
Sholokhov's biography is short. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov: list of works, biography and interesting facts. Sholokhov, works about the war: list

Mikhail Sholokhov is one of the most iconic writers of the 20th century. His works have gained great popularity not only in the USSR, but also far beyond its borders. In 1965 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

We bring to your attention the biography of Sholokhov. She, like outstanding people, full of surprises and visionary accidents. By the way, pay attention to the most.

Brief biography of Sholokhov


His father, Alexander Mikhailovich, was engaged in agriculture, and also performed many other work for hire. Mother Anastasia Danilovna, who became an orphan as a child, was a hereditary Cossack.

It is interesting that, being illiterate, she possessed wisdom and extraordinary insight. Anastasia Danilovna specially learned to read and write in order to write letters to her son when he was studying at the gymnasium.

As a girl, she was forcibly married to the son of the chieftain Kuznetsov. However, she soon left her husband for Alexander Sholokhov. As a result, their son Mikhail was born illegitimate and at the beginning had the surname Kuznetsov. Not everyone knows this fact from the biography of the great writer.

Only after the death of the first spouse Anastasia, the couple was able to officially get married. Thanks to this, Mikhail's surname changed to "Sholokhov", under which he entered.

The Sholokhovs lived in relative prosperity. Due to the fact that Alexander Mikhailovich often had to change jobs, the family often moved from one place to another.

Upbringing and education

The parents loved their only child and tried to give him the best possible education. They hired a home teacher for him, Timofey Mrykhin, who taught the boy to read, write and count. This played an important role in his biography.

Studying gave him real pleasure, and he never had to be forced to pore over textbooks: he happily did it on his own.

After 3 years, he continues his studies at the Boguchar gymnasium for boys, where he will finish 4 classes.

During this period, the young man avidly reads works famous classics: , etc.

In 1917, on the eve of the revolution, the head of the family becomes the manager of the steam mill. After 3 years, the family moved to the village of Karginskaya, where in 1925 the writer's father was destined to die.

During the bloody confrontation between the "red" and "white", Sholokhov did not take either side.

When power was in the hands of the Bolsheviks, he agreed with their ideology, and in 1930 he became a member of the Communist Party.

In the pre-revolutionary life of the writer, no serious "sins" were found, so he had a fairly good reputation in the eyes of the new Soviet regime.

However, there was still one flaw in his biography.

In 1922, Sholokhov was sentenced to death for abuse of office while working as a tax inspector.

Fortunately, the sentence was not carried out thanks to the help and ingenuity of his parents. They managed to forge the birth certificate of their son, which is why he was tried as a minor.

Biography of Sholokhov

Mikhail Sholokhov began to seriously engage in writing in 1923. Initially, he wrote short feuilletons and humorous stories.

From time to time he worked in various Komsomol publications, publishing his works in them.

Sholokhov's work

Speaking about the work of Sholokhov, one immediately recalls the main work of his life - "Quiet Don". This novel became one of the key novels of the 20th century.

An interesting fact is that in connection with this book, the writer was often accused of plagiarism. Discussions about this do not subside today. Some researchers believe that Sholokhov stole the novel from a white officer who was repressed by the Bolsheviks.

The writer himself did not react in any way to such statements, claiming that "Quiet Don" was written by him alone, and all conversations on this topic are insinuations from the envious.

Modern Russian literary critic Dmitry Bykov is sure that the author of the work is Sholokhov. He draws such conclusions based on his writing style.

For 20 years, starting in 1930, Mikhail Alexandrovich wrote another brilliant novel, Virgin Soil Upturned, in which collectivization is described in bright colors. This is the second most important work in his creative biography.

Another popular novel by Sholokhov is They Fought for the Motherland. Interestingly, shortly before his death, the writer, for some reason, decided to burn it. As a result, only a few chapters of this have survived.

A fragment of Sholokhov's biography related to the Nobel Prize deserves special attention. In 1958, the disgraced was nominated for this award for the 7th time.

Concerning Soviet Union sent a telegram to his ambassador v. It said that he would appreciate the award of this prize to Sholokhov.

However, this did not help, as a result of which the Nobel Prize was still awarded to Pasternak. Only 7 years later, in 1965, Mikhail Alexandrovich also became the owner of this prestigious award.

Personal life

Mikhail Sholokhov married Maria Gromoslavskaya when he was barely 19 years old. In this marriage, the couple had 4 children: Svetlana (1926), Alexander (1930), Mikhail (1935) and Maria (1938).

Family of M.A.Sholokhov (April 1941). From left to right Maria Petrovna with her son Misha, Alexander, Svetlana, Mikhail Sholokhov with Masha

Friends noted that by nature, Mikhail was a direct, truthful and courageous person.

Some of his contemporaries argued that among all writers, only Sholokhov could openly communicate with, looking him straight in the eyes.


IN last yearsMikhail Aleksandrovich lived in the village of Veshenskaya, and practically did not pay attention to writing. Instead, he preferred to take walks in solitude with nature, or go fishing. At the end of his life, he did not spare money for charity.

Interestingly, the place of his burial is not in the cemetery, but right in the courtyard of the house in which he lived. Many streets and avenues of the cities of the former USSR are named after him, and more than one film has been shot based on his biography.

What can we say about the work of Sholokhov: based on his works, many wonderful films have been created, both in Russia and abroad.

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Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is one of the most famous Russians of the period. His work covers the most important events for our country - the revolution of 1917, the Civil War, the formation of the new government and the Great Patriotic War. In this article we will tell you a little about the life of this writer and try to consider his works.

Short biography. Childhood and youth

During the Civil War, he was with the Reds and rose to the rank of commander. Then, after graduation, he moved to Moscow. Here he received his first education. After moving to Boguchar, he entered the gymnasium. After graduation, he returned to the capital, wanted to get a higher education, but could not enter. To feed himself, he had to get a job. During this short period, he changed several specialties, continuing to engage in self-education and literature.

The first work of the writer was published in 1923. Sholokhov begins to cooperate with newspapers and magazines, writes feuilletons for them. In 1924, the story "Birthmark", the first from the Don cycle, was published in "Young Leninist".

Real glory and the last years of life

The list of works by M. A. Sholokhov should begin with "Quiet Don". It was this epic that brought the author real fame. Gradually, it became popular not only in the USSR, but also in other countries. The second great work of the writer was Virgin Soil Upturned, which was awarded the Lenin Prize.

During the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov was. At that time, he wrote many stories dedicated to this terrible time.

In 1965, the year became significant for the writer - he was awarded the Nobel Prize for the novel "Quiet Don". Since the 60s, Sholokhov practically stopped writing, devoting his free time to fishing and hunting. He donated most of his income to charity and led a relaxed lifestyle.

The writer died on February 21, 1984. The body was buried on the banks of the Don in the courtyard of his own house.

The life that Sholokhov lived is full of unusual and bizarre events. We will present the list of the writer's works below, and now let's talk a little more about the fate of the author:

  • Sholokhov was the only writer who received Nobel Prize with the approval of the authorities. The author was also called "Stalin's favorite".
  • When Sholokhov decided to marry one of the daughters of Gromoslavsky, a former Cossack chieftain, he proposed to marry the eldest of the girls, Marya. The writer, of course, agreed. The couple lived in marriage for almost 60 years. During this time, they had four children.
  • After the release of The Quiet Don, critics had doubts that the author of such a large and complex novel was indeed such a young author. By order of Stalin himself, a commission was established, which conducted a study of the text and made a conclusion: the epic was indeed written by Sholokhov.

Features of creativity

Sholokhov's works are inextricably linked with the image of Don and the Cossacks (the list, titles and plots of the books are direct evidence of this). It is from the life of his native places that he draws images, motives and themes. The writer himself said this about it: “I was born on the Don, grew up there, studied and formed as a person ...”.

Despite the fact that Sholokhov focuses on describing the life of the Cossacks, his works are not limited to regional and local themes. On the contrary, using their example, the author manages to raise not only the problems of the country, but universal and philosophical ones. The writer's works reflect deep historical processes. Associated with this is another distinctive feature of Sholokhov's work - the desire to artistically reflect the turning points in the life of the USSR and how people felt when caught in this whirlpool of events.

Sholokhov was inclined towards monumentalism, he was attracted by issues related to social changes and the fate of peoples.

Early works

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov began writing very early. The works (prose was always preferable for him) of those years were devoted to the Civil War, in which he himself took a direct part, although he was still quite a young man.

Sholokhov mastered the writing skill from a small form, that is, from stories that were published in three collections:

  • "Azure Steppe";
  • Don Stories;
  • "About Kolchak, nettles and other things."

Despite the fact that these works did not stray beyond the framework of social realism and in many respects glorified the Soviet regime, they stood out strongly against the background of other works of Sholokhov's contemporary writers. The fact is that already in these years Mikhail Alexandrovich paid special attention to the life of the people and the description folk characters... The writer tried to paint a more realistic and less romanticized picture of the revolution. The works contain cruelty, blood, betrayal - Sholokhov tries not to smooth out the severity of time.

At the same time, the author does not in the least romanticize death and does not poeticize cruelty. He sets accents in a different way. Kindness and the ability to preserve humanity remain the main thing. Sholokhov wanted to show how "the Don Cossacks simply perished in the steppes." The originality of the writer's work lies in the fact that he raised the problem of revolution and humanism, interpreting actions from the point of view of morality. And most of all, Sholokhov was worried about the fratricide that accompanies any civil war. The tragedy of many of his heroes was that they had to shed their own blood.

"Quiet Don"

Perhaps the most famous book that Sholokhov wrote. We will continue the list of works with her, since the novel opens the next stage of the writer's work. The author began writing the epic in 1925, immediately after the publication of the stories. Initially, he did not plan such a large-scale work, wanting only to depict the fate of the Cossacks in revolutionary times and their participation in the "suppression of the revolution." Then the book was named "Don region". But Sholokhov did not like the first pages written by him, since the ordinary reader would not understand the motives of the Cossacks. Then the writer decided to start his story from 1912, and end in 1922. The meaning of the novel has changed, as has the title. The work on the work took 15 years. The book was finally published in 1940.

Virgin Soil Upturned

Another novel created by M. Sholokhov for several decades. The list of the writer's works is impossible without mentioning this book, since it is considered the second most popular after The Quiet Don. Virgin Soil Upturned consists of two books, the first was completed in 1932, and the second in the late 50s.

The work describes the process of collectivization on the Don, witnessed by Sholokhov himself. The first book can generally be called a reportage from the scene. The author very realistically and colorfully recreates the drama of this time. Here there is dispossession, and meetings of farmers, and the murder of people, and the slaughter of cattle, and the plundering of collective farm grain, and a woman's revolt.

The plot of both parts is based on the confrontation between class enemies. The action begins with a double tie - the secret arrival of Polovtsev and the arrival of Davydov, and also ends with a double denouement. The whole book is based on the opposition of red and white.

Sholokhov, works about the war: list

Books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War:

  • The novel They Fought for the Motherland;
  • Stories "Science of Hate", "The Fate of Man";
  • Essays "In the South", "On the Don", "Cossacks", "In Cossack Collective Farms", "Vileness", "Prisoners of War", "In the South";
  • Publicism - "The Struggle Continues", "A Word about the Motherland", "The Executioners Cannot Escape from the Court of Nations!", "Light and Darkness".

During the war years Sholokhov worked as a war correspondent for Pravda. The stories and essays describing these terrible events had some distinctive features that identified Sholokhov as a writer-battle fighter and even survived in his post-war prose.

The author's essays can be called a chronicle of the war. Unlike other writers working in the same direction, Sholokhov never directly expressed his view of events, the heroes spoke for him. Only at the end did the writer allow himself to sum up a little.

Sholokhov's works, despite the theme, retain a humanistic orientation. This changes slightly the protagonist... It becomes a person who is able to realize the importance of his place in the world struggle and understand that he is responsible to his comrades-in-arms, relatives, children, life itself and history.

"They fought for their homeland"

We continue to analyze the creative heritage that Sholokhov left (list of works). The writer perceives war not as a fatal inevitability, but as a socio-historical phenomenon that tests the moral and ideological qualities of people. The fate of individual characters creates a picture of an epoch-making event. These principles formed the basis of the novel They Fought for the Motherland, which, unfortunately, was never completed.

As conceived by Sholokhov, the work should have consisted of three parts. The first was supposed to describe the pre-war events and the struggle of the Spaniards with the Nazis. And already in the second and third, the struggle of the Soviet people against the invaders would have been described. However, no part of the novel was ever published. Only individual chapters were published.

A distinctive feature of the novel is the presence of not only large-scale battle scenes, but also sketches of everyday soldier's life, which often have a humorous connotation. At the same time, the soldiers are well aware of their responsibility to the people and the country. Their thoughts of home and homeland become tragic as their regiment retreats. Therefore, they cannot justify the hopes placed on them.

Summing up

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich has passed a huge creative path. All the works of the author, especially if viewed in chronological order, confirm this. If you take the early stories and the later ones, the reader will see how much the skill of the writer has grown. At the same time, he managed to maintain many motives, such as loyalty to his duty, humanity, loyalty to his family and country, etc.

But the writer's works are not only of artistic and aesthetic value. First of all, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov strove to be a chronicler (biography, a list of books and diary entries confirm this).

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov is a prominent Soviet prose writer, laureate of Stalin (1941), Lenin (1960) and Nobel (1965) prizes. His great artistic talent, which gradually faded under the influence of Soviet ideological dogmas, manifested itself primarily in the epic novel The Quiet Don, one of the summit phenomena of 20th century literature.

Sholokhov was born on the Don, was the illegitimate son of a Ukrainian woman, the wife of a Don Cossack A.D. Kuznetsova and a rich clerk (the son of a merchant, a native of the Ryazan region) A.M. Sholokhov. IN early childhood bore the surname Kuznetsov and received an allotment of land as “the son of a Cossack”. In 1913, after being adopted by his own father, he lost his Cossack privileges, becoming the “son of a tradesman”; graduated from four grades of gymnasium (which is more than the first Russian nobel laureate in the field of literature I.A. Bunin).

During the Civil War, the Sholokhov family could be under attack from two sides: for the White Cossacks, they were "nonresidents", for the Reds, they were "exploiters." Young Mikhail did not differ with a passion for hoarding (like one of his future heroes, the son of a wealthy Cossack Makar Nagulnov) and took the side of the victorious force, which established at least relative peace. He served in the food detachment, but arbitrarily reduced the taxation of people of his circle, for which he was on trial. His senior friend and mentor (“mamunya” in letters addressed to her), a party member since 1903 (Sholokhov - since 1932) E.G. Levitskaya, to whom “The Fate of a Man” was later dedicated, believed that there is a lot of autobiographical information in Grigory Melekhov’s “vacillations” in “Quiet Don” 11, p. 128]. The young man changed a large number of professions, especially in Moscow, where he lived for a long time from the end of 1922 to 1926. Having established himself in literature, he settled on the Don in the village of Veshenskaya.

In 1923 Sholokhov published feuilletons, from the end of 1923 - stories, saturated not with superficial feuilletonism, but with acute drama and tragedy with a touch of melodrama. Most of these works were collected in the collections "Don Stories" (1925) and "Azure Steppe" (1926). With the exception of the story “Alien Blood” (1926), where the old man Gavrila and his wife, who have lost their son, a white Cossack, are nursing a hacked communist food soldier, they begin to love him like a son, and he leaves them, in early works Sholokhov's heroes are generally sharply divided into positive (red fighters, Soviet activists) and negative, sometimes “unalloyed” villains (white, “bandits”, fists and fists). Many characters have real prototypes, but Sholokhov sharpens and exaggerates almost everything; he presents death, blood, torture, hunger pangs in a deliberately naturalistic way. Beginning with Moles (1923), the young writer’s favorite subject is the deadly clash of his closest relatives: father and son, siblings. The neophyte Sholokhov invariably confirms his loyalty to the communist idea, emphasizing the priority of social choice over any human relationship, including family relations. In 1931 he republished Don Stories, supplementing the early collection with new ones, in which the comedy prevailed; at the same time, in Virgin Soil Upturned, he combined comicism with drama, sometimes quite effectively. Then for a quarter of a century, the stories were not reprinted, the author himself did not evaluate them highly and returned them to the reader when, in the absence of a new one, he had to remember a well-forgotten old.

In 1925, Sholokhov began a work on the fate of the Cossacks in 1917, during the Kornilov rebellion, under the title "Quiet Don" (and not "Don region", according to a widespread legend). He quickly abandoned this idea, but a year later he resumed his work on The Quiet Don, widely expanding the picture of the pre-war life of the Cossacks and the events of the World War. The first two books of the epic novel were published in 1928. The young writer was full of energy, had a phenomenal memory, read a lot (in the 1920s, even the memoirs of white generals were available), asked the Cossacks in the Don farms about the “German” and the Civil War , and the way of life and customs of his own Don knew like no one else.

The events of collectivization (and immediately preceding it) delayed work on the epic novel. In letters, including I.V. Stalin, Sholokhov tried to reveal the true state of affairs in the new society: a complete collapse of the economy, lawlessness, torture applied to collective farmers. But he accepted the very idea of \u200b\u200bcollectivization and in a relaxed form, with indisputable sympathy for the main heroes - the communists, showed the processes of collectivization on the example of the Gremyachy Log farm in the first book of Virgin Soil Upturned (1932). Even a very smoothed image of dispossession, the figure of the “right deviator” Razmetnov, etc. were very suspicious for the authorities and semi-official writers; in particular, the Novy Mir magazine rejected the author's title for the novel With Blood and Sweat. But on the whole, the work suited Stalin. The high artistic level of the book, as it were, proved the fruitfulness of communist ideas for art, created the illusion of freedom of creativity in the USSR. Virgin Soil Upturned was heralded as the perfect example of socialist realist literature.

The success of Virgin Soil Upturned directly or indirectly helped Sholokhov to continue work on The Quiet Don, the publication of the third book (sixth part) of which was delayed due to the very sympathetic portrayal of the participants in the anti-Bolshevik Upper Don Uprising of 1919. With the help of M. Gorky, Sholokhov obtained permission from Stalin on the publication of this book in full (1932) and in 1934 basically completed the fourth, the last, but began to rewrite it again, probably not without the influence of the tightened political atmosphere. In the last two books of The Quiet Don (the seventh part of the fourth book was published in 1937-1938, the eighth - in 1940), many journalistic, often didactically unambiguous pro-Bolshevik declarations appeared, quite often contradicting the plot and figurative structure of the epic novel. But this by no means confirms the theory of "two authors" or "author" and "co-author", developed by skeptics who do not believe in Sholokhov's authorship (among them A.I.Solzhenitsyn). In all likelihood, Sholokhov himself was his “co-author”, keeping mainly art world, created by him in the early 30s. Although in 1938 the writer nearly fell victim to a false political accusation, he nevertheless found the courage to end Quiet Don with the complete collapse of his beloved hero Grigory Melekhov, a truth-seeker crushed by the wheel of cruel history.

In The Quiet Don, Sholokhov's talent spilled over into full force - and was largely exhausted. The story "The Science of Hatred" (1942), imbued with hatred of the Nazis, in terms of artistic quality turned out to be below average from the "Don Stories". The level of those published in 1943-1944 was higher. chapters from the novel They Fought for the Motherland, conceived as a trilogy, but never finished (in the 60s, Sholokhov wrote “pre-war” chapters with talks about Stalin and the repressions of 1937 in the spirit of the already ended “thaw”, they were printed with bills). The work consists mainly of soldiers' conversations, oversaturated with jokes. In general, Sholokhov's failure in comparison not only with the first, but also with the second novel is obvious.

During the "thaw" period Sholokhov created a work of high artistic merit - the story "The Fate of a Man" (1956). The second book, Virgin Soil Upturned, published in 1960, remained basically just a sign of a transitional period in history. The “warming” of the images of Davydov (a sudden love for Varyukha-bitter), Nagulnov (listening to rooster singing, etc.), Razmetnov (shooting cats in order to save pigeons) and others was emphasized “modern” and did not fit in with the harsh realities of 1930 ., remaining the basis of the plot.

Human rights activist L.K. Chukovskaya predicted creative sterility for Sholokhov after his speech at the 23rd Congress of the CPSU (1966) with defamation of those convicted of literary works (the first trial of the Brezhnev era against writers) A.D. Sinyavsky and Yu.M. Daniel. But what Sholokhov wrote at his best is a high classics of XX century literature.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - public figure, famous writer, classic The "official" soviet literature, Hero of Socialist Labor twice, Nobel Prize laureate, owner of a unique epic talent who revealed himself widely at a difficult turning point for Russia. He is known as continuer of the traditions of realism of L. N. Tolstoy in the new life material and in the historical era of the country. Sholokhov received world fame thanks to his main work - the novel "Quiet Don", which is to the most powerful novels of the twentieth century.

In contact with

Mikhail Alexandrovich was born on May 11 (24), 1905 on the Kruzhilin farm of the Don Troops of the Veshenskaya Oblast in a Cossack family. The mother came from a Ukrainian peasant family, she served as a maid, who was married against her will to the Cossack ataman Kuznetsov, but she left him for a rich "out of town" clerk who runs a steam mill Sholokhov, a native of Ryazan province, who grows wheat on Cossack land.

Their newborn illegitimate son Mikhail was first given the surname of the mother's first husband and the boy was considered the “son of a Cossack” for all Cossack privileges, and only in 1912 he began to be called “the son of a tradesman” after Kuznetsov passed away and his real father adopted him.

Sholokhov's childhood and adolescent impressions had a great influence on the formation of his personality as a writer. The endless expanses of his native land, the Don steppes and the green banks of the Don have forever won his heart. From an early age, he absorbed daily work on earth, native dialect and soulful Cossack songs.

A four-grade education and an uninvited war are the plight of a determined writer. Later he will say "Poets are born in different ways", or "I, for example, was born out of the Civil War ..."

Before the revolution, the entire Sholokhov family settled in Pleshakov, Elanskaya stanitsa, on a farm, where the head of the family worked as a mill manager. The father often took his son on trips to the Don and spent a lot of time with him on vacation. On these trips, the future writer met the captive Czech Ota Gins and David Mikhailovich Babichev, who many years later entered his novel “Quiet Don” under the names of Shtokman and Davydka the Roller. Later Sholokhov studied at the gymnasium and the parish school.

Already a schoolboy, Sholokhov met the Drozdov family and the brothers Pavel and Alexei became his good friends. But the friendship turns out to be short-lived due to the tragic circumstances that were associated with the Civil War unfolding on the Don. The elder brother Pavel Drozdov died in the first battles when the Red Army entered his native farms. Later Sholokhov would write about him in "Quiet Don" under the name of Peter Melekhov.

The goals and achievements of the writer

In June 1918, young Sholokhov will become a personal witness of an acute class war, when the German cavalry enters the district town of Boguchary, located next to his parent's farm. In the summer of the same year, the White Cossacks will occupy the Upper Don, and in the winter of 1919 the Red Army will enter the lands of Pleshakov, and in the spring the Veshensk uprising will break out.

During the uprising, Sholokhov moved to Rubezhnoye and observed the retreat of the rebels and the escape of the White Cossacks. He becomes an eyewitness of how they cross the Don, as he observes everything that happens from the front line.

In 1920, when Soviet power existed on the Don, the Sholokhovs moved to the village of Karginskaya, where later the brave son took an active part in the formation of power. He enters the Karginsky elementary school and receives knowledge in the class led by Mikhail Grigorievich Kopylov (about which Sholokhov writes in the novel "Quiet Don" under his last name).

Not graduating from the Karginsky School due to a serious illness of inflammation of the eyes, and because of a forced trip to the Moscow Eye Hospital, which is also mentioned in the future novel, he remains in Moscow. After recovering, he enters the preparatory class of Shelaputin's gymnasium, then studies at the Bogucharov gymnasium. During his fascinating studies, he is interested in the books of foreign and Russian classical writers, especially the works of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Sholokhov called literature and history his favorite sciences taught in the gymnasium, with the greatest preference given to literary pursuits; begins to write poetry and stories, to compose humorous scenes. Later he tries himself in the profession of a teacher of an educational program, an accountant, a journalist, an employee of the stanitsa revolutionary committee, and others. A little later, at the surplus appropriation system, he is a “commissar for bread”.

In the fall of 1920, when Makhno's detachment crossed the borders of the district and the bandits plundered and occupied Karginskaya stanitsa, Sholokhov was taken prisoner. The interrogation was conducted by Nestor Makhno and threatened with hanging in case of another meeting with him.

The next year of Sholokhov's life turned out to be even more difficult, local gangs of Melikhov, Makarov Kondratyev, Makarov and Fomin were formed; detachments of Kurochkin, Maslakov and Kolesnikov broke through to the Don. Sholokhov actively participated in the fight against them until they disappeared completely.

In 1922, he again came to Moscow to enter the workers' school, but they didn’t take him, since he was not a member of the Komsomol. The writer lives by odd jobs, goes to a literary circle called "Young Guard", develops his writing skills, publishes essays and feuilletons in newspapers, and then creates "Don Stories", which in 1926 aroused great interest among readers.

In 1925 the writer returned to his native farm and began his most important work - the novel "Quiet Don", for a place in literature, he fought until 1940. Because of all kinds of criticism, the book goes a long and difficult way. The description of the events taking place on the Don is called "anathemically talented", the description of the Cossack uprising of 1919 is not released into the light, and only after Stalin intervenes in its fate, it becomes fully published and published.

For "Quiet Don" the writer received the Order of Lenin, and in 1941 the Stalin Prize of the 1st degree.

In 1957 he published the story "The Fate of a Man". Towards the end of his life he received the Lenin Prize for Virgin Land Upturned and the Nobel Prize for the famous “Quiet Don”.

Twice Hero of Labor, Honorary Doctor of European Universities and Chevalier of 6 Orders of Lenin M.A.Sholokhov dies in 1984 due to diseases (diabetes, stroke and throat cancer), however, doctors were surprised at his persistence and desire to write.

Sholokhov. Interesting facts from life

Creative way the writer made a huge contribution to Russian literature. The spirit of the people is felt in the works of Sholokhov, which today is a poetic heritage that reflects real events XIX and XX centuries. Sholokhov discovered new connections in spiritual and material principles between the world and man. For the first time in the history of literature, his novels showed the working people in all their diversity, morality and emotional character of life.

Sholokhov's work, along with well-known world classics, is an example of world literature, and testifies to the boundless desire to tell history by example own life writer at all its stages.

  • First published works fall in 1923. After the publication of his feuilletons and poems in newspapers and metropolitan magazines, the newspaper "Young Leninist" published Sholokhov's stories under the title "Birthmark", later all of them were combined into collections: "Don Stories", "Lazoreva Steppe", "About Kolchak, nettles and other things "(1926-1927).
  • Most famous the writer brought his novel "Quiet Don", which he wrote from 1928 to 1932. His second famous novel "Virgin Soil Upturned", on which he worked until 1959 of his life.
  • During the Second World War Sholokhov published such stories as "Science of Hatred", "Cossacks", "On the Don", etc. In 1956 he wrote the story "The Fate of a Man" and took up writing the novel "They Fought for the Motherland", which are also known to a wide range of readers ... Towards the end of his life, he retired from literature due to illness, and gave the received awards to the construction of new schools.

Sholokhov. Chronological table of life and creativity

Mikhail Sholokhov was born on May 11 (24), 1905 on the Kruzhilin farm (now Rostov Region) in the family of an employee of a trading enterprise.

The first education in the biography of Sholokhov was received in Moscow during the First World War. Then he studied at the gymnasium in the Voronezh province in the city of Boguchar. Arriving in Moscow to continue his education and not entering, he was forced to change many working specialties in order to feed himself. At the same time in the life of Mikhail Sholokhov there was always time for self-education.

The beginning of the literary path

His works were first published in 1923. Creativity has always played an important role in Sholokhov's life. After publishing feuilletons in newspapers, the writer publishes his stories in magazines. In 1924, the newspaper "Young Leninist" published the first of Sholokhov's series of Don stories - "Birthmark". Later, all the stories from this cycle were combined into three collections: "Don stories" (1926), "Azure steppe" (1926) and "About Kolchak, nettles and other things" (1927).

The flowering of creativity

Sholokhov was widely known for his work about the Don Cossacks during the war - the novel "Quiet Don" (1928-1932).

This epic eventually became popular not only in the USSR, but also in Europe, Asia, and was translated into many languages.

Another famous novel by M. Sholokhov is Virgin Land Upturned (1932-1959). This novel about the times of collectivization in two volumes won the Lenin Prize in 1960.

From 1941 to 1945, Sholokhov worked as a war correspondent. During this time he wrote and published several stories, essays ("Science of Hatred" (1942), "On the Don", "Cossacks" and others).
Sholokhov's famous works are also: the story "The Fate of a Man" (1956), the unfinished novel "They Fought for the Motherland" (1942-1944, 1949, 1969).

It is worth noting that important event in the biography of Mikhail Sholokhov in 1965, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature for the epic novel "Quiet Don".

last years of life

Since the 60s, Sholokhov practically ceased to study literature, he loved to devote time to hunting and fishing. He donated all his awards to charity (construction of new schools).
The writer died on February 21, 1984 from cancer and was buried in the courtyard of his house in the village of Veshenskaya on the banks of the Don River.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • When Sholokhov came to woo one of the daughters of P. Ya. Gromoslavsky, the former Cossack chieftain offered to marry his other daughter, the elder Maria. They got married in 1924. They have been married for 60 years, the family had four children.
  • Sholokhov was the only Soviet writer to receive the Nobel Prize with the approval of the current government. He was called "Stalin's favorite", although Sholokhov is one of the few who was not afraid to tell the leader the truth.
  • Around the name of Sholokhov, the problem of authorship of his works periodically surfaced. After the publication of the novel “ Quiet Don"The question arose: how could such a young writer create such a voluminous work in such a short period. By order of Joseph Stalin, a commission was even created, which, having studied the writer's manuscript, confirmed his authorship.
  • In 1958, together with Sholokhov, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature