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The problem of historical memory. Arguments: the problem of historical memory. Arguments from the works The problem of preserving historical monuments arguments

In his autobiographical poem, the author recalls the past in which, during collectivization, his father was repressed like a fist - a peasant who worked from dawn to dusk, with his hands that he could not help but bend, clench into a fist “... there were no separate corns - solid ... Truly a fist! " The pain of injustice has been stored in the author's heart for decades. He was branded as the son of an "enemy of the people", and everything came from the desire of the "father of nations" to bring him to his knees, to subjugate the entire population of his multinational country to his will. The author writes about the amazing peculiarity of Stalin to transfer to someone's account "any of his miscalculations", to someone's "enemy's distortion", to someone's "dizziness from his predicted victories." Here the poet refers to an article by the head of the party, which was called "Vertigo from success."

Memory stores these events in the life of both an individual and the whole country. A. Tvardovsky speaks about this by the right of memory, by the right of a person who survived the horror of repression together with his people.

2. V.F. Tendryakov "Bread for a Dog"

The main character- student high school... But he is not an ordinary Soviet citizen, his father is a responsible worker, the family has everything, even during the period of general hunger, when people really had nothing to eat, when people were dying of exhaustion in millions, there was borscht in their house, even with meat, pies with delicious fillings, kvass, real, bread, butter, milk - everything that the people were deprived of. The boy, seeing the hunger of the people around him, and especially the "elephants" and "shkiletniki" dying in the station square, felt remorse. He is looking for a way to share with those in need, trying to carry bread and leftover food to the chosen beggar. But people, having learned about the compassionate boy, overpowered him with their begging. As a result, he chooses a wounded dog, frightened by people, apparently, who wanted to eat it sometime. And his conscience slowly dies down. No, not really, but not life threatening. The head of the station, in which these disadvantaged people lived, could not stand it and shot himself. Years later, V. Tendryakov talks about what is still haunted.

3. A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

The entire poem is a memory of the terrible years of repression, when millions of people stood in lines with parcels for those millions of people who were in the dungeons of the NKVD. A.A. Akhmatova literally demands to remember this terrible episode in the history of the country, no one should ever forget it, even "... if my tortured mouth is clamped," the poet writes, "to whom the people of one hundred million are shouting," the memory will remain.

4. V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

Childhood memories play a very important role in the fates of the main characters of the story. A fisherman once saved a horse, little sister, her girlfriend, hay. As a boy, he showed courage, courage and was able to get out of the situation with honor. This fact played a cruel joke on him. Once captured by the Nazis, he hopes that he will be able to wriggle out of the terrible situation, and, saving his life, gives out the detachment, its location and weapons. The next day, after the execution of Sotnikov, he realizes that there is no way back. Sotnikov experienced an absolutely opposite situation in his childhood. He lied to his father. The lie was not so serious, but the cowardice with which he said all this left a deep imprint on the boy's memory. Throughout his life, he remembered the pangs of conscience, the suffering that tears the soul apart. He does not hide behind the backs of his comrades, he takes a blow on himself in order to save others. Withstands torture, ascends the scaffold and dies with dignity. So childhood memories led the heroes to their life finale: one - to a heroic deed, the other - to betrayal.

5. V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Decades later, the author recalls the teacher who played a decisive role in his difficult life. Lydia Mikhailovna, a young teacher who wants to help an intelligent student of her class. She sees how the child's desire to learn breaks down on the callousness of the people among whom he is forced to live. She tries different options for help, but only one succeeds: gambling. He needs these pennies to buy milk. The director catches the teacher for a crime, she is fired. But the boy remains in school, finishes it and, having become a writer, writes a book, dedicating it to the teacher.

(Our present is inseparable from the past, which constantly reminds of itself, whether we like it or not).

· The published book "Memories of the Children of War Stalingrad" by Lyudmila Ovchinnikova became a real revelation not only for the current generation, but also for war veterans. The author describes the memories of the children of the wartime Stalingrad. The story of human grief and self-sacrifice shocked me. This book should be in every school library. The events of the heroic past cannot be erased from human memory.

· L. A. Zhukhovitsky raises the problem of historical memory in his article "Ancient Sparta". What memory did the great ancient states leave behind? For many centuries, along with the memory of military valor, achievements of science, works of art reflecting the "intense spiritual life" of people have been preserved; if Sparta left behind nothing but glory, then “Athens laid the foundation of modern culture”.

· In the essay novel "Memory" V. A. Chivilikhin tries to recall our historical past. In the center of the work is the Russian heroic Middle Ages, an immortal lesson in history, which should not be forgotten. The writer tells how the plundering steppe army stormed the forest town of Kozelsk for 49 days and could not take it. The author believes that Kozelsk should go down in history along with such giants as Troy, Smolensk, Sevastopol, Stalingrad.

· Nowadays, many are free to handle history. As early as A. Pushkin noted that "disrespect for history and for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality."

· The poem of Alexander Pushkin "Poltava" is a heroic poem. In its center is the image of the Battle of Poltava as a great historical event. The poet believed that the Russian people, following a distinctive historical path, thanks to Peter's reforms, embarked on the path of enlightenment, thereby ensuring for themselves the possibility of freedom in the future.

· The memory of the past is kept not only by household items, jewelry, but also, for example, letters, photographs, documents. In VP Astafiev's story "A photograph in which I am not," the hero tells how a photographer came to a rural school, but because of illness he could not be captured. The teacher brought a photograph to Vitka. Many years passed, but the hero kept this picture, despite the fact that it was not on it. He looks at her and remembers his classmates, thinks about their fates. "Rural photography is an original chronicle of our people, its wall history."

· The problem of historical memory is raised by V. A. Soloukhin in his publicistic works. "Destroying old times, we always cut off the roots, but at the same time, like a tree with every root hair counting," in difficult times, those roots and hairs create everything all over again, revive and give new strength. "

· The problem of the loss of "historical memory", the rapid disappearance of cultural monuments is a common matter, and it can only be solved together. In the article "Love, Respect, Knowledge" Academician D.S. Patriotic War 1812 to Bagration. Who got the hand up? Certainly not from someone who knows and honors history! "The historical memory of the people forms the moral climate in which the people live." And if the memory is erased, then people, distant from their history, become indifferent to the evidence of the past. Therefore, memory is the basis of conscience and morality ...

· A person who does not know his past cannot be considered a full-fledged citizen of his country. The topic of historical memory worried A. N. Tolstoy. In the novel "Peter I" the author portrayed a major historical figure. Its transformation is a recognized historical necessity, the implementation of the country's economic development.

· Education of memory is very important for us today. In his novel "The Swarm" S. A. Alekseev writes about the inhabitants of the Russian village of Stremyanka, who went to Siberia in search of better life... For more than three quarters of a century, a new Stepladka has been standing in Siberia, and people remember it, dream of returning to their homeland. But young people do not understand their fathers and grandfathers. Therefore, Zavarzin hardly begs his son Sergei to go to the old Stepladka. This meeting with his native land helped Sergei to see clearly. He realized that the reasons for the failures and discord in his life were from the fact that he did not feel support under him, he did not have his own Stepladder.

· When we talk about historical memory, the poem by A. Akhmatova "Requiem" is immediately recalled. The work became a monument to all mothers who survived the terrible 30s, and their sons, victims of repression. A. Akhmatova sees her duty as a person and a poet in conveying to the descendants the whole truth about the era of Stalin's timelessness.

· When we talk about historical memory, AT Tvardovsky's poem "By the Right of Memory" is immediately recalled. Memory, continuity, duty became the basic concepts of the poem. In the third chapter, the topic of historical memory comes to the fore. The poet speaks of the need for such a memory in the spiritual life of the people. Unconsciousness is dangerous. It is necessary to remember the past so as not to repeat its terrible mistakes.

· A person who does not know his past is doomed to new mistakes. He cannot be considered a full-fledged citizen if he does not know what kind of state Russia is, its history, people who shed blood for us, for descendants. The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupied a special place in our literature. We learn about a real war from B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The absurd and cruel death of the female anti-aircraft gunners cannot leave us indifferent. At my own price own life help Sergeant Major Vaskov to detain the Germans.

· In the autobiographical novel "The Lord's Summer" I.S.Shmelev turned to the past of Russia and showed how Russian holidays are intertwined into patriarchal life one after another. The hero of the book is the keeper and continuer of traditions, the bearer of holiness. Forgetting ancestors, forgetting traditions will not bring peace, wisdom, spirituality and morality to Russia. This is the main idea of ​​the author.

· We cannot lose the memory of the war. Lessons from the past, books about war help us with this. The novel "The General and His Army" by the famous Russian writer Georgy Vladimirov attracts our attention with the scorching truth about the war.

The problem of the ambiguity of human nature.

· Can the majority of people be considered unconditionally good, kind, or unconditionally bad, evil? In the work "My Mars" I.S.Shmelev raises the problem of the ambiguity of human nature. The ambiguity of human nature manifests itself in different life situations; the same person is often revealed in everyday life and in a dramatic situation from different angles.

IY. Family problems.

The problem of fathers and children.

(Fathers and children are an eternal problem that worried writers of different generations.)

· The title of the novel by I. S. Turgenev shows that this problem is the most important. Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov are prominent representatives of two ideological currents. The "fathers" held the old views. Bazarov, a nihilist, represents the "new people." The views of Bazarov and Kirsanov were completely opposite. From the first meeting, they felt each other as enemies. Their conflict was a conflict of two worldviews.

· The image of Yevgeny Bazarov from Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is central in the novel. But the images of his elderly parents, who do not cherish souls in their son, are also important. It would seem that Eugene is indifferent to his old people. But at the end of the work we see how reverently Bazarov treats his parents. “You can't find people like them in the daytime with fire,” he says before his death to Anna Sergeevna Odintsova.

· One of the most important facets of the problem of fathers and children is gratitude. Are children grateful to their parents who love and raised them? The topic of gratitude is raised in the story of Alexander Pushkin “ Stationmaster". The tragedy of a father, who dearly loved his only daughter, appears before us in this story. Of course, Dunya did not forget her father, she loves him, feels her guilt before him, but still left, leaving her father alone. For him, this act of his daughter was a big blow. Dunya feels both gratitude and guilt before her father, she comes to him, but she no longer finds him alive.

· Very often in literary works the new, young generation turns out to be more moral than the older one. It sweeps aside the old morality, replacing it with a new one. Parents impose on their children their morality, principles of life. Such is Kabanikha in the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm". She orders to act only as she wants. Kabanikha is confronted by Katerina, who goes against her rules. All this was the reason for the death of Katerina. In her image, we see a protest against parental concepts of morality.

· One of the clashes between fathers and children takes place in the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov. Famusov teaches Chatsky to live, the same expresses his attitude to life. Famusov, in deviating from the "covenant of the fathers", already imagines an attempt on their entire way of life, even more - disrespect for moral covenants, an encroachment on moral foundations. This conflict is irreconcilable, because both sides are deaf to each other.

· The problem of mutual understanding between generations is reflected in the work of A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The representative of the "present century" Chatsky, the spokesman for progressive ideas, comes into conflict with the reactionary Famus society and its foundations of the "past century."

· Each of the writers saw the conflict between fathers and children in his own way. M. Yu. Lermontov saw the best in the outgoing generation that he did not find in his contemporaries: “I look sadly at our generation. Its future is either empty, or dark ... "

· Sometimes, in order to resolve a conflict situation between fathers and children, it is enough to take one small step towards each other - love. The misunderstanding between father and son is resolved in the most unexpected way in the work of V. G. Korolenko "Children of the Underground". Vasya, the narrator of all events, deeply experiences the death of his mother. He loves and takes pity on his father, but his father does not let him near him. A completely stranger, Pan Tyburtsy, helps them to understand each other.

· The connection between generations should not be broken. If youthful maximalism does not allow the youth to unite two generations, then the wisdom of the older generation should take the first step towards it. GI Kabaev writes in his poem: “We are bound by fate alone, by one family, by one blood ... Descendants will become you and me Hope, faith and love.

It is in the past that a person finds a source for the formation of consciousness, the search for his place in the world around him and in society. With memory loss, all social connections are lost. She is certain life experience, awareness of the events experienced.

What is historical memory

It presupposes the preservation of historical and social experience. It is on how carefully in the family, city, country they treat traditions that directly depends on the composition on this issue is often found in test items on literature in the 11th grade. We will also pay a little attention to this issue.

The sequence of the formation of historical memory

Historical memory has several stages of formation. After a while, people forget about the events that happened. Life constantly presents new episodes filled with emotions and unusual impressions. In addition, often in articles and fiction events of bygone years are distorted, the authors not only change their meaning, but also make changes in the course of the battle, the disposition of forces. The problem of historical memory appears. Each author brings his own arguments from life, taking into account his personal vision of the described historical past. Due to the different interpretation of one event, ordinary people have the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Of course, arguments are needed to substantiate your thought. The problem of historical memory exists in a society deprived of freedom of speech. Total censorship leads to distortion real events, presenting them to the general public only in the right perspective. True memory can live and develop only in a democratic society. In order for information to pass to future generations without visible distortions, it is important to be able to compare events that occur in real time with facts from a past life.

Conditions for the formation of historical memory

Arguments on the topic "The problem of historical memory" can be found in many works of the classics. In order for a society to develop, it is important to analyze the experience of ancestors, do “work on mistakes,” use the rational grain that past generations had.

"Black boards" by V. Soloukhin

What is the main problem with historical memory? Let us consider the arguments from the literature using this work as an example. The author tells about the plundering of the church in his native village. Unique books are handed over as waste paper, boxes are made of priceless icons. A carpentry workshop is being organized right in the church in Stavrovo. In another, a machine-tractor station is being opened. Trucks, caterpillar tractors come here, store barrels of fuel. The author bitterly says that neither a cowshed nor a crane can replace the Moscow Kremlin. It is impossible to locate a rest house in a monastery building where the graves of Pushkin's and Tolstoy's relatives are located. The work raises the problem of preserving historical memory. The arguments given by the author are indisputable. Not those who died, lie under the gravestones, need a memory, but the living!

Article by D.S.Likhachev

In his article "Love, Respect, Knowledge" the academician raises the topic of desecration of the national shrine, namely, he talks about the explosion of the monument to Bagration, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Likhachev raises the problem of the historical memory of the people. The arguments given by the author relate to vandalism in relation to this work of art. After all, the monument was the gratitude of the people to their Georgian brother, who bravely fought for the independence of Russia. Who could destroy the cast iron monument? Only those who have no idea about the history of their country, do not love their Motherland, are not proud of their Fatherland.

Views on patriotism

What other arguments can you give? The problem of historical memory is raised in Letters from the Russian Museum, authored by V. Soloukhin. He says that, chopping off his own roots, striving to absorb a foreign, alien culture, a person loses his individuality. This Russian argument of problems of historical memory is supported by other patriots of Russia. Likhachev developed the "Declaration of Culture", in which the author calls to protect and support cultural traditions on the international level. The scientist emphasizes that without citizens' knowledge of the culture of the past, the present, the state will have no future. It is in the "spiritual security" of the nation that the nationwide existence lies. There should be interaction between external and internal culture, only in this case society will rise along the stages of historical development.

The problem of historical memory in the literature of the 20th century

In the literature of the last century, the central place was occupied by the issue of responsibility for the terrible consequences of the past, in the works of many authors there was a problem of historical memory. Arguments from the literature serve as direct evidence of this. For example, AT Tvardovsky called in his poem "By the Right of Memory" to rethink the sad experience of totalitarianism. Anna Akhmatova did not bypass this problem in the famous "Requiem". She reveals all the injustice, lawlessness that reigned in society at that time, gives weighty arguments. The problem of historical memory can also be traced in the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. His story "One Day in Ivan Denisovich" contains a verdict to the state system of that time, in which lies and injustice became priorities.

Respect for cultural heritage

The focus of everyone's attention is issues related to the preservation of ancient monuments. In the harsh post-revolutionary period, characterized by a change in the political system, there was a widespread destruction of former values. Russian intellectuals tried by any means to preserve the cultural relics of the country. DS Likhachev opposed the development of typical multi-storey buildings on Nevsky Prospekt. What other arguments can you give? The problem of historical memory was also touched upon by Russian filmmakers. With the funds raised by them, they managed to restore Kuskovo. What is the problem of the historical memory of the war? Arguments from the literature indicate that this issue has been relevant at all times. A.S. Pushkin said that "disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality."

War theme in historical memory

What is historical memory? An essay on this topic can be written on the basis of the work of Chingiz Aitmatov "Storm station". His hero mankurt is a man who was forcibly deprived of his memory. He became a slave who has no past. Mankurt does not remember either the name or the parents, that is, it is difficult for him to be aware of himself as a person. The writer warns that such a creature is dangerous to social society.

Before the Victory Day, among the young people were held Questions related to the date of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, important battles, military leaders. The responses received were disappointing. Many guys have no idea about the date of the beginning of the war, or about the enemy of the USSR, they have never heard of G.K. Zhukov, Stalingrad battle... The poll showed how urgent the problem of the historical memory of the war is. The arguments put forward by the "reformers" of the history course curriculum at school, which reduced the number of hours devoted to studying the Great Patriotic War, are associated with an overload of students.

This approach has led to the fact that the modern generation forgets the past, therefore, important dates in the history of the country will not be passed on to the next generation. If you do not respect your history, do not honor your own ancestors, historical memory is lost. The composition for the successful passing of the exam can be argued with the words of the Russian classic A.P. Chekhov. He noted that for freedom a person needs the entire globe. But without a purpose, its existence will be absolutely meaningless. Considering the arguments for the problem of historical memory (USE), it is important to note that there are false goals that do not create, but destroy. For example, the hero of the story "Gooseberry" dreamed of buying his own estate, planting gooseberries there. The goal was completely absorbed by him. But upon reaching it, he lost his human form. The author notes that his hero "has grown fat, flabby ... - just look, he will grunt into the blanket."

The story of I. Bunin "The gentleman from San Francisco" shows the fate of a man who served false values. The hero worshiped wealth as a god. After the death of the American millionaire, it turned out that real happiness passed him by.

The search for the meaning of life, awareness of the connection with ancestors managed to show I.A.Goncharov in the image of Oblomov. He dreamed of making his life different, but his desires were not embodied in reality, he did not have enough strength.

When writing in Unified State Exam essay on the topic "The problem of the historical memory of the war" arguments can be cited from the work of Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad." The author shows real life"Penalties" who are ready to defend the independence of the Motherland at the cost of their lives.

Arguments for composing the exam in the Russian language

In order to get a good score for an essay, a graduate must argue his position using literary works. In M. Gorky's play At the Bottom, the author demonstrated the problem of “former” people who have lost the strength to fight for their own interests. They realize that it is impossible to live like they are, and it is necessary to change something, only they do not plan to do anything for this. The action of this work begins in a flophouse, and ends there. There is no question of any memory, pride in their ancestors, the heroes of the play do not even think about it.

Some are trying, lying on the couch, to talk about patriotism, others, sparing no effort and time, bring real benefits to their country. It is impossible to ignore, arguing about historical memory, the amazing story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man". It talks about tragic fate a simple soldier who lost his relatives during the war. Having met an orphan boy, he calls himself his father. What does this act indicate? A common person, who went through the pain of loss, is trying to resist fate. Love has not died out in him, and he wants to give it to a little boy. It is the desire to do good that gives the soldier the strength to live, no matter what. The hero of Chekhov's story "A Man in a Case" tells about "people who are satisfied with themselves." Having small-property interests, trying to distance themselves from other people's troubles, they are absolutely indifferent to the problems of other people. The author notes the spiritual impoverishment of the heroes who imagined themselves to be "masters of life", but in reality are ordinary bourgeoisie. They do not have real friends, they are only interested in their own well-being. Mutual assistance, responsibility for another person is clearly expressed in the work of B. Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ...". All the wards of Captain Vaskov not only fight together for the freedom of the Motherland, they live according to human laws. In Simonov's novel The Living and the Dead, Sintsov carries his comrade out of the battlefield. All the arguments given from different ones help to understand the essence of historical memory, the importance of the possibility of preserving it, passing it on to other generations.


When congratulating on any holiday, wishes for a peaceful sky overhead sound. What does this testify to? The fact that the historical memory of the hard trials of the war is passed down from generation to generation. War! There are only five letters in this word, but immediately there is an association with suffering, tears, a sea of ​​blood, the death of relatives and friends. Unfortunately, there have always been wars on the planet. The moans of women, the crying of children, the echoes of war should be familiar to the younger generation from feature films, literary works... We must not forget about those terrible ordeals that befell the Russian people. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia took part in the Patriotic War of 1812. To keep the historical memory of those events alive, Russian writers in their works tried to convey the features of that era. In his novel War and Peace, Tolstoy showed the patriotism of the people, their readiness to give their lives for the Fatherland. Reading poems, stories, novels about the Guerrilla War, young Russians get the opportunity to "visit the battlefields", to feel the atmosphere that prevailed in that historical period. In "Sevastopol Tales" Tolstoy talks about the heroism of Sevastopol, shown in 1855. The events are described by the author so reliably that one gets the impression that he himself was an eyewitness to that battle. Courage of spirit, unique willpower, amazing patriotism of the city's inhabitants are worthy of memory. Tolstoy associates war with violence, pain, dirt, suffering, death. Describing heroic defense Sevastopol in 1854-1855, he emphasizes the strength of the spirit of the Russian people. B. Vasiliev, K. Simonov, M. Sholokhov and other Soviet writers devoted many of their works to the battles of the Great Patriotic War. In this difficult period for the country, women worked and fought on an equal basis with men, even children did everything in their power.

At the cost of their lives, they tried to bring the Victory closer, to preserve the country's independence. Historical memory helps to keep the smallest details information about the heroic deed of all soldiers and civilians. If the connection with the past is lost, the country will lose its independence. This must not be allowed!

.Unified State Exam in Russian. Task C1.

1) The problem of historical memory (responsibility for the bitter and terrible consequences of the past)

The problem of responsibility, national and human, was one of the central issues in literature in the middle of the 20th century. For example, AT Tvardovsky in the poem "By the Right of Memory" calls for a rethinking of the sad experience of totalitarianism. The same theme is revealed in AA Akhmatova's poem "Requiem". The verdict of the state system based on injustice and lies is made by A.I.Solzhenitsyn in the story "One Day in Ivan Denisovich"

2) The problem of preserving monuments of antiquity and respect for them.

The problem of respect for the cultural heritage has always remained in the center of general attention. In the difficult post-revolutionary period, when the change in the political system was accompanied by the overthrow of previous values, Russian intellectuals did everything possible to save cultural relics. For example, academician D.S. Likhachev prevented Nevsky Prospekt from being built up with typical high-rise buildings. The Kuskovo and Abramtsevo estates were restored at the expense of Russian cinematographers. Tula people are also distinguished by the care for ancient monuments: the appearance of the historical center of the city, churches, and the Kremlin are preserved.

The conquerors of antiquity burned books and destroyed monuments in order to deprive the people of historical memory.

3) The problem of attitude to the past, loss of memory, roots.

"Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality" (AS Pushkin). A person who does not remember his kinship, who has lost his memory, Chingiz Aitmatov called a mankurt ("Burannyi halt"). Mankurt is a person who is forcibly deprived of his memory. This is a slave who has no past. He does not know who he is, where he comes from, does not know his name, does not remember childhood, father and mother - in a word, does not recognize himself as a human being. Such a subhuman is dangerous to society, the writer warns.

Quite recently, on the eve of the great Victory Day, young people were interviewed on the streets of our city if they knew about the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, who we fought with, who G. Zhukov was ... The answers were depressing: the younger generation does not know the dates of the beginning of the war, the names of the commanders, many have not heard about the Battle of Stalingrad, about the Kursk Bulge ...

The problem of forgetting the past is very serious. A person who does not respect history, does not respect his ancestors, is the same mankurt. I would like to remind these young people the piercing cry from the legend of Ch. Aitmatov: "Remember, whose name are you? What is your name?"

4) The problem of a false goal in life.

“A person needs not three arshins of land, not a manor, but the entire globe. All nature, where in the open space he could display all the properties of a free spirit,” wrote A.P. Chekhov. Life without a goal is a meaningless existence. But the goals are different, such as, for example, in the story "Gooseberry". His hero - Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsha-Himalayan - dreams of acquiring his estate and planting gooseberries there. This goal consumes him entirely. As a result, he reaches her, but at the same time almost loses his human appearance ("stout, flabby ... - just look, he will grunt into the blanket"). A false goal, obsession with the material, narrow, limited disfigures a person. He needs constant movement, development, excitement, improvement for life ...

I. Bunin in the story "The gentleman from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that real happiness passed by the person: he died without knowing what life is.

5) The meaning of human life. Finding the path of life.

The image of Oblomov (I.A. Goncharov) is the image of a person who wanted to achieve a lot in life. He wanted to change his life, he wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, he wanted to raise children ... But he did not have the strength to realize these desires, so his dreams remained dreams.

M. Gorky in the play "At the Bottom" showed the drama " former people”Who have lost the strength to fight for their own sake. They hope for something good, they understand that they need to live better, but they do nothing to change their fate. It is no coincidence that the action of the play begins in the shelter and ends there.

N. Gogol, an exposer of human vices, is persistently looking for a living human soul. Portraying Plyushkin, who has become a "hole in the body of mankind," he passionately urges the reader, who is entering adulthood, to take with him all "human movements", not to lose them on the road of life.

Life is movement along an endless road. Some travel along it "with the official need", asking questions: why did I live, for what purpose was I born? ("Hero of our time"). Others get scared of this road, run to their wide sofa, because "life touches everywhere, gets it" ("Oblomov"). But there are also those who, making mistakes, doubting, suffering, rise to the heights of truth, finding their spiritual "I". One of them, Pierre Bezukhov, is the hero of the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace".

At the beginning of his journey, Pierre is far from the truth: he admires Napoleon, is involved in the company of the "golden youth", participates in hooligan antics along with Dolokhov and Kuragin, too easily succumbs to gross flattery, the reason for which is his huge fortune. One stupidity is followed by another: marriage to Helene, a duel with Dolokhov ... And as a result - a complete loss of the meaning of life. "What is bad? What is good? What must we love and what must we hate? Why live and what am I?" - these questions are scrolled countless times in my head until a sober comprehension of life comes. On the way to it, and the experience of Freemasonry, and observation of ordinary soldiers in the Battle of Borodino, and a meeting in captivity with the popular philosopher Platon Karataev. Only love moves the world and man lives - Pierre Bezukhov comes to this thought, finding his spiritual "I".

6) Self-sacrifice. Love for your neighbor. Compassion and mercy. Sensitivity.

In one of the books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the former siege soldier recalls that he, a dying teenager, during a terrible famine saved his life by a living neighbor who brought a can of canned meat sent by his son from the front. "I am already old, and you are young, you still have to live and live," the man said. He soon died, and the boy he saved for the rest of his life retained a grateful memory of him.

The tragedy took place in the Krasnodar Territory. A fire started in the nursing home where the sick old people lived. Among the 62 who were burnt alive was the 53-year-old nurse Lidia Pachintseva, who was on duty that night. When the fire broke out, she took the old people by the arms, brought them to the windows and helped them to escape. But she didn't save herself - she didn't have time.

M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of a Man". It tells about the tragic fate of a soldier who lost all his relatives during the war. One day he met an orphan boy and decided to call himself his father. This act suggests that love and the desire to do good give a person strength for life, strength in order to resist fate.

7) The problem of indifference. Callous and callous attitude towards a person.

"People who are satisfied with themselves", accustomed to comfort, people with small-property interests - these are the same Chekhov's heroes, "people in cases." This is Doctor Startsev in "Ionych", and teacher Belikov in "Man in a Case". Let us recall how the plump, red "Dmitry Ionych Startsev" rides "in a troika with bells", and his coachman Panteleimon, "also plump and red," shouts: "Hold your right!" "Keep the truth" - after all, this is aloofness from human troubles and problems. There should be no obstacles on their safe path of life. And in Belikov's "no matter what happens," we see only an indifferent attitude to the problems of other people. The spiritual impoverishment of these heroes is obvious. And they are not intellectuals at all, but simply - the bourgeoisie, the townsfolk, who imagine themselves "masters of life."

8) The problem of friendship, comradely duty.

Frontline service is an almost legendary expression; there is no doubt that there is no stronger and more devoted friendship between people. Literary examples there are many. In Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" one of the heroes exclaims: "There are no bonds brighter than comrades!" But most often this topic was revealed in the literature about the Great Patriotic War. In B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." both the anti-aircraft gunners and Captain Vaskov live according to the laws of mutual assistance, responsibility for each other. In K. Simonov's novel "The Living and the Dead," Captain Sintsov takes out a wounded comrade from the battlefield.

9) The problem of scientific progress.

In M. Bulgakov's story, Doctor Preobrazhensky turns a dog into a man. Scientists are driven by the thirst for knowledge, the desire to change nature. But sometimes progress turns into dire consequences: a two-legged creature with " a dog's heart"- this is not a man yet, because there is no soul in him, no love, honor, nobility.

The press reported that the elixir of immortality would appear very soon. Death will be finally defeated. But for many people this news did not cause a surge of joy; on the contrary, anxiety intensified. How will this immortality turn out for a person?

10) The problem of the patriarchal rural way of life. The problem of the charm and beauty of a morally healthy village life.

In Russian literature, the theme of the village and the theme of the homeland were often combined. Rural life has always been perceived as the most serene and natural. One of the first to express this idea was Pushkin, who called the village his cabinet. ON. In his poem and poems, Nekrasov drew the reader's attention not only to the poverty of peasant huts, but also to how friendly peasant families are, how hospitable Russian women are. Much has been said about the identity of the farm structure in Sholokhov's epic novel " Quiet Don". In Rasputin's story" Farewell to Matera "the ancient village is endowed with historical memory, the loss of which is equivalent to death for the inhabitants.

11) The problem of labor. Enjoyment of meaningful activity.

The topic of labor has been developed many times in Russian classical and contemporary literature... As an example, it is enough to recall the novel by IAGoncharov "Oblomov". The hero of this work, Andrei Stolts, sees the meaning of life not as a result of labor, but in the process itself. We see a similar example in Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin's Dvor". His heroine does not perceive forced labor as punishment, punishment - she refers to work as an integral part of existence.

12) The problem of the influence of laziness on a person.

Chekhov's essay "My" She "lists all the terrible consequences of the influence of laziness on people.

13) The problem of the future of Russia.

Many poets and writers touched upon the topic of the future of Russia. For example, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol in lyrical digression of the poem "Dead Souls" compares Russia with "a brisk, unattainable troika." "Russia, where are you rushing?" he asks. But the author has no answer to the question. Poet Eduard Asadov in his poem "Russia did not begin with a sword" writes: "The dawn is rising, bright and hot. And it will be so indestructible forever. Russia did not begin with a sword, and therefore it is invincible!" He is sure that a great future awaits Russia, and nothing can stop her.

14) The problem of the influence of art on a person.

Scientists and psychologists have long argued that music can have various effects on the nervous system, on the tone of a person. It is generally accepted that Bach's works increase and develop intelligence. Beethoven's music awakens compassion, cleans the thoughts and feelings of a person from negativity. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.

The Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich has the subtitle "Leningradskaya". But the name "Legendary" suits her better. The fact is that when the Nazis besieged Leningrad, the inhabitants of the city were greatly influenced by the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich, which, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

15) The problem of anti-culture.

This problem is still relevant today. Now there is a dominance of "soap operas" on television, which significantly reduce the level of our culture. Another example is literature. The topic of "de-culture" is well covered in the novel "The Master and Margarita". Employees of MASSOLIT write bad works and at the same time dine in restaurants and have summer cottages. They are admired and their literature is revered.

16) The problem of modern television.

For a long time in Moscow, a gang operated, which was distinguished by its particular cruelty. When the criminals were arrested, they confessed that the American film Natural Born Killers, which they watched almost every day, had a huge impact on their behavior, on their attitude to the world. They tried to copy the habits of the heroes of this picture in real life.

Many modern athletes, when they were children, watched TV and wanted to be like the athletes of their time. Through TV broadcasts, they got to know the sport and its heroes. Of course, there are also reverse cases, when a person acquired an addiction to television, and he had to be treated in special clinics.

17) The problem of clogging the Russian language.

I believe that using foreign words v native language only justified if there is no equivalent. Many of our writers fought against the clogging of the Russian language with borrowings. M. Gorky pointed out: “It makes it difficult for our reader to stick foreign words into the Russian phrase. It makes no sense to write concentration when we have our own good word - condensation. "

Admiral A.S. Shishkov, who held the post of Minister of Education for some time, proposed replacing the word fountain with an awkward synonym invented by him - water cannon. Exercising in word-creation, he invented replacements for borrowed words: he suggested talking instead of an alley - a drawdown, billiards - a ball-roll, he replaced a cue with a ball, and called the library a scribe. To replace the word galoshes that he did not like, he came up with another - wet shoes. Such concern for the purity of the language can cause nothing but laughter and irritation of contemporaries.

18) The problem of destruction of natural resources.

If the press began to write about the disaster threatening humanity only in the last ten to fifteen years, then Ch. Aitmatov, back in the 70s, in his story "After the Fairy Tale" ("White Steamer") started talking about this problem. He showed the destructiveness, hopelessness of the path, if a person destroys nature. She takes revenge by degeneration, lack of spirituality. The writer continues the same theme in his subsequent works: "And the day lasts longer than a century" ("Storm stop"), "Ploha", "Brand of Cassandra". The novel "Plakha" produces a particularly strong feeling. Using the example of a wolf family, the author showed the death of wild nature from human economic activities. And how scary it becomes when you see that when compared with humans, the predators look more humane and "human" than the "crown of creation." So for what good in the future does a person bring his children to the chopping block?

19) Imposing your opinion on others.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. "Lake, cloud, tower ..." The main character - Vasily Ivanovich - a modest employee who won a pleasure trip to nature.

20) The theme of war in literature.

Very often, when congratulating our friends or relatives, we wish them a peaceful sky over their heads. We do not want their families to undergo the ordeal of war. War! These five letters bring with them a sea of ​​blood, tears, suffering, and most importantly, the death of people dear to our hearts. There have always been wars on our planet. Always the hearts of people were overwhelmed with the pain of loss. Wherever there is a war, we can hear the groans of mothers, the cry of children and deafening explosions that tear our souls and hearts. To our great happiness, we know about the war only from feature films and literary works.

A lot of war trials have befallen our country. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia was shaken by the Patriotic War of 1812. Leo Tolstoy showed the patriotic spirit of the Russian people in his epic novel War and Peace. Guerrilla warfare battle of Borodino- all this and much more appears before us with our own eyes. We are witnessing the terrible everyday life of the war. Tolstoy narrates that for many the war has become the most common thing. They (for example, Tushin) perform heroic deeds on the battlefields, but they themselves do not notice it. For them, war is a job that they must do in good faith. But war can become commonplace not only on the battlefield. An entire city can get used to the idea of ​​war and continue to live, resigned to it. Sevastopol was such a city in 1855. Leo Tolstoy tells about the difficult months of the defense of Sevastopol in his "Sevastopol Tales". The events taking place are especially reliably described here, since Tolstoy is an eyewitness to them. And after what he saw and heard in a city full of blood and pain, he set himself a definite goal - to tell his reader only the truth - and nothing but the truth. The bombardment of the city did not stop. New and new fortifications were required. Sailors, soldiers worked in the snow, rain, half-starved, half-naked, but they still worked. And here everyone is simply amazed by the courage of their spirit, willpower, tremendous patriotism. Their wives, mothers and children lived with them in this city. They became so accustomed to the situation in the city that they no longer paid attention to either the shots or the explosions. Very often they brought their husbands' meals directly to the bastions, and one shell could often destroy an entire family. Tolstoy shows us that the worst thing in the war happens in the hospital: "You will see doctors there with their hands bloody to the elbows ... occupied by the bed, on which, with open eyes and saying, as if in delirium, meaningless, sometimes simple and touching words , lies wounded under the influence of chloroform. " For Tolstoy, war is dirt, pain, violence, no matter what goals it pursues: “... its real expression - in blood, in suffering, in death ... "The heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 once again shows everyone how much the Russian people love their Motherland and how boldly it is to defend it. Sparing no effort, using any means, he (the Russian people) does not allow the enemy to seize their native land.

In 1941-1942, the defense of Sevastopol will be repeated. But this will be another Great Patriotic War - 1941-1945. In this war against fascism, the Soviet people will perform an extraordinary feat, which we will always remember. M. Sholokhov, K. Simonov, B. Vasiliev and many other writers dedicated their works to the events of the Great Patriotic War. it hard times It is also characteristic that in the ranks of the Red Army women fought on an equal basis with men. And even the fact that they are the fairer sex did not stop them. They fought with fear within themselves and performed such heroic deeds, which, it seemed, were completely unusual for women. It is about such women that we learn from the pages of B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...". Five girls and their military commander F. Baskov find themselves on the Sinyukhina ridge with sixteen fascists, who are heading for the railway, absolutely sure that no one knows about the course of their operation. Our soldiers found themselves in a difficult situation: you cannot retreat, but stay, so the Germans serve them like seeds. But there is no way out! Behind the Motherland! And now these girls perform a fearless feat. At the cost of their lives, they stop the enemy and prevent him from carrying out his terrible plans. And how carefree was the life of these girls before the war ?! They studied, worked, enjoyed life. And suddenly! Airplanes, tanks, cannons, shots, shouts, groans ... But they did not break down and gave up the most precious thing they had for victory - life. They gave their lives for their homeland.

But on earth there is a civil war in which a person can give his life without knowing why. The year is 1918. Russia. A brother kills a brother, a father kills a son, a son kills a father. Everything is mixed up in the fire of anger, everything is devalued: love, kinship, human life. M. Tsvetaeva writes: Brothers, this is the extreme rate! For the third year already Abel fights with Cain ...

27) Parental love.

In the poem in Turgenev's prose "Sparrow" we see the heroic deed of a bird. Trying to protect the offspring, the sparrow rushed into battle against the dog.

Also in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons," Bazarov's parents most of all in life want to be with their son.

28) Responsibility. Rash acts.

In Chekhov's play " The Cherry Orchard"Lyubov Andreevna lost her estate, because all her life she was frivolous about money and work.

The fire in Perm occurred due to the rash actions of the organizers of the fireworks, the irresponsibility of the management, the negligence of the fire safety inspectors. And the result is the death of many people.

In the essay "Ants" A. Maurois tells how a young woman bought an anthill. But she forgot to feed its inhabitants, although they only needed one drop of honey a month.

29) Oh simple things... Happiness theme.

There are people who do not demand anything special from their lives and spend it (life) uselessly and boringly. One of these people is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

In Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin, the protagonist has everything for life. Wealth, education, position in society and the ability to realize any of your dreams. But he misses. Nothing hurts him, nothing pleases him. He does not know how to appreciate simple things: friendship, sincerity, love. I think that's why he's unhappy.

Volkov's essay "On Simple Things" raises a similar problem: a person needs not so much to be happy.

30) The riches of the Russian language.

If you do not use the riches of the Russian language, you can become like Ellochka Shchukina from the work "Twelve Chairs" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov. She got along with thirty words.

In Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor", Mitrofanushka did not know Russian at all.

31) Lack of principle.

Chekhov's essay "Gone" tells the story of a woman who completely changes her principles in one minute.

She tells her husband that she will leave him if he does at least one despicable act. Then the husband explained to his wife in detail why their family lives so richly. The heroine of the text “went ... to another room. For her, living beautifully and richly was more important than deceiving her husband, although she says quite the opposite.

In Chekhov's story "The Chameleon" of the police overseer Ochumelov, there is also no clear position. He wants to punish the owner of the dog who bit Khryukin's finger. After Ochumelov learns that the possible owner of the dog is General Zhigalov, all his determination is lost.


It is peculiar for poets to sum up the results of their work. They were not indifferent to how the descendants would appreciate their creations. Therefore, the theme of the monument as a memory not made by hands is characteristic of poetry, especially in the 18-19th centuries, although the poets of the 20th century also repeatedly turned to this topic. All poems are united by a common idea - the desire to create such works that would be interesting and relevant not only to contemporaries, but also to descendants, poets wanted to remain in their memory. All authors note the immortality of poetry, the special purpose of the poet, who is able to connect generations through his work.

Despite the consonance of themes and problems, each of the poets focuses on something of his own. MV Lomonosov, first of all, praised his work; G.R.Derzhavin emphasized the general availability, innovation of his poems both in content and in form; A.S. Pushkin created a deeply lyrical poem in which he expressed his innermost thoughts about life, about himself; V. Bryusov significantly expanded the boundaries of the distribution of his poems, he wrote about their world significance; I. Brodsky emphasized his disobedience, inconvenience for many people, he told people too much truth.