
Short sketches for elementary school children. The scenes are funny for kids. Joking scenes. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the patient from the psychiatrist

Scene "At the lesson of the Russian language"


Olya, Dima, Sasha, Petrov are students, their classmates.

The teacher enters.

Teacher. Hello! Sit down.

Olya. Dear Andrey Nikolaevich, we congratulate you on your anniversary!

Children stand up, chant: “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!”, then sing the congratulations in English.

Teacher. Thank you kids, thank you. Only I would prefer to hear a song in Russian.

Dima. And we can repeat in Russian.

Teacher. Thank you, no need, you are my polyglots.

Olya. Andrei Nikolaevich, what gift would you like to receive?

Teacher. The best gift for a teacher is the good grades of his students. I will be glad if tomorrow you write a dictation only for "4" and "5".

Sasha. It's too late, Andrey Nikolaevich, we've already bought you suspenders!

Teacher. Hmm... Let's get to the lesson. At home, you were asked to repeat the cases. I ask everyone to the board.

Children go to the edge of the stage. Each tells one line from the poem, while showing a card with the written name of the case. One of the students, while reading the poem, demonstrates the corresponding drawings.

A pig walked on the ice in the spring. She got a hole. (I. p.)

Plop! Only the tail of a pig sticks out of the hole. (R. p.)

We are rather to the polynya, we want to help the pig. (D. p.)

Themselves almost into the wormwood, but still saved the pig. (V. p.)

We are dissatisfied with the pig: do they joke with wormwood? (T. p.)

Remember the pig so as not to swim in the polynya! (P. i.)

Teacher. Fine. Please sit down. Now copy the text from exercise 444. (Children write.)

Teacher. So, you wrote down the text in your notebooks. Petrov, please read it again.

Petrov. “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then he promised to improve.”

Teacher. Wonderful! Underline all the nouns in this text.

Petrov. "Dad", "mother", "Vova", "behavior", "Vova", "promise".

Teacher. Right. Now determine the cases in which these nouns are. Understood?

Petrov. Yes.

Teacher. Get started.

Petrov. "Father and mother". Who? What? Parents. So, the case is genitive. (Students giggle.) Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So the case is nominative. (Students laugh.) Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case. (The exclamation of one of the students: “He gives!”) Vova was silent guiltily. So, here Vova has an accusative case. (Laughter) Well, the "promise", of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it! That's all! (Exclamation of one of the students: “Great! I couldn’t do that!”)

Teacher. Yes, it's original! Bring the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would give yourself?

Petrov. What? Of course, the "five"!

Teacher. So "five"? By the way, in what case did you call this word - "five"?

Petrov. In prepositional!

Teacher. In a prepositional? Why?

Petrov. Well, I suggested it myself!

Teacher. Goodbye! See you tomorrow for dictation. (Exits.)

Note. The following works were used in the scene:

Scene "Intellectual change"


Eight fourth graders.

The children are seated at the edge of the stage, legs dangling, chatting casually.

1st. It seems to me that during the time we were in elementary school, we became so smart ...

2nd. Are you saying that we have nothing to do in the middle link?

1st. No, of course: live a century - learn a century ... But think for yourself: in four years we have learned to read, write, count ...

3rd. And we have also developed our creative abilities, which were lazily dozing in us, and now we can handle any non-standard task!

4th. Let's check?

All (in chorus). Let's check!

3rd. Let's do it. Each in turn will name some proverb or catch phrase, and the rest will come up with a situation from school life for it.

All (in chorus). Let's. You start.

3rd. You can't spoil the porridge with oil ...

4th. ...said Vova and instead of one poem he learned four.

1st. A penny saves a ruble ...

2nd. Every day is not Sunday...

6th. ... Said Vasya, at the end of the week giving his father a diary for verification.

7th. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds ...

8th. ... said the physical education teacher to Denis, who raised the fallen bar for the seventh time.

4th. You won't be forced to be nice...

5th. ... Anton thought, leaving the director's office after another thrashing.

6th. You will know a lot - you will grow old soon ...

7th. ... Alyona decided and on Saturday instead of school she went to sunbathe on the beach.

8th. If you want to be healthy - temper ...

1st. ... Seryoga said to a classmate, pushing him into a snowdrift.

2nd. Who seeks, the goth will always find...

3rd. ... Ira had no doubts, looking at the dictation in a notebook to a neighbor.

4th. An old bird is not caught with chaff...

5th. ... Kostya thought about the teacher, who gave him a "2" for a hint, which, as it turned out, was wrong.

Scenario "Oh, those students! .."


Vitalik, Masha, Anton - students.

Four late students, their classmates.

Teacher. Hello! Sit down. Let's start the lesson with oral counting. (He gives examples of addition and subtraction within 20. All children answer correctly, except for Vitalik.) Very bad, Vitalik. It turns out that you didn’t even learn the addition and subtraction table within 10. And you should know her like the back of your hand.

Vitalik. Yes, I also didn’t remember the names of my fingers properly, but you are already asking the table!

Teacher. If you don't want to stay for the second year, you must learn the table so that if I call you at night and ask her, you would answer without hesitation.

Vitalik. No, I won't answer you at night. We have an answering machine at night.

Knock on the door. Four students enter.

Teacher. Guys, why are you late?

1st student. My grandmother got sick and I went to the pharmacy.

2nd student. And on my watch there's still ten minutes before class starts...

3rd student. And I remembered on the way that I forgot to turn off the iron. I had to return.

Teacher(fourth). Well, why are you silent?

4th student. And I can't think of anything. They've already said everything.

Teacher. Sit down... And prepare well next time! Let's keep counting. Question: how to divide five potatoes into four students?

Masha. It is necessary to make a puree and divide into portions. (Everyone laughs.)

Teacher. Well, let's hope you make a good cook. Further. We know that the weight of solid bodies is measured in kilograms, the volume of liquid bodies is measured in liters, but how is distance measured?

Anton. Ruler! (Everyone laughs.)

Teacher. Yes, verbal counting is not going well with us today. Maybe the written test will go well... Let's get to work!

Everyone solves the test paper written on the board. The teacher approaches Masha.

Teacher. Masha, you wrote: "Verification work." What should be put here now?


Teacher. Point, Masha, point! (Turns to Anton.) Anton, how many times have you looked into Ira's notebook?

Anton. I can't say with certainty. I did not count.

Scenario "All the way around!"


They talk while sitting on chairs.

Boy. Still, how wonderful they are, our mothers ... They educate us all their lives, educate us ... From the cradle to old age.

Girl. And you think everyone likes it?

Boy. Well, how can you not like it if you are taken care of, protected, cared for and cherished ...

Girl. Spoon-fed, bibs changed, nose wiped...

Boy. I do not see anything reprehensible in this.

Girl. And if a person wants to be independent! Imagine that everything in the world is arranged the other way around! Children in all matters are the main ones, and adults must obey them in everything!

Boy. To adults were like children, and children - like adults!

Girl. Exactly! For example, my mother would be sitting at dinner, and I would say to her: “Why did you start a fashion to eat without bread? Here's more news! Look at yourself in the mirror, who do you look like? Poured Koschey! Eat now, they tell you!” And she would eat with her head down, and I would only give the command: “Faster! Don't hold the porridge in your cheek! Thinking again? Are you solving the world's problems? Chew properly! And don't rock in your chair!"

Boy. And then dad would come in after work, and he wouldn’t even have time to undress, and I would have already shouted: “Aha, he’s come! You always have to wait! My hands now! As it should, as it should be mine, there is nothing to smear the dirt. After your hands on a towel, it's scary to look at! Brush three and spare no soap. Come on, show me your nails! It's horror, not nails. It's just claws! Where are the scissors? Don't move! I do not shear with any “meat”, but I cut it very carefully. Don't sniff, you're not a girl... That's right. Now sit down at the table."

Girl. So they sat down at the table, and then the grandmother appears. I would squint, clasp my hands and scream: “Dad, mom! Take a look at our grandma! What a view! The chest is open, the hat is on the back of the head! Cheeks red, neck all wet! Okay, nothing to say. Admit it, did you play hockey again? What is that dirty stick? Why did you bring her into the house? What? Is that a stick?! Get her out of my sight now! After lunch, sit down for lessons! And I'll go to the cinema. And there's nothing to whine about. You went to your birthday yesterday, on Sunday I took you to the circus! Look! I enjoyed having fun every day. In addition, people over the age of seventy are not allowed to see this film.”

Boy. Yes, but you forgot that they were once in our place, that is, they were children, and they have already experienced everything firsthand. Why subject them to this “education” a second time?

Girl. What do you mean why? To remind: moms, dads, grandmas, you were kids too! (They leave.)

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly - a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is this: Santa Claus reads the children's letters and is finally disappointed in them.

Scenario New Year's party for younger students. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka in one scenario. Humor guaranteed!

Scenes-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's Eve. They will help out your concert, they will connect even the most motley numbers. Jokes are light, funny, New Year's.

Anything can happen on New Year's Eve. The scene is exactly about this: the artistic director arranges a scolding for the artists who performed at the children's New Year's matinees. A scene in the spirit of the Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

The new most relevant script for the children's New Year's holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Pyaterochka cashier, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been moved to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to stage a scene, take it and don't suffer.

The plot of the scene is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the new year for the office staff. As you understand, all your intra-office joys and actualities can be woven into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's fast forward three hundred years ago and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form of a funny scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be just bomb.

Actual New Year's scene on a school theme. About how hard it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is as follows: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of Santa Clauses. How are they without training? You can show such a scene both at KVN and at the New Year's concert.

A humorous scene about typical mistakes when celebrating the New Year. Everyone recognizes himself more than once! Such a scene, for example, can be played by the hosts of the New Year's event, while the balancing act with Christmas balls is preparing for the exit.

Another scene for the New Year's corporate party. The plot of the scene is as follows: Few people know that Santa Claus has his own office, reception and secretary. Let's say right away: everything will be within the bounds of decency, no vulgar fantasies.

New Year's fantasy: how the President of Russia and his assistant come up with a reform of the New Year holidays. As you already understood: the scene is not for children and not even for school audiences. Well, what, New Year and adults celebrate

A humorous scene for staging at school on the eve of the New Year holidays. Easily fits into the scenario of any New Year's concert. There are four participants. From the props: one Santa Claus costume.

Event organizers will not let you lie: there are never too many scenes in a New Year's concert. Here's another one. The plot is as follows: a blonde girl comes to a recruitment agency to get a job as a Snow Maiden.

Patriotic New Year's scene in the spirit of the times. Our Santa Claus tells Santa Claus about our New Year. The jokes are clear, recognizable, and will cause an instant response from the audience. The scene is easy to put on, costumes for it are usually always available.


Scene exclusively for adults. Two men meet some January and show off to each other who celebrated the New Year. The miniature is suitable for performing in a club, at a private New Year's party without children.

Sketches about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school-like one. The plot is as follows: the headmaster gathers a meeting to prepare the educational institution for the arrival of a strict inspection.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will be taught like this in forty, fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will look organic in a concert on the occasion of the last call or graduation at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit, we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that because of the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders of all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The scene is also good because it is massive, but everyone does not need to learn the words.

Scenes for the holidays

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with a bow and arrows go out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: the girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to drive the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene from the heart.

Scene "Emergency class meeting"



Kolya and Tanya are students who fought.

Their classmates.

teacher b. Well, my dears, we again have an emergency of a classy scale: Kolya and Tanya got into a fight during the break, and I had to unhook them from each other, otherwise this fight would have ended tragically. How will we continue to live?

Student. And let's ask them.

Teacher. Let's ask. (Pointing with a glance at Tanya and Kolya.) Please.

Tanya and Kolya come out, turning away from each other.

Student. Well, the spitting image of a cat and a dog!

Tanya. You are the cat...

Kolya. Not a cat but a cat...

Student. They still call names!

Pupil. They just didn't get cold enough. There's more steam coming!

Student. Maybe splash water on you?

Pupil. Or put it in the fridge?

Everyone laughs. Tanya and Kolya also begin to smile.

Teacher. Well, Kolya is already smiling, which means he has come to his senses. Kolya, please evaluate your own act.

Kolya. What about me? Tanya was the first to call names!

Teacher. Let's say. Well, who should finish first? (Kolya silently lowers his head.) Who, guys?

Students. The one who is smarter.

Teacher. ABC truth... But, apparently, there were no smart ones among the two of you, as well as educated ones, unfortunately.

Students. Yes, don't worry, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, they will make peace. It's not the first time.

Teacher. It is clear that not the first. And when will the last one be?

Students. They just have such personalities.

Yes, how to find a scythe on a stone ...

Well, right roosters!

Teacher. Still, I'd love to hear from them. Come on, roosters, smile! Wider, wider!

Pupil. Tanechka, show your teeth!

Teacher. You are neighbors, you go home from school together. And you're behaving like a neighbor. Not good. Well, will you tell us something in your defense?

Tanya. We won't say. (Winking to Kolya.)

Kolya. We will not say in our defense, but we will sing. You will be the first to start, as always!

A song is performed to the motive “Do not tease dogs, do not chase cats” (music by E. Ptichkin).

Tatyana sings.

If a fight suddenly broke out in our class,

That instigator is me, the main bully.

Everyone scolds me, everyone gives advice,

They will understand me in no way, they will not understand in any way -

It's useless!

If in our class

Everyone was obedient

Then believe me, Nikolai,

Then believe me, Nikolai,

It would be very boring!

Nikolay sings.

If Tatyana sticks out her long tongue,

Then, of course, I, I will not be silent.

Quarrel, friends, this is a shame to listen to.

Plug your ears as soon as possible!

Even though she's a girl

In general, good

There is one disadvantage

There is one drawback:

Very groovy.

They sing a duet.

Our leader keeps telling us:

It would be time to grow up, to take care of yourself,

But whirlwinds are raging in our head,

There is no forecast yet, whether they will subside soon.

Grow up - and then

We will become smarter

And over your stupidity,

And over your stupidity

Let's laugh ourselves!

Teacher. Only very good, kind people can laugh at themselves. I hope the conflict is over.

Scenario "Birthday"


Anton is the birthday boy, his classmates.

A group of children in caps, with clown noses, with gifts in their hands, appears on the stage. They sing: "Happy birthday to you!". The hero of the occasion in the costume of the "star" (a cape studded with stars, a headband decorated in the center), all attention is riveted on him.

Children. And now we invite the hero of the occasion to the "magic chair". (The birthday boy sits on a chair, the children surround him in a semicircle). Today Antoshka is our “star”. So, we forgot all the bad, we say only the good.

Children. Anton is smart, erudite. He reads a lot, and therefore it is never boring with him.

Birthday boy. I have five volumes of an encyclopedia at home. I have read them all!

Children. Antoshka is the king of jokes. He knows a lot of anecdotes, jokes, it's always fun with him. He knows how to lighten the mood.

Birthday boy. By the way, guys, here's a new anecdote. The frog princess gallops through the swamp, and in the side the arrow is bitter. Oncoming frogs ask in horror: “They wanted to kill you, princess?” “You will say the same,” the princess dismisses and happily adds. “Vanyushka made me an offer!”

Children. Well, we say: you will not get bored with him!

Girl. Anton, you are generous and responsive. Guys, he will take off his last shirt and give it to a friend. Anton, can you take a picture?

Birthday boy. What, right now? (Starts to unbutton buttons.)

Girl. What are you, what are you! I expressed myself figuratively.

I like the way Anton treats the girls: he stands up for them, lets them go ahead, gives outerwear. Like a knight! Anton, you are a real man!

Birthday boy. These are still flowers, berries are ahead.

One of the children. I liked, Anton, how you danced at the disco.

Birthday boy. Yes, I can do better!

One of the children. Anton has excellent artistic possibilities! When he played in the scene of the Nightingale the Robber, all the spectators choked with laughter. And when Basilio the Cat played... (Laughs.)

Birthday boy. I understand what you mean. (Shows a bow to Cat Basilio and how he was seized by sciatica.)

Children. Anton, you are such a handsome man, you have such a cool hairstyle! And you yourself are so appetizing, like a gingerbread!

Birthday boy. Well, I'm certainly not Tom Cruise. Although we certainly have something in common. (Grabs both cheeks with his hands.) Oh, guys, I seem to have a "star" illness!

Children. Isn't it contagious? And how does it manifest itself?

Birthday boy. Dizziness.

Children. It's from compliments.

Birthday boy. Palpitation.

Children. It's from praise.

Birthday boy. I feel like I'm growing, growing. (Stands up on a chair.)

Children. It’s great that he was “starred”! Nothing, now we will start giving gifts - it will descend from heaven to earth. (Chorus.) Anton, ay!

The birthday boy comes to his senses, sits on a chair.

Children line up and give gifts.


To look like a hairstyle,

Should have a comb in your pocket.

Inflate this balloon

Just don't fly away!

You will appreciate my modest gift later,

Watching a photo album with grandchildren.

And now our joint musical gift.

The dance "Gypsy" is performed. The birthday boy, unable to stand it, starts dancing.

Children. And now let's get to the main point. Gifts are presented - we will pull the birthday man by the ears! (Surround him.)

Birthday boy. Ah-ah-ah-ah! (He runs away, everyone runs after him.)

Scene "On the meaning of the regime"


Lesha, Lenya, Andrey are students, their classmates.

The bell rings for class. The children are standing near the desks. The teacher enters.

Teacher. Hello! Sit down. Today in the lesson we will talk about the meaning of the mode. The regime is a clear daily routine. Proper implementation of the regimen, the alternation of work and rest improves efficiency, accustoms to accuracy, disciplines a person, and strengthens his health.

Guys, are you all doing routine moments?

Children. Yes!

Lyosha. And I even overfulfill!

Teacher. Come on, come on, tell me...

Lyosha. Well, for example, according to the regime, you need to eat four times a day, and I take eight. Or: you are supposed to walk in the fresh air for three hours, and I walk for six.

Teacher. You are with us, Lyosha, a big joker. I hope this is your next joke. Otherwise, in this situation, a big lazy person can grow out of you.

Lyosha. I was joking, Elena Andreevna!

Teacher. Morning exercises, washing, rubbing with a wet towel help to move away from sleep, cheer up. Those who are used to the regime even wake up without an alarm clock and are never late for school. The one who does not go to bed at the same time is late. (Andrei yawns, apologizes.) If a breathless student flies into the classroom after the bell...

There is a rumble behind the door, Lyonya bursts into the classroom.

Lyonya. Sorry I'm late.

Teacher. This is what we see. Explain to us, Lenya, why are you always late? For example, only this week you were late on Tuesday, Thursday and today.


On Tuesday summed up the bed -

I couldn't wake up in time.

The day before yesterday I forgot my briefcase,

It had a banana

I had to return.

Figured out my mistakes

Today I wanted to come on time

But overclocked too much

And flew past the school.

V. Leikin

Teacher. Sit down, you are our grief. I advise you to work on your daily routine.

Andrei yawns loudly, apologizes.

Teacher. Let's continue the lesson. Now I will introduce you to auto-training. It is necessary in order to relax, switch from one thought to another, relax. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, try to imagine what I am talking about.

"Morning. I open my eyes, stretch. Gentle rays of the spring sun break into my room. I get up, go to the window, part the curtains. A fabulous picture appears before me: the clear sky turns blue, tender young greenery pleases the eye. I feel the warmth of spring spread all over my body. At heart, calm and joyful, calm and joyful. Spring, spring pours into my body.

Open your eyes.

Andrey(does not wake up, snores, screams in his sleep). Don't, please don't! Don't hit me anymore! I give up!

He is pushed by a neighbor on the desk, he wakes up.

Andrey(coming to himself). Last night I went to bed at 3 am. Boxing was shown on TV - a duel between Valuev and Klitschko.

Teacher. Here is a clear example of non-compliance with the daily routine. (Call.) Maybe the call will wake you up completely. Rest.

Scene "Change"


5 pairs of classmates.

Children form a circle of couples talking to each other, which gradually rotates.

1st pair.

- "I'm running", "we're running",

"You run" and "you run".

You told me time

Brothers, tell me!

Verb tenses i

Learned poorly.

But what is this change?

Absolutely right!

2nd pair.

Boys in class

We just have angels

But on the change -

Not boys, but special forces!

That's for sure. How to get along -

Sparks fly from the eyes.

We need a fire extinguisher

To keep the class on fire!

3rd pair.

- Hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog ...

You don't know cases!

You seem to know:

"Cinema" with "coat" bow!

4th pair.

My friend is a prodigy:

Chinese studies,

Goes to football and dancing

He writes poetry!

I can't dance

And I don't write poetry

I don't glue airplanes

I don't follow football.

I can't sing bass

And I do not sculpt from clay,

One of the class

5th pair.

All day I was doubtful:

Why, eccentric, did I learn this rule?

Why did I understand this rule?

“Five” still didn’t put me.

Well, why do you need a "five"?

You really are a weirdo.

For example, my score is

Such a strong "troika".

About Wise Elena

I'll tell you brother.

Tell. Listen to a fairy tale

I will be very glad.

She was beautiful:

Smile - the sun is clear,

Spit - ripe wheat,

And the handle is snow white.

But the girl decided

Wisdom to learn:

And day and night at the desk

Pissed off on science...

And she became hunchbacked

Crooked, shortsighted.

Faded beauty

Now they call the Wise One:

She warms her cheeks with beets,

And the nose smears with powder ...

Like a stick, it became skinny,

I wrinkled my forehead from reading...

And she said gloomily:

What a fool I am!

The bell rings for class.

Note. The scene contains poems by the following authors:

S. Vostokov. "I can't dance..."

V. Leikin. “The whole day I was doubtful…”

A. Usachev. “She was beautiful ...” (“About Elena the Wise, the former Beautiful”).

Men are our support, protection and love! When preparing for the birthday of a loved one, it is important to secretly come up with such an entertainment program so that it becomes a real surprise for both the birthday man and the guests.

For those who want to celebrate their birthday brightly and cheerfully, to give their man emotions, feelings and a drop of soul, we present cool scenes! They will help not only to diversify the planned program of the holiday, but also to present memorable gifts to the birthday man in an original way, with humor and fiction.

At the table

Scene No. 1 "Harmful cleaner"

In the midst of the holiday, a “cleaning lady” appears with a bucket and a mop in her hands. The bucket should be high so that it is not noticeable what lies at the bottom. She starts grumbling something under her breath and mopping the floor.

Some of the guests: Citizen, what are you doing?! It's actually our birthday here!

Cleaning woman: And what do I care? I do my job and don't bother anyone.

(A skirmish begins between the guest and the cleaner. It is advisable that this guest sit next to the birthday man).

Guest: Don't you see that we are celebrating an anniversary? The guests have gathered, and you are here with your bucket and mop.

Cleaning woman: Oh, are you having a holiday here? And where is the birthday boy?

(They show the birthday boy to the cleaner).

Cleaning woman: So it's because of you that they don't let me work? So it's because of you that they found and trampled here? So here's my congratulations to you!

(He takes a bucket and pours confetti on the birthday boy, which lies at the bottom of the bucket. A violent reaction from the guests, laughter, applause).

Scene number 2 "Congratulations from friends"

In the hands of each of two balls: orange, red, blue and green. They sing a song-alteration to the motive "The blue ball is spinning, spinning."


The years fly by like birds.
But as before, you are young.
We came to visit for the anniversary,
They brought you a cool gift.

1 friend

Red we will give a dare ball,
As a sign of respect, accept quickly
Lots of heat, lots of sunshine
Your life will become even more fun!

2 friend

To be happy all year round
Take the green ball from adversity.
Let relatives, friends be near,
You are the best, I say not melting.

1 friend

We want to give peace of mind
Reward with a blue ball on this day.
He saves from sadness
And only goodness will find its way to your house!

2 friend

Orange ball - it's like a dream
May it never leave you.
More money, love and warmth,
They will be with you forever.


There were other balls
But we didn't bring them to you.
No, not from greed, not from miserliness,
Now let's explain what's going on.

There was a little yellow ball - he decorated the bouquet,
But it is changeable, treacherous color.
Yellow ball - trials in fate,
So we won't give it to you.

We found a black ball
But they didn't bring it either.
He carries sadness and separation,
And we only wish you happiness!

(The text of the song will need to be beautifully written on parchment, and handed to the birthday boy to the applause of the guests).

Scene No. 3 "Compliments"

For this congratulations, you will need a presenter, whatman paper and felt-tip pens.

1. On whatman paper, the leader writes horizontally or vertically (as convenient) the name of the birthday person.

2. The task of the guests for each letter is to come up with an adjective that characterizes the birthday man on the positive side.

3. At the end, the host gives the birthday man a gift for being so perfect. A gift can be some kind of award (diploma, medal, cup) as a keepsake.

Scene No. 4 "Hidden Gifts"

The guests are sitting at the table, the leader is holding a bag of gifts in his hands.
Selectively approaches the guests with a request to get a gift from the bag.
Each gift should be hidden in a box or any wrapper.
The host leaves a note for the guest who got the gift, and he himself approaches the birthday man with the gift.
The guest first reads the text of the note, and then the presenter gives the gift to the birthday man.

1. Homemade, exclusive,
Oh, I give a wonderful gift.
With him you will be like candy,
Because there…
(The birthday boy unfolds the gift and says that there is a “napkin”).

2. Wear it to the joy of your dear wife,
And remember the guests more often,
Exactly the same is on me,
So now you and I are brothers.
(Gift - shorts with a joke).

3. You never know what life will bring us.
Take it with you in addition, it will save you from embarrassment.
Probably our best award.
As a gift to you...
(Gift - toilet paper).

4. Did you think, wondered, to give this as a gift?
Decided that you are independent,
And he is able to make his dreams come true!
Therefore, my friend, accept without regret,
Our gift is a bottle...
(Gift - a bottle of port).

Scene No. 5 "Wishes from a psychic"

psychic (enters the room, waving his hands mysteriously): Hello! Who's the birthday boy here? Why am I asking, I know myself! You! (Points with finger). Let me feel your aura! (He runs his hands over his head, whispers mysteriously.) I see… I see that you have a good aura! Positive moments attract! So, I say what awaits you: 364 days of well-being and carelessness! Don’t, don’t ask what’s there in day 365, I can’t see well, it’s vague, your wife, but the mink coat flickers all the time ... These are the steps to success and dreams (Steps back and forth with long strides)! So, then it’s vague again - everything is banal: happiness, health, love, luck ... But what will be, will be - I can’t lie!
(She presses her hand theatrically to her heart, rolls her eyes and falls to the floor, lies down for a second, gets up, hugs the birthday man tightly and kisses him on the cheek). Fate itself has just contacted me! She said that she was kissing you, and she ordered me to hand over the gifts! (Gives a gift).

Scene No. 6 "Doctor's visit"

For the scene, you can prepare a doctor's costume, a phonendoscope, a hammer, a flashlight.

Doctor (enters the hall, quickly approaches the birthday man): Well, well, well, who's sick here? I see, I see, what do we have here?
"Dengoni never lack"? (Looks inquiringly at the birthday man, but does not give an answer, he takes out a phonendoscope). Well, let's listen with heart to what ?! I hear, I hear: "Love the Euphoria"!
Let's keep checking! (Looks at the hands of the birthday boy). Ah, everything is serious here ... you have a rare disease on your hands - "work in the throat once upon a time"!
(Hammer taps on knees): And in your legs you have "all-probezhkinoz"! Well, let's look at the eyes. (Shines a flashlight in the eyes). And here everything is clear: “gadget-dependent”! So! Here is my verdict - you will live another 150 years if you accept what I prescribe. Take one bill a day, avoid overdosing (gives an envelope with money)! This remedy will help to maintain love euphoria (Gives a certificate for a romantic dinner in a restaurant, or just a bottle of good wine)! You will have to get rid of gadget addiction radically! Prescribe you the best medicines (gives a good book or a collection of motivating quotes)! Well everyone, be healthy! (Bows, leaves).


Scene No. 7 "Congratulations to the king!"

Characters: Courtiers (2), Guests (5).
Props: King's throne, courtier costumes (or at least attributes).

Court 1: Your Majesty, King (Name)! Please sit on this throne! You are the great ruler of your state, and from all your subjects, let me read you congratulations!

(Importantly unfolds the scroll. Frightened looks around, calls another courtier).

Court 1(whispering): Hey, but there's nothing there! Empty. Where is the congratulations?

(COURIST 2 shrugs, then raises his finger up. Throws away the scroll.)

Courtier 2: Our king, we will now show how well we know you! Gentlemen, I say - and you show! How does the king (Name) get angry? (Guests show). How does the king dance on a cheerful disc player, sorry, ball? How did the king drink too much wine, and break into his payroll without his wife noticing? (Guests try to portray a drunken birthday man).

Court 1: OU! Class! Are you satisfied, our king? And here are overseas gifts arrived! Accept, king (Name), congratulations!

Court 1: Count De (guest's last name) from a mysterious county (Street or area where the guest lives) presents you with a secret paper! Show it - and any product is yours! (give a certificate).

Courtier 2: Princess (name) from a beautiful country brings you a charming aroma! With him, you can do everything! Neutralize enemies, gain allies! (They give perfume.)

Court 1: We know that you, our beautiful king, dream of catching a goldfish, so that all wishes come true! Prince (name) from (…) gives you the opportunity to do it! (They give fishing accessories).

Courtier 2: Our dear king, the next gift is worth it! A magical potion that intoxicates the mind, leading to a state of euphoria and bliss! Allow me to present you this wonderful drink! (Gives cognac).

Court 1: And I am making a generous contribution to the treasury, Your Majesty! Take this treasure chest! ( Gives an envelope made in the form of a chest with money).

Scene No. 8 "Three brooms"

For congratulations, you need three women. Each in the hands of a broom. In total, three brooms are needed: oak, birch, eucalyptus.

First woman

To be a healthy man
We give an oak broom.
From adversity and all sorrows
We'll steam you with a broom.
(A woman with an oak broom lightly pats the birthday man).

Second woman

Do not fuss and do not suffer
Better get it with a birch broom.
Let's go over the shoulders, over the head,
To be healthy you are like a bull on a cow.

Third woman

Here it is a eucalyptus broom.
So that all sorrows disappear, we dare to steam it.
So that the bones do not creak, the lower back does not ache,
Let's go with a broom just below the waist.

Scene No. 9 "Congratulations from oriental beauties"

Characters: Girls dressed as oriental beauties (you can distribute the roles by the number of gifts). Girls enter the house and leave after presenting gifts to oriental music, performing oriental dance movements.

Girl 1: Today you are Sheikh al-Sheikh, you are the best today! Gulzia, Ramza, Thames, come to congratulate you all!

Girl 2: You are a lover of a bright life, accept gifts soon!

Girl 3: So that everything in life is smooth, not unsteady, hold on, we give you a fish! (You can arrange a "bouquet" of several types of salted fish, or just sets of snacks).

Girl 1: So that your wife does not have a soul in you, you have a set of tea on you!

Girl 2: Well, for tea, of course, we prepared sweets! With cognac!

Girl 3: No candy (shrugs). Here, hold this bottle! (Gives a bottle of cognac).

Girl 1: For you, a lover of swimming in a warm river in the morning, we will give, no, not panties, but we will give you a boat! (Or a spinner, or other fishing accessories, then just replace with the words "that's it!")

Scene No. 10 "Little Life Story"

Characters: Host, guests (3), guests (2), wife
Props: a chair, a sheet, a bonnet, a diaper, a bottle with a pacifier with a cocktail, animal masks, the inscriptions "Car", "ball", "Prestigious work", a school bag, audio recordings: "My only one", "Ah, this wedding."
The birthday boy is wrapped in a sheet, you can put on a diaper, put on a cap, sit on a chair.

Leading: Sit comfortably, dear guests. Now we will tell you briefly the life story of our birthday boy.
When our hero was very small, he was given a bottle of milk ... (Suitable, gives a bottle, an alcoholic cocktail is poured in it. It is better to find out about the preferences of the birthday man in advance, and, of course, it is desirable that the liquid be white). He drank and fell asleep and had wonderful dreams.
(Several guests in animal masks run out and show funny dance moves). Waking up in the morning, he ran to play with a car or a ball!
(Guests come out, one has the inscription on the back “Car”, the other has “Ball”). Our birthday boy has grown up (the presenter helps the birthday man to remove all the attributes, gives a briefcase), and began to go to school, where he met his first love. (A girl with a briefcase runs in, chews gum, the birthday boy looks at her, the song plays: “My only one!”)

Young woman: Che hatched? I'm a fool! (Runs away).

Leading: Our hero was growing up, he did not forget about his first love, and he promised himself to marry her! And, in the end, he still got married, but to another!
(The song “Oh, this wedding sang and danced” plays).

Leading: Then I looked for a prestigious job, worked well and provided for my family with dignity!
(A guest runs out, the inscription “Prestigious work” on the back, the birthday boy approaches him, and he runs away, hides, in the end, of course, he catches).

All characters speak in unison or take turns: Life runs by, but don't rush! Feel free to write your own story! On the path to happiness, go steadfastly, because there is so much more to come! Well, we congratulate you, don’t judge how you could, prepared yourself, people are yours!
(Followed by the presentation of gifts).

Any gift is nice to receive, but when it is presented in an extraordinary way, if the birthday boy sees that you have been preparing and trying, he will be doubly pleased, and from the birthday, which was prepared with such fiction and love by loved ones, indelible impressions will forever remain!

Try this easy-to-perform skit - it usually has a lot of fun for young viewers.

3 participants: mother, son and robot. Starting position: the robot stands with its arms wide apart, mother and son are on the sides of the robot, slightly ahead of it (so that the robot's palms are not far from their heads).

Son (pointing to the robot): Oh, who is this?

Mom: It's a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or deceiving. For example, tell me, what grades did you get today at school?

Son: Five!

Booms! (the robot pretends to give his son a slap on the back of the head).

Mom: So you were lying. So what did you really get?

Son: Four.

Booms! (the robot again gives his son a cuff on the head)

Mom: Not true again. What did you get?

Son: Well, three...

Booms! (slap again).

Mom: Tell the truth! What have you been given?

Son (sighing): two.

The robot strokes his son's head.

Mom: Oh, you! And at your age, I studied at one five and never lied to my parents!

Booms! Booms! (now mom gets two slaps on the back of the head!)

good reasons

Funny school scene.

Characters: teacher, student - Ilya Arkhipov and student - Anechka Beletskaya. Students distribute remarks at their discretion, for example, they answer the teacher in turn.

Teacher enters:

- Hello guys! Thank you for coming… Why are there so few of you today?

Opens the journal, starts the roll call:

- Arkhipov?

- Here…

Hello Ilya, nice to see you. Belyakov?..

- What are you, Alevtina Ivanovna! Only the second lesson! He comes to the third!

— Ah! Yes Yes…

— Golubev?

- Golubev studies at the institute on Tuesdays, in commercial, in his third year ...

- Beletskaya? .. Anechka! Are you here?

- Yes, but only after this lesson I leave - we are flying to Turkey today.

- Good good…

— Kvitantsev?

He can't come, his car broke down.

But he lives next door, doesn't he?

- He is stressed ... He is worried ...

— Malinin?

- Malinin has an exemption from exams. Why does he need to go to school?

- Parkhomenko?

- Parkhomenko's leg hurt, and Sergeev, Khorev and Frolova went to the doctor to see him off ...

— Yakovlev?

- Still sleeping. He came yesterday!

- Well, okay - it turns out, everyone has good reasons. Let's write the topic of the lesson ...

The bell rings and all the students run out of the classroom.

The teacher says to the hall:

“I didn’t get much done today…