
Jiga dance. Irish dance lessons for beginners: simple moves. What is jiga

Jiga is considered one of the most ancient Irish dances, preserved to this day in this national culture, although it is currently performed mainly in staged form.

This expressive Irish dance has several options. Moreover, they are divided according to rather unusual classifications - depending on the speed that the dancers gain, and depending on the types of shoes used.

History of origin

It is believed that the name of the dance was given by the melody of the same name, which was performed on the violin during public fairs in the 12th century.

The jig dance was originally a pair. However, picked up by sailors, the jiga turned into an energetic, fast and comic solo dance.

English colonization assumed the eradication of Irish culture, so in the 17th century there was a ban on national music and dancing. For more than a century and a half, folk dances were taught in secret under the guidance of itinerant teachers.

The emergence of the first dance schools in the 18th century is associated with the dance masters who pass their skills on to everyone. The Gaelic League's efforts to standardize and formalize Irish dances in the 20th century have raised the demand for teaching and performance.

Currently, jiga, among other solo dances, exists both as a competitive form and as a dance show. The dynamism, expressiveness of jig movements, the emotionality of the performance amaze the imagination and fascinate the audience.

Due to its entertainment, Irish dances have become popular in many countries of the world; they are studied, as well as in Ireland, in specially organized dance schools.

What is Jiga?

The term "jiga" denotes both the dance itself and the music to which it is performed. Different types of music correspond to specific types of jigs. However, the time signature of all types of jigs, except for slip-jigs, is 6/8, and the latter is performed to music with a 9/8 time signature.

For each type of jig there are requirements in which type of footwear it should be performed - hard or soft. Stiff shoes are shoes, usually black with a special heel on the nose, a small heel and an additional fastening in the form of a strap. Soft shoes for women are soft leather slippers with long laces without a heel, somewhat similar to ballet flats, for men - boots with soft soles and a small heel.

Jig types and their features

There are several types of jigs, depending on the time signature and character of the dance:

  • simple, soft or single - single jig (single jig)
  • double - double jig (double jig)
  • triple - treble jig (treble jig)
  • slip jig

According to the types of shoes worn during the dance, we can distinguish:

  • light jig
  • heavy jigu

Single jig

One of the most common and simplest types of jigs. It is performed more often by beginner dancers and usually in soft shoes, i.e. performed without percussive movements and sounds.

Double jig

Performed in both soft and hard shoes. By the nature of the movements, this is a predominantly male dance with the spirit of a warrior inherent in it. The main pattern in choreography is a line. Danced at a faster pace than single jig, beating the rhythm.

Trable jig

Slower in performance than other types. Performed exclusively with stiff shoes. The dance features characteristic jumps, pirouettes and swings. Traditional treble jig is danced at 92 beats per minute, and unconventional even at a slower tempo - 73 beats per minute, which requires special skill.


Currently exists exclusively as a female dance. Although in the middle of the 20th century it was performed both by men and in a double version. It differs from other types of jig in musical size and performance in soft shoes. Due to its special manner of performance, the slip-jig is called "Irish ballet". This is due to specific movements in the form of pirouettes, swinging and jumping. For example, "reindeer jump" is performed with hovering, as if lifting the dancer above the stage. This dance is technical because of the complex movement groups.

Jiga is an old British dance. His origin is Celtic. The jig speed is fast. Jiga is one of the main melodies used in Scottish and Irish dances.

The jiga got its name from a musical instrument, namely, a small violin. On such a violin, melodies for dancers were played in the 12th century. At first, jiga was a pair dance, but gradually it began to spread as a solo dance, and later as a solo comic dance. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Italian jiga was widely developed. In the 18th century, the jiga gave way to the minuet, gavotte and other increasingly popular European dances and became entrenched among the people.

Jiga in Irish dances

The jiga later became the basis for many Irish dances, and its melody, as a rule, sounds in three versions. Depending on the speed that the dance gained, the jiga was divided into single jig, double jig and treble jig.

Single jig

Single jig is one of the simplest varieties of this dance. This type is most widespread in Europe. In modern times, learning to jig begins with a single jig, since this type is easier to learn.

Double jig

Double jig is performed at a faster pace. When dancing a double jig, the dancers put on soft shoes and beat the rhythm in the manner of Irish tap dance during the dance.

Trable jig

Trable jig is danced at a slower pace. The dancers wear hard boots. The main dance elements are all kinds of pirouettes, jumps, swings. Many dance moves are performed alternating between single jig, double jig and treble jig, thereby changing the pace of the dance.

At the present stage, jiga is popular in narrow circles. In some European countries and the United States, specialized schools are being created to teach this historical dance.

Jiga on the bar and on tables
Only folk dance can be so expressive and expressive. Ireland is associated all over the world with red-haired beauties, St. Patrick's Day, bright green quatrefoil and, of course, tart ale.
Local pubs have always been a place of fun and mischief that cannot be imagined without performing a jig. Moreover, any, even the most insignificant, piece of free space is suitable for this, including the table and the bar counter.

This ancient dance owes its name to the name of the traditional Irish violin, which was used to entertain fairground people in the Middle Ages (the first written records date back to the 11th century). Later, the jig was performed during the fesh (feis - a peasant party with music and dancing).
According to one version, the word is of French origin - gigue, or "giga", according to the other - Italian (read as "giga"). Also, the word "jiga" denotes the music that accompanies the dance. It was she, fast, bright, effective, that made people start dancing.

At first, the jig was performed in pairs, however, sailors, regulars of pubs, picking up a colorful dance, turned it into a solo one. In Shakespeare's time, the jig was performed in a clownish manner at the end of a theatrical performance. And then…
Then came the era of uprooting Irish culture. With the beginning of the colonization of Ireland by England, national dances and music became prohibited. From the 17th to the mid-19th century, teaching the traditional arts was severely punished.
The culture has survived thanks to the efforts of itinerant teachers, who became the forerunners of dance education. Craftsmen moved from one village to another, stopping at one of the peasant houses. Classes were massive: students of different ages came to them and mastered the original Irish dance skills. It was thanks to the wandering dancers that the forms of jig known to us today developed.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the first "stationary" dance schools began to appear illegally. At the same time, the first contests arose: teachers competed among themselves, demonstrating skills polished over the years. Soon pupils also showed interest in dance tournaments, and then there were competitions "for the pie". This culinary work was in the center of the dance floor on a special table. It got to the winner.

At the end of the 19th century, the Gaelic League was formed, the main task of which was the standardization and formalization of Irish dances, music, literature. The members of the league carefully studied the many varieties of jigi, rila and other dances, and they zealously enforced their observance of certain canons.

In 1930, a special committee was formed - the Irish Dance Commission, or An coimisiun le rinci Gaelacha. His competence is to regulate all issues related to the preservation, development and distribution of Irish dances, as well as the organization of competitions.

Such a different jig!
Common to all types of jig is a high speed of movement of the legs and a completely static upper torso. Shoes for performance can be soft (for women - leather ballet flats with laces, for men - boots with small heels and soft soles) or hard (leather boots with a heel on the toe, an additional fastening strap and a small heel).

Light (light) jiga is the fastest of the types of this dance. Performed in a 6/8 meter with a rhythmic pattern of three difficulty levels - beginner, primari and intermediate. They dance in soft shoes. The steps (steps) are very fast and can vary greatly from school to school.

A single jig, or in other words a hop jig, has a 12/8 time signature. For her, as well as for light jigs, soft shoes are required. It is one of the simplest types of Irish dance and is most widely spread in Europe. It is with single jigs that they begin training in dance schools.

Slip (sliding) jig is performed in a 9/8 musical time with an emphasis on the first beat. Sometimes this variety is called Irish ballet because of the performance on high “half-toes” of feet, shod in soft shoes. Graceful movements, as it were, raise the dancer above the stage, giving the effect of light soaring. However, the lightness is only visible: slip jig is one of the most difficult types of Irish dance.

Double Jiga is a male dance. In every movement there is the spirit of a warrior, the character of the dance is assertive, warlike, the choreography is linear, the accents are in striking the rhythm. It can be performed both in soft shoes and in hard boots. Has a faster beat than single jig.

The trable jig is 6/8 with a strong beat on the count of three. Unlike other varieties, this one is performed with stiff shoes. Slow tempo, lots of pirouettes, swings, jumps are the main features of trable jig. Traditional performance is 92 beats per minute (usually chosen by beginners). Experienced and skilled dancers prefer a slow motion triple jig with 73 bpm.
By the way, at almost all festivals of Irish culture it is the trable jig that is performed, which is complex both in rhythmic pattern and in technique.

Hornpipe, as well as trable jig, is performed in stiff shoes and has a complex rhythmic syncopated pattern. A distinctive feature is the 4/4 size.
A set is a dance performed to a certain size of music (for example, hornpipe or trable jigi). The traditional set has different difficulty levels.

Irish jiga has long gone beyond the alma mater. Today it is danced in Europe, the USA and Russia. They say that seeing yourself dancing a jig in a dream is a harbinger of fun and many pleasures. Because this dynamic, cheerful and beautiful dance gives truly vivid emotions.