
Creations in the star temple. Creation in the Star Temple of Hinevich

Have you heard the news? Peter I stole 5,000 years of history from us! No, did not hear? Briefly recounting this epic myth from neopagans, the situation is as follows: Before PeterI   the chronology “from the creation of the world” was used, and “the creation of the world”, according to the notorious neopagan freak A. Hinevich, happened between Russia and China, and this world was concluded in a certain " Star temple". So, it turns out that 7524 years ago, it was not the biblical creation of the world by God, as the Eastern Christians believed in the first millennium, but the Russians after them, but "the creation of the world in the Star Temple." Thus, the claims of neopagans to PeterI   clear: according to them, the Russian emperor, having adopted the European chronology from the Nativity of Christ, "stole from us 5,000 years (or rather 5508 or 5509 years (according to different calculation systems)) of OUR - RUSSIAN history"! So, we’re watching one of Hinevich’s videos on this topic: " Hinevich (Pater Diy) New Year and New Year in Russia   ", as well as an action to distribute leaflets to members of the Levashov sect, indicating the date" from the creation of the world in the Star Temple ":" We remember glorious victories! ROD VZV named after Nikolai Levashov "

In fact, through the transubstantiation of bread in the body and wine in the blood of Christ, because he really has his body, therefore he has his own blood; then the eucharistic form under which it is present symbolizes the bloody separation of body and blood. Thus, the memorial actualization of his real death at Calvary is repeated at every sacrifice of the altar, because with the help of individual symbols this is implied and shows that Jesus Christ is in a state of sacrifice.

What is being repeated is the celebration of the memorial, its “memorial exposition”, according to which Christ is the only and final sacrifice of redemption is always present in time. Therefore, the sacrificial nature of the Eucharistic Mystery cannot be understood as something in itself, regardless of the Cross or with the only indirect reference to the sacrifice of Golgotha.

It turns out interesting: the Romans, having adopted the chronology from the Nativity of Christ, remained with their history: go to Italy, everything is in place - architectural monuments, sculpture, and in the end, ancient Roman literature is available to anyone, anywhere in the world who has Internet . The Greeks also remained with their history, having adopted the reckoning from the Nativity of Christ: what is Homer, the Acropolis of Athens, Venus of Milos, when you can touch the ancient history of Greece by visiting Crimea and personally visiting the territories of ancient Greek colonies founded by migrant Greeks.

Therefore, the Holy Mass is not limited to a simple memory of the saving event of Golgotha, but it sacramentally actualizes it. Every sacrament is aware of what this means; thus, Massa means and makes the same sacrifice to Jesus at Calvary. This brings us the living memorial of the Passion and Death of our Lord. "When the Church celebrates the Eucharist, she remembers the Easter of Christ, and it becomes real: the sacrifice that Christ offers once and for all on the Cross remains ever present." In the Sacrifice of the Mass, we are fully united with the offering with which Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, gave himself to God the Father, in worship, thanksgiving, satisfaction of the sins of mankind and a petition for all the needs of the world.

So why did these “5000 years of our history” be suddenly cut off so sharply and finally, while other peoples remained with their history and culture? I'm afraid the neo-pagans will not like the answer: because this story did not exist, and, therefore, there was nothing to disappear.

Perhaps it wouldn’t make sense to dismantle Khinevich’s nonsense if his false fantasies weren’t picked up by another false teacher, pseudo-academic Nikolai Levashov, who filled up youtube with his video lectures and popularized the Slavic-Aryan Vedas written by Khinevich. In order to stop the spread of this lie among people who are uneducated and do not bother reading alternative sources of information to Khinevich and Levashov, let’s take a closer look at what the concept of “creation of the world” meant for our ancestors.

The center and root of spiritual life. Our founder, in his catechesis, tried to explain the intimate relationship between the Last Supper, the Cross, and the Mass. At a time when the sacrificial essence of the Eucharist was hidden from many parts, he, in particular, invested the infinite value of the Holy Sacrifice. With words that everyone can understand, he once said: I perfectly distinguish the institution of the Holy Eucharist, which is the moment of manifestation of divine and human love, from the sacrifice on the tree of the Cross.

In the Supper, Jesus passed; he had not yet suffered; at Calvary he is patient and suffers from the gesture of the Eternal Priest. Jesus is nailed there, sanctifying the world with his retreat and will perish for the love of each of us: all his blood is the price of our soul, every soul. With his shame, the Lord received eternal redemption. This sacrifice is so decisive for the salvation of the human race that Jesus Christ did this and returned to the Father only after he left us the means to participate, as if we were present. Thus, each member can participate in it and use its fruits inexhaustibly.

So, let's first find out what “Russia” and “China” were in the context of world history, 7524 years ago? It's simple: in the 6th millennium BC, there were neither Russia nor China, and, moreover, there were neither Slavs nor Chinese. At that time there was a Middle Neolithic and in Europe there was a culture of linear tape ceramics, and in China a culture of Yangshao. A number of scholars associate Yangshao’s culture with proto-Chinese tribes, so these were not Chinese. As well as the culture of linear tape ceramics was neither Slavic nor proto-Slavic. “The ancestral home of the Early Slavs (Pre-Slavs) is the place where our ancestors lived. There is still no generally accepted, established view of the “ancestral home” of the early Slavs. There are several versions regarding its location. Among historians of the 19th century The Danube version of the origin of the Slavs was very popular, similar to the ideas of Nestor set forth in The Tale of Bygone Years. “According to her interpretation, the Slavs settled in the Roman province of Norik, located between the upper Danube and Drava. Crowded by the Romans, they moved further to the Vistula and the Dnieper (Soloviev S.M., Klyuchevsky V.O.). Migration to the north and northwest was slow. So, according to V.O. Klyuchevsky, the Eastern Slavs, before they got to the Dnieper, stayed in the foothills of the Carpathians for about 500 years. And only in the 7th century. settled on the modern Russian plain. Supporters of this version are in our days (V.P. Kobychev). Most modern scholars are inclined to the Slavic ancestral homeland in more northern regions, believing that it was located in the middle Dnieper and Pripyat, or between the Vistula and Oder rivers. B.A. Rybakov tried to combine both versions of the origin of the Slavs. In his opinion, the Pre-Slavs were located in a wide strip from the Carpathians to the Baltic and from the Dniester, the Southern Bug to Pripyat. He believed that the center of the settlement of Indo-European unity was the northeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor, whence at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC The resettlement of shepherd tribes towards the Rhine and the Dnieper began, ending in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. transition to settled agriculture. Part of this gigantic stream also became the ancestors of the Slavs. ”(Historical Dictionary, Ancestral Home of the Slavs). The very first state that appeared in China was the State of Shan - a state entity that existed from 1600 to 1027 BC in the lands north of the exit of the river. Yellow River to the Great Plain of China. You can see that the territories occupied by Shan are small and limited.

It is a belief that Christian generations have survived centuries. Saint Josemaria knew how to accept this connection of faith and live it carefully with all its consequences. Following the advice and example of the holy fathers, he always tried to imitate what was done at the Mass during the day, and he advised the same thing: “Identify yourself with Jesus who offers himself on the altar!” He always showed what he taught: Holy Mass, the center and root of the spiritual life of a Christian, formed the basis of his every day. And he was able to reflect and transmit it in the light of his deep contemplation of the Eucharistic mystery.

So in the 6th millennium BC there were no opportunities not only to contact (at least militarily, at least peacefully) Russia and China, but also the Slavs and Chinese themselves.

Thus, even if you will sacredly believe Khinevich and Chudinov that the Slavs arrived on the Earth’s space plates a billion years ago, then think about where the Chinese came from, if archaeological data show that the culture of the peoples who inhabited the Huanghe River region was not tall and didn’t go beyond the Neolithic culture? Or do you have to admit that people in skins with clubs blunted the Slavic-Aryan space landing so much that they had to introduce the "from the creation of the world with the Prakitians" sign into this? Well, and most importantly: in history there is no information about the war between China and Russia - there is neither written, nor archaeological (burial of the fallen in the war, weapons), nor traces in traditions and folklore - neither among the Russians, nor among the Chinese. There is only a mention of Khinevich (as well as a mention of a certain “Star Temple”), who lives in Omsk, in21st century.

The mass is divine, trinitarian, not human. The priest who celebrates collaborates in the Lord's project, giving his body and his voice; but he does not act in his own name, but personally and in the nomination of Christie, in the person of Christ and in the name of Christ. Love for the Trinity for men ensures that all mercies for the Church and for humanity come from the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This is the Sacrifice of Christ offered to the Father in collaboration with the Holy Spirit: an offering of infinite value that makes the Atonement eternal in us, which the victims of the Old Law could not achieve.

Yes, apparently the cunning Hinevich did not realize that his followers could go to Wikipedia and read the article “Constantinople era ":" Under the Emperor Constance (353), an era was created, the chronology of which was conducted from Saturday September 1, 5509 BC "; “The Constantinople era is still accepted in the Old Believers and some Orthodox churches, and on September 1 (in churches using julian calendar   - September 14 Art.) celebrates a new church. ”And, of course, anyone who has logic and owns a calculator can, after reading the article, make minimal logical calculations: so, we believe that according to the medieval concept of the Byzantines, God created the world 5509 years before the birth of Christ. And now let's add to these years the number of years that have passed since the birth of Christ (2015 is now coming): 5509 + 2015 \u003d 7524 is the year “from the creation of the world” by God. Miracle? Yes!

Thus, Holy Matter confronts us with the basic secrets of faith, since it is a gift that the Trinity makes for itself the Church. Then you understand how Mass is the center and root of the spiritual life of a Christian, as well as the goal of all the sacraments. The life of grace generated by baptism, strengthened and supplemented by Confirmation, begins in Mass in the direction of its fullness.

Receiving such an inexpressible gift requires the efforts of our response and the realization that we must be serious in uniting together with everything that belongs to us, in the attraction of Jesus to God the Father. In the Holy Sacrifice of the altar, the priest takes the Body of our God and the Cup with His Blood and lifts them higher than anything on earth, saying: "Ipsum, and so on, Ipso, etc. in Ipso: for my Love, with my Love, in my Love! ” Even more: incorporate this reality into your life.

In general, the Western Church also used the reckoning from the creation of the world, but taking into account the conditional date of the “creation of the world by God”, it quickly switched to the reckoning from the Nativity of Christ, when in the VI century the monk Dionysius the Little calculated the date of birth of Jesus Christ, and it was introduced into everyday life by another monk and scientist trouble the Hon. By the way, it is interesting to quote from this saint: “The world is the whole universe, consisting of heaven and earth, formed of four elements and having the shape of an absolute ball” [Gloss Bridiferta (monk of the same monastery of Peter and Paul, where Beda lived; presumably IX in .): “An absolute thing is a thing that does not hang on anything and does not rely on anything.” (An interpretation based on the direct meaning of the Latin participle “absolutus” means “separated, not connected”).] That is, it turns out, according to the statement of this Christian scientist, that the Earth is not only sharoo different, but it is part of the world - the universe. Well, who created this world, you already know.

Among other suggestions, he said that it was very useful for him to divide this day into two halves: one to prepare the Mass, and the other to thank; he used the time of night's rest to activate a contemplative dialogue, emphasizing its Eucharistic dimension; First of all, he tried to savor and draw inspiration from every gesture and every word of the different moments of the Eucharistic triumph. He combined this exercise with new nuances, expressions of faith, hope and mercy, accurate situations and intentions.

How much his sermon “The Eucharist, the mystery of faith and love” helps us! All this, with the grace of Christ - divine lymph - comes to us from the Eucharistic root, and also requires, I repeat, commitment on our part. Communion with Christ and the unity of the Church.

I think it will be useful to cite texts (from the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern encyclopedias) confirming that 5508/9 years before the birth of Christ was not the war of Russia with China, but rather “the creation of the world by God”:

Linguistic and Regional Dictionary (article “Julian Calendar”): “In Russia, the Julian calendar was finally established along with the adoption of Christianity (X century). Since the new religion was borrowed from Byzantium, in Russia the years were counted in the Constantinople era "from the creation of the world" (5508 BC). In this case, until the end of the fifteenth century. new Year in Russia it began in March (according to tradition), and from 1492 - from September (according to the church calendar). By the decree of Peter I in 1700, European chronology was introduced in Russia - “from the Birth of Christ”, and not “from the creation of the world”, and the beginning of the year is January 1. However, the Julian calendar was preserved. It was replaced by the Gregorian calendar only in 1918 (see the new style). ”

In the Altar Sacrifice, the combined and sacrificial aspects are combined: Christ through the priest offers himself to be a victim of God the Father, and the same Father gives it to us as food. Christ is the sacrament of "the bread of children." The communion of the Lord’s body and blood fills us with a special grace that produces effects in the soul that are similar to those of the nutritional causes in the body, “like nutritious, growing, healing, and delighting.” But, unlike material food, where the body assimilates what it eats, the opposite happens here: we are assimilated by Christ to His Body, we become Him.

Our participation in You and the Blood of Christ has no tendencies except to turn us into what we receive. The Eucharist rises in the Church as a sacrament of unity, because, having tasted the same Bread, we become one Body. Holy Mass and Communion create the Church, build its unity and stability, give it cohesion. Those who receive the Eucharist are more closely associated with Christ. For this reason, Christ unites them with all believers in one body: the Church. The sacrament renews, strengthens, deepens this inclusion in the Church, already achieved through Baptism.

Era "):" Eras from the so-called. creation of the world, for example: Jewish E., according to a cut from "creation of the world" to 1 N. e. 3761 passed; Byzantine (adopted by the Orthodox Church from the 7th century and canceled in Russia from 1.1.1700 by Peter I), where 5509 BC was taken as the starting date e. "I hope that the neo-pagans will not argue that when the Jews believe from the" creation of the world, "they mean" the creation of the world between Israel and China in some Six-Star Synagogue "?)

In Baptism, we are called to form one body. The Eucharist fulfills this call. Daughters and my children, how important it is that we join the visible Chapter to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice or to take part in it! All united with the head of the Ecumenical Church, with the Pope; to the bishops who lead each particular Church, and especially to this Father, whom the Lord has chosen as the visible Head and principle of unity in this "small part of the Church", which is the Work.

“The flesh of the Lord is life-giving, because it is the flesh corresponding to the Word itself.” Holy Luke writes: "The whole crowd tried to touch him, because from him came the power that healed everyone." Also, the Eucharistic Bread is not only living, but also a life-giving bread that gives divine life in Christ. By accepting it, everyone can say with Paul: "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."

Soviet historical encyclopedia (article "Calendar"): "Christianity in the fight against paganism tried to create its own chronology according to the Bible. the myth of the creation of the world. In the 6th century through theological calculations in connection with the Easter cycle, the 3 most accepted eras were established: Afrikan, by the cut 754 from the foundation of Rome it was considered 5501, Alexandria - 5493, respectively, Byzantine - 5509 (official, then transferred to Russia). ”

This sincere desire, this petition, is a powerful help to longing and take care of the unity of life; in short, to have nothing in the soul except the Lord, to seek only one thing, to completely obey Love itself, to desire only what God wants, and to receive everything else, because God wants it both in the manner and to the extent that He disposes of; to be so identified with Christ that the fulfillment of His Will becomes an essential characteristic of his personality in the being.

We will not be deceived because of the lack of love that is hidden behind apparent naturalness, so as not to look decisively and out of love the consequences of fidelity to Christ. Our relationship with God can only be built on one model, Christ; we must see clearly that the relationship of Jesus with his Father shines with complete unity: "I and the Father are one." Holy Mass, for himself and even more, when a person strives to be the center of his inner life, has a truly unifying force of human existence.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron (article "Chronology"): "... the Byzantines decided to change this Alexandrian era so that the first year from the creation of the world was the first after a leap year and the first in all cycles. If they simply added 1 (5492 + 1), then in 5493 they would have received the first year for indicators, but also a leap year (i.e., the fourth in the leap cycle). Therefore, in addition to unity, they added another 15, that is, they pushed the era back by a whole indicative period. So, 15 + 1 \u003d 16 years - the difference between the creation of the world among the Alexandrians (5493 BC) and the Byzantines (5509 BC); but the first year after the creation of the world, the Byzantines (that is, September 5509–5508 BC) have the first in all cycles and the first after the leap year. To obtain indicat, the solar circle, etc., for the Byzantine chronology, we must add 5508 to our year, and then divide by 15, 28, etc. the remainder gives the desired sign of the year. It should be noted, however, that only the New Year and the Byzantine Indians began on September 1; "they began the solar circle from October 1, 5509 to R. Hr., the moon circle - from January 1, 5508”

Jesus, in the sacramental renewal of his sacrifice at Calvary, fully accepts the actions and intentions of the person who combines himself with his addiction and reproduces them in the adoration that he presents to the Father, in the gratitude that he addresses to him, in the atonement of the sentences and in petition addressed to him.

Just as Christ in his earthly journey retold the history of mankind after Adam and repeated his life in his sacrifice, so in the Sacrifice of the Mass all that God provides to humanity is united, and all this humanity is synthesized, he can ascend to the Father in Christ under impulse Paraclet.

Yes, exactly, as the Soviet encyclopedia says, “Christianity, in the fight against paganism, tried to create its own biblical calendar. the myth of the creation of the world. ” Of course, the Bible does not say exactly when, in which year, in what century, what era God created the world: “This, of course, is not about 24-hour cycles, not about our astronomical days, for luminaries were created only in the fourth day. We are talking about other periods of time. “With the Lord,” the Word of God proclaims to us, “one day as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3,8). God is timeless. And therefore, one cannot judge how long this divine creation took place ... As the Bible says, God did not directly create living beings, but produced water and earth. This indicates the involvement of all nature in the secret of the creation of the new. ”(Metropolitan Kirill [now Patriarch Kirill].“ The word of the shepherd. God and man. History of salvation. ”, M., 2005, pp. 34-35). “The Bible was written by the prophet Moses in the ancient Hebrew language, and in this language both the day and the time period were called by one word“ iom. ” But we cannot know exactly what these “days” were, especially since we know: “With the Lord,” the Word of God proclaims to us, “one day as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3,8 ; Psalm 89.5). The Holy Fathers of the Church consider the seventh "day" of the world to continue to this day, and then, after the resurrection of the dead, the eternal eighth day will come, i.e. eternal future life. As writes about, for example, St. John Damascene (VIII century): "It is considered seven centuries of this world, from the creation of heaven and earth to the common death and resurrection of people. For although there is a private death - the death of everyone; but there is a common perfect death when there will be a general resurrection of people. And the eight century is the future. " St. Basil the Great wrote in his book, Conversations on the Six Day, back in the 4th century: “Therefore you will call it day or century, you will express the same concept.” ”(Seraphim Slobodsky.“ God's Law. ”Chapter“ Creation of the Earth - the Visible ” peace. ")

The holy sacrifice summarizes what should be our behavior: loving adoration, thanksgiving, atonement, petition; that is, dedication to God and through him to others. Everything that weighs and oppresses us, everything that fills us with joy and excites us, every day of everyday activity, should flow to mass; we must go there with our problems, both with others and with the whole world.

We will strive to rise with him and how he is on the Cross, where he could intercede with his Father - and now intercedes from the altars and tabernacle of earth to receive with a divine excess of wealth that every creature needs, no one excluded. And that day, in her celebration, she felt pain, joy and exhaustion. He felt the exhaustion of the divine work in his flesh. Christ also asked for efforts for the first Mass: the Cross.

And here a legitimate question arises: if, according to Hinevich, there was still a war between Russians and Chinese, and the reckoning “from the creation of the world” came to Russia only after the Baptism of Russia from the Byzantines, then what was the matter of the Byzantines before the conclusion of peace between Russia and China?

Moreover, the reckoning from the creation of the world by God led to the fact that in the year 7000 “from the creation of the world” in Russia a panic began: everyone was waiting for the end of the world. Do you think it would be worth fearing the end of the world if the date of the conclusion of peace after the Russian war with the Chinese were taken as the basis of the reckoning? Can you imagine that someone in our time thought of declaring that the end of the world would happen in a hundred or a thousand years from May 8, 1945? You can not? And rightly so. It is worth quoting excerpts from the book of A. Alekseev "Joseph Volotsky", (M. 2014), which is a biography of a Russian saint, a prominent church figureXV - XVI centuries:

“The opinion of the demise of the world and the expiration of the seventh thousand years has become widespread in the writings of some church authors of the 3rd-4th centuries. Commentators of the Bible found a justification for this thesis in a number of biblical texts: “A thousand years before your eyes is like yesterday” (Psalm 89.5); “Give part of the dead to the seventh, and then to the osmosis” (Eccl. 11.2); “The Lord has one day, like a thousand years, and a thousand years, like one day” (2 Peter 3,8). The "Fatherhood" of human times was written by the Holy Fathers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John of Damascus, Anastasia of Sinai, and John Climacus. Saint Gregory of Nyssa believed that the outcome of the “week of the present time” would be “the great day of the next century,” which would open with the Second Coming of Christ. Although the work of the Fathers of the Church contained the gospel idea of \u200b\u200bthe impossibility of guessing in advance the timing of the Second Coming, the opinion of the demise of the world, due to occur in 7000 from the Creation of the world, was confirmed in Eastern theology.

In accordance with the calendar system from the Nativity of Christ, created by the monk Dionysius the Small (500-540), in the countries of Western Europe the time of the end of the world was designated 1000 year. The calculations of the years from the day of the incarnation of the Lord came into general use in Europe through the chronological and historical works of the Honorable Honor (670 / 73-735).

Two types of records about the end of the world with the outcome of the seventh thousand years became widespread in the Russian Easter eggs: one of the records was placed under 6967, and the other under 7000. The meaning of the last entry is obvious: "In the summer of 7000, see the last, there is an end to it." The entry under 6967 read: "This summer, come to the end, your tea will not come worldwide." In the scenario of ideas about the end of the world 33 years before the 7000th, the birth of the Antichrist should be expected ... ”(p. 108-109)

“The opinion about the end of the world with the outcome of the seventh thousand years from the Creation of the world has become widespread throughout the 15th century.” (P. 109)

“Already at the onset of the year 7000 (1492), Metropolitan Zosima kept his faith in the near end of the world, writing that“ it was hard-working to write Easter for the eighth thousand years, in it tea of \u200b\u200bthe universal coming of Christ. ”(P. 110)

And finally, Joseph Volotsky examined in detail the question of the deadlines of the end of the world in the Book on Heretics. In the eighth “word” of his treatise, he resolutely rejects the opinion about the connection between the outcome of the seventh thousand years from the Creation of the world and the onset of the end of the world: “From this ignorance and now we are rushing Netsy tears: 7000 years of life, and there will come an eight thousandth, then the end will be. Read and read all the scriptures, without revealing that, but, like, rech, nobody knows the world’s death. ” Josephus also refers to the Gospel: “The gospel is spoken: On the same day and hour, there is no news, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but my Father is one.” ”(P. 113)

It is also interesting to note that even after the introduction of the new calendar by Peter I, the use of the reckoning “from the creation of the world” continued to be used (for example, by the Old Believers). However, it should be noted that when writing “from the creation of the world”, the word “peace” in the old spelling was written differently than now. Let us see how the word "Mir" and "peace" were different before the 1917 revolution.

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M .: Russian language from A to Y. (Publishing house "UNVES", M. 2003), article "World":

“Old Russian - the world.

Old Slavonic - peace.

General Slavic - mir.

The word "world" is Slavic in origin. In Russian, meets with the XI century.

The basis for the word was the common Indo-European root with the meaning of “meek”, “dear”.

A similar word can be found in languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Albanian (mire - “good”), Latvian (atmietet - “soften”), Latin (meitis - “gentle”, “soft”).

Peace is “the absence of war, enmity, quarrel,” as well as “consent,” “peace.”

“Mir is the universe; substance in space and force in time (Khomyakov). | One of the lands of the universe; person | our earth, globe, light; | all people, all world, human race; | community, peasant society; | gathering. "

In the 11th century, two newspapers appeared with the word “peace” mentioned:

Russian World (St. Petersburg newspaper, 1859-1863) and Russian World (St. Petersburg newspaper, 1871-1880).

“The Russian world is a concept of an international trans-state and transcontinental community, united by involvement in Russia and a commitment to the Russian language and culture. According to the proponents of the concept, the word “Russian” in the title indicates the historical roots of a community originating in ancient Russia, and the word “whole world”, “all people” is embedded in the word “world”. ”

“December 10. Nominal - On writing henceforth from January 1, 1700 in all papers of the summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world.

In the Rosaryad and in all orders, in litters, in notes, in letters and in all Our Great Sovereigns, there was a decree on all affairs and in orders and in squares in all fortresses and in the town of Voivods in the lists and in the marks and in the estimated and marked lists and in all the ordinance and worldly affairs of the summer, write and number the years of Henry from the 1st of 7208 and count this from the Nativity of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in 1700, and a year later from January the 1st from the coming 7209 to write from the Nativity of Christ from the 1st of 1701 and in the future to repair the same, but the new year of January, the month and other months and the number of write on end of January, up certainly in the other summer schislyaya summer from Christmas since then.

And then we indicated that the Great Sovereign should be instituted, so that in many Christian and neighboring peoples, who hold the Orthodox Christian Eastern faith with us, they write summers by the numbers from the Nativity of Christ.

And if anyone wants to write from the creation of the world: to write to them both summers from the creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ are free to order. ”

As we see, Peter I did not forbid (!) To use the old calendar “from the creation of the world” and did not destroy anything (about the “5000 years of our history” we already found out that there was no such history so that it could be destroyed). The fact that the Russian emperor took the Western calendar as a basis - from the birth of Christ, instead of the Byzantine one - is logical: Byzantium fell from the Turks back in 1453 and no one else used this calendar widely (except for the Greeks, who were under the rule of the Turks since that time) and, secondly, Peter I strove to Europeanize the country, which led not only to a change in the Byzantine calendar to a European one, but also introduced a European fashion, education system, Church management system, public administration system ... However, it’s worth remembering l about another distortion of historical facts by neopagans, who, following Hinevich, say that Peter I postponed the beginning of the new year to January 1, just for the sake of “jokes” - on this day the Orthodox Church celebrates the circumcision of the Lord. Is it so? Peter I, of course, was not an atheist, but was a deeply religious person: he regularly donated money to churches and monasteries, attended divine services and preserved evidence that he loved to sing on the choir (in the church choir) and read the “Apostle” (part of the New Testament, which is usually read at the Liturgy not by priests, but by the Ponomari (helpers at the altar) are worldly people), one can recall the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the Basmannaya settlement, the construction of which was carried out by personal decree of Peter I and according to his personal drawings (Sytin P. V From the history of Moscow Kikh Streets. - M.: Moscow Worker, 1958). But the truth is that he was critical of the priests themselves - hence his dismissive attitude towards them ... At the same time, he will have to repeat: PeterI was a deeply religious person, we quote “The Relationship of Peter I and Religion. I.V. Guryanova, applicant for the Department of Education Management, Moscow State University N.P. Ogareva ":" When reading the letters of Peter and his sayings, it is clearly seen that the name of God in them is a testament to an undoubted religious feeling: "He who does not believe in God is either crazy or naturally insane", "Who forgets God and His commandments do not stores, that with all his work will not be successful and will receive little benefit! " The Tsar did not neglect the duties of an Orthodox Christian. He read the Bible ("This book is wiser than all books. It teaches us to know God and His creations and draws posts for God and for our neighbor!"), Prayed earnestly ("He sang by heart as confidently as priests, monks and psalmists who had there are books in front of him, for the Tsar knows all our hours and impoverishment as “Our Father” (Notes by Justus Julius, Danish Envoy under Peter the Great (1709-1711)) ... Moreover, Peter I did not tolerate religious freethinking and atheism ... Punishing one of the officials for ironicizing over the Holy Scriptures, the king expressed the idea that characterizes him oh, as a wise politician: “How dare you weaken a string that makes up the best harmony of any well-organized society?” (IV Guryanova. Relations of Peter I and religion)

Here is Peter I speaks of God (although he could only mention his own merits) in a letter to Menshikov about the victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish in the battle at Cape Gangut July 27, 1714 "We declare to you in which way the almighty Lord God deigned to glorify Russia ..." ... So it’s inappropriate and foolish to say, again, that Peter I, for fun, moved the New Year to the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord: firstly, now the students giggle at the word “circumcision”, and before the revolution, at least, they took it calmly ( especially considering that both then and now Russian The Orthodox Church celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord). And now, the presence in the country of two hundred thousand Jews and a couple of millions of Muslims who practice circumcision, it is strange to say that circumcision is some kind of joke; secondly, Peter I was said to be a believer; thirdly, Peter I didn’t postpone the holiday himself, having personally selected the day he wanted, but only copied the European system of chronology - that is, he took the one that had existed for more than two thousand (!) years in Europe (and Europeans used system of chronology without deeply caring whether the Russians fought with someone, or the Chinese, or did not fight). The Julian calendar is a calendar taken by Peter I, developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen and introduced by Julius Caesar from January 1, 45 BC. e. (you yourself understand that astronomers and Caesar did not know anything about Christ, since the birth of Christ, His bringing to the temple and circumcision have not yet happened).

The Julian calendar reformed the old Roman calendar and was based on the astronomical culture of Hellenistic Egypt.

We read: “Julian calendar. Modern To. Originates from the ancient Roman solar To., Which was introduced from January 1, 45 BC. e. as a result of the reform carried out in 46 BC. e. Julius Caesar (hence the name). January 1 was also the beginning of a new year (before this, the new year began in Roman K. on March 1) ... The correct application of Julian K. began with 7 A.N. e .; since that time, all the years of Julian K., whose ordinal number is divided by 4, are leap years. In 325 N. e. at the Nicene Council, Julian K. was adopted by the Christian church. ”(Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the Julian calendar was adopted by the Orthodox Church and this is an important fact in identifying the circumstances why PeterI I chose the Julian, and not the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar was used by the Catholic Church - this fact was important for both Orthodox countries and Protestant ones: “The Evangelical officials of Germany, who feared adoption gregorian calendar   to fall under the influence of the pope, they accepted it, after much hesitation, only in 1700, when they had to release 11 days already, for which the day following February 18 was recognized on March 1st. In the same year, Gregorian K. was introduced in Denmark and Holland, and the following year in many evangelical cantons of Switzerland, where the 18th century began on January 12, 1701. In England, Gregorian K. was introduced in 1752, for which there are 2 september considered the 14th; at the same time, in England, January 1 was recognized as the beginning of the year, whereas earlier it fell on March 25 ... ”(Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron) That is, we see that the Protestant countries (and PeterI   traveled precisely on them) used the Julian calendar, fearing the influence of the Vatican. The Vatican tried to persuade the adoption of the Gregorian calendar and the Orthodox: “Catholics made a lot of efforts to encourage the Orthodox to accept the Gregorian K. The main objection that the Orthodox put forward against the Gregorian K. is that it is not canonical. By virtue of the definition of St. Nicene Cathedral Easter should not be celebrated neither with the Jews (always celebrating their Easter on the first spring full moon), nor before them, but always later, at least for one day; Western Christians, due to the astronomical accuracy of their K., celebrate Easter from time to time not according to this rule. ”(Encyclopedic Dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron).

By the way, these discrepancies in writing dates and calculating holidays before PeterI   led to the fact that changes were made in the chronology: under the Grand Duke of Moscow, Ivan III, in the Summer of 7000 from the Creation of the World, that is, in 1492, the Moscow Church Council approved the postponement of the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1 (a decision that is valid in the Russian Orthodox Church to this day).

So, based on the situation in Russia and the situation in Europe, we see that PeterI   He chose the Julian calendar based on religious considerations, consistent with the tradition of the Orthodox Church: “The very spread of enlightenment, for which Peter undoubtedly did a lot, took place with great regard for religion.” (I. Voronitsyn, “The History of Atheism”, 1930)

Now we see that the Julian calendar, created 45 years before the birth of Christ, was chosen by PeterI   based on the fact that he already had circulation in Russia in the Orthodox tradition (in parallel with the reckoning from the creation of the world).

And finally, it’s worth mentioning that Khinevich says that the word “year” was not in the Russian language, there was only the word “summer”, and the word “year” was introduced by PeterI who "spoke with the Dutch and other foreigners" and from them took the word "God "!

"Year: genus. n.year, dial. God, God, the year is “Enough”, other Russian. year “time, term”, Ukrainian the year of “Enough is finished,” senior glory. yearὥ ρα, καιρ ό ς, χρ ό νος, bulg. year in the addition of coy-year “whoever”, Serbohor. gȏ d, genus. P. g ȍ yes "holiday", slovenial. gȏ d “time, ripeness, holiday, anniversary”, Czech. hod "time, holiday", polish. gody pl. "Festival", V.-puddles. hody pl. "Christmas", N.-puddles. gódy is the same. It’s also the weather, the benefits, the pleasures, the good ones. From the glories. borrowing. ltsh. gads "year"; see M. - E. 1, 581. ”

"... ozr ѣ one hundred on the mountains ѣ   town and in demand rkusche chii se cityѡ nor rkosh 6 was a day̑ three take ӕ   Kii Shchek Khorivѣ lasha of the year and the wisefare ... "

  "... giving an oracle҂ in ҃ hryvnia ѿ year to year ... "

  “... you are not the same ѡ ъ ı ӕ ӕ ѣ ѣ from below Bu ҃ come from the years ѡ common ӕ and others ts ҃ qui becoming ѧ more in the city ...”


And here is a quote from "The Tale of the Life of Mikhail Klopsky" (a monument of Novgorod literature of the late 70s of the XV century): "But at that time Vladyka Ivan could not be 3 years old ..."

And here is a quote from the famous “Walking Over Three Seas Athanasius Nikitin” (according to the editions of the Sofia Second and Lviv Annals dating back to the vault of 1518, which reflected, in turn, the earlier annals of the 80s of the 15th century) : “In the same year, the writing of Ofonas tveritin merchant that was in Undѣ e 4 years, and went, says, with Vasily Papin. As far as the experiments were concerned, if Vasily went with the Krechat as an ambassador from the Grand Duke, and telling me, a year before the Kazan campaign he came from the Horde, if Prince Yury was near Kazan, then he was shot near Kazan. ”

And now, let's see what the word “summer” meant in antiquity: “SUMMER - Old Russian, Old Slavonic. The word was formed from the Indo-European basis of leto in the meaning of "time of sunlight and heat." Researchers consider the Old Irish word laithe (day) to be related siblings. In modern Russian, the word has the following meaning: "the warmest time of the year between spring and autumn." "(Etymological Dictionary of the Russian language Semenova).

Then, compare the word “year” and “summer:

“Year (senior glory. - wait, time, term) - the highest unit of time, determined by the duration of the Earth's movement around the Sun until it returns to the same point. A year is a life cycle that was once correlated with periods of dying and rebirth of nature. Originally, among the Russian people, the year denoted the abstract concept of time and its expectation. Then he began to divide into two parts - winter and summer time   and only from the XV century. all four seasons were introduced. ”(Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher’s encyclopedic dictionary), article“ Year ”)

“Summer (art. Glor. - year) is the time of year beginning on the day of the summer solstice on June 22 and ending on the day of the autumnal equinox on September 22. This is according to the astronomical reckoning in the Northern hemisphere of the Earth. ”(Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher’s encyclopedic dictionary), article“ Summer ”)

Thus, it can be seen that “summer” means calendar periodicity, while “year” means a period of time. So, in the same “Walking Over Three Seas Athanasius Nikitin” we read under the indication “In lѣ then 6983 ”-“ Of the same year, the writing of Ofonas the merchant tveritin came to a head ... ” In our time, the concept of “summer” has already gone out of use (in the first halfXX   century it was still used, although more in an emigrant environment, recall the novel “The Lord's Summer” (1927-1948) by the Russian writer I. S. Shmelyov) and only the word “year” remained in wide use, as well as the word “annals” nowhere you will not find in use, but "yearbooks" are widely used.

Returning to PeterI   we must remember that he knew German from a young age, being a regular in the German settlement: “Peter I knew German from a young age, and then studied Dutch, English and French” (Great Soviet Encyclopedia). In German, God will spell “Gott” and sound like “Gott,” and in Dutch, “Go”d "Is pronounced as" Move ": so there is no association with the" year ", given (and this is important) that the Dutch did not call the word"God "Year, contrary to the statement of Hinevich, because the word" year "is in the Dutch language:" jaar ". That is, we see that Khinevich is engaged in the favorite thing of many neo-pagans - linguophrism, only neo-pagans, as a rule, explain Western words based on the Russian language, but here the opposite is the case. Well, the very thought of Hinevich that the word "year-God" was applied to Christ (since, according to Hinevich, PeterI tied the new year to the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord), it’s very ridiculous, because the question arises: “And the old God, who is this, if Christ is the new?” PeterI   was a follower of Krishna or Ahura Mazda? Or PeterI   was a pagan and believed in Perun? Well, this is unlikely, given that Hinevich shouts to the whole of Ivanovo that “PeterI   stole 5,000 years of our history ”- the Perunover would not do this, right?

So, to summarize:

1. 5000 years before the birth of Christ, there could be no war between China / Chinese and Rus / Slavs, since there were no such states and peoples, nor is there any archaeological and folklore literature about possible conflicts between the Slavs and the Chinese;

2. The chronology “from the creation of the world” came to Russia from Byzantium, which had nothing to do with the history of Russia and China, and which clearly indicated that the world was created by God;

3. Mention of the creation of the world by God is found in written sources only after the baptism of Russia, and they can already be read in the writings of Kirik Novgorodts inXII   century, while the mention of the “creation of the world in the Star Temple” is found only in Hinevich (and Levashov who later picked up his lies, however, he denied Henevich’s acquaintance with the “works” (while he actively used the Slavic-Aryan Vedas)) in XXI century;

4. In Russia, we clearly understood that the reckoning “from the creation of the world” implies the creation of the world by God, since in the Middle Ages people were expecting the end of the world and the second coming of Christ, when 7000 years from the creation of the world by God would be celebrated, and in modern times and before the 1917 revolution from the creation of the world they wrote exclusively as from the creation of “mi ra ", because the word" Mir "meant the world around us, the universe, and not the absence of war;

5. Peter I did not destroy anything, since there was no Russian history 5,000 years before the birth of Christ, while he allowed to use the old Byzantine chronology (which the Old Believers used), but introduced the chronology of the Nativity of Christ in the official documentation, according to the European model;

6. From January 1, 1700, Peter I introduced the Julian calendar, compiled in 45 BC by Julius Caesar, and used after the Baptism of Russia by the Russian Orthodox Church, thereby not inventing anything new and not doing anything on his own.

7. Peter I did not invent the word "year", taking from the Dutch language the word "God ”, Since in Russian the concept of“ year ”already existed, and in Dutch“ God ”did not mean“ year ”, but“ year ”was denoted by another word, and the Dutch, Germans and British believed in Christ, like PeterI , so that Christ could not be a "new God."

Conclusion: if someone else will tell you that Peter I stole 5000 years of our history, or that the Chinese and Russians concluded a peace treaty in the Star Temple, you already know where to send these dense ignoramuses ... That's right: in Omsk, to Hinevich.

(c) "Sergey Terentyev, art critic"
[printed with permission of the author]




IT IS BETTER TO BE THE LAST OF WOLVES than the first of the jackals

1 According to the Slavic – Aryan reckoning, in modern reckoning - on the Day of the Autumnal Equinox on September 22, 2014 Summer 7523 S.M.Z.Kh. (from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, the Great - Victory of the Slavs-Arians over the Chinay (Chinese))

Ramhat Leta 7523 S.M.Z.H. Summer 7523 S.M.Z.H. (09/22/2014 - 09/09/2015 of the modern reckoning) - 3 summer in the Circle of Years.

Name - Star Maiden (Priestess).

Element - Star.

Color - Red.

This is Summer of increasing activity of society in various fields. This summer there is a demographic explosion, that is, Slavic women give birth as much as they can, because for them comes from NEA (Heavenly) revelation. In each child they leave a particle of themselves, and this particle manifests itself in such a way that they do not leave their Parents unattended, and do not leave them to their fate, because in these children a sense of reverence for the Parents is highly developed. Women born this year become spiritual and religious leaders. Men are prolific, they try to have as many children as possible, and all activities are directed to increase their Family, and no matter what business they undertake, they all make it with ease.
  New Year - 1 Ramhat (September 22) is a holiday of the whole Slavic-Aryan clan and each Rus.

Feast of the Lada Virgin Mary and Rozhanitsy.

Harvest Festival and Thanksgiving to Mother Earth.

These are the Days of our Father, Creator and Creator - Heavenly Blacksmith - God SWAROG.

This is the Cosmic Day of the Autumnal Equinox.

Great holiday of the onset of the New 7523 Summer S.M.Z.H. in the already approaching New Cosmic Era - the Era of the Wolf under the auspices of one of the Progenitors of the Slavs - GOD INELESA . This is the time of restoration of ties with the Rhode, the beginning of the revival of all Slavic-Aryan peoples.
  We, Russ - the oldest of the civilized nations on Earth!

And the Russ has its own Faith - ancient, true, harmonious, faithful, based on the Vedic Culture - Slavism.

Slavic-Aryan Vedic culture is not a religion! This is a way of life, culture (cult of Ra), mentality ... But not religion!

Slavic – Aryans – Rus, who praised the rule.

The New Year of Russia is the Slavic New Summer - New Year!

All the holidays of Rus are based on Cosmic laws.
  The tradition of meeting the New Year is rooted in antiquity. In Russion, this time associated with the New Summer, with the changing seasons, with the beginning of the solar cycle and increasing fertility, embodied the beginning of a new profit - Harvest - the Feast of the Family.
  On the feast of the New Year, prayers were offered to the Slavic Gods of our Ancestors, and each Slav asked to grant not only personal well-being, but also Peace and Prosperity of the entire Stainless!
  No wonder the New Year was timed to the Day of the Autumnal Equinox 1 Ramhat (September 22). This is also Oseniny - A holiday dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. Bread is a symbol of prosperous summer and health in winter time! After the harvest, people knew that the main supplies were already in the barns, and in the Clans of the Slavs they decided to celebrate weddings, arrange weddings and festivities. On New Year's Eve, all the people came in Joyful excitement: everyone went to visit each other, exchanged gifts and wishes.
  On this day and today, the Slavs-Arias bring the required to the KIND to the Almighty and the KIND of Heaven, as well as glorify the Earthly Clan - all relatives according to the Rights of the living:
"God be with God forever glory, praise us for deeds" . Mandatory worship GOD ROH YEAH and Virgin of Lada!
  Our Power has flourished on Midgard-Earth for thousands of centuries, and at different times, for various objective reasons, by our glorious Ancestors on the calendar - Krugolet
Fairytale “Carols Gift,” the most important events perpetuated.
  Our Ancestors had many calendar forms of numbering. According to the latter, Summer 7523 S.M.Z.Kh. came, marking the arrival of the Star Red Virgin - the Star Red Priestess. But this does not mean at all that our World was created 7523 years ago. And if it was required to indicate the most ancient dates, then the most ancient events were used, from which the countdown was made.

Summer reckoning   - this is a system for determining the time by Years (years), by counting from some agreed moment, for example, among Christians from the Nativity of Christ, and among the Slavs-Arians from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple - this is yet the last reckoning, but there are more ancient .
Slavic-Aryan Vedic Calendar GOD'S TEMPLE leads
examples of Slavic-Aryan chronology (for 2014 from R.Kh.).
  Summer 7522 off
  Creations in the Star Temple(5508 B.C.)
  Summer 13022 off
  Great Chill(Great Coolness).
  Summer 40,018 from
  Third Arrival Whitemans of Perun.
  Summer 44558 from
  The Creation of the Great Kolo Rasseniya.
  Summer 106792 from
  Foundations of Asgard of Iria(from 9 Tylet).
  Summer 111820 off
  Great Migration from Daariya.
  Summer 143004 from
  Three Moon Period.
  Summer 153,380 from
  Assa dei.
  Summer 165044 from
  Tara Time.
  Summer 185780 from
  Time Thule.
  Summer 211700 from
  Time Swag.

Summer 273908 from   X’arra’s time.
  Summer 460532 from
  Time Gifts.
  Summer 604,388 from
  Three Suns.

These are only the main major events from which the chronology was conducted. First Whitemar   Great racearrived at Midgard-earth over a billion years ago. But the climate of Midgard was not always favorable for white settlers, i.e. the air was denser, the climate more humid, hot. Therefore, at first our Ancestors settled the satellites of the Earth Ny, Stribog, Perun, then the Land of Dei was populated and inhabited, then Oreus, then Midgard.

Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Creation of the World in ancient times called the conclusion of a peace treaty between the warring peoples, and Star temple Is the name of Summer by   Round-the-Years of the Numbers. This chronology appeared after the victory of the Great Race over the Great Dragon (Ancient China) 7523 years ago. Our Ancestors displayed this victory in the form of an image — The Knight on a horse strikes with a spear of the Dragon. But after the forced baptism of Russia, Christians attributed all the achievements of our Ancestors to themselves, and this image began to be interpreted as the Christian holy great martyr George the Victorious defeats the serpent that devastated the lands of the pagan king. "World creation"   began to be taken literally, as if 7 thousand years ago, God created the World. Then, in general, the chronology was replaced by the chronology from the Nativity of Christ, the references to the real history of the Slavs were destroyed, and the biblical one was introduced.

The victory over the Great Dragon was so difficult and significant that our Ancestors began a new countdown from this event. In order to preserve the connection of times, the peace treaty was concluded on the Day of the Autumn Equinox (New Year), i.e. The 1st day of Summer 5500 from the Great Chill at the same time became the 1st day of the 1st Summer from SMZH. In memory of those events, our Ancestors wrote Az-Vesta, i.e. "First news" or as it is called "Avesta" on 12,000 cowhides. This monument was destroyed by order of Alexander the Great, and later the world became aware of the distorted Zend Avesta of Zarathustra with its comments and corrections.

The Great Cold (Summer 13022)

This reckoning is associated with the fall of fragments to Midgard-Earth Moon Fatta. As a result, the inclination of the earth's axis changed, the continents split, a giant wave circled the earth three times, increased volcanic activity led to air pollution, which was one of the reasons for the Great Cooling, which lasted several centuries. Hence, by the way, the word “fatality” (from the name of the moon of Fatta).

The Third Arrival of Whiteman Perun (Summer 40018)

Wightman   Perunarrived on Midgard-Earth from the Urai-Earth from the Hall of the Eagle. For 9 days in Asgard of Iria, Priests and Warriors of the Holy Race communicated with Perun, he told them the Wisdom from the World of Reign, which the Magi recorded in   Santiyah Perun.

Confirmation of the arrival of one of the Highest Slavic-Aryan Hierarchs of the Universe-Gods can be found in the films "Secrets of the Gods", "Chariots of the Gods"   taken from the books and research of Erich Denikin, who says people lived in caves, and 40,000 years ago they suddenly began to build such megacities, such structures that modern technology is not able to repeat. Let's say the ancient city Baalbek, there are columns at a height of 40 meters with a deviation of microns, and modern technologies at a height of 20 meters allow a deviation of several centimeters. But Erich, expressing his point of view about the arrival of aliens, is trying to tie everything to the Bible, refers to the book of Enoch, to the Sons of heaven and the Guardians of the sky ... but we know that Perun arrived 40 thousand years ago, and therefore progress in construction.

Creation of the Great Kolo of Russenia (Summer 44558)

Kolo is a circle, i.e. we are talking about association of Slavic-Aryan Clans for sharing. There were several stages of settlement Midgard-Earth. First in Daariya, then during the time of Great Assa there was a resettlement from the Land of Oreus (Mars), therefore, some Slavic tribes called themselves “children of Oreus”, there were immigrants from Ingard-Earth, and this is the ancestral home   Tarha Dazhdbogatherefore were "Grandchildren of Dazhdzhobi", someone from other Lands. In general, there were several settlements and settled in different places, but this is all one RASA - white people, and Rasseniya - this is the land on which the Race settled. Almost 45 thousand years ago, they sent representatives - the elder Clans, who created the Great Circle, i.e. interchange and stuff to live and build together.

Founding of Asgard of Iria (Summer 106792)

This reckoning began from the foundation   Asgard of Iria, i.e. city \u200b\u200bof the Gods on the river Iri the Quietest (now the Irtysh). But it was founded not at the autumn equinox, but a little earlier, in the month of Tylet, day 9.

The Great Migration from Daariya (Summer 111820)

Daaria   - This is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our Ancestors lived for many millennia. Daaria sank as a result of destruction Moon lelion which there were 50 seas. But our Ancestors managed to resettle, they were warned about an approaching disaster by a priest named Spas, who during the service saw events in Heaven that Luna Lelya would be destroyed, its fragments and water would spill onto Midgard and a wave would overwhelm Daaria. People crossed the isthmus between the eastern and western seas (now the Ural Mountains) to the area of \u200b\u200bBuyan Island (West Sisbir Upland).

Three Moons (Summer 143004)

Before that, Midgard Earth had 2 moons (Lelia and the Month), then our Ancestors, the Highest Hierarchs of the Universe, moved another Moon Fatta from the Earth of the Dei, and placed it between the orbits of the Month and Lely, i.e. The month has a circulation period of 29.5 days, Lelya has 7 days, Fatta has 13 days.

Assa Dei (Summer 153380)

Assa is a war between the Forces of Light and Darkness, it takes place not only in the World of Reveal, but also in the multidimensional Worlds of Glory and Reign, i.e. Assa Dei is the beginning of the war for the Land of Dei. Then our Ancestors moved Fatta (Greek Phaeton) to Midgard, and there remained another satellite of Lutius, which was captured by dark forces and tried to destroy Daya. But according to legend, the priests used the power of certain crystals and Dei moved to a foreign world, i.e. another World, and behind it the spatial structure slammed shut, and with this weapon Lutius was torn into many parts, the asteroid belt turned out.

Tara (Summer 165044)

This reckoning is associated with the first visit to Midgard-earth   Goddess tara, she brought with her the seeds of the Sacred Trees, and in addition to the flora that was on Midgard, she also planted forests. Therefore, Tara is still considered the patroness of trees that give strength.

Thule (Summer 185780)

Daariya was divided by four rivers, and there were 4 provinces - Svaga, Harra, Paradise, Tula, there was also a city Thule - the city of masters, they supplied everyone with necessary tools, mechanisms, etc. According to legend, they did tools that could change the world around them without harming nature, such as magic crystals, etc. By the way, that’s why the mystical order in Germany was called “Thule”, t .e. as it were, a prototype of the splendor that was in Northern Daaria.

Swag (Summer 211700)

SwagIs the Heavenly Path, i.e. This chronology dates back to the time when new immigrants arrived on Midgard-Earth.

x’Arra (Summer 273908)

This is another wave of relocation. Arrival on Midgard-Earth of the Aryans from the Hall of Finist the Clear Falcon (Horn) or the constellation Orion.

Gifts (Summer 460532)

Arrival of Da’Aryans on Whitemars from the Zimun Star System - Heavenly Cow (Ursa Minor).

Three Suns (Summer 604388)

This ancestral phenomenon was recorded by our Ancestors more than 600 thousand years ago when, due to rotation around the center of our galaxy, our Solar System approached two other Systems, i.e. in the sky, one could observe, besides Yarila-Sun, two more Lights of silver and green.

Imagine that the orbit of our Yarila-Sun System intersected with the orbits of two Star systems: one with the White dwarf, the second with the White giant (they are in different planes). Those. the systems are very far away, but the two luminaries (dwarf and giant) for the inhabitants of Midgard-Earth will be similar to the Sun in brightness, therefore, in the sky, our Ancestors observed three Suns. Then the Star systems again departed from each other.

Carols Gift The Number of God has no negative dates, and older events have earlier reference points.
  1. Morning - Satya Yuga “Golden Age” 1728000 Years
  2.Day - Treta Yuga “Silver Age”   1,296,000 Years
  3.Evening - Dvapara-Yuga The Bronze Age   864,000 Years
  4.Night - Kali Yuga “Iron Age” 432,000 Years
  From February 18, 3102 BC e. - era of Kali Yuga
  Through one Kali-Yuga there is an interspersing Golden Age   about 10,000 Years since December 21, 2012
  Now 15 Simple Years consists of 365 Natural Turning Days relative to the resulting motion vector of the Earth-Moon system, and the 16th Holy Summer of 369 days.

The 16th Holy Summer of 369 days is a constant value.

The Earth’s Natural Daily Time is the rotation angle of the Day Wheel relative to the resulting motion vector of the Earth-Moon system along a complex spiral in multidimensional space.

In Russia, there was no history, but the Heritage of the Ancestors, and there were ancient Slavic annals, traditions, tales, tales (encrypted images and events). The true history of mankind - the Legacy of the Ancestors - is completely different from the one taught in schools. And this story, like all of humanity, does not matter that the two stories do not coincide. Indeed, modern historical science has existed for only hundreds of years, and people live in the Universe and on Midgard-Earth for millions of years ...
  That is why the search for the meaning of what is happening takes many people to antiquity. When Russia was completely different - powerful and prosperous. She was a Power that spoke on equal terms with great civilizations, and its citizens felt pride in participating in such a great fate.
  This powerful current in the spiritual life of the country is once again strengthening, many are involved in it, although to a different degree. Today there is an unprecedented increase in interest in the heritage of the Ancestors.
  What is it called on and what is it based on? Entangled in the problems of our time, people turn to history in search of a way out of difficult situations, as they used to say in the old days: “For instructive examples”.
  And paradoxically, many already come to the conclusion that it is modernity that is imaginary, and that hidden true history is real.
  Along with objective historical processes, subjective distortions of real history and symbolism occurred for the sake of imaginary modernity, for which living witnesses and material carriers of historical memory were destroyed at different times.
  So, historically recognized is the fact that after
baptism of Kievan Rus, Vladimir destroys all the disobedient (dissenters), burns ancient books and libraries.
  Such acts in the history of Russia have been repeated more than once: the loss of the Ivan the Terrible library, the emergency condition of the Rumyantsev Museum (Russian State Library), the plight of other libraries, museums - all these are links in one invisible chain of turning our compatriots into Ivanov-rootless and Demyan-not remembering.
  Meanwhile, there were always ascetics seeking to capture, preserve and convey to the descendants the inevitable Heritage of the Ancestors.
  Suffice it to recall Pimen’s utterance from Boris Godunov:
“Another last tale, and the chronicle is finished mine. The work bequeathed from God is over ... " .
  And also, the annals of Alexander Pushkin himself:

"The Magi are not afraid of powerful lords,
And they don’t need a princely gift;
True and Free Their Prophetic Language
And friendly with the will of heaven ... ".
"Song of the Prophetic Oleg"   written by Alexander Pushkin in 1822, about a millennium after the birth of the legendary Oleg.
  It should be said that historians state historical facts, or prove them using an ideological concept.
  The ancient chronicles and documents of the past have preserved for us artifacts and evidence of revelations and prophecies - magi, seers, astrologers.
  Philosophers and historians, like theological books, only mention them.
  Meanwhile, these unusual testimonies are perhaps the most fascinating and convincing proof of the Cosmic origins of earthly affairs.
  Prophetic Oleg and the nameless Kiev Magus, Vasily the Blessed, Nikolai Salos, Nastrodamus, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Wang - this is not a complete list of actors who predicted the completion of major events.
  Therefore, the history of Slavs, from Vedic Russia to the present day, can be a fascinating narrative based on a strictly documented basis, and at the same time resembling an adventure novel.
  After all, even, for example, the prophecy of the Magus to the prophetic Oleg reflected on the whole the course of our history from Oleg himself and the baptism of Russia until 1917 ...
  The Slavic-Aryan Vedic tradition says that the wise men (priests) passed from generation to generation, both verbally in tales and tales, and in a chronicle, very ancient legends about the origin of the Slavs - Aryans (oriev, Aryans). Over time, other peoples and tribes began to call us Oryans, and in modern historiography - Aryans - Aryans.
  The legacy of the Ancestors says to us that from time immemorial in Russia there has been a special kind of management -
Democracywhere people together resolved all issues.
  Democracy can be compared with democracy ("power of the people"), which appeared in a later historical period. However, Democracy is a more ancient and broader concept that encompasses the entire society of Ancient Russia.
  Democracy is the joint management of people by public processes.
Kopa (Kopova right), Veche, Council, Cathedral, Duma ...
Mop law - The oldest form of self-government within the Slavic community, passed down from generation to generation. A gathering of gatherings - to address issues related to the life of the clan community. Kopa could discover and prosecute criminals, judge and punish them, award and deliver offended remuneration, and, finally, prevent violations of the laws of the cops.
  According to the Law of the cops, mutual responsibility was established at the assembly (assembly), when the whole community was responsible for the misconduct of its members, and also vouched for the safety of life and property of both its own and aliens. The cop included from 4 to 9 nearby weights (villages), gatherings of which gathered in a special place (place).
  The Vedic Faith, uniting the Power, and the respected sacred customs of the Ancestors, which, with the help of the Magi, were introduced into the heads of the Rus from childhood, preserved their language and Faith for everyone from the Eastern (Pacific) Ocean to the Ra (Volga) River and further to the Don, Dnieper, Dniester to the Western (Atlantic) ocean. And from the Milky (Chilled, Arctic) Ocean to the Marin (Indian) Ocean.
  In the seventh millennium BC there was a new major movement of the Rus from the Mesopotamia to the North through the Caucasus and the Balkans, as well as to the South - along the sea to the delta of the great river, which was named in honor of the Sun God - Sur (Nile). Therefore, the sea into which the river flowed was called Sourozhsky (Mediterranean).
  In the delta of the Sur River, the oldest Sur fortress in this land was built. The Slavs fenced their large settlements with walls and ramparts, which, if necessary, could shelter up to several thousand soldiers and civilians.
  In the military campaigns, the ancient Slavs used horse chariots with wooden wheels. The remains of these most ancient chariots in the world have recently been found in excavations of an old Russian city on the Sintashta River in the Country of cities near Arkaim (in the Chelyabinsk region).
The largest Slavic-Aryan city-fortresses in those ancient times were: Asgard of Iria (on the Iri River - the confluence of the Irtysh and Om, Omsk rivers), Tara (on the Iriy-Irtysh river), Asgard-Aryan (Lukomorye, on the Ur - Ob, Tomsk), Kiy (Lukomorye, on the Tom River), Krasnoyarsk (Lukomorye, on the Yenisei River, Krasnoyarsk), Asgard Troy (on the Asia Minor coast), Asgard-Antlan (Atlantis - the famous Civilization of the Atlanteans), Tarhna (Venea, on the Apennines , Mediterranean, Tarquinia), Asgard Arkaim (on the Ra River, Riphean Mountains), Kitezh grad (on Lake Svetloyar), Sur ( and on the River Sur - Nile), Rusa (on the Tigris), Russkaya Oselya (in the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Jerusalem), Slovensk (on the Volkhov River and Lake Ilmen, Novgorod), Rus (on the Porus River, Staraya Rusa), Kiyar (Ruskolan , Elbrus region, Pyatigorsk), Asgard Svitordsky (Scandinavia, Old Uppsala, Sweden), Asgard Marakanda (Asgard Sogd, in Central Asia, Samarkand), Samarada (on the Ra River - Volga, Samara), Sarata (on the Ra River - Volga , Saratov), \u200b\u200bTsaritsin (on the Ra-river - Volga, Volgograd), Astarchna (at the mouth of the Ra-river - Volga, Astrakhan), Belograd-on-Dniester, Tsargrad (on Marmara Ore, Constantinople), Kiev der Donau, Kyiv-on-Dnieper, and others.
  It should be remembered about the landmark events that as a result of the Flood that occurred after the end of the last Great Cold snap - 13 thousand years ago, and the catastrophic rise in the sea level of the Rus (Black Sea) 6 thousand years ago, which caused the most powerful Flood, Old Russian civilization almost completely died, in everything there was a regression.
  Slavic Power - Asia - Raseniya - began to disintegrate. One of the largest Slavic cities of that time was the newly built Troy, near the ancient city of Trinity, which went under the water (in the western part of the Asia Minor Peninsula).
  By the eighth millennium BC Troy became the actual capital of the Slavic Power - the largest military-territorial Union of Rus. And in these times, the Rus is not at all some kind of tribe and tribal union, namely the Superethnos, - such as it was before since the beginning of the development of Midgard-Earth.
  About six thousand years BC, for objective reasons, the ancient Slavic praetnos was divided geographically - into northern and southern.
The northern ones mastered the Far East, Siberia, Southern Ripei, Ra-river (Volga), Don, Dniester, Danube, Dnieper, Central Asia, etc., and the southern ones moved south and south-west to the Sourozh (Mediterranean) sea to the river Sur (Neil). Our praetnos in the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples was called: Russes, Russes Slavs, Slovenes-Russes, Oruses, Uruses, Etruscans, Wends (Venets, Vandals), Scythians (chipped), Sarmatians, Ora, Ur, Sura, Oriy, Ary, Arya, Aryans and others
  Due to the formation of multilingualism and the increasing differences in language and cultures, the southern, central and northern Russes ceased to be similar. The peoples inhabiting vast territories ceased to call themselves Russians, but all lands, regardless of what peoples and states were located on them, were still called Rus.
  On the vast expanses of Troyan Rus, from the Dnieper to Surah (Nile) and from Vienna (Europe) to Dravidia (India), there lived a variety of peoples, in which the Rus became a military and priestly rite (caste).
  There was no pronounced central subordination of Three. The respectful coexistence of various cultures, the unshakable, oldest principles of democracy on earth, were inherent in the Rus. Between the other tribes, there was a fierce internecine war — these are the main characteristics of the period of Troyan Rus.
  In this era, approximately, in the fifth millennium BC. Old Russian language has undergone changes and has not been preserved anywhere in its pure form. There are only archaeological finds of Old Russian civilization scattered over vast territories. These are excavations on the Russian Plain, the Southern Ripheans (Southern Urals), Siberia, Slovenian Rus, Mesopotamia (Tiger and Euphrates), the Troy region, Asia Minor, Kievan Rus, and others.
  Trojan Rus of the sixth and fifth millennium BC were basically warriors, sorcerers, builders, skilled artisans and artists, herders and farmers, and there were more and more farmers, especially in the developed northern territories after overcoming the powerful mountain barrier of the Alps-Carpathians and settling in the large river valleys of the Rhine, Elbe, Oder and Vistula. Relocation east of the Carpathians developed somewhat differently: there was no mountain barrier anymore, the Trojan Rus easily and quickly assimilated with the local Rus along the Dniester and the Southern Bug, which settled in these places earlier (the resettlement flowed here slowly and constantly, never stopping from the most immemorial times).
  As a result of this resettlement over a vast space in Europe, a more or less uniform culture has developed (archeology calls it "The culture of linear tape ceramics"), which is accompanied by the Vinca Balkan culture. Novotroyanskie Zemlya began to spread from the Rhine to the Dniester and the right tributaries of the Dnieper, from the Pomeranian Lowland to the Danube, merging closely with mother lands on the Dnieper, in the Northern Black Sea, on the Danube and the Balkans. Inside this vast range, the settlers were located mainly along the rivers.
  The middle of the sixth millennium BC - not an easy stage. This began the formation of trans-geographic trade routes reaching China. It was at this time that the Great Settlement of Ancient Rus took place, and the so-called Indo-European language family began to form.
  Rus units, led by the tsar-governor
PerunHaving strengthened their positions in Persia, during this period they reached the Surah (Nile) valley in North Africa. Here they formed a local variety of archaeological cultures of painted ceramics - Kharif, Holaf, etc. Sculptural images found in all cultures Mother mokoshi, sculptural images of which are known in Russia, dating back to the forty-second millennium BC.
  In genetic terms, the Hyperborean Rod of Perun was a carrier of the genetic group of Rus.
  The son of Perun -
Tarh Perunovich Dazhdbog - became the patron of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, and his daughter Tara - Western Siberia. Together we got the name of the territory - TarkhTara or Tartaria.
  The daughter of Perun - Volhynia in the fifth millennium BC. located its kind in the Caspian steppes (earlier the sea was called Volynskoe, then - Khvalynskoe, and then - the Caspian). Archaeologically, this is the Khvalynsky, or protokurgan and barrow culture. The carriers apparently had the Atlantic genetic group of the Rus. Her first ancestor lived 5-4 thousand years BC. The same genetic group was recently discovered in their relative, Pharaoh of Egypt Tutankhamun.
  The son of Perun - the Most High - in the 5th millennium BC. with his kind came to Armenia, where he created the first settlement of modern people. The first Armenian capital bore his name - Vishap (literally the city of the Most High). Throughout Armenia, more than two thousand monuments to the Most High - Vishapov - are still preserved. Each of them schematically depicts the Almighty in the image of a dragon-snake-visap. The Son of the Almighty - the Roof - advanced to North India, where he was entrenched in the image of the Gods and representatives of the higher castes.
The Rod of Rusov-Atlantes left to the west and south-west and occupied an extensive interfluve - between the rivers Don, Dniester, Dnieper, Danube, named after the head of the Genus Atlantes - Don, son of Veles. Archaeologically - this is Tripoli culture and its Balkan variants. Genetically - this is the Atlantic group of Rus.
  Russia is a unique country, unique in every way. Take at least the name of the country and a whole layer of information will pop up about which most residents do not have the slightest idea. Part of the ancient Slavic-Aryan Power, lying east and west of the Riphean mountains (Ural), was called dispersion. The lands from Riphea to the Pacific Ocean and further, from the Lukomorye (Russian North) to Central India, - bore the name - Land of the Holy Race.
  Foreigners called this country differently. One of the last foreign names known in Europe until the end of the eighteenth century was - Great Tartary - the largest country in the world, as it is mentioned in the First edition of the Encyclopedia of Britain in 1771 ( Encyclopedia of Britain, First Edition, Volume 3, Edinburgh, 1771, p. 887).
  After the death of tsar Perun, the tsar became his eldest son Tarh Perunovich Dazhdbog, who significantly expanded the land further south. Tarkh, by continuous wars, united all the Rus into a single Power, but tragically died in the next military campaign to the East near the Ganges River (the territory of modern India).
  And then the son of Tarkh - Bogumir became the king of Tarhtaria, and the son of Veles - Troyan became the king of Troyan Russia - from the Danube, the Dnieper to the Sura (Nile) and from Vienna (Europe) to Dravidia (India), where the most diverse peoples already lived.
  It was a period of global turmoil and relocation. And all these cataclysms could not but affect the further fate of all mankind.
  Separated from their ancestral home, people began to be born who did not want to live in accordance with the Vedic Faith. Such apostates from the original Faith were expelled from their family (community) and called them outcasts, that is, apostates condemned (a goy is an Aryan who acquires holiness in worldly life, overcoming all its temptations). These outcasts began to settle in remote places and gradually gather in separate tribes with their primitive way of life, based on a distorted Vedic worldview. In accordance with the degree of degeneration of individual tribes, their speech was also distorted. So tribes began to appear with their tongues (other languages, other peoples).
In this difficult situation, Bogumir and Troyan tried to follow the covenants of their common Ancestors - Svarozhichi, supported each other in difficult times. And fate was destined for everyone to play an important role.
  It was then that Bohmir was called to become the first-wolf king - an ideologist, in which, together with his wife Slava, the strength of the Ancestors was embodied -
Svarog and Lada for the salvation of the Slavic-Aryan Family.
  But Troyan was called to become the king-governor of Russia, in which the strength of his Ancestors - Svarog, Perun and Veles - was embodied.
  In the Vedic tradition, importance is important
Triglava - the union of the three deities, which are the energies and forces that rule in the Universe, and create rotation - the principle of life.
  Svarog is the creator of our world, the source of everything, Krynica. Our ancestors fed on spiritual energy from this Krynica. He is the cause of all things. Perun - the one who animates the manifest, sets in motion what is created by Svarog, he rotates the Kolo of the Kind - the Wheel of Life. Thus, what was will be repeated again. This is a great rotation, which symbolizes the Sacred Aryan Sign - Kolovrat - Swastika. And Perun leads us to the Path of Reign. The third face of Triglav is Veles - the one who unites Svarog and Perun.
  Foreign chroniclers considered Triglav one of the many hosts of the Slavic Gods, not realizing that the essence of our ancient Faith was expressed in this main symbol: God is one, but he has many manifestations. Most often, these are the three main entities: Svarog, Perun and Veles.
  Therefore, we can say that any statue of the Slavic Gods is the Triglav. For this reason, many deities were portrayed as many-faced - multi-existent, and the chroniclers called Triglav - the greatest deity of the Slavs. Triglav revered by all Rus.
  Slavic-Aryan Faith is a harmonious and organic system that explains the structure of the world. Our Vedic Orthodoxy opens before a person the possibilities of spiritual development and the formation of a full-fledged personality. Our rites are ways of communication and unity with nature, that is, with the Almighty Family.

God Troyan is the son of Veles and Madder. According to legend, Troyan was the embodiment of the power of Svarog, Perun and Veles, who joined forces in the fight against the Serpent, the creature Chernobogwho threatened once to destroy all Tremirya.
Our Ancestors in Tremiry distinguished three essences of the world, considering them in unity: Reality, Nav and Right. The core of the Slavic philosophical and Vedic worldview is the harmony and balance of Yavi and Navi, which is the main law of the Law. Therefore, the final victory of one religion, one ideology is a violation of the most important law of the Law. First of all, there must be a right to freedom of choice.
  In ancient Slavic mythology, it is Perun (Troyan) who strikes a serpent with a spear. Or the famous battle of Dobrynia with the Serpent. However, after Christianization, this place was taken by the so-called St. George.
  Troyan - the guardian of the righteous paths leading to Svarga, controls time and space. From Slavic mythology: worship of the Troyan the priest is reported in ancient Slavic traditions (later, however, records), in medieval Slavic annals, in legends and literature of peoples related to us. The name of Troyan in Slavic literature is given next to the names of the great deities, which speaks of the greatness of Troyan.
  Century of Troyan - time of glory and power! According to Slavic mythological principles, the Trojan is the first prince. He is the real of the Gods, who ruled on the Earth of Russia, in the world of people. All princely dynasties descended from him - not without reason the tribal sign of the Rurikovich depicts the trident of Troyan. That ancient, mythical prehistoric time, when the Trojan ruled the world, in fact, is the notorious Golden Age, for then there was prosperity, wealth and justice reigned on the earth, and the world was whole.
  These were the Century of the Troyans, times of epics and fairy tales. The concept of the Troyan Path can also be considered in a different mystical presentation, since it is worth mentioning that one of the names of the Milky Way is the Troyan Road. The land of Troyan is the whole world, the whole inhabited civilized space, the territory of the rule of the Slavic-Aryan peoples.
  It is with the name of Troyan that the concept is connected - Creation of the World in the Star

Temple (S.M.Z.Kh.) in the Old Russian calendar - Carols Dara - Round the Numbers!
  We have many calendar number forms. According to the latter - Summer 7523 S.M.Z.Kh. came (2014-2015 years of modern chronology).

Thus, we have a new reference system. Of course, at that time there was neither Ancient Egypt nor Sumer. But there was Ancient Russia - Asia - Raseniya.
  The Russes, returning from Dravidia (Ancient India) after another campaign, walked for a long time past the rare villages that were found in Arimia. That was the name of ancient China.
The ruler of Arimia decided to start an aggressive war against Asia. Arimia was defeated by the Rus in this war, and this event was immortalized in the form of an image - the White Knight on a horse strikes with a spear of a dragon.
  This very peace treaty between Asia (Rus) and Arimia (Arim, ancient Chinese) was concluded on the Day of the Autumnal Equinox or on the 1st day of the first month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cooling (Ice Age).
  On the Day of the Autumnal Equinox, when the time of the New Year came, Troyan-Asur - the Holy Prince of Asia and Ahriman - the Ruler of Arimia concluded a peace treaty between the warring Powers, on which the defeated Arims built a wall (loopholes in their direction) to mark the border of Asia - Rasseniya - Tartaria
  The wall was called Kiy-Tai, which in translation from the Old Slavic language means: kiy - fence, hedge; thai - the completion of the peak, that is, the final, limiting great fence (wall). In ancient times, China called a high fence or a fortress wall. For example, Kitay Gorod in Moscow was named so because of the high fortress wall attached to the corner towers of the Kremlin, which surrounded part of old Moscow, and not because of the Chinese.
  In memory of that event, our Ancestors wrote Az-Vesta (the first message), or as it is called - the Avesta on 12 thousand cowhides. Avesta, an example of ancient Slavic books written both on parchment and on gold.
  The horseman - the God-knight, striking with a spear of a dragon (an ancient serpent), was depicted on the frescoes and bas-reliefs of ancient temples and on various structures of the Rus. Sculptures with this plot were sculpted from stone, cast from precious metals and carved from various tree species. This victory was captured on images (icons) and minted on coins.
  This story is currently known as "George the Victorious"spear striking dragon (snake).
  From that time, the reckoning from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple appeared (the name of the summer according to the Round-Trip of the Numbers is the Carols of the Gift). For example, the onset of Summer 7523 S.M.Z.Kh. Corresponds to 1 Ramhat or September 22, 2014
  315 years ago Peter
I, in Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.H., issued a decree abolishing all the old calendars that existed simultaneously on the Slavic Lands, and introduced the West European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he postponed the beginning of the calendar, New Year, from astronomical Autumn Day equinox September 22 to January 1, and marked the starting date - 1700
“Peter the Great” - such an image was created in history by the third tsar from the Romanov dynasty. But the Great is a very big word.
  What is so “great” that Peter Alekseevich Romanov did to earn such a big name in history?
  One of his acts “for the good” of the people was the transition to the Christian calendar, as a result of which 5508 years after the Creation of the World in the Star Temple disappeared from our history.
  An important and proven fact, which is huge, is the existence of Slovene Rus.
  The Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare closest to the language of the ancestors and are the oldest of our existing languages \u200b\u200bon our Earth.

We should honor the memory of our Ancestors and use the Slavic-Aryan chronology!
  However, unfortunately, these dates are now forgotten, and are not studied in history lessons ...
  We should abandon false myths and ideas imposed on us by dark forces, so as to distort our past, not to give us the future.

We should become masters of our destiny.

We should revive our Ancestral Heritage carefully destroyed over the centuries.

We should again build a single and powerful Russia, guided by our own Mind, Prudence, granted to us by our Ancestors