
Which character is better in Fallout 2. Creating and leveling up a character. So, perks that are important for all heroes

So, it's time to replay fallout one more time, try other methods of passing. Or I wanted to be a terminator with a machine gun, or a sniper, or just go quietly and peacefully. Well, or something else. We begin to create the desired character, suitable for a certain leveling.

Creating or changing a character

Choose a name. By the way, you can’t write your name in Russian letters for some reason. You can try to write a similar name in English, say, MARAT, ANNA, MAX, etc. Just something that would look nice in the dialogues.

S.P.E.S.H.I.A.L system

This is such a cunning system at first glance. This is an abbreviation for S trength (Strength), P erception (Wisdom or Perception), E ndurance (Endurance), C charisma (Charisma or Charm), I ntelligence (Intelligence), A gility (Dexterity), L uck (Luck). In total, 7 fundamental characteristics that affect all other skills and characteristics, but nothing affects them. At the same time, these same characteristics can be changed during the game. In general, this system is quite extensive, so I will not describe it all here. If, at the time of character creation, you click on some skill, say, melee, then the tooltip will contain a formula for the dependence of this skill on the main characteristics. And so on for each element. The best thing is, first of all, you need to look through it all, read it, understand what relates to what and what depends on what. It's a long time. It’s worth spending 15 or even 30 minutes understanding the general concept of the character. Fortunately, the tips there are quite decent.

Main characteristics

Of course, they are different for each character. But the main ones, I think, can be identified as follows. First of all intelligence (IN). Thanks to this, more skill points will be available for each level, which means that we will improve our skills faster. Also the quality of dialogues, more and more problems can be solved peacefully. Can be improved with a memory module, perk and mentat.

Further agility (DX). High number of action points (AP) per turn. Necessary for everyone who participates in battles (that is, not a pacifist). Can be increased with a perk, buffout, stone from a stone head, psycho.

Wisdom (MD) she's the same perception (VS) All shooters need it, especially snipers. It also affects the order of action (reaction). It is very unpleasant to always be the last one to go. During this time, everyone beats us. Increases with the help of a module, perk, temporarily mentat.

Charisma (CP) she's the same charisma (XP) necessary for those who rely on partners, and just want to communicate normally with people. It seems to me that it will be especially useful for melee combat, so that a good team can compensate for some of the shortcomings of melee combat. Increased by module, perk, Mason's sunglasses. Temporary mentat. Decreased when using subcutaneous armor.

Strength (ST), perhaps a lot and not necessarily, given that there will be power armor giving +4. Needed by melee fighters. And for some weapons. For example, if we want to shoot from a bozar, then the minimum strength should be 6. The strength requirements for weapons can be found here. Increased by module, perk. Temporary buffout, jet, head stone.

Endurance (VN) also not the most necessary characteristic. Needed by those who want to have a high increase in lives for each level. It also affects the likelihood of losing consciousness. Increased by perk. Temporarily buffed.

Luck (UD)- the only parameter that can be set to 1. But it is not advisable. It increases or decreases among hubologists in NKR and San Francisco when undergoing a zeta scan. Also a perk.

What should you remember when distributing characteristics? Many perks are only available under certain conditions. For example, "Life Force" will only appear with stamina 4 or more. This means that if we want this perk, then we don’t need to make our stamina less than 4.


Most of the skills are already clear, but I would like to highlight a few of them. Hand weapons increases with the books "Guns and Bullets", but only up to 100%. This is a derived skill from dexterity. This means that if we reduce agility, then the skill will decrease. Agility is temporarily reduced by buffout and head stone. This means that during your withdrawal from these funds you can read books and your skill will grow. By the way, all sorts of chemicals also affect skills. For example, if you can’t repair something, you can eat the mentat. Because it will increase intelligence, and intelligence will increase repair skill. Energy weapon rises from the 5th issue of the Cat's Paw magazine, which is given to Miss Kitty in New Reno. Melee rises from Lucas's tribesman in Arroyo, who stands near the stone head. From old John Sullivan in Klamath. By winning every boxing match in New Reno. Using two punching bags in Sierra. After training with the Dragon in San Francisco. Steel arms can be promoted from fellow Jordan in Arroyo. First aid from medical books. Doctor increases in Vault City from Doctor Troy during the excursion. In New Reno, using PipBoy's medical booster. Steal. One of the interesting and underrated skills. At an easy level of play it is not necessary. He came, shot everyone and left. But on difficult, when the enemies are dangerous and shoot accurately, it helps. It is better to use in the dark. Many enemies do not attack, but run away in bewilderment in different directions. The main battle occurs only with the one we attack. This is very useful against crowds of opponents. The science is enhanced by scientific books. Repair increases with textbooks. Talk is increased by the PipBoy linguistic amplifier, which can be obtained from Miss Bishop's safe in New Reno. Wanderer increases with scout books. If you improve your skill games up to 130-150%, then you can win a lot of money in the casino. To do this, you need to hold down the desired number on the keyboard and go drink some tea.

Where and how to swing

The main leveling comes from tasks and kills. From the use of the skills of a doctor, theft and others - very little. Assignments, of course, must be completed. The best places to kill are random encounters on the plains between Navarro, Redding and the abandoned Military Base. The most dangerous creatures live there, but they also give you the most experience. From one meeting you can get up to 6000 points. In the vicinity of Navarro there are patrolmen with less experience, but a lot of pistols that can be sold.

It is reliably known that if you move around the world map, let’s say, in small sections, then the likelihood of encounters increases. With the help of saves, we can ensure that we had many productive meetings on the way between cities. This is both experience and junk. You should also look into caves on rocky terrain. All sorts of different animals run around there, for which they give very good experience. And sometimes there are bandits in caves, armed depending on our level. Also very good.

There is an interesting perk “Diligent Student”, available from level 3. Increases experience points by 5%. That is, for example, we killed a rat and received 100 experience. With this perk we get 105.

Terminator (aka machine gunner)

As the name suggests, the main weapons will be machine guns, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers. And the first weapon that we will encounter will be the bozar in the toxic caves. To use it successfully, you need strength, so we set it to 6. You can also set it to 5, considering that in the future there will be a module and power armor. But in this case, the efficiency of the bozar will decrease by 20%. This means that you will need to invest in the “heavy weapons” skill from the very beginning. What else? More wisdom is needed. It may not be the highest, but it should be 7-8. Otherwise, even from medium distances there will be problems. Intelligence, of course, is needed by any character, you can put it at 9 or just 10. Dexterity is a must. Otherwise it won't be a terminator. You need high luck, because there will be a “sniper”. It’s good to give it 8, and then increase it by 2 from hubologists.

Which character traits should you choose? I think that “talent” will be very useful. The “fast shooter” looks just as tempting. In this case, you can’t shoot accurately, but we don’t need to. Subsequently, it will be possible to fire three bursts from a machine gun, which is very good. But “accuracy” will not work here. Because even though the chance of a critical one increases, in the future there will be a “sniper” perk that does not take this chance into account. I think I'll focus on "talent" and "quick shooter."

We don’t take any hand-to-hand fighters from our partners. I think that you won’t get a lot of charisma, so there will be 1-2 companions. Vic, Cassidy, Skynet, Marcus to choose from. What perks are a must have? There is nothing worthwhile at the third level, so we take whatever we like. For example, “impenetrability” (“steepness”). You need to carefully look at the requirements for perks and take this into account when creating your character. For impenetrability you need 6 stamina and 6 luck. In general, it’s suitable. Therefore, we take this into account when creating. You can take “diligent student” to level up faster. You need intelligence 6, that's fine too. Or anything else, whoever wants what. Required "sniper" at level 24. You need agility 8 and perception 8, as well as “hand weapons” 80%, this means pumping up with books or something like that. Necessarily "bonus damage at range". Available from level 6, you need to take two pieces. The damage for each bullet increases by 2, which is amazing for machine guns. For the same reason "anatomy expert"- increases damage to living targets by 5. "Best Critical" is also necessary. Increases critical damage by 20%. With luck 10 and "sniper", count every bullet. "Zinger", aka the "man of action" is available twice. "Rate of Fire Bonus" take it too. It is the two “live”, “rate of fire”, “fast shooter” and agility 10 that allow you to fire three bursts of machine guns in one turn. No one can resist. Except Uncle Frank. The main leveling will be completed at level 27. But, I would still take it at level 12 "life force" for greater health. Otherwise, the terminator with 100 lives never ceased to exist. If patience allows, then take the “power of life” a second time at level 15. However, one will be enough. In total, we consider it to be level 30.

It can be useful "move bonus". Because with it you can choose a more convenient position for firing bursts. "Pyromaniac" It’s also a good idea to avoid wasting ammo. "Nimbleness" will come in handy, but that's all after level 30.

In total, the bare minimum, taking into account subsequent modifications: strength 5, perception 7, agility 10, luck 4, intelligence 6. I did the following: strength 5, perception 7, endurance 4, charm 4, intelligence 9, agility 10, luck 8. With such characteristics, “steepness” is not available, well, you’ll have to without it. From the additional skills I took “heavy weapons”, “conversation”, but the third is optional. I settled on "science" because Vic knows how to repair, and hacking computers is sometimes useful. In general, who likes what. I plan to take Vic and Cassidy into the company and give them Gaussians.

Robin Hood (aka sniper)

Robin Hood doesn't mean he helps everyone, but he means he's a good shooter. Everyone needs help anyway. He's a sniper, but Robin Hood sounds better. In my opinion, this is one of the simplest and most accessible rocking methods for beginners. Nevertheless, it is very effective, pleasant to play, and easy to complete. There remain opportunities for peaceful resolution of problems. From the very beginning of the game, the “hand weapon” skill is upgraded and is immediately useful, unlike “heavy” weapons. To solve problems peacefully, you should take “eloquence” and some third skill. For example, science or a game. Among character traits, “talent” may be useful. It would seem that “accuracy” was made specifically for snipers, but no. There will be a “sniper” perk and the chance of a critical one is no longer taken into account. And in this case the damage is dealt 30% less, which is bad. It makes sense to take a closer look at the “one-armed” one. In this case, with a pistol +20% damage, but with a rifle -40%. It would seem nothing special, a rifle would be better. But with proper build-up, you can fire three aimed shots from a gauss pistol versus two from a gauss rifle. The base damage of the rifle is 32-43 and from two shots it will be 64-86. The pistol has 22-32, but after three shots it will be 66-96. Plus, the pistol has the bonus of being “one-handed”. The availability of pistols from the very beginning of the game makes this combination very attractive. An acceptable option is already found in Den - a magnum revolver. In addition, we can handle submachine guns quite well too.

The perks needed are almost the same as for the terminator. The "Damage Bonus at Range" is controversial. Total +4 damage for two perks. For a submachine gun, of course, it’s very good, but not so good for single shots. It is possible to take something else. Although you can leave it. Next are “improved critical”, “zhivik” two pieces, “rate of fire”, “sniper”. You can also take “life force” at level 12. It follows from this that the main characteristics are the same. Strength 5, perception 7, endurance 4, charm 4, intelligence 9, agility 10, luck 8. You can take anyone as your partner.

Conan the Barbarian (aka melee)

As the name suggests, he is a melee fighter. I must say, for gourmets. The main drawback of such a character is running up to the target, which sometimes takes more than one turn. By using certain tactics, this inconvenience can be avoided. For example, stand around the corner and wait for the enemies to run up. The main weapon will be a mega powerful fist. This is the best melee weapon in the second fallout. Due to the saving of skill points, I think it is not advisable to upgrade “melee weapons”. Let's focus only on “hand-to-hand combat”. The remaining two are optional. The powerful fist can be found in Broken Hills from the mutant Francis, having won the duel. We don't need wisdom, because we don't shoot at all. However, if you set it to minimum, there will be a bad reaction, that is, we will be the last to go. Problems may also arise with detecting traps. You don't need maximum luck because the butcher makes all hits critical. Of the additional skills, “talent” is, of course, suitable. It would seem that it is “heavy on the hand” specifically for hand-to-hand combat and was created, however, the damage during critical hits is reduced. When we have a “butcher” (“deadly blow”) and every hit is a critical one, then this trait will hinder us. You don't have to take anything else. You can take the “small” one. In this case, +1 to agility, but a penalty to the maximum load to carry. In principle, it is possible, given that you don’t need a lot of cartridges, you will have a trunk and several partners. I'll focus on "talent" and "small".

What perks to take? "Melee Damage Bonus" available already at level 3. There are three of them in total. In general, not the best perk. The fact is that 2 damage is added to the maximum. The result is, in fact, plus one damage. For three perks, only 3 damage, well, that's like fi. It will be much more useful "coolness". Available at level 6 "move bonus", is also useful - to run faster. At level 9 there is nothing worthwhile, you can take “steepness” again. Next two "live", Can "Source of Life" for greater health. Useful for melee combat "anatomy expert", because not only does the “doctor” increase, but also the damage to living creatures by 5. "Melee Attack Bonus"- We’ll definitely take it, we’ll hit it more often. "Butcher" Available at level 24, each hit becomes a critical hit, which is extremely useful. Also suitable "agility"- it's harder to hit us.


He doesn’t kill anyone at all and solves all problems only peacefully. At the end of the game there should be only one entry about Horrigan's death. As a result, no combat skill is needed. As a character trait, the “evil eye” would be suitable, so that random enemies make more mistakes. There is no need for partners because they might kill someone by accident. It doesn't take a lot of strength or wisdom. “Movement bonus” perks are suitable to help you run away faster in unfavorable situations. “The power of life”, so that it would be more difficult to kill us, “agility”, “steepness”.


This is done only for fun. For example, with the help of art-money, all characteristics are set to 1. And the game is played.


You can complicate the path of the chosen one in order to feel very cool. Never save, except when exiting the game. Although, you need to save in case the game crashes. The main thing is not to load. Do not have any trade relations with anyone, use only what is found. It is clear that the level of difficulty and combat is high. Do not improve performance in any way, including using power armor. Do not use any substances, including stimulants. Don't take a single perk. Do not improve any skills when leveling up. Well, in general, everything that comes into the head of the chosen one.

Well, actually, this is where character creation ends. After this, the Chosen One finds himself in the Temple of Trials and the passage begins.


Next is a list of perks, organized by character level. If suddenly we set luck to 1 and want to see what perks we lost, then we can use the standard browser search. Usually called Ctrl+F.

Level 3

Melee Damage Bonus

Agility 6, Strength 6, Level 3, 3 pieces

Damage when hit in melee combat increases by 2 units for each ability level. At first glance, a tempting perk for melee combat. However, the increase goes to the maximum value. Therefore, in essence, the total damage increases by only one. If there is nothing else worthwhile, then you can take this perk.

Fast reaction

Perception 6, level 3, 3 pieces

Reaction (order) increases by 2. Thus, the character will more often be ahead of the enemy in battle. This can be useful if the character has low wisdom.

Fast treatment

Stamina 6, level 3, 3 pieces

The speed of health regeneration increases by 2 HP for each ability level. This means that during rest we will heal faster. Considering that there are stimulants, doctors in cities are not the most necessary perk. There are more worthy ones.

Quick access (Neatist)

Agility 5, level 3, 1 piece

It only costs 2 AP to get into your inventory during a fight, instead of 4. Sometimes it’s convenient. For example, reloading a weapon costs two APs. With this perk, we can charge weapons in the inventory and, in addition to everything, use stimulants.

Imposing (Important)

Charisma 6, level 3, 3 pieces

Characters' reactions when meeting you increase by 10% for each ability level.


Level 3, 1 piece

The skill level of stealth, hacking, theft and traps increases by 10% at a time.


In dialogues, the character receives additional answer options. His intelligence increases by 1 during a conversation.

Cat's Eye (Night Vision)

In the dark we see better and, accordingly, it’s a little easier to play. By the way, don’t forget that you can increase the brightness by pressing “+”. Reduce brightness - "-". The fine for night time is also reduced, meaning we shoot better.

Strong Ridge (Carrying)

Strength 6, Stamina 6, Level 3, 3 pieces

The character's carrying capacity increases by 50 pounds per ability level.

Master of Survival

Stamina 6, intelligence 6, naturalist 40%, level 3, 3 pieces

The naturalist (wanderer) skill level increases by 40% at a time.

Master (Sex Monster) Kama Sutras

Stamina 5, Agility 5, Level 3, 1 piece

The character gains amazing endurance and wonderful skills in bed pleasures. This means that we can now have sex with anyone who consents. Until this moment, due to insufficient endurance, dexterity or charm, they could not work with everyone.

Observation (Caution)

Perception 5, level 3, 1 piece

When examining a creature, information about its health and weapons is displayed. Still, not the most important perk, but interesting.

Impenetrability (Steepness)

Stamina 6, luck 6, level 3, 3 pieces

Damage resistance increases by 10 points per ability level. Everyone needs it, especially hand-to-hand fighters. Although it is not possible to take all three at once. Taking into account the usual enclave power armor (55%), subcutaneous armor (5%), and the bonus from battles in New Reno (10%), then up to 90% it remains to take two of these perks. If we take into account the improved enclave armor (60%) and improved subcutaneous armor (15%), then you will need to take only one such perk. Therefore, there is no point in doing it a third time.

Provident Nature

Perception 6, level 3, 1 piece

If the Chosen One gets into a hostile random encounter, then when calculating the distance to the enemy before the start of the meeting, 3 units are added to the level of the main characteristic “perception” of the Chosen One.


Intelligence 6, level 3, 1 piece

When reading books, the character receives 50% more skill points.

Self-taught (Diligent student)

Intelligence 4, level 3, 3 pieces

The number of experience points acquired increases by 5% for each ability level. And yes, self-taught and understanding have the same pictures. It can be useful to take it at the beginning of the game, because we will level up faster.


Perception 7, level 3, 1 piece

Your character sees more squares on the world map. Special random encounters also occur a little more often.

Stone wall

Strength 6, level 3, 1 piece

The chance of being knocked down in combat is halved. May be useful if you have low stamina. Because the time spent lying on the ground depends on it.

Healer (Healer)

Perception 7, Agility 6, Intelligence 5, First Aid 40%, Level 3, 2 pieces

The effectiveness of the "first aid" and "doctor" skills increases by 4-10 health points for each ability level.

Level 6

Adrenaline rush

Strength no more than 9, level 6, 1 piece

When a character's health is reduced to 50% of their maximum, their strength increases by 1 until the end of the battle. The magnitude of the force cannot exceed 10.

Flea dealer (Packager)

Level 6, 1 piece

The character's carrying capacity increases by 50 pounds.


Theft 50%, karma 49, level 6, 1 piece

Theft skill level increases by 40%. The character takes on such an innocent appearance that it is more difficult to suspect him of being a thief.

Silent running

Agility 6, stealth 50%, level 6, 1 piece

The character can run stealthily. Which is very convenient if the stealth skill is actively used. By the way, stealth should be included in any battles. By default, if we click on a field cell, we will go there on foot. If you hold down Shift or double-click, you’ll run. But Shift and double click have no effect during combat. Therefore, in the settings you can set the option “influence character speed”. Now we will still only walk during the battle, but we will do it very quickly.

More critical hits

Luck 6, level 6, 3 pieces

Critical hit chance increases by 5% per ability level. The perk is useless if we plan to take a “sniper” or “butcher”.

Move Bonus

Agility 5, level 6, 2 pieces

For each level of this ability, the character receives an additional 2 AP, which can only be spent on movement. Useful for hand-to-hand combat to quickly reach enemies. Or for pacifists, to quickly escape from them.

Bonus damage at a distance (range)

Agility 6, luck 6, level 6, 2 pieces

Damage on hits from small arms increases by 2 points per ability level. Extremely useful for machine gunners. And not so useful for snipers, however, you can also take it.

Vanka-stanka (Quick recovery)

Agility 5, level 6, 1 piece

Knocked down, the Chosen One gets up in just 1 AP, instead of the required 3.

Snake-eating (Snakeswallower)

Stamina 3, level 6, 2 pieces

Poison resistance increases by 25%.


Gambling 50%, level 6, 1 piece

The gambling skill level increases by 40%.

Treasure Hunter (Lucky)

Luck 8, level 6, 1 piece

Random encounters bring the character more money. Of course, to get them, you will have to search the pockets of lifeless enemies.

Magnetic personality

Charisma 1-9, level 6, 1 piece

The character can take one more companion with him. As you know, with two charm points you can invite one companion. That is, 4 charms - 2 partners. 6 charm - 3 partners. But in any case, a team cannot have more than five people (robots, animals).


Intelligence 6, level 6, 3 pieces

When moving to a new level, the character receives an additional 2 skill points for each level of this ability. It will be useful for those who chose “talent” when creating a character. Also the Chosen Ones with low intelligence.

Pathfinder (Pathfinder)

Stamina 6, naturalist 60%, level 6, 1 piece

Movement time on the world map is reduced by 25% for each ability level. In the first fallout, where there was no car and there was a time limit, this perk could have been useful. But not so much in the second one.


Barter 50%, eloquence 50%, level 6, 1 piece

The level of the “speech” and “barter” skills increases by 20% at the same time.


Stealth 60%, level 6, 1 piece

In the shadows, as well as at night, the stealth skill increases by 20%.

Swing (Throwing)

Level 6, 3 pieces

When calculating the maximum throw range, 2 units are added to the character's strength for each ability level.

Lead Skin (Radiation Resistant)

Stamina 6, intelligence 4, level 6, 2 pieces

Radiation resistance increases by 15% per ability level.


Perception 6, level 6, 1 piece

The naturalist skill level increases by 20%. Additionally, special random encounters occur a little more frequently.


Barter 50%, level 6, 1 piece

Your character becomes a hardened merchant. Barter skill level increases by 40%.


Perception 7, Intelligence 5, level 6, 1 piece

Options for lines in the dialogue are highlighted in color depending on the possible reaction of the interlocutor.

Level 9

Great Trader

Charisma 7, barter 60%, level 9, 1 piece

The value of your goods increases when bartering.


Agility 6, level 9, 1 piece

The character's armor class increases by 5 points for each ability level. Thus, the likelihood of getting hit is reduced. In general, it is useful for everyone, even pacifists.

Mysterious stranger

Luck 4, level 9, 1 piece

In random encounters, a temporary ally will occasionally fight on your side. The probability of its appearance is 30% + (2% * luck). Sometimes some strange guy comes out of nowhere, does all sorts of crap, and after the fight runs away in an unknown direction. But this is at the beginning. Then a pretty good fighter emerges with a heckler, and as they say, in power armor (this is not visible). He has a couple of stimulants, and even shoots accurately. But only during random encounters. And, anyway, combat support from him is not significant. Due to the irregular appearance of a stranger, you have to rely on your own strength.

Here and now

Level 9, 1 piece

Your character immediately gains another level of experience.


Agility 5, luck 5, level 9, 1 piece

Characters with this ability are less likely to fall into traps.

Beacon (beacon) of karma

Charisma 6, level 9, 1 piece

In dialogues and when calculating the reactions of other characters, your karma is doubled.


Perception 7, Intelligence 6, level 9, 1 piece

When calculating the effective firing range, 2 units are added to perception. Not a bad thing for shooters if you couldn’t put wisdom on 10 or 9.


Level 9, 1 piece

By choosing this ability, you can discard one of the traits and take another instead.


Speech 50%, level 9, 1 piece

The level of the Speech skill increases by 40% at a time.


Heavy weapons 75%, level 9, 1 piece

You love and know how to play with fire. When using flamethrowers, the character deals 5 points more damage.

This article will offer you practical advice on creating your character and its further development (covered Main characteristics/Stats Skills/Skills, Basic Skills/Taged Skills and Peculiarities/Traits), although, nevertheless, the SPECIAL system in Fallout 2 is so flexible that it is simply impossible to try to describe all the ways to develop a character. This article will mainly concern only one type of character (such a choice will be argued in detail later), which has proven itself quite well.

There are four known extremes in character creation, classes known as "diplomat", "thief", "sniper" and "jock". You will be offered some kind of golden mean - a character with a specialization in Light Weapons(Small Guns), who over time will be able to retrain as anyone (something like the so-called “sniper-diplomat”). In any case, in Fallout 2 you have the opportunity to gain much more experience than in the first part, so choosing a specific path is not at all necessary.

It is strongly recommended not to use characters provided by the developers - they all have serious drawbacks (for example, Narga/Narg is selected as one of the Basic Skills Throwing/Throwing, y Cheats/Chitsa - Trade/Barter, and Mingana/Mingan has a Feature Experience/Skilled). Remember that one of the most fun things about role-playing games is creating your own character.

Floor your character plays a rather minor role. It only affects trading if you have the Trait "Sex Appeal"(Sex Appeal). The only difference is that male characters can donate genetic material to City of Refuge(Vault City) and go on a date with Phyllis(Phyllis), and women - to sleep with Matzger(Metzger) Little Jesus(Little Jesus) and T-Rayem(T-Ray), and get money or a small service for it. Female characters can be hired by Miss Kitty(Miss Kitty) and go to Stables(Stables). There are still a few people who will only sleep with a character of a certain gender (e.g. Angela Bishop/Angela Bishop, Slim Picket/Slim Picket and Fanny Mae/Fannie Mae), but this, in fact, gives nothing. Only male characters can box with a low development parameter Intelligence(Intelligence).

Age is not checked in any of the scripts. It is noteworthy that your character will age over time (the reverse would seem strange, but still, it’s wonderful, isn’t it?).

At the beginning of the game, you are given 5 points, which you can spend on developing any of the Main Characteristics. When allocating these points, consider the following:

Force (ST, Strength): very useful... for carrying heavy objects. Believe me, in this game you will want to carry a lot of things with you. Start with at least 5 (highly recommended when selecting Features Small-da-deleted/Small Frame). Be that as it may, your character's Strength parameter can be increased by 6 points as you progress through the game (Skill +1, surgery +1, armor +4). Please note that if you allocate more than 6 points to this parameter, you will feel the benefit of this only in the initial stages of the game, while such waste will turn out to be a complete waste at the end.

Perception (P.E., Perception): affects shooting accuracy. In order to obtain the Skill "Attentiveness"(Awareness) you will need to spend 5 points on this parameter, although to complete some tasks the value of this parameter must be developed at least 6 (fans of hand-to-hand combat are no exception). During the game, the Perception parameter can be increased by 2 points (Skill +1, surgery +1).

Endurance (EN, Endurance): affects the amount Life Points(Hit Points). That's all. Again, you should not spend more than 4 points on this parameter (by the way, Stamina parameter 6 by the end of the game will bring only 30 additional Life Points). During the game, the Stamina parameter can only be increased by 1 point (Skill +1).

Charm (CH, Charisma): opens new dialogue threads when communicating with other NPCs ( NPC - N on- P laying C character), although at the same time it is not as important as your character’s Intelligence parameter. Charisma also influences prices during the trading process. The maximum number of companions that can join your team is calculated using the formula Charisma/2, rounded down. Even if you plan to travel alone, it is not recommended to reduce the value of this parameter below 2, so that in the future you will have the opportunity to take certain companions into your team in order to gain additional experience and other benefits. During the game, the Charisma parameter can be increased by 3 points (Skill +1, surgery +1, Sunglasses/Shades +1).

Intelligence(IN, Intelligence): If you don't plan to rely on brute force for everything, Intelligence will be perhaps the most significant stat for your character, as it directly affects the number of dialogue options, as well as the number of points you receive when acquiring your character has new levels of development (they can be spent on upgrading Skills). The optimal development value for this parameter is 7, since in this situation there will only be a few cases during the game when you have to use Mentats(for example, to gain some Skills), although, in fact, if you spend 9 points on this parameter during distribution, it will not cause much harm. During the game, the Intelligence parameter can be increased by 3 points (Skill +1, surgery +1, Strange Brain Adjustment/Weird Brain Alignment +1).

Dexterity (A.G., Agility): the development parameter of this characteristic determines the amount Action Points(Action Points) of your character, so in this case the rule works - the more, the better. The strongly recommended minimum is 6, although 10 won't hurt either. During the game, the Agility parameter can only be increased by 1 point (Skill +1).

Luck (L.K., Luck): since the influence of Luck on the gameplay is not so obvious, at first glance this parameter may well seem like a useless appendage of the role-playing system (like Charisma in many other games). However, it does affect your character's chances of inflicting Critical Damage(Critical Hit), which is especially important in combination with Skill "Sniper"/Sniper. However, if at the beginning of the game you have a low Luck parameter, then nothing bad will happen. During the game, the Luck parameter can be increased by 3 points (Skill +1, Strange Brain Adjustment +2, or another Strange Brain Adjustment +1).

The value of the Basic Characteristics cannot be raised above ten. As for the Strange Brain Adjustment mentioned above, if you choose the one that increases the Intelligence and Luck parameter by 1 point, you will not be able to use the one that increases the Luck parameter by an additional 2 points. Yes, and don’t forget that “evil” characters usually lose the opportunity to raise their Intelligence parameter surgically.

Stamina, Charisma and Dexterity function in such a way that an odd number of parameter development is no better than the previous even number, that is, for example, Dexterity values ​​of 6 and 7 give you 8 Action Points each. Also take into account the prospects for the future development of your character. If you start the game with an odd Dexterity value, then the Skill "Increase Agility"(Gain Agility) will have the same effect as an additional "Fidget"/Action Boy. With each new level of your character's development, you will receive an additional number of Life Points, which are calculated using the formula Endurance/2+2 (rounded down).

If your character’s Intelligence parameter is below four, then he will only be able to communicate with interjections and will not be able to conduct a normal dialogue. I think it goes without saying that this will significantly reduce your chances of receiving in-game quests, let alone completing them. However, in order to temporarily increase the value of your Intelligence parameter, you can always use Mentats (do not forget that these tablets can also be used “vice versa”; if you want to get acquainted with the “advantages” of low Intelligence (4<) - примите одну-две дозы, подождите один час, и значение ваших Основных Характеристик, включая Интеллект, упадёт ниже обычного уровня; более эффективным препаратом, который можно использовать с этой целью, является Psycho).

You may well accept Mentats in order to increase your Charisma parameter and further recruit additional companions to your team. Even when the parameter returns to normal, the satellite will not go anywhere from you (with rare exceptions Lenny/Lenny, if your character’s Charisma parameter is 1). However, using this method, you will be able to increase your Charisma stat by a maximum of 2 points, which ultimately will only allow you to take one additional NPC with you (unless you use the save/load trick, of course). There are other ways to increase the Charisma parameter, but, be that as it may, the best companions are found precisely in the early stages of the game.

A Strength parameter with a value of 5 is quite enough to allow you to use almost all weapons without problems, both at the beginning and at the end of the game ( HK P90c, Gauss pistol/Gauss Pistol, Pulse Rifle, for example), 6 is required for weapons that you are most likely to be able to get in the mid and/or late game ( Gauss rifle/Gauss Rifle, Bozar/Bozar), and 7 - for all types machine guns(miniguns). However, when you finally become the proud owner Power Armor(Power Armor), then you can forget about all these restrictions. By the way, if you try to use Bozar with a Strength parameter of 5, then the chance of hitting will decrease by “only” 20% (this can be easily corrected by spending a few additional Distribution Points on the corresponding Skill). Therefore, it makes little sense to spend more than 5 points on developing your character’s Strength parameter.

Small-da-deleted(Small Frame): This Trait gives you an extra point that you can spend on any of the Basic Attributes (rather than just a few). Action Points/Action Points, as stated in the Fallout 2 user manual). Yes, you will be able to carry less things, but you will soon meet Sulika(Sulik) and other carrier companions, a car, Power Armor... This Feature makes the game a little more difficult at the beginning, but you can spend the coveted Main Characteristics point (for example, you can raise Intelligence and subsequently receive 2 additional Distribution Points per level);

One-armed(One Hander): Most of the best weapons in the game can only be used with both hands. However, this Trait is definitely useful for those who prefer to fight hand-to-hand, because this bonus has a beneficial effect on weapons that fall under Hand to Hand Combat Skill/Unarmed (you only need one hand to use brass knuckles, knives and similar weapons), and has absolutely no negative impact on the likelihood of a successful attack with hands and feet;

Metkach(Finesse): Not a bad compromise. Although this Feature becomes somewhat useless after obtaining the Skill "Sniper"/Sniper (if your character's Luck parameter is high enough), "More Critical Damage"/More Criticals or "Murderer"/Slayer, she will, however, serve you well from the very beginning of the game;

Rapid fire(Fast Shot): A good choice if you like to fire five or six pistol shots in one turn. In combination with the Sniper Skill, you will turn your character into a real death machine. However, if you are an old-school sniper, then this is unlikely to suit you;

Gifted(Gifted): This Trait is almost universally considered the best choice in any scenario, since the Primary Ability bonuses neutralize all of its negative aspects (especially if you don't regret a few extra points for the development of Intelligence). However, many consider this Feature to be almost a scam. In the end, it simply spoils the pleasure of painstakingly balancing the Main Characteristics. If you raise your Main Stats using Features "Thug"(Bruiser) "Small-da-deleted"(Small Frame) or "Gifted"(Gifted), then you can subsequently distribute the received Distribution Points manually, since they can be considered additional, although technically they are not (this fact is confirmed by the fact that it is impossible to reduce the values ​​of already raised Skill parameters below a certain number, nevertheless, in essence , this should not pose much of a problem).

Potentially Useful, but Not Worthwhile Features:

Ambal(Heavy Handed): This Trait can be useful in the early stages, but in the late game it turns into a real liability, since you will essentially deal even less damage than if your character did not have this Trait at all;

Damn(Jinxed): This Trait could be useful in a purely melee (and rather strange) game. Not the best choice if you or your partners use firearms, otherwise every battle will become completely unpredictable (although in a battle with stronger opponents the situation will most likely turn out to be more than funny - a good way to have fun);

Darling(Good Natured): this Feature is great for a diplomat character, since on the one hand it effectively develops Skills "Doctor"(Doctor) and "Conducting Dialogue"(Speech), and on the other hand, it does not have such a strong effect on the development of Possession Skills Easy(Small Weapons) and Edged Weapons(Melee Weapons). However, this Trait proves to be somewhat useless later on;

"Sex Appeal"(Sex Appeal): admit it, you've always dreamed about this! This Feature is much more suitable for female characters, since in the game world in most cases you will have to deal with men. Although, even in this case, it will not bring you much benefit. If your character has a low score Charm(Charisma), then this Feature will somehow simplify trade (almost all traders are men). In short, this Feature is worth taking only if your Charisma parameter is 1.

Features to Avoid:

Accelerated Metabolism(Fast Metabolism): both effects brought by this Feature are extremely ineffective;

Bruiser(Bruiser): Your character's Strength stat increases by 2 points. This is, of course, good. But do not forget that at the same time you also lose a certain amount Action Points(Action Points), and this would be equivalent to if the value of your Dexterity parameter decreased by 4 points (absolutely unacceptable for fans of melee combat);

Kamikaze(Kamikaze): Trade Natural Damage Resistance for 5 additional secondary stat points Procedure(Sequence) that only matters at the beginning of the fight? No thanks;

Bloody Mess(Bloody Mess): may seem funny at first (eg try to kill Clint/Klint), but soon it will get boring anyway, and, in fact, will not bring any benefit. However, in most cases you will see these bloody animations anyway, and then they will at least look like a certain reward;

Experience(Skilled): with a sufficiently developed Intelligence parameter, you will still simply be swimming in Distribution Points - a terrible Trait, avoid it like the plague (well, only if your character has an Intelligence parameter of 1). Of course, there is an opinion that this Feature is not as bad as it seems. Although your character will lose exactly one Skill every 12 levels, nevertheless, during this time he will receive about 60 additional Distribution Points, while regular Skills associated with Distribution Points give only 20-40 Points (that is, By selecting the Experience Trait, you will receive twice as much, and you can invest it in any Skill, while Skills allocate it for you). But you must understand that in any case, Skills that provide Distribution Points do not have priority over other Skills. By the way, at level 24 it is much preferable to gain two Skills rather than an additional 120 Points;

Drug addict(Chem Reliant): Despite the description of this Trait, the average length of time your character will stay for a given drug will still not change. So why all this? Pills are of little use, and most players simply reboot if they become addicted;

Steady Drug addict(Chem Resistant): Jet(Jet) is the only drug for which this Feature will be useful to you. A good, but still useless choice for a drug addict (you just won't have to reboot as often).

Light Weapons(Small Guns): the main combat Skill that can be used until the end of the game;
Breaking(Lockpick): in the game you will come across many locked doors and containers, but you probably want to quietly find out what is in them, right?;

Conducting a Dialogue(Speech): many consider this Skill to be almost central, since almost everyone wants other game characters to like their character, and so that the latter would not disdain to give tasks and generally do what you need from them.

All other Skills are no match for these three, at least if you go through the game in the standard way. Mark them as Basic and don't be greedy about developing them to 100% in the early stages of the game (the only exception may be Light Weapon Skill if you are going to get more use out of magazines "Guns & Bullets") - it will pay off. Well, after that you can do secondary Skills:

Heavy Weapons(Big Guns): fun, but you'll probably only need it late in the game;
Energy Weapons(Energy Weapons): the same situation as with Heavy Weapons;
Doctor(Doctor): over time it is worth pumping up to 75%, but, nevertheless, you should not make this Skill one of the Basic ones;

Traps(Traps): There are not many traps in the game and they are unlikely to kill you. Of course, you can develop this Skill up to 60%-70% in order to feel confident in your abilities, but, nevertheless, it is not recommended to spend a lot;

The science(Science): read books, and do not spend Distribution Points on this Skill until you feel an urgent need for it (the optimal development value is 81%).

Skills that you will use from time to time, but that are not worth spending Points on:

Hand to Hand Combat(Unarmed): this Skill is used in some tasks, but, nevertheless, there is no need to spend Distribution Points on it - you can still develop it absolutely free of charge to almost 100% (if you play as a fighter, before how to make this Skill a priority, it is recommended to wait until this moment);

First aid(First Aid): inferior to Skill in everything "Doctor"(Doctor). Read books to improve this Skill, and spend Distribution Points on something more useful;

Ability to Repair Items(Repair): it is also recommended to read books to improve this Skill;
Traveler(Outdoorsman): similar to the previous Skill (although there are much fewer corresponding books in the game and they are not so easy to find). This Skill will help you avoid unwanted chance encounters(random encounters).

Quite Useless Skills:

Steel arms(Melee Weapons): unless this is your main combat skill (in which case, upgrade it as early as possible), you will use it extremely rarely;

Throwing(Throwing): Pebbles and grenades, unfortunately, do not play a big role in the world of Fallout 2;
Sneak Skill(Sneak): Sorry, of course, but there is little point in sneaking past people when you can simply blow them up (and, unfortunately, there is not enough dynamite for everyone). However, many players prefer to develop the Sneak Skill, because in some cases it allows you to kill people without being noticed (but this, however, does not always work), or sneak up behind the enemy before using the Hand-to-Hand Combat Skill in full . You should not develop this Skill for reasons of beneficial combination with the Skill Theft(Steal), since in almost any store whose goods are stored in accessible containers, the script associated with theft does not bother itself to check whether you are stealing or not;

Theft(Steal): If you enjoy endless reloads and the fact that the characters around you will constantly attack you while trying to steal their property, then this Skill is just for you. In fact, if you really need to... borrow something, then this can be done with a fairly low level of development of this Skill (after saving it, of course). Anyway, here are a couple of notes for you just in case:

1 . When you steal from someone's back or side, your character automatically receives a certain bonus (or at least reduces the likelihood of being noticed), while Sneak Skill does not play any significant role in this. As you know, the success of stealth theft is also affected by the size of the item (not the same as its weight), although if your character has the Skill Pickpocket(Pickpocket), this ceases to be a problem. Regardless of the level of development of this Skill, you can always use it to see what is in the inventory of humanoid creatures. However, you will not be able to see objects that are in the hands of the creature, as well as those that “appear” in the process of completing a particular task;

2 . If you manage to steal and/or toss an item two or more times in a row (without leaving the steal window), your character will receive more and more Experience Points for each attempt. However, the total amount of experience will be limited to 300 points minus the level of your Stealing Skill. If you get caught, you won't get anything at all. Thieves with a low level of development of this Skill can take advantage of this by stealing a coin at a time (or tossing and stealing the same item). However, it would be wiser to do something more meaningful;

3 . in some stores you can try to steal things or money from the seller. In others it doesn't work because the items are kept in a hidden container (until you talk to the seller). Sometimes a certain script prevents theft. In this case, things will appear on the seller’s body after you kill him, and even then not always;

4 . Using the Theft Skill, characters can slip various items into their inventory. That is, you can, for example, transfer equipment to your companions in this way, or slip someone an explosive with the timer set and walk away with a carefree look. But under no circumstances save the game. before explosion! This may very well damage the save slot;

5 . if Skill level Hacking(Lockpick) if your character is not high enough to pick a particular lock, then you can try to steal something from locked drawers or tables using the Stealing Skill. However, for some unknown reason, this may not work. For example, this never works with cabinets and chests. Experimentally, it was possible to establish that a similar method can be used to clean tables and other work areas.

Trade(Barter): in the early stages of the game, you are unlikely to have the opportunity to buy something really worthwhile. Don't waste your Distribution Points, as you will still have to develop this Skill well beyond 100% to feel the difference (and the parameter Charm/Your character's Charisma affects trading much more);
Ability to Play Gambling(Gambling): the same situation as with the Trading Skill.

Do not forget that the number of Distribution Points that your character receives when reaching the next level of development is limited to 99. You can accumulate more than 99 (for example, after receiving a Skill that gives a one-time increase to a specific Skill), but only until you receive the next level.

There is a small trick - by investing Points in any of the non-combat Skills, developed at this point slightly above 100%, raise the difficulty of the game to “hard” (if you usually play on medium). The Skill value will drop below 100%, and you will only need to spend one Distribution Point to further develop it. After this you can return the difficulty level back. This trick also works with books. In fact, reducing the difficulty of the game can be used to temporarily increase the values ​​of all of your character's Skills to achieve a specific goal.

As a rule, you should not develop Skills above 101%. This only makes sense in the case of combat Skills (this way you can increase accuracy), and then only until you reach the point where you always have a 95% hit rate from any reasonable distance (of course, if you practice the art of targeted shots/strikes, you will have to spend a little more Distribution Points to develop the desired Skills). An exception to this rule may be the Skill Hand to Hand Combat(Unarmed), in case you use the Skill Evasion in Hand-to-Hand Combat(HtH Evade).However, at high levels of development of this Skill, you will still have to spend a lot of Distribution Points in order to get an increase in Armor Class(Armor Class) of your character. Also, several times during the game you may need a highly developed Science Skill (101%), but, in fact, it is not worth it. Although, if you have nowhere else to put your glasses, why not.

In most cases, after an unsuccessful use of a Skill, you can try again, even in dialogues. Skills Steal(Sneak) "Theft"(Steal) and "Traveler"(Outdoorsman) seems to be an exception, as when using these Skills, failure results in immediate results. Be that as it may, it still doesn’t make much sense to spend too much on them - the chance of success practically does not depend on the development of the Skills themselves. As for the Sneak and Steal Skills, even if the values ​​of the parameters of these Skills reach maximum values, you will still be caught often, which should already lead to a certain thought (the chance of success is limited to 95% - after this mark, penalty modifiers begin to take effect). Same with the Traveler Skill.

Three best skills:

Observation Awareness: A very useful Skill. It is recommended to choose at the first opportunity (to do this, you should start the game with the value Perception/Perception not less than five);

Fire Rate Bonus(Bonus Rate of Fire): This Skill works great in combination with a Feature "Rapid Fire"(Fast Shot);

Sniper(Sniper): A sniper Skill (are you surprised?) that will help your character deal with soldiers Navarro(Navarro) and Enclave(The Enclave).

If you use a Skill to increase any of your Basic Stats in order to gain some other Skill, make sure you do it at the right time. Ideally, before starting the game, you need to plan which Skill and at what level of development of your character you will take. Remember that if your Basic Characteristics are too low to obtain any Skill, their value can be raised for a while with the help of tablets. Naturally, no pill will increase your Good luck(Luck). Yes, and do not forget to choose new Skills when you receive each third level of your character’s development, otherwise, when you receive the next three, you will lose the opportunity to use this opportunity (a new list of proposed Skills will appear).

Fidget(Action Boy - 2): This Skill is suitable for almost all characters. The advisability of obtaining this Skill depends on the current number Action Points(Action Points) of your character, as well as what weapon you plan to use. Try to make sure that during a turn after a series of shots (and reloading) you have no Action Points left - this will be the most rational;

Improved Critical Damage(Better Criticals): yum yum;
Hand to Hand Combat Bonus(Bonus HtH Attacks): great for really strong characters (however, melee combat is still inferior to the prospect of shooting someone from afar);

Extra Move(Bonus Move - 2): in fact, this Skill is suitable for everyone, and is much more preferable for fans of hand-to-hand combat than, for example, the “Fidget” Skill, since enemies are often thrown back 2-8 hexagons(hexes), and you almost always have to spend all the points intended for “walking only” (even if you received several ranks of the Fidget Skill). In addition, you can take the “Extra Move” Skill already at the sixth level of your character’s development, while the “Fidget” Skill becomes available only at the twelfth. In addition to all this, additional Action Points can be used when shooting to hide behind obstacles. "Extra Turn" worked well in Fallout 1, where Improved Forging Hammer(Super Sledge) was the best melee weapon, remaining relevant in the second part (even if you do not take into account the “knockback” of opponents);

Increase Agility(Gain Agility): You should choose this Skill only if your character’s updated Agility value becomes an even number (in this case, you will receive an additional Action Point). Otherwise, all you can count on is just a few Skill Points;

Anatomy Expert(Living Anatomy): not a bad Skill at all - adds 5 additional damage points with each attack, as well as +10% to Skill development "Doctor"(Doctor). The latter, however, you may not need in the near future;

Nimble Hands(Quick Pockets): only useful at the beginning of the game when you need to use it often stimulants(Stimpaks) and Healing Powder(Healing Powder). Later serves simply for convenience;

Murderer(Slayer): every fighter's dream (unlike Skill "Sniper"/Sniper, for this Skill there is no check for your character’s Luck parameter);

Useful but not required Skills:

Dodger(Dodger): Defense is always good;
Researcher(Explorer), Scout(Ranger) and Scout(Scout): These Skills increase the chances of stumbling upon special random encounters(special encounters), which can be useful if your character has a low score Good luck(Luck) and you are playing on high difficulty. Essentially, these Skills are just for fun and are of little use in the early stages of the game;

Increase Charisma(Gain Charisma): As with the similar Skill regarding Dexterity(Agility), you should opt for this Skill only if your character’s updated Charisma value becomes an even number (in this situation, you will have the opportunity to take another companion to your team... if, of course, you really want it);

Increased Intelligence(Gain Intelligence): this Skill makes sense only if your character’s Intelligence is below 7-8 (which, in theory, should not be);

Luck Boost(Gain Luck): this Skill will help you in finding special random encounters (maybe:), and also increase the chance of inflicting damage on your opponent during battle Critical Damage(criticals). A good choice if there is nothing better. Works especially well in combination with Skill "Sniper"(Sniper);

Increased Perception(Gain Perception): increases shooting accuracy and helps you gain the Sniper Skill (although you can limit yourself to taking pills for this). As you can see, Skills of this nature may not be as useful as they might seem at first glance;

Evasion in Hand-to-Hand Combat(HtH Evade): Much better suited for melee experts than the similar Skill "The Trickster"(Dodger). Yes, and don’t let the description of the Skill confuse you - you you can use weapons (such as Power Fist/Power Fist, for example), that is, the hands should not be literally empty. They say that this Skill works well in combination with a Feature "Damn"(Jinxed)... but this way of playing is not particularly inspiring;

Zinger(Lifegiver): With this Skill you can really accumulate a lot Life Points(Hit Points), but will it be of any use after your character reaches the twelfth level of his development? Apparently not. Oh, by the way, although it may not be entirely clear from the manual, the “Live” Skill, among other things, also gives you an additional 4 Life Points simply for choosing this Skill;

Attractive Personality(Magnetic Personality): This Skill is ideal for those cases when your character’s Charisma parameter is quite low, but you, nevertheless, want to add a couple of additional companions to your team in the future (without fussing with tablets). However, if your character's current Charisma score is an odd number, it is strongly recommended to give preference to Skill "Charisma Boost"(Gain Charisma). By the way, if your character's Charisma parameter is 8 or 9, and you haven't gotten Sunglasses(Mirrored Shades) and/or Blue Memory Module(Blue Memory Module), then you should not give in to the temptation to take this Skill, since usually it is still impossible to have more than five companions in a team;

More Critical Damage(More Criticals -3): excellent Skill. BUT. The catch is that if you later obtain the Sniper Skill (and if your character has a high enough Luck parameter) or Assassin, then having this Skill in your “arsenal” will no longer be justified;

Mutation!(Mutate!): There is a common misconception that if you change some mediocre Feature to "Gifted"(Gifted) with the help of this Skill, then, in fact, you can increase all the Basic Parameters of your character by +1 in one step. The problem is that this calculation assumes that you won't take the Gifted trait from the start. It’s also worth immediately noting that if, when generating your character, you chose only one Feature, then when using the “Mutation!” Skill, you will be forced to change it to a new one, that is, you will not have the opportunity to choose an additional Feature, keeping the old one (and in general It is somewhat unwise to change Features mid-game instead of choosing the right ones at the beginning). Be that as it may, there are several ways to get at least some real benefit from this Skill:

1 . upon reaching level 27 or 21 replace Feature "Metkach"(Finesse) on Feature "Rapid Fire"(Fast Shot) after you get the Sniper Skill. In this case, "Quick-Fire" will become another full-fledged "Rate of Fire Bonus"(Bonus Rate of Fire). The beauty of this replacement is that when you finally get the long-awaited Sniper Skill, the benefits of Marksman and the harm of Rapid Fire will disappear at the same time;

2 . you can start the game with the parameter Dexterity(Agility) of your character is only 6 Points, but still get the Skill Sniper(Sniper)! To do this you need to select a feature "Metkach"(Finesse), then using Skill "Increase Agility"(Gain Agility) raise it to 7, and then use the “Mutation” Skill! in order to change "Metkacha" to a Feature "Small-da-deleted"(Small Frame). This way, your Agility stat will meet the requirements for the Sniper Skill (which is eight Points) before you even reach character level 24 (after all, you can just take a dose of Psycho).

Silent Death(Silent Death): Considering the number of requirements required to obtain this Skill, one (first) attack with double damage seems more than a modest reward. Although, in fact, with the help of this Skill, there is a chance to deal double damage to more than one enemy if you are lucky enough to position yourself behind two (or more) of them, without leaving stealth mode (meaning using the Skill Steal/Sneak);

Steepness(Toughness - 3): defense is, of course, good, but spending precious Points on Endurance(Endurance) - no, so take it if necessary Buffout. In addition, this Skill does not affect all types of damage. Note that over time Damage Resistance(Damage Resistance) can be raised to 80% in other ways (maximum - 90%), so it is likely that several ranks of the “Steepness” Skill will not give you anything;

Skills whose usefulness is somewhat questionable:

Additional Melee Damage(Bonus HtH Damage - 3): whatever one may say, it’s still not enough damage. You will have to obtain all three ranks of this Skill to feel any significant difference. Additionally, please note that this Skill only increases the maximum damage dealt to an enemy;

Additional Ranged Weapon Damage(Bonus Ranged Damage - 2): rather weak for a bonus, unless you use Minigun or let's say Bozar(although if you're counting on a large number Critical Damage/criticals, then this changes things somewhat);

Increased Strength(Gain Strength): there is little point in raising the Strength parameter in this way (especially in order to obtain a Strength value of 10 Points using this Skill);

Packer(Pack Rat) Strong Back(Strong Back - 3): It's hard to argue that being able to carry around a lot of items is a bad thing, but nevertheless, in circumstances where you have to choose between Skills, it is ( especially if you have companions);

Pickpocket Thief(Pickpocket): Apparently a good choice for thieves, but if you get caught, isn't it easier to reboot?;

Silent Running(Silent Running): Of course, it can be assumed that if you use the Skill often enough Steal(Sneak), this Skill will make this process much more convenient, but don’t you think that a sneaking running man is a little unatmospheric?;

Eloquence(Smooth Talker - 3): A skill very similar in its properties to the Gain Intelligence Skill. Not a bad thing, but it would be more rational to initially spend money on developing your character’s Intelligence parameter;

Prize for the Studio!(Tag!): Since this Skill does not provide anything other than additional Distribution Points, its usefulness is somewhat questionable. However, if used wisely, it can bring quite a lot of benefits (measured in the same Distribution Points), and therefore compares favorably with similar Skills. By using the “Studio Prize!” Skill, the value of a specific Skill can be doubled (meaning its original value, as well as all bonuses received during the game, minus a possible 20% added as Basic Skill/Taged Skills when generating a character). The trick is to, without leaving the window in which the characteristics of your character are displayed, reduce the value of the Skill (on which you spent this Skill) to its previous level, and spend the freed distribution points on any other Skill (and if the value of the increased with this Ability Skill was more than 101%, then in the end you can get at your disposal even more Distribution Points than were initially “spent” on it by the “Studio Prize!” Skill).

By and large, this Skill gives you 20 Distribution Points + the nth number of points, identical to the level of your most developed Skill (which is not included in the Basic Skills), and is much better than any other Skill that increases the level of development of any particular Skill , since such Skills allow you to redistribute received Distribution Points only within the level to which you have already raised your Skill (at the expense of Distribution Points received for the next level of your character’s development, as well as through books read and other bonuses). On the other hand, Distribution Points will still not play a big role towards the end of the game. Among other things, this technique can be used on a smaller scale, for example, when you take a Skill that increases one of your character’s Basic Parameters. Also note that Skills increase the level of development of any Skill by a certain number of Points, regardless of whether they are Basic (this is bad) or developed above 101% (this is good);

Thief(Thief): Same as the previous Skill. Since this Skill gives you a 40-point increase to the Skill of the same name already at the third level of your character’s development, it is unconditionally recognized as one of the best Skills that bring Distribution Points (but this does not mean that these additional Points will bring you any real benefit in terms of theft efficiency);

Weapon Proficiency(Weapon Handling): This Skill can be used to make it easier to use Avenger Minigun or something similar in the early stages of the game. However, if your character's Strength parameter is high enough, then it does not make the slightest sense to choose this Skill - it is better to simply develop the corresponding Skill.

Useless skills that you should only take if there is nothing better suited(or if you really want to):

Adrenaline Rush(Adrenaline Rush): A skill that has infinitesimal benefit and only works when you're dying? Let me see...;

Caution(Cautious Nature): suitable only for cowardly diplomats who have nothing else to spend the opportunity to gain Skills on;

Understanding(Comprehension): what benefit can there be from this Skill if the maximum level to which the Skill can be raised by reading books still remains the same?;

Cult of personality(Cult of Personality), Lamp of Karma(Karma Beacon): These Skills have absolutely no effect. Yes, you read that right, they really don't do anything. "Adrenaline Rush" or "Tripping"(Light Step) - even better in comparison with them;

Expert Demoman(Demolition Expert): a surprisingly useless Skill;
Fast reaction(Earlier Sequence - 3): it's not worth it;

Education(Educated - 3), Player(Gambler) Harmless(Harmless) Professional Thief(Master Thief) Doctor(Medic) Crazy hands(Mr. Fixit) Dealer(Negotiator), Salesman(Salesman), Speaker(Speaker) Master of Survival(Survivalist): All these Skills give you nothing but Distribution Points, which you don't need. It’s better to choose something really worthwhile (see above). Yes, by the way, the Master of Survival Skill has only 1 rank, and not 3, as it was said in the game manual; ;

Empathy(Empathy): At first glance this may seem like a pretty good choice, but in fact the essence of this game is that you are unlikely to have to tell people very often what they really want to hear;

Accelerated Recovery(Faster Healing - 3), Doctor(Healer - 2): Recovery Rate(Healing Rate) never played a big role;

Treasure hunter(Fortune Finder) Trader-Professional(Master Trade): You won't have much need for money. The “Professional Trader” skill is not as useless as the “Treasure Hunter” skill, but still this is not a reason to choose it. In addition, despite what the description says, the Professional Merchant Skill does not make the items you sell more valuable, but only gives a discount on the items you buy (in Fallout 1 the description was more accurate). The size of the discounts varies, roughly speaking, within 20-50% - most likely this happens because trade modifiers act cumulatively, and not sequentially;

Increased Stamina(Gain Endurance): Your character's Endurance stat is simply not very important in itself, and even if the updated value of this stat is an even number, it will give you absolutely nothing. If you need additional Life Points(Hit Points), then a much better choice would be Skill "Zinger"(Lifegiver);

Ghost(Ghost): This Skill is somewhat similar to Skills like “Education”, “Professional Thief”, “Doctor”, “Crazy Hands” and “Speaker”, but there is one big difference - you will not receive any additional Distribution Points. At all;

Throw!(Heave Ho!): strictly for grenade fans, and passionate ones at that. Oh, by the way, this Skill also only has 1 rank, not 3, as stated in the game manual;

Here and now(Here and Now) Grasping on the fly(Swift Learner - 3): These Skills will help your character gain new levels of development faster. What is the main purpose of gaining levels? Getting Skills. So why choose Skills to gain levels? If you need Life Points and/or Distribution Points, there are much better ways to get them. By the way, the “Here and Now” Skill is available already at the third level of your character’s development, and not at the ninth, as the game manual states (this is not a bug, they just forgot to mention the change in the manual). However, this doesn't really matter because, as stated above, it's a completely useless Skill. However, there was a small loophole in v1.0: if you took this Skill at a high enough level of your character's development before patching the game, you would get an additional level for each new level of development. That is, at level fifteen you would get 5-6 levels for nothing (and, most likely, more than 99 Distribution Points). At the same time, there was a significant risk of losing the ability to choose Skills that could be taken for these levels.

The "Flying Grasp" skill is still the leader in the "Most Disgusting Skill" category. At first glance, this Skill may indeed seem like a good solution, but since the amount of experience for each new level grows linearly, even if you have all three ranks of the Flying Grasping Skill, you will only end up with a couple of levels ahead of someone who wouldn't be so unreasonable in choosing such Skills at the beginning of the game (for example, in order to be at least one level ahead of a character who does not have this Skill, you will have to reach level 17 of your character development; even if you get to Level 30, which will probably happen after the end of the game, your advantage will be only 2 levels), and you will receive several additional Life Points and a couple of free Points. In short, even if you are tortured with graphite rods taken out of a nuclear reactor, still never choose this Skill.

Kama Sutra Expert(Kama Sutra Master): Doesn't do anything that a Feature would do. "Sex Appeal"(Sex Appeal) Sexexpert(Sexpert) and/or well-developed physical parameters of your character. Unfortunately, the Sex Skill was completely useless in this game;

Impressiveness(Presence - 3): Ignore this Skill. Very few creatures in Fallout 2 will treat you differently based on a reaction check;

Tripping(Light Step): there are not many traps in the game, so this Skill poorly justifies its role (even if its presence fully eliminated the risk of accidentally hitting the trap). By and large, the “Easy Walk” Skill, without any particular exaggeration, is frankly idiotic. Not only is the probability of not hitting a particular trap more than negligible, not only is it necessary to have a highly developed parameter Dexterity(Agility), the developers didn’t even bother to check for this Skill against all the traps in the game. The only places where this Skill works are Redding(Redding) and the area around (but not inside) Sierra Army Base Depot(Sierra Army Depot);

Mysterious Stranger(Mysterious Stranger): absolutely useless Skill;
Cat Vision(Night Vision): It is unlikely that you will have an urgent need to use this Skill too often. Better develop one of the weapon Skills, or even choose a Skill "Accurate shooter"(Sharpshooter);

Pathfinder(Pathfinder - 2): Time does not play a significant role in Fallout 2. In addition, this Skill does not function as expected: the first rank reduces travel time by 20% (not the stated 25), and the second does nothing at all. In Fallout 1 this Skill worked more properly;

Pyromaniac(Pyromaniac): ineffective. The increase in damage done is too small to be of interest to anyone. Among other things, of all the weapons in the game, only Flamethrower(Flamer) produces fire damage (are you surprised?). For example, Molotov cocktails(Molotov Cocktails) - no, despite the fact that their victims play the standard animation of a “dancing fire man”;

Fast recovery(Quick Recovery) Stone Wall(Stonewall): just amazingly useless Skills;

Confronting Radiation(Rad Resistance - 2), Snake Eater(Snakeater - 2): poison and radiation are quite rare, and when it does happen, such a Skill is unlikely to save you;

Accurate shooter(Sharpshooter): This Skill simply increases the values ​​of Skills associated with ranged weapons slightly. In short, it is better to spend a few Distribution Points on your favorite weapon Skill, and the opportunity to choose a Skill on something more interesting. In addition, the "Sharpshooter" skill does not do what it says in the manual - instead of 2 additional points added to the parameter value Perceptions(Perception), it only adds 1.

There are several Skills in the game that cannot be obtained, namely: Animal Friend(Animal Friend) Hippie(Flower Child) Mental Defense(Mental Block) and Grabber(Scrounger). They were present in Fallout 1, and rumors that they are also present in Fallout 2 are completely unfounded.

So, what kind of game is this - I will write in a separate post. or I'll post a link. in the meantime - a technique for creating the perfect puncher (c)

So what do we have?
for starters - features.
what do we need? We need beautiful and ultimate stats. Why? because skill formulas and some perks are based on stats. for example, the sniper perk gives (10*luck)% crit chance. clear red luck then should be 10.

Well, I decided to go from below, so I’ll go. take the evil eye. the likelihood of a critical miss increases. that is, they drop weapons, they fall - in general, a circus. There are persistent rumors that with 10 luck the player has no problems with the evil eye.

Luck, dexterity, intelligence. all for 10. At the same time, they directly participate in a number of quests as conditions for completion.
luck is crit and a number of nice skills. plus almost immunity to the evil eye. The developers clearly skimped on luck with the NPCs.

Dexterity is one. 1 od per unit of agility. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the final total at the end of the game will be 12 relatives, plus some total for pure running. which is serious.

Intelligence. (intelligence*20+5) these are skill points given per level. if I am not mistaken. plus affects the response options during a conversation. with parameter 1, the conversation goes in the phrases: “Y?, Agyr!” and in the same spirit. although sometimes it's funny.

Endurance and charm (charisma). I don’t know what nabobs are for. most likely in order to gain other stats at their expense. at a minimum. deuce.

Endurance is the total number of lives, regeneration, resistance to poisons. the character is planned as an analogue of the predator from the film of the same name. No one sees him, but he crushes everyone in batches. or Rambaud. The principle of action is the same - “I’ll kill everyone, but they’ll only scratch me, and that’s due to my oversight and absent-mindedness.”

Charisma. The most important thing is the number of NPC assistants and conversation (skill). There will be enough comrades, but it won’t take long to improve the conversation.

Perception and power. important thing.

Perception affects the accuracy of small arms. ideally 10. Moreover, it is known that +1 parameter is obtained as a perk, and another +1 parameter is taken using a module through the Brotherhood of Steel (the green module is in the Military Base at the third level). so - you need 8.

Force. throw in what's left. exactly five (5). enough for basic guns, +1 strength is taken from the perk, and another +4 from advanced power armor. which is cool.

Favorite skills.
I am guided by the fact that:
1) in the beginning and middle, rifles/pistols are in great demand. that means we take small guns (small guns)
2) and at the beginning, due to the lack of guns, it will be necessary to fight to the death in hand-to-hand combat. cold or hand-to-hand. but there are a number of quests associated with melee. Yes, and kostet is a thing dear to the heart. in addition, melee attacks silence the victim. and crits are achieved by perk. conclusion - hand-to-hand combat.
3) fists with fists, but the expo must be rowed. and this is done through completing complicated quests on the topic “explain to an idiot that he is an idiot.” which, as the classic said, is almost impossible. but we will try. conclusion - conversation.

So, the bottom line:
parameter native value (ideal), note
strength 5(11) native, +1 from perk, +1 from module, +4 from advanced power armor. heh. it turns out more than 10. 11. but nothing. we are not proud.
perception 8(10) native, +1 from perk, +1 from module.
endurance 2
charm 2
intelligence 10
agility 10
luck 10

gifted - +1 each stat
Evil Eye - Increases the chance of a critical miss.

Favorite (main) skills:
small guns (small guns)

That's it, welcome to the post-nuclear spaces.
wet the radishes, help the good ones. however, after completing all the tasks, the good ones can also be killed. however, experience is never superfluous.

2)Character parameters
4)Additional abilities
6)Character creation models


First, a small?lyrical digression??

The Fallout universe is interesting because it is multifaceted and ambiguous; there are many options for passing through it. (Unlike, for example, Diablo, which has virtually no plot; or Newerwinter Nights with, excuse me, a poor storyline.)

I don’t want to belittle the merits of the above-mentioned games, but I will note that in them (as in some other RPGs) ONLY the set of skills (abilities) depends on the choice of the hero, while in Fallout the characteristics of your hero directly affect the ways of passing games (Here I mean not only side quests, but also the MAIN storyline.)

That is why great attention should be paid to the problem of competent character creation.

So let's get down to business, shall we?

By clicking ?New Game?, you will see that ?caring? the creators offer you three?standard? heroes (Narg, Mingan, Chitsa). DO NOT TAKE THEM UNDER ANY CASE unless you want to complicate the process, as they are, in my opinion, very poorly balanced. However, the proposed heroes help demonstrate the three main MODELS (classes) of characters characteristic of the RPG system? S. P. E. C. I. A. L.?, namely: WARRIOR (Narg); THIEF (Mingan) and DIPLOMAT (Chitsa). (These models will be discussed below.)

Before offering you my options for creating characters for each of the three groups, I will describe in detail the purpose of all characteristics and parameters, as well as the degree of their need during the game.

Character Options


The name of your character does not affect the gameplay in any way; you can call him whatever your heart desires. Here I can give only one piece of advice: come up with a DECENT name for your hero. (We should not forget that the game takes place in post-nuclear America, so you should not call the Chosen One? Vasya?, an obscene word, or, even worse, a meaningless set of characters.) Although this, of course, is a matter of taste.

2) AGE

This parameter also has no effect. Place at your discretion.

According to unverified data (rumours, you know), if your character reaches old age (~70 years) during the game, his parameters sharply deteriorate, and, in the end, he dies of old age. (It was not possible to get to the bottom of the truth, since a complete passage takes about two game years; and I myself could not stand the delay of the game for more than 10 game years (it becomes terribly boring))


Although in most RPGs the choice of gender is purely aesthetic, in Fallout it has an impact (sometimes very strong) on ​​dialogue. Based on my own experience, I will say that if you are going to play the game as a character like DIPLOMAT, then it is better to choose the FEMALE gender.

Now let's move on to the characteristics.



An important parameter for a WARRIOR. Affects the number of hit points, as well as the ability to use certain weapons and the maximum amount of cargo carried.

IMPORTANT: please note that when creating a character (even a WARRIOR), the value of this parameter should not be set higher than 6. (With ST=6 you will be able to use almost all weapons in the game) The fact is that part of the load will be carried by assistants for you , and the heaviest weapon requires ST=7 to use, and by that time you will have armor at your disposal that increases ST by 4 points. (i.e. with base ST=6 it will reach maximum=10)


Isn't this any kind of wisdom? (translation from Fargus), and PERCEPTION.

Affects the firing range and order of actions, as well as (in some places) dialogue (with a high MD you are able to note small details).

Is order of actions a special parameter in a role-playing system? S. P. E. C. I. A. L .?, which determines the order of moves in turn-based combat mode.

A very important parameter for SNIPERS.


Affects hit points (strongly) and poison/radiation resistance.

I’ll be honest: it’s not the most important parameter. Personally, my recommendation: VN = 4 (Higher - only for WARRIORS? And even then it’s not necessary) I passed it myself WITHOUT any problems and with VN = 1!

It is much better to save points on VN and increase LV and IN.


Everything is clear here: this? a measure of your character's ability to achieve something with words.

High OB and IN combined with positive karma can work wonders!

The Fallout universe is structured in such a way that you can often get more benefit from NEGOTIATIONS with someone than from direct military intervention.

OB also affects the number of assistants (NPCs) you can bring with you. (from 0 to 5)


IN determines the character's mental abilities, affecting the dialogue mode and, most importantly, the number of points received when leveling up, which are used to increase ALL skills.

IN? THE MOST IMPORTANT PARAMETER IN THE GAME. When creating a character, never save points on it!

6) DEX (DX)

The LV determines the base armor class (the higher it is, the less likely it is to hit you) and the number of action points.

Action points (AP): a conditional parameter that determines the number of certain actions that you can perform in one round. Can only be used in turn-based combat mode. (Step-1 AP, shot-4-7 AP (depending on the weapon used), burst shot-6-7 AP, reload-2 AP, entering inventory-2-4 AP, using an item-2 AP, taking an item from the ground - 3 AP)

LV is perhaps the most important parameter after IN. (We must not forget that, even playing as a DIPLOMAT, you will still have to often participate in hostilities, and it will be difficult with a low LV) In general, our choice? LV no less than 6!

7) LUCK (UD)

The most?mysterious? parameter. By setting your luck to low, you can complete the game without any difficulties, without noticing its influence. In fact, UD affects three parameters:

On?Game? (Your skill in the field of gambling), on the base chance of inflicting a critical hit (This is why UD, like MD, is important for SNIPERS) and on the chance to encounter while traveling around the map? SPECIAL LOCATIONS? (Special encounters). In addition, the higher your UD, the more useful locations you will encounter. My advice to you? When creating a character, first distribute the points between the first six parameters, and discard everything that remains. on UD. It is advisable to set the UD to at least 4.


When creating a character, you are asked to choose no more than two additional “features” that determine the innate qualities of your hero. IMPORTANT: if the distribution of all stat points and the choice of mastery in certain skills (they will be discussed below) are MANDATORY, then the choice of these abilities is optional, since almost all of them have both positive and negative sides.

1) Fast metabolism.

When you select this option, your character’s resistance to poison and radiation completely disappears, but the level of treatment increases by two. (i.e. Your character will heal faster while resting) Experience shows that this is absolutely unnecessary.

2) Wrecked.

Your hero's POWER increases by 2 points, and the number of action points decreases.

I do not recommend choosing this feature. (Especially since there is no need to set the STRENGTH indicator above 6 -->see above)

3) Small.

Increase in AGILITY by 1 point by reducing the maximum carried load by 50 pounds (this is not very much) A good feature, I recommend taking it if? for complete happiness? 1 stat point is missing.

4) One-armed.

The character is better with one-handed weapons, but worse with two-handed ones.

There is nothing good about this! Do not forget that even if at the beginning of the game your character has a low STRENGTH indicator (he will be forced to use a one-handed weapon), then at the end he (s) will receive armor that increases STRENGTH by 4 points. (This will be enough to use almost any weapon.)


Great ability! ALL damage inflicted by your hero is reduced by 25%, but the chance of landing a critical hit increases by 10%. (Considering that the base chance is very small, then this is a significant addition) For SNIPERS, choosing this ability is mandatory!

6) Kamikaze

Increases the order of actions (see above) by 5 at the expense of negating the base armor class.

Not the worst ability.

7) Heavy on the hand

Ability with reverse effect Accuracy This parameter increases the damage inflicted by your hero in battle, but reduces the (already small) chance of a critical hit. Only needed by WARRIORS with low WISDOM.

8) Fast shooter

Very?cunning? ability. You cannot shoot accurately, but all your attacks take 1 less AP. At first glance, it may seem that this ability does more harm than good, but in fact this is not entirely true. The ability to shoot accurately is needed ONLY if your character specializes in Manual or Energy weapons, but if you chose to specialize in Heavy weapons and your hero’s AGILITY is 10, then this feature will be very useful. The fact is that in this case the character will be able to fire TWO bursts from heavy weapons per round, which gives huge advantages. SNIPERS should not select this feature under any circumstances.

9) Bruiser.

This ability has no negative sides, but it doesn’t bring any benefits either.

The whole point is that the deaths of all your enemies are presented as if you had finished them off with a critical hit. (In general, it’s all window dressing.) I advise you to take it if you don’t want anything else.

10) Evil eye.

A very specific feature: Your character, as well as his opponents and allies, constantly?makes mistakes? in battle (the weapon falls out of the hands, the shooter hits the wrong person at whom he was aiming, etc.) Does this bring any benefit?

11) Good-natured.

When choosing this property, all combat skills are reduced by 10%, and diplomatic skills are increased by 15% (combat - 6; diplomatic - 4, i.e. additional percentages of skills are not added, they are only “spread” from one skill to another.) Choose it only if your character is a DIPLOMAT.

12) Instability to chemistry.

Your hero gets used to drugs after the first use (and not after the second or third), but “endures their effect more easily.” Why someone might need this, I can’t imagine?

13) Chemical resistance.

An ability with the opposite effect to the previous one. Also completely unnecessary.

14) Sex appeal.

You gain diplomatic advantages when speaking with people of the opposite sex.

Quite useful if you play as a woman. (For most of the game you will have to conduct important dialogues with men.)

15) Craftsman.

Each level, your character will receive five additional skill points (SP) with each level increase (points used when leveling up to increase the percentage of skills of your choice.) All this would be good, but the price of this?increase? is very large: you will receive perks not once every three, but once every four levels. (Perks are special bonuses received every three levels, which have only positive aspects). This is very bad, I speak as a professional!

16) Talent.

The last number is the BEST ability. Each level your character will receive five less TP and will lose 10% of ALL skills at the beginning of the game, but will receive +1 to ALL characteristics. If you consider that when passing the game your character will need only part of the skills (Depending on his CLASS), then a loss of 10% is not so terrible. But your hero will start with increased characteristics. In general, it’s up to you to choose, but I advise you to start the game as “Talented characters?”.


A character in Fallout has a wide range of 16 different skills, which can be divided into four groups: Combat, Thieves, Diplomatic and Other (not included in any of the first three groups). The purpose of most skills is inherent in their names, so there is no point in dwelling on each of them in detail: I will simply indicate the degree of their usefulness in the process of passing and give some simple tips.

1) At least one of Combat skills, which include hand, heavy, energy, melee, throwing weapons and melee, should be everyone has it character. We must not forget that not all conflicts can be resolved peacefully, and sometimes even a Diplomat will have to take up arms.

When creating a Warrior, it is recommended to choose hand weapons (as the most common), heavy OR energy (it is not advisable to specialize in both types, since at the end of the game you will still have to choose one) and melee OR melee (which is more desirable). Melee and melee damage is less than with firearms, but the base levels of these skills are much higher, meaning they can be used much more effectively in the early stages of the game. In addition, hand-to-hand combat generally plays a special role - in some cities you will be able to participate in fights without weapons, earning prestige, experience and money.

Thief and Diplomat should choose hand weapons. This will be quite enough, since at the end of the game, in addition to the ?cool? There will be heavy and energy guns and hand weapons that are slightly inferior in power. (If you wish, you can also take energy, but it is better to set class skills as specialized skills - thieves or diplomacy, respectively)

2) Thieving skills Only required for characters of the VOR class. Here, in general, there is nothing more to say!

3) Diplomatic skills. As for Conversation, Trade and First Aid, it makes sense to upgrade them only for DIPLOMATS. What about the Doctor? an extremely useful skill, significantly different from First Aid. Firstly, when using it, damaged organs are healed (which is very important!), thirdly, if your?profile? skills? Doctor + Science, this gives you additional tasks (with valuable rewards!) and even the opportunity to implant subcutaneous armor into yourself! (late game)

4) Regarding Others skills, which include Repair, Science, Wanderer and Game, their purpose in the game may seem unclear, and it makes sense to clarify it.

Science is about getting information from computers.

Repair? not only for, in fact, repairing objects, but also for disabling force fields at military bases.

Wanderer? A rather interesting skill that allows you to avoid a chance encounter if desired. (As you travel around the map, a sign with the text will appear? Do you want to meet<указано, кого именно>?? and YES/NO options)

A game? This skill determines your chance of winning in a gambling game.

Note: These four skills are not very important, during the game it is recommended to specialize in no more than one of them.

Character creation models

There are FIVE main character models in the game. (three? classic? and two worked by me personally.) Attached below is a table that shows my recommended characteristics for each of the classes, as well as the characteristics of STANDARD characters for comparison. (Important note: to create the characters I suggested, you must select the Talent ability)

Classic models.


Heroes of this class achieve everything by force, without entering into subtle negotiations and without resorting to



all kinds of tricks. They are distinguished by physical strength and endurance, while losing in charm. Developing the abilities and characteristics of warriors is almost always aimed at improving mastery of a variety of weapons.

It is recommended to choose as additional abilities Talent (required) and Accuracy/Quick Shooter/Small/Brute.

2) VOR

Characters of this class are inferior to warriors in strength and endurance, but thanks to their thieves' skills they are able to penetrate places where ordinary fighters cannot.




Diplomats are less likely than other classes to take up arms, achieving everything with words.



Additional models designed by me.


A type of warrior who uses hand and energy weapons. This? An “elusive avenger” who shoots enemies from a distance.

Distinguished by Wisdom and Luck, inferior to ordinary Warriors in Endurance and Dexterity.

Abilities: Talent, Accuracy.

Specializations: Hand Weapon, Energy Weapon, Wanderer.

2) Scientist

A type of Diplomat, a person who has knowledge of science and technology and uses his intelligence to achieve a goal.

Abilities: Talent, Good-natured.

Specializations: Hand Weapons, Doctor, Science.

That's probably all? In the end, I want to express the hope that my advice was useful to you. I wish you a pleasant game!