
Which of the Buranov grandmothers died. “Buranovskie grandmothers” about Baba Liza: “She taught us to live with our songs! She composed songs from her own life

At first there was euphoria. The homeland greeted them as heroines.

- They wanted to secretly return to Buranovo - but where there!- recalls Galina Koneva.It was impossible to get down from the plane's ladder - everyone went out onto the airfield. Halfway to the village, people stood with flags and baked goods (Udmurt cheesecakes with different fillings. - Auth.). They sing, they roar. We roar. After all, no one thought about victory. Rustic! How many times Moscow has asked us to take off bast shoes and antique dresses. But these are national clothes - from chests, from attics. Yes, and we are old.

The youngest in the team 49-year-old artistic director Olga Tuktareva has been working with grandmothers for a quarter of a century. They are all like a selection of "antique": the eldest is 81 years old. A good half have many children. Each has its own share. Valentina Pyatchenko the circular saw cut off part of her hand - so she adapted with one left to plant a garden and weave rugs. Ekaterina Shklyaeva broke the neck of her thigh. I left the hospital and continued to sing. Several women have undergone cancer. “Everyone was cured, they are real fighters,” says Olga.

Who knew Buranovo before? It seems that the capital of Udmurtia is close by, but there were no roads. Gas is available only in half of the houses. The electric poles are going to collapse. After the success of the grandmothers at Eurovision, the problems were resolved as if by magic. The school received help, the recreation center was restored. The international festival has died down twice on the Buranovo open spaces.

Today, as well as 125 years ago, there are almost 700 inhabitants in Buranovo, and it looks like an ordinary village.

- No-no!- Olga Tuktareva smiles. - "Grandmothers" were not born from scratch. The intelligentsia has always been here. A school, a hospital, a library in the village were among the first to open in Udmurtia. Priests worked as teachers. Including father Grigory Vereshchagin- ethnographer, educator. In 1927, he was stripped of his clerical title, almost shot. The villagers hid the priest in the woods. The temple was closed. But in 1939 my mother was also christened here and Galina Nikolaevna Koneva- the participants in the sacrament climbed into the church through the window.

After the war, the temple was destroyed. And in the 21st century, grandmothers had a dream to restore it. But there was no money.

- Suddenly, one rich man asked us to sing Udmurt songs Tsoi and Grebenshchikova, - recalls Valentina Pyatchenko. - Olga translated them, we recorded the disc. It all started with that fee.

Prayer service at the construction site of the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Buranovo. Photo: RIA Novosti / Konstantin Ivshin

And for a good cause the Lord sent them a meeting with the great Zykina... Its director, Izhevsk Ksenia Rubtsova, brought grandmothers to Moscow. They charmed Lyudmila Georgievna. Rubtsova became their producer. But two years after Eurovision, the contract ended, and the grandmothers were changed to professionals.

- We accidentally saw them on the Internet,- says Galina Koneva. - It was very painful ...

- The former producer forbids us to sing and distribute songs, partially recorded with her money!- Valentina Pyatchenko is indignant.

- We are on tour, and she says that grandmothers are old, get sick, cannot travel,- complains Granya Baysarova. - About the new singers, she says that they performed at Eurovision, they are building a church. And they have never been here. And Rubtsova designed the brand for herself. We don't mind that band performing. Let them sing and dance. If only they didn't throw mud at us.

Today the team that won the Eurovision Song Contest is called Grandmothers from Buranov. And people love them, maybe even more than before.

- People understand who is who,- Granya Baysarova is sure. - They are greeted with caution: are they real? And if they see us, they thaw. They say about the new team: the audience came - they realized that the grandmothers were "fake", and left.

The "grandmothers" woke the people up. In Udmurtia, folklore groups have sprung up like mushrooms after the rain. The youth returned to the club - they put on performances. The state farm started working. And golden domes shine in the sun: for two years now services have been held in the Church of the Holy Trinity.

- The money is still needed,- worries Alevtina Begisheva.- Cracks on the walls have gone, the doors need to be changed - it's cold in winter. We want to arrange a house for the lonely at the church. The refectory was started with a guest room, so that people had a place to spend the night. While we are putting it. On mattresses.

After the grandmothers became famous, their own souvenirs appeared in Buranovo. Photo: AiF / Tatiana Ulanova

Kyrgalom jon-jon-jon

- 50 million invested in infrastructure, could develop the village,- protrudes from behind a tall fence unusual for the village designer Alexander Pilin, who bought the house of the merchant Larionov opposite the Palace of Culture. - I came here on a mission to raise the village. He said: let's sell products, felt boots! I even preserved the Buranovsky air. Cultural center, pet zoo, market could be made. But the locals don't need anything. The audience with my grandmothers is different. Those who go to them do not come to me. And vice versa. Ugly, ridiculous - they are just a product of public relations.

Pilin participates in exhibitions, lectures abroad. In his house you can see a black square made of worn socks, “hear” a hymn to his pants down and buy a stylish felt carpet in the form of a gramophone record. But he is a Westerner, grandmothers are Slavophiles. And it is difficult for them to understand each other.

- Crowds will flood here - sincerity will go away,- says Alevtina Begisheva.

- The Udmurts have a proverb: don't pull forward, don't lag behind, don't hang out in the middle, - Olga Tuktareva summarizes. - To complete the temple, to maintain it - these are our plans.

* The material uses lines in English and Udmurt from the song with which the "Buranovskie grandmothers" won the Eurovision Song Contest:

- Party for everyone! Dance! Let's dance!

- We will sing loudly and loudly.


"Buranovskie grandmothers" are suffering losses. The oldest soloist and composer of the folklore group Elizaveta Zarbatova, who in the village was affectionately called Liza-apai, passed away. She was 87 years old.

She died in her native village of Buranovo on January 13, but this became known only now. Her life was like knotted yarn, just like the song she wrote.

She was a bright person and left in the bright post-Christmas time. She died peacefully, she did not suffer and did not torment anyone, - says the head of the team Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. - Two months before her death, she brought us a coat to the museum. In my pocket there was a letter with the wishes to live in harmony, to love the native land. Usually, when an elderly person dies, not very many people come to say goodbye. And Liza-apai was visited by people from all over the area. Many people loved her.

Elizaveta Zarbatova never opened up to a wide audience. Due to her age, she did not participate in the Eurovision 2012 contest, where Buranovskie grandmothers represented Russia and, according to the results of the voting, took the honorable second place.

But it was “grandmother” Zarbatova who wrote many songs for a folk group from the Udmurt village of Buranovo. Baba Lisa composed including famous song"Puchoko", with which the group made it to the Eurovision Song Contest. The whole world then applauded the talented singers, who had thirty of their teeth left for the entire ensemble.

When I was visiting my grandmothers in Buranovo, the words of Elizaveta Zarbatova's triumphant song were translated to me: “No husband. How to dig up a vegetable garden alone? How to teach a young foal to plow? How to weave thinly? How to feed the children? How to live on? Pucheko ... pucheko ... "(the yarn is uneven, with knots - translated from Udm.).

Elizabeth was the soul of our team, the most irreplaceable person in the group, say her colleagues. - She sang with us for a long time. And, thank God, I managed to rejoice at our victories and see the built church.

Elizaveta Filippovna's songs turned out to be soulful, because the author knew something special about life. She sang about the non-fictional. She was born back in 1927. Musical notation I didn't know, but I composed songs. “They come to me on their own,” Baba Liza admitted. - I pick cucumbers, bake baking, suddenly words are born in my head by themselves, and then music sounds, or vice versa, first a motive comes, and then the lines fall on it. "

Until she forgot the song, Elizaveta Filippovna sang it to the chorus. The singers quickly wrote down the words on a piece of paper, the accordion player immediately picked up the melody, transferred it to paper, to the stave.

Baba Liza composed her first song at the age of 14. It was 1941, the war began. The entire male population went to the front, only women and teenagers worked on the collective farm. Elizaveta prepared timber for the locomotive fleet of the Agryz junction station. To cheer up the bull that was dragging the logs, she sang to him a song of her own composition: “The trees have fallen in the clearing, who will pity them? Who will pity us? My own mother. The difficult years coincided. And we are young. We are not sad that we are young. We grieve that the war is going on. "

On the war fronts, both Elizabeth's father and brother were killed. Mother turned black with grief. It was hungry, they received three kilograms of flour every four months.

Fate let Baba Lisa go quite a bit of female happiness. The husband died after falling along with the collapsed power line support. Elizabeth was left alone, with four children in her arms. She never married again, although they wooed the singer three times. She explained to her friends: "The heart has never opened to anyone else." The songs were dictated by life itself: “A woman's grief can be taken away in two carts. And the tears? The only thing left for the pigeon is to get drunk. "

Elizaveta Filippovna worked on the construction of the Balezinskaya railway line, but for all the years she herself did not go anywhere by train. All dreams were embodied in songs. How many of them she composed, the author herself did not know.

We often swore at her. Elizaveta loved to improve her songs, - recollect the soloists of the group. - Even in her oldest compositions, she used to change words, or even come up with new lines. And we were on the stage. How to be? Picked up on the go. It's a shame that we all became People's Artists of the Udmurt Republic, and Filippovna went into another world “undeserved”.

Svetlana Samodelova, Moskovsky Komsomolets

She was a bright person and left in the bright post-Christmas time. She died peacefully, she did not suffer and did not torment anyone, - says the head of the team Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva. - Two months before her death, she brought us a coat to the museum. In my pocket there was a letter with the wishes to live in harmony, to love the native land. Usually, when an elderly person dies, not very many people come to say goodbye. And Liza-apai was visited by people from all over the area. Many people loved her.

Elizaveta Zarbatova never opened up to a wide audience. Due to her age, she did not participate in the Eurovision 2012 contest, where Buranovskie grandmothers represented Russia and, according to the results of the voting, took the honorable second place.

But it was “grandmother” Zarbatova who wrote many songs for a folk group from the Udmurt village of Buranovo. Baba Liza composed, among other things, the famous song "Puchoko", with which the group made it to the Eurovision Song Contest. The whole world then applauded the talented singers, who had thirty of their teeth left for the entire ensemble.

When I was visiting my grandmothers in Buranovo, the words of Elizaveta Zarbatova's triumphant song were translated to me: “No husband. How to dig up a vegetable garden alone? How to teach a young foal to plow? How to weave thinly? How to feed the children? How to live on? Pucheko ... pucheko ... "(the yarn is uneven, with knots - translated from Udm.).

Elizabeth was the soul of our team, the most irreplaceable person in the group, say her colleagues. - She sang with us for a long time. And, thank God, I managed to rejoice at our victories and see the built church.

Elizaveta Filippovna's songs turned out to be soulful, because the author knew something special about life. She sang about the non-fictional. She was born back in 1927. She did not know the musical notation, but she composed songs. “They come to me on their own,” Baba Liza admitted. - I pick cucumbers, bake baking, suddenly words are born in my head by themselves, and then music sounds, or vice versa, first a motive comes, and then the lines fall on it. "

Until she forgot the song, Elizaveta Filippovna sang it to the chorus. The singers quickly wrote down the words on a piece of paper, the accordion player immediately picked up the melody, transferred it to paper, to the stave.

Baba Liza composed her first song at the age of 14. It was 1941, the war began. The entire male population went to the front, only women and teenagers worked on the collective farm. Elizaveta prepared timber for the locomotive fleet of the Agryz junction station. To cheer up the bull that was dragging the logs, she sang to him a song of her own composition: “The trees have fallen in the clearing, who will pity them? Who will pity us? My own mother. The difficult years coincided. And we are young. We are not sad that we are young. We grieve that the war is going on. "

On the war fronts, both Elizabeth's father and brother were killed. Mother turned black with grief. It was hungry, they received three kilograms of flour every four months.

Fate let Baba Lisa go quite a bit of female happiness. The husband died after falling along with the collapsed power line support. Elizabeth was left alone, with four children in her arms. She never married again, although they wooed the singer three times. She explained to her friends: "The heart has never opened to anyone else." The songs were dictated by life itself: “A woman's grief can be taken away in two carts. And the tears? The only thing left for the pigeon is to get drunk. "

Elizaveta Filippovna worked on the construction of the Balezinskaya railway line, but for all the years she herself did not go anywhere by train. All dreams were embodied in songs. How many of them she composed, the author herself did not know.

We often swore at her. Elizaveta loved to improve her songs, - recollect the soloists of the group. - Even in her oldest compositions, she used to change words, or even come up with new lines. And we were on the stage. How to be? Picked up on the go. It's a shame that we all became People's Artists of the Udmurt Republic, and Filippovna went into another world “undeserved”.

Image copyright RIA Novosti Image caption Elizaveta Zarbatova joined the team long before it became popular

The oldest participant died in Udmurtia at the age of 87 musical group"Buranovskie grandmothers" Elizaveta Zarbatova, it became known on Tuesday. It was she who wrote the song Party for Everybody, performed at Eurovision 2012.

Baba Liza, as her close people called her, died on January 13 and was buried in her native village of Buranovo.

She did not appear on the Eurovision stage, but it was her who wrote most of the band's songs.

With a song through life

"Buranovskie grandmothers" became famous thanks to their successful participation in the international European competition in 2012, from where they returned one step away from victory, taking second place.

Then the singer Loreen from Sweden won with the single "Euphoria".

A group from a small village of Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia performs songs in Udmurt, Russian and English.

None of the members of the group have a musical education, however, they admitted in an interview with the BBC that they sang all their lives.

Before Zarbatova's death, the ensemble consisted of nine people, including the artistic director.

In 2014, "Buranovskie Babushki" recorded the song "Veterok", dedicated to the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Culture Showbiz Persons

One of the "Buranovskaya grandmothers" died

One of the members of the popular musical group "Baranovskie Babushki" Elizaveta Zarbatova died at the age of 87. Writes about this "Tatar-inform".

The tragic event happened on January 13, 2014, but it became widely known only now. Elizaveta Zarbatova (or "Baba Liza" as she was also called) was not just a wonderful performer of perky folk songs, an active and creative person. She wrote most of the band's songs.

She was buried at home - in the Udmurt village of Buranovo.

"Buranovskie grandmothers" shocked not only Russia, but the whole world when they presented their homeland at the international music contest "Eurovision" in 2012. Their song "Party for everybody" brought Russia the 2nd place, and the "grandmothers" themselves - fame and love of millions of fans. In the same year they are.

The repertoire of "Buranovskiye Babushki" includes songs in English, Russian and Udmurt. The youngest member of the group is 43 years old, the most experienced is 76 years old. Soon "Buranovskie Babushki" will shock the visitors of the Olympic Games in Sochi with their new song "Veterok".