after another began to come to our wasteland.

Gradually, the two strongest courtyard teams were determined. One of them was ours. The match I want to talk about was decisive. He had to determine which team would be the strongest. After lessons we gathered in a vacant lot. The day was warm but cloudy. The leaves almost flew from the trees. We marked the gate with our own knapsacks. The game started.

She walked with varying degrees of success. First, we managed to hit the opponents' goal. But at one point I was distracted by Petya, who always served balls that had flown away during the games (he stood behind me and commented on the game). I was distracted by such a comment. As a result, the ball ended up in our goal.

And now the decisive moment has come. The fans sitting on the boards abandoned in the wasteland were in suspense. Even Uncle Sasha came to cheer for us. He lived in a house next to us and often visited our matches, helped us build a strategy for the game, because he knew the peculiarities of football well. And now he was sitting among the girls and boys from our yard. He was so carried away by our game that he was ready to jump up and take the ball, which was leading the opponent's attacker straight to my goal.

I got ready to catch the ball. It was impossible to miss him. I even forgot about the broken knee that Uncle Sasha bandaged for me. I felt no pain at that moment. Bending over, I stood at the goal all in anticipation of the last blow, when the ball would fly with force towards me. I calculated my every move and was ready. And here is the blow. The ball is flying straight at me. I grab it and suddenly notice that it is a boot, and the ball flies a little to the side, to the right corner. Somehow contriving, I hit the ball. He flew to the side. We won! And the enemy's attacker stood at a loss with a bare foot.

Since then, I was considered the best goalkeeper not only in ours, but also in the neighboring yard.

Composition on behalf of a fan

As a child, I was fond of football. I failed to become a real football player. But the hobby remained. But it is not always possible to get to a football match. And sometimes you really want to cheer for your favorite team.

And not so long ago I found out that nearby guys from neighboring houses gather in a vacant lot and arrange real football battles on an improvised field. So I decided to go one day to see how our players play. All some kind of entertainment, and still a favorite game. The wasteland was rather big.

True, he did not look like a football field either. But it was good for the game. The guys played right after school. The border of the gate was marked with their own portfolios.

I and a few other fans settled down on wooden boards. Girls, classmates of one of the players, came to cheer for their friends. There were also younger guys. We all sat side by side.

Some of the guys came from home: they were so interested in football. The game started off rather sluggishly. But gradually the players got a taste.

And soon the match captivated me so much that I forgot that ordinary boys were playing. I got up, then again went down to the impromptu podium. Shouted something, gave advice.

The game was coming to an end. Our team won. But the rivals did not give up. They tried their best to equalize the score. But the goalkeeper of our team was always on the alert.

At the gate was my neighbor Petya. I didn't even recognize him right away. When I met Petya on the stairs or in the yard of the house, I thought about how unkempt he was.

Always disheveled with a tattered briefcase, he gave the impression of an absent-minded, uncollected person. But now it has changed beyond recognition. Where did his absent-mindedness and carelessness go? Petya was dressed simply: a black T-shirt, shorts. I have regular boots on my feet.

He was completely focused on the game, closely watched what was happening on the field, and caught the ball flying into the goal in time. The decisive moment of the game has come. All our attention was directed to the middle of the field, where a serious struggle for the ball unfolded. The rivals tried in every possible way to take him away from our defenders. They did not succeed. But they did not give up and went on the attack again and again.

Petya, bending his knees, resting his gloved hands on them, waited, ready to parry the blow at any moment. But he didn't have to. A senior referee at the match announced that the time was up.

The game was over. Frustrated rivals reluctantly wandered home. And we rejoiced at our victory. I congratulated Petya on a great game, and together we went to the house, discussing the best moments.

Since then, I often visit the wasteland, root for the team of our yard.

First-person writing

All of Grigoriev's work is entirely devoted to children's and school topics. His picture "The Goalkeeper" is no exception. This picture was painted in 1949, but it still has not lost its relevance, because football is a favorite pastime of school-age children who want to take a break from their lessons.

When I look at this canvas, I see the same children as now, enthusiastically playing a fun sports game. The painting depicts a warm October day, when the leaves on the trees have already turned yellow and began to gradually fall off, but the cold has not yet come, as can be seen from the bare legs of one of the guys.

When I look at the picture, my imagination draws a picture of how the guys gather in a deserted place near the school and mark the territory of the football field, folding their bags and school bags in the corners. After that, the guys split up - one of them sat on a bench to watch the game, and the rest split into two teams and recklessly drove their ball across the field.

And now the moment comes, which the artist captured in the picture. Looking at her, I see that the boy with bare legs has made a tense stance and is peering straight ahead, where the heads of all spectators are also turned. I do not know what is happening there, but it is clear that the moment depicted in the picture will be a turning point in the game - and the ball will either fly into the goal of the opposing goalkeeper with a bandaged leg, which is shown in the foreground of the picture, or he himself will have to enter the game, defending their gates ...

It is impossible to say how this game will end, but I know one thing for sure that when looking at the picture, I was seized by an incredible excitement from this amazing game - football! The same excitement that seized everyone who is depicted in the picture - from the smallest children to an adult man, who also could not deny himself the pleasure of watching the fascinating action.